#hwitaek imagines
cyncialwoo · 8 months
can you make a reaction of pentagon if they gonna see their ex girlfriend after break up
a/n: Hihi! I know I said two weeks, but I've been balancing school and home life. I'm also re-reading this piece I wrote a while back and brainstorming for new things. Also, I've never written reactions before, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry this is so late.
words: 2.2k >>Masterlist
He would be the type to avoid a meet-up.
It’s not like the relationship ended badly, but it’s for convenience. 
Jinho wouldn’t want to step on your feelings if there were any remaining
Honestly, for him, there was still something left over
He's delusional. Literally gaslighting himself to think he’s avoiding you for your sake.
The meet-up would be accidental like it was meant to happen. 
Jinho honestly hadn’t been out of his apartment in a few weeks. He had been having second thoughts about the entire breakup. Was it the best decision? He wasn’t sure. Although, the food had run out in his house, and takeout was expensive these days. 
He was walking through the isles bored when he saw a familiar figure. He didn’t see your face, but he didn’t have to. Something inside him wanted to approach you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t and he didn’t know why. He would rather die than go up to you. He stood there for minutes wondering whether to move past you or do a 180. 
He ended up just staring at you, taking in this moment of seeing you again. You were looking at some snacks on the shelf when you turned your head and looked over at him. He watched as the smile spread on your face, and how you waved at him. He reciprocated it, all without much thought. The moment flew by too fast for him because, in the next second, you were gone for the next item on your grocery list. 
Hui would most likely become obsessed with his work
Anything to distract himself 
Maybe he’d blow money for some serotonin
Anything to give him a quick whiff of some happiness 
He’s been writing songs like crazy and they're all sappy breakup songs
He doesn’t like any of them though 
He needs a break and a bad
Hui needed some time out of his studio which was now too stuffy for him. Just a simple walk would do for him. For what he meant for a short walk around the building, he ended up in a park nearby. He sat on a swing slowly rocking back and forth. His eyes were closed taking in the sound around him. It was quiet, barely anyone was around. Still, the sound of the wind and the trees slowly dancing to it making their sound, The casual cars driving by in the background. That was the serenity and peace he had been looking for this whole time. 
When he finally opened his eyes he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a bench. They were eating lunch alone with their head down. He didn’t have to see their face to know who it was. He smiled to himself, maybe this was the motivation and clarity he sought. 
He’d be more of the jealous type. 
He’s most likely the type to stalk a page 
He made a fake account just for you!
okay, maybe that’s not that charming. 
he regrets his decision though
he's sincere about that
Lately, Hongseok had been feeling like you were losing interest in him, or you were getting over this. With all that he still felt for you, he couldn’t let you. He still couldn’t let you go and needed something to drag you in with him. So, he devised a plan. He would “randomly” meet up with you. 
He got used to the schedule that you had, and have, so it wasn’t that hard to find you. He had crossed your path multiple times after the break-up, but neither of you had decided to go and talk to each other. He was too shy, and you wanted to get over him. It was better for you anyway, and sometimes seeing him just hurt.
Not this time when you saw him. You two had managed to get on the same bus. Although, you knew hongseok had a car and could drive. It made you wonder what happened to him after you two separated. You locked eyes with him, and he shared a smile with you. He took that as an invitation to come closer to you on the bus. He made small talk with you for most of the ride. Something about the whole experience felt like deja vu almost as if you had met him again, but in a new life.
He plays it off but he’s most definitely hurting 
He hangs around other people for a distraction 
He is not okay though
When he’s alone or at home he mostly pouts
Dont come about his mood though because he will snap
He also won't leave the house unless he has to
The guys have to make him come out, so they take him to an inside amusement park
They may spoil him a bit too much. 
It seemed like Shinwon was as good as new. He was smiling, laughing, and making his awful jokes. Honestly, Jinho and Hui kind of wished they left him at home. It seemed like this was the perfect thing to bring him back from being a literal human zombie.
They were walking around the theme park when he saw you giggling with your friends. You guys had rented school uniforms on. He was happy that you were happy though. The way you laughed or held your friend's hand. He didn’t notice how long he had been staring. 
He was sent back to reality when Jinho tapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to head out already?” Shinwon looked back at him just nodding. He didn’t know if Jinho knew if he was looking at you or not. Either way, nothing was mentioned on the way home.
He lives in a cafe. 
Or he visits it a lot
Either way, he wants to run into you
First, it was the old cafe you two used to visit
Then your favorite cafe
But nothing, he couldn’t
One day he gave up and just started to work part-time at a random cafe
He was working late nights due to his day job. He was enjoying working at a cafe. He loved the smell of coffee beans after all, and wouldn’t complain if he smelled like them all day. One thing was for sure though, he brought a lot of business to the cafe. 
Everyone went to the cafe to see the cute barista. He smiled with all of the new attention, but he wasn’t quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Some part of him still hoped that one day you would walk into those doors. He convinced himself that all of the girls he turned down were for you. He was staying loyal to you. 
The only problem was that he only worked at the late-night, and it was not the most favorable time for a cup of coffee. 
One night while he was making one of his famous cups of coffee, he heard a familiar laugh. His head shot up, he had to see your face again. Although, he frowned as soon as he spotted you in the crowd. Your arm was locked around another guy’s laughing and leaning into him. 
He frowned and turned over to his coworker, “I'm taking my 15.”
The relationship was short
Surely not long enough for deep feelings
That's what he thought before he broke the news to you
But lately, he had been missing you
Denies it and tries to play it slick
I’m thinking this is like a college fling thing
So you guys could run into one another
Finals were coming up and Yanan was in the library with his head stuck in one of the textbooks. He had been there for hours, and he was starting to get hungry. He had a six-hour final that he was preparing for, and he could not flunk it. He searched in his bags to see if he had any snacks left over. Luckily he still had some, leaning back and eating it.
He took that time to scan his surroundings. He had been focused on his work for so long that he hadn’t noticed the amount of people that had come and gone. This time around he noticed you dozed off on a desk. Your head was lying on a textbook sleeping soundly. You looked so pretty to him. He went close to you and put your jacket over you.
He didn’t quite understand his actions or what possessed him to buy snacks for you. He smiled to himself as he wrote a note. He teased you about falling asleep in the library and how you should take better care of yourself. He didn’t sign the note, smirking. Maybe he could tease you more like this in the future.
He is already a quiet person, so I feel like he kept the relationship very private
Barely anyone knew that the two of you had broken up
The break up wasn’t on good terms
The two of you could not agree on something 
He hated arguments and everything that came with it
He also hated telling you when he disagreed with something because it would lead to even more arguments even if it didn’t have to be one
The two of you were petty anyways
He tried to avoid you, and the places you hung out frequently
Yuto was out with a large group of friends. It was unusual for him, but he was enjoying the extra company. They were at a large shopping mall, so it wasn’t an ideal place to be. He was quieter than usual. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself. That was the reason. He wanted some quiet time but didn’t want to be alone. Maybe this was the best solution for him. 
He thought of himself over the relationship. Maybe he was being too harsh, but he thought if he heard that you died in a week or so he wouldn’t care. Okay, that was cruel of him, but he needed some way to distance himself. 
The sad part was, when he saw you at a store with another guy, his heart sank. He was mad that he still felt some type of way about it and about you. He was disappointed in himself, nonetheless, he played it off and went on with his day. 
I'm going with the cliche trope
He’s just a party guy to me 
And I think he’d go to parties to let off his cool. Especially if it was a harsh break-up 
I feel like he’d still be jealous and possessive after the relationship
If anyone would try to say something bad about you, he would get mad at them. 
He’s still sweet as ever, even if it ended on bad terms or not
Kino was at a party, like usual. He had a huge social circle. He was floating around the party talking to a lot of different people. He was feeling better tonight. He preferred to put himself out there when he didn’t feel up to it. Honestly, he was feeling a lot better. 
He did notice you when you walked in, it would be hard for him not to stare. He watched over you, still feeling protective. He knew a lot of the people at the party, some of them having a bad reputation. He would rather watch over you from a distance, not ready to face you. 
That didn’t matter when a random guy came up to you. He didn’t know him, but he could not stand the fact that another man was talking to you. He came up to you putting his arm over your shoulder casually.  “I forgot to ask you what drink you wanted.” Kino kept a sly smirk on his face. You looked a little upset and surprised to see him there, but he just brushed it off. It was fun to cock-block you.
I think he would be quieter about the breakup
He seems like he keeps more to himself 
But he’s generally sweet to everyone 
I think the motivation would be down
He wants to keep things on good terms, but that doesn’t mean friends. 
He’s not the type to text you after
Unless he needed something 
Wooseok had gathered up some motivation lately, after looking at how messy his life had been lately. He was picking his stuff up and putting things in their right places. During that, he found some items that were yours, and he noticed that some of his things had been missing. He frowned, he didn’t want to do any confronting, but he wanted his things back. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
His hands were sweaty as he texted you. He simply stated that he had a few of your things and he thought that you had a few of his. It was simple and he tried to be as polite as possible. He was not trying to make anyone upset. 
After a few days you hadn’t answered his text, so he tried again. This time his tone was a little hasty, and when you responded, it was in an aggravated tone. He was confused. You didn’t want to meet with him and made that clear. He suggested mail, but that seemed to upset you as well. 
When he saw you later that week on the street, he said nothing. He did nothing. Any feelings that he had left over for you, were gone. Then he knew he could move on.
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Making You Happy (M)
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Summary | ''You planned all this huh?''. His lips place small open-mouthed kisses in your neck, his hands squeezing your ass before they move towards the front of your jeans, struggling to get the button undone. ''Maybe I did'', you say teasingly, slapping his hands away from the button of your jeans, his head shot up from your neck, looking at you with a frown covering his face.
Genre | smut, idol!boyfriend.
Warnings | protected sex, fingering, blowjob, handjob, multiple positions, Hui being a sweetheart with a soft dominant side.
Pairing | Reader x Hui
Wc: 3k.
Note | @youknowyeokshim​
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming 
A sigh escapes your lips as you park the car near Cube Entertainment, slamming the door shut after grabbing your bag from the backseat and you walk into the building, through the back entrance. You hear your car lock itself and you throw your keys into your bag which hangs on your shoulder. The text from the boy’s manager keeps hanging around in your mind, saying that Hui didn't leave his studio for practically all day, making your stomach turn and fill with worry about your boyfriend. You walk towards his studio, the door slightly ajar and you lean against the doorpost with your arms crossed in front of your chest. 
Hui is bending over his desk, his head hanging low and his hands gripping the strands of his hair tightly out of frustration. His fingers move towards the play button, pressing it, and a soft melody booms through the speakers. After around thirty seconds he pauses it, slamming his fists on the desk and letting out a frustrated groan. 
''Don't tell me you let that song get to you'', you mumble, giggling at the way Hui's head turns around immediately, a smirk appears on his face as he watches you close the door, locking it just in case. When you stand near him, he places his hands on the back of your thighs, pulling you on his lap where you straddle him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
''Well, if I get this every time a song does that, I'm not complaining''.
He lazily presses a kiss on your lips, your fingertips playing with the tiny hairs in his neck as you press your lips firmer against his earning a grunt from your boyfriend. His hands are placed on your thighs, rubbing the soft fabric of your jeans and you deepen the kiss when he moves his hands to your lower back. Hui's teeth bite down on your bottom lip, you hiss at the sting as his hands slip down your lower back and into the back pockets of your jeans. He cups your ass in his hands, giving it a gentle squeeze as you roll your hips making Hui let out a quiet groan.
''Be careful babe'', he mumbles as a warning against your lips. ''or you won't leave any time soon''.
''Wasn't planning on that baby'', you giggle against his lips, rocking your hips against his, feeling the familiar bulge growing between your legs. His hands move from your back pockets to the inside of your jeans, placing them on the skin of your ass, his fingers mindlessly fumbling with the fabric of your deep purple lace panties. ''You planned all this huh?''. His lips place small open-mouthed kisses in your neck, his hands squeezing your ass before they move towards the front of your jeans, struggling to get the button undone. ''Maybe I did'', you say teasingly, slapping his hands away from the button of your jeans, his head shot up from your neck, looking at you with a frown covering his face. 
''It's not about me today'', you whisper, sliding off his lap onto your knees on the ground, letting your hands slide over his legs, over his thighs to the buckle of his belt, fastly unclasping it followed by the button of his jeans. 
The fabric crumpled at his ankles after he lifted himself off the chair, the outline of his cock visible through his black Calvin's, letting your fingers caress along his covered shaft. Hui watches you intensively, his eyes never leaving yours as you hooked your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, tugging it down slowly, teasingly until it ends up at his ankles, on top of his jeans. Lust took over your mind as you watched his thick cock, slightly leaning against his lower abdomen. ''You don't have to do this babe'', he whispers, smiling softly at you while you move your right hand around his shaft, spreading the pre-cum that leaked out of the slit over his tip with your thumb, earning a quiet groan from Hui.
 ''But I want to, now shut up''. 
You begin stroking his shaft, adding some pressure as you reach the tip, you feel him hardening in your hand. He is not even fully hard and yet your mouth waters at the sight of your boyfriend throwing his head back against the chair, hissing when you circle the tip with your thumb. Your other hand travels to his balls, cupping them in your hand and softly squeezing them, your other hand speeding up, stroking his cock faster. Hui lifts himself off the chair, sliding down a bit so you have easier access between his legs, knowing that you will wrap your lips around his cock soon. And that is exactly what you do, you wrap your lips around the tip, sucking on it slightly before sliding his cock into your mouth. Hui groans as you swirl your tongue around the tip, bobbing your head up and down. Your fingers squeeze and caress his balls, Hui bites his lip as his hand moves the strands of hair out of your face, holding them tightly in his hand as he watches you with hooded eyes.
''Fuck babe''. 
A groan escapes from his mouth and a tingling feeling reaches your core. You suck harder on the tip, circling and sliding your tongue over the tip and slit, trying to get more reaction and sounds out of him.
He pushes your hair fully to the side, murmuring your name as he watches you work on him, flattening your tongue against his shaft, your eyes focused on his. ''Fuck...you're so good at this''. His hand weaves through your hair, holding you in place when you let Hui slide himself back into your mouth. His hips rock at a steady pace, the grip on your hair tightens, your left-hand squeezes his balls while the other is placed on his thigh keeping yourself steady on your knees. Slowly he starts to fuck your mouth, multiple moans and groans are leaving his lips and the same tingling feeling reaches your core. You run your tongue along the side of his shaft, feeling it twitch against your tongue, signaling you Hui is close. Hui bites his lip, scrunching his nose when he throws his head back, his hand retracting from your head to the armrest, gripping it tightly as his knuckles turned white.
''I'm gonna...cum''. 
His voice is hoarse, deep, and out of breath but still, beautiful in your ears. You bob your head faster, taking him as far as you can while letting your hands wander on his body, caressing his skin, squeezing his balls and eventually wrapping around his shaft to cover the rest of his cock. You feel the muscles in his thighs tighten under your left hand, just as the twitching of his cock in your mouth that stops as white spurts of cum shoot down your throat. A low groan escapes his lips, a hiss follows when you bob your head up and down slowly, milking his orgasm out of him, swallowing every drop of his cum including the small drop at his tip which your lap up while your eyes train on his.
''You are such a tease'', he chuckles, placing his hand on his cheek, caressing your skin with his thumb. His thumb catches a tiny drop of his cum at the corner of your mouth, wiping it off and he holds his thumb against your lips, where you suck of the last drop of his thumb. ''Jesus, how is it that you still look so innocent?''. 
You lean back on your calves, wrapping your fingers around the fabric of his briefs, pulling it up as you get up slowly from your position. Hui notices the way you get up, your knees numb from kneeling at the hard carpet, feeling instantly guilty for not letting you kneel on a pillow or something and he touches your knees with his hands. ''Sorry'', he mumbles, grabbing his briefs you pulled up, letting it fall to his ankles making you frown. ''My knees are tougher than you think, it's nothing''. Hui kicks off his shoes, followed by his jeans and briefs that end up at the other side of his studio. 
''Let me make it up to you''. 
He pulls off his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him, leaving him completely bare and naked in his chair. His cock half-hard leaning against his lower abdomen, ready for the next thing to come. ''I came to help you, not the other way around''. You giggle as you watch him roll his eyes, grabbing your hips, pulling your body closer to his. His hands fumbled with the button of your jeans struggling slightly before finally pushing it passed your legs, your deep purple lace panties following behind. ''I'm not sure about that'', he retorts, pushing your shirt up to your breasts, urging you to take off your shirt which ends up behind him on the desk. His hands find their way to the clasp of your bra, unclasping it faster than expected. ''Come here''. 
You straddle him, pushing your lips directly against his when seated down, earning a low grunt from him when you rock your hips slowly. The kiss is sloppy, heated but also filled with passion between the two of you. His hands roam around your body, finding their rest on your hips as his lips wander off from your mouth to the side of your neck, nibbling softly on your skin. Hui lets his tongue travel from your neck to your collarbone, his lips placing a few small kisses on that specific part of your body before he travels down, wrapping his lips around your nipple and start to suck on the sensitive bud. One of his hands moves from your hip to your clit, letting two of his fingers rub the area around your clit, but never where you want them. 
''Hmm Hui, I gave what you wanted, don't tease''. 
A smirk appears on his face as he let's go of your nipple, his eyes focussing on your as his fingers slide through your folds easily. ''I didn't know sucking me off would get you this wet'', he chuckles, kissing your nipple. Unexpectedly he plunges two fingers inside, the sudden movement lets you grip on his shoulders as you lift yourself on your knees when Hui starts to move his fingers at a faster pace, not even letting you get adjusted to the feeling. ''Hmm fuck''. You close your eyes while biting your lip, Hui watches the way your eyebrows furrow, the line on your forehead visible as he added a third finger, curling them directly to get a reaction out of you. A moan leaves your lips, a moan that has Hui's cock hardened at the sound of it. 
''I know you can take more love'', he whispered in your ear, your forehead falling onto his shoulder as you try to keep up with the movement of his fingers, rocking your hips in the same rhythm. ''No, I can't'', you whimper, the feeling of three fingers inside already too much to handle, his thumb at your clit making you yelp as he adds pressure. 
''Yes, you can. Lay down''. 
Your body feels heavy, you try to get up from his lap without stumbling and Hui holds your body steady on the floor, smirking at the thought of just his fingers being able to make your body feel this way. He clears the small couch in the corner, placing a pillow against the wall and he pushes you down. your head on the pillow,  your legs dangling off the sides, your ass at the edge of the small couch and he crouches down on his knees. his hands move to your thighs, slowly inching closer to your core as he blows cool air on your clit, earning a whimper from you. Your hands fold themselves around your breasts, teasing your nipples with your fingers as Hui pulls your body closer to his face, licking his bottom lip before flattening his tongue against your folds. 
A small whimper is all you can let out, Hui slides this tongue through your folds and starts to suck on your clit while sliding three fingers passed your entrance. His fingers slide in and out gracefully, covered with your arousal when Hui takes them out, sucking them clean while his gaze never left yours. ''Fuck, that is hot'', you mumble, your fingers pinching your nipples as Hui licks up one bold stripe up your folds, pressing light kisses on your stomach, slowly moving upwards to your lips. He captures your lips, letting you taste yourself within the first seconds, you moan at the taste of your arousal. 
Hui strokes himself with his left hand while the other is in search of a condom, which he finds in your bag that stood next to him on the floor. He ripped the package open, slid the condom on his cock while pumping himself a few times before positioning his body in the most easy and comfortable way. ''Let me'', is all you can mutter, pushing his chest away from your body as you get up, mentioning for him to sit down on the small couch. 
''Oh babe, you know exactly what I like''. 
Hui lies down but sits up as he thought about you being comfortable, sliding backward until his back hits the wall, the pillow in his lower back. You straddle his hips, grabbing his cock in your hands, pumping him a few times before teasing him by sliding the tip along your folds. ''Do that one more time, no more sex for over a month'', he warns, holding your hips with his hands, his eyes staring into yours. 
''Hmm...not that I'm not used to that'', you whisper, sinking down on his cock. A whimper leaves both of your lips, his hands intensify their grip on your hips, your hands find their balance on his shoulders as you bottom out. Hui holds you in place, biting his lip as you clench around him, the feeling of him filling you up making you impatient to move. A low growl erupts from his throat, tapping your thigh with his finger giving you the sign to move. ''How is that you are still so tight?''. You move your hips, sometimes rotation them moaning as his cock rubs your inner walls.
 ''I guess you should fuck me more''. 
Hui growls, sitting up straight, latching his lips onto your shoulder, nibbling on the skin as you move up and down, riding him. His arms wrap around your waist, his hips meet your movements powerfully and you stay still, letting him thrust up into you. The volume of your moans are getting louder with he seconds, Hui sighs as you roll your eyes at the sensation of him inside you. 
''Let them know baby, let them know who is fucking you in here''.
He snaps his hips up, increasing his pace as his balls slap against your ass. Hui let his fingers travel down to your clit, rubbing it with two fingers to bring you closer to your orgasm. ''Fuck Hui, fuck fuck fuck''. His lips form in a smirk, placing small kisses in your neck as you feel the familiar knot in your stomach tighten, tapping his shoulder lightly and Hui suddenly stands up with you in his arms, his cock still inside you and his fingers moving faster than before on your clit. Your back meets the wall and Hui's thrusts fastened at the sight of you, mouth wide open, eyes rolling back and multiple moans and groans leaving your lips. 
''Shit....fuck babe....I-I'm..''. 
More words are not coming out of your mouth as your orgasm takes over your body, your eyes closed as you feel Hui drill his hips at an indescribable pace. Your body trembles, little drops of sweat are visible on your forehead and your breathing is uneven, slowly getting back to steady but with Hui still fucking you against the wall it is almost impossible to focus on that. Hui groans, his hands grabbing your hips firmer and you feel him twitch inside of you. After a few hard thrusts, Hui stills and lets himself fall against your body after grunting out loud,  trapping you between him and the wall. Both of you trying to catch your breath, Hui presses a few kisses on your shoulder before pressing them shortly on your lips. 
A smile appears on your face, planting another kiss on his lips. You hiss when he removes himself, placing you gently on the ground as he throws the condom away in the bin. ''Are you okay?'', he asks, grabbing your clothes from across the room, giving them to you. You nod as you put on your clothes, watching your boyfriend do the same, fasten his belt at last. Hui crouches down in front of you, placing his hands on your knees as he looks up to you. You straighten your shirt and give him a kiss on his cheek. 
''Thank you, for checking up on me''.
 A genuine warm smile appears on his face, your hand ruffles through his hair when he shakes his head. ''You know I love you, so it is a small thing. And if that small thing helps you, then I'm happy''. Hui chuckles at the choice of words, tapping your knees with his fingers.
''Well, if I get studio sex every time you come by...''. 
A sudden knock startles both of you, Hui unlocks the door and opens it. Kino's head appears from behind the door, followed by Yuto and Shinwon. 
''Okay great, you guys are done. Hongseok is getting impatient, the food is waiting''.
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serendipitykpop · 5 years
how the tables have tabled
Pairing: lee hoetaek x reader
Request: s/o and hui fangirling over something together with either hyuna or edawn third wheeling please😊😊 how the tables have tabled
E’Dawn dragged his feet as he walked behind the talkative couple. Just the other day, Y/N had discovered a new cafe for the lovebirds to try, and somehow he got involved on their date. He wasn’t sure how, it was all a blur now, but there was food, so he couldn’t complain.
“Ah, there it is! Let’s go, let’s go!” You grabbed onto Hoetaek’s hand, and pulled him inside while E’Dawn was left to follow you.
“I was forgotten.” He let out a sigh, and shook his head before going inside.
It was a cute little cafe that had a homey atmosphere to it. It was a good choice to be spending their day off at. The three of you sat at a booth by the windows, you and Hoetaek on one side and E’Dawn on the other.
“They all sound so good,” You whined, and placed your head on your partner’s shoulder. He smiled, and kissed the top of your head, then laid his head on top of yours. You giggled, and wrapped your arms around his own while you looked over the menu together.
“It’s going to be hard picking, but we can always come back to try the ones we don’t order this time.”
“So we can come back tomorrow?”
Hoetaek chuckled. “If that’s what you want, my love.”
It was moments like these that E’Dawn wished his own partner was here, but Hyuna had a schedule planned for the day. He could’ve waited to try it with her when he was suddenly dragged here by the two in front of him.
“E’Dawn, which ones are you getting?”
“The parfait looks good.”
“I thought so too, but then the tarts, and cakes look good too.”
Hoetaek laughed. “How about we all get something, then share? That way, you can try everything you want.”
“I love you,” You beamed, eyes sparkling as you looked at him. E’Dawn chuckled, and shook his head.
“You really do spoil Y/N.”
“Of course I do.” He looked to you, and pulled you into a big hug, making you erupt into giggles.
Despite you calling his name, he continued to shower you with kisses all over your face. Your face was beaming as you tried to get him back with a hug.
E’Dawn placed his hand on his knuckles, and sighed. “You two do realize you’re in public, right?”
“Ah, sorry! I forget that fact sometimes when I’m with him.” You pulled away to settle back into the position you were previously in with him.
“I can’t believe you’re still in the honeymoon phase despite it being a year of dating. Though, it’s cute seeing you two happy.”
You and Hoetaek looked at each other, and smiled.
“All right. I take back what I just said. Never mind.”
“Hey!” You whined, which made him snicker.
After taking quite some time to order what you wanted, it came out looking better than what you expected. Your mouths watered at the sight of them.
“They look too pretty to eat. I kind of regret having to eat them,” You pouted. “But then again, it’d be a waste to not enjoy them!”
“Your logic.” E’Dawn shook his head.
Each one of you took a small bite of the dessert you tried, and hums of satisfaction were in unison.
“You both have to try this.”
“No, no. Try mine. It’ll taste better.”
“Mine is definitely the best though, so.”
You all tried the dessert to your right, and again, you hummed in unison.
“So good!”
“Here, Hoetaek. Let me feed you some.” You turned to him with a spoonful of what you were having while E’Dawn eyed the two of you. “Say, ah.”
He happily let you feed him, then smiled at you as a sign of approval.
“It’s good, huh?” You said with a smug grin on your face.
You two were in your own little world now, completely forgetting about your friend was there with you. You and him only had eyes for each other.
“So this is how you felt with Hyuna and I, huh, Hoetaek?” E’Dawn mumbled to himself, and let out a sigh. Now, he could see from another perspective of how they used to be like, and are still like. Even if a couple were lovey dovey, only having eyes for the other, you couldn’t help but find it cute. He was really happy you found each other. E’Dawn cleared his throat, interrupting their love fest, and catching their attention. “This is too sweet.”
“Is it? Then, maybe you can-”
“I meant the two of you.”
Your cheeks flared up. “O-Oh.”
E’Dawn chuckled. “But it’s endearing to watch, and I guess in a way it’s payback for all the times Hoetaek had to third wheel Hyuna and I.”
“You should’ve seen them. They were all over each other.”
“Just like how you and Y/N are right now, idiot.”
The two boys looked at each other, and laughed. You smiled, and shook your head.
“How about instead of third wheeling each other’s dates, we have a double date with Hyuna sometime soon when everyone’s free?”
“Hyuna’s been asking to see you, Y/N, so she’ll definitely want to.”
“I missed her too,” You sighed.
Once the plans for the double date was settled, you and Hoetaek went back to our own little world. Meanwhile, E’Dawn was left alone to enjoy his dessert. He really wished Hyuna was with him now.
He heard a giggle, then a fit of laughter followed right after. He glanced up at the couple, and smiled. He was happy one of his best friends had finally found someone who loved, and supported him a lot. It was all he could ask for.
Though, he was wondering when the honeymoon phase would end because he couldn’t suffer through this any longer by himself.
He sighed, placing his chin on the palm of his hand. “Well, whatever. I’ll let them enjoy themselves for now.”
How the tables have tabled.
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ssarangduty · 7 years
Silver (Hui)
Lee Hwitaek x reader Warnings: none Theme: fluff My masterlist is found here
This was inspired by a part of the ‘Critical Beauty’ lyrics.
귀찮게 적당히 반짝이는 게 (Somehow this shiny thing) 이상하게 주머니 속에 (Found it’s way) 들어가 있었네 (Into my pocket) 네 손가락에다 끼워보든가 (I guess you can try putting it on your finger) Oh 소름 끼치도록 딱 맞아 (Oh goosebumps, it fits you perfectly) 하필이면 왜 또 내 손에 (How come the same ring) 같은 게 있네? (Is on my finger?) I’m sorry if translations are incorrect.
It was a hot day in the middle of June in Seoul. You locked yourself into your little studio on the 14th floor, throwing your shoes off and stepping into a pair of filt slippers.
You were so exhausted it could not be put into words. Work was currently super stressing, and you hate to admit you were behind in the schedule.
You threw yourself in the sofa, looking around in your studio.
You missed him. You missed Hwitaek like crazy.
Your heart skipped a beat as your door went open. Hwitaek was actually the only one who knew the password to open the door, and as no surprise, he stepped into the little livingroom in the studio.
“Oh shit,” he swore loudly, turning around when he saw you. He quickly pulled out in his blazer and dropped something in the inner pocket.
“Jagi!” He turned around, sitting down next to you. You crossed your arms and furrowed your brows. “What was that about?” You asked him. Hwitaek looked at you with a ‘what-are-you-talking-about’-look. “Hm?” He said. “What was what about?”
“You’re hiding something!” You concluded, as you sat up. You grabbed his wrists not wanting him to leave the sofa before his cheap mouth exposed himself. “I swear I’m not!” He said, trying to get his hands back. With luck, the gribs exchanged and he was now holding your wrists. “I promise.” He kissed your nose, and stood up.
“Do you have any cup-noodles in here? I’m crawing like crazy.” He went into your small kitchen, starting the kettle with hot water. He opened two cups with noodles, leaned against the cupboard and looked at you.
He tilted his head (and looked extremely innocent and cute). “What?” He asked again. “Aren’t I a good boyfriend making my girlfriend cupnoodles?” You smiled at him as you shook your head.
The kettle popped and Hwitaek poured water over the noodles.
You sat down facing each other at the tiny eating area your studio could afford. You were about to stand up and clean up as Hwitaek grabbed your wrist (almost very drama-like).
You sat down again, looking at him. 
“Maybe... I have a little thing for you.” He said.
Your heart started to beat like crazy. Hwitaek and you had been dating for a while now, but gifts had not become a normal part of the relationship. Unless it was small and fun stuff.
He grabbed something from his inner pocket, and after that your hand. He slipped a little silver ring on your ringfinger; fitting perfectly.
“Ah, it fits!” He said with a low voice, sounding relieved. “Hwitaek, what is this?” You asked him, looking surprisingly at the silver ring. It was simple, it did not have a stone or anything carved in it on the outside.
“A ring,” He said, showing his own hand. “I have a similar one.” He wiggled his ring off his finger. “They’re special made,” he explained, looking inside the ring. “Here,” He showed you his ring. “A heart on the inside.” He looked at you, with a big smile over his face.
“Hwitaek, this is amazing!” You stood up, as you went to him and gave him a hug. “I love it!” You exclaimed, kissing his cheek.
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adachicuto · 2 years
happy birthday hui
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warning: food mentions
idk why but i can’t get the image of him waking you up by playing the happy birthday song to himself on guitar on his birthday but let’s go with it. i think it fits lol but he’d do it in true hui fashion which would be in a kinda goofy way
he’d have the biggest smile on his face as you’d stare at him sleepily but then you’d both end up bursting into laughter for a few seconds because the whole situation was too funny and your sides would end up aching a little from laughing
you’d go about your morning routines would make breakfast together with music playing in the background. so, you’d both have to stop every few songs to pretend to sing with spatulas as your mics your breakfast would almost get burnt but it’d turn out fine
after breakfast, you’d put on his favorite show or movie to distract him from trying to work when he’d promise that he wouldn’t try to work on his birthday and once he’d realize, he’d be more than thankful for a little break because he’d know that he’d need one
hui would also be grateful when you’d hand him a cup of coffee just the way he’d like it and he’d pull you onto the couch with him so he would be able to wrap an arm around you
after an hour or so, you’d get ready to leave and the whole time he’d repeatedly ask where you’d be taking him and it would be easy at first until he’d start acting very goofy and you’d have no choice but to laugh at him, the seriousness in your expression would be gone
first, you’d take him to the mall so he could pick out whatever he wanted and you’d make sure to explain to him how you’d been saving up to get him something special. with that in mind, he’d still choose more affordable things (and you’d find that really sweet) and he’d be both nervous and excited when you’d get him really nice headphones
since it’s the last of summer, you’d take hui to an amusement park later that day. your camera roll would be full of funny videos and pictures of hui reacting to the rides and the food. especially when he’d be more excited about the rides than some of the kids there
your day at the amusement park would be successful and you’d return to your shared apartment to see it decorated and a huge birthday banner for hui. there would be some of his favorite foods in the kitchen and a playlist with his favorite songs would be playing
everyone would have a great time, especially hui judging by the huge smile that would be on his face the entire time and his happy mood would affect everyone and you’d all be happy that he’d have a nice time. it would also be good to see him take a well-deserved break
i feel like hui would not pass up karaoke so of course, there would be a karaoke machine. that would be fun for everyone but kind of bad for your neighbors. so, you probably have to apologize to them once everyone would leave
hui would love everything you’d do for him for the day. i think being able to spend time with everyone and being able to enjoy himself would do hui a lot of good. the day would be perfect in his eyes and he’d make sure to tell and thank all of  you
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julyarchives · 3 years
Complicated || (M)
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→ Pairing: Hui x Fem!Reader
→ Genre: Smut; Exes to Lovers.
→ Words:  3.7K
→ Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol; Spit kink; Choking; F and M receiving Oral; Fingering; Squirting; Power Play; Jealousy.
→ A/n: It took us a little longer to finish this story, but we are so happy with the result, so we promise it is worth the wait! Thank you 🐧 anon for this amazing request! We hope you all like it 💕
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"And who's that?" Hui asked Yanan.
He looked at you across the room, looking like a deer caught in headlights. When you looked in his direction, a bright smile lit up on your face and you waved excitedly.
At first, he was confused, but when you got closer and greeted Yanan with a friendly hug, it all made sense.
"Hui," Yanan called him, but his eyes had never left you. "This is Y/N. She's my best friend"
Hui was well aware that Yanan meant 'don't try any funny business because she's my friend', but he was already hypnotized by you.
"Nice to meet you, Hui." you said, the way his name rolled off your tongue had him shivering, and you didn't miss the way he looked up and down at you.
You smiled at him, and he could just tell there was a little bit of mischief hiding in your sweetness. As for the rest of the night, Hui had made it his mission to make you smile at him as much as he could.
He was just mesmerized by you and used every excuse to have Yanan bringing you along on every night out, and inevitably you became friends. You got along, and hanging out together was way more fun than he first expected, and he grew to actually enjoy your company.
Yanan was constantly on Hui's hair, warning that you were not the type of girl he used to date casually, and would not forgive you if you ruined their friendship, and that's why it took him long to make a move on you.
It was actually you who took the first step, kissing him unexpectedly one night when you two sneaked to the kitchen for snacks while your friends played in the living room. It was a point of no return for both of you, the chemistry was undeniable - Hui knew everything you liked and you knew what to do to drive him mad.
You surprised him by showing that you were not the innocent girl he thought you were, and he was not a no-attachment ladies man Yanan had told you he was. The fact that you became friends first was crucial for the relationship, and it was the reason it lasted fairly long, but it was also the reason that it ended. You both recognized that you two wanted different things and were in different places, and it was best to end things before one of you got hurt.
That, however, did not fix the endless tension between you two.
Inevitably you didn't stop seeing each other, now that you had the same friend circle, and it would always end with one of you snapping at the other.
Tonight was one of those occasions, and you had your mind set on not letting Hui ruin your night. It was a perfectly good party, full of people, all your friends gathered in one of their houses, some acquaintances along enough to make the place full, and the loud music making everyone enjoy themselves.
Hui was there, you had already spotted him, but you were good at pretending he wasn't there, even though you could feel his gaze burning holes in the back of your head, but you just danced your worries away.
Making your way through the crowd, you managed to get to the kitchen and fix yourself a cold drink to cool off.
"Fuck, it's hot in here" you mumbled to yourself, using your free hand to hold your hair.
"Right?" A stranger answered, making your head snap in his direction, and you both chuckled at your reaction "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine," you laughed. He was tall and had just the most adorkable laugh, and somehow you felt comfortable enough to start a conversation "I'm Y/N"
You reached your hand to him, which he immediately took.
"Shinwon" he leaned closer for you to hear him over the loud music
"Do you wanna dance, Shinwon?" You boldly asked
"Lead the way" he smirked
You gently grabbed his hand, guiding you two back to the packed living room. Getting there was the hardest part, only being able to enjoy his company when you reached the make-do dance floor. You could practically feel an intense stare on your figure as you moved closer to Shinwon but chose to ignore it for now. The new tall handsome man was giving as good as he got, dancing behind you sensually, following your movements. The dance was equally fun and sexy, the new company making it all too exciting for you. You could feel Shinwon's lean muscles behind you and you closed your eyes, moving with him completely. As you two turned and moved on the dance floor, you opened your eyes, feeling Shinwon's hand gripping your waist harder. Too bad you were standing directly into Hui's view, almost as if you did it on purpose. Which you did not but since life wanted that way, why not enjoy it.
The burning tension between you, the mix of annoyance and attraction always made you feel ready to burn him back, so that was enough reason for you to wink and bite your lip at him, grinding back on Shinwon's unsuspecting and welcoming body. You only could keep that up for a few minutes before Shinwon managed to turn you, leaning closer to kindly invite you to the rooms upstairs. It was what you needed to get your mind out of the fuming man sitting across from you, so you nodded with a flirty smile before holding his hand once more and leading the way.
Getting up there was fast and soon enough you were trying every door to check for any room available, giggling to no end when at least three doors were locked. The last door was in sight and you were sure it'd be empty, your hand ready to turn the knob when you heard your name being called. You huffed, watching Hui walking closer to you and Shinwon, the man looking at you confused.
"We need to talk", Hui said as he got close enough, his breathing hard and face a bit red.
"We don't, actually. You see, I'm busy".
"Cut the crap, Y/N. Get lost, man, I seriously need to talk to her".
"Oh no. Shinwon, stay. We have nothing to talk about!". Poor Shinwon was completely confused, looking from you to Hui, his hand slowly slipping away from yours.
"Um, Y/N", Shinwon turned to you, one hand carefully tucking a hair strand behind your ear. "It's okay. You know this won't be good if I stay. Yanan told me this could happen if I ever saw you…"
"What?!", you heard Hui shouting at the same moment you did, you not even sparing him a glance.
"I'll get your number from him and I'll call you, yeah?".
"I'm sorry", you didn't even know if you were mad or sad or even frustrated for being cockblocked by Hui no less.
"It's fine. Keep that room in mind, we may use sometime", Shinwon winked at you and turned to leave, nodding to Hui as he walked by. Hui didn't even look at him, his stare fixated on you.
You held his gaze for a few seconds before turning around on your heels and entering the room.
"Talk" you demanded, afraid that if you said more you would end up cursing at him.
"What the fuck was that little show downstairs?" He was already talking loudly, stepping into your personal space.
"I was just enjoying myself," you walked around him, bumping on his shoulders purposefully, hearing him sigh in anger. "Minding my own business, you know what that means?"
You grabbed the doorknob to open the door, ready to leave Hui behind to deal with his problems himself, but you had barely opened an inch when you heard his rushed stomps getting closer, and he grabbed your waist, turning you around and slamming your back against the door, getting it to close behind you.
"I highly doubt that winking at me while rubbing yourself against a stranger counts as 'minding your business', Y/N." He leaned closer to you, noses almost bumping, his hand palming the door trapped you against him. He "And I don't think that fucking someone else will make you forget me."
His eyes didn't stray from yours, and your chest was rising up and down fast - you just weren't sure if it was of annoyance or anticipation.
He smirked and leaned back, this time to whisper in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin
"He can not make you feel good like I do." He nibbled your earlobe just the slightest "you would end up thinking of me"
He planted open mouth kisses along your jaw, small gasps escaping your lips against your will. You just couldn't help but melt under his touch.
"He doesn't know you like I do." He stepped forward, hips pressing against yours. "He doesn't know what a pretty little slut you are"
Hui ended the distance between you harshly, all his lust seeping through a rough desperate kiss. His hand immediately went to your hair, tugging it until it sting, but he knew you loved it. Your body responded to him like a magnet, you just couldn't help yourself but be completely gone for him.
He nibbled your bottom lip, sucking and licking it, humming in satisfaction with the feeling of having you altogether his. He trailed down your neck where he bit on the skin, licking the spot afterward to soothe, marking you as he was claiming you to him. His name started rolling off your tongue involuntarily, moaning every time he found a new spot to mark.
"That's right, baby girl" he whispered "keep doing that"
He cupped one breast with his free hand, squeezing it while he hungrily attacked your lips again. He started rolling his body against yours and you could feel the hard-on in his pants pressing against your clothed core.
He let go of you completely, and you whined at the loss of contact, only to have him hold your hand and walk backward until he reached the bed, where he sat on the edge.
"You know what to do, baby girl." He said in a low voice, and his hooded eyes watched you dropping on your knees in between his spread legs.
You looked deep into his eyes while undoing his belt and jeans, he leaned back, both hands on the mattress to support himself while he watched you. He bucked his hips up just enough for you to put his pants and underwear down, setting his cock free from the constricted clothes.
Your mouth salivated at the sight of his erection hitting his stomach, already leaking pre-cum. You wrapped your hand around it, using your thumb to smear his juices around, and he hissed at the contact, a breathy moan falling from his lips as you started moving your hand up and down slowly.
He reached one hand and grabbed the hair behind your head, making you look at him.
"I don't think you have the right to tease me, baby" he almost growled
"But-" you tried to speak, but he cut you short
"Ah-ah" he shushed, "I think we can find a better use for that smart mouth. Open up"
You sat back on your heels, opening your mouth like he commanded as he leaned over you, the grip on your hair still holding you in place, puckering his lips and you watched as the drool fell out of it, directly into your mouth.
Hui watched you swallow it with a proud smirk. This is something that only Hui could do to you, you thought, and it was just another way for him to claim you as his, and you could not imagine anyone else in this situation with you. It just reminded you how much you discovered about yourself in your innumerous adventures with him, and it was one of the reasons you loved that relationship.
Quickly shaking those thoughts away, you returned your focus to the current situation, as Hui ran his hand through his hair before leaning back, waiting for you to make your move.
You gulped in anticipation, taking his member in hand and waiting no time to take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and hearing Hui moaning lowly. You jerked him off, twisting your hand loosely around his dick, then hollowing your cheeks to swallow more of him. His hand twisted around your hair and guided your movements, making you bob your head just the way he wanted.
He bucked his hips and his member hit the back of your throat, making you gag, to which he responded with a loud moan, throwing his head back in pleasure. Relaxing and breathing through your nose, you let him deeper inside you as he kept bucking up to meet your movements.
When you were finally getting used to it, he pulled you away abruptly, breathing in heavily and watching you through hooded eyes.
"You were doing so good, baby girl, but I still want to fuck you senseless." He smirked. "And right now you're wearing too many clothes for that to happen. Strip for me"
Hui sat back and watched you follow his commands once again. Your eyes didn't stray from him as you unzipped your dress and let it fall off of you, proceeding by stepping out of your high heels. Once you're finished taking off your underwear, Hui stripped out of his remaining clothes as well.
"Now get on the bed" his voice was stern and his eyes followed you. "Ass up"
You got in the position without questioning, resting your head on a pillow
"Look at that, dripping just from giving me pleasure" he ran a finger through your slit, grabbing your butt strongly with the other hand, making you squirm under his touch. "Such a mess for me"
"Just for you" you mindlessly mumbled.
"Good." He slapped your ass, not too strong, just enough for you to yelp in surprise. "Are you still on the pill?" He asked
"Yes" you said shily
"Did you fuck anyone else after me?" He asked, his voice just as commanding as before, and when you choked on your words, embarrassed to admit the truth, he slapped you a little harder, making you hiss.
"N-no, sir" you stuttered and the name just slipped.
Hui chuckled pleasantly at your answer, his dick twitching at hearing you call him "sir", but you two could discuss that later because all he wanted was to feel himself inside you.
"Good girl" he praised, caressing the spot where he hit you.
When both of his hands held onto your waist, you felt him entering you, his thickness welcoming in your pussy, and you realized how much you had missed the feeling of him filling you up.
He didn't give you time to adjust because you didn't need it, choosing instead to pound you mercilessly, his length hitting the perfect spot inside you, leaving you a whimpering mess already.
"That's for you to not forget who you belong to." He dig his fingers in your waist, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing in the room "you're mine." He grunted "this pussy is mine"
You buried your face in the pillow, unable to formulate any sentence to answer him, just moaning and gasping at every thrust.
You reached one hand in between your legs, touching your clit to increase your pleasure.
"Such a needy girl, so impatient." Hui said "do you want me to make you cum? Is that what you need?"
All you could do was hum and nod in agreement. Hui sped up his pace until your walls were clenching and jolts of pleasure took over your body. You felt him leaning over you, pulling your hair and forcing you to get on all fours. You gasped when you felt his hand wrap around your throat, pressuring the right spot to constrict the blood flow. You closed your eyes and rubbed your fingers faster, taking you to the edge while he hit your g spot just perfectly.
He let go of your neck when you finished riding your orgasm, and you gasped for air, catching your breath again.
"You take me so well, baby girl" He praised "take it just a little more for me, ok? I'm so close."
He kept thrusting into you, and you clenched again to help him reach his orgasm. You felt him pulling out just in time to shoot on your back, covering you in his cum as he finished jerking himself off.
He made space for you to lay on your back, and kneeled on the mattress in between your legs, putting his hands on your knees to spread them wider. He gasped pleasantly when he noticed the glistening mess on your core.
His eyes burned with lust as he lowered his hand and inserted two fingers inside you easily, your hole completely wet for him. He didn't go slow, nor mattered the fact that you had come not 10 minutes ago, and his fingers pumped fast in and out of you, and he curled them, knowing exactly how to hit the perfect spot inside you. He watched you squirming, a moaning mess on the sheets, gripping whatever you could find to hold yourself.
Not having enough of you, Hui lowered himself, not wasting any second to get your abused clit in between his lips, and your hands immediately grabbed his hair, a cry of pleasure leaving you.
"That's so good Hui, please don't stop, please, please." Your voice came out desperate and whiny, and Hui hummed in response, sending vibrations down your core. "I'm not gonna last long."
He looked up at you and you could see him smirking in between your legs, then proceeding to thrust his fingers harder and deeper, licking and sucking your clit until your whole body was shaking and your legs were closing around involuntarily as you reached your high, calling his name in screams as he dig his fingers in your thighs to keep you in place as you just couldn't control your orgasm as he didn't stop nor slow down, and you felt another wave of pleasure run through your body, who spasm uncontrollably now, and Hui leaned back up to watch you come undone
"Touch yourself, baby" he demanded, voice hoarse and your juices coating his chin.
You immediately circled your fingers around your pussy, overestimating your sensitive clit as you climaxed again in a row, so intensely that your body couldn't control its spasms and you felt your wetness pouring and gushing out of you, as you just couldn't stop screaming his name.
"Fuck, baby" you heard his breathy voice as you squirted calling for him.
Your body went limp and you closed your eyes, your heartbeat ringing in your ears, and you felt Hui throw himself next to you.
For a few seconds, there was nothing. No sound, no movements, nothing. Hui was breathing hard next to you and you were trying to calm your own breathing but you knew that soon enough one of you wouldn't bear the silence anymore and leave without words. So it was a shock when a few minutes after the high wore off, Hui turned so he was facing you, even if you faced up, looking at the ceiling.
"Y/N", he called surprisingly soft.
"Do you truly hate me?". The question caught you by surprise, you dared say it shocked you but yet you didn't move.
"No, Hui. I don't hate you. I hate how you treat me".
"Um", was all he said.
"Do you hate me?", you asked back.
"No", he sighed. "But, like you, hate how you treat me".
"How did we end up like this?", you couldn't help the chuckle that left your lips at the absurdity of it all.
"I have no idea", Hui joined in. "All I remember was me being a dick and not wanting to settle and then you were shooting daggers at me every time you saw me".
"Oh man, I wonder why I did that". Hui laughed at that and you caught a glimpse of his pretty smile.
"Well, yeah. But it did lead us to amazing sex every time too".
"We had amazing sex when we were together as well", you spoke matter of factly.
"I know", he poked you, making you fully turn your head in his direction. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about".
"About what? Us?".
"Us together". Hui was watching you intently and you turned, mirroring his position.
"Talk then".
"I want to give us a shot. I want us to work this time". You stood in silence for a few seconds, lost.
"...why? Why now?".
"I've been thinking about it for a while now and I miss you. I miss not fighting every time we see each other, your company". He seemed serious and your heart was almost beating out of your chest by now. "And tonight was definitely my breaking point. Seeing you with goodie two shoes Shinwon made me panic out of fear of losing you forever without giving us another try".
You stood there watching him for a while. He didn't pressure you, once again showing how much he knew you. He knew you needed your time and he respected that. Truth is, your feelings for Hui never died, only fuelled the fire of your anger and attraction to him. Giving you another shot was risky but then, everything with Hui was risky and if he was willing to put all his cards on the table for you, maybe you could do the same.
"I want to leave this place", was all you said.
Hui nodded, defeat clear on his face. He got up and got dressed in silence, you doing the same but watching him intently the entire time. When both of you were presentable again, you stood with your hand on the doorknob. Hui was a step away from you, close but not too close, watching you with tired eyes. Your free hand reached out to touch his hair softly and he almost jumped in surprise.
"I hope you drove here. I came by uber", you smiled at him. "Oh, and I hope you still remember my address and my favorite breakfast place to take me tomorrow when we wake up". You laughed at his face as he nodded like a kid who just got his perfect gift. "And don't steal my covers while we sleep!".
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 004 for anon: large coconut milk tea (In THE DaRk by BOBBy) with regular tapioca pearls and fresh taro
Warnings: food mentions
Pairing: idol!Hui x delivery worker!reader
Summary: you deliver food to cube ent. and end up becoming friends with Hui, an idol who's at the peak of his career... but he finds himself falling for you even as his songs rise on the charts :")
Word count: like maybe 3k?
[a/n]: i love this request because i love this song and writing it while listening to the song on loop in the dark of my room just made me so happy? also i put wayyyy more effort into this than necessary and it turned out super long >.< i'm so sorry anonnie i hope you like itttt ahhh
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Shine, you shine on my existence
Sure, Hui was an idol with a life of his own - especially now, during Shine promotions, that his group, PENTAGON, was blowing up. Yet he never failed to make time for you, because you were the light of his life.
As a hardworking idol who was always cooped up in his studio and skipping meals, his members encouraged him to at least order food. He was reluctant but eventually agreed, not wanting to make them worry.
That's where you came in: a delivery worker at a local restaurant not too far from Cube entertainment, Hui's company. A lot of people ordered from your restaurant to Cube, so you weren't surprised when a new order flashed on the iPad screen at your workplace.
"We've got another delivery, [y/n]," the worker at the front told you with a smile, walking to the back to tell the cooks what to prepare.
You tapped your feet against the ground, awaiting the order. Once it was prepared, you carefully placed it in your delivery bag, fastened it to your bike and off you went, wearing a helmet of course.
The gentle breeze was enough to cheer you up and give you energy, despite the scene around you being full of traffic and slightly bleak.
Once you arrived, the guards let you in without even checking your workplace ID this time, recognizing you as a trusted delivery person.
You made your way up to the floor listed on the order, roaming through countless hallways until you finally found the right room. Judging by the area and the doors, it seemed to be full of studios.
The person who ordered this must be working hard, you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, you got an urge to leave a note, wishing the person well. You took out a scrap piece of paper and a pen that you always had handy, your heart racing and your hands shaking at the thought of doing this. You were excited at the idea of the person being happy to see such a cheerful note...
I hope you enjoy this meal and that it gives you enough energy to keep working hard :) Go for it!
After neatly placing the food and note at the door, you knocked and walked away, not wanting to bother the person. Even though you didn't turn your back, you heard the door open a few seconds later.
"Thank you!" a voice echoed through the hall.
You turned quickly to say ‘you’re welcome’ in response and caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a young idol hard at work. His hair was messy and he had dark circles under his eyes, but his mismatches clothes and bright smile were quite cute.
You thought that would be the last you’d see of him, but from that day onwards, he always ordered food from your restaurant at the same time: 2:09pm. Why so specific? You weren’t sure, but that’s how it was, and you being the only delivery worker at your restaurant meant that it would always be you taking the food to him.
The second time you went, you were surprised to see a note waiting on the door for you.
Thank you for your cheerful message... I’ll do my best to work harder!
It made you smile and you decided to leave another note with his order, this time just asking him what his favourite side dishes were so you could tell the cooks to put more of those in next time. Instead of him leaving a note for you with the response, though, Hui decided to text you this time so he wouldn't have to wait for you to make another delivery before you could see his response.
Unknown: This is Hui! Ah, I ordered food from you at 2:09pm? I'm not really picky on side dishes, but one of my members likes kimchi, so could you make sure to leave more of that for me?
You: sure, of course! but how did you get my number?
Hardworking Hui: Ah, sorry! It was on the app since you're the delivery worker... for me to contact you in case you get lost? I'm sorry!
You: No, that's okay! i just wanted to be sure ^^
So after that day, you made sure Hui always got extra kimchi with his order. He would always greet you at the door of his studio, quickly asking about your day and how you were doing. Truthfully, he actually wanted to ask you to come inside so he could talk with you some more, because the two of you would always get an interesting conversation going before you declared you had to leave.
Since he was too shy to ask you in person, he texted you, instead.
Hardworking Hui: could you get the rest of the day off after delivering my order today?
You: why?
Hardworking Hui: so you can eat with me? if that's okay? or just take an hour off!
You: ...
You: Only if you pay for my food :P
Hardworking Hui: deal
So that day, you asked your manager for the hour off from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. She agreed, knowing that you always work hard and deserve a break.
Showing up to Hui's studio with his usual order and some food for yourself in your hands, you knocked a little nervously this time, knowing that this wouldn't just be a delivery, but a whole... hang out? Type of thing?
Hui had made sure to clean his studio to the best of his ability, making sure that there was another comfy chair for you to sit on and that the room didn't smell bad or anything. He lit a couple of candles and vacuumed the place so there would be no dust. When you knocked on the door, he jumped out of his seat with excitement, immediately opening it.
"Hi! Come in," he said, holding the door open so you could step inside. Seeing the cosy, dimly lit space left you in awe.
"It's so cool to see where you've been working away for all this time," you said, sitting down on a chair and putting the food down.
"Yeah... sometimes I get tired of it, but it's home," Hui said, sitting on his studio chair and opening up the food.
"Ah... where's the kimchi?" Hui asked, pointing at all the dishes.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I told the cook to include my favourite side dish too, but he must have just replaced the kimchi with this instead, I'm so sorry!"
Hui laughed, shaking his head.
"It's completely fine!" he said, handing you your favourite side dish.
As the two of you began eating, you were able to get to know each other more as you spoke and asked each other questions. Even though it was a little silly asking for each other's favourite colours and seasons, it was a lot of fun, and the two of you turned out to have a lot in common.
Tears are erased by my emotions / Add, add colour to the world
After that day, you weren't just a delivery worker for Hui, and he wasn't just a customer to you. The two of you became close friends, attending the concerts of your favourite artists together. Hui would joke and say that he was attending for work reasons, trying to gain musical inspiration, while you had no real reason to be there. You'd slap his shoulder lightly, telling him to watch his words while he'd laugh at your reaction.
Even though his work was stressful at times, it was days like those that seemed to make him cry in reverse, if that was even possible? You showed up and turned his world around, adding colour onto his black and white canvas.
His members even told him that he seemed more cheerful and energetic despite still working hard in the studio, and Hui even told you that his songwriting process seemed to be running more smoothly.
"I'm so glad we became friends," he told you, leaning his head on your shoulder one day as the two of you sat on a park bench. You smiled, strongly agreeing with him in your own heart.
But do you remember when I mentioned Shine promotions at the beginning of this? Well, let's skip forward to that point.
By then, you had seen Hui and his group perform quite a few times, whether it was at concerts, music shows or even on the TV at your home. You were incredibly proud of him and wanted nothing but for him to succeed.
Every time Hui found you in the crowd at any of his live performances, he'd feel some kind of crazy adrenaline rush as all of his tiredness just seemed to magically disappear. He'd perform as if rent was due just because you gave him the energy to do so.
"Was [y/n] watching us again?" Hyunggu asked backstage after another performance for Shine ended safely.
"Yeah, I saw them there!" Hongseok confirmed.
"Plus, you can tell by the way Hui is acting," Yuto laughed, nodding towards Hui who was frantically texting you asking you if you'd left completely.
You told him you were still at the venue, and he begged you to come backstage. When you arrived, you greeted all of the Pentaboys, who adored you almost as much as Hui did, before joining Hui at his makeup table. You greeted the makeup artist too, out of respect, before asking Hui why he needed to see you so urgently.
"We might win today... I just wanted you to be by my side as good luck," he explained, a clearly worried expression on his face.
It was a shock to you that despite Shine doing so well on the charts, Pentagon still had not gotten their first win, but you knew they were an amazing group, regardless.
What you doing now? What's your plan now?
You placed your hand on top of Hui's, which rested on his own thigh.
"Hui, I know you haven't been getting all the wins you've been expecting, but we can't deny that this song is absolutely a bop and you have all been killing it!" you told him with a smile.
You couldn't tell whether or not your words had any sort of effect on him because he was looking down, but you hoped they at least didn't make him feel worse.
The rest of the Pentaboys cheered hearing your words though, feeling energized at your honest observation.
Hui was looking down because his stomach was tied in knots at the feeling of your hand on his. It was something he'd never felt before... butterflies? He tried to shrug it off but he couldn't stop wondering about your intentions... did you place your hand over his for a reason? What were you trying to tell him? What were you planning?
Inside my brain, after making a place for you / You make it impossible for me to sleep
That night, Hui still couldn't stop thinking about your simple gesture. You didn't mean anything by it, right? It was just a friend comforting a friend... the two of you had been friends for a while now, so why was he thinking into this so much?
As feelings of sleepiness took over, he drowsily wondered what it would be like to hold your hand rather than to just have his hand underneath yours. What would it be like to be held by you?
The next day, with more promotions ahead, you made sure to send Hui a text of good luck. You wouldn't be able to watch from the live audience that day, since you had work and deliveries to carry out, but you still wanted him to know that you were thinking of him.
Hui couldn't stop staring at your message of good luck for the whole day, pressing his finger on the heart emoji that you added at the end of your message.
"Hui hyung, are you reading something?" Wooseok asked the leader, sitting beside him on the sofa in the waiting room.
"Huh? N-no," Hui quickly said with a laugh, tucking his phone away.
"You've been staring at your phone all day... what is it, is it a fun webtoon?"
"No, no! Don't worry about it," Hui laughed, ruffling the tall boy's hair.
Wooseok whined, yelling about how the stylist just did his hair. Meanwhile, Hui's heart was racing. Why had he been staring at your text message all day?
You: I'm thinking of you today, Hui! Go get em, good luck <3
Are you thinking of me in this dawn? / I wish there was a continuous portal from my room to yours
Again, that night, Hui couldn't stop thinking about you. This time, it was about the message you'd sent him. He still had it open and was staring at it. He wondered if, when you said you were thinking of him, did that mean you were thinking of him right then and there too? At the same time when he was thinking about you?
Were your sleepless thoughts filled with him, just like his were filled with you-?
Ring ring. Ring ring.
He'd been staring at your text and holding his phone so tightly that he accidentally pressed the call icon next to your name.
"Hello?" you answered sleepily. It was 3am and you had been asleep.
"H-hello? [y/n]?"
"Yes, Hui, what is it?"
"I uh..."
He desperately tried to think of an excuse for calling you, any reason-
"I wish there was a portal that went directly from my room to yours."
Really, Hui? Was that the best thing you could think of?
His heart raced and he smiled as he heard your laugh on the other end. He didn't realize he'd balled his other hand into a fist until your laughter made him calm down.
"What are you saying, Hui?"
"I miss you..." he mumbled.
Despite being sleepy, his words still made you nervous. Your heart raced and you wondered what he was trying to tell you.
"I m-miss you too," you croaked out.
"Really?" Hui asked you, sitting up in bed.
"Yeah, really," you said, laughing. It wasn't a lie, either. You'd been watching all of his performances on your phone that day while working, almost falling off your bike because you were that invested. In him.
"Do you wanna meet up now?"
"Now?" you spluttered.
"Yeah... by the Han River?"
You paused for a while before answering.
"Let's do it."
Even if I breathe in the cold air / It feels sweet, so sweet
"AHHH IT'S SO COOOOLD!" Hui yelled into the night air, rubbing his arms and running around in circles beside you.
"Here, take my coat," you said, but instead just wrapping your arms around him.
Hui tensed up, wondering if your arm that was wrapped around his chest could feel his heartbeat.
"W-what are you doing?" he asked.
"Providing you with warmth," you said.
You also felt butterflies stirring within you, realizing that maybe you saw Hui as more than just a friend. Yet you shrugged it off, telling yourself that Hui was an idol and you were just a delivery worker.
You can't know my pathetic feelings / Even if I've confessed a hundred times inside my brain / I'm invisible to you
Hui stayed quiet, closing his eyes tightly and enjoying the feeling of being in your arms on this cold night. He knew this embrace wouldn't last and that maybe it wouldn't happen again, because in his mind, he was invisible to you. Just a friend who you goofed around with, but all of your jokes made his heart rush.
The two of you ran around the grassy banks of Han River together, laughing into the night and chasing each other like kids. Each time Hui caught up to you, he'd wrap his small frame around you so tightly that it made you lose your breath. You told yourself it was just because you were running so hard, but it was definitely something else.
As the sun was beginning to rise and the two of you were finally in your homes, trying to get some sleep, Hui imagined what it would be like to confess to you. What if he confessed right there and then when you hugged him by the Han River? What if he told you how much he likes you and... what if you felt the same? What if you cupped his cheeks in your hands and kissed him right there as the river reflected the starlight from the sky...? What if Hui would drop his phone in shock but would kiss you back more passionately?
No, Hui. No.
If I ever want you to feel the same / That must be greedy, that'd probably be a chance to peek into heaven / 'Cause you are angel
There was no way any of that would ever happen. There was no way you would ever like him back, at least for Hui. You were way too good for him, an angel on this planet full of demons and sinners.
Little did he know that you were also squinting at the sun, struggling to get some sleep as you thought of the way Hui would press his face into your chest every time he caught up to you at the Han River as you chased each other for fun. His bright smile and gentle laughter made your heart feel like the Han River itself, gently flowing along but filled with such a refreshing feeling.
After another week of intense Shine promotions, Hui feeling all sorts of emotions as Shine continued to soar while his feelings for you also grew, it became unbearable. The two of you would talk late into the night, whether it was sending texts because Hui was busy working or whether it was phone calls. Hui thought about you every second of every day and always missed you a ton.
Please know that I like you / I just want to be there for the rest of your life
Hui asked you to meet him in his studio one evening, as he knew your work schedule and knew that you were free. You agreed, slightly confused as to how he was making time to meet with you despite being so busy.
"Hui, I'm here!" you sang, opening the door to his studio and finding him sitting there in his chair, looking especially cute as his hair was slightly ruffled and he wore a big, comfy hoodie.
"[y/n], I have to tell you something," he said, with a slightly sad smile.
"Yeah, what is it?"
You grew worried, but decided not to make a fuss over anything just yet.
"So, for some time now.... well, of course we've been good friends, and I don't want this to ruin that if you don't feel the same..."
He sighed mid-sentence.
"Gosh, I don't know why I'm rambling," he said with a laugh.
You instinctively laughed along.
"Well, [y/n]. I like you... a lot. I know it's pathetic for me to feel this way when I don't even deserve you, but-"
"You like me?" you cut him off.
Hui nodded in response, looking slightly red now.
Nervous and absolutely bewildered, you starting laughing to yourself, making Hui worry if he'd said something wrong.
"Hui, I... I like you too, what the hell?! And here I was thinking I was pathetic!"
"You're not pathetic at all!" Hui said, grinning widely and bright red in the face upon hearing your answer to his confession.
Both of you nervously smiled at each other for some time before Hui broke the silence.
"I know... it may be hard to date me... well no, it will be hard to date me since I'm an idol, but I promise I'll give this my everything. It's a given, because of how much I like you and how lucky I am for you to even date me-"
"I never said I was dating you," you joked.
"What?" Hui asked in shock.
"I'm joking! Hui, it's okay. We'll get through these difficulties together, whatever they may be," you said, holding half of his face in your right hand, stroking his cheek with your thumb.
Hui leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
"You're right," he said, before turning his face and pressing his lips to your hand.
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ppaltagon · 4 years
I love you guys so much thank you for all youre writings 💝 i was wondering if i could request a scenario of how the boys would react to you looking after them when theyre sick 💝
He's a grumpy old man when sick.
Says you don’t have to look after him but he would be so salty if you didn’t take care of him while he’s sick.
Otherwise he listens to you well, stays put and takes his medicines.
It’s difficult to communicate with him because the sickness makes him grumpy so it’s better to just let him rest it out.
Only God can tell for how long he has been sick by the time you noticed it.
Still insists that he isn’t sick even though he can’t stop sneezing and coughing.
You have to physically drag him to bed or bait him with something or else he just won’t take a break.
Feels a bit uneasy from just laying down and doing nothing but if you hold his hand, he will eventually fall asleep and sleep for 20 hours straight.
Is perfectly capable of taking care of himself but if he has you, he’s going to take advantage of that.
Gives you clear instructions on what he needs and where you can find what.
Pretends that he feels worse than he actually does so you take pity on him.
Very thankful because he has fun even while sick instead of being alone.
Cannot accept that he’s sick, he’s never ever sick!
Coughs once and acts like he’s on his deathbed.
Lies down and keeps complaining about pain and gets angry about his traitorous immune system.
Begs you not to leave him alone while he’s suffering.
Yeo One:
Smiles through the fever.
Keeps asking how you are and how your day was instead.
Worries that you will catch the cold if you’re around him too much.
It’s the only reason he tries to reject you taking care of him but otherwise, he quite likes that you’re there for him.
Sleeps a lot.  
Basically sleeps through most of the time when he’s sick which is probably for the best.
His general mood is not too good and he doesn’t feel like doing anything or talking at all.
May or may not fights you when it’s time to take medicine but doesn’t have much energy to resist.
Takes his medicines and goes back to work.
Actually listens to you when you scold him and goes to bed.
Offers to help you cook soup (for himself) and you have to tuck him in again.
Has an internal struggle because he wants you there but also doesn’t want you to catch his cold.
Says a cold is not a big deal until it gets worse.
Sensitive™ very whiny and fusses about everything.
He doesn’t care, he WILL cuddle you or else he can’t fall asleep peacefully.
Will apologize the next day when you start coughing, though.
Hates the feeling of having a runny nose.
Loves it that you’re there to take care of him and let’s you know.
Hates taking medicine but will take them for you.
Says that you don’t have to stay with him but mutters your name in his sleep.
160 notes · View notes
hoshiwhxre · 4 years
Your Brother's Best Friend. (ht)
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Hui ; Your Brother's Best Friend
description : you *comfort* your brother's best friend in his studio after he's suffered a few stressful weeks
typ : smut / bit of fluff
pairing : dom!hui x female!reader
rated : NSFW
warnings : sensory!deprivation , choking!kink , gagg!ng , blow!jobs , studio!sex , rough!sex , smut smut smut smut
word count : 3.3k
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You knocked softly on the studio door, pausing for a moment before pushing through - not wanting to disturb his work. Your eyes adjusted to the lights of the room, gaze falling on the young man stood bowing over his desk, with palms pushing hard against the wood and his head hanging low. You watched his fingers crawl up to press play on his computer, causing a soft melody to burst through speakers. After 30 seconds or so, Hui groaned loudly, slamming his fist into his desk before snatching up his hair in frustration.
Immediately, his head shot up, neck twisting to run his eyes over your figure.
"What's up, y/n?" his tone was impatient.
"Do you know where my brother is?"
"No," Hui answered quietly, "I think he's on a date? I'm not sure, sorry."
"Ah...thanks anyway," your teeth sank into your lip, watching as he fell down into his chair weakly. You felt your expression grow concerned, his tired eyes and tight lips causing your brow to furrow with worry. Lightly, you shut the door, and moved closer towards him.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," his stare remained on his computer, fingers twitching against his thighs as if they were too heavy to move.
"Hui..." your soft voice calling his name made him shiver, and as you rested down onto the edge of his desk, you reached out to press your fingers against his, "talk to me."
Slowly, his gaze rose, meeting your gentle eyes steadily. He relaxed, your touch and smile calming his previous frustrations.
"I think I'm losing it," he swallowed, "I...I can't figure out what's off about this stupid fucking song and I...I think I've lost my touch."
You shook your head with an airy sigh, squeezing his hand lightly.
"Don't be ridiculous," you mumbled, "we all have off days."
"Mines been for weeks," Hui's voice cracked, breaking your heart, and as he glanced away with a shaky breath, you pulled yourself closer towards him. Positioning your body between his legs, you wound your arms around his neck and tugged him into a warm hug. Like a magnet, his own arms rose to wrap around your waist, allowing the embrace to comfort him.
"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," you murmured, as your fingers began to entwine through his messy hair, "everyone has these periods, where we just don't feel like ourselves. It won't help if you're not sleeping either, will it, hm? You're not losing it, you're insanely talented and you work like crazy - you're probably just burnt out."
You allowed his head to rest against your chest, and you felt him cuddle further into you as you did, seemingly enjoying the hug. His fingers were running slowly up and down the small off your back, while his tired eyes shut heavily.
"It'll be okay, Hui," you rested your chin against his head, "I believe in you."
Suddenly, you felt Hui pull at your waist, guiding you down onto his lap. With one hand he hauled your legs to drape over his, while the other reached further to curl around your small frame.
"Just...stay a while?" he asked, quietly.
His exhausted eyes gazed into yours, and without hesitation you nodded, continuing to trail your nails over the small hairs along the back of his neck. Again, he lowered his head to rest into your chest, his hand curling around his wrist behind your back. For a few moments you both remained silent, allowing him to doze against you.
"Thank you," he finally mumbled, "for being here."
"It's nothing," you brushed your lips against his forehead, "I'd do anything for you."
Slowly, Hui rose his head, his eyes flickering towards your mouth that hovered so close to his. He swallowed, his breath growing heavy.
"Anything?" he whispered.
As you gave a small nod, he made a careful movement forwards, as if asking for permission. Once you mirrored his movement, he pushed his lips gently against yours. Feeling you push into the kiss, his hands forced your body close, as he became desperate and needy. You swung one leg over his lap, straddling him, while your teeth sank into his lip. He released a light hiss in response to the sting, but his hands slid down to push into the back pockets of your jeans, dragging you tighter against his body. Feeling you begin to roll your hips slowly against him, he released a moan - the vibrations against your mouth causing your body to heat up to unimaginable temperatures. You felt a hard bump begin to push between your legs, and your eyes flickered beneat your lids.
"Careful," he begged, "if I start, I won't be able to stop."
Your hands began to drag down his shirt, finding his belt buckle and beginning to hastily fumble with it, the kiss growing more and more aggressive by the second.
"Maybe I don't want to stop," you breathed.
With a slight whimper, Hui began to tug at the button of your jeans, breathlessly dragging the zip down and guiding the denim past your hips. Falling from his lips, you stumbled to your feet, and, dragging your palms slowly over his thighs, you lowered to your knees - not breaking his gaze once. Your fingers curled around his jeans and the band of his underwear, dragging them teasingly to the floor. His head rolled back, moaning desperately.
"Don't tease," he pleaded.
Moving forward slightly in his chair, Hui watched through hooded eyes as you reached up - running your thumb over your tongue before beginning to glide it over the tip of his already hard cock. His breath caught, your touch tantalising his skin as you curled your fingers around his shaft - slowly sliding up and down. Chest heaving, he rolled his head onto his shoulder, just as you leant forward to swirl your tongue over his tip.
"I swear to god you'll regret it if you tease," he growled, scraping your hair from your face and up into his fingers. Your eyes sparkled, gazing up at him as you let it slide deep down your throat - forcing your mouth further open. The soft moan he released made your body burn, and your hand moved to join your lips and tongue swirling up and down his cock - getting faster and messier, wetter and sloppier. Suddenly, Hui placed his hand against the back of your head, forcing it down roughly. Hearing you gag, he uttered a low "fuck", before pushing and tugging your head up and down - causing spit to drip from your chin. Your soft moans vibrated against his cock, causing the knots in his stomach to expand.
"G-Good girl..." he grunted, his fingers tightly gripping at your hair.
Feeling his body tense, the knots tightening as his voice cracked, Hui's head fell back.
"Look at me while I cum," he demanded, his tone rough.
You immediately obliged, breathlessly watching his features weaken before his hands snatched back to curl around the arms of his chair. Knuckles turning white, his hips suddenly bucked, releasing one final grunt before the thick white liquid dripped into your mouth. His body twisted, eyes rolling up when you continued sucking, overstimulating him until he whimpered.
"A-Ah, you fucking---" finally, you fell back onto your heels, dragging your tongue over your lips to lick up every bit of his cum. He leant forward, slowly, rubbing his thumb over the corner of your mouth with a small smirk.
"You missed a bit," he purred.
Feeling your lips wrap around his thumb, he felt an unbelievable weakness wash over him. Leaning against his thigh, you pulled herself to your feet - wincing at the slight pain stinging your knees. Hui's eyebrows rose, feeling guilty as he grazed over the red marks burnt into your legs. He immediately stood, snatching up your wrists and winding them around his neck. With a playful grin, he bent to pick you up into his arms - your legs pressing against his sides as you released a playful gasp. Both noticed the sparkle of lust engulf your eyes, before smashing your lips against each other desperately. Hui stumbled back, kicking his chair and bag out of the way to throw you down onto a small sofa pushed up against the back wall. Your soft laugh made him moan with pleasure, kneeling down before you and wrapping his hands around your ankles. Yanking you close, he began to slide his palms teasingly along your inner thighs, while you hauled your top over your head and threw it behind you. Hui's eyes sparkled, one hand dragging up to unclip your bra surprisingly easy, the other curling over your jeans and panties, while he lowered to press open-mouthed kisses kisses from your chest down to your stomach - not once breaking eye contact with your desperate eyes. As he kissed, he dragged your jeans and underwear down, chucking them to the floor before resting his palms against your thighs. Pushing them open, he licked his lip, and the sensation of his cool breath against you made your body tense. Slowly, he slid his index finger deep inside of you, watching your expression as he slipped in the second and the third. Seeing your eyes roll, your mouth fall open, turned him on.
"You're so wet," he purred, "just from sucking my dick?"
He began to rub his thumb over the areas near your clit, causing you to release a moan of yearning.
"Please don't tease," you begged.
"Hm? Say that again, beg me," Hui's fingers thrust slowly in and out of you, smirking as he felt your body completely give in to him.
"Please," your voice cracked, "p-please don't tease me, let me cum..."
As soon as his thumb applied pressure to your clit, rubbing in fast tiny circles while he continued slamming his fingers deep inside of you, your hands reached out to snatch up his hair.
"Say my name," Hui grunted.
You whimpered his name, your arousal causing you to begin fast reaching your high.
"Let's see what else you can take," Hui breathed, suddenly pulling off - leaving you breathless and yearning for him.
"Fuck me," you croaked, "please, fuck me."
Eyes sparkling, Hui dragged his own t-shirt off, spinning it into a tight coil before leaning down and pressing it beneath your teeth. His firm fingers tied it tight behind your head, before reaching down to fumble with his bag - tugging out a condom. Once he slid it on, he lined himself up to your entrance. Teasing you, he dragged the tip of his cock over your pussy lips, drawing a muffled cry from your throat. Your wet warmth already had him hard, but as soon as he thrust his full length into you, his cock twitched - seeming to grow bigger inside. Your back immediately arched, moaning his name in a high-pitched whine when his hands curled around your wrists, tugging them forward as he began to snap his hips against you. He started off fairly slow, allowing you to adjust, before he picked up pace, snapping his hips roughly and angrily into you - forcing you to take all of him. Your muffled moans were high and desperate, your nails scratching at his hands as your legs tensed against him. Suddenly, one hand dropped, his fingers curling around your neck - squeezing just tight enough to make your body erupt in pleasured goosebumps. Eyes rolling up, you felt familiar knots begin to twist inside your stomach, tightening with each thrust into you. You cried out, lids screwing shut as your legs began to shake. Your hand reached up, nails digging into his outstretched arm, before you felt an incredible uphoria rush through her body as you came hard.
Hui's lips curled into a satisfied smirk - but he didn't stop, just like you hadn't done for him, and he kept pounding into you, quickening pace as her overstimulated you to a shaking mess. Your limbs were turning to jelly, too weak to carry on but loving it too much to stay stop. Just as you felt yourself climaxing for the second time, Hui grunted too - signalling that he was reaching his high.
"Look at me," he snarled, "wait for me, baby, let's cum together..."
Your lips rubbed tight together, desperarely holding onto his wrist as you attempted to keep yourself on the edge. Feeling his cock twitch inside of you, you allowed yourself to give in to him - just as you both came, a wash of immense pleasure engulfing you. Breathless, Hui pulled out from you, sliding off the condom and throwing it into a trashcan placed beside his desk. And then, without a second breath, he lowered down between your legs, replacing where his cock had been with two long fingers. Meeting your weak gaze, he chuckled, before slowly dragging your tongue over your clit. You tensed, whimpering, at the warm sensation. Your fingers entwined through his hair, following his head as he began to flick his tongue up and down over your sensitive slit, at the same time thrusting two fingers inside of you. Again, your back arched, his tongue working fast but in perfect shapes that it send shocks of pleasure through your limbs.
"I-I'm gonna---" your muffled words against his t-shirt gagging you came out as a pathetic whine, before you suddenly tensed - legs shaking against his head - and collapsed down onto the sofa, exhausted.
Chest heaving, Hui moved to lay down beside you, draping an arm over your waist and pulling you close. His soft lips peppered delicate kisses against your neck, smiling against your skin.
"I should go before someones comes," you whispered, reluctant to leave him.
Placing his hand on the small of your back, Hui held you close.
"Stay a little longer."
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astralsweetness · 4 years
Set my soul on fire (make me wild) || Hui/Reader (M)
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➣ I was originally going to write a LOT more smut (I had so much planned that I never got to!!! ugh).. Maybe I’ll have to do a part 2 or something 👀 the amount of time i spent looking at pics of his studio just so that one scene would be accurate is insane Title from the song ‘Queen of Disaster’. Very briefly proof-read, so please feel free to inform me of typos!
➣ Hui/Reader | Hui drunkenly kisses the reader without explicit consent but owns up to it bcs I’m tired of every other fic that includes this trope just glossing over it | Smut warnings include: masturbation, fingering, hair-pulling (implied), biting (mostly implied), oral + snowballing, slight pain/masochism (implied), some humiliation/degradation + some praise, referenced submissive headspace, and all of them apply to Hui lmao. Also it’s mentioned that Hui isn’t strictly heterosexual and if that bothers you then idk what to tell you
➣ “He is hanging off your every word and you suddenly feel like you have a choice to make - it’s one you don’t think about for more than a second, because you realize that you don’t need to.”
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Hui knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that you had completely ruined his life just by existing in it.
It wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily. The feeling he got whenever you smiled at him, for example, was definitely not a bad thing. The way his skin tingled whenever you brushed against him was.. bothersome, but not a bad thing. The way his heart sped up and beat almost painfully hard whenever he indulged in his regular skinship with you wasn’t particularly bad, but he’d stopped doing that recently just as a preservation strategy so he didn’t die in the next year from a heart attack. (He was a naturally touchy person, and he wasn’t completely sure how he felt at having to stop that with you specifically.)
The way his mind constantly drifted to thoughts of you was starting to become an issue though, as was how he tensed up whenever you got even moderately close to him. You’d started to notice, and he had no idea how to tell you that it was happening because of that one time the rest of the boys had ‘accidentally’ forced the two of you to be pressed against one another in an elevator, and that just the knowledge that your breasts were pressing against his arm had him fighting to not get hard like some sort of teenager. He wasn’t totally sure how successful he’d be the next time if something similar happened.
Still, you were, as far as he was concerned, completely unattainable, and that in itself was a problem. He’d experienced his fair share of heartaches and heartbreaks before, but this was.. different. At least in those circumstances he’d gotten a definitive answer.
With you though, he couldn’t even bring himself to ask, had resigned himself to pining over you like a kid with a crush.
If you hadn’t ruined his life then you sure as hell had made it harder.
When Hui gets a knock on his studio door around six pm he’s not particularly surprised – lately his members had taken to dropping in to make sure he had eaten something that day. (Usually he had not.)
He is surprised to see you standing alongside Yuto when he opens the door, so he glances at the maknae suspiciously – Yuto seems perfectly innocent, but Hui wasn’t exactly sure how much of that was an act.
“Hyung, did you eat today?” The younger boy holds up a bag as an offering – it doesn’t look like the regular convenience store food the boys would usually grab for him, so Hui accepts it hesitantly.
“I was originally just going to bring food for Hyunggu, since he was apparently starving in his studio or something, but then he mentioned that you never ate either, so..” You’re looking at him like you’re vaguely disappointed, and it makes a funny feeling tighten in his chest so he pretends to be completely absorbed with looking through the bag. He’s not sure where you got the food from, but it was mostly stuff that he actually liked. “I went to a place Hyunggu wanted, but he told me what he thought you’d like from there – I hope he was right.”
“This – you didn’t have to do this.” It’s nice not being the one buying things for once, he has to admit that to himself, but he still felt a bit bad that you’d felt the need to bring him anything at all. “Thank you, though.”
“You’re right, I didn’t have to. I wanted to – just like I wanted to bring Yuto food too when Hyunggu told me he was also here.” You’ve perched on the edge of his small leather couch and he wonders if you’d ever been in here before – he honestly can’t remember, though with how hyper-aware he was of you it was pretty safe to assume you hadn’t been. Yuto’s lingering near the door quietly, watching you and he interact, and he feels like the younger is analyzing what was happening.
“Thank you for it – I should go eat it now, while it’s still warm.” Yuto’s gentle bass of a voice is almost soothing, but Hui shoots him a look anyway because he suddenly knew what was happening. His maknaes were downright masterminds when it came to plans like this, and he can’t think of any way to get Yuto to stay before you bid him a cheerful goodbye as the Japanese boy smiles at the both of you as he carefully closes the door.
“Should I go too? I don’t want to distract you or be a bother or anything.” Your question is so sincere that he just looks at you for a few moments, tries to figure out a way to say ‘Yes, you do distract me and bother me, but definitely not in the way you’re thinking’. He finally settles on a single head shake, clearing a small portion of one of his desks to place the food on.
“Did you already eat?”
“No, but I’m fine.” Your answer is quiet, and he glances over to see you gazing around his studio – he feels vaguely embarrassed, though he’s not particularly sure why. His studio is remarkably small, it’s true, but he’s not actually ashamed of anything in it.
“You’ve never been in here before?” He’s pretty sure you haven’t, but there’s no harm in confirming it. You’d been focused intently on reading the names on his soccer jerseys, but once he speaks you turn all that intense concentration on to him and his mouth goes dry.
“Nope. Not that I remember, anyway, and I’m pretty sure I’d remember that.” You’re smiling at him and he doesn’t know why that’s something you’d remember, but your smile makes him not really care about the particulars. “Now eat, Hui.”
He raises his eyebrows at the parental tone you’ve adopted but says nothing, knowing there was no way he could get out of it now – and honestly, he didn’t really want to. He was really fucking hungry, and the meat you’d brought him smelled delicious.
It’s only as he’s taking his first bite (which is excellent by the way, Hyunggu apparently had a very good taste in restaurants) that he remembers what you said about not eating and makes a stupid split-second decision. (He’s never been one to think about things like this too much before blindly doing them, which was probably a problem, come to think of it.)
“Here –“ He holds the strip of bulgogi out towards you, one hand underneath, the sound of his heartbeat a constant background theme song. “Say ‘ah’~” And it’s so easy to pretend, to act like he’s just being friendly, to tinge everything he says with a bit of aegyo – you roll your eyes at him but accept the food anyway.
It’s not easy to ignore the intimacy of an act like this, to ignore the way he’s hit with a sudden yearning deep in his chest to be able to feed you food whenever, like a real significant other could.
“Thank you, but no more! This food is for you.”
“Okay, okay.”
The silence that slips back afterwards is mostly comfortable – you seem determined to make sure he eats, so while he does so you go back to gazing around his studio. Hui feels like there really wasn’t that much to look at, but you hadn’t looked bored yet, taking in the contents of his desk and then computer monitor. He realizes belatedly that he still had the windows open for some of their unreleased tracks, but when he glances at you again you’ve already moved on from them, so he leaves them where they are.
“Are you still seeing that one guy?” It’s easy conversation, light and carefree even if the topic makes him feel a bit bitter – as much as the knowledge of you seeing other people ate away at him he knows it would bother him more if you didn’t feel comfortable talking with him about it at all. Being able to be a close friend you confided in was something he cared more about than not feeling jealous.
“Oh – no, I’m not.” Your tone is carefully disinterested, but he can see through it well enough by now. Still, he doesn’t say anything, just turns so he’s fully facing you, focused and listening. “We just had a – confliction of interests I guess you could say.” You laugh softly at your wording and he laughs too, even if he doesn’t totally understand what you mean.
“And that means, what, exactly?”
“He thought women should be submissive during sex, and I disagreed.” ..Oh. Hui’s gaze darts away as he tries to process that – it wasn’t that you talking about sex was surprising. He was used to talking with you about intimately private things like this, though that was before this annoying infatuation with you had manifested into the tiresome nuisance it was now. Still, you’d never exactly stated your.. affinities towards any one thing.
“Ah.. is that so?” He sounds much hoarser than he’d meant to, like he’d choked on something – he still can’t look at you, because suddenly all he can think about is what that meant, if it meant leather and pain or lace and sweetness, if it meant scathing words or saccharine praises.
“Are you blushing?” You’re leaning forward off his couch, grinning and trying to get a look at his face, one of your hands on his knee to keep him from turning away from you - and he realizes that yes, he is fucking blushing, and the place you were touching him felt like it was blistering with heat. “Well, at least you’re not getting all upset with me for injuring your masculine pride or whatever by being a woman who doesn’t like to –“
“Okay! Okay okay, please take mercy on me!” His slightly exaggerated whining is met with your laughter, and his face feels like it’s on fucking fire, but he can’t look away from you now that he’d accidentally met your gaze.
“Sorry – you’re just so cute when you’re flustered!” And he knows he shouldn’t take this as anything more than friendly teasing, just like whenever Hyunggu would call him ‘cute’ whenever he got scared of something, but your words still make something short-circuit in his brain and he swears to everything that you will be the death of him.
“I’m – sorry things didn’t work out with him, but you’re really going to kill me if you keep this up.” And it’s not even a lie – he is ninety-eight percent sure that if you keep talking like this without giving him time to recuperate then he was just going to over-heat and pass out.
“I should go anyway, I’ve distracted you long enough – I didn’t go too far, did I?” You’ve stood up now and are looking down at him with a worried smile, so he just shakes his head because he’s pretty sure if he tried to talk he’d say something stupid like ‘No, I definitely didn’t mind hearing you say that, and while you’re at it please tell me some more’. “I’ll talk to you later, okay? Make sure you eat it all!”
He manages a “goodbye” that sounds sort of like he wasn’t dying, waving to you until you leave and his studio door beeps to signify that it was locked again.
“For fuck’s sake..” Hui forces himself to breathe deep, tries to will some of the heat to leave his face. He really didn’t know why he was getting so flustered over something like this – he wasn’t usually the type. Was it just because it was you? Because he definitely wouldn’t mind if you preferred to be dominant?
Hui curses again, a quiet ‘fuck’ that doesn’t really encompass everything he’s feeling but seems to be the best he can manage. Fuck indeed. He was so fucked.
The next time Hui’s in his studio he does his best to forget about the conversation the two of you had had last in there, tries to forget the way his entire body had lit up when you touched his leg, tries to forget the way you’d smiled so sweetly when he fed you.
It doesn’t go well.
To be honest, he didn’t do things like this often – he was busy most of the time, and if he was in his studio then he usually had something he needed to work on instead. But being in this room less than twenty-four hours after you had off-handedly mentioned that you liked to take a more dominant approach in the bedroom had him unable to concentrate on anything else, though he had made a valiant effort for an upwards of fifteen minutes.
With an agitated huff he’s pushing his chair back from his desk with more force than necessary, moving to make sure his studio’s door was locked before taking a seat on the edge of his couch. For a moment he contemplates if he’s really going to do this, runs an aggressive hand through his dyed silver hair and then curses the tingling pain it brings that he doesn’t quite hate as much as he should in the moment.
There’s a lingering feeling of shame and a much stronger feeling of embarrassment covering his body when he reaches for himself, though it only lasts for a few moments until the feeling of the rough friction of his palm through his jeans overpowers anything else.
Hui tips his head back with a soft moan before he remembers he needs to keep quiet, bites his lip when he unzips himself so he can wrap his fingers around his cock more easily. He’s rough, impatient, wants to finish fast but also likes the slight bit of pain – he full body shudders when he finally tugs the waistband of his briefs down and feels the cold air hit him, falling back onto his forearm. He knows, for a fact, that there’s a small bottle of lube in one of his drawers somewhere, but he doesn’t bother looking for it – he’s slick enough as is, and the slight pain keeps him grounded, keeps him from getting into it enough that he wouldn’t be able to monitor his volume.
There’s a slight urgency surrounding it all that is always there when doing something like this in a semi-public place, and he gives into it this time and allows it to urge him on quicker, fucking into his fist like he was going to get caught at any second.
He wants to drag this out, wants to get this over with, wants to think about anything else or feel the need to pull up some dirty video on his phone to finish, but all he can think about is you, you, you – he wonders what it would be like if you were the one stroking him instead, if you’d take pity on him or would be ruthless, if you’d whisper sweet compliments into his skin or humiliate him with biting words, if you’d bite at his neck, he really wanted you to bite at his neck and mark him up –
He orgasms with a choked off cry, hastily shoves the back of his wrist against his teeth to try to keep quiet as his hips buck sloppily into the loose circle of his fingers. He’s never been particularly quiet, and another wave of arousal washes over him as he imagines you telling him to keep it down, warning him that you’d have to gag him otherwise. He whimpers pitifully at the thought and tries to shut his mind down, feeling overstimulated both physically and mentally.
His fingers are sticky, the warmth quickly drying on his skin, and he feels much too hot, a thin sheen of sweat clinging to his skin alongside a layer of shame. He’s not totally sure why but he feels like he’s just made everything worse, like somehow he’d crossed a line and now being around you was going to be ten times harder.
He also feels like this was inevitable though, that his attraction to you had been building for so long that if he hadn’t found a release for it somewhere then he would have gone insane.
Or maybe he’s insane now, now that he’d done something this dirty and depraved. He really didn’t know, gaze still just a bit glassy and unfocused.
What he did know was that he was completely and utterly fucked at this point, collapses onto his back and lets his aching forearm finally take a break as his eyes slide shut in defeat.
“You’re not serious.”
“Of course we are, hyung – why, do you have a problem with it?”
Hongseok is taunting him, like he always does, and Hui would usually play along and tease him back but he feels completely thrown off guard and does nothing more than blink at all of them incredulously. His lack of a playful reaction in return has Hongseok softening a bit at the edges, but Hyunggu isn’t nearly as merciful.
“What’s the problem with it? You’ve been wanting us to do something bonding like this for a while, and now we have a time to do it, a reason to do it, and someone to make sure we don’t screw it all up by doing something stupid when we’re drunk.”
“We didn’t force her, hyung, she offered when we asked.” Yuto’s trying to alleviate Hui’s concerns, but he’s way off base – still, he’s trying, so Hui manages what he hopes is more smile than it is grimace in the Japanese boy’s direction.
“We want to drink, she doesn’t like drinking, and we have a few days off because Road to Kingdom ended – what are you so worried about?” Changgu asks him, kind and sincere as always – Hui doesn’t trust him for a minute, but he can’t fight the natural urge to tell everyone what his issue was anyway. God, he hated them sometimes. (They were his family, and he supposed sometimes you just had to hate your family.)
“You all know my – my problem with her.”
“Yeah, we know you want to –“
“Date her.” Wooseok cuts Shinwon off at the last second, modifying whatever it was his hyung had been about to say – Shinwon looks both annoyed and scandalized that Wooseok had thought he was going to say anything else. Hui does his best to ignore them.
“You really thought I’d be okay with her being the one watching over us while we drank? Knowing that none of us can drink well?” He swore he could literally feel his stress levels rising – it wasn’t like he was an embarrassing drunk or anything, but he knew he had an incredibly low tolerance for it, and he also knew that if the entire group was drinking then they were just going to end up egging one another on until everyone was truly smashed.
“Well, you’re going to have to be okay with it, hyung.” Hyunggu, always the hard-ass, insists forcefully – he doesn’t say it unkindly, but he says it in a tone that brooks no room for disagreement. It’s more Kino’s voice than it is Hyunggu’s, scarily similar to when they’re in the practice room.
Hui knows he could override it with hyung or leader seniority, knows Hyunggu is watching him carefully to see if it’s actually something the elder couldn’t deal with.
He ultimately says nothing, just sighs in a way that lets everyone else know he’s acquiesced – the resulting cheer brings a small smile to his face, even if he still feels uneasy about how the planned drinking night would go. He knew that when it came to both his members and you in one building with alcohol involved there was no way he wasn’t royally fucked.
The night goes exactly as you expected it to – none of the Pentagon members could hold their liquor particularly well, which meant that after an hour and a half they were all at their limits. (It was honestly kind of funny to watch. They were all so intent on getting one another drunk that they weren’t really even paying attention to the way everyone was sabotaging each other by constantly keeping the cups full.)
Still, that meant you were mostly trying to make sure they didn’t kill or injure themselves somehow. It wasn’t too hard of a task, though you did have to threaten both Wooseok and Hyunggu to keep them from climbing on top of the only coffee table Dorm A had. You were pretty sure the glass would just shatter under their combined weight. Hyunggu had targeted you with an impressive pout after that, but he’d lost interest pretty quickly when Yuto had fallen asleep - not that you blamed him, the rapper was sort of adorable when he slept.
It also meant that when Hui got up to get water – he swore that’s what he was getting, at least – you followed him. The man was a menace in the kitchen when he was sober, you were almost afraid to imagine what he’d manage to do when he was drunk. Just his presence alone might cause the stove to burst into flames or something. He was seriously cursed.
“Why are you following me?” His question is just a bit slurred together, almost sounding more like he was incredibly sleepy instead of drunk – you figure it’s because he hadn’t had as much to drink, but you weren’t really sure. You hadn’t been monitoring how much any person drank, more concerned with keeping them alive. (They could manage to injure themselves sitting on the floor sober, so being drunk just made your job several times harder.)
“Just checking.” You murmur – he raises his eyebrows at your comment but doesn’t say anything else, turning to grab a glass from one of the cupboards. You watch him for four whole seconds before you decide he’s about to knock several of them to the floor, stepping forward to reach for it instead. Maybe you’d been wrong about how much he had drank.
“I could have gotten it..” His petulance makes you smile, doing your best not to laugh at the little “hmph” he gives you when you inform him that no, he probably could not have.
“Just let me take care of you, you big baby. At least this way I can make sure you’re getting only water.”
“That is all I was getting..” He’s still sulking when you hand it to him, face flushed from the culmination of everything he’d drank tonight. You force your gaze away when he begins to drink – even drunk off his ass he was still an infuriatingly confusing mix of handsome and cute, and you resolutely did not want to watch his throat when he swallowed.
The sound of glass hitting a bit too hard on a solid surface startles you – Hui’s set his glass down incredibly close to your hand, depth perception just a bit fucked. You want to open your mouth to scold him for the close call, but his body heat is incredibly distracting, and he’s raising one of his hands and your breath catches in your throat.
He cages you in against the dorm’s sink, one hand on the side of your neck – to angle the kiss better or to steady himself you weren’t sure – with the other bracing himself as he presses his lips to yours. He’s so ultra-hot against your body, tastes of the same fruity drink Shinwon had been pressing into his hand all evening, the metal of his belt buckle biting into your stomach.
It’s not until he gives a soft breathy moan into your mouth that you realize you’ve been kissing him back for the past thirty seconds in his own kitchen, heedless of the rest of his members in the adjoining room or the fact that he was drunk enough he could barely stand without assistance. You press at his shoulders with minimal force, missing the pressure of his lips when he instantly moves away.
“What..?” He looks immensely confused, and you feel awful for kissing him back when you weren’t totally sure he was even aware of what he was doing. “Why’d you push me away?“
“Hui –“
“You kissed me back, so why’d y –“
“I just don’t want you to do something you’re going to regret later, Hwitaek.” You hope the use of his full name will get through to him – it seems it does, in some regard, because while he chokes out a half-disbelieving and half-tormented laugh he still pauses and blinks at you slowly like he was trying to carefully choose his next words.
“You act like I haven’t wanted to do this since the first time I met you.” And oh, his voice is just a bit huskier, a bit slurred on the syllables, but he says them carefully and you know that, at the very least, Drunk Hui meant them.
The problem was that you didn’t know if Sober Hui would agree.
“You should go to bed, Hui.” You say this instead of saying all the other things crowding the tip of your tongue, instead of grabbing him by the collar and kissing him again – alcohol took away a person’s consent, and you weren’t about to take a chance to pressure Hui into doing something you weren’t sure he wanted in the first place.
“No one else has gone to bed yet..” Now he’s sulking – but this is normal, this you can deal with. You can pretend like your lips didn’t still tingle where his had been touching, can pretend like you weren’t already addicted to the feeling.
“That’s not really a valid argument considering Yuto’s fallen asleep twice already.” You counter, watching the way he bites at his bottom lip in frustration – you know it for what it is, and it still seems coy to you instead, like he’s trying to seduce you.
God, what was wrong with you? He was just pouting now, brow furrowed, and you feel absolutely pathetic for seeing his current actions as anything other than what they really were.
It didn’t matter how attractive or desirable you found him, you couldn’t in good conscience do anything while he was so inebriated.
“Come on, Hui – let’s get you to bed so I can get back to the other boys to make sure they haven’t done something stupid, like coercing Hongseok into wrestling Changgu shirtless. Again.”
“It wasn’t that stupid –“
“They literally broke a bookshelf with their bodies, be quiet.” The banter comes easily, is normal and comfortable – it’s easy to pretend like he hadn’t just been kissing you, like you hadn’t just been fantasizing about him seducing you of his own free will. His skin is warm underneath your fingertips, flushed from the alcohol, as you direct him by the bicep down the hall and to his room.
You’re rarely in here – he’s rarely in here, actually, considering how much time he spends at his studio, how often he sleeps there. Because of that his room is sparsely decorated, an incredibly faint lingering smell of the cologne he occasionally wore clinging to the edges of some of the surfaces. It’s a heady scent that you do your absolute best to ignore, because it brings to mind images of him whenever he bothered to get extra dressed up, devastatingly handsome.
He lets you guide him over to his bed with zero fuss but turns back towards you when his knees hit the edge of it, one hand coming up to caress your cheek. It’s a deceptively gentle action, and you know you should really stop him, but you don’t move when he leans in to kiss you again. Underneath the flavor of alcohol there’s a distinctive taste that is purely him, and you know if you weren’t addicted to kissing him before then you definitely were now.
When you nip at his bottom lip and he lets out a shuddering moan you realize what you’re doing, try to pull away as fast as you can – this wasn’t fair to him, when he wasn’t in his right mind – but he catches you with a hand frantically landing on your waist, dropping his head to litter kisses along your jaw and then throat. You try to ignore the way your legs go weak at the feeling.
“Please –“ It’s more of a whine than a plea, but you feel it against the skin of your neck all the same, the words dragged along your pulse-point like a searing flame. “If we don’t now, then I don’t think –“
“You need to sleep.” It takes every ounce of willpower inside of you to ignore the wetness pooling between your legs, the insistent hard press of his cock against your thigh, the way his whimper when you push at his chest vibrates along the skin of your shoulder where he presses one last desperate kiss. “We can – we’ll talk about it in the morning.” You continue to push him gently back until he’s sitting on the edge of his bed, gazing up at you through his eyelashes, flushed and looking five different kinds of wrecked. Your entire nervous system threatens to shut down at the sight and you’re not sure that you can keep your promise about talking about it tomorrow.
He’s apparently not sure of it either, expression pinched and distraught when you press him insistently by the shoulders back onto his bed. His hair is ruffled and his eyes are glazed (from the alcohol or lust, you weren’t sure), his lips slick and kiss-bruised –
You tear your gaze away and force yourself to breathe again. When you look back Hui’s thrown a forearm over his eyes, bottom lip snagged between his teeth, breathing labored.
It takes ten seconds before you’re out of the room, clicking the door shut as quietly as you can, trying to erase the imagery of tears staining his face.
When Hui wakes up it’s to a pounding head and the vaguely disgusting feeling you get when you sleep in your clothes on top of your covers. His entire body hurts and he makes the same promise he always does when he wakes up like this, the same one he’s never kept – he’ll never drink again. Or, at the very least, he’ll never drink that much again.
His whole room spins when he pushes himself up, groaning softly at the way he feels like the world tilts dangerously on its axis as he slides his legs off the edge of his mattress. It’s only because of this world-shifting that he notices Wooseok asleep on the other side of his bed, all his long limbs drawn in as close as possible, his brow furrowed in his sleep.
He wonders when the maknae had ended up here and how they’d decided on rooms while he goes to the pain-staking process of draping one of his extra blankets over the tall boy. The world is still too bright (even with his blinds shut) and every step he takes feels a bit like walking through mud, but when he sees the way Wooseok slightly relaxes after being covered it all feels worth it.
The trek from his room to the kitchen feels like it takes much longer than it should, but at the very least the suspiciously long stretch of the dorm gives ample time for his headache to shift from excruciating to manageable. He was going to find the bottle of Aspirin, take all of them, and then go the fuck back to sleep. (Okay, maybe one of those was an exaggeration, but it sure felt like he could use that many painkillers.)
“Good morning.” He almost chokes when he hears your voice, a sudden onslaught of memories causing his face to heat up – you weren’t even looking at him, busying yourself with the small skillet Hongseok kept religiously cleaned. Hui wasn’t sure if his nausea was due to the smell of food or the way all he could think about was how he had – stupidly, why the fuck had he done that – kissed you and then tried to get you into bed with him.
“..Morning.” He hopes you take his lackluster response as a product of his hangover, sliding into one of the chairs at the kitchen table so he can bury his head in his hands.
“That bad, huh? You’re going to have to learn to tell Shinwon ‘no’ when he offers you drinks, you know.” He looks up to see you placing what he assumes is an Aspirin down on the table in front of him, already turned back to grab him water. He’s not sure if he’s glad you mistook his suffering as the results of a hangover or not.
“Thanks.” He waits until you hand him the glass before he takes the medicine, downing the rest of the contents when he realizes just how thirsty he was. He can feel the weight of your gaze still on him and it makes the blood in his veins feel like ice, knowing you had to remember the exact same things he (suddenly) did.
“If it makes you feel any better, Hongseok is way worse off than you right now. I honestly can’t believe he’s such a lightweight sometimes…” Your tone is sympathetic, but all Hui feels is a slight smug happiness at there being someone else who was, at the very least, suffering more than he currently was. At least Hongseok hadn’t had the chance to do anything stupid with someone he liked last night, like Hui had. “Honestly, it’s sort of impressive.”
“Huh?” He’d stopped listening to you by pure accident, forces himself to refocus on you – which just causes his eyes to instantly lock on to your lips, face heating up because not only does he remember kissing them, he remembers what they felt like and tasted like and he has to fight to tear his gaze away. God he was so fucked.
“How many lightweights you have in your band. In a group of nine you’d think it’d be more even, but, like.. almost all of you can’t hold your liquor. It’s kind of impressive.” You’re back to focusing on whatever it is you’re cooking – he only just now notices you also have ramen boiling in their small stove to the side, the dull bubbling of the water having blended into background noise long before he’d realized it had been there.
“Are they okay?” He’s sure they are, but there’s some deeply ingrained part of him that feels required to check – the soft smile you give him in response makes him feel like he’s in high school again whenever his crush would focus on him and him alone, and he isn’t sure what to do with that feeling now that he’s twenty eight years old, so he looks down at his empty cup instead.
“They’ll be okay. Wooseokkie ended up in your room – I’m sure you noticed him.” You wait for him to glance at you and nod before continuing. “Hongseok and Changgu ended up in the same room together, which worked out well considering Changgu’s probably the only one who could sleep through Hongseok’s pitiful whining about his hangover anyway. Hyunggu and Yuto shared a room, I think – which I guess means Shinwon ended up alone. Any guess on whether he’ll be happy or upset about that?”
“It could be either.” He responds, mostly because it’s true (Shinwon’s moods were hard to predict sometimes) but partly because talking about his members was something he could easily do, something that felt familiar and normal. It felt safe and far away from the topic he didn’t want to think about. (But he was thinking about it anyway, could remember your warmth when your body was pressed against his, could remember the way you kissed him back bruisingly and made him want nothing more than for you to wreck him every day of his life.)
“Oh, right – Yanan’s in China, by the way, and Jinho’s in the military.”
“Thanks.” His response is a dry remark at the way you were trying to tease him – like he didn’t know where Yanan was and wasn’t constantly in contact with the soon-to-be actor, like he didn’t think about Jinho every single day and wonder if he was doing well. “What would I do without your incredibly timely information.”
You just roll your eyes at him and turn to the ramen – he wonders who you’re making it for before realizing it was probably for whoever woke up hungry. That realization makes a certain spot in his chest warm, and he tries to ignore it because for fuck’s sake, not now.
“I knew it was going to go badly..” He mutters to himself – you hum questioningly and he blinks, surprised you heard him and instantly trying to reach for a half-truth that you’d believe. “Drinking so much, I mean.” Not totally a lie, which meant he could say it and have it sound mostly believable. To his relief you seem to take it at face value.
A silence stretches out between the two of you – it seems comfortable for you, but he feels like his skin is crawling, waiting for the moment you spring the dreaded conversation on him. He can’t think of any more topics to bring up to stall it.
“Hwitaek.” The tone of your voice makes his heart drop into his stomach and freezes over any warmth he’d been feeling because he knows the conversation that is now seconds away from happening is going to be one he didn’t ever want to have. “I think we should talk about what happened last night.”
“What happened?” He tries to brush it off like he didn’t remember, but his voice wavers just a bit and he can’t meet your gaze and he knows that you don’t buy it for a second.
“We have to.” Your voice is soft, gentle, and he hates it because he feels like you’re trying to be as kind as possible, and that didn’t bode well for how the conversation was going to go. “Did you do what you did because you were drunk, or because you were drunk and wanted to?”
Your gaze has him pinned to the seat, his own eyes wide and brain trying to stutter through any excuse he could think of, and when that didn’t work, trying to think of some way he could play it all off as a joke, or as him just being an overly friendly drunk.
You won’t believe anything but the truth, he can tell, and he was a shit liar even when he wasn’t hungover and panicked.
“I –“ He doesn’t know what he’s going to say, probably something stupid like ‘I love you, and I don’t know when I knew that but I’ve always wanted to kiss you, I was drunk but it let me do what I always wanted to do’ but he’s saved by Hyunggu walking into the kitchen, rubbing at his eyes and looking a bit less like hell than Hui felt.
“I think I’m dying..” The maknae grumbles, and your attention shifts to him and getting him something to help his headache. Hui tries to feel relieved that the conversation had been dropped, but the look you send him once over Hyunggu’s shoulder says, ‘We’re not done talking about this’ and he feels sick all over again. He was so fucked.
It isn’t until he escapes to his studio later that day, having basically inhaled an entire cup of coffee to try to fight off both his hangover and his exhaustion, that he realizes that aside from all his personal problems with how the night before had went he had essentially pushed himself on you and then not allowed you an avenue to talk to him about it.
And that makes him feel even more sick, because there had been a chance you’d just wanted closure of some kind considering he had basically drunkenly assaulted you, and all he’d done was avoid the issue entirely when you tried to talk to him about it.
Fuck. Fuck, he was the worst.
He’d been so worried about rejection that he hadn’t even thought about the fact that you’d never consented to being kissed – or, fuck, being propositioned for sex – in the first place.
He runs both hands through his hair aggressively, ruffling it in the slightly painful way he usually did whenever he did something he wasn’t happy with – he feels anxiety sitting cold in his stomach, fear that not only would you hate him but that he’d ended up hurting you or breaking your trust in him all because he’d gotten stupidly drunk.
Pushing down the steadily rising nausea, he reaches for his phone and almost calls you, deciding at the last moment to text you a simple ‘You’re right, we need to talk’ instead. He’d already fucked up once, he didn’t want to force you into the conversation by calling you unexpectedly. As an afterthought he adds a quickly typed ‘I’m sorry I tried to avoid it before’, because despite how nervous the thought makes him, he is genuinely sorry. (Sorry for everything, in fact.)
He tries to busy himself with unfinished tracks while waiting for you to respond, listens to the same snippet of some demo Yuto had sent him six times without really ever hearing the notes, does his absolute best to ignore how one of the last times he was in here he’d ended up touching himself to the thought of you. With everything that had happened since he feels fucking disgusting at the thought of it.
When his phone vibrates he essentially lunges for it – it wasn’t like he’d been making progress on anything anyway – heart hammering in his throat as he opens your messages.
‘It’s okay. In person or by a call?’
He wants to fucking cry at how nice you’re being, at giving him the option to choose a less personal route – but he knows that you were the one who’d taken the brunt of the incident, that all he was really worried about was rejection and being embarrassed. His fingers tap out ‘I’m embarrassed, but it’s up to you’ before deleting the first part before sending. He didn’t want you to feel like he was trying to pressure you into one choice or the other at this point.
‘Knowing you, and seeing how you reacted this morning, I think you’d die if we did it in person lol I’ll call you’
He tries to fight the weak smile your text causes – you always make him smile, and this is no different, but he can’t tell if you’re genuinely okay or not through text and it worries him. You’d seemed fine this morning, almost painfully nonchalant – too nonchalant? He wasn’t sure if he was overthinking things now or not – but he’d been hungover and tired.
You don’t call right away, and he resigns himself to waiting out another five or so minutes in this sickening state of anxiety, selecting and re-selecting the exact same clip of audio over and over just so he can pretend he’s doing something, so he can try to occupy his brain.
When his phone does ring he slams his knee into the table in surprise, high-strung and nervous. He barely even feels the tingling pain.
“I’m so sorry.” He blurts out the instant he answers, muttering a soft fuck under his breath afterwards. He’d wanted to give you time to speak, but he was buzzing with an anxious and guilty energy that had him speaking before he even realized he was.
“What?” Your question sounds more surprised than legitimately confused, like you hadn’t expected him to just start talking immediately. He rakes a hand through his hair again and then keeps it there, fisted, trying to ground himself with the tiny bit of pain as his breathing speeds up.
“About last night – I’m so sorry, I just – I was drunk, and that’s no excuse for what I did, I wasn’t thinking and I’m so fucking sorry. Are – are you okay? Am I allowed to ask that?” He feels like he’s right on the verge of panicking and he hates it, because you were the victim here, not him.
“I –“ You only pause to collect your thoughts for a heartbeat, but he feels the moment stretch on endlessly, sees ninety different scenarios play out and discards every positive one immediately. “Hui, you’re – god you’re so sweet.”
“What?” It’s more of an exhale than a word, because you didn’t sound angry, or hurt, you just sounded slightly amused and grateful, and he doesn’t want to get his hopes up but you didn’t sound upset.
“You’re right, what you did was wrong and shitty, and you suck for doing it.” You pause to breathe, and it reminds him he needs to breathe, his gaze darting along one of his computer monitors without really seeing anything. “But it’s sweet of you to apologize. You should, but most people wouldn’t.”
“I should have this morning.” He murmurs quietly, fingers gripping his phone so tightly they’ve begun to ache. “I was selfish and didn’t even think about it. I really am so fucking sorry.”
“I know, Hui. I believe you. You suck at lying anyway, if you weren’t sorry then I’d be able to tell.” You’re laughing again, and he tries to join you, but it sounds weak. His entire body feels like it’s melted into nothing – he didn’t even care if you rejected him at this point, you didn’t hate him and that was good enough. “But I kissed you back, Hui. Multiple times, actually.”
“…..what?” He can’t think of anything else to say – he had remembered you kissing him back, of course he did, but it all sort of blurred together at one point and he wasn’t sure that any of it had definitively happened. “I – I know – I mean, I thought you did, but you could have just, I don’t know, been trying.. to.. get me to go away by not resisting..?” Some drunks became irate when told ‘no’, and while he knew he wasn’t one of them – and he had a feeling you did too – that didn’t mean you hadn’t just been trying to protect yourself.
“God you’re sweet.” Your sudden, repeated statement is quiet, almost like you hadn’t meant him to hear it – he doesn’t say anything, doing his best to just breathe, doing his best to act his fucking age and not like some kid who needed instant reassurance. You were the one who deserved reassurance in this situation. “I kissed you because I wanted to, Hui. It’s very kind of you to be so concerned, but you’re about the least threatening drunk I’ve ever encountered. I could have probably pushed you off me with one hand – actually, I did push you off me with one hand, when we were in the kitchen.”
“I – you – you wanted to.” It’s a statement because he’s stuck trying to process this new information, because this wasn’t a rejection (he thinks it’s not, at least), because you didn’t hate him, because the way all the anxiety induced adrenaline had leeched out of his body was leaving him feeling even more exhausted than before.
“I actually wanted to tell you that I was sorry – since I kissed you back and all, but you were drunk so it wasn’t really like you were –“
“I wanted to – I wanted you to.” He says the words too fast, trips over them, but he knows you understood by the way you went silent on the other end. He appreciated the apology, really, he did, but not only did he not think it was needed, he also couldn’t stand listening to you apologize for kissing him back when he had been dreaming about this moment for way too fucking long.
And he wants to tell you that, but you’re still silent and he’s beginning to wonder if he somehow read this entire situation wrong.
“..I don’t know what to say now.” You admit softly, and he lets out a silent exhale when he realizes you’re just being shy. He wasn’t used to that side of you, but already he knew he found it adorable, just like the rest of you.
“You can’t be more embarrassed than me, if you are then neither of us will be able to talk.” He’s laughing quietly now, feeling.. not quite comfortable yet, but definitely on the way there. You hadn’t really made any declaration of love for him, but you had reciprocated his kiss, at the very least.
“Oh, you need me to be confident?” There’s a teasing tone in your voice that is more commonplace than the shy one from before, and he already knew just by the sound of it that whatever you’re going to say next is going to affect him in some way.
“It’d be helpful.”
“Then I’d say we need to try that whole kissing thing again, but without the alcohol. It really ruined the experience last time, don’t you think?” He suddenly can’t breathe again, mouth opening and then closing at your statement – not that you care about his lack of a response, since you continue without him saying anything. “It could have led to so many fun places if you hadn’t been drunk.” A pause, where his heartbeat pounds in his head and his mouth has gone dry. When you speak again he can tell you’re doing your best to keep up your confident façade. “..Is that okay with you?”
“Yes.” He says this on a relieved breath, face still hot but body covered in excited, adrenaline filled tingles. You were really putting him through an emotional workout this morning, but at this point he wouldn’t dare complain. “Please. I’ve wanted –“
He cuts himself off before he can say anything more embarrassing, about how long he’s wanted to do something like that, to hear you say something like that, how he’s fantasized and day-dreamed about it for way too long. He flushes even more when he can hear your gentle laughter on the other line.
“You mentioned something like that last night. I wanted to ask about it actually –“
“Oh, wow, I am super busy right now doing leader things, just.. so busy. I couldn’t possibly talk to you anymore, I’m just so extremely busy.”
“Jerk.” This time when you laugh he laughs with you, a real laugh instead of the weak one he’d offered you earlier. “Okay, fine, go do your suddenly important work – but I’m definitely interrogating you about that later, it’s just too interesting to pass up. Bye Hwitaek.”
It’s so like you to cut the conversation short whenever he mentioned his work – you never wanted to genuinely distract him, and it was one of the things he liked about you.
Loved about you.
Fuck. Fuck.
He can’t contain his laugh of disbelief and giddiness, setting his phone down on his desk so he can cover his face with both of his hands, running them through his hair and pushing it back away from his eyes.
You said you’d wanted to kiss him. You had kissed him. He hadn’t imagined it.
You’d said you wanted to kiss him again.
His phone vibrates and he lowers his hands to glance at it, sees it’s a text from you, and already he can feel that warm, lightweight feeling in his chest just at the sight of it.
God, he was so fucked – but with how this had turned out, he really couldn’t complain at all, nor did he want to.
Trying the ‘kissing thing’ again, as you had put it to him on the phone, turned out to be a nebulous concept – not that Hui really expected anything else, but it was a bit disappointing to finally get an answer (a positive one at that) only to be unable to meet up with you again. Not that getting to text you often wasn’t wonderful – it was, and he felt the need to make that abundantly clear (though he was pretty sure you knew that, considering he actually paid attention to his phone now just so he could respond to you) – it was just a bit frustrating to finally have permission to do the things he’d been dreaming about, like kissing you, and then be barred from doing it by forces outside of his control.
As it was, it was nearing the end of the second week since the ’confession’ had happened, and he was only just now finding time to head over to your place after working all day. It was late (nearing four am, he noticed with a groan) and his muscles ached from practice and his eyes ached from composing all day but he would be damned if he’d let another chance to spend time with you slip by him without leaping for it.
“You look so attractive.” It’s the first thing out of your mouth when you see him at your door – Hui laughs the soft sort of laugh he does when he’s a bit nervous, bending to unlace his shoes. It’s not rare of you to compliment him – in fact, you usually did, because it was true and he deserved all the kind words you could heap on him – but something about the circumstances makes it feel different this time, charges the air with a sort of excited, nervous tension.
“Really? I came over right after practice, I can’t look that good..” He trails off, shy, and you look him over again. It’s true that he looks a bit tired and run down, but the dim low lighting of your entryway paints his skin golden and throws his profile into a mix of soft shadows and gentle lines, illuminates his silver hair into a gradient of golden blonde to dusky gray.
“You look good, trust me.” It’s all you can say – everything else gets stuck in your head, muddling itself before it can get to your tongue. You hope to one day be able to properly put into words just how beautiful he is to you, but you’re in no rush to do it now, you have time. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay tomorrow?”
“If I passed up on this chance then I might legitimately die.” He says it so seriously that you laugh, and the way his expression smooths out into a warm smile has your heart beating erratically. God, he didn’t play fair at all.
“Well, if you’re sure..” You take the chance to step closer to him during the slight lull in conversation – he blinks at you once, still smiling, but the smile freezes on his face when you nonchalantly place your arms around his neck. You can feel the way he’s tensed at the new, intimate position, and it’s absolutely adorable how he clearly wants to reciprocate in some way but resolutely keeps his arms at his sides. “You –“
“Can I kiss you?” He says it all in one breath, interrupting you, rushed and embarrassed but also like he craves it, like he might die if he didn’t get your permission to do so. It’s the cutest thing in the world and a surge of heat floods your bloodstream at the tone of his voice, the look in his eyes. “Please.” He tacks it on at the end, a quiet whisper, so fucking good and sweet and perfect.
“Of course, baby.” The words are barely out of your mouth before he’s surging forward to connect your lips, his hands landing on your waist and a soft sound of pleasure escaping him as a sigh. The pet-name of ‘baby’ is one you learned that he liked recently, and while it had been deliciously fun to tease him with it through text and over the phone it was something else entirely to see the way he responded to it in person, the rich sunset color of his eyes softening into something more gentle and pliant.
The way Hui kisses now is slightly different than when he’d been drunk – it’s more assured, more precise, and while it still holds that level of desperation from before there’s something a bit less rushed about it, something more confident and not as nervous as before.
There's something infinitely better about doing it this way, Hui thinks, better than anything he'd fantasized about or hazily remembered from when he'd been drunk. Every single one of his senses is attuned to you and you alone, and nothing exists outside of the two of you kissing, the weight of your arms on his shoulders, the feeling of your nails lightly scraping at the nape of his neck, the rough feeling of your clothing beneath the pads of his fingers at your hips. Your lips press and slide against his constantly before parting for a few brief seconds, and he chases the faint swipe of your tongue against his bottom lip with his own, whining when you don't instantly give in to his demands.
By the time you nip at his lip he's completely given up on leading the kiss, opens his mouth and moans high and sweet when your tongue leaves a blazing trail of pure fire in its wake. His lips are kiss-bruised and tingling, the sensation imprinting on him that this was real, you were really kissing him, he wasn't going to suddenly wake up and realize it was all a dream.
When you pull away from him he follows you for a moment, stopping only when you cup his cheek in one hand and slide your thumb across his bottom lip. His gaze is glazed and he looks so thoroughly wrecked from simply getting kissed that you feel another surge of heat flood your system.
"Good?" Your whispered question barely makes it through to him, but when it does he blinks a few times to force the haze from his mind and nods, grip on your waist tightening, grounding him. You’ve never seen someone look more adorable.
“Yeah.” His voice is slightly hoarse and you give in to the urge to kiss his throat tenderly – when he tilts his head back with a sigh you trail your lips up to his jaw. “Yeah, it’s – great.”
You can feel the heat of his skin against your face, leave open-mouthed kisses from the spot under his ear (which makes him shiver in a way that you immediately catalogue in your mind) in a line down to the collar of the light-weight hoodie he’d worn for practice.
“I wish I could mark you up here..” Your lamentations are met with a literal fucking whine from Hui, one of his hands coming up to grip unsteadily at the crook of your arm like the mere comment had made him unsteady. ���Oh? Is that something you’d want? For me to bruise you up so prettily that there’d be no way you could cover it?”
He nods, not trusting his own voice, head full of fantasies where you could do that, where you’d be able to sink your teeth into him, suck dark marks into his skin that wouldn’t fade and that his members would tease him about. (But even in his fantasies his members are there, a constant, and he knows that there’s no other timeline better than the one he’s currently living in.)
“Hwitaek.” You say his name softly, wrap a hand around the back of his neck to make him look at you – his gaze is disconnected, lingers on your lips before your silence registers as he meets your eyes. “I think we should talk about what we both want out of tonight.”
“Yeah – okay, okay.” Fondly, you watch as he takes a small step back and forces himself to become more present, a bit of clarity re-entering his eyes. You notice that he hadn’t stepped far enough away that either of you had to stop touching one another though, and it makes a part of your heart warm with affection. “That’s probably a good idea.”
He lets you lead him further into your house, glances around in interest but doesn’t stop you – he thinks (hopes) he’ll have more time later to become acquainted with this place.
“So, Hui –“ He perks up at you speaking to him, and it’s so cute that you have to stop just to recollect your thoughts. He peers around your room with thinly veiled interest but keeps glancing back at you like you’re the most interesting thing in existence. It’s flattering and adorable. “Considering we’ve talked about it before you know that I prefer to be more dominant, and you –“
“Find it incredibly hot?” He finishes your sentence for you, a happy little smirk on his face at your surprised expression as he darts in to kiss you once, quick and chaste and filled with delight.
“I – I was going to say, ‘you’re okay with it’, but what you said was so much better.” You’re smiling now too, still a bit shell-shocked – really, what sort of luck did you have for an incredibly attractive and sweet guy to also be down for being submissive for you? – but definitely not complaining. You cup his face in your hands and draw him towards you again for a sweet kiss – it lingers just on the side of ‘too passionate’, but neither one of you have enough self-control to reign it back in. You can feel his flush underneath your fingertips. “How did I ever get this lucky?”
“Should I say the cliché thing about thinking the same thing?” His voice is soft, one of his hands coming up to slip underneath your own, fingers curling around your palm. “Because I was.”
“You really are a hopeless romantic sometimes, you know that?” You couple your rhetorical question with another kiss – you were one hundred percent addicted to them now, you knew that for a fact. “We should really talk about what you’re comfortable with happening tonight, Hui.”
He must not be thinking clearly (he’s not, all he can think about is you and how you keep kissing him and how it’s all he’s ever wanted in his entire life) because he says “anything” in a strained whisper, breathless and needy before anything has even happened.
“Anything?” You can’t hide the surprise in your voice, though you try to soften it at the last second – he flinches anyway, like he was embarrassed with how eager he had come across, his gaze somewhere at your hip now. “’Anything’ is a dangerous thing to say, Hwitaek. What if all I wanted to do was finger-fuck you?”
He knows you were joking – he can hear it in your voice, the way you’ve tried to lighten the mood to make him more comfortable. He appreciates it, but it does absolutely nothing for him considering the effect your words had on him. “…I wouldn’t mind that.”
“Really?” Again you’re surprised, but this time you seem slightly eager – he raises his gaze to assess the situation, and yes, you did look interested. The excited, nervous little fire burning in his core feels a bit stronger suddenly. All he can do is nod, mute in the face of your presence, your power, your effortless aura that has him sinking down gratefully onto your bed at the slightest push of your hand against his chest.
Your fingers press at him, hard, and he feels breathless when they slide underneath his hoodie and t-shirt both in one go, hitch it up to above his navel. He thinks about all the marks you could leave on him there, hidden under clothing between promotions, and the sly grin you share with him when your fingernails rake a teasingly shuddering line down his side makes him think you have the exact same ideas he does.
Those two articles of clothing are lost quickly, dropped somewhere over the side of your bed as you kneel between his legs and kiss him until he can’t breathe, a wonderful feeling that has him drifting along in hazy bliss until he realizes what you’re doing.
“You’re a bit more dressed than I am, suddenly..” He tries to make it teasing but it comes out as something soft and reverent, and your lips when they smile at him are a slash of color that he can’t tear his eyes away from. He can feel your curious fingers dipping under the waistband of his athletic joggers and he does his best not to lose his fucking mind at the connotations of it.
“That’ll come. Later. Let me focus on you first, Hwitaek.” And how could he even argue with that? Why would he argue that? He’d have time to see your body later – and to be completely honest, he was perfectly happy with seeing however much of you that you were comfortable showing him.
(Still, he thinks, as you gently push him to lie down on your bed, he hoped you weren’t too uncomfortable with showing your body. As you drag the fabric of his briefs slowly down his legs he thinks about how much he really wants to eat you out, and what a shame it’d be if you weren’t comfortable with that. Regardless, he’d find some way to pay his respects to you and your body, even if his regular go-to’s turned out to not be an option.)
“You’ve done this before?” He doesn’t sound nervous, just questioning, having slung a  forearm across his eyes. You let him leave it there for now, knowing he must feel a bit vulnerable in his current position.
“Mhm, I have – and you?” It’s almost laughable how casually the two of you are speaking, like you hadn’t just been feeling him up and wasn’t currently in the middle of warming lube on your fingers. When he nods you hum and use your clean hand to grip him under the knee, pulling it up high enough you can place a kiss on the inside of it. An amused laugh leaves him in the form of a surprised exhale at the surprisingly tender action.
“I have – don’t worry, I’m not new to all of this.” You can’t see his eyes but you can see the rest of his face, see that he’s still smiling – you keep a close eye on his expression as you circle his rim teasingly, watching with rapt attention the way the smile disappears as he tenses with a soft sound that’s not quite a gasp before forcing himself to relax again.
“With women or men?” You keep it casual, careful to keep your voice unaffected, and he laughs again but it’s more disbelieving this time, pulls his legs up so his knees bracket you on either side.
“Yes.” Hui simply answers, and it’s your turn to laugh, your free hand smoothing soothing circles into his bare hip. You think he looks absolutely beautiful like this, spread out just for you and you alone, a small notch in his brow from the way his expression has twisted as you carefully slip your first finger in.
“You’re really cute like this, all vulnerable and naked for me.” You’re teasing him, testing the waters – from the way he flushes though, the little hitch upwards that his hips make, you think you might have just discovered something fun. “Hui, do you like me talking to you like that?”
He doesn’t answer you right away, moves his arm so he can look down at you between his legs. Something about it must get to him, because he just looks at you for a moment or two, like he was trying to imprint the visual in his mind.
“You can add another.” He says instead, all breathy and soft like you’d already ruined him, wrecked him into pieces. It’s incredibly endearing, you think, dropping your gaze to where his cock sits red and shiny and untouched against his lower stomach, a small mess of pre-cum already smeared onto his skin. That was also endearing.
“I’ve barely even stretched you yet..” Your disbelieving murmur is clearly heard by him, and you raise your gaze to meet his as you test the waters with a second finger. It’s definitely tight (tighter than you would have preferred, if only for his own safety), but Hui just moans and shifts his hips more towards you, digging into your pillow as he tips his head back. “Oh – Hui the size queen, huh? Is that it?”
He laughs, but it tapers off into a sound closer to a moan than anything else. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before.”
“Does it suit you?” You keep one hand splayed flat on one of his hips – he’s doing a wonderful job at not moving overly much, but by doing this you can feel every small tremor that goes through his body, can feel his muscles tense each time he forces himself to stay still. “If I end up fucking you one day am I going to have to make sure it’s sized big enough to totally wreck you?” Your question is coupled with an inquisitive upwards quirk of your fingers, and he nearly kicks you in surprise at the liquid arousal that floods through his body at the feeling. (You teasingly bite at his lower calf for it, and the soft sound he makes as you press your teeth into him is definitely something you file away for later.)
“I know you’re just teasing me, but -“ He licks his lips, tries to gather his focus again as you add a third finger. It burns in such an exquisite way that it’s hard to concentrate on anything else except for the current points of contact between you and him.
“Do you want me to stop?” A pause. “Hui, look at me.”
He obeys, meets your analyzing gaze and offers a slightly strained smile as he thinks about your question – though he doesn’t think for very long, a burst of wonderful, embarrassed heat curling across his chest and through his stomach when he lets his upper body drop back down to the bed, shaking his head ‘no’.
“Oh, Hwitaek..” You sound vaguely pitying, and he hates it, but he loves it. “You’re just a little boy who likes to be teased and humiliated, is that it?”
He feels so small with you talking to him like that, like his body was three sizes too big for his skin and he was burning up from the inside out – whenever the heat becomes too much all he has to do is open his eyes and see you looking at him (you’re always looking at him, and it takes his breath away because the way you watch him makes him feel like he’s something special, something that should be treasured) and suddenly everything was okay again. It was like you were the one stoking the flames of his desire, but you could also cause that blistering heat to ebb away whenever it became too much.
He realizes he hasn’t answered you yet and frantically nods, heart threatening to dissolve into something sticky and sweet at the way your expression softens.
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we’re not going to delve too deep into that tonight without talking about it in more detail later.” He nods, because he really does understand (despite the slight burst of disappointment) and he appreciates that you want to talk out what his limits are first. “Besides, how am I supposed to talk to you like that when you’ve been so good for me this entire time? So pretty and vocal.”
He can’t help the whine that tears itself from his throat at your phrasing – it didn’t matter what you were saying to him anymore, every single word embedded itself into his skin and worked its way through his body like an electric shock.
“Oh? Sweet boy - are you an adorable whore for both degradation and praise?” He doesn’t even bother saying anything this time, just shuts his eyes tight - he knows you already know the answer, can read him so well it’s almost like his desires were written out on his skin in black ink. “That’s so cute. You’re just so responsive to everything, aren’t you? I love that - anything I say or do I’ll get a direct response to, won’t I, Hwitaek?” You wait until he nods, his eyes still shut, before taking the opportunity given to you. Your lips press a teasing kiss into the line of his pelvis, giggling softly against his skin when he gasps above you. “Yeah, just like that. So beautiful, Hui, and all for me.”
Yes, all for you he thinks, and even his thoughts are getting mixed up and hazy now because you’ve wrapped your fingers around him loosely and he is so slick already, the feeling of your thumb swiping across the head of his cock, tracing the lines of precum down the shaft to where they’ve collected on his skin causing his entire body to twitch in a mess of stimulation.
“Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me already.” He can’t focus on anything, can’t think of anything, hears your voice through the haze like it’s faraway and he’s drifting underwater. He tries to force himself to be more present, tries to physically drag himself out of those depths, but you’re cooing at him sweetly and running your fingers over his cock softly, and any amount of shame he might have felt at having fallen so far into this headspace is eradicated by the sugar-laced kisses you press into his side.
“You really can’t keep quiet, can you?” Your voice is sweet but laced with amusement, and you can feel the way he throbs in your hand at the slightly degrading comment. “You sound like you’re going to cum just from three of my fingers – are you, baby? You going to make a mess of yourself before we even get to do anything?”
“Fuck..” Hui’s entire body feels like it’s on fucking fire, and when you duck your head to suck a bruise onto the inside of his thigh it’s all he can do to keep from crying out even louder. You were right, he couldn’t keep quiet, his head swimming and his fingers curled so tightly into your sheets that he could barely feel them anymore. “I’m –  you’re –“ He can’t concentrate, can barely speak, and he knows his words come out more as whines anyway.
“Do you think it’ll be okay if you cum now?” You’ve stopped moving entirely and his whole body feels like it’s buzzing, his hips trying to rock back onto your fingers or up into your hand with no real success as the haze slowly recedes from his mind enough for him to be able to form full sentences
“Y-yeah.” He pushes himself up onto his forearms to be able to look down at you, groan catching in his throat when he sees the way you’re peering at him openly, watching him with beautiful eyes and a graceful flush on your face, one of your hands slick with his pre-cum and the other still wickedly deep. He’d never been more sure of the fact that he loved you than this exact moment. “If – if you give me a little bit afterwards, it’ll be fine.” He knows he sounds breathless and wrecked already, but you smile so sweetly at him anyway, like he was something precious to you, and he feels like the ground and the bed he was lying on had just suddenly disappeared at the sight.
And then you’re lowering your head and wrapping your lips around him and it’s all he can do to keep his eyes open – you hadn’t eased him into it, hadn’t given him any indication of your plans at all. One moment you were asking him about his refractory period and the next you were doing things with your tongue and mouth that he couldn’t even begin to fathom, your fingers once again brushing against that spot deep inside of him that has him keening.
He’s not going to last much longer; he knows that with a sudden certainty that has him trying to warn you but is more disjointed pleas for you to not stop than they are anything else.
One of his hands grasps for your shoulder blindly when he hits his peak, fingers curling into your skin as he spills himself onto your tongue. It’s blindingly hot and you can see the way he fights to keep his eyes open to watch, brow furrowed and mouth open almost like he was in some sort of pained ecstasy as you continue to finger-fuck him through it until he’s trembling.
When you stick your tongue out at him tauntingly and show him the mess he made Hui groans from deep within his chest like you’re torturing him, sits up abruptly and crashes his mouth into yours. It’s messy and dirty and he licks into your mouth aggressively, chasing all essence of himself off your tongue and onto his own with a moan that rattles your bones. You do your best to withdraw your fingers as gently as possible but he whimpers at the feeling anyway, drops his head to begin kissing a sloppy trail from your jaw down to your neck.
“You’re so dirty..” Your head is spinning and you feel short of breath - each time you inhale his chest knocks against yours as he heaves his own breaths, though he refuses to pull away from your skin for long enough for him to be able to recover as quickly. You think you feel him murmur a soft sound of agreement to your statement against your collarbone.
As soon as you can wrest a big enough part of yourself back under control you lean back, holding him securely away with your thumb and forefinger gripping his chin. Hui looks at you with an expression of wrecked reverence, the perfect picture of debauchery, and you know that right here, right now, at five something am in your bedroom, he would do literally anything you asked – that at this point in time it was no longer your room, with the window showing glimpses of the outside world, the sounds of cars going past. This place, this moment in time, it was now something disconnected and intangible, where he had given you explicit trust (perhaps foolishly, considering how inchoate your relationship was) to control and lead him. To take care of him in whatever way you see fit.
And you know that right here, right now, in this nebulous place that the two of you occupied, you would strive to make sure he never regretted giving you that permission.
“Hwitaek.” Your voice is breathier than you expected – you sounded like you’d been kissed hard. You sounded like you were in love. “Hwitaek, you are messy and crude – you are such a dirty boy, and you’ve hidden that from me for years.” He is hanging off your every word and you suddenly feel like you have a choice to make.
It’s one you don’t think about for more than a second, because you realize that you don’t need to.
“And, Hwitaek – you are so perfect for me.”
.。..。. .。..。.
“You know something?” Hui says it casually, out of nowhere, hand still rubbing nonsense patterns into the skin of your lower back after having crept underneath your shirt some twenty minutes ago just for the skin to skin contact. He’s not focused on anything else but relaxing in his bed at the dorm with you, thoughts about producing and writing lyrics and being a leader far from his mind.
“Hmm?” Your head rests on his chest, listening to his heartbeat – it’s a comforting sound, if not slightly faster than average, and when you close your eyes you can hear it mix with the soft (and sometimes not so soft) sound of some of his boys arguing or laughing or just living somewhere else in the dorm, outside his shut door.
He still hasn’t spoken so you lift your head and gaze at him, admire his features as he looks back at you with an expression so tender you’re almost afraid to have the weight of it on you. His hair is back to brown now, cut a bit shorter than before, and you stretch an arm out to run your fingers through it lazily, watch as he leans into it but keeps looking at you.
“I think you’re perfect for me, too.” His voice is warm, probably what sunshine would sound like if it was an auditory thing, and you blink at him in confusion for a few moments before you understand what he’s referencing, press your smile into his until it turns into a gentle, surging kiss.
It’s not quite an I love you, something adjacent to it, almost there but not exactly.
And neither of you say those words yet, just smile and look at each other and press kiss after sugared kiss into each other’s skin, interlace your fingers and marvel at the way affection seems to blossom for one another in both your ribcages at the simplest of actions.
The two of you weren’t in any rush. You had time.
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Pentagon: Reaction to Cockwarming
“ptg reaction to cocwarming plssssssssssss”
A/N I know next to nothing about cockwarming so like i had to google it but it really wast helpful lol so if this is shite...sorry lmao
Jinho: You would probably be the one to suggest it. He’d be super turned on by the control aspect of it, but I don't think he’d be able to stop himself from moving inside of you lol. 9 times out of 10 it would probably turn into sex, the other 1 time, he'd probably just give up and pull out...he loves it in theory, not so much in practice.
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Hui: He’d be the one to suggest it. I think he'd like it, but it'd probably take some finessing, almost like training if you will lmao. Each time he'd stay inside you a little bit longer, so that now y’all can actually stay there together without him getting the urge to just pound into you lmao
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Hongseok: He was the one who suggested it and tbh, it's probably one of his favourite things to do lol. Especially whenever he's had a tough day and just wants to connect with you but he doesn't have the energy for proper sex. He finds it so relaxing to just lay with you, but still be able to get off whenever he wanted to.
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Shinwon: First of all...GOOD LUCK LMAO. Because he would really not be able to keep still or relax at all. He'd try to go along with what you suggested, bc he wants to please you but he just can't stay still lol, ain't happening...srry.
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Yeo One: It would probably be you who brought it up. He wants to like it, really he does, but he just doesn't understand it. Even though he would like the closeness of it, he just feels so beyond awkward. He’d try it a couple times but I dont really think he’d vibe with it
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Yanan: It would be something you both would've brought up in passing at some point. For some reason he’d love it even though more often that not he finds it impossible to contain himself. Maybe he just likes to torture himself lol idk.
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Yuto: You would have to bee the one to suggest it, probably multiple times lol. He’d be a bit perturbed by it tbh, he’d really take some convincing. But I feel like after yall had tried it a couple times, he would be the one to bring it up. It’d be something he’d like to do in the mornings, like some kind of foreplay until he gets the energy for proper sex lol
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Kino: He would have been the one who suggested it initially. He totally loves it. It usually acts as some kind of after sex cooldown lol, when y’all are both coming down but he doesn’t wanna pull out of you just yet. Even better if the both of yall fall asleep like that lol.
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Wooseok: He wouldn't necessary like it, but he wouldn't hate it either. It’d just be something he was partial to that yall did every now and then. He’s totally impartial about it lol. He’d be surprisingly good at keeping still and only moving in response if you started to initiate something. If it’s something that you like, he’d more than happily comply, but I dont picture him initiating it lol.
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
stud.hui.o fanatic
hello!! i see that your requests are open so,,, could i request a non-romantic gender-neutral reader & hui scenario where the reader brings food to the studio late at night and convinces hui to eat and get some rest bc everyone is worried abt him? maybe with some platonic hand-holding.........? thank u so much 😖
Hui (Hwitaek) x (gender neutral) Reader - platonic fluff:D | 2.1k words
synopsis: late night phone calls weren’t uncommon when you’re lee hwitaek’s best friend, because more often than not, the man is sucked into the void known as his studio, and it’s your responsibility to drag him out of there.
a/n: hey there anon!! gosh when i say that i loved this prompt i really do mean it, so i hope that you enjoy this fic and that it’s what you were looking for:) apologies for the multitude of italicized words they just felt necessary.
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Your phone had to buzz endlessly for a second time to bring you to your senses. It was far too early in the morning for a phone call, and typically, you would’ve just ignored it and gone back to bed. But when you read the caller ID, you begrudgingly hit the answer button.
“Wooseok?” His name came out slurred as you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “What’s up? Everything okay?”
“Hi y/n, sorry to call you at this time, but Hui’s been in the studio literally all day, plus for like, half of yesterday, and we can’t get him to go home and rest. Practice ended like an hour ago, but he’s still in there.” His reply came out in a tired rush, and his voice was hushed as if he was trying to hide from someone. That someone probably being Hwitaek himself.
You caught onto what Wooseok was asking of you. This wasn’t the first time you had to drag him out of the studio. Being his best friend had many perks, way more perks that outweighed the few downsides that came along with it, and one of them was that you now carried the responsibility of kicking some sense into his overworking butt when he fell into this overloaded phase.
“I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” You answered without asking for any more details and bid your brief goodbyes before hanging up. Then, you got changed into some comfier clothes to match the chillier weather outside and grabbed your car keys.
It was late, and the only restaurant still open on your way to the studio was a small shop next to a karaoke bar, and you stopped by to pick up some fried rice. It wasn’t the most exciting meal out there, but for a 2am dinner run — or rather, breakfast-lunch-dinner run, if you were Hwitaek — it seemed pretty fitting.
When you arrived at the building and made your way to the studio floor, you saw the tall boy sitting on one of the benches in the hallways. He was hunched over, scrolling mindlessly on his phone and you could tell he was trying his hardest to stay awake for his leader’s sake.
You said a soft greeting as you approached him and he sent you a smile before letting a worried expression wash over him again. The door to the studio slightly ajar and Wooseok gestured for you to take a peek into the small gap, placing a warm hand on your back as he stood behind you.
“Just look at him.” He whispered, and you stared at your best friend working away on his computer, seemingly without any breaks to even think about what to do next. He simply clicked a few times, played something, shook his head, and then repeated the process all over again.
You turned back to Wooseok and began ushering him away from the door. “I’ll take care of this. I’m also guessing he hasn’t eaten much—” He nodded in agreement when you said that. “—so I brought some food with me. Go home and get some rest, I know you’re tired, just tell the others that I’ll bring him home... eventually.” You smiled reassuringly, but had to add in that “eventually” because deep down, you knew how just stubborn Hwitaek could be, and getting him out of the studio was a hefty task. Add in the upcoming planned promotions, then you get an even more stubborn version of him to work with — one that doesn’t understand the boundaries between work and self care.
Wooseok nodded slowly and your heart melted at the exhausted expression on his face. They’ve all been working so hard recently, heck, their packed schedules were a constant these days, and you could sense that it was taking a toll on them. Though no matter how tired they were, they always made sure to look out for each other, and you wanted to do your best to help ease at least some of the stress off the group. With a little more convincing, you finally got Wooseok to leave, giving him a hug before he did, and then you turned towards the task at hand. Even though the door was already opened, you knocked once to grab Hwitaek’s attention.
No answer.
You knocked again, this time calling out his name a couple times.
When he still didn’t answer, you gently opened the door all the way and let out a sigh when you fully took in his appearance.
“Hey, Hui.”
Still no answer.
You walked closer to him and leaned over to get a better look at his face. His eyes looked like they were seconds away from slumber, and his head rested on his hand like a makeshift pillow. “Hui? Hwitaek? Hui? Pentagon of Leader? Huiiiiiii?”
You placed the takeout gently next to his keyboard and then slowly nudged it so that it touched his arms resting on the table. When he didn’t respond to that either  — and opted to mess around with the dynamics of the percussion in his composition instead — you stood straight up and let out a huff.
“Lee Hwitaek!” You called boldly and for the first time that day, he took notice of your presence.
“Oh, hey y/n. Could you check if this sounds okay?” He greeted you nonchalantly as if you hadn’t travelled all this way in the middle of the night to see him, and proceeded to play an excerpt of what he had splayed out on the screen. You stood there speechless until the music finished blasting from the speakers and then just stared at his expectant face.
“Hui you need to snap out of it! I know this comeback means a lot to you and you want to get the work done but you can’t do it like this.” You told him exasperatedly.
“What do you mean I can’t do it like this? I’ve always been doing it like this, and it works every time.” He defended, and he replayed the section for you to hear, but you still refused to pay attention to it.
“You do this every time only to have one of us literally drag you out of the studio! And then you face the consequences days later ‘cause your body’s exhausted, your mind’s exhausted — don’t you think you’ll work better if you were refreshed?” You moved his hand away from the mouse when he tried to go back to work and ignore you.
“I just have a little bit left to do and I’ll finish up soon, I promise.” He muttered. It was almost as if he was entranced by the idea of never ending work hours, and Lee Hwitaek was being sucked into the void of his monitor right before your eyes.
“I’ll finish it up soon, my ass. We’ve been best friends for what? 12 years now? I know you’re lying when you say that, and I know that you’ll be sick by the time you ‘finish’ this and then you’ll regret it later. It’s the same cycle over and over again and you need to stop, please I’m begging you, we’ve been through this so many times already.” You tried to calm yourself down. Getting frustrated over his stubbornness wasn’t going to do any good, if anything, it’ll only make the problem worse. He finally gave you his full attention when he noticed that you took a deep breath to collect yourself. Taking a deep breath has always been a sign that you meant business.
And yet he still replied to you blatantly. “If I don’t finish it up all at once, I’m going to forget about it later.”
You rubbed your forehead, trying to get rid of the annoyance that was building up within you. “And then you’re going to finish that part, only to think of another idea to work on right after that. Like I said, it’s a cycle and you need to realize that. Please, I’ll give you 30 minutes to finish what you’re doing and write your notes down, and then we’re going to take a walk, no matter what you say.”
He nodded at your firm tone and quietly got back to work after muttering a small “okay”. You spent the next 20 or so minutes watching him work, occasionally feeding him spoonfuls of the rice you brought, until he finally shut everything down and turned to you to scarf down what was left in the foam container. 
“I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” He pointed out the obvious when there was no rice left, and he stretched before getting up from his seat. You giggled when you heard his joints crack at the sudden movement.
“Geez, you really are getting old, huh? And that’s what happens when you get stuck in sitting in this chair for more than 24 hours.” You lightly smacked his head to get some sense into him. “You don’t take care of yourself and don’t realize that your body needs food.”
He rolled his eyes, giving in to your light scolding. “Okay, okay, you’re right.” 
“Sir, I am always right.”
Not too long later, you were both taking a walk outside the building, entering the quiet night life of the city.
The winter air had a chill to it and you shivered a little, taking Hwitaek’s free hand into yours. He responded by squeezing it gently. 
Small physical affirmations like these have always got you through your friendships. As people who both relied on them as a source of comfort, it’s what allowed you to be as close as you were now. Though there were times where you’d have your disagreements — take the little argument you had earlier — holding hands especially, has always been what you used to remind yourselves that in the end, you still loved each other. That you were still best friends.
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” You told him quietly.
He laughed. “What? Am I getting a pep talk now?”
Your cheeks heated at his words and you stopped walking, pulling him into a stop as well. “I’m being serious here!”
He gave you a teasing look. “I know you are, and I appreciate you always coming to take care of me. Even though I’m not in your shoes, I do know how stubborn I can get and how frustrating it must be for you guys to watch me make the same mistakes over and over again.” He let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head. “But some habits are hard to break, yeah?”
You let out a small hum in agreement. It was true, everyone had their own habits — some good, some bad — and while Hwitaek had a fair share of endearing habits, between you and the rest of the boys, his were also the most concerning. You’d all rather have him stay healthy than have him work his soul away on some songs that can ultimately, only do the group so much. And getting him to realize that was a challenge, but it was a challenge you were all willing to take.
Your walk didn’t have a set destination, and you crossed streets and changed directions on a whim, adding more thrill to your little adventure. At one point, you even stopped at one of the convenience stores still open so that he could buy himself a drink. Which ended up simply being a carton of milk after you insisted that no, coffee at 3 am is not going to help him rest at all. You allowed him to at least get chocolate milk though. And you spent your time talking about anything unrelated to his work, sharing stories that you’ve missed during your time apart.
The two of you pretended like it wasn’t the middle of the night and that you weren’t freezing in the cold because neither of you were responsible enough to have prepared layers for the weather. Because so what if it was pitch dark and the only sign of life were the lonely taxis that drove by? If the only sound joining the chirps of the crickets were your laughter and you couldn’t feel the tips of your ears anymore? Your best friend finally had the chance to rest and be himself once again, and you’d be there for him no matter what time of day it was. As long as you got to see his shoulders relax a little and his smile genuinely reach his eyes again. As long as you knew that he’d listen to you, as his best friend, and that he’d let you take care of him when you needed to. It didn’t matter how often that had to happen.
When you turned the corner back to the entrance of the entertainment building, you looked at Hwitaek and nodded your head towards the floors upon floors towering above. “You wanna go back to the studio and work for a little while longer to let me hear what you’ve got so far?”
Getting him to take a break was already a miracle, and as much as you wished he would at least spend the night resting, you felt bad for dragging him out like this. You understood that he probably worked best if he was allowed to follow his train of thoughts without disruption, as bad as that habit was.
Thinking that he would agree to your offer, you were already making your way towards the entrance. But to your surprise, he grabbed your wrist to stop you and instead gave you a relaxed smile.
“Nah.” He pulled you closer to him and slung an arm around your shoulder, leaning into it a little bit. His body was pleasantly warm against yours.
“Let’s just go home, work can wait.”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Pentagon as Dirty Texts I Found On Pintrest At 4am
A/N: So here’s like a part 2 of my Pentagon as texts post but this is very dirty so be warned
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Yeo One
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hiddenclawsof · 4 years
runaway masterlist
pentagon au that was inspired by the aesthetics of their respective music videos: like this and runaway.
Summary: one wants to live a life of his own, one wants to let go of all the things that's holding him back, one just wanted to pursue his passion without the need of other's approval, and the rest are all just feeling the same- that was why they chose to run far away, until they can no longer look back.
Genre: slice of life
Warnings: vulgar words
Characters: pentagon members and dawn
so i have been in a dilemma about posting this narration in this platform, but to promote this narrative more, i decided to post it here too.
[runaway #1]  |  [runaway #2]  |  [runaway #3]  |  [runaway #4] | [runaway #5] | [runaway #6] | [runaway #7]  |  [runaway #8]  |  [runaway #9] | [runaway #10] | [runaway #11]
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adachicuto · 3 years
fall with hui
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warning: food mentions
whether you’re a morning person or not, you’d enjoy waking up to hui’s beautiful voice. it’d be such a sweet and soothing moment for both you. the sleepy smile on your face would make his a little brighter, if possible
the two of you would go about your morning routines and then you’d meet int the kitchen to start breakfast. there’d be conversation about the change in weather and how hui would be really excited about yanan’s birthday dinner
i think hui would really like going to a pumpkin patch and making the decor in your home a little fall-centric. he’d also be all for trying pumpkin spice lattes but it wouldn’t be super great to both of you which would be okay
so we all know that hui is one of the fake maknaes of ptg so expect him to get so excited about the first rain of the season. he’d probably get you to go out and play in the rain with him but only after you’d be properly prepared
watching scary movies together but hui would probably just laugh at everything lol while you’d be preparing for any jump scares which would probably make him laugh more but he’d make up for it with kisses and cuddles
sleeping in whenever you’d both get a chance and spending the day to just relax. there’d be both of your favorite foods and movies and hui would always hold your hand in his and you’d catch him staring at you with a look of pure adoration and his smile would brighten your day even more
getting super excited when hongseok would come over with baked goods and whenever all of ptg would come over because it’d always be fun (and a little chaotic) to have them around but it’d be okay lol
late night or early morning drives with your favorite warm drinks. a fall playlist that kino made would be playing in the background while the scenery would pass you by and the moment would be pretty perfect
breaking out into loud laughter when hui would dance around your shared room with his spooky-themed pajamas and then you’d do the same when he gave you a matching pair. then it’d be hui’s turn to laugh like a little kid when you’d repeat his actions
joining hongseok for morning walks and rushing back home to get coffee or tea. also, knocking out on the couch after a hot shower and if hui would have to head to work he’d place the softest of kisses on your forehead and would whisper how much he loves you. if not, he’d fall asleep with you
hosting game nights with the rest of ptg and trying fall-themed foods together. your stomach would probably hurt by the end of the night from all of the laughing you at the other ptg members
fall with hui would be so nice that it would warm you up inside out. every moment would be special in their own way. just being able to have those moments with each other would mean so much to both of you
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milkybonya · 4 years
a day just for us
Warnings: food mentions
Pairing: Hui from Journey through the flower field universe x gn reader
[Valentine's day special! Happy Valentine's day~]
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As soon as you wake up, you get a text from Hui, as if he knew exactly when you'd be awake. Opening it, you find that it's actually a voice message. When you play it, Hui's high-pitched voice fills your room.
"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYYYY! Let's go to the record shop just like we promised. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes!"
Laughing to yourself at how happy Hui sounds, you stand up and get ready, remembering to take your gift for him with you before you leave.
"Got a hot date with Hui or something?" Wooseok, your roommate, asks you as he munches on cereal in the kitchen.
"Nothing hot about it... Happy Valentine's day, Wooseok!" you cheerfully joke.
He sends a smile your way as you slip on your shoes and step outside to find Hui’s car out front. As soon as you open the car door, he holds out a beautiful handful of your favourite flowers while smiling.
“Happy Valentine’s day!” he sings, grinning as he watches you admiring them.
“Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” you say, handing him his gift.
He opens it right there and then, showering your face with a million kisses to show how happy he is after finding out what it was: some equipment for his studio that he had desperately been in need of for a while.
“Seriously, [y/n], you didn’t have to! But this is the best gift ever...”
Once you get to the record shop, the owner greets you both. You go there so often that he knows you both well. Most of the time you end up listening to the cds and records there together, sharing earphones and telling each other your thoughts on the albums and their songs.
Hui’s hand gently grips yours as he pulls you to a shelf near the back.
“Look, [y/n], you’ve been searching for this record for so long! Shall I buy it for you?” he asks, grabbing it off the shelf.
“No, really it’s okay! I’ve been wanting to buy it with my own money.”
“But I wanted to get you a gift from here!”
“Just get me something else!”
Your bickering over such a simple thing causes the record to fall to the ground. Immediately, both of your hands reach for it, your fingertips brushing against Hui’s. With your faces only inches away, Hui steals a quick kiss, though his lips linger on yours for a little longer than usual.
“Please let me buy it for you, my love,” he begs, taking the vinyl and walking to the cashier.
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