#hwu new mexico
Hawaii's Favorite Character
New Mexico: Hey, Lani! Papa told me you're a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda like me.
Hawaii: Really?! Who's your favorite character?
New Mexico: Personally, I love Skyward Sword's version of Zelda since she's so cute. How about you? Who's your favorite character?
Hawaii: Mmmm...I guess it's a toss up between Link from Ocarina of Time and Link from Breath of the Wild because on one hand you have Ocarina of Time's Link being traumatized at young age unable to do anything against a great evil and when he was finally able to do something, he was traumatized even more and nothing he did meant anything in the time he came from and then he was forced to go into the past where he faced even more dangers with himself being the only one who knows the truth about what's happening while everyone else is blissfully unaware and even when he dies he still regrets his life and tries to ensure the future of his kingdom all the while being forced to wander the Earth until then. Meanwhile, Breath of the Wild's Link awakens from being practically dead after 100 years to find all of his friends dead, everything he ever knew gone, and himself amnesiac, only knowing that he has to do something about the great evil in the land before all is lost. So yeah, you can say I identify with them.
New Mexico: *wide-eyed and scared* PAPA!
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