#hws luxembourg x reader
atom-writings · 3 months
hello! how would netherlands, luxembourg and russia like to spend their honeymoon with their s/o? or, what would the wedding look like?
hetalia netherlands, luxembourg, and russia wedding / honeymoon headcanons
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0.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: guys im trying to get back on schedule :sob: i have asks from almost a year im so sorry
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When it comes to Abel, neither his wedding nor honeymoon would be big.
For the wedding, there’s no more than, like, 5 people invited. He would’ve preferred a sudden in-and-out wedding if it weren’t for how public it was, regardless of how un-romantic it is for you.
Instead, you can invite people if you want, and you’ll be having a quick, private ceremony in the woods. Probably only with nothing, except like, 2 chairs for “an emergency” (He won’t elaborate on that.)
He also wouldn’t dress up either way, unless it were vitally important to you. He wants to be as true to who he is when he vows to be with you for as long as you live, and he is not a tuxedo guy.
Weirdly enough, it’s how much he cares about the wedding that makes him so weird about it. It’s very important to him, and that means everything has to be as authentic and intimate as possible. So, that means a weird awkward wedding.
Of course, that’s just if he gets his way. But he’s surprisingly lenient with his S/O with most things (as long as it’s not too expensive.)
For future reference, he is most susceptible to puppy dog eyes and “pretty please.”
As for the honeymoon, there’s no way he’s putting any effort into it. You can plan it, but he’s not paying and he’s not helping you guys get there. His ideal honeymoon is a night in and watching a movie he pirated, but whatever you want is fine too.
What he wants to do though is a lot of cliche boring stuff, like going sightseeing, hiking, and visiting museums. Notice how all of it is free? That’s the main idea here. Although, he does love camping regardless of how cheap it ends up being. Lets him show you how much of a man he is <3
He’s not travelling though. Leaving the country is out of the question. The important part already happened, why are you making such a big deal out of it?!
The exact opposite. Laurent is renting out a significant chunk of his capital city to throw the biggest, most extravagant, most expensive modern wedding in the world! He may be a busy man, but he’s always willing to put away plenty of time for his beloved.
If you like planning events, you two will work together for many months making sure everything is perfect. But if you don’t, he’ll take it all on himself to ensure everything goes perfectly.
But with that, he’ll become really stressed. He wouldn’t snap at you (because after all, it is all for you,) but he’s no fun when he’s that worked up. It’s better if you help.
Especially since he wants your wedding to have great symbolic meaning. Having it represent the shared vision of your future together is his first- well… second priority.
The honeymoon afterwards would be much the same, although he also wouldn’t want to travel too far. Once the spectacle is over, he just appreciates the excuse to do nothing but spend time with you without any pressure.
Preferably trying a bunch of new food, going shopping, and going to stereotypical couple-y activities, like dance classes.
He may seem upbeat, but Laurent is surprisingly melancholic around the time of your wedding. For as excited as he is (which is very,) he can’t help but feel worried about how much time he’ll have with you.
But it shouldn’t get him down too much. He's still riding the high of seeing you in your wedding attire <3
Ivan would want a very, very, very traditional Russian wedding if you’d be fine with that. Unlike a lot of other nations, he’s never been married before, so he’s very stressed about getting to do every single thing he never got to before.
You’d swear he abandoned you for months before the wedding as he’s panickedly running around the country trying desperately to throw everything together. Half the ceremonies he wants to do haven’t been done for centuries, and he really doesn’t understand why he can’t have live cannon fire at his wedding!
Maybe just pat him on the head and tell him you’ll love him even if you can’t sacrifice 20 goats during the ceremony.
But once the stress (and awkwardness as all of his former friends are forced to attend,) is over, he’s whisking you away for a months-long vacation. Preferably somewhere bright and warm but really; he doesn’t care where you want to go, anywhere is alright, as long as it’s far away from everything you two have to worry about regularly.
His favourite things to do with you while on vacation are really stereotypical, like going to the beach, going to scenic locations, and falling into every tourist trap.
He tries to be as romantic as possible through all of that, but he can’t help being awkward and giddy after you two are finally married.
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s/o's reaction to luxembourg dying in front of them
S/O Reaction to Louis Jansen (Luxembourg) , Emma Jansen (Belgium), and Tim Jansen(Netherland) Dying In Front of Them.
A/N: Hello, there anon. This headcanon would contain ANGST with no comfort. So, I hope you like the result and Try my best to make this headcannon. Also, since this is (Y/N) perspective. This headcannons really challenging for me and I apologize if there is an OOC characters.
Gender: Neutral Warning: Angst, No Comfort, Gore and Profanaties.
Louis Jansen - Luxembourg
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We know that countries cannot die unless the country is gone and it is impossible until today. Seeing your beloved Luxembourg laid in the coffin after battling a deadly disease because of the homicide case.
And other countries are trying to take over Luxembourg. As a result, he lay in the bed of the hospital. Wrapped in the bandages, in a pained state.
As a good S/O, you sat in the chair next to him, gently touching his hand that doesn't have any injuries. Your heart-wrenching painfully, seeing him like this.
It was unexpected and you hate to see him like this but he smiles weakly at you, trying to act as if he is fine after the brutal attack from his own people and from other countries. "mon amour, I'm sorry you must see me like this," he coughs.
With an instinct, your hand gently rubs his back, trying not to touch the injury. "No, I'm sorry that I came really late. The work in my place is really hectic and I had to hear the news from Germany about your injuries. I did not think your own people going to hurt you," you told him.
He could only nod his hand gently before his eyes closed slowly, feeling the grip of his hand loosening. He wanted to say goodbye to you but his throat felt painful and the last thing he saw was darkness. "Louis??? LOUIS!!" You scream his name
Everything turns black and white, you try to press the bell to call the nurses but the doctors and the nurse come late. You tried your best to save him but all of those effort was just for nothing.
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(Y/N) stood in front of room 202, momentarily gasping for air. They let out a soft breath, lifted their hand, and gave the door a little knock. "Hey Louis, it's me, (Y/N)," they/she/he yelled, their/her/his voices hardly audible above a whisper. They/she/he stepped inside the room, hearts heavy with worry, as the door creaked open.
Louise was lying on the bed inside, looking frail against the bright white linens. His body was covered in bandages, a subtle reminder of the struggles he had endured. The sight made (Y/N)'s heart tighten, with sorrow. They/she/he took a step forward and extended a hand, providing Louise with wordless consolation despite his suffering.
As (Y/N) saw Louise's weak smile—a thin mask concealing the struggle within—their/her/his eyes overflowed with sadness. They/she/he apologised, regretting your tardiness, "Work was just... overwhelming," you said. Reaching out to put a gentle squeeze on Louise's hand, both of them offered comfort and an apology.
Louis forced a meek smile, an attempt that hid the agony that was always there. He spoke quietly, "It's fine, Mon amour," offering (Y/N) a sweet consolation for her/his/their disturbed mind. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this." There was a lingering apology.
Panic surged through (Y/N) like wildfire as Louise's eyes began to flutter closed, the rhythmic beeping of the machines growing louder, more urgent. With trembling hands, (Y/N) reached out, pressing the red button on the bedside repeatedly, desperation clawing at their chest as they prayed for help to arrive. "LOUIS!!! LOUIS!!!" (y/n) screams in fear.
As the line on the monitor straightened, a chilling realization washed over (Y/N), stealing the breath from their lungs. Time seemed to slow as they stared at Louise, their heart wrenching with grief too profound for words. With trembling hands, you reached out, grasping Louise's cold fingers in a futile attempt to hold onto the fleeting moments you two have shared together. "Louis.......I'm so sorry......" You whisper.
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Emma Jansen - Belgium
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You always know Emma is one of the sweetest girls than other countries and you love her more than anything. She's perfect in your eyes, and you never expect someone would be able to hate her.
But you're wrong, blood in your hand as it spread through your shirt and your pants. Your hands cradling the love of your life, she was breathing heavily.
The man that had just shot the love of your life had run away after guards were arriving to take down the man. The bullet in that man's gun has a serum that can kill a country and you had no idea why that man killed your girlfriend.
'The girl is coughing violently after the bullet went through her chest and stuck inside of her beating heart. "EMMA!! STAY WITH ME!! THE HELP IS COMING!!" You scream, holding her tighter.
The tears slowly coming out from her eyes as she coughs some blood from the corner of her mouth "It hurts so bad.....I'm scared, I don't want to go.." she whispered with tears in her eyes.
Tears streamed down your face when you saw her in pain like this. It's not fair, why would someone hate her, she is sweet, amazing, friendly, and adorable, and you love her more than anything. "Please....stay"
She could only weakly smile at you when you apologised and begged her to stay alive before her eyes closed. Despite the ambulance has came, they were too late to save your girlfriend.
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With a cosy atmosphere created by the gentle glow of streetlights, Emma and (Y/N) strolled slowly down the busy street. Their talk flowed easily as they talked about the new restaurant of the brand-new Italian restaurant in town, their eyes lighting up with anticipation at every mention of the delectable food and welcoming atmosphere. "We should try the new restaurant you told me about, (Y/N)" "Sure, we can go there and try Feliciano's Pasta," (Y/N) said.
Lost in the excitement of their shared plans, they strolled along the pavement, oblivious to the approaching figure that would soon ruin their evening. The bald man was tall with a looming figure, his eyes hidden underneath dark shades and a scar across his mouth to show how dangerous he was.
The man slowly comes up from the dark alleyway. (Y/N) and Emma's romantic evening took an unexpected turn as a shadow fell across their path, The atmosphere shifted, tension crackling in the air like electricity. Instinctively, they exchanged a wary glance, their senses on high alert.
The man standing before them wore a grim expression, his presence imposing against the backdrop of the bustling street. (Y/N) and Emma exchanged a silent communication, wordlessly agreeing to retreat from the confrontation.
Slowly, they began to back away, their movements cautious as they sought to evade the ominous figure blocking their path. But their efforts were in vain as the man's gaze honed in on Emma, his voice cutting through the night with a chilling clarity. "Are you Emma Jansen?" he demanded, sending a shiver down their spines.
Emma's pulse beat with a mixture of rage and terror as she grudgingly revealed her identity. "Y-yes, I'm Emma....the personification of Belgium..." "Then, give me all the money you have," he glowered The man's demand for money sent shockwaves through her before she could completely realise how serious things were.
As the man moved his pistol towards (Y/N), his threat suddenly became lethal and hung in the air like a dark cloud. Emma felt a wave of panic as she realised that her beloved (Y/N) was in danger. She begged again, her voice quivering with desperation and her hands shaking. "Please....don't hurt (Y/N)...." The man's finger tightened on the trigger, though, and instinct took over.
In a split-second decision, Emma used all of her effort to shove (Y/N) aside, blocking the bullet that was intended for her partner with her body. The sound of tragedy resonated through the night as the gunshot echoed, making time seem to stop. Emma fell to the ground, breathing heavily and shallowly, a red spot appearing on her chest as (Y/N) stumbled back.
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Tim Jansen - Netherland
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You know Tim always had an addiction to smoking and there are many bad effects of smoking, one of them is lung cancer but you never think the country is going to be able to have human diseases.
Well, that is actually wrong when the country also has economic trouble with lots of political governments that are corrupt and steal other people's money.
It was painful to see him like this but there was nothing you can do. The government in there are evil, if you try to stand up for him. You could be taken to jail.
You have been taking care of your boyfriend in the hospital from morning and night, even going as far as taking a working hour in the hospital instead of the office just so you could take care of him.
Tim could not help but be glad that he has a boyfriend/girlfriend as caring as you and you were on his side instead of going out to work or leaving him like some people do.
But he knows he can't stay long because sooner or later his country is going to be destroyed by his own people and he will be gone so he leaves a note on the table when you are not looking.
"Bedankt (Thank you), (Y/N) for taking care of me and being a part of my life but sadly. I cannot stay long because I can feel my body getting weaker. Please take care of yourself and don't forget me," that was the last message before the night he let his last breath.
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As Tim Jansen lay in the hospital room, the embodiment of Netherland corruption manifested in his frail form. His once formidable presence is now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, ravaged by the deadly illness. With each cough, the echoes of his misdeeds reverberated through the room, a haunting reminder of the consequences of his people's actions.
(Y/N), bearing witness to the brutal reality before them/her/him, felt a pang of empathy stir within their/her/his heart. Without hesitation, (Y/N) approached Tim's bedside, a silent offering of solace in the chaos of his downfall. Gently, you lifted the glass of water to his parched lips.
(Y/N)'s heart weighed heavy with sorrow as they gazed down at Tim, your voice laced with regret as you spoke. "I'm sorry I could not do much... I wish I could help, but the people would riot against me," you murmured softly. With a gentle touch, you brushed your hand against his brow, your touch was as tender as a rose petal, caressing his face.
Tim's response was a weak nod, a faint acknowledgement of (Y/N)'s apology. "It's okay, Mijn liefje (My Darling)," he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. "No need to apologize for my people's actions." He was aware (Y/N) is just a normal human being, it's impossible to defeat the whole government when (Y/N) is the only person aware.
As (Y/N) rose from Tim's bedside, a determined resolve gleaming in their/her/his eyes, he watched in silence, gratitude swelling within him despite the heaviness of his heart. "I will buy something for you... please wait. I'm sure you're hungry, and the hospital food sometimes sucks," you promised, your words and voice like a small ray of light in the darkness of his despair.
Left alone in the quiet of the hospital room, Tim's trembling hand reached for a nearby paper, his fingers tracing the delicate lines as he carefully composed his message for (Y/N). With each word, his gratitude poured forth, a bittersweet reminder of the fleeting nature of their connection. "Bedankt (Thank you), (Y/N), for taking care of me and being a part of my life," he wrote, his penmanship a reflection of the depth of his emotion. "But sadly, I cannot stay long because I can feel my body getting weaker. Please take care of yourself and don't forget me."
With a heavy heart, Tim folded the paper with trembling hands, his gaze lingering on the spot where (Y/N) had stood moments before. Placing the message on the table near (Y/N)'s computer, he offered a silent prayer that his words would serve as a lasting reminder of the bond they shared, even in the face of inevitable farewell.
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toastermoth · 5 months
is this too vague? pretty much ANYTHING luxembourg (with a male reader preferably, gn is fine 2 though since it probably wouldn't be any different)
Luxembourg x Male!Reader
Hiiii- I'm not too familiar with Luxembourg so he may seem very ooc- so I apologize </3 I still hope yall enjoy tho! <33333 (Most of these are my interpretation of Lux<3)
I wanna gt this outta the way, KING OF NICKNAMES AND PETNAMES
Would constantly call you his prince, his rose, and beloved!
If you were to travel to Luxembourg he'd show you everywhere from small corner stores to museums.
He's very laid back with you but when around his boss or other countries he returns to his professional & proper manor.
In private if he's stressed braid his hair or play with it in general.
Though busy most days, he always makes sure to text you periodically especially during meetings because he's usually bored.
Can text without looking at his phone (IDK why but I feel like he can perfectly-)
When you're meeting Belgium and Netherlands he held your hand the entire time to make sure that you're alright and would rub shapes into your hands if he notices you getting nervous.
If you aren't comfortable with touch he'll respect that and he'd let you initiate when you want to hold his hand
Would let you drum on his thigh and is very happy whenever you do because it means he can help you even a little bit.
I can see him liking army songs like marching songs or just international songs in general.
Probably has a stuffed animal collection that him and Belgium add to at least once every month (Netherlands would secretly place a bunny plush in there once in a while)
Enjoys coffee dates and if you don't like coffee he'd get you whatever you'd like that isn't coffee
Has a habit of talking to himself and then speaking Luxembourgish which usually you don't know- (If you understand I appluade)
Asks for head rubs when he's especially busy with his boss
Has a bad habit of overworking himself and sometimes he'd come home and pass out on the nearest thing he can crash on which leads you to dragging him to your shared bed and holding him
Secretly enjoys being little spoon but also enjoys being big spoon
If you ever have a bad day and tell him, he's gonna hold you and let you cry into him as he says "That's it my prince.. just let it all out.."
And again if you're not okay with touch he'd let you come to him and if you don't want to he'd hum your favorite song
Would get you your comfort item/food to make you feel better.
If you're mad he's not the greatest with anger since he usually bottles it up but will give you a stuffed animal to punch/bite/kick/get your anger out
If you feel bad after he'll say, "Y/n dear, he okay with it because even Mr. Bear cares about you and wants to make sure that you're alright,"
Has and will beg to have a shared virtual pet with you or tomagochi
All in all though busy and professional, you're one of the people he has closest to his heart and would drop everything for you and is all out an amazing boyfriend!
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elithegnome · 2 years
Then may I request how Luxembourg would try to deal with an unrequited love? Like if he likes someone and they don't like him back (angst)
— Luxembourg anon
Oh yeah! I wrote a fic on this but then I lost it!
Yandere!APH Luxembourg X Uninterested! Reader Headcanons
————————————————————————— •If you tel him that you don’t have feelings for him, David just gives you a smile, says “Oh that’s fine!” And goes on with his day
•Oh boy, man could’ve won an Oscar for that performance
•He’s probably angry as all hell honestly, and thinking about you being together more than he had ever before
•After that, anyone who even looks at you is seen as a threat to him
•No, he’d never kill anyone you loved, he wouldn’t want to see you sad
•But what he will do, is kidnap you. Probably as you’re walking home
•And until you learn to love him, David’s not letting you go.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
some random Luxembourg headcanons?
I had to do some research for this one😉
His name is Henri Friedan
His glasses are just for style and he doesn’t actually need them to see
You will never see him in a pair of sweats or any other casual clothing- he would rather be naked
He can be quite shy
He’s a little scared of women
He does have his moments were he is very characteristic, but this is just when working with men
He is very wealthy!
And his lifestyle reflects this
He is very good about spending money and likes to save, but when he does spend money he goes all out
He takes after the Netherlands with his love of gardening!
Him and Netherlands are very close and he evens calls him Big brother
He and Belgium had a rough patch in their relationship but they still care a great deal about each other and they talk highly of each other
He spent some time with Austria and that’s definitely where he developed his refined tastes
It’s also where he got into baking
Strongly dislikes Prussia, he’s not a huge fan of Germany either
He has a bird feeder in his garden and likes to sit in his yard and drink wine while watching the birds
He has a dog named Peltuze
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Hetalia: The Low Countries and Africa Masterlist
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Low Countries
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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Dating Headcannons🍭❤️🧸
Crushing Headcannons🍭❤️🧸
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elithegnome · 2 years
Luxembourg being jealous?
— Luxembourg anon
Oh my god Luxembourg Anon I love you (platonic)
APH Jealous Luxembourg 
•He’s probably only jealous when you pay more attention to Belgium
•David will literally POUT in a corner
•Probably complains to his dog about the whole situation 
•If you want to get him to stop doing this, give the man attention
•But if he’s still grumpy with you about it, buy him some food, that’s when he’ll instantly forgive you.
•However, if you pull that shit again he might just drag you away
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elithegnome · 2 years
Hi, can you give me some fluffy Luxembourg headcanons? Nothing specific
— Luxembourg anon
Ofc I can!
Luxembourg x Reader fluff headcanons
•You have this boy wrapped around your finger, but you’re completely oblivious to it
•Sings you lullabies if you can’t fall asleep
•Laughs at memes with you
•Your couple theme song is Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
•Slow dances in the kitchen with you
•Butterfly kisses 🥺
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elithegnome · 2 years
Can we get Luxembourg x Reader hcs?
APH Luxembourg x Reader
Tiktok softboy? Nah I’m just screwing with ya, of course you can!
•I’ll just say his name is…David, it’s commonly used in Luxembourg 
•He’s such a little sweet lad 🥺
•David really wants to be with you all of the time but will leave you alone if asked
•He gives you the BEST cuddles 
•Kisses your forehead before you go to sleep 
•If you play with his hair, he’ll be so happy!
•I wanna guess you play with his dog, unless you’re more of a cat person ig
•Your first date was at a Museum!
•Randomly buys you chocolate 
•You’re besties with his sister, don’t argue with me 
•Probably watches cheesy romance movies with you
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elithegnome · 2 years
Hello! May I request Luxembourg finding out his male s/o plays the violin but is too shy to play in front of people
Yes ofc!
Aph Luxembourg X Male! Violinist! Reader
David trudged up the stair, wandering about to find the source of the enchanting melody that’d rang through his head for the past hour. He’d searched all around his home, through every nook and cranny, besides one. Slowly, the blond male twisted the brass knob of study, which he shared with his boyfriend, y/n. The sight he beheld entering that room was like magic, y/n’s h/c locks glistening in the moonlight, eyes closed with a boe and violin in hand, playing an unknown tune. 
Suddenly, y/n ceased, whipping around. He gasped when he saw his boyfriend standing in the door way, in awe from the unexpected performance.
“D-David I-“ Y/N began, being cut off by his boyfriend.
“Y/N that was amazing! Who taught you how to play like that.”
Y/N looked at the floor, blushing like mad, “Austria unironically.”
The Luxemburger tilted his s/o’s face up towards him, their eyes interlocking.
“Why didn’t you tell me you could play violin?” David questioned, tilting his head slightly.
Y/N took a deep breath before answering, “Well I was too embarrassed and I didn’t want to show other people.” 
David smiled lightly, pecking Y/N on the lips.
“Well, I think you’re very talented Y/N.” The man admitted, “Don’t be embarrassed to do what you love.”
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elithegnome · 2 years
I just thought of something, like imagine Luxembourg waking up at like 3 am because of noise coming from the living room, and when he goes there he sees his s/o playing videogames or singing a song because they aren't tired yet. And he's just standing there like: what
Ooh I like this idea!
Tired!Luxembourg x Energetic!Reader
David turned in his sleep, reaching for his dear s/o, who for whatever reason, wasn’t in the bed. Subconsciously realizing this, the Luxemburger sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was impossible for David to fall asleep without y/n, and he wanted to make sure they were okay. His feet hit the creaky wooden floor, walking out the door and down the stairs. A blue light emitted from the living room TV, where his s/o sat, crisscrossed and wide awake. By the looks of it they were playing Animal Crossing.
“Y/N,” David groggily began, “What in the world are you doing?” 
“I can’t sleep!” Y/N announced full of energy. That’s when David noticed the Mountain Dew cans on the floor, he gave his s/o a confused look.
“Huh I wonder why.” He rolled his eyes, before continuing, “Can I sleep down here, I can’t sleep without you.”
“Yeah yeah yeah! Sure come on you can use my lap as a pillow!” The individual in question practically shouted.
David blushed, laying down on his s/o’s lap, with y/n playin with his hair. Pretty soon, he fell asleep quite comfortably.
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elithegnome · 2 years
Malaysia and Luxembourg with an s/o that's really energetic? :D
At this point all of my asks include Luxembourg I'm so sorry #-$+$+$(#(
Luxembourg anon is at it again! But of course I can do this!
Aph Luxembourg+Malaysia x Hyper! Reader
•Will make you go to a doctor to be tested for ADHD (if you don’t already have it)
•Probably shoves legal hemp down your throat
•If you’re like really bouncy, he’s considered tying you to a leash (not in a bdsm way-)
“Please S/O calm down!”
•He’s just so confused
•Like really REALLY confused
•Restrains you to keep you bouncing off the walls
•Hides the sweets from you
“S/O are you okay?”
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elithegnome · 2 years
How about Luxembourg proposing to his s/o headcanons and how their wedding would be?
Tiktok boi proposes?! I got this!
Ooh okay, so David proposes to his s/o at this fountain: (which is in my beautiful city btw) (KCMO POWER BABYYYY)
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And this is your ring:
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You’re wedding will be here:
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These are your wedding colors:
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These’ll be your flowers:
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That’s your head bridesmaide! Or best man, she doesn’t mind wearing a suit!
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