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dannydehek · 2 years
Carl Haavaldsen Outrages HyperCommunity EXPLOSIVE VIDEO destroys HYPERCOSMOS and HYPERNATION
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I’ve been watching the antics of Carl Haavaldsen for months. Carl doesn’t care about anyone except himself, he openly professors to promoting Ponzi schemes, claiming to have made $4500 a day out of HyperVerse. He has been in network marketing for over 42 years and in the Crypto industry for 9 years, proudly sharing his journey with his followers to entrap them in the get rich quick investment opportunities he promotes; Ultron, NovatechFX, MacroGold, WippoFund, Pegasus and Everything Hyper and now HyperCosmos! When I saw this video of him explaining how everyone had lost their money in HyperVerse and boldly stating the only way they could get any money back, was by recruiting people into HyperCosmos, this outraged the HyperCommunity. I believe this destroys what’s left of the people who follow all the hyper Ponzi schemes. This is also a condemning video which I will do my best to give to newspapers in Canada showing help latently this guy is promoting Ponzi schemes. Watch the Original Video on my Odyssey account. In this video he alleges “100% clarity of exactly what’s happening with HyperCosmos” he also has requested the video to be removed from YouTube and has removed the video from his own private Vimeo account. The Video was re-uploaded to @HCommunity YouTube Channel, he formally requested them to remove the video. First off, I'm an affiliate, not a Node, so you misrepresented this video with your title. You did not have permission to use this video. You MUST remove it immediately. I have already reported you to Youtube for using my video without permission - Carl Haavaldsen The chat between Rob Woolley and Carl Haavaldsen is priceless, I've copied it below, incase he's successful at getting his video removed, I can assure you he won't be successful at getting my video removed. Carl Haavaldsen @HCommunity HYPERCOSMOS | PRO NODE MEETING | 2022 DEC, you have until the end of the day or I take further action. This is a copyright violation of my own property Rob Woolley @Rob Woolley I am getting flack from the company on this because they said there were some things that were said incorrectly, so I was ask to get it taken down. I am all for full disclosure but I'm also about telling all the facts. If I said something incorrect, the video must be taken down and redone. Now, whoever posted this, should have asked permission. It's a copyright violation to post other people's video without permission Rob Woolley @Carl Haavaldsen I bet you are but I’m not convinced anything was incorrect. Here’s your chance to correct it. What part is wrong? You have everyone’s attention Carl Haavaldsen @Rob Woolley the product is the Academy in Hyperverse as Hyper Cosmos and Hyperverse are intertwined. you can move back and forth between each platform. I admit is was poorly designed that way but a product exists, therefore legit. They just basically redid the comp plan so it was referral only. People buy Cosmos Packages as they bought Hyper packages and both have the Academy as their product Carl Haavaldsen @Rob Woolley the part I had wrong was the HB part. HB's are only used to fund the Hyper Cosmos accounts to where they are pending Frozen rewards. They will not be used for paying out the accounts as I stated in the call, I received incorrect information. So basically converting HU to HB, then moving it to Hyper Cosmos to a pending rewards in there called Frozen rewards like pending rewards in Hyperverse. New sales are now required to pay out those pending rewards instead of a rebuy feature they had in Hyperverse. And of course I said dollars rather than USDT, that upset them as well. I hope this clears things up. Now do you see why I need to redo this. I don't want everyone thinking I gave them the wrong info. I simply misunderstood the info I received and delivered it incorrectly Carl Haavaldsen Don't you want the real info Rob? I know I do so I can move on in whatever direction I choose to go Carl Haavaldsen Besides the title of that video was never to do with a NODE, thats what really got everyone upset. Now my upline doesn't talk to me so I may never get the real truth now. That's on you now if this is your YouTube channel. Reply Rob Woolley @Carl Haavaldsen why would that upset anyone? Wouldn't you be more upset if you were sold into HyperCosmos by someone gaining a 50% commission and all you get is access to the Hyperverse Academy and the chance to sell others the same thing? I'd think that would be a great way to make myself look stupid and lose friends. There's a real opportunity here coming up to Christmas to pay back the 1x in USDT to everyone in HV, HN and HC and just shut shop and move on. Is HN going anywhere fast? That would be a massive gesture of goodwill and they would still have the database many believe is the real value to them. Carl Haavaldsen @Rob Woolley I was just relaying the info I got. I now regret anything to do with this. I'm focused on Hyper Nation. I was just trying to pass on info. Not sure why you and everyone else is trying to smear my reputation calling me a scammer. I'm just passing on the info that I got from my upline. Geez man. So tired of people twisting things and using other people as a smear campaign because they are upset. I have never in my entire career ever scammed anyone. In fact I give a ton of money away to help people make money and this is how people like you treat us. I hope you are proud of yourself and everyone else that is part of this attack on me. Rob Woolley @Carl Haavaldsen just re-read this - are you insinuating this is my channel? No, I have my own and if you feel I am incorrect on anything, feel free to point it out. Would you be interested in being interviewed to clear the air on this and everything else? Rob Woolley @Carl Haavaldsen to dissect your points: You relayed information and said it was correct and you're now saying it's not. Why are those higher up not clarifying this? Why are they always hidden? You seemed to say HyperNation was floundering in this video. Did I get that correct? I've never said you are a scammer nor do I try to smear your reputation. Do you not believe this to be true? The people I see and hear criticising HV etc seem to have good reason. Do you think all critics are lying and these "opportunities" are legitimate? Were they not told passive income, 3x, then 4x? Where's the 1x in USDT as opposed 1x in HU which seems to have little or no value? In your video you say you give away something of little value or did I get that wrong? Do you give away cash or USDT? This isn't about your ego or mine. This is about trying to get the truth so people can make legitimate choices in how to use their money. People asking for the truth aren't "dream stealers", they are people who passionately care about other people, their money, and their relationships with the people they recruit in good faith. I hope you do too. THIS IS A TRANSCRIPT OF THE COMPLETE VIDEO Transcribed using Descript Carl Haavaldsen: Hey, good. Welcome everybody. Okay, so today I had a meeting with Pinakee Naik, who is my upline, who is direct to Keith Williams. And everything that I've been telling you has been absolutely bang on, but there's was a little bit missing, which I got clarity on today. So I have 100% clarity of exactly what's happening with HyperCosmos and why it's being done this way. Carl Haavaldsen: Okay? So I need to go back a little bit to HyperVerse. Okay. So the moment HyperVerse was halted and the reason it was halted because again, we had certain individuals in the company that were manipulating. The system, the payout system, by creating massive amount of accounts using bots. So those individuals were reprimanded or terminated, their accounts were frozen, all assets were frozen cuz they violated all of the terms and conditions. Carl Haavaldsen: Okay? Many of them went on to do smear campaigns about HyperVerse, about, you know, Sam Lee and Ryan Xu taking all the money and running off and all that kind of stuff, okay? Again, smear campaigns was something that was not true. Now, the reason that they had to halt HyperVerse because the resource pool was low and it couldn't continue to pay out everybody at one x. Carl Haavaldsen: Okay? So they created HyperCosmos. Now, the other reason why they couldn't pay everybody out, I shouldn't say that. The resource pool was low. The resource pool, the money in the resource pool was one 10th the value. So HBS in the pool were not valued at one to one. They were valued at 10 to one. Okay. Carl Haavaldsen: Because the value of HB dropped significantly. Okay. Because of everything that happened, or of HU I should say dropped significantly. So, so the hus were 10 to 12 to one value. So paying people out would have depleted the pool before everybody was paid. Okay? Does everybody understand that? Okay. So, Their reasoning for HyperCosmos was they're gonna continue to do what they're doing in HyperVerse with the, the payouts of the HUS converting to HB at a one-to-one to bring over. Carl Haavaldsen: But the only way it will HB will be one-to-one on the USDT is gonna be if new USDT comes in. Now, how HB will get its value back is that when new USDT comes into the system. So it doesn't mean you putting new money in, it's you creating new sales into HyperCosmos, starting with just a hundred dollars packages for people. Carl Haavaldsen: You will make an immediate $50. Now HyperCosmos is paying out right now on all US dollar. Deposits. So if you sign up somebody today for a hundred dollars USDT, you'll be paid $50. That $50 will immediately be put into your balance for you to withdraw immediately. It is happening right now. It is not happening with HBS because the value of HB needs to increase. Carl Haavaldsen: How that's done is for every HB that you have in here. I think I gotta share my screen just to just to show everybody. Okay. Just gimme a second. Just wanna make sure it goes to the rate screen. Okay. So I've gotta go to my account. Let me just, I just gotta move some stuff here. Sorry. Carl Haavaldsen: So this is good news. People are getting paid in HyperCosmos right now, but only on USDT deposit. Oops, that's not where I want to go. I need to go hear it and log in. Carl Haavaldsen: So you can see I have 78,000 USDT sitting here. This is actually HBS, but they are immediately converted to A USDT in the system. So the moment somebody makes a deposit, it doesn't matter what the size is of USDT, you make a 50% bonus on it. That is deme directly given to you. It will deduct it from this. Carl Haavaldsen: This is like your pending rewards up here. It'll deduct it from here, put it in here. And this is immediately available to withdraw on USDT deposits only. Now, let's say, Someone comes in with a thousand dollars and immediately you get a 500 USDT match commission off of that deposit. And remember, you make it off of any deposit that comes in. Carl Haavaldsen: Someone could put in a hundred deposits, you will make 50% off of every deposit they do. Okay? That then gets that, it, it takes out 500 HBS. So 500 HBS are then burned out of the, out of the system. Okay? This is how the value of HB will come back. So when every HB is burned, what that does is it starts to increase its value. Carl Haavaldsen: So at some point when you are coming over with your HBS and you're creating a new packages with them at some point, When the value has increased, they haven't said up to what it's gonna get to, but when it starts to make its comeback, they will then start to pay out in HBS. But for right now, it's only gonna be on USDT deposits. Carl Haavaldsen: They gotta remember, you gotta think we're here, you're taking all of your HBS from HyperVerse, it's going here. So now we're in a new company starting fresh. You guys are the very first people to, to register in there. Now what you need to do is go out and sell. Now some of you're gonna say, well, I'm not gonna do this. Carl Haavaldsen: Well, would you have done that in any other company you went to? So don't, don't treat this as anything any different than any other company you would go to. If you want your money from HyperVerse, this is the only way it's gonna get done. Now you're either gonna run away in a huff and puffy situation, and that's fine. Carl Haavaldsen: It's all okay. But those that want their money out, We'll go out and make hundred dollars sales and get a $50 commission to it, and they'll sell hundreds and hundreds of hundred dollars and they'll just be cashing out $50 at a time. Now, if they did a trickle fee like they did at a half percent a day, someone will put in a thousand dollars and you only get $10 a day. Carl Haavaldsen: Would you rather not get a $500 commission or $10 a day? What would you rather get? Because at the end of the month, you're still making more on a 50% commission. You understand? And you're getting your money out faster. So treat this like it's a brand new company, which it is, but the company has already given you funds ahead of time. Carl Haavaldsen: You didn't have to Audience: deposit anything. Carl Haavaldsen: So all you have to do is go out there and promote HyperCosmos as a get a 50% commission off of every sale you. That's all you have to do because that is what's gonna attract people coming in here. They'll come in here with a hundred. They'll also come in here with a thousand, even 10,000 if they know that they can make a 50% commission on every package. Carl Haavaldsen: And believe me, there are people out there that have money, but they're not, they don't have our previous situation of HyperVerse stuck in their head about, oh, this company, you can't have that. You have to erase that. You have to leave the past in the past and start present right here. I'm telling you now, this is how you will get your money out. Carl Haavaldsen: It is not that hard if you're passive, passive. Excuse. Hang on. I didn't say there was questions yet. I will tell. I will ask questions. I I'm almost done. One sec. Okay. So the company has given you a seed to start with to start getting your money out. A normal business says you would have to put money in in order to get your money out here. Carl Haavaldsen: You don't. Here they're giving you what you've already earned in HyperVerse and putting it here. For those of you that are brand new here and haven't been to my calls before, it is illegal for a company to take pool money from one company and throw it into another company without consent. That's why everybody has to transition over at some point in time, after a certain amount of HB are burned and the value has increased, then they can start paying out with HBS and USDT. Carl Haavaldsen: So it will start to churn at some point. But the, the, the, the actual liquidity pool for HyperCosmos has to start getting filled. There's no other way to do it at this point, because if they started using HBS, we will liquidate the pool in a week because of the value that HB is right now. Okay. So, Let me take some questions. Carl Haavaldsen: Put up your hand. Just click the reactions button and raise your hand and I will take questions. Okay. Dio, go ahead. Carl Haavaldsen: Okay. Hi, Carl. Hi. How you Audience: doing? Carl Haavaldsen: Okay, I'm good. How about you? Audience: Okay. Carl Haavaldsen: I do understand that Audience: To, Carl Haavaldsen: to be able to withdraw in upper customers, we have to, to bring people who we, who will buy Audience: minimum 100 package. Yep. And, Carl Haavaldsen: We will benefit Audience: 50 percentage Carl Haavaldsen: of their of Audience: their, their package, right? Correct. Yep. Audience: So, I would like Carl Haavaldsen: to know the promotion. You want Audience: to start? Carl Haavaldsen: Oh, I'm gonna talk about that a little bit later. I'm gonna, I just wanna talk about this part here. I will talk about the promotion later. Okay. Okay. Just, just not on, just not right now. Because I, I've got a time slot. I wanna put that in. So I'll talk about that, about 20 minutes. Carl Haavaldsen: So I have a question. Should just, you gotta put up your hand please. We do everybody in order. Thank you. Okay. So I'll answer that question in about 15 minutes. Dio, Donny. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Peter, go ahead. Hi, Cal. Hi. Audience: Quick question I can't get my is we invite new people into the business and they're pouring, let's say, a thousand dollars in, oh. Audience: Do they get paid? Do they get paid on a daily Carl Haavaldsen: basis or they get paid per package sale? See, everything is paid instantly. So when you make a. So someone decides from outside, I've never been in here, into HyperVerse or, or anything. They come in and they buy a hundred dollars package. You immediately will get $50, which will be deducted from your total in there and immediately cashable. Carl Haavaldsen: Yeah. Okay. So it it's all immediate cashable. Okay. This is how the company is trying to win everybody back. But the compromise is, is they need the pool filled so it requires new money. They're not asking you to put your own money in. No, no, no, no, no. They're asking you to just refer people. You could buy a package in there with USDT and start that if you wanted to. Carl Haavaldsen: But they're not saying for you to do that. Audience: No, no. If I, I was talking to a guy yesterday and basically he was telling. You know, you know my story and things like that. And I asked, he says, well, how would Carl Haavaldsen: I do that? Then I, I couldn't explain Audience: to him if he puts a th like saying in IBU, if you put a thousand, then you've got like $5 a day, didn't you? Audience: Yeah. How, how does he make Carl Haavaldsen: his money? Well, those people, again, you are going to convert your H Hus to HBS. You're gonna move 'em over to HyperCosmos. Read the full article
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, May 23
Buffy: Hey, speaking of 'wow' potential, there's Oz over there. What are we thinking, any sparkage? Willow: (smiles) He's nice. Hey, I like his hands. Buffy: Mm. A fixation on insignificant detail is a definite crush sign. Willow: Oh, I don't know, though. I mean, he is a senior. Buffy: (stops) You think he's too old 'cause he's a senior? Please. My boyfriend had a bicentennial. Willow: That's true. (unsure) Uh... I guess... I just... Buffy: You can't spend the rest of your life waiting for Xander to wake up and smell the hottie. Make a move. Do the talking thing. Willow: Well, what if the talking thing becomes the awkward-silence thing? Buffy: Well, you won't know until you try.
~~Buffy Episode #25: "Surprise" ~~
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[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Great Scott! (Xander, G, multiple xovers) by madimpossibledreamer
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Fuffy WIP I (Buffy/Faith, unrated) by audelia-bly
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Our Gentle Sin (Buffy/Spike, E) by ClowniestLivEver
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Cause I'm Beggin' Ch, 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Ifeelittoo21
Tua Maxima Culpa (Ensemble, M) by Coldest_Fire
Back Through the Woods Ch, 12 (Buffy/Spike, T) by desicat
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love, we're going home now, Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by mcgnagallsarmy
Sacrifices, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, T) by NightlyEvilTM
Sineya Rambles, Chapter 6-8 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Desicat
Back Through The Woods, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Desicat
Frosty, Chapter 11-15 (Buffy/Spike, E) by ClowniestLivEver
The DeSoto, Chapter 11-15 (Buffy/Spike, M) by ClowniestLivEver
Presumably Dead Arm, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by tragic
something wretched, something precious, Chapter 6-15 (Buffy/Spike, M) by LittleTayy
We're Going to be Friends, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Sparks, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
Bring Him Home, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, M) by acb6293
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, T) by the_big_bad
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I'm Fine, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Grief Counseling
stay with me (just a little longer), Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by womanaction
Mother Dear, Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CalamityJaneDoe
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[Fandom Discussions]
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Anya understands self sacrifice as much as Buffy does by girl4music
Watched the remastered Once More With Feeling by aphony-cree
All the people complaining that Willow and Tara lived in Buffy’s house while she was dead by tuiyla
Maybe it is a copout to say the real Big Bad of Buffy season 6 is “life” and the difficulties that come with it, but maybe it’s also just accurate by tuiyla
the moment where spike was going to kill Buffy and sees her crying by nestaenthusiast
AU that lives in my head based on a prompt in the Sandman discord where Hob is Giles by 10moonymhrivertam, softest-punk
I read Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Lost Summer. by lilyginnyblackv2
What I think of every time a Spike fan calls Angel a “dirty old man” for being in love with and sexually attracted to Buffy when she was a teenager by hero-adjacent
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Miss Anya by _a_witch_
Buffy's Brother by Mika95
Underrated Buffy Episodes by cascadingtundra
I feel Chris (Some Assembly Required) missed a trick with Willow, as he's clearly her type. by anothername1145
Blink-and-you-miss-them jokes that you love? by whatisscoobydone
I would skip the entire season 4 if it wasn't for Spike by dismustbetheplace
Did Faith ever experience the 'Tento di Cruciamentum'? by True_Ipsissimus
Anyone here who shipped Riley and Buffy? by Buffvamporigfan
Ok I’m gonna start a rewatch by gilkrave
Finally finishing Buffy. Willow and Potential Slayer question by xxpired_milk
Ugh, Kate by ImpressivePackage000
Season 4 Native American Episode hasn’t aged well by franlcie
started another rewatch of btvs and god, xander is so immature (small rant, no offense intended) by GayDHD_
buffy and giles have such great chemistry by GayDHD_
Giles' character by GreatGodInpw
American vampire villains more integrated into society such as Sunday and Harmony by rationalsilence
I want to know if there are any sexual assault episodes by lianagolucky
spike & buffy by Comfortable-One3228
God, that was heart wrenching. Possibly in the top five saddest scenes in the franchise by Mavakor
The writers were very lucky in the early seasons with spike by FullyStacked92
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The ghosts in Lesson 7x01 by allslayallthetime
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy’s James Marsters: “I would have killed Spike off in a heartbeat” by Louise Griffin, RadioTimes.com
PUBLICATION: Why The Original, Unaired 'Buffy' Pilot Almost Ruined The Show by Digg
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Worst Villain is Back – And on a Hellish Mission by CBR
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Successor is Officially Taking Over in Boom! Studios by GeekTyrant
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rorysinghreviews · 2 years
HyperCosmos Review - Legit 300% Crypto ROI or Big Scam?
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[Int. LUNAR CATHEDRAL. Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Nowhere enter in the vestibule. The stones of the cathedral seem to exude an impossible weight, and Jenny slows down down her steps as she moves inward. Jenny Nowhere, who seems unaffected by the weight, pulls her onward.]
JN: Just a little longer, sister.
[Jenny Everywhere pulls her hand back]
JE: Why the hell do you keep saying that? You are not my sister.
JN: You know why.
[Jenny Nowhere slowly and hesitantly removes her mask and lays it on the ground; her face, of course, is Jenny Everywhere's own]
JN: We are not sisters according to the flesh, perhaps, but we are sisters according to the spirit. Wherever there is a Jenny Everywhere, there must be a Jenny Nowhere. My origin in the part of the hypercosmos we are drawn from is this: when you descended from the Infinite to become incarnate in the material world, I am the part of you that became incarnate in the unbeing of Limbo. We are twins, born from the Infinite's womb. Denied reality, denied life, I hated you and sought to destroy all you were and all you loved.
JE: So why are you trying to help me now? JN: Because we are one and the same. We are forever set against each other but we need each other to exist. If ARCHONET destroys you, He will destroy me as well.
JE: No! You're not my sister and you're not me. I don't need you.
JN: Then try and move on without me.
[Jenny Everywhere tries to push forward, visibly straining. She can't move an inch.]
JN: See?
[She takes Jenny Everywhere's hand and leads her onward. They reach a fountain in the center of the cathedral, whose water is glowing with a silver light. Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Nowhere reach out to touch it. The water rises up from the fountain and reshapes itself into a spiral staircase. Together they walk upwards.]
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record-super-chart · 6 years
VA - Voodoo Hoodoo Recordings - Shamanic Hoodoo (2018) MP3
Genre: Psychedelic Tracks: 33 Format: MP3 Size: 580 MB Tracklist: 01. DOD - Item (120) 07:04 02. TRAXON - Blueberry Field (150) 07:39 03. HALLUPSYNAGOGIC - The Road to Eleusis (152) 07:56 04. SOLARYTHM - The Chambers of Desires (153) 07:29 05. CORUBAMBA - Hypercosmo (155) 07:30 06. GROARK - Levi Son (152) 06:56 07. ATRUS - Lost Souls (150) 07:18 08. HARYASHVAS - Midnight (150) 06:35 09. ABSYCHO - Double Slit (150) 08:12 10. AZZMATAZZ - Crossing Levels (148) 07:28 11. ROMEROZ - Vision Skulls (148... Читать дальше »
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nolensjohnny · 7 years
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Just Pinned to Art - Pulp Scifi: Hypercosmos * Anstronomical Feature by C.P. Mason Thrilling Wonder Stories - 15c Dec. A Thrilling Publication In This Issue: TIDAL MOON An Interplanetary Story by Stanley G. and Helen Weinbaum THE LOO http://ift.tt/2fn3X0l
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$520 total to start X3 profit @7%/ daily! Nft Customezation, Play2earn, Hyperstore, Hyperwallet/Card, Silver&Gold access and more coming! 🎮 🥌 Hypernation kills inflation! #HyperPlanet #Play2Earn #GameFi #NFTCommunity #NFTs #CryptoNews #hypernation #oceanfloorstrategies #ofs #hyperverse #hyperstore #hypercosmos #nft115743 Or Scan Nft https://h5.hypernation.io/register (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNXAUCrl4D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Look, the Wild Hunt's on Glendalf's tail," said Jenny. "You're the only one who can stop them. The Wonder Machine--"
"The Wonder Machine is broken. No one knows how to repair it."
"The Magician from Mars does." "And no one knows where they are. They left without telling us anything. No one's heard from them in decades." "I can find them," said Jenny. "I really can. Just give me a bit. And then, I can fix the Wonder Machine and find the Legendary Time Crystal and save the hypercosmos from collapsing..."
"The legendary what now?" said Octobriana.
"Ah, that was something that was supposed to be important earlier that I kind of forgot about," said Jenny. "But I think I need it, and if we have the Wonder Machine and the Magician we can find it. So how about that?" Octobriana shook her head.
"Look," said Jenny, "we can't undo Trashman's death. But we can make up for it by making sure we don't lose another comrade from the old days. How about that?" Octobriana looked deep into her eyes and pondered. She was about to speak. But at that moment, the choice was taken out of her hands.
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Beneath the sign adorned by a heraldic image of (naturally) a red lion, she saw another that said: GOOD LODGING FOR TRAVELERS. "I... think I remember this now," she said.
"I think I might too," said Glendalf. "Shall we go?"
"Sounds good to me," said Jenny, and opened the door.
She was struck by the smell of delicious food, the sound of laughter and arguments. The place was a true dive, but it had life and joy in it that immediately lifted their weary spirits.
There were many inns and restaurants that called themselves the Red Lion, but there was only one true Red Lion Inn. The Red Lion Inn was one of the great disreputable interstitial bars and taverns of the hypercosmos, shifting its location across time and space to avoid the attention of the powers that be such as ARCHONET. A maze of hidden tunnels and exits in the basement led to many dimensions. Here came heroes seeking quests, criminals on the run from the law, queer people seeking hookups, and anyone looking for a place to stay. The Bartender had set the rule that anyone could stay at the Inn for free as long as they needed, and in return she could call in one favor from them at any time in their life.
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The other Riders shrieked and chittered and drove off into the night.
"We're not safe yet," warned Glendalf. "When the Wild Hunt has been called, they will follow their quarry to the ends of the hypercosmos if need be. They will pursue them as long as it takes. We must find another way to banish the Riders."
"Yeah," said Jenny. "First of all, we should get the heck out of Faerie." "But where do we go?" said Glendalf.
The ruined city seemed to stretch on forever. The grey buildings all seemed the same. There was no life here other than the vines.
Then, Jenny saw a sign hanging in front of one of the long-decayed buildings. An old-timey pub sign, in its gothic blackletter font, it read:
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These were creatures of deep magic and could not be destroyed by merely human power. There were worlds where she knew magic, but she couldn't reach that knowledge now. Not all her knowledge was equally available to her at all times, especially in the state of chaos and collapse the hypercosmos was in now.
But Jenny remembered, in a place like this, facing enemies like this, learning a style of martial arts which let her attack her enemies by striking their pressure points and using their own energy against them. These creatures were undead, so it wouldn't work in quite the same way, but the principle was the same. If she could destroy them with their own infernal power...
As the Rider closed in on her, she struck out at it with a barrage of punches.
"Ha!" said the Rider in its dry, crackling voice. "That didn't even hurt."
Jenny smirked. "You are already dead."
"Duh, I knew that. I'm a skeleton!"
It revved its engines and charged in on her. And then the skeleton exploded, scattering burning pieces over the ruins.
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