#hwu hawaii
50 Random Facts About Hawaii in My AU
Hawaii’s actual birthday is August 21, 1893 and this makes her a Leo.
She’s a huge fan of Disney with her favorite movies being Lilo and Stitch, Moana, and Frozen in that order.
Her favorite game series is Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda with her favorite game being a toss up between Skyward Sword and Majora’s Mask.
She’s an anime fan and her favorite anime are the first 4 seasons of Sailor Moon and her favorite characters are Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon and Chiba Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask.
She’s the best surfer out of the states and her dad but her mother and ancestors are still better than her.
Like many states, she’s an omniglot and able to speak Native Hawaiian, English, Japanese, and Filipino.
She has a burn scar that runs down her back that represents Pearl Harbor.
She suffers from severe PTSD that she has learned to hide over the years.
She gave the silent treatment to her father throughout the Vietnam War and especially after the death of her friend.
She doesn’t like Japan because of Pearl Harbor and finds him sort of creepy.
Politically, she aligns Democrat but overall doesn’t care about politics because of what it does to her family.
She really likes being in the spotlight which stands in stark opposite to her brother.
Besides Alaska, she’s closest to the Californias.
She was in coma from December 1941 to December 1943.
Hawaii hates liars and those who withhold the truth from her.
Her temper is as fiery as Mount Kilauea.
 Her biggest idol in life is her mother, the Kingdom of Hawai’i, who she sees as the most beautiful and elegant country who ever existed.
She likes reptiles which confuses people because of how usually girly Hawaii is.
She has a nanny named Lisa is also a veteran.
Hawaii hates war with a burning passion.
She can do basic sewing.
She has a small crush on Mr. Philippines.
Hawaii tends to call tourists to her state, “Walking Wallets”.
Hawaii hates when said walking wallets treat her islands terribly and disrespect its traditions and natural beauty.
She’s overly affectionate at times and doesn’t always understand personal boundaries.
Her favorite colors are ocean blue and pale pink.
She has no idea about her mother’s annexation and just believes she became very sick because she was born.
She once chased around her older sister Arizona for 42 minutes over the latter accidentally deleted her Breath of the Wild save file.
Her favorite Breath of the Wild Champion is Mipha.
She practices hula dancing and karate.
 Hawaii’s favorite animal is the Hawaiian Monk Seal.
She has severe ekrixiphobia.
During WW2, she personally led the effort to recruit more Japanese-Americans to the United States military.
She’s terrible at ice skating.
She loves sleeping and relaxing. 
Her favorite desserts are rainbow snow cones and upside pineapple cake.
She’s a fan of the American Girl doll series. 
She and Alaska have never argued about their political reviews despite them differing.
She has an overall good relationship with all of her siblings and tends to avoid their conflicts.
Gets very lonely, very easily.
Has an entire closet of nothing but sandals.
Is very superstitious and Alaska finds it kind of annoying.
Truly believes Spam is King.
Ohana means everything to Hawaii.
Hawaii is the best swimmer out of the 50.
Among friends and family, she’s known mainly as Lani than Hawaii.
She doesn’t always understand fads and trends of mainland America which is something she and Alaska share.
She knows she’s very lucky being who she is and because of that, she wants to do whatever it takes to help others.
She’s still learning to sail.
She truly believes in the spirit of Aloha.
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storyofmychoices · 4 years
Recent Fics #2
Tumblr tags seem to still be hit or miss, so I figured I would just keep doing these recent fic summary posts every couple of weeks for anyone who wants to keep up with what I’m writing :)
Previous Fic [List #1]  ☆  [List #2] ☆ [List #3] ☆ [List #4] ☆ [List #5] ☆ [List #6] ☆ [List #7]
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Thomas Hunt x MC/Alex Spencer
Ready to Collect : Alex has wanted a puppy for a while and she’s finally ready to get one! Meet Bogart Hunt! 
Twice Blessed: Thomas writes a letter to Alex on her first Mother’s Day
Thomas Hunt x MC/Alex Spencer & Ethan Ramsey x MC/Ellie Shepherd
dx: the New Amazon (HWU/OH) Ethan does what Ethan does best–run from his feelings about Ellie. Alex and Hunt are determined to get him to admit the truth and stop running.
dx: verity: Ethan arrives at Hunt’s house unexpectedly. Alex has a plan to get Ethan to finally admit to his feelings. Unfortunately, Ethan is nearing his breaking point as he becomes increasingly frustrated with Alex’s interference in his life. 
Thomas Hunt x MC/Alex Spencer & Ben Park (#LoveHacks) ***New Crossover Series***
This series takes place in my Hollywood U AU and before the LoveHacks Choices series. Ben Park has given up his baseball scholarship to attend art school at Hollywood U. Alex and Hunt are working on a film together, but the production is plagued with problems, the screenplay being one of the biggest. Can Hollywood U’s newest student help in some way?
☆ HWU101: a transfer
☆ HWU102: uncertainty
☆ HWU103: of new beginnings
Ethan Ramsey x MC/Ellie Shepherd
Adrift: Ellie attempts to give Ethan an art lesson while navigating her feelings toward her attending
Bryce Lahela x MC/Olivia Hadley
Tea & Tiaras: Olivia and Bryce discuss Keiki and her future in Boston as well as their past in Hawaii
First Light: Bryce surprises Olivia with a quick date between shifts.
A Shimmering Surprise: In the future, Bryce takes Olivia home to Hawaii. She plans a special birthday surprise for him. 
Mal Volari x MC/Daenarya
a Bit of Fun:  The gang all joins in on some light fun, and Mal let’s Daenarya learn a little more about him. (He can braid hair) 
Justin Mercado x MC/Mari Bishop
Say My Name: Justin rewards Mari for good behavior  🍋🍋🍋
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
If you wish to be tagged in any fics/pairings, just let me know :) Thank you for all the love and support! <3
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sarcasticace · 7 years
5 things about me
got tagged by @jakemckenzie , @principal-mc , @jebsplayshss , and @zigisbisexual . Thanks for the tag!
Rules: Tag 15 people after you finish the challenge.
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
laptop and flash drive
pens and pencils
half a dozen receipts from CVS (probably for coke)
joint mob wedge, a bunch of different sized goniometer
stethoscope and blood pressure cuff
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
a Hawaii licenses plate
magic 8 ball
black belt (martial arts)
a whole bunch of grad school textbooks cause I’m too stupid to buy them digitally
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
dye my hair teal and get an undercut (but I gotta look professional for fuckin’ grad school)
actually, complete the half written fanfics and my novel
learn how to draw better
write more bios for my Choices OCs
have the motivation to actually workout
Five things that make me feel happy:
my dogs
PB games
writing fanfics/character bios
ACE representation 
Five things I'm currently into:
coming up with characters or story plot points/scenes in my head but never writing them down or writing them down in little blobs then never coming back to flesh them out
studying for grad school cause.... fuck
PB games
redesigning my HWU oc, Piper, as an original character outside of the HSS/HWU universe.
Staying up till 3 in the morning apparently even though I have to wake up at 5 for early classes cause.... fuck
Five things on my to-do-list:
graduate from grad school
That’s it. They give you back your life when they hand you your doctorate.
Now here comes the hard part. I tag @piixelberry , @hollyashton , @kara-choices , @peace-coast-island , @archie-artblog . If you wanna do it just do it. No that was not a Shia meme.
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Hawaii: 'Laska? How are you feeling?
Hawaii: No you're not.
Alaska: And how do you know that?
Hawaii: Your eye starts twitching when you're worried or nervous so tell the the truth.
Alaska:...I'm worried, Lani.
Hawaii: About your aunt?
Alaska: Yes.
Hawaii: Miss Ukraine is a strong country. I'm sure she'll be fine.
Alaska: And what if she isn't?
Hawaii: Have a little faith.
Alaska: I wish I could but I'm scared.
Hawaii: *opens arms and Alaska falls them with small tears in his eyes*
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Hawaii's Favorite Character
New Mexico: Hey, Lani! Papa told me you're a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda like me.
Hawaii: Really?! Who's your favorite character?
New Mexico: Personally, I love Skyward Sword's version of Zelda since she's so cute. How about you? Who's your favorite character?
Hawaii: Mmmm...I guess it's a toss up between Link from Ocarina of Time and Link from Breath of the Wild because on one hand you have Ocarina of Time's Link being traumatized at young age unable to do anything against a great evil and when he was finally able to do something, he was traumatized even more and nothing he did meant anything in the time he came from and then he was forced to go into the past where he faced even more dangers with himself being the only one who knows the truth about what's happening while everyone else is blissfully unaware and even when he dies he still regrets his life and tries to ensure the future of his kingdom all the while being forced to wander the Earth until then. Meanwhile, Breath of the Wild's Link awakens from being practically dead after 100 years to find all of his friends dead, everything he ever knew gone, and himself amnesiac, only knowing that he has to do something about the great evil in the land before all is lost. So yeah, you can say I identify with them.
New Mexico: *wide-eyed and scared* PAPA!
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Babies Talk
Hawaii: Daddy, can I ask you a question?
America: Of course, hibiscus. Anything?
Hawaii: Where do babies come from?
America:...[OH NO! WHY!!!!!!!???????] B-babies?
Hawaii: Yeah, Nevada mentioned something about beds and being naked to Utah is how babies are made.
America: [DAMNIT NEVADA!] W-well...um...A-a stork brings the baby in an egg to the mother's stomach when she and the father lie in bed together and the egg grows until it becomes a baby.
Hawaii: How can a stork carry an egg to a mother and put it-
America: No. NO! that's how it happens!
Meanwhile in Canada.
Newfoundland: Hey dad, where do babies come from?
Canada: Well, it starts with the woman's egg which is then fertilized by a man's semen...
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Guess Who's Birthday It Is Today!
Alaska: Well, I guess this isn't the first time I've been stuffed into a burlap sack against my will. *sees light as the sack is opened and then Hawaii's face* Hello, Lani.
Hawaii: Sorry about the...rough travel but in order to overcome Covid, I had to.
Alaska: Right. Now what do you need?
Hawaii: Do you know what day it is?
Alaska: Saturday?
Hawaii: No...Well, yes but other than Saturday.
Alaska: *ponders a bit before his face turns to horror and realization* Oh no.
Hawaii: Oh yes. Today is my BIRTHDAY! As such, I asked daddy to bring you over to Hawaii to celebrate.
Alaska: And that included having me stuffed into a sack?
Hawaii: Like I said Covid. *grabs his arm* So come on we have not a moment to lose!
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DC Teaches Hawaii Politics
DC: Hawaii, Dad sent me to teach you about politics.
Hawaii: Oh cool!
DC: First lesson is how to blame someone else for your failings when you inevitably make a terrific mistake that has consequential effects on your state.
Hawaii: That's terrible! Why not just accept your failings and do better to take care of your people.
DC: *laughs* *laughs harder* *laughs until Hawaii thinks he's going to laugh up a lung* Oh you're serious. Lani, if you ever want to be taken seriously in politics that sense of morality is the first thing that's gotta go. Politics is about breaking and throwing out the competition and publicly destroying them in the process.
Hawaii:...I can see why Daddy never made you a state.
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Hawaii Headcanon #15
Hawaii is a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda series with her favorite game in the series being the Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker and her favorite character is Link.
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So, do ya like Massachusetts?
Hawaii: She seems nice enough but does she always have to get into a fight with New York and New Jersey?
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lani, the hawaiian honeycreeper is such a cute bird! ❤️
Hawaii: I think so too! Especially their beaks which I personally find pretty cool.
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