#hydro realm
1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
Hydrogen-Based is the Real, Cosmic Reality!
Do you ever wonder why 75% of the known universe is Hydrogen...uninhabitable, unexplorable H Y D R O G E N ?
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So, what's up with Hydrogen?
Did you know that Hydrogen is the lightest element?
Did you know that your soul is like a bubble in cosmic terms?
And when you pass the physical constraints of this life, this carbon-based realm, this third-dimensional existence, your soul--like a bubble--rises in ascension to transcend the primitive existence of the temporal human being...perhaps? Yes!!!
#soulsnack #mindsmack 💗💙💚
Have you ever considered that HYDROGEN-BASED beings could live in all that Hydrogen that exists in a universe we can't explore--but because we are third-dimensional, carbon-based, primitive beings, with ten-percent-limited mind capacity, we can't possibly perceive it to be...?
Maybe we can't comprehend with our limited, human senses just like we can't comprehend what a black hole really is...or where it leads.
Because holes don't exist. Holes are just the name humans give to an entrance because they don't know where it leads. But all holes lead somewhere.
A hole in your head leads to your skull and brain, a hole in your jeans leads to your leg, a hole in the earth leads to dirt and water and fire...you get my drift, I'm sure!
So, we live a limited, timed life as human beings in the third-dimensional, carbon-based realm. We live in a realm that is a timed existence from the time we take our first breath of oxygen until we take our last.
We can only perceive what the third-dimensional limitations of existence allow us to perceive.
We can't perceive the fourth dimension--or what could possibly exist infinitely there--or the hydrogen-based realm that exists simultaneously with our own because we are limited and confined to the ability to perceive in the carbon-based third dimension only.
We won't be able to perceive the next dimension until we divinely travel (supernatural, cosmic transportation) to it via the passing of our physical human vessel -- or what humans call "death"...
Perhaps, the "universe"--as we see and perceive it--is NOT all the universe is.
Consider this...there are many universes called the Ever~Verses, and our universe is only one dimension and one perception, and one base out of the many.
Even if we use machines to see and technology to perceive, the machines and technology still are perceived by the human eyes, so our perception of what a machine or technology shows us will still be a limited perception according to what our limited eyes and minds allow us to see and perceive via the technology and machine.
It falls back to our limitations as carbon-based, oxygen-breathing, third-dimensional human beings indeed.
But that's not to say it's the way it will always be!
I personally believe that's what eternal life is and the gift that Jesus Christ promised us for believing the truth. He did promise ETERNAL LIFE as the gift!
The infinitely unconditional gift of eternal life for you and me!
Perhaps the event that humans have termed "death" isn't a death at all...
Seeing as, humans--by means of limited perception, logic, phonics, and communication--are most likely the ONLY SPECIES in the entire Ever~Verses to call the event of passing from the physical realm to the spiritual realm..."death"...maybe it's not what we've always thought it was or perceived it to be; considering our perception has always been limited.
So, instead of believing what we've all been taught since birth by those before us and what someone taught them (predisposition due to learned behavior via culture and heritage) maybe it's time to understand humans leading humans isn't always the wisest path, and sometimes, what we learn is what they wanted us to learn--versus what reality really is.
Perhaps, spiritual health and wellness require we question everything in the pursuit of our awakening, even our culture and heritage and the learned beliefs and behaviors we've adopted and adapted to in the process of being born and living a life in a human-built society. The constructs of our global society as a species were determined long before you or I were born. But that doesn't mean we can't awaken to the possibility of a cosmic truth now!
Human terms are limited because they were terms devised by human perception. No other being in the universe is going to refer to any aspect of existence in the terms that humans know existence...because human terms are limited to human beings on Earth.
Hence, a human calls the sun the sun, but an alien might call the sun a sizz. You feel me? Humans call our own planet Earth, and a planet--while an alien might call our planet something like Testraa and all planets "orbs" instead of planets. You feel me?
Everything we do, think, feel, and speak is limited to human perception. Human perception is limited to carbon-based, and carbon-based is limited to the third dimension. We will never understand anything beyond the base and dimension we were assigned upon our cosmic birth to this realm.
So, it falls back to the terms we give events that are unknown/unperceivable to our limited perception...because, like a black hole, we don't know where it leads.
These assigned terms (like death) that life as a human being requires of us so that we can identify and understand what is happening to us as a species--like passing from our physical vessels, what happens to our souls, and where our eternal spirits go from here--are what we live by regardless of their cosmic accuracy.
So, what if the event of passing or leaving our physical, human vessels is the beginning of our cosmic, divinely ordained spiritual upgrade...and rather than an ending, a wonderful beginning? A fresh start for our souls!
The journey of our souls! Life on Earth is only one small fragment of the greater whole.
Thy Hydrogen Theory | Written and Explained by JD Slayton 2022-2023 © Copyright All Rights Reserved J.D. Slayton. As personally relayed to me by the Angels of Destiny.
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stillthewc · 1 year
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It sure is a good day to be in the Fanganronpa community, huh?
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
GUYS IM SORRY (<- is about to draw her OC’s from that imaginary world/story/entire UNIVERSE she made in her head during 2020 and formed a deep attachment to that still lives and lingers to this day)
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aromanticasterisms · 1 year
OH. just like the elysian realm
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mont-del-clare · 5 months
It would be nice if whatever season we were born in gave us some kind of resistant to the elements. Like winter babies could have resistant against cyro, frost. Spring babies could have resistance against hydro, storms. Summer babies had resistance against pyro and heat. Autumn babies would have resistance against anemo and poison or dark spells. I've been playing skyrim again and the weather is very bipoloar. It gets humid, hot, cold and rainy with in a week. 😅
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zweetpea · 8 months
Neuvillette blurb
Cw: Reincarnation, grief, Neuvillette crying.
“Find me again… in my next life, and the one after that.” You smiled as you laid on the bed. Neuvillette gripping your hand.
How many times had you two gone through this? How many times would you have to go through this before he either gave up on you or found a way to make you immortal? It was no secret that you only came back to be with your lover. Again and again you would endure the hardships of life.
Sometimes you lived till you were 70 or older. Other times you died in your 20s or younger because of illnesses, accidents, or in global conflicts. Middle age didn’t spare you either. Sometimes you would go through an entire new life and never meet him; but you didn’t relent. You could feel him drawing you back to the mortal realm and you wouldn’t let go if he was still willing to fight for you.
No matter how many lives you’ve lived. Man, Woman, something else, he loved you; and you in turn loved him. You wanted to hold him, to love him.
Even in the next life you loved the rain. It pained you to see your lover cry but if you could strip him of his sadness and replace it with tears of joy you’d do just that. You’d do anything to make him happy.
Then, when the world comes crashing down on him and he needs a shoulder to cry on you would be there. That’s what you love most about the rain. He would turn to you, trust you, let you hold him and love him and just exist as Neuvillette and his lover, not the Hydro Dragon and his mate.
“Hydrodragon, my love Neuvillette. Save those tears for when we meet again. For I want be the one to wipe them away. I’ll see you soon, I love you.”
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Alone under the cold light of stars
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"Did you see that? As the dove emerged from the hat, the corner of Freminet's mouth turned up very slightly. Imagine how he'd react if we could find a way to make a whole flock of them fly out! After all, as his big brother, it's my duty to make him laugh."
— Lyney winked as he discussed with Lynette after a rehearsal.
◆ Freminet
◆ Yearning for Unseen Depths
◆ Renowned Diver of the Court of Fontaine
◆ Cryo
◆ Automaton
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As the realm of Hydro, Fontaine's underwater vistas are positively breathtaking. But not everyone gets to enjoy this mysterious world beneath the waves. Even for those who have mastered the basics, diving can be full of peril to say the least. Among the ranks of able divers, Freminet is renowned for his outstanding professionalism, exceptional ability to stay focused, as well as his abundant maritime knowledge. It's just a shame that, as a classic lone wolf, he never accepts commissions from others.
As the younger brother of Fontaine's famous magical duo Lyney and Lynette, Freminet prefers to stay out of the limelight. Other people's gazes, responses, and comments make him uncomfortable and interrupt the rhythm of his breathing. He prefers instead to slip away and bask in the weightlessness of the ocean, pouring his heart out to a Romaritime Flower.
He looks indifferent, but in fact it's just that his passion never comes back up for air.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
Countries That Generate 100% Renewable Energy Electricity
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Pictured: Hydropower is the most widely used source of renewable energy-generated electricity. This dam is located near Polson, Montana.
Is 100% Renewable Resource-Generated Electricity Possible?
"With concerns growing regarding burning fossil fuels and their connection to global warming, a great debate is occurring regarding the feasibility of producing electricity entirely from non-carbon emitting green renewable energy sources such as geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, and solar. Skeptics and naysayers claim that achieving such a goal is impractical, would destroy the economy, and is in the realm of pie-in-the-sky thinking.
But is it actually impractical and unattainable? The answer is clearly "no" since there are already several countries that generate 100% of the electricity they use from renewable sources of energy. There are also many other countries that obtain over 90% of the electricity they use from renewable energy sources. Despite the negative rhetoric by some, there’s nothing impractical about using renewable energy to generate electricity on a grand scale.
The Countries Leading the Way to a 100% Renewable Energy Electricity Future
The following is a list of countries that are leading the world into the new frontier of economies that run their electrical grids either entirely or nearly entirely on renewable energy per a 2018 report by the International Renewable Energy Association (IREA) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) statistics. This list and the percentages are subject to change over time, but it provides a good snapshot of just how practical renewable energy currently is for electricity generation.
Iceland obtains 100% of the electricity it needs from renewable energy sources. Iceland is somewhat unique since volcanic activity on the island provides a significant geothermal energy source that is utilized to provide approximately one-quarter of the country’s electricity. The remaining three quarters are provided by hydro-power.
Paraguay obtains 100% of the electricity it uses from renewable sources. Huge hydropower dams provide all of Paraguay's electricity needs, as well as supply neighboring Argentina and Brazil with electricity.
Costa Rica is another country leading the way towards 100% renewable-produced electricity. During 2018, Costa Rica met all of its electricity needs using renewable energy sources such as hydro-power, geothermal, biomass, wind, and solar for 300 days in a row.
Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Norway, Tajikistan, and Uruguay are countries currently generating greater than 90% of the electricity they use from renewable energy sources. Some of these countries are working towards running their electric networks entirely from renewable energy.
Some things stand out from the list of countries leading the way in electricity generated from renewable energy.
They are relatively small countries.
They have abundant renewable natural resources, particularly abundant water resources available to generate hydro-power.
The list includes both wealthy developed and poor developing countries.
The fact that both developed wealthy countries and poor developing countries are leaders in renewable energy-produced electricity indicates that the cost of constructing renewable energy resources is not a limiting factor. In fact, developing countries can justify the capital cost of building renewable energy sources of electricity due to the fact that the operating costs are relatively low and predictable (not subject to commodity price swings), and renewable energy allows a country to be self-sufficient in meeting its electricity needs.
Large Developed Countries Can Also Produce 100% Of Their Electricity From Renewable Energy
Critics and naysayers might say that while these achievements by small countries are impressive, implementing renewable energy on a large scale is impractical for larger developed countries. But is it really impractical?
Cost and technological barriers are not what they once were for renewable energy. In fact, costs for renewable energy continue to decline year after year, and renewable energy technologies continue to develop and become more efficient. Many countries have not even come close to tapping their renewable energy potential or even tried some of the technologies available, such as electricity generated by wave or tidal power. Additionally, the argument that renewable energy is only useful when it is being generated is becoming irrelevant since large utility-scale batteries are now available that have the capability to store electricity generated by renewable energy and allow it to be used when needed.
Clearly, the answer is yes. Large developed countries can produce 100% of the electricity they need from renewable sources. It is only a matter of the will and investment at this point to make the changeover from fossil fuel-generated electricity to renewable energy electricity generation. The technical barriers are not as great as naysayers claim, as proven by smaller countries that have already reached the 100% threshold. Moving towards 100% renewable energy sources of electricity will become easier over time as wind, solar, and other renewables become more efficient and large utility-scale battery storage technologies become capable of storing larger quantities of energy for use when needed.
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Pictured: Researchers lay out a plan for nearly 140 countries that could be powered 100 percent by renewable energy by 2050. spectrum.ieee.org
The City of Los Angeles Leads the Way in the U.S. With Inexpensive Solar
Various forms of renewable energy have experienced significant cost reductions to a point at which they are competitive and, in some cases, cheaper than traditional electrical energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This cost reduction trend will accelerate the change over to renewable sources of electricity. For example, the City of Los Angeles signed a deal in July 2019 for a large solar electricity array that will provide 7% of the city's electricity by 2025 at only two cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This is far cheaper than fossil fuel-derived electricity.
In addition to being cost-competitive, the practicality and reliability of renewable energy are poised to make major advances as large utility-scale battery technologies are rolled out that can be used to capture renewable energy when it is created, so the electricity can be used at a later time when needed. The Los Angeles solar array project includes utility-scale battery backup at a cost of 1.3 cents per kWh, so the electricity generated by the sun will be available even when the sun is not shining.
Los Angeles has a goal of achieving 100% renewable electricity generation by 2050. This solar contract is a big step toward achieving their goal."
-via TurboFuture, February 21, 2023
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Imagine the 3.8 Secret Summer Paradise event but with Wanderer and you. Nahida sends Wanderer to investigate something in the desert and you tag along for fun but you two get sucked into a magic bottle somehow?! Klee dubs his title as the “Sorcerer” - her mage sidekick - and yours as the “Soldier” - her protecter! (Or whatever you want, I’m bad at this.)
The rollercoasters are nothing compared to Wanderer’s flights of fright. He will do loops, twists, turns, upside downs in the air all while holding YOU… at least in the rollercoaster there are seats. Klee is amazed by your endurance and wants to try flying too! (Wanderer reluctantly gives her a piggy back ride and flies a safe distance up from the ground… Kaeya’s watching him very carefully, but you vehemently reassure him that Wanderer would never hurt a child. The cavalry captain actually grows to like him!) Though you manage to convince Wanderer to ride a slow rollercoaster with you. There’s no one else in the Choo-Choo Cart, and it’s late at night. Wanderer lays on your lap as you play with his hair, the both of you silent as you stare out the window, taking in the lovely sights of this realm.
Idyia’s quite scared of Wanderer at first but overtime she comes to fawn over and admire how deep your love is, she’s met many people in her little bottle, but no one has ever had a relationship like yours! Not to mention, Zosimos takes inspiration from the two of you for his characters. And speaking of plays, I think despite the fact the one the group acted out had poor plot, Wanderer finds joy in it, because I believe he likes the arts/dance/performances, and also he found Klee’s acting endearing. (When Kaeya runs out of stories for her, Wanderer takes over and tells her Inazuman folktales!)
Collei is extremely nervous speaking to Wanderer, but finds herself liking him more than she expected. She feels like she can… relate to him, for some strange reason? She doesn’t really understand, since she’s never met him before, but she doesn’t question it. Plus, she knows you’re a really nice person, so you wouldn’t date someone who’s mean, anyway. Eula is suspicious of him at first too, but seeing Collei warm up to him makes her tolerate him, while Kokomi finds the stranger very interesting. She has a few chats with Wanderer, and the things he says about Inazuma has her only more curious. The most important part is, Klee wants to be the flower girl at your wedding, whenever that happens.
Moving on, Wanderer has a soft spot for the Hydro Eidolons because they remind him a bit of the Aranara. He acts all annoyed when they want to play hide and seek with him but secretly he enjoys it (and you’re enjoying his fervent denial at being soft.) You two play all of the games together, although Wanderer is less enthusiastic about it than you (as usual of course) but he actually enjoys Bing-Bang Finchball! :3 (He wonders if his creator and that kitsune would like it, too.) Most of all, Wanderer especially enjoys the solitude he gets at certain places of the realm. Sometimes you’re with him, sometimes you’re not, but when you are, during these moments he’s oddly quiet and clingy. Sometimes he still struggles to accept his life and what he’s been through. But making memories like these with you make him happy.
At the end of your stay, when you have to bury a treasure to leave behind, you put in two dolls of Wanderer and you that you quickly made in the mirage! (Wanderer had taught you how to make them that nicely.) You didn’t show your lover at first, a bit embarrassed and scared of his reaction, but he found out anyway and sighed, but pulled down his hat to cover his blush. He flew you to a beautiful spot with the best view, and you two buried it together. You wonder if it would still be there if you ever visited again.
Even after many years pass, Idyia never fails to tell the engrossing tale of the grouchy puppet and his darling lover, an unlikely but loving couple. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could meet them spending their days strolling the streets of Sumeru with the young Archon.
Overall, an unplanned but very necessary vacation that Wanderer needed. Nahida had a blast listening to all of your stories! (And happy he has made some more friends, which he of course denies that accusation.) 
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rqnvindr · 1 year
fountain of tears
pairing: neuvilette x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff/comfort
word count: 1.8k
synopsis: neuvilette finds you standing by the fountain, alone the rain after an argument. his hidden turmoil can only be solved by hearing your voice again, tender, and unfiltered.
warnings: archon quest spoilers, arguments
"this is pointless. i'm out."
your words wound neuvilette, the pain shooting deep into his bones. they ring over and over again in his conscious, louder than any vibration that had ever emanated from his cane to resume order during a trial. he sits in his office trying to work, but his thoughts don't subside, not one bit.
he ponders, staring at the stacks of papers in front of him, documents regarding cases that needed to be reviewed in due time. but not today. the amount of time he had in between today's working hours and the next trial reassured him that he could hyper-fixate on the last thing you said to him before storming out the door.
it's strange that he isn't worried for your safety as much as he is over the feelings rooted in your actions. the chief justice knows that humans are more fragile than those who have lived for eons. those who have experienced centuries of change were capable of adapting to different and unexpected circumstances through changing forms, and bestowing ancient powers of the past that contained the wisdoms and strength needed to guide them. he should be more concerned for where you could've possibly have gone within the last day. but he knows that you are also acquainted with a certain traveler that had recently arrived in fontaine and caused an uproar with the hydro archon in court already, everyone was. there's no way they could've left now, taking you with them on their travels. they still had unanswered questions left for lady furina. it is still a possibility though that you're at least staying with them, since you two were in good graces.
you weren't from fontaine though, and the image of you packing your bags and going home by yourself made him shiver. you did say you were heading "out" after all. he had to consider all of the possibilities.
neuvilette was new to human relationships. how long did it take for humans to draw the line? it varies for everyone, since they are given the freedom to dictate their personal connections to others to a certain degree. but how much was too much for you? when it came to you, he not only wanted to understand humans more, but also just you. he wanted to delve into all of your laughter, all of your worries, all of the sighs that escaped your pretty lips. to grasp it and memorize it all, was his greatest desire.
without you, he would basically lose his purpose for inserting himself into the realm of mortality. you already got him this far, and on top of that, he concluded that you were causing him to feel foreign emotions from removing yourself from his sight. even if it hurt, this was a test included in his journey that he had to endure.
but neuvilette does not want to face the predicament without a resolution. instead of wallowing, he decides to leave his office. he was already working overtime anyway, hoping to just drown in reading the same pages over and over again to keep himself grounded. was he always this sensitive? in his mind, he imagined the beings of the past looking down on him.
it's pouring rain when neuvilette steps outside. ah right. he doesn't need another reminder that his sorrows inconvenience the ordinary citizens of fontaine, who are just trying to make it to work on time, rush their loved ones to the doctor, and just go about their lives without the weather impeding on them. people barely carry umbrellas though, they're all accustomed to this and it's too unpredictable (at least for them it is).
he decides to start backwards, far away from the court of fontaine. he heads to the opera house first, and he finds you on the first try. how could he ever mistake you for someone else? you're the only person he has eyes for. especially when you're standing by the fountain of lucine, and carrying a distinct umbrella in a small crowd of people, most of whom appear to be flocked around the opera house's entrance, probably catching magic shows and other performances.
neuvilette is uneasy when he notices how close you're standing to the fountain. you're inevitably drawn to the grand structure that welcomes audiences from within the borders of the land and beyond to the renowned location. the spectacle that delivers the arts and the law all the same. but beneath its beauty lies danger that erases those who get too close. many fontainians had lost their lives from seeking the wonders of what lay beneath the waters that decorate and surround the hydro region itself. by wanting to delve deeper into it, they subsequently drowned, their lifeforce dissipating into the shackles of the streams. both the knowns and the unknowns of the primordial sea were sufficient reasons to express caution towards the lands waters, even if one was not a native who was subject to becoming one with their origins.
if you were to become the next victim, the rain would proceed to crash down and become one with the fountain in a continuous flow of precipitation. and then fontaine would be known as "the land of storms" rather than "the land of justice".
as he approaches the fountain, neuvilette's desire to pull you away and drag you back to him with no hesitation stirs. yet, it immediately dissipates when you turn your head, and give him what he guesses is a contemplative look. the white-haired man chooses his words carefully. giving you a lecture about the rumored dangers of the fountain's ability to dissolve human beings would only alarm you. he should use the rain as an excuse to find somewhere safer, if you still weren't ready to return to your shared residence.
"i know. you're going to ask why i'm standing out here as if it isn't pouring rain." neuvilette barely gets a syllable out before you take the words right out of his mouth. you guys always had a habit of finishing each other's sentences, and even in a moment as anxiety-inducing as trying to make amends when you were mad at him, his heart melts. goodness, why did you have to be so lovely?
"if i were to let the rain impede everything, i guess i'd be a shut-in." you shrug. "it's been raining non-stop for the past couple of days. and no one seems to question it, so i just go along with it as if it's completely normal for it to be bright and sunny one day, and then cloudy and rainy the next day."
when you finish your thoughts, neuvilette still waits for you to continue. he was somewhat relieved that you were able to talk to him normally, but knew that there had to be more you had to say. were you going to officially end things between you two? say that you needed more time to think about the state of your relationship? he wasn't going to talk you out of anything, or start a debate. he respected your decision no matter what, even if it were to sting, he had to hear it. and the conversation had to go somewhere if he also wanted to deliver his side as well.
"i have heard some of the locals say though, that whenever it rains in fontaine, it is because the hydro dragon is crying." you say, as you gaze up at the sky. "i don't know if you have ever heard of it, but if such a tale were to be true, then i wonder what he could be going through for it to be pouring rain every other day."
neuvilette hopes he hid how quickly he blinked. normally he was good at hiding his reactions to hearing this "legend". although he never wanted to hide anything from you, the truth behind the mysterious precipitation was something he hadn't had the best opportunity to tell you about.
"yes, this is an old legend indeed. i often hear parents and caretakers telling this to children, whenever it's too wet to play outside." this was as much as the chief justice could water it down. he really did not want to lie before approaching a sensitive topic.
"as much as i would love to continue hearing the knowledge you have extracted from your time here, i have come here with another objective." neuvilette says. "i wanted to apologize for upsetting you. i have also been worried about you for the past few days. you do not have to disclose your whereabouts from the period in which we were apart, but i am happy that you're safe."
"it's alright, really." you reply calmly. "i was also in the wrong for storming out like that and not communicating with you. i was pretty upset, yeah, but i should've just told you that. i'm sorry for being immature and leaving you in the dark."
neuvilette notices tears streaming down your eyes. as your head tilts downward, they drop to the ground and blend in with the rain droplets. instead of offering you his handkerchief, he gently caresses both sides of your face with his gloved hands. you lean into his touch more, until you're wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace, letting your umbrella drop to the ground. he reciprocates, stiffly at first, but then holds you with no intentions of letting you go.
you're no longer choking back sobs, and then the sky clears up as the rain comes to a stop. you pull away from the hug to observe the sky, staying connected with your hands intertwined this time.
"wow...the hydro dragon must have been distraught watching us as if we were his new favorite play or something." you laugh.
neuvilette chuckles, knowing that you would of course find the occurrence to be a mere coincidence. "it seems that he must be quite fond of you, my dear."
"well, i'm already taken so i guess he will have to stick to me being his favorite character." you shrug obliviously with a smile.
as your lover, neuvilette has adjusted to being more vulnerable with you. you had seen the good and the bad sides of him, the latter especially during the latest argument that the two of you had now cleared up. and even then, you still let him back in. he doesn't have to worry about baring his entire soul to you now, and will slowly navigate you through his past and identity as the hydro dragon, who entered human society as the iudex. the vulnerable figure whose emotions affect the weather, and struggles to connect with others. you're the one worthy of knowing the truth though, and he makes a promise to himself to never hide anything from you from here on out.
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arandomdai · 8 months
Persephone Lost Herself To Marriage
⚠️ Warning: I'm just saying my opinions (and theories) like everyone else. So put your tin foil hats on, it's going to be a LONG read. Enjoy!!!⚠️
• The Realization
This was/is a cry for help. She's finally admitted something that we (some of us) already noticed. The fact that she's so worried about her blue corpse of a man's feelings, while in denial about killing hundreds if not thousands of mortals in seconds...is nasty work. Like okay you don't know yourself, good we are getting somewhere. But are you willing to change your ways like finally admitting that your Mom was right, Minthe was right (about you and your man), Zeus was right (where he says they didn't know each other long), finally realize your selfish and a murderer, etc. Like I wanna see the change, not this boohoo act. And speaking of Demeter, she is a little bit at fault for why Persephone acts like this. If she would've told her about being a FG, teach her how to defend herself, help her control her powers or help make her own decisions, none of this wouldn't happen. Now Persephone (this her own fault here)is trapped with guilt, a blu gru, and a whole population of shades coming in. Once this is over, I pray to God that she wakes up, and leave that man, live in the mortal realm, and hopefully come to terms/works on herself to know who she is because her being a Queen is not one of them.
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•Hades Is Her Downfall
This man never loved her. He wanted to sleep with her knowing he had a girlfriend (Minthe at the time) and when she was only 19 years old !!!(smdh 🤢😒), somehow he shows up in her nightmare saying, "I Know That I Can Smell Your Ambitions As They Rot At Your Feet.", he didn't let Persephone tell him what happened, lies about everything, disrespects Demeter, never gave Thanatos a real apology, never actually going to therapy, etc, need I say more? This man genuinely hates powerful women. He sabotaged Demeter's right to rule the mortal realm, gets angry when women stand up for themselves, preys on the vulnerable and young, dangles money over them, had an affair with Hera behind his brothers back, etc, and Persephone still thinks he's husband material... chile. Like how come she doesn't see those horrible qualities and notice that he brings out the worst in her? Real men don't treat women like this. To be fair, that first genocide she caused was all her fault, like yes they were playing in her face, but she didn't need to start killing people. But you know what she did, she was willing to help the shades get into the Underworld (and he was mad about that 😒). Now we're on to our second genocide, and this man was the cause of this as well (mostly her fault but still). The fact he said "I can't stop her from trying." Like yes you can Blunocchio 🙄. I'm so tired of him, and his evil ways. Persephone really needs to understand that man was never in her corner, and if he was, he would've left her alone from the very beginning. The lesson is don't EVER let a man be your downfall and try to make you feel powerless. If he can't take how powerful you are, he was never the one and he's an insecure a**hole.
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• There Was Always Someone
Hydros tried to warn Gaia
People thought Rhea was stupid for loving Kronos
Probably someone close to the Missing Goddess tried to warn her
Demeter warned Persephone
Do we see the pattern? Constantly losing yourself in love with abusive men, getting your powers drained because they wanted to prove that they were worth loving, and trying to prove the haters wrong (looking at you author)? Well, yes. Persephone had her twenties to look forward to (school, TOGEM, and starting her future), but made a man child the #1 priority. Had her thirties (self reflection, getting her shit together, realize she can do bad by herself.), but still managed to keep him in the #1 priority slot, instead of her and her own mother. Like does she not get that her mom is her real best friend? These fertility goddesses (excluding Metis 🤢) wish that they would've listened to those people/or families, and saw from their point of view that their men weren't no good, and go from there. Like did Persephone ever think about what Zeus told her ( his back story about what happened to Rhea), nope. Just ignored it because she never listens, and loves finding out the hard way 🙄😒. If the author wanted a real ('cause let's be honest, it's not) feminist retelling, she could've had Persephone look at the fertility goddesses differently, Seeing there struggles, learn that Demeter just didn't want to see her get hurt, and walk away from him (but in a perfect world I guess 🫤). Remember y'all there is always someone in your corner that is looking out for you and/or showing they love you.
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• Persephone's Fate
Until she starts listening to the right people, know how to think for herself, and realize that man ain't crap, she's doomed. Years from now, she's going to be trapped in a marriage full of regrets and shattered dreams, sparkling and useless if you will. Hades will continue to use and abuse her. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he started cheating on her like he cheated on Minthe. Also, wouldn't be shocked if she becomes the next Hera, after all she was just her stand in. Hades would take most of her powers, someone defeats him, and puts him in prison somewhere, she starts seeing him, and no one else can. Would that be something? I mean he was in her dreams telling her that her ambitions will rot. Also people wouldn't want to come around her, and she gotta live with that for the rest of her life. Demeter, lasion, and her son living life to the fullest, so who can she call? She is stuck in a tragic cautionary tale of a fertility goddess. Someone that wanted to prove the haters wrong, wanted to be worthy of loving, and a victim of a man's abuse and manipulations.
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
The power of Hydrogen! 💧
The known universe is 75% Hydrogen.
The face of the Earth is covered with H2O.
The human body is comprised of primarily water.
A baby is conceived and birthed from water of the womb.
We are to drink plenty of water to be healthy, stay young, and live a long life.
Fresh rainwater keeps the earth from drying up and dying.
In the New City, there will be a River of Life (water) to sustain the nations!
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. genshin impact
pairings. neuvillette x gn!reader
content warnings. sfw (angst with happy ending), arranged marriage/mating, neuvillette loses his children during the archon war, you're a (wind) dragon, he rejects you for many years because he's grieving, not edited/proofread, written in lowercase
word count. 1k
notes. this is now the third time i'm posting this... tumblr this better show up in tags or else
the archon war has now raged for many years and would continue to do so. something one of the last dragons on teyvat hated. the endless pain and suffering of his subjects wore heavy on his heart and soul— but he truly broke when one of his enemies slaughtered his children, the last of his. 
his wailing summoned the worst storm that teyvat has ever seen. his cries for his hatchlings, the last of his kin darkened the sky and the thunder resonates with his sobs. the seas were restless, waves crashing against cliffs and swallowing weak land. 
he continued to cry for his children for many days, cursing celestia deep beneath the surface and wishing all his enemies would die a painful death. he wished for them to suffer, he wished to take everything from them just as they took everything from him.
his children had been protected by his realm and they still died too young. he had been foolish to hope no one would touch his domain, the place where he was king. he had been foolish to hope— foolish to think his power as one of the last dragons, the last hydro one, was grand enough to fend his enemies off. 
his foolishness cost his future, the future of his seas, his waters. 
and the storm raged on, flooding the flat lands and raising small creeks to violent streams. the hydro dragon had been angered and now everyone suffered the consequences. 
meanwhile, the dark clouds grew and reached other regions and nations, slowly but surely completely taking over, other gods and mystical beings grew concerned. well, as concerned as they could be, while they slaughtered each other for the seven thrones. 
one of them was rex lapis, a kin to the mourning dragon. while he never had hatchlings and thus didn’t know the pain of losing them, he could recognize the cries. the hydro dragon was spiraling, his powers feeding onto his grief and claiming even more lives. 
to end the suffering on both ends, he decided to leave his current battlefield and made his way to the dragon known as neuvillette. he didn’t come as an enemy or ally, instead he came as kin to offer assistance— assistance in revenge. 
the agreeing between the two dragons, two mighty elements at their beck and call, became known as the first contract of war, written down by rex lapis himself. he offered a helping hand to the hydro dragon, if he would agree to mate one of his many adepti. 
mad with grief, the dragon agreed. he took an adepti of rex lapis’ choosing as his mate and went on rampage. in matters of weeks, he and the now geo archon reduced their enemies to nothing more but dust. and the god who killed the hatchlings… it is said that the hydro dragon himself drowned him in the sea. 
but what they don’t know, what no one but the two dragons know is that this contract of war saved not only many innocent lives from the floods, but also yours. 
rex lapis has rescued you from shackles placed on you, shackles of earth when you belong in the air. they weakened you, as you were the northern wind that brought the snow and winter to teyvat. wild yet freezing, you’re one of the four winds— and the last one remaining. 
the only thing that could save you, that saved you in the end, was to mate another powerful dragon. and while you wished rex lapis had taken you as his, his future as archon repelled you in the end. no matter what he said, the gnosis from celestia was a shackle. 
you needed to be free, free to remain alive, the last wind of teyvat. 
and the only other option was the hydro dragon, neuvillette. 
it broke your heart to see him like this, reddened eyes and slouched body, he was in no way showing the power he possessed. and oh— how he cried. even when he met you, tears were still running down his cheeks, as the storm raged on. 
the mating itself had been a somber affair, nothing more but a formality. there was no joy when he bit your neck, marking you as his. there was no celebration, instead you tugged on your armor the moment the mating was over. and even then— it couldn’t be even called a proper mating, because there was no nesting, there was nothing but a bite of formality. 
it took decades for your mate to recover, the gentle hydro dragon neuvillette. it took centuries for him to actually look at you and greet you as his mate and not a fellow dragon. 
you can’t lie, those years were weary on you and it hurt— it hurt so bad. but you understood, or at least tried to, and he was trying. 
trying to reign his grief in and to hold his tears back. 
but then you took him by his hand and tugged him with you. the two of you twirled in the air, a dance of dragons, and you spoke to him. 
“grief, my mate,” you said as you pressed your cool body against his.
“cry, my mate”, you whispered while it started to snow. 
“do not harden your heart, remember your hatchlings and remember the pain. the pain you received and brought on others in return.”
“remember, so it shall never happen again.” 
(and this day, he knew, it was this day he finally opened his heart. he allowed himself to feel, to yearn, for your touch, the touch of his mate he rejected for years. he yearned and broke to his desires, the deep, deep desire to love and to be loved again. and you greeted him with open arms and a gentle smile, forgiving the sins he did against you, forgiving all his wrongdoings. 
in this moment he knew, he loved you.)
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2-dsimp · 11 months
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Popular choice✨
—> (Truth: Human realm]
Player stats window [Currently Closed]
—> {Open?}
Main mission: Escape the pocket dimension!
—> [Completion bar: 2%]
1st objective: Infiltrate the yokai
—> Sub-objective: <SuRvIvE the Judge>
{CLEAR conditions: Prove that you’re not a threat}
Current location: [Fontaine] {Nuevilletes pool chamber}
<Neuvillette <The Hydro Dragon>
[Relationship: Strangers]
Affection lvl: 40 [His affection increased by +5 levels due to your truthful answer]
Suspicion lvl: 15/30 {His suspicion increased by +15 You’ve accidentally triggered a sensitive topic for him.}
Envy/Insanity: 🔒 (you’ve yet to reach the requirements to have him become your admirer!)
The hydro dragon outstretches a stiff hand towards you. He finds your answers to be concerning regarding the current situation he faces which involves the human realm.
Neuvillette propositioned you for detainment! It’d be best not to give him any reason to doubt you.
—> {Beg: Plea that you’re innocent}
—> (Comply: Take his hand willingly)
—> [Resist: Try to escape]
—> <Kitsune trait: Try to coax him>
(70% chance rate)
Votes end Thursday midnight 🕛
Player inquiries ✨
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m1d-45 · 3 months
welcome to teyvat !
before you begin your journey, here’s my original take on the logistics of sagau, as well as an update after some more information from fontaine. while not essential, here are my thoughts on how nations worship.
if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see in the future, please send in your request to my ask box.
1k event m.list
(host to: aether, alhaitham, bennett, collei, cyno, diluc, dottore, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, keqing, nahida, razor, tighnari, venti, wanderer, xiao, xingqiu)
warnings [⏵] : yandere / heavy cultish || obsessive
genre [title] : angst || fluff || hurt/comfort
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traveller from afar — aether
‘I'm saying that I'm having a lot of fun traveling with you… It'd be nice if we could just go on like this forever.’
⏵ a new tomorrow
—⏵ my love, my god
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twilight sword — dainslef
‘No, it’s just… I’m still waiting for my drink.’
⏵ will you promise that i'll see you again?
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ah, the city of freedom. a wise choice as a first stop, to best wind up for what’s to come. a calm atmosphere and a soothing wind across your shoulders… truly, the only thing better is the wine.
choose the winds of anemo ?
(host to: diluc, venti)
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the land of contracts… perhaps it’s a fitting choice, to visit the land so recently abandoned. the realm of illuminated beasts and host of history… unless it’s the music you prefer?
choose the stone of geo ?
(host to: baizhu, ga ming, xiao, zhongli)
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eternity… a false ideal, one impossible to chase, but i must commend ei’s determination if nothing else. all her effort, and the only thing permanent is its beauty.
choose the spark of electro ?
(host to: ayato, heizou, kazuha, thoma)
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hmph. the akademiya still runs rampant, and the desert is still a wash of ruin. i can’t promise much about here, except a few familiar faces. care to visit your friends?
choose the root of dendro ?
(host to: alhaitham, tighnari, wanderer)
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a nation submerged in water, surrounded by mirages at every turn. perhaps we could go see an opera, or catch a magic show… or have a cup of tea and catch up. what do you say?
choose the court of hydro ?
(host to: neuvillette, wriothesley)
…hm? ah, my apologies, but it looks like this destination isn’t available for travel just yet. thank you for your patience!
choose the ember of pyro?
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the land of ice and love, led by the lady of contradictions. have you found comfort in the snow?
choose the frost of cryo ?
(host to: il dottore, regrator, tartaglia)
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⏵ dearly beloved — complete trilogy
8.7k — being hunted across half of teyvat wasn’t exactly on your bucket list. but if he’s the one you keep seeing… maybe it’s worth it.
—⏵ on broken bones
—⏵ death, rebirth, new life
—⏵ the scottish play
⏵ abiogenesis — complete duology
10k — after being abandoned, albedo didn’t have the brightest hope for his future. travelling to mondstadt, he finds the closest thing to ‘purpose.’
—⏵ from soil…
—⏵ …was birthed chalk
⏵ secret contributions — complete trilogy
8.2k — false faith has forced you to flee to inazuma, barely surviving the trip. thankfully, the kamisatos are here to help.
—⏵ small miracles
—⏵ hidden blessings
—⏵ silent conclusions
⏵ spoken across stars — episodic
2.7k — voicelines characters would have in sagau
—⏵ kaeya, diluc, thoma ft. noelle + candace
—⏵ kazuha, wanderer ft. tighnari + baizhu
—⏵ zhongli, ayato, heizou ft. xinqiu + chongyun
—⏵ lyney, lynette, freminet ft. arlecchino + navia
miscellaneous / multiple
⏵ in excess (ft. zhongli + xiao)
⏵ new hopes (ft. the arataki gang)
⏵ emotions (ft. mondstat)
⏵ the young (ft. your main!)
—⏵ still too young (ft… a lot of ppl)
⏵ plagued (ft. diluc + kaeya)
⏵ reverse isekai drabble (ft. your main!)
⏵ slapfight (ft. a lot of people-)
⏵ mea maxima culpa (ft. zhongli + barbara)
⏵ in the stars (ft mona + your main!)
⏵ replacement (ft. kaeya + venti + albedo + xiao)
⏵ discretion advised (ft. mondstat)
⏵ warmth (ft. every pyro character as of 3.4)
⏵ a soft place to land (ft. zhongli + kaeya + diluc + alhaitham + tighnari)
⏵ constellations (ft. barbara + thoma + heizou + collei + kujou sara + sucrose + candace +ganyu)
⏵ connection (ft. diluc + kaeya + kazuha + albedo + kaveh)
⏵ your shield, a sword (ft. thoma + tighnari + zhongli + alhaitham + cyno + albedo)
⏵ divine favor (ft. yae miko + itto + kazuha + kaeya + chongyun + noelle)
⏵ dead leaves (ft. ..people)
—⏵ new sprouts (ft. chongyun)
⏵ the rule of threes (ft. albedo + his brother)
⏵ darling, my dear (ft. diluc + tighnari + childe + xiao + kazuha)
⏵ sandy refuge (ft. nahida + wanderer)
⏵ dancing soldiers (ft. aether)
⏵ a break in routine (ft. alhaitham + kaveh + sethos)
⏵ snapshot (ft. tighnari + neuvillette
please report any missing entries or misleading content as soon as possible !
thank you for reading !
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yaeggravate · 10 months
Theory: Kaeya's Vision was Given to Him by The Sinner and his Vision Gives us a Major Hint as to The Sinner's Identity.
can we talk about kaeya's vision? i've been dying to talk about kaeya's vision again.
(spoilers for everything up until 4.2)
good news, we finally got some more insight on what visions are! according to neuvilette's character story, when a person's desire reaches the heavens, archons are dutybound to put aside a shard of their mastery for them. this "mastery" originally belongs to the seven sovereigns.
To continue to subdue and control the resentments and loathing of the world, the usurper and one who came after created the Gnoses together. So it came to be that an order was made to be upheld, and thus did humans come to only possess these seven remembrances, and all fragments of the primordial were driven to devour each other. From that day on, whenever a person's wishes reached the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm were duty-bound to grant them a gift. Though they might know nothing of who or what wish had stepped into the threshold of the sacred, the Seven Archons still had to impart a shattered shard of their mastery to that person.
after focalors destroyed the throne of the hydro archon, neuvilette gained complete authority over the hydro element. because he's a nice guy, he decided to also put aside some of his mastery to grant visions to people.
furina is one such person.
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here's the cool part; her vision looks different from other fontainians. the decoration combines ousia and pneuma elements and there are four little fangs holding the vision in place.
that brings me back to the conundrum that is kaeya's vision. before furina, he was the only character with a vision that deviated from the norm.
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there are two unique oddities about his standard vision: it's missing two wings; the strings on the back are on the other side: this is an indication that it's mirrored.
(for simplicity's sake i will ignore the vision on his other outfit since it's essentially modified to match zosimos' design.)
what if kaeya's situation is similar to furina's? and i'm not just talking about their never-ending masquerade… what if his vision was granted by someone else?
i have briefly talked about this before but mirrors are associated with the abyss. this lead me to believe that it's possible that kaeya's vision might have been given by the abyss/the sinner.
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note how the strings on furina's gem also switch sides when she changes from pneuma to ousia. (pneuma (light) on the left and ousia (dark) on the right.)
it's relatively common knowledge by now that kaeya's kit shares similarities with abyss mages and heralds and that many khaenri'ahns were turned into abyssal creatures, (possibly due to them being in a similar situation as jakob ingold who possessed a "bit of the dark cold cosmos's power").
Paimon: And you said the people turned into monsters... You're trying to tell Paimon that the Abyss Order is not only related to Khaenri'ah but is actually the people of Khaenri'ah themselves!?
with the new information given, this theory seems more plausible. if neuvilette can give out visions, why not mr. purple crystal as well? if wishes can reach the "heavens", couldn't they also reach the abyss? we saw the crystal respond to clothar's praying and display a bit of creepy omniscience so you know it's powerful.
consider that the fangs on furina's vision is neuvilette's tongue-in-cheek way of hinting at him being a dragon, as his own personal touch. then could clipped wings hint towards the identity of whoever gave kaeya his vision? what do clipped wings indicate? fallen angels. what's a fallen angel? a sinner. 😏💯
Fallen angels are angels who were expelled from heaven. The literal term "fallen angel" does not appear in any Abrahamic religious texts, but is used to describe angels cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels often tempt humans to sin.
fun fact, the abyss mages are always chanting in ENOCHIAN which is popularized as the language of the angels.
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The script for this language appears while Abyss Mages are chanting to regenerate their shields as well as over their heads when performing spells outside of combat. […] The script also appears in the yellow protective runes around the weak points of Automatons, where the mirrored glyphs for B, L, and G circle around the core. Ruin Guards are known to have been made by the people of Khaenri'ah, many of whom turned into "monsters of the Abyss," so this script was possibly used in Khaenri'ah as well.
way back in the first archon quest, an abyss mage speaks to kaeya in enochian. it's significant enough that they give us a subtitle to imply kaeya can understand this angelic language; we have been shown he knows other ancient languages as well, like the language of the hilichurls and a strange script in the manga.
Kaeya: There's no way hilichurls organized an ambush like this themselves — not with their limited mental capacity... Kaeya: Thus YOU were behind this. Hydro Abyss Mage: Gohus, Chiso Vonph.
perhaps a reach but kaeya has one giant wing on his outfit, possibly a reference to the most famous video game villain in history, sephiroth, the one-winged angel?
this one is not a reach because kaeya also owns a book called the adventures of angelos. angelos is from greek ἄγγελος which means angel.
Between the pages of "The Adventures of Angelos," you find a list of names written on a sheet of official Knights of Favonius letterhead paper.
a book named angel containing a list of names, just to show the traveler he has eyes everywhere is a little on the nose if you ask me.
*edit: i forgot to include the most obvious hint, kaeya's favorite hangout: angel's share. and in the book of revelation there is a star or angel that fell to earth known as wormwood, (apsinthion in greek), which is the name of a plant used to make absinthe, which in turn is thee main ingredient of death (in the) afternoon, kaeya's favorite drink. dainsleif also likes this drink.
Wormwood (ἀψίνθιον apsinthion or ἄψινθος apsinthos in Greek) is a star or angel which appears in the Book of Revelation.
another fun fact, nabu malikata's last name malikata, besides meaning queen, could also mean angels.
In Islam, angels (Arabic: ملاك٬ ملك‎, romanized: malāk; plural: ملائِكة‎, malāʾik/malāʾikah) are believed to be heavenly beings.
nabu malikata is a survivor of the seelie race who were abandoned by the heavens; they are heavily implied to be angels. she is also the originator of the jinn. huh, i wonder why kaeya gifted us a seemingly random lamp which is said to have housed a powerful jinni...
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all this is pointing to the sinner being a fallen angel which makes sense since the archons have demonic names from the ars goetia, it stands to reason that higher abyssal beings should have angelic names.
in islam, there is a fallen angel named iblis who had four wings (like kaeya's vision) and who was chained up in the deepest part of hell (like the sinner), whose original name was azazil. khaenri'ah has some ties to arabic mythology, so who knows? this is just one possibility. interestingly enough, the names of four of the archangels ARE referenced in mona's magic circle but not azazil.
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the interesting part about the crystal is that he denies being a god and addresses the traveller as "creature"… there has been some speculation that the dragon king nibelung is the sinner, but we honestly don't have enough information to make that leap.
**edit: the domain we find the sinner in is located inside the chasm. thousands of years ago, back when zhongli was still young, an entity known as the sun or solar chariot fell to teyvat forming the chasm. this was during the time the moon sisters fell.
according to one legend, they refer to the entity as a fallen star. the star stayed in the chasm until the archon war, but before it returned to the sky it permanently left a piece of itself behind.
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also, the sinner's domain has enkanomiyan statues and architecture. in enkanomiya, there is an achievement you can get called phosphorus' guidance, which you get by following seelies. phosphorus is the greek name for the morning star. the latin name for the morning star is lucifer, now best known as the name of a fallen angel.
The Ancient Greeks called the morning star Φωσφόρος, Phosphoros, the "Bringer of Light". Another Greek name for the morning star was Heosphoros, meaning "Dawn-Bringer".
dawn-bringer, you say? reminds me of the harbinger of dawn kaeya gives you in the very beginning of the game. what are you trying to tell us, bud?
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lastly, the traveler notes the upside down defiled statue of the anemo archon is similar to the sinner. the statue, of course, has wings. it's funny because when we meet kaeya for the very first time, it's in front of the anemo god statue in front of the cathedral... notably, both dainsleif, and kaeya in his hangout route do not go inside the cathedral.
Kaeya: Perfect. (Traveler), why don't you head into the Cathedral and invite Sister Barbara to join us? I'll look for another friend who's interested in helping us.
Dainsleif: When a non-believer steps onto holy ground, the result is never pretty.
khaenri'ah was outside of the rule of the seven, hidden from the gaze of the gods. we don't know yet if in days of old khaenri'ahns could receive visions but we do have dainsleif's character card to give us a clue.
The listed name of his Vision's element, as announced on his Chinese Character Card, is a set of indecipherable symbols.
so dainsleif does have a vision; it's just that it has manifested as something else, possibly because unlike kaeya-seemingly a normal human-he is cursed.
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in any case, we've seen wanderer receive a complete sumeru vision despite not even being from there and arlecchino has a shneznayan casing despite loving her homeland fontaine. (although there might be some other shit going on with her.)
this means vision casings are tied to the region the receiver is in and has nothing to do with where a person is born. if neuvilette were to gift someone from outside fontaine a hydro vision, they would receive a casing from the region they're in. fontainians have pneuma or ousia alignments but arlecchino's shneznayan vision has no indication of what she is aligned with. though again, arlecchino is not a normal human being, who knows what's going on there.
Along with Divinity: Prologue [...] we should be conscious of the fact that what shapes our thinking, logic, culture, philosophy and aesthetics is not the archons themselves, but the objective environment that exists around us. This world around us is what we have inherited, and what this book shows is that the people of Teyvat have always been, and always will be, heirs to a divine legacy — but not to divinity itself.
(also thought it was pretty interesting how capitano calls the gnosis, the gnosis from inazuma instead of "the electro gnosis" or the "gnosis from the electro archon".)
aaand scene. please note that this is all kind of jumbled wild speculation and should not be taken as fact! this is all in good fun.
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