444names · 5 months
Names generated from female French and male Italian forenames, forced to include the letter "C"
Abrico Acherfrane Acido Acineando Aciorgotte Aciovano Aciro Adrico Alanthilco Alcastino Alemonice Alico Alierilico Aliermasco Amanico Amarc Amarcano Amarce Amilcarie Amonicolot Ampaco Anance Ananorice Anarce Anarco Ancolaurbe Andrico Angence Angennico Anluca Anluccole Anpachèle Arcolaudio Arcolfi Ardoaco Argiache Arick Arico Arince Arochelle Astinico Astomance Audesco Auresco Aurico...
Banchele Berconne Blanco Bluca Blucideste Blucine Blucio Bocca Bocco Boccolaine Brico Bricolette Cacolo Calcio Caldo Calvonazia Cambe Camele Camice Campacifie Cance Cange Cangenzo Canio Canne Canonio Carce Carcine Cardo Cargi Carigliano Carlotte Carmilio Carthe Casco Casqualdo Cassette Cassilco Cassilvio Cedmoralo Celizée Cervance Chanicolo Charce Charcine Chrico Chrinco Ciancilio Ciderazio Cileute Cilierino Cilloine Ciréa Claince Clance Clancelle Clanco Clanne Clantie Clantome Clarcaria Claurico Clenzo Colanca Colannato Colaudio Colde Colette Colie Colodio Colodo Colomaino Colore Colotte Comenzio Conine Conisto Corence Corencedo Corenico Coriche Corino Corolie Cosabino Coscarto Cosco Cosilie Crence Criandie Criani Criano Crichine Crigilino Crino Crèce Crèse Cécide Cécido Cécifi Cécildo Cécilence Cécilio Cécino Cécio Céciré Damilick Dance Dancenzo Danchelle Danco Dapuccole Darce Davicelle Desce Desco Descolio Descoro Descosillo Dilcine Diosco Dombance Doresco Eliaciange Emarlance Emarmence Emence Emeric Emico Emilice Emmaco Emonicto Eniccilio Envesco Ercorenzo Ericco Erick Estissilco Evanco Evesco Eziocolo Fabiacine Fabrucio Falenicco Fedesco Ferce Fertofosca Ficede Ficon Fifico Fifilcio Flainco Flamenico France Frannicon Gabrico Galiche Gance Gassance Geniche Genichèle Gercinine Giacco Giaccolio Giache Giacidine Giacile Giacolaïse Giance Gianco Giliacco Gioancolie Giocco Giorescolo Giovirco Girce Gisance Grâcentine Grâcette Heranco Hyacca Hyaccine Hyaccone Hyache Hyachelibe Hyacone Hyacqual Hélaince Igianco Irichelle Irèce Isache Isandesco Isanlucie Ivincele Jacche Jaccio Jaccolène Jachelle Jaciangero Jacino Jacionso Jeance Jeanchette Jeanico Jeanonic Jeanonicco Jeanonico Jenchiline Joscone Julick Karce Lance Lanco Lanpaciele Laurianco Lesco Liacche Liampico Liermance Lilciline Liliaccine Lucal Lucane Lucanue Lucarc Lucarcon Lucaresale Lucarlo Lucca Lucia Luciacche Luciampie Luciance Lucianfris Lucianuno Lucidelle Lucidorea Lucifiline Lucil Lucileildo Luciletto Lucilia Lucilio Lucilvine Lucincolò Lucine Lucino Lucio Luciochelo Luciovado Luciovane Lucirée Lucrideth Lucrie Lucrienny Lucrienzio Lucrino Lucrècedo Léonico Maccine Maccio Macine Macino Macio Macolo Madinchino Mance Marcardo Marce Marco Marcolaude Marcolo Marcopo Mariche Marick Marico Marlorence Marturice Maurinico Maxinic Miccie Miccino Micenzo Micescede Micette Michelle Michine Micolène Micolò Mirce Miroco Monico Morence Musephanco Mélacianne Méliaco Nadomesco Natinico Natrico Niccolane Nicedolo Nicellette Nicessave Niche Nichelle Nicherigno Nichèle Nicto Nienice Noemiance Océanne Océano Odencenzo Orescona Osaco Paccarie Paccarigio Paccine Pacco Paciami Pacine Parlanco Patoriance Pieranco Pierrico Plancenzo Quirco Quirosco Racconio Rache Racidio Racio Ralico Rance Rancede Rancoldole Raymonco Renico Rentasce Resco Richille Rizioaco Roccie Rocco Roccose Rochetteo Rochinne Roconde Rosarc Rosco Rosence Roxanco Ruglinco Sabiacque Sache Sacine Sacio Sacolio Salcasco Salco Sance Sancher Sarco Savetrick Saviance Sence Silvarco Suzaccia Suzaccido Suzacco Tavicen Thélinces Ugosce Valca Vance Vandrico Viance Vicco Vicesce Vicolde Vicoldoand Vicolo Victomaine Vionce Vérècento Yancardo Yance Zacilino Zancolane Élice Éléance Émiccie Émice Émiche
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steal-this-idea · 5 years
Babylon 5 rewatch continues...
Now with a LINK to the original post that I had let grow to unreasonable length instead of forcing the two people who will see this scroll through ever last piece of dumb shit I’ve had to say first!
(Learning Curve)
I’ve taken the talk on meditation to heart (the “anyone can meditate in silence” bit) to the point where I think I can become impatient or even annoyed by those who insist upon quiet to do so (think especially for certain sports like golf and tennis...like, if you’re to the point where you’re a professional, some asshole in the stands should be able to neither faze you nor distract you)
If garlic stinks then what’s saffron? (the meal where Garibaldi starts laying into Lochley’s past and Zack is obliquely commenting on it, asking if anyone thinks the food tastes funny, suggesting saffron when it starts getting awkward and concluding garlic after Lochley puts Garibaldi in his place)
Continuing my Takashima just disappeared rant: N’grath, our season 1 praying mantis gangster, gets a mention in this episode but Lt.Cmdr. Takashima? Who’s she?
I do love that the Minbari are an advanced race but not an impassionate one...which honestly makes them scarier, as the Earth-Minbari War shown to us throughout “In the Beginning” demonstrated...
Meaning does not exist independently... I wonder if this episode is where I got that idea from?
(Strange Relations)
I don’t hate the ex-wife of Sheridan revelation of Capt. Lochley. If anything, it kinda complements how Cmdr. Sinclair got appointed to run Babylon 5. I assume, like with the Minbari when the station first came online, Sheridan insisted on veto power over anyone EarthGov might select to run Babylon 5. I wonder if Capt. Lochley was far down the list too?
Zip ties: Still good enough for the 23½ century :-)
The bottle tossing Hyach is at it again...
(Secrets of the Soul)
I do like Season 5 being like a mirror of Season 1 and giving us more standalone type episodes which allows us to be given closer looks at members of the (former) League of Non-Aligned Worlds. This episode, the Hyach; the next episode, the Brakir; and the one after that, the Drazi.
And I have to say this again. Even when he’s cheesy, I don’t hate Byron.
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I think Lyta made me love bangs :-)
I liked the detail of the Drazi record not being in English
Also, why didn’t we learn Byron’s secrets too? While, yes, dramatic effect for the later episode, sure...why not? I suppose also Lyta’s walls coming down during her intimacy may have simply flooded everything else out too. Hard to say. I also wonder why Lyta’s eyes went black during their lovemaking when, since this is a Vorlon-influenced memory, they should’ve glowed white? Again, I’m sure it had something to do with dramatic effect...
(Day of the Dead)
I love that Capt. Lochley hates Rebo & Zooty. It’s like, ugh...these hacks :-)
And I also love Delenn’s reaction to one of their jokes. I wonder what Mira Furlan was thinking about to get herself to laugh so heartily and convincingly?
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Nice that the guest spots got end credits billing and not upfront so as not to spoil the surprise (unlike what happened with Anna Sheridan). I wonder if that cost TNT a fine with the Screen Actors Guild? I know Lucas always had to pay a fine to get out of putting traditional title screen credits over the start of each Star Wars film.
I presume there is plenty of A.U. fiction out there about who the other characters would have met had they been on the other side of the line?
Do you think Kosh would have appeared in its encounter suit to Sheridan had he been there or would it have been more open like in the death dream sequence (or even in its true squid-like form)?
(In the Kingdom of the Blind)
The Centauri are ultra racist. That dude’s not even attempting discretion: he’s gonna talk shit about Narns right in front of a Narn with not even a hint of concern that G’Kar might understand what he’s saying or be capable of feeling hurt by it.
As much as I hate what Byron did after learning how telepaths came to be and what they were intended for, I also can’t imagine an equivalent shock that could so forcefully shake the very foundations of my world and thus how I would react to such knowledge...
Would the Drakh have worked better if they didn’t have visible sclera? I just can’t help but feel if their eyes were entirely black or red instead of looking human, if it would have increased their visual menace or just made them look goofy?
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But that lighting on the Drakh’s reveal though...magnificent
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Isn’t that a Brakiri warship? How could it have been unarmed? I’m not in any way justifying the attack on them but, like, of *all* the ships you could’ve used to illustrate an attack on a commercial transport...
(A Tragedy of Telepaths)
I’ll admit I’ve tried using the “There’s No Bomb” technique in my desperate attempts to quell my allergies. Trying to tell my itchy, runny nose that, despite its objections, there’s no need to sneeze. There’s. No need. To sneeze...
Can’t say it ever worked though...
Byron just dropping that some worlds developed telepaths naturally which seems strange because I thought I recalled JMS mentioning that if a species were to develop telepathy they’d never advance to civilization. Being a telepath would just be another technique a predator could use to snare prey and/or a technique a prey animal could use to avoid being eaten.
Still, if I’m going to grant him this, I wonder if the Soul Hunters were an example of natural telepaths? The behavior of the two we meet in the show’s second episode is reminiscent of telepath behavior we witness in later episodes (like Byron sensing that man’s impending death and the Soul Hunter being able to pick up on Delenn’s secrets as the machine she was hooked up to slowly killed her). Were Soul Hunters like vultures originally? Always feeling for the impending death of an animal so they could eat that night? But that particular ability wouldn’t necessarily have prevented the kind of generalization necessary for the development of language, tools, and technology so the ability served them rather than limited them and as they developed and went to the stars, the idea of preserving special souls became of paramount importance to their raison d’être. Comments? Concerns? Good idea? Poorly thought out idea?
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G’KAR: Would you like some jala? It’s cold.
LONDO: Get that away from me. Jala needs to be hot. It takes heat to cultivate its flavor. To consume cold jala is to insult a Centauri. I don’t even know where you got it.
G’KAR: I saw it on a tray heading into the south end of the palace. I assumed no one would mind if I took it.
LONDO: That’s right. Only Narns can stomach it cold.
It would be interesting to have a culture which marks the peaces rather than the wars. I don’t even know if that would be so far-fetched to imagine such a people given the Incas made “constellations” out of the dark parts of the sky as well as its luminous parts.
Byron’s demand for compensation is SOOO much more reasonable than his threat of blackmail. It’s a shame he didn’t think of it first...
Is the Interstellar Alliance basically the Minbari Empire? Minbar’s going to be the home office of the ISA. After the White Star fleet (which really cannot be rebuilt), the Minbari military is the strongest in the known galaxy and I have to assume it is their fleet the ISA would lean on in the event of a major war between powers. I don’t know. I just think of it like if we were to form an EarthGov right now and it actually had real power, its power would almost certainly be heavily reliant on U.S. military might, making an EarthGov like a de facto U.S. empire, no? It’s outside the scope of Babylon 5, but I wonder if such a thing will come up in the ISA’s future?
Babylon 5 did for me with telepaths what Buffy the Vampire Slayer did for vampires. I can no longer accept any alternative :-)
(Phoenix Rising)
I wonder how this telepath colony plot would have unfolded differently had Byron had the foresight to have some non-human telepaths among them so they wouldn’t be wholly under Earth’s jurisdiction?
Do you think Bester spoke to his underlings at the briefing because he *had* to or was it solely for our, the viewer’s, benefit? I just think back to when Bester first met with Sinclair...
Regarding Bester’s “How stupid do you think I am?” speech: I’m so glad JMS didn’t pad the scene by going to commercial as the music climaxed with Garibaldi holding a PPG to him. That immediate release of dramatic tension because there never was any there to begin with; that subversion of expectations, was an effective choice.
I don’t drink but after that scene, I’d probably start drinking too...
Peter’s telekinesis seems underwhelming. I suppose I could blame it on the show’s ability to do that special effect (the ring Eilerson fires in that episode of Crusade was an effect done well). But how hard was he casting those objects? I feel like I could throw harder and more accurately; like his telekinesis was really an inefficient way to go about things, y’know?
I know from reading around that had Claudia Christian remained on the show, she would’ve been the one to fall for Byron and I have to admit it’s still hard imagining Ivanova in that role. I think I’m glad she didn’t not because it would be unbelievable but just that it would be yet another tragic love and broken trust story for her and it’s like, damn, give this woman a break already...hasn’t she suffered enough?
Did Byron program his followers with that hymn? The way they gather around him before he immolates them is practically instinctual. I suppose it’s not so far-fetched. Byron *is* a strong P12 and more than once he desperately tried to get back to his people in order to calm them down suggesting his hold over them may not have been charisma alone. I don’t know...
(The Ragged Edge)
The Drazi with the vomit bag on the shuttle, haha. I love those touches they put into the show :-)
Is it my imagination or is G’Kar’s room less red?
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kindredhearts13 · 2 years
My prediction for The Cleaning Lady, should they aim for/reach a 4-5 season arc, is that Thony and Arman will choose to be together, committed and exclusive, sometime between the end of season 2/beginning of season 3. (Editing to add that I definitely think we’ll see them act on their growing feelings season 1/early season 2- but it won’t be a committed, labeled thing until later on.) The plot will shift to Thony and Arman alternating from trying to take down/protect their family from Hyach (and/or his family and associates) to them trying to thwart the FBI in some way.
And I HIGHKEY feel like they’ll start a cleaning company, treating immigrant workers fairly- but it will somehow lead to/involve them getting targeted by someone for something. And Fi will help to run it/her future love interest will be involved somehow (either as a part of their team or an under cover FBI agent).
I truly hope this show keeps going, because I want to see if any of my predictions are correct. And I really do love it so far.
The way the show is stylized is reminiscent of Breaking Bad, not saying it is on the same level as that show, but I can definitely see the influences in how it is filmed- and choices to focus and linger on moments that made shows like Breaking Bad feel so intimate. The focus on family and choices of cinematography in certain shots just really makes me think they’re trying to build on the family and protecting your home aspect as a hint of what is to come for our two leads.
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brightlotusmoon · 4 years
Babylon Five S 05 E 07 Secrets Of The Soul / Recap - TV Tropes
"...He knows about the Hyach-Doh, another sentient race that developed on their homeworld, a race that is now extinct, by their hand. Tal appears and explains what happened. For a time they had lived in peace, both sides intermarrying, though it was a great scandal. About 1200 years ago, religious laws made such unions immoral and it took off from there, from immoral to illegal, illegal to punishable by death and finally to genocide.
The Hyach-Doh were hunted down, bounties places on them, captains found transporting them executed. It took centuries, but they got them all. Kirrin protests that they are not responsible for something that happened so long ago, but Tal says they bear the price. She has Kirrin give Franklin his results back and asks him to look at the population numbers. He sees that their population has a negative curve, births rates are down. He realizes something in their genetic makeup is breaking down, something that the Hyach-Doh had. And without them, the Hyach themselves are slowly dying, unless Franklin helps them.
Franklin...refuses. First off, he considers them accomplices after the fact for trying to cover it up, so morally he feels he can't help them. Second, this would be a long project, longer than his lifetime. That's all a moot point if they keep the cover-up going since this will require the rest of the Alliance to have even the possibility of success. But they can get started, if the Hyach are willing to let go of their shame and let it come out. The ambassador tells Kirrin to release him. She protests but is shut down and walks off. Tal asks if Franklin can forgive them, but he says only the Hyach-Doh can to that. Too bad there aren't any left."
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kankavalikar-blog · 4 years
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kona kona la mahit aahe hyach nav..... . . . . . . PC-@lalitsawant . . . . Follow me on youtube & instagram @kankavali_kar . . #nature #kokanchi #kokanee #kokan #konkanifood #kankavli #kerala #ganesha #shivajimaharaj #marathi #maharashtra #maharashtra_clickers #sahyadri #photooftheday #marathontraining #malvan #india #mumbai #mountains #climatechange #colors #kokanchi_shan #birds #kokanrailway #kokandiaries #kokanacha_nisarga #kokanimanus #greenary #monsoon #tress (at KanKavali) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANnVbwnbgH/?igshid=1drzdp4o5fnvs
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emperornune · 5 years
an overly proud species, the Hyach are very haughty on Hyach superiority without lying, in order to make up for the mistakes in their whole races past, to prevent moral errors in judgment that nearly devestated the Hyach of bygone years
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turkeynerbler · 4 years
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this is Kyra Paewai (Parr) she moved to the island of Sulani after dropping out of college. She became one with the island and couldn’t imagine a life off it. she found a house close by the active volcano for cheap even though she knew the chances of irruptions. She was a shy and awkward girl who didn’t like going out even though she would when her friends invited her out. she soon found herself in the party scene and began taking drugs and smoking cigarettes. she knew her cigarette habit was wrong but she couldn’t find the will to quit. she never settled down with a job. she just grabbed any odd job that was available and sold all of the produce she grew at her house to keep the lights on. she soon talked with her dealer and started selling weed she grew in her garden to stop having to do odd jobs and get money from her dealing job. along the way she met a man, Hyach Paewai who she met through her dealer. she didn’t think anything more of him than just a one night stand. but once she started to talk to him and get to know him she was falling hard and couldn’t stop herself. he came over often just to talk and become friends with her. after a while she finally decided to lock it down and ask him to be her boyfriend. he was so excited to finally get the girl of his dreams. he moved in as her roommate so they could share their time together. she soon became an outgoing person who loved being around people thanks to him, he brought out the fun loving side of her she once had back in high school and early college, she couldn’t help but to think about how this man was everything she needed in her life. but after a while his mischievous ways got to Kyra and she broke up with him. he was hurt and didn’t want anything to do with her. but, after a while of her begging and trying to mend their relationship he decided to taker her back. they went on a few dates together to talk and really help their relationship. Halloween was just around the corner and Kyra was planning on having a big party at her house but the romance festival was on the same day and Hyach invited her out on a date to the festival. but she still had plans to have her big party after the festival. but the feelings of love and romance in the air left Kyra wanting more from her relationship. they stayed for hours and she didn’t want the festival to end before she could make it a festival to remember. she suddenly dropped to her knee and asked Hyach to marry her and he said absolutely! even though she had just asked the love of her life to marry her she still didn’t feel complete. they decided to get married right then and there at the festival giving her the complete feeling she was looking for. once he was fully moved in she found that he was super rich and was a little bitter that he was only paying her five hundred simoleons for rent all this time but didn’t mention it because it wasn’t important. after he was fully moved into her house she realized that her house wasn’t big enough to provide the goals they had for the future together. they made the big decision to back up and find a new place that they could call theirs. after unpacking and seeing how big their new house was they felt as if it was still too empty. Hyach took the initiative and adopted a cat named peanut for their small family. Hyach quit his job since they had a lot of money so they could spend as much time together before deciding to take the big plunge into parenthood. Kyra is finally content and happy with her life after she struggled to understand who she was after moving to this small island away from her entire family. what does her future hold? only time will tell.
to be continued...
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lyricsocean · 4 years
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Ye Re Ye Re Paisa Title Song Lyrics of upcoming movie Ye Re Ye Re Paisa. Starring Umesh Kamat, Siddharth Jadhav, Tejaswini Pandit. Movie – Ye Re Ye Re Paisa (2017) Music – Amitraj Lyricist – Sachin Pathak (Yo) Singers – Pravin Kuwar & Janhavi Prabhu Arora Music Label- Zee Music Marathi
Ye Re Ye Re Paisa Lyrics
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ह्याच्या येण्याने फुलतो पिसारा ह्याच्यासाठीच आहे हा पसारा बुडत्या नावेला इथेच किनारा पैसा नाव ह्याचे ह्याचाच खेळ सारा ये बोल बोल बोल ज्याचा पैसा त्याची जय आला कैसा टाइम ऐसा झाला झाला पैसा देवा जैसा बोला ये रे ये रे ये रे पैसा अरे पैशा शिवाय रे पान हलेना ह्याच्याच पूजेत आहे रे फायदा गुलाम याचे सारे साहेबा ह्याच्याच तालावर नाचे रे कायदा अरे पॉवर ने ह्याच्या येते रे खुर्ची साधू नि बाबा होतात खर्ची ह्याचेच नेते ह्याचाच झेंडा कुना कळेना याचा अजेन्डा आला लाभ झाला लाभ Hyachya Yenyane Phulato Pisara Hyachyasathich Aaahe Ha Pasara Budatya Navela Ithech Kinaara Paisa Naav Hyache Hyachach Khel Saara Ye Bol Bol Bol Jyacha Paisa Tyachi Jay Aaala Kaisa Time Aisa Zala Zala Paisa Deva Jaisa Bola Ye Re Ye Re Ye Re Paisa Are Paisha shivay re Paan Halena Hyachyach Pujet Aahe re Faayda Gulaam Yache Saare Sahebaa Hyachyach Talavar Naache re Kaayda Are Power Ne Hyachya Yete re Khurchi Saadhu Ni Baba Hotaat Kharchi Hyachech Nete Hyachach Zenda Kuna Kalena Yacha Agenda Aala Labh Zala Labh
Ye Re Ye Re Paisaa Video
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The post Ye Re Ye Re Paisa Lyrics | Title Track | Pravin Kuwar, Janhavi Prabhu Arora appeared first on Lyrics Ocean.
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numberzerohorse · 5 years
Anek vichar yetat maza manat... Ki hya jagepasun kase palave hyache. Ithe koni premal vyakti ahe ka? Adhi vatayche ki purna kutumba premal ahe... nantar vatayla lagla ki grandfather sodun sagle premal ahet, mag loka ajun kami hot geli. Ani mag urle fakt bahin ani aai. Pan ata bahin pan nahi. Aai tar loves only one side of me, purna kon prem karnar? Mazya baddal kalji vatnara koni ahe ka jagat? Mala tari vatte ki asa koni nahie. Vatta physically tras denare families parvadle rather than mentally tras denare kutumba. He ghar nahie, nahi amhi kutumba ahot. Amhi ekach gharat rahnare anolkhi loka ahot. Pratyekache vichar, goals vegle ahet. Ani pratyek jan apli man marji chalvayla ala ahe. Ghabrayla hota mala hya lokancha. Ani kadhi kadhi rag ani pity pan vatte. Ti mala maza swataha baddal hi vatte.
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