#hypospadias is one of the most common intersex variations as a matter of fact
intersex-support · 1 year
do you know anything about hypospadia (low urethral hole) on "female presenting" per se, genitalia? and if perhaps it would be connected to being intersex along with high androgen levels and ovarian cysts?
Hi anon.
I honestly don't know much about hypospadias in people with vulvas--I did some research and it does appear to occur sometimes, although it's much rarer than hypospadias for people with penises.
Hypospadias in people with penises is already considered an intersex variation by pretty much every intersex organization that I know, so I can't see why hypospadias in people with vulvas wouldn't also be considered intersex, especially since hypospadias in people with vulvas is usually associated with other genito-urinary variations.
I really don't know much more about hypospadias in people with vulvas, so if any followers have more information please feel free to add on.
-Mod E
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