#hws sardis
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I didn't really leave room in the main storyline of AaSA to put Sardis (Lydia) on display - especially since he's been humbled since immediately getting put in his place in chapter 1. Wanted to doodle him as he would have been because why not
(Persia keeps him around because no matter what Sardis says or does somehow he ended up as Persia's silly rabbit)
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randomwriteronline · 3 years
Thinking abt linked universe-like names for various Ravios and i decided to make them all lagomorph themed!
Ida - SkSw Ravio (roman: "resembling"; suffix of the names of both lagomorph families, leporidae and ochotonidae)
Pika - MC/FS Ravio (read Pie-kah, common name of the ochotonidae)
Lagos - OoT Ravio (greek: "hare")
Lepus - TP Ravio (latin: "hare"; coincidentally one letter away from lupus, latin for "wolf")
Sardi - WW Ravio (short for sardinian pika; additionally, short for sardine)
Rabet - AlbW Ravio (middle english: "rabbit")
Coney - LoZ Ravio (old noun for adult rabbit, short for the latin "cuniligus")
Jack - HW Ravio (short for jackrabbit)
Leveret - BotW Ravio (a hare that's less than one year old)
As honorable mentions i shall also include Morpha the First Ravio (short for lagomorpha), and Whistle aka ST Ravio (short for whistling hare, a sort of nickname for the pika)
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insanityclause · 4 years
I’m reading Zawe’s Character Breakdown and read a bunch of her interviews, from 2012 ones. She is smart, very self-conscious (she admitted this), and honest person and 2019 was very important point in her career and she was aware of it. Her play, written 10 years ago, could finally be performed (she had difficulties in making that happen) and she made a deal for CB 4 years a go but Metoo made the book very relevant (she owned the fact). Feeling slump in 2017, she got an offer from HW (VB) 1-2
And went to Sundance. Imagine a Brit biracial author and actress who have struggled since 12 yo and now see her art get attention FINALLY. I would desperately want to get me as an artist focused, not my rs, bf, however I love him and if my bf is understanding enough. And Tom wanted privacy too. IMO at Sardis they got a bit loosened as the end of run was near. They’ll have lots to talk about and can learn a lot from each other. Let’s give Zawe some credit for letting Tom wear his uniform. 2-2
I still need to read this... 
Totally agree about Sardi’s, BTW. 
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Athens and Sparta Adventures: Chapter 8: Book of Ships pg. 4
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Quick Ref:
Helen of Troy: Or perhaps equally appropriately, Helen of Sparta, the most beautiful woman in the world promised by the Greeks to Menelaus of Sparta and also promised by the goddess Aphrodite to Paris, prince of Troy. Helen was not the first woman of legend to be abducted across the Aegean between Greece and Asia, but she is certainly the most famous.
Peace of Callias: The supposed treaty between Athens and Persia, though it is debatable whether it was even real. The terms specified the Persians would have to vacate Ionia within three days ride, but I don’t think Persia particularly cares about treaties with minor backwater city-states even if they are a pain in the neck.
I drew Persia in more lightweight Median style clothing today because rather than dressing up for a big theatrical event he’s travelling a little light for some reason. This outfit was probably more appropriate for horseback riding as well.
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