#hyewon iz*one
i-kyujin · 2 months
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  ➹   🍃  ⁺  ◍    ❜
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yeossemble · 4 months
✿ ۪⋆ hyewon lockscreens
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51 notes · View notes
elryuse · 1 year
Break Up #1
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"Y/n I think we should break up".
"H-huh w-why Noona".
"I'm just.... Agh... I just don't like you anymore. I feel like something is missing in our relationship and I don't know why".
"Please N-n-noona... We can work this together... I'm sure we'll find a way".
"I'm sorry Y/n.. I need some time alone... Please don't come near me again... Sorry".
"Please leave Y/n... I'm not ready to be in a relationship again... Let's stop".
"..... ".
Yeah.. That's basically how all of this shit started. I was just enjoying my life back then, living the best of my life with my loving girlfriend Hyewon. W-w-well I thought it would be the best thing in my life. But I guess I was wrong.
All my life I have given all of my time, effort, and money in this relationship with her. I have spend so much to build this relationship and all of a sudden she just want to end it this quickly? I guess Yujin was fucking right about her. From the very beginning.
Aghhh this shit sucks.... I should call Yujin.. I don't know what to do...
///// Calling Ahn Yujin ////////
"H-hi Yujin".
"Ohh Y/n how have you been? I miss u so much".
"Well I surely have been better".
"... What happened".
"Did u break up with her"?
"H-how do you know"?
" *sigh* Y/n... Didn't I tell you from the start... You wouldn't last long with her? She's a complete 180 of you".
"Y-yeah.. I'm sorry for not trusting you".
"Haish.... Can I come over.. I want to talk to you".
"Y-yeah sure Yujin".
"Alright be there in 10".
*knock knock*
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"Hi Y/n".
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HyeWon - Elle Magazine Pics
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idolsgeneration · 16 days
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chae-yeons · 3 months
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ecile · 1 year
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( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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⋅₊˚. °•⁀➷ ✉ଓ
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b-ubbleberry · 1 year
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91 notes · View notes
usedpidemo · 2 years
Delete this.vol fifteen.
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“Hyewon, I-I…”
“I know.”
Your skin has never turned pale right before Hyewon’s eyes, yet at this moment you sense the warmth and color in your flesh gradually fade away as she catches you by surprise, a chill of horrible fright taking its place.
If not for the incredibly awkward predicament you’re in, you’d make a joke about whose skin is whiter—and her cum coated body isn’t far off from yours. She stands there, seed dripping down her ever so perfect body like a ghost. Her presence feels haunting, especially when she eyes you with the sharpest glare you’ve ever received. You’ve never been in a more uncomfortable position as she stares at you intently from the middle of both dressing rooms. Behind her is the entrance and exit door, nowhere close to your reach, where her troupe of thick beefcakes wait. 
“Hyem, please, let’s not do this right now,” you desperately plead, placing a hand close to your chest as your heart thumps rapidly, beating faster with each passing second. 
She tilts her head, watchfully eyeing you like a hawk as you tremble in place, afraid that one wrong move or reaction will bring forth your demise. The longer this stalemate continues, the more anxious you grow. Hyewon doesn’t need to move an inch closer to put you in place. 
“You’re right. I don’t wanna do this right now,” she says, breaking the tense silence. Hyewon walks over daintily around your position as you find your feet involuntarily moving parallel to hers. Both of your eyes remain locked at each other until you find yourself where she stood a few minutes ago.
Just as you start to back away, she speaks, a little more stern this time. “Don’t even think about leaving me now.”
Your eyes widen. A throaty gulp precedes a deep breath that slowly chokes you. Hyewon has had her fair share of upset moments, but this is different. Her stern, demanding voice rattles you to your very core, as if you committed an unspeakable act—which in her eyes, you certainly have. It’s enough to paralyze you where you stand, ready to submit to whatever command she wants as penance for your sins.
“Take a seat over there.” Hyewon points her finger at an identical sofa in her dressing room, one similar to what was used for her lewd photoshoot. Wasting no time, you comply, trembling uncomfortably as you waddle to the designated couch, then setting yourself down. Even as she turns around, her intimidating gaze no longer targeting you, you remain uneasy as you anxiously anticipate her next action.
She walks over to another door. A waterfall of cum continues to stream down her body; it’s so unnerving seeing a familiar sight, especially with what you’ve seen in the last hour. “I’ll be out in a few. Wait for me.”
After turning the knob, she slides between rooms, but not without another direct shot to your heart. 
“Piece of shit.”
Ten minutes later, Hyewon reemerges from the bathroom, fully cleansed of all the filth flowing down her frame, but not the pleasure she feels from it. She walks over to a wardrobe while the white robe draped around her loosens. The garment slips down to reveal a hint of still wet shoulders and glistening skin under the lights. From the closet she picks out a matching colored blouse. Despite her gaze not being on you, you watch her closely, uncertain of how you feel as she puts the new clothes on: whether it’s just out of fear or of love for her. 
Properly dressed and pampered with self-applied makeup, she finally makes her way toward you, without sparing even a tiny glance. When she glides over the couch and sits on the opposite end from your side, she moves with a dash of firm grace, like a prim, pure princess. There’s layers to her behavior, that you know. How many and how deep it goes is a whole other story, perhaps multiple stories.
Crossing her arms together and her right leg on top of her left, letting it bounce on her other knee, she remains committed to her cold act, feigning ignorance to your presence. As much as you want to ask her why, you don’t try in the slightest to utter even a single word or an audible breath, lest you’re met in response with a sharp curse or snarl. 
You silently wait for Hyewon to do something, anything. As much as you want her to respond favorably, it’s clear she wants to do things her way. Hate how she goes about it, but your heart tells you not to mess up more than you already have. Despite how close you are seated next to each other on the couch, there’s a vast rift between you both. 
Your fingers try to inch their way slowly towards her side, hoping her heart opens up, even just a little. A slight twitch of her hand makes you withdraw yours back. She doesn’t even come close to slapping it nor does she intend to, but even the smallest move she makes puts you on edge. Hyewon is unpredictable as she’s ever been, but for some reason she feels extra erratic than she usually is.
The stalemate between you stretches longer than you hoped. An occasional glance is shared here and there as deafening silence occupies the room. Whenever she tilts her gaze towards you, you look away. Her lips remain firm and stiff, scowling as if your very presence upsets her. 
As urgent as the situation demands, you can’t. There’s no getting out of this without letting her have her way with you.
Slide your hands between your shirt’s pocket and open your phone. 10 minutes have gone by since she entered that shower. So, not much time has passed, though uncomfortably waiting for her feels like an eternity. Her wandering eyes catch you right as you check the time, and she opens her mouth to let loose another unsavory remark.
“Looking to leave already? I should have expected this, especially from you.”
Instinctively, you retreat your hand from your shirt. “Hyem, it’s not like that.” 
She turns her head away right as you answer back, unwilling to listen to you. This time, your patience has run dry. If you needed to scream it out for her to understand, you absolutely will. 
“Hyem.” You slither closer to her side of the couch, but she extends her arm out to push you halfway. Her actions speak louder than words, but your determination is stronger.
Your tone gradually becomes slightly sharper with every call of her name. She refuses to budge, acting indifferently as you frustratingly try to reach out to her. It doesn’t matter that there are people outside that dressing room. You need her right now, no matter who else gets involved. 
“Hyem!” One more shout of her name, yet the same end result. She draws her hand back, but her face remains hidden away from you. At this point, you hop off the sofa and clench your hands into fists like a frustrated child who didn’t get what they wanted. Whether or not she knows or not, you are unwilling to put up with her games any longer.
Turning your back on her, you mutter, “Fuck you, I’m leaving.”
You’ve barely stepped between dressing rooms when you stop. For a moment, you think it’s nothing more than a dream. No way after the hard act she’s been doing, she finally concedes and begs.
She repeats herself, but you remain frozen in place, uncertain if her plea is genuine or not. 
You gently tilt your head to look at her. Her eyes are on you. Gone is the stiff, cold expression on her lips. Instead, there’s a sorrowful, remorseful frown. 
“Don’t go.”
Her words drip with sincerity and longing. Despite the threat you’ve made to her, it is more than enough to draw you back in. The heart acts really strange, sometimes. 
“We need to talk. Just—don’t go.”
You sigh, knowing she’s more than likely going back to her ways as soon as this is all behind you, but at least she’s still in your grasp, somewhat. 
Both of you hear a knock on the door, followed by an echoey voice. 
“Is everything okay back there?”
“Yes! I’m all right, I just need to attend to a friend’s call,” she says casually.
Right. There’s four guys outside that will definitely give you more severe back pain than she normally would riding you or slamming you against the bedroom walls. Unfortunately, no weaseling your way out by yourself, except with maybe Hyewon’s help. 
Turning your head back to her, you quietly ask, “No more being a hardass?”
She meets your gaze, then she softly nods.
You’re both seated on the couch again, this time looking at each other without visible hostility. She doesn’t look happy, but she doesn’t appear upset either—at least compared to earlier. Her fingers playfully twirl with her dark hair, quietly waiting for you to finally open up about everything.
“I don’t know where to start, Hyem.” You clasp your hands together as you try to gather up your thoughts into something relatively cohesive and understandable. “There’s plenty of things you need to know—”
“Just get it over with,” she replies coldly as her eyes look down her blouse and legs. 
“This is serious, Hyem. Please don’t be like that.”
“Be like what? I’m listening to you, what else do you want from me?” She jolts up from her relaxed position and glares at you. “You know I’m wasting precious time by listening to you right now. I should be doing a photoshoot, but here you are.”
You want to reply back that you’ve seen everything—but you refuse. So you gulp your throat and go silent for a moment.
“Miyawaki Sakura has escaped prison,” you say, having formed a way to explain the situation around her. 
“And?” Hyewon sounds unfazed knowing that she almost died by her hand.
“Sakura escaped prison,” you repeat, turning to face her. “We’re all in grave danger, you know? We don’t know where she is, what she might do, or when she’ll strike! Hell, she could be on her way right now!”
Her eyes widen a tad bit, but nevertheless, she stays unworried about it. “Okay. You make it sound like she escaped yesterday. Absolutely no way she knows where we are right now.”
“Did you not see her mansion? She has all sorts of tech and money lying around! She could be tracking one of us!”
“Relax, baby.” Hyewon gets up from the couch, walks over to a mini-fridge to grab some water and a glass inside, then places the drink on the table after filling it to the brim. “You’re just paranoid or having nightmares.”
“God, Hyewon, I—” you stop yourself before you drink the glass of water she offered. “You’re so awfully calm about this. There’s a high likelihood she might go after you first. I’m just worried about us.”
“Us?” She raises her eyebrow in confusion. “Which ‘us’ are you referring to?” 
You don’t know how to answer that. She clearly has the other girls in mind when rebutting your concern.
“I don’t need to be there or have a camera to figure out that you’ve fucked them behind my back,” she continues, walking back to the couch and taking her seat again. “I can tell by your body language you’ve been wanting them more than me lately.”
You definitely have no proper argument to her comment. It’s true. All of it.
“Come to think of it,” she places a forefinger on her chin, as if she’s playfully thinking. “You saw everything, did you?”
“Hyem, I—”
“Sure you did. No need to lie to my face.” Hyewon inches her finger close to your lips, giving you a frightening, but also alluring stare while shutting you up. “Fuck, I think it’s so hot too. Having all my holes filled like that. I bet you were jealous of them.”
She plants a soft kiss on your lips, fixing her seductive gaze on yours, making you tremble in your spot. Just when you thought you had control, she firmly reminds you who it truly belongs to.
“I’m not gonna argue with you any longer.” She plants her hands on your knees and hovers her light frame atop yours, her face edging close to your ear and changing her vocal tone from serious to sultry in an instant. “Kiss me.”
Smooch. Hit her right at the center, where your lips belong. It’s only stuck to her for a handful of seconds, but the sweet taste lingers longer, beyond any concept of time. When you regretfully draw back, she responds with a sweeter, succinct kiss of her own. Your hands tie into a loving knot, then she leads yours around her slender waist, tightly gripping your nails into the expensive fabric of her clothes until you feel the soft sensation of her ass hidden beneath the dress. 
She gasps. Her eyes go shut at that moment, the firmness of your grip hinting at the pleasure she knows very well. You feel a tug on that held hand, and without a second thought, you grab a handful of that tasty flesh again. Another airy gasp escapes Hyewon’s breath; waves of ecstasy begin to consume her and leave her with nothing but primal lust. 
“God,” she mutters with light difficulty, bodily bliss overpowering her brain’s ability to form words. “I miss this feeling of you so much.”
Admittedly, you feel the same way about her too.
After a little struggle, she recaptures your lips in another passionate, torrid kiss. A melodic hum vibrates from her mouth to yours while her body squirms and wriggles wildly over your lap, locking your hands together with one securely fastened to her rear. One of your legs kicks up and wraps itself around her body too as the two of you sink deep into the couch, making out fervently as desire becomes top priority in your minds. 
The love making continues for a little bit, until she decides she’s had enough to withdraw her lips back with a slight pop. Hyewon readjusts her position above you, kicking her heels off then loosening the hold your leg has around her waist. Planting her palms on your clothed chest, she looks down at you with a fire in her eyes, one you haven’t seen in quite a while. 
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“Come on, rip this stupid thing off me,” she says. Not a simple command, but rather a firm demand. 
Raise your head lightly. Her weight keeps most of your body buried on the sofa as your hands explore her heavenly body wearing expensive fabric. Right. 
“These are too expensive, you sure they won’t—”
She vehemently shakes her head before you finish questioning her. “Don’t care. Besides, they can just buy another one. These are not mine, anyway.”
If only she didn’t care about the tear in your relationship. Oh well, at least there’s a start.
Hyewon spreads her arms wide, as if going for a hug, but in actuality, commanding you to undress her at once, and you certainly will never deny that order. 
She waits intently as your hands finish their exploratory journey around her body and make their way to the center of her long white blouse. She throws her head and sighs wistfully as you slowly unzip and expose more and more of her freshly washed, pearly skin without any other bits of clothing hiding them. No lingerie, no underwear, just her nakedness cloaked behind one flowing garment. 
You partially pull the fabric off her shoulder only for Hyewon to do the rest, letting the dress glide down to your pants before she hastily tosses them aside to the floor. It doesn’t surprise her when your eyes immediately dart toward her bountiful chest as she hovers on top of you on all fours, holding your hands together with hers to keep you under her control. She lifts them from her body and plants them to the leathery sofa as her face approaches yours. 
Her lips drown yours in a third, but just as fervid smooch. While your hands struggle, locked under her tight grip, her figure grinds on you in an animalistic manner, arching her back while going up and down in waves as her breasts land and lift over your chest. She’s engulfing you with every bit of passion, lust, and desire that you will never be able to escape from.
There’s a knock on the door. Like an annoying fly whizzing by, it persists. Sometimes, there is an occasional shout of a ‘Hello! Are you okay there?’ from someone, but it’s met without a verbal response. The four naive men, whose time is just as important as their muse, try to open the door, but to no avail. It’s locked. Soon, the casual thumps grow into thunderous bangs and blows.
Little do they know—or soon they will—that the screams inside are of excitement, not danger.
You, just as naked as she is at this point, are no longer being pinned down to the couch by Hyewon. Instead, you’re holding her soft flesh from behind while she’s on all fours, her face dashed to the backrest while your hard cock is firmly impaled deep inside her wet pussy, violently pounding her while her moans are occasionally muffled by being pushed deep into the leather. It doesn’t matter to her how uncomfortable she is; she wants to feel every inch of you drilling her sopping cunt like it’s your first time. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me hard just like that!” she cries out in pleasure as you pull her slightly from the couch, only to push her back in as you fuck her wildly. You gladly oblige, having forgotten your sense of time and place, only focused on filling her with your wants and hers. 
You’ve mostly restrained your voice to keep your sinful act at the low, but she’s making it oh-so obvious to everyone that you’re there. You’ve tried to shush her at the start, but once you’ve speared her with her favorite toy, that is, your shaft, any hint of subtlety has been thrown out the window. Every single person in the building might as well have heard you two fuck, even behind several layers of tile and wall. 
She turns her head around to glance at how you’re holding up. To her delight, you look very spent. You’re breathing heavily, consumed by the tightness of her snatch to think beyond rapid gasps and sharp grunts. You catch a wicked grin forming on her lips; she’s evidently leading you to completely shatter—if you weren’t already fractured by her beforehand.
“Just let it all out,” she mutters between your pumps. “I know it feels good, doesn’t it?”
You bite your lips in a desperate cover to remain steady, but it’s merely a weak facade. She just feels so damn good. 
“Fuck, Hyem, you’re tight. So fucking tight.” The words depart from your lips in such a natural manner that feel so wrong, yet so right. If not for the sensation of her soft, mushy flesh in your hands, they’d run straight to your mouth out of instant regret.
Yet you don’t regret a single second of the last half-hour spent relishing the feel of her wet pussy warming your admittedly needy shaft.
Satisfied with the response, she looks away with an arrogant smirk before a stream of prolonged mewls fill the room with delight. 
There’s nothing around you to distract from the sight of Hyewon’s naked body reacting in kind to each thrust you give her, her arms and knees grinding back and forth on the couch to the point they’re sore. She’s holding up very well despite everything she’s taken already, which shouldn’t surprise you, but it does.
Maybe she wants you to deliver the finishing blow.
The echoes and thumps from the dressing room door grow louder, but they’re not enough to overpower the sloppy and erotic sounds you’re both making. You want to burst, finally break, for this to end already, and her velvety walls putting your dick in a harsh chokehold certainly help in speeding up the process, but you want the feeling to last a little longer, maybe more than you initially want it to last.
If only your ears can selectively mute the outside sound—but Hyewon’s moans certainly work as a fine substitute. They’re nicer to hear, too. 
One hand is firmly pressed on her reddened ass cheek, the same piece you’ve marked for so long, while the other finds its way around her hair, tangling countless strands in a bundle around your fingers. Your legs tremble as you feel that sharp knot in your stomach, the sign of the impending collapse. Between the door or you, you want to beat them to it with utmost urgency. 
You gasp while you look down as your cock slips in and out of her tunnel, coated with waves of slick a couple of times over. Hyewon’s body continues to rock on the couch with each plunge, increasing her already loud moans to somewhat deafening levels. The more you drill her, the more that warm feeling in your groin expands, which is what you both eagerly want to happen.
Focusing all your efforts into flying over the edge, you pull her figure closer to you without warning as you fuck her wildly, leaving Hyewon to plant her nails deep into the cloth, creating tiny holes on the sofa. 
“Oh God please fill me fuck fuck fuck—”
A gunshot-like sound rips through the room as the four men finally burst into the room. Within seconds they rush to the other side, where Hyewon is, and their eyes widen in utter shock at the sight before them.
A quiet, collective sigh leaves both you and her breaths as you unload deep inside her. Coating her walls and the couch with thick waves of slick, you crumble to your knees, down to her level. 
Speechless. That’s what you and the other men in the room feel right now, for different reasons.
Their presence seems invisible to you, not when there’s Hyewon’s hole, leaking with your cum, right in front of you. She looks back at you, raising an eyebrow before flashing a bright, cheerful smile—one that tonally contrasts the scenery around her. 
It takes a few minutes before another voice can be heard from anyone. Even as Hyewon hops off the sofa, leading your paralyzed body on it and straddling herself back onto your lap once more, not a single soul can muster up a word toward her. 
“Hyem, w-who—who is this—”
She turns her head around to find her co-models with their jaws dropped and frozen in place. She remains unfazed and carefree.
“Oh, him? That’s just my boyfriend,” she says nonchalantly before planting a kiss on your cheek as you keep trying to gather oxygen, still oblivious to their presence. “Look, I love taking your cocks and all, they’re very nice, don’t get me wrong—”
Hyewon snakes her arms around your shoulders and neck, leaning close to your ear before continuing, shifting her tone to that familiar sultriness. “But none of you will ever fuck me as good as he can.”
Seemingly regaining her strength, she begins to bounce on your lap while beaming the most smug of smirks at the hunks. It leaves them defeated, almost demoralizing in a way, that they leave you both alone, one by one. When they’re no longer inside the dressing room, she comes to a complete halt, cupping your cheeks and leaving one more impassioned kiss on your lips. 
Your senses begin to regain life. A couple of blinks of the eye then you shake your head. “Hyem, I—”
“Shhh.” Hyewon places a finger on your lips, just like earlier. “I understand. I just wanted you to calm down by fucking me.” 
Your eyes widen at that strange answer. “What?”
“She’s out there, we’ll put her back in that prison where she belongs. Easy.”
“It’s not that simple, Hyem. We don’t know where she might be or what she’ll do, remember?”
“Doesn’t matter, that bitch will end up in prison once more.”
You pause to contemplate her sudden change in attitude regarding Sakura, but knowing it’s your goal to bring her down again, you nod in agreement. 
She smiles cutely.
“Wait, I want to ask you something. Actually, two things.”
“What is it?”
A prolonged pause follows; you’re worried that she will be upset with what you have in mind. She gently caresses your cheek and brushes off bits of hair to fully see you. You look to be deep in thought.
Nevertheless, you ask away. There isn’t a better opportunity to do so.
“First, what’s up with the sudden attitude change? And second—” You pause for a moment with a gulp in your throat. “What about us? I feel like we should talk it out and discuss our relationship. We should be open, you know?”
Hyewon stares at you idly without a word. She holds you tight in her embrace, but she doesn’t utter a sound. Panic immediately runs through your head, wondering if you’re asking too much from her, considering how abrupt everything has been within the past hour.
“I just want this all to be over,” she whispers. You feel her grip loosen and the weight in your lap lighten as she glides off you. The happy expression on her face turns to a seemingly gloomy frown as she picks up her dress off the floor. 
After a moment to observe her changes, feeling paranoid and concerned, you ask timidly, “W-what do you m-mean?”
She doesn’t respond right away. 
After putting on new clothes, in the middle of combing her frazzled hair, she finally answers.
“We’re over,” she sternly says right in your direction, with a steely glare that might as well be a bullet directed to your heart. “If that’s what should make you comfortable with them, then so be it.”
While she walks away, presumably to finish her shoot, you run up to her with even more questions in your mind, but you end up asking none. 
“That doesn’t answer anything, Hye—”
“It answers both.”
She doesn’t waste another second with you, turning herself away from you after dropping the answer, pointing her finger to the door where you entered before leaving the dressing room.
“Tell Eunbi and Yena I already know.”
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i-kyujin · 16 days
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    ☒   ⁺   ♩   🕰️₊   ⪨
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youchangallery · 6 months
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˒ hyewon icons 120×120, cr. mention chanyouchan
˒ like or reblog 𔘓
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elryuse · 1 year
Break Up #3
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"That was fucking amazing right.."?
"Y-yeah I-it surely is Yujin".
"I'm glad you like it...".
"C-can you sleep with me tonight Yujin.. I-i.. I really enjoy you're company".
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" *smile* Y-you do? You really mean that"?
"Y-yeah... Ah.. I-i mean.. If you're busy... I won't force you.. ".
" *smooch* No... I'm not busy.... At all... Hehehe... A-and can I ask you something Y/n"?
"What are we? I-i mean are we friends with benefits? A-a sexfriend? O-or can W-we be more than that..? M-maybe a couple... If you want it that is".
" *smooch* I love you yujin.. And I don't know if we're going too fast.. But I really want to try to make this relationship work"..
After hearing that... Yujin's heart melt. In the end we ended up cuddling in my bed. She was giggling the whole time, enjoying our time together. Y-you yourself didn't think that you would end up in the same bed with your best friend... But somehow.. It feels way way better and comfortable to sleep with yujin than hyewon.
At this point. I was wondering what was hyewon doing... I was constantly thinking about her. Which I shouldn't. We already broke up.. I should have move on.. And keep my focus on Yujin... But deep down in my heart.. I just wished that she's fine out there.
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"What did you say..... How could you say that to me... I've broken up with him for you... For us.. Now you're telling me you're getting married"???
"I'm sorry hyewon.. But that's the reality. And I'm sorry I really do. I mean I really do enjoy fucking that nice body of yours. But Us?? There is never us to begin with. You're just some bimbo that I like to fuck".
"Y-you son of a bitch... *slap*.... I should have never trust you... I should have trusted my guts instead of my heart.. ".
"Well bye bye now... My fiancee is waiting for me.... Adios".
"C-carlos... Come back... You mother fucker...".
Why... Why... Why is this happening to me... I should have necer... I should have never hurt him.. Why am I such a fool. Oh dear.... *sobs* W-why am I such a dumbass. He have given me everything he have..
If I apologize to him... Will he still wants me? D-do I even have a chance to get back with him again. After all of the shit I've done to his life. Aghhh.... Hyewon.. Why are you so dumb at you're life choices. Ughhhh.
"I think I should talk to him tomorrow".
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korean-dreams-girls · 7 months
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HyeWon - Men Noblesse Magazine Pics
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idolsgeneration · 3 days
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heejinsoulyves · 4 months
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Both Hyewon and Minju have been featured models for MLB this year and as a wiz*one I'm so happy
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ecile · 1 year
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just like a butterfly!
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