#hype train ans word of honor took the crown
mejomonster · 10 months
I got potential news (not happy, but I mean not sad). Latest justice in the dark (rumor) updates: was taken down due to legal issues (likely copyright) and they do plan to re air from the beginning at a later date once issue is taken care of and cdrama airing timing is right. Rumor is actors were requested to rake down their farewell letters. Meaning... the show is back in hiatus. Like the past several months. Except now the 8 episodes can only be watched on unofficial sites in the meantime.
Schrodingers cat isn't probably the right comparison but like. It's the potentially perpetual unknown status show. ToT
Anyway I saw 2 posts on weibo which were rumor only, mentioning airing later, and one post on weibo mentioning the reason for taking the show off was copyright issues.
On mydramalist comments someone mentioned a Twitter thread on why it was taken down, but I can't see shit on Twitter right now so im just going by what the comment said. The Twitter thing they quoted: Cao5903 (@cao5903) Staff Youku said: "Due to some unexpected reasons that could not be controlled in time, we had to take down #JusticeInTheDark to handle it. Wait for it to be okay and then replay it from the beginning."
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