#hyukjae scenario
kpopimaginings · 2 years
Duvet Days - Eunhyuk
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A/N: Something fluffy and slice-of-life with Eunhyuk for you all. No idea where this inspo came from, but I’m happy with it :)
Finally, you had a day off. You had been so busy lately it felt like you hadn't had any time to yourself, so today you had big plans to do nothing.
Aside from getting up to get food, you spent the day in bed. When Eunhyuk got home and couldn't see you anywhere else, he figured that's where you would be.
"Have you moved at all today?" he chuckled after finding you where he left you that morning.
You simply nodded, pointing at your pile of snacks as proof.
"Now that I'm here, do you need anything else?" he offered. "I could make you some proper food, or a drink?"
"You can give me cuddles," you told him.
Eunhyuk smiled at you before climbing into bed beside you. Raising an arm, he made room for you to snuggle into his side.
"How was your day?" you asked as he squeezed your shoulder and pressed a kiss on top of your head.
"Busy but good," he replied. "We were very productive."
"Well, that makes one of us," you joked.
"You were productive in looking after yourself," he pointed out.
"That's true," you agreed. "I do feel much better after a lazy day."
"Exactly. And do you know what would make me feel better?"
You looked up at him quizzically.
"If you share your snacks."
You couldn't help but laugh, "Of course, they came from our shared kitchen anyway."
"We need to make time for days like this more often," he told you, reaching for a cookie.
"Yup," you agreed. "Recharge Days."
"I like that," he chuckled between mouthfuls. "Oh, but now you have cookie in your hair."
"Dammit, Hyuk," you exclaimed, wriggling out of his embrace and brushing your hair out over the side of the bed as he laughed.
"Don't laugh at me when it was your fault," you moaned, pushing him.
"I'm sorry," he said, despite still laughing. "But it's not like I was deliberately crumbling it over your head."
"Ok, new Recharge Day rule, no snacking while snuggling."
"Really? You're making me choose between you and food?" he whined.
"You can have both just- Hey!"
As you were talking, he reached over for another cookie.
"Did you just choose the cookie over me?"
"You said I can have both," he mumbled through a mouthful.
You pouted at him with a slight scowl on your face.
"Ok," he said once he'd finished eating. "Snuggle time now."
You continued to scowl even as you leant back into him allowing him to hold you again.
"I love you," he whispered against your hair.
"Ok," you pouted in response, fighting the smile that wanted to come through.
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blu-joons · 4 years
He Gets Jealous ~ Eunhyuk
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The music had barely come to a stop before Hyukjae barged into the studio with his arms folded in front his chest. You smiled across at him as you paused the stereo, yet the delight on your face was unable to be matched by his.
You were perplexed as you walked to meet him, pressing your hands to his shoulders as he remained unresponsive, refusing to so much as look at you in the eye.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Or are we just going to stand here in complete silence whilst you continue to pout like a stroppy teenager who’s not got their own way?”
He scoffed at your remark, taking a step away from you. Still, he failed to tell you what was playing on his mind at the vision of what he’d just seen continued to replay in his head. The choreography, the detail, and all of the sex appeal.
“You don’t know why I might not be happy?”
“I’ve not got a clue Hyukjae, it would help if you told me though,” you frowned, adjusting your outfit so it sat a little better after running through your routine. “I thought you’d be happy to stop by and see what I’ve been working on.”
His head shook, whilst he was always the first person to acknowledge your talent, this time he just couldn’t picture your routine. His mind continued to think about all the people in the audience who’d see you perform; these were the sorts of performances he liked to keep just for himself without letting anyone else see them.
“Well, I’ve got things to do, so you can just stand there if you want whilst I carry on,” you noted, stepping away from Hyukjae to put the stereo back on.
He remained stood by the door as you set up the track and grabbed a quick drink before standing in position, glancing back at him as his eyes stayed focussed on you.
“Stop,” his voice sighed, just before you went across to press play. At last, you were relieved to get some sort of reaction out of him, stopping the track before it began to play and walking over to him to try and figure out what was going on.
“Why?” You pushed, standing directly in front of him, “it’s no good just telling me to stop, I want to know what I’ve done so wrong.”
“This performance you’re doing is too much,” he scolded, looking at your outfit closely, “you’re an incredible dancer Y/N and I know the concept for this is romantic and lovely, but the routines are a bit too provocative, even in my opinion.”
Your eyes rolled, whenever something got too much, he always became jealous and possessive, it was something you’d grown to get used to in your relationship.
From the look in his eyes, you could tell all along what was playing on his mind but hearing him say it aloud confirmed your thoughts. It was always the way, he hated anyone else to see you dance, the routines were what he liked to keep to himself.
“It’s not even that bad Hyukjae, you’re really going to get jealous about this?” You asked, as his head quickly nodded, unfolding his arms to pull you close to him. “You’ve really come in here being all grumpy because of a dance routine.”
His head shook, looking down at your gaze, “it’s not just a dance routine though. I don’t want the company to sexualise you, management knows what gets downloads and views, and I don’t want that to be at your expense.”
“I’m a grown woman who can handle herself.”
“But you don’t know the industry like I do, I know what it’s like around here.”
“I’m not stupid Hyukjae, don’t treat me like I am.”
You spun on your heels to try and get back to your rehearsals, but he grabbed your wrist to pull you close again, refusing to let you carry on. The feeling in his tummy let him know this was a bad idea that he didn’t want to see you go through with.
Your eyes fell on the tight hold he had on you, noticing the desperation in it immediately. “You can’t control me Hyukjae, I know my limits and I’m more than capable of putting my foot down if there’s something that I don’t want to do.”
“So, you’re happy doing this?”
Your head nodded, feeling his grip loosen. “It’s a dance routine Hyukjae, I really don’t know what there is to be jealous about. It’s still you that I come home to you, even if there are people in the audience who like what they see,” you reminded him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
He sighed gently as you spoke, allowing his eyes to close. Whilst he knew you made a good point, the part of him that always worried about you couldn’t be stopped, he always did, and would fear that something bad would happen to you.
“What can I do to make you realise there’s nothing wrong with this?” You asked him.
“Nothing, I just need to stop being so persistent and let you do your thing.”
“I appreciate that you care,” you smiled, pressing your hands against his biceps, “but you have to trust me when I do these sorts of things, I’ll be alright.”
He always would let you do your thing; it was what made him so proud of you the fact that you were able to handle yourself so well. If anyone was able to stand their ground and handle themselves, it was definitely you.
But that would never stop him feeling the need to protect you and support you. However capable you were, Hyukjae would always be there to catch your back, even if at times you felt you didn’t necessarily need them there.
His big and supportive heart was one of the main reasons why you loved him though, he might have been a little interfering, but you knew it all came from a good place, one that you could get never get angry at him for.
“I know you’ll do your best, and I know that you don’t need to boss you around, I just want you to be careful with all of this. It’s not like any routine you’ve done before, and we’ve all seen what some fans can be like sometimes.”
“And I told you that I can handle anything that comes my way.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
You frowned, stretching up on your tiptoes to peck the end of his nose, “you don’t need to apologise, I know that all of this is because you care, and I appreciate that from you.”
“I guess these are the sorts of things only I’ve ever seen and knowing that there are going to be millions of people now seeing you in all these stunning outfits makes me a little uncertain, I don’t want anything bad to happen.”
“If it does, I’ll ignore it, like you always tell me to do,” he laughed, “and as I told you before, many people may see me, but who’s the one that I love?”
His smile softened, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you tightly into his chest, grazing the top of your head with his lips.
“I love that you’re protective of me and that you look out for me Hyukjae, but just trust me this time. It might be hard for you to watch at times, and yes, you definitely will get jealous, but trust me when I tell you that you have no reason to.”
“I won’t get jealous.”
“It’s cute that you try to pretend, but you and I both know that you’ll get jealous.”
He chuckled lightly, “I can’t help it, I guess sometimes I just wish that I could keep you all to myself.”
“I’m all yours, I promise.”
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
Ice Princess - Eunhyuk
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(Admin: Babyboiii)
“She’s impossible,” Donghae says nodding in the direction of where you were, which is where Hyukjae was staring, Hyukjae turns towards Donghae, “she has a sharp tongue and hardly talks to anyone,” Donghae complains.
“We’ll see,” Hyukjae sits his glass down heading towards where you were DJing.
You send a quick glare towards him when he gets beside you, other than that you ignore his presence.
“Ms. DJ,” Hyukjae says over the music stepping closer to you.
“I’m not interested,” you mutter focusing more on the board in front of you.
“What if I just want to request a song,” he quirks an eyebrow in your direction waiting on your response.
“Tell me the song and leave,” you mumble, glancing towards him once more, “have I seen you before, you look familiar?” He lets out a small laugh.
“I would remember a pretty face like yours,” he reaches towards you, but you quickly knock his hand away.
“What’s your name?” You ask, he steps closer to you to look at the songs you have on your computer.
“What’s yours?” He asks back.
“I asked first,” you sigh crossing your arms, he clicks his tongue.
“You got me there,” he says with a laugh, “Hyukjae,” he answers, “this song,” he says, you nod looking at what he picked.
“Good choice, Hyukjae,” you smile putting your headphones on and changing the song, you change the balance to fit the song, your eyes scanning for Hyukjae.
You find him dancing in the middle of a space that had opened up around him. He was good, his dancing was eye-catching and you could feel his passion for dance by watching him, you smirk to yourself looking down to focus on your job and not him. You continue to steal glances at him occasionally during the song, while you move along with it yourself, your headphones on ignoring most of your surroundings.
When the song ends you change it to a more club best song adjusting the bass once more. You glance over at Hyukjae when he walks back up beside you.
“Does that justify you telling me your name?” He sounds hopeful
“You’re good at dancing,” you admit taking your headphones off, “you’re passionate,” you hum pondering over telling him your name, “I’m Y’N,” you laugh out holding your hand out to him.
“Oh, that’s progress,” Hyukjae says with a smile shaking your hand.
“Do you always use your dancing to charm girls?” You question, rolling your eyes slightly.
“It works doesn’t it,” Hyukjae response sitting in the chair beside you, “you told me your name.”
“You’re acting like I gave you my number, you just got my name, don’t get too cocky,” you mumble, it was barely audible over the loud music.
“I think we’d make a good pair, you can DJ, I can dance,” Hyukjae trails off leaning back in the chair, you pick u the unopened bottle of water by your stand handing it to him.
“Don’t get your hopes up dancing king,” you can't help the smile that covers your lips.
“Dancing king and the ice princess,” he laughs, you glance over at him, he has a very unique look to him and a very confident presence he was intriguing in an odd way.
“Do you have any other songs you want me to play?” You ask softly, Hyukjae smiles standing up, he walks behind you leaning against you slightly to look at your computer screen.
He points towards a song that has a strong bass, you turn the bass down in anticipation starting the song.
“The floor’s yours,” you laugh.
“Do you know who he is?” Your friend hits your arm, you nod.
“Hyukjae, a dancer,” you say monotonously, she shakes her head.
“Do you know how many girls would kill to have him walk up to them the way he did to you?” She whisper-shouts, you cock your head to the side motioning for her to continue, “he’s one of them, but he never leaves with a girl like Donghae or Heechul would,” she explains, “he just flirts with them and disappears,” she complains.
“That’s why he looks familiar,” you mumble, “he knows them,” you motion towards the group that was sitting on their own scouting out who they would leave with for the night, “he doesn’t seem like them,” you mumble to yourself more than her.
“Don’t get too attached to him,” she warns, you scoff at the thought.
“I’m not attached, he’s just a good dancer is all,” you mumble looking towards him, she pats your shoulder before walking off to where the rest of your friends were.
“Are you really one of them?” You ask gesturing towards the group of guys when Hyukjae got back, he nods.
“Have they all tried to go after you?” He asks with a small laugh, you frown.
“Is it a bet between you guys, is that why you’re up here?” You ask bluntly, Hyukjae looks taken aback, shaking his head.
“No there’s no bet,” he says putting his hands up in defense, “I promise,” he says softly.
“I’ll believe you, but if I find out there was a bet made, or that you do this with every girl, it won’t be good,” you warn, Hyukjae smiles.
“Does that mean the ice princess is going to see me again?” He leans against the side of your table, making sure to not press anything, you hold out your hand for his phone.
“I’ll give you my number,” you roll your lips together, “tell me what songs to get for you to dance too,” you say with a laugh.
“Of course I’ll send you all of them,” he teases, you out your number in his phone then hand it back to him, he sits back in the chair beside your table, “this is your actual number? Not a fake one?” He questions, you nod putting your headphones on to focus on your job again.
“I don’t lie,” you mumble, Hyukjae barely hears you over the music, but he smiles to himself looking at his phone.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request ||
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hyukscalp · 3 years
i miss you - eunhyuk
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genre: smut
wc: 698 words
“y/n~, im back!” hyukjae exclaimed and opened his arms once he stepped foot into the shared apartment of his and y/n’s. “hyuk oppa!” you screamed and jumped into his arms. “i miss you so much.” he said and embraced you tightly. “its been 4 months since i last saw you, you lost weight.” hyukjae pinched your nose and you stepped back and groaned while rubbing your nose. “i just wanted to look more pretty for you...” you felt dejected and looked down. “i saw all those dancers and their beautiful, hourglass figure, i-i dont think i look good enough for you.” 
hyukjae’s hand sneaked to the back of your head and pushed you towards his lips. the distinct strawberry flavored lip balm that you missed so much, the blood thats rushing through your body made it feel too realistic, unreal that he is back. you longed for his touch, his warmth, his cuddles. hyukjae lifted you off the floor and your legs automatically rested at the side of hips. you tilt your head down which deepen the kiss while hyukjae starts walking towards the bedroom. 
he laid you down softly and gently onto the bed while keeping the eye contact you both were sharing. his hand plunged down into your heat while his free hand embraced your right breast. the sensual feeling made your body shiver, letting out a soft moan. his thumb rubbed your clit in circles while savoring your left breast. 
hyukjae inserted one of fingers into your heat and looked at your erotic face that is doused with pleasure and satisfaction. you could feel your eyes fluttering, trying its best to stay open while enjoying the actions that your boyfriend is performing. you could feel your high reaching with your thighs shaking. “feeling good huh? seems like not only your heart misses me.” hyukjae smirked and pulled out his finger. “its too early for you to cum for me, baby. the show had just started.” 
you undressed yourself while hyukjae stepped out of his boxers and you could see his length standing up proudly, making you gulp while admiring its size. “done checking out the exhibition?” hyukjae winked. “why admire it when it can be inside you within seconds from now?”
he positioned himself within your legs and you could feel his tip at your folds, making you shudder. he inserted his length slowly and you could already feel the stretch, you held the sheets and winced at the feeling. he stayed there for a couple of seconds letting you adjust before thrusting into you slowly. 
his speed increased which made you moan loudly, not caring whether the neighbours could hear it or not. his mouth made its way to your lips, sharing a passionate kiss. your tongue made contact with his, both fighting for dominance which clearly hyukjae claimed victory. 
the familiar feeling that you havent felt in months got to you faster than you expected. craving for the orgasm, your hips rolled against his which made him  crazy. he was also soon reaching his high. he then proceed to leave hickeys on your neck, claiming you as his property once again after months. 
you soon let out a whine, indicating you were about to cum. “cum for me, baby. dont hold yourself back.” hyukjae said while panting. you rode out your orgasm while chanting his name in a trance, which made his orgasm came. “bear with me, baby.” he said as he rode out his orgasm with your oversensitive clit which made you grip the sheets. 
he pulled out of you and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth to clean you up, wiping the substance off your body and his. “you were such a tease today.” you said with eyes shut as he covered the sheets over you and him. “but it felt good right?” hyukjae chuckled. “i’ll make breakfast tomorrow, you better finish the entire plate. i cant bear seeing you worry over your insecurities.” you nodded your head and you felt your eyes slowly closing as you went off to dreamland. hyukjae admired your sleeping state and whispered you a “good night.” before he starts to fall asleep too.
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wronqness99 · 3 years
It’s You!
This scenario was requested by @usernameloaa​​ I hope you like it! 
> About my writing
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: —
Word Count: 1251
Characters: Eunhyuk (Super Junior)/Lee Hyukjae x Fem!Reader
*The image doesn’t belong to me, credits to the owner.*
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"I'm going to get some coffee, anyone wanna come?" Kyuhyun questioned retrieving his wallet from his bag when they decided to take a break from practice.
"Yep, I'm going with you," Eunhyuk spoke, jumping up from his sitting position on the ground to get his wallet as well.
The two members walked out of their practice room making their way towards the cafeteria, bumping into their hoobae group Red Velvet on the way.
"Hi Yerim-ah, how are you?" Hyukjae questioned, completely ignoring his own girlfriend's existence. The girl scowled and bowed to Kyuhyun silently before storming off. Yeri called after her bandmate but to no avail, the girl had been hurt by her boyfriend's actions and was getting tired from dealing with such immaturity coming from someone whom she loved and was older than her.
"I'm so sorry, it's been a hard day for us today... We have also been trying on the outfits for the SM Town stage." Yeri giggled nervously. "If you'll excuse me." The younger bowed before hopping her way back to the fitting room.
Kyuhyun looked back at the girl before returning his gaze to his hyung.
"What the hell just happened?" Eunhyuk sighed and turned walking to the SM coffee machine, ignoring Kyuhyun, who followed right behind him.
"We've been arguing." He muttered after a while feeling too bothered and uncomfortable with the situation. The man inserted a coin into the machine and pressed the button for his desired beverage.
"And why is that?" The younger questioned.
"Well, you would understand if you saw the outfits they want them to wear for their stage." The older one stated with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. Kyuhyun chuckled half incredulous.
"You are annoyed because of that? We've been in the industry longer than any other active band in the agency, it's not like you're not aware the artists don't get much of a say when it comes to wardrobe picking."
"Whatever, Y/N has a boyfriend she could at least try to oppose." He muttered through gritted teeth.
"And how do you know she hasn't? Have you at their meetings?" Kyuhyun pointed out making his hyung even more annoyed. Eunhyuk huffed, going back to the practice room without waiting for the maknae.
"Are you serious?" Kyuhyun questioned gobsmacked by the reaction. "Is this what Y/N deals with every day? How old are you Lee Hyukjae-ah?" He screamed at his hyung, laughing as the man rounded the corner and walked faster, getting even more annoyed that his bandmate and friend was siding with his significant other.
That night he arrived at home exhausted from dance practice. The sight of his girlfriend sitting on the couch of their shared apartment watching a series didn't make him halt for a second when he went to place his belongings on the armchair even to greet her. The man walked straight past her and into the kitchen. The man opened the fridge to get some cold water and was surprised by a lunch box full of jajangmyeon with a yellow sticky note reading 'I love you. Please eat and don't be sick.' - Y/N.
He grabbed the plastic container and stared at it for a couple of seconds before hearing sniffles in the hallway and quick steps making their way up the stairs.
"Fuck" He muttered throwing the container back into the fridge and closing it before running up the stairs and into their room.
When he opened the door he was greeted by Y/N's red and swollen eyes, her arms hugging her knees to her chest.
"How long are we gonna be like this?" The girl questioned, tears running down her face. "Why can't you understand my position when we have the exact same job and go through the exact same things? Because a man showing his abs is alright but if a girl shows a little more skin it's a crime and a sin she'll never be forgiven for?"
"The situation here, Y/N, is that you have a boyfriend."
"Well, you have a girlfriend, too. Whom you aren't respecting if I'm honest. Dammit Hyukjae, have I ever given you reasons not to trust me? Have I ever disrespected you in any kind of way? If I have please enlighten me because it honestly went past me." The girl sniffed, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands and looking back at the male.
"No, that's not it at all. I just don't like MY girlfriend showing skin to others." The girl shook her head in defeat as she heard her boyfriend's words.
"You know what? Forget this, Hyukjae." She stated, laying down on the bed and covering herself up as she curled up in a way to try to comfort herself and forget all the mean things she'd heard from her lover's mouth the past couple of days.
Eunhyuk sighed and went to the wardrobe to grab some pj's to change into. Walking to his side of the bed Hyukjae laid down on the bed next to his lover, he couldn't help but feel saddened that they couldn't solve their problem earlier.
Was he being too stubborn?
The man sighed, inching closer to the girl and hugging her from the back, feeling her sleeping self subconsciously curl herself into his body a little more. He chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to the back of her neck and allowing himself to fall into a deep sleep.
The next day when he awoke, Y/N has already left to get ready for her band's stage which would be the first of the night at SM Town. Hyukjae stretched and rubbed his eyes, finding the courage to get up and get himself ready for the day.
After a refreshing shower and eating some pancakes Y/N had left for him on the kitchen counter, the man left for the venue where he met his members for another round of practice before the real thing happened.
Already in the waiting room backstage being one of the first members to have gotten ready, Hyukjae saw as Y/N and the rest of Red Velvet walked to position themselves for their entree. It was unexpected to the man when his girlfriend stopped in front of him and tiptoed, holding his cheeks roughly and attacking his lips in a kiss.
"Oppa, I want you to understand this very well: Others can look or stare all they want because only you get to touch. It's you, only you, can't you see that?" She questioned, looking him dead in the eyes. Hyukjae melted hearing her words and stole another kiss before hugging her tightly in a silent 'good luck' wish.
"I fucking love you so much, Y/N. I can't wait for us to get home tonight." He whispered in her ear so no one could hear them. The girl laughed and bit his bottom lip slightly before placing one last kiss on his cheek before letting go of him.
"I have to go now, wish me good luck!" She said excitedly.
"Good luck baby and I'm sorry." The man said feeling sad about the way he had behaved and what he'd put her through in those few days. Y/N smiled and shook her head, caressing his cheek and waving goodbye to his members, before running to her members as her boyfriend looked at her proudly standing right where she left him.
"She has you whipped," Ryeowook laughed. Hyukjae smiled.
"She really does and I wouldn't have it any other way."
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muselin · 3 years
Yo, so I've been writing since 2008, but I've been too shy to fully get into the kpop fiction scene on here. I did one with Taemin and one with Ken (VIXX) in my pinned post though.
I've been going through an intense Super Junior obsession this past year and especially D&E. Would people like it if I posted some fics about them? It would be mostly smut, looking at what I've already written down.
I'll post them anyway because I just want to share and I know at least a few people who would like them, but is there anything you would be especially looking forward to? I can post a little list of the ones I'm currently working on. Let me know 😁
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2ya2yao · 4 years
Let’s Be Jealous - Eunhyuk (s)
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Summary: Eunhyuk and you haven't talked to each other for two days, all because of his jealousy. He can't keep this fight with you anymore, but he's too prideful to admit it first. Just like you. Smutty smut.  Also a little of angst and fluff at the end.
Pairing: Eunhyuk x fem!reader.
Word count: 1,862.
Warning: fingering, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap IT!).
A/N: Look at his pretty baby face on the gif I can't ;v; I hope you like it anon!:> Also I hope this was a good combination for all angst/smut/fluff.  Request are still closed!
Two days. Two whole days have passed since you and your boyfriend had a horrible argument. With a sigh, remembering the events of that night, you entered the building where you shared your apartment. It was almost 8 pm and you had a tough day at work, and Hyukjae wasn't leaving your mind any soon.
You could say you ended up mad at each other, didn't talk and also were avoiding each other in the same place. It was exhausting, but you had too much pride to apologize or talk about it first. Inside of the elevator, your mind wandered on him and why he was such an asshole. Sometimes you wanted him to apologize first, because your brain wouldn't let you do that, at least not tonight.
Finally, you arrived at your floor and you made it inside your apartment. After taking off your shoes and leaving your bag nearby along with your coat, you found him sitting on the couch, eating dinner and watching TV. You thought he left work early. Hyukjae didn’t say a word when you walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, but his eyes never left your figure.
He ate the last bite of his sushi and finished his drink, as you left to change your clothes for the day in complete silence. Hyukjae wasn’t going to apoligize either, the stuff you said also hurted him and made him sad, but he was also pissed. His jaw clenched, he loved you, however, he didn’t have the guts to talk to you. He was waiting for you to make the first move, maybe you could fix your relationship.
Later that night you found yourself working in the living room. Sitting at your desk, you tried to finish your next project so you could send it to your boss, who was pressuring you to do it as soon as possible. You were stressed out, and the situation was not going to make it better for you. Now you had problems at work and in your own home.
“Can you low the volume of your typing?” you heard his ridiculous, annoying voice coming from the couch.
Your eyes rolled, letting out a sigh. Really? That’s how he was starting a conversation with you after all this time?
“If you don’t like the sound, you can leave to your bedroom. It’s late, anyway,” you said, exhausted.
He scoffed. “I can stay here if I want, it’s my house too.”
“Then just stop complaining and watch the damn TV,” you focused on your computer. Never lifted your gaze at him, because Hyukjae was surely watching you and every movement you made.
“Who are you talking to? You write too much.”
You slammed your hand on the desk. “Are you gonna bring that up again?”
“Well, you’ve been avoiding me for almost two days, so, yes. I am,” he remarked, defiant. His arms now crossed on his chest with a serious look on his face.
“No, Hyukjae. You’ve been avoiding me too. Don’t act like you haven’t. And I’m not writing to anyone, you’re just so damn jealous over nothing!” you yelled, clearly disgusted. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore, I’m just leaving.”
With that, you saved your document, turned off the machine and walked to the bedroom. Rapidly, Hyukjae stood up and grabbed your arm before you could leave the place. It wasn’t a strong grip, but his gesture made you turn away from him to free yourself.
“What are you doing?”
He leaned forward. “I want to know what you’ve been up to because it looks like I don’t have a girlfriend anymore!”
You sighed, exasperated.  “Oh, stop that! Do you really think that I can cheat on you?! Do you even trust me?!”
“I do, Y/N! But I don’t trust your friends!”
Oh, he’s going there again, you thought. You were tired with this topic.
“I already explained to you that he is not my friend, and it was a mistake-”
“Sure, a mistake where he was on top of you almost kissing you. Yeah, a totally a misunderstood,” he snapped. Hyukjae actually saw that when you were about to leave your office, he just wanted to surprise you. But eventually, he got the worst view ever.
Of course you didn’t expect him to go there, and your coworker was such an idiot that day. It was an accident that he ended on top of you, but Hyukjae remained mad and wasn't going to believe your story.
He was utterly wrathful against you, but more to your coworker for doing that to you. It was obviously a case of jealousy and he didn't want to lose you. Suddenly, he just grabbed the back of your neck and pressed his lips harshly against yours.
It took you by surprise. You accepted his kiss just because you missed him, even if he was a dick. His lips danced with yours, and his tongue soon found its way inside your mouth, exploring it. It became a fierce battle, where he lost, besides all his well saved passion.
“Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you,” he whispered against your lips.
You saw his dark eyes, filled with lust and desire. "Then touch me."
He kissed you again harshly, and caressed your clothed skin. His hands rambled inside your shirt, touching your breasts above your bra, and your hands made its way inside his loose shirt, feeling his muscles.
Hyukjae broke the kiss and guided you to the bedroom. Closing the door, he positioned you against the wall, kissing your neck and leaving marks and hickies all over your skin. His actions made you whimper, as you grind against him. You could feel his dick hardening at the contact with your crotch, he even moaned in your neck at the sensation.
You undressed each other when he straightened up a little, leaving your skin. He removed swiftly your bra and your panties, and you took his underwear in a quick motion. You stroke his cock with your hand and moaned when his mouth licked your chest, until his tongue rolled around your nipple.
His long, expert fingers traveled to meet your inner thighs and he felt your wetness running down your legs. He didn't touch you yet, but you were dripping and he loved it. His fingers rubbed your entrance when his mouth left your breast.
Instead, he pressed his forehead against yours to see your eyes directly. Hyukjae's finger slided into you easily, and soon another one was entered. You moaned as he fucked you with his digits against the wall, your hand even left his hard length at the amount of pleasure.
Considering that your last time was almost ten days ago, both of you were a complete eager mess for each other. He loved to see you whimpering and moaning for him.
Your head fell back with closed eyes, when his fingers went in faster, reaching your sweet spot in every thrust. Your orgasm was building inside, but as you were close to it, he pulled out his fingers, leaving you empty.
He lifted you up, crashing his lips against yours into a steamy kiss. Your hands grabbed his shoulders and legs wrapped around his waist, your back still on the cold wall. You breathed against his lips, his dick dangerously close, rubbing your wet folds. Slowly he slided into you. A moan escaped your lips when his tip touched your spot.
"Move, please," you whimpered.
His expert hips thrusted into you, soon finding a rhythm. His dancer hips always made wonders to you, and in that position you could feel all of him, fucking you into oblivion. His hands grabbed you tightly to keep you in place as he pounded into you.
The groan that left his lips was like music to your ears, he missed your touch and having you like this, your core wrapped around his hard cock. He knew you loved it when he was rough and he tried to keep that same pace as he fucked you against the wall.
Your walls soon clenched around him unconsciously, and you felt your orgasm building up again in your stomach with a moan. You hid your face on his neck, the sounds falling from your mouth went directly to his ear along with your hot breath.
All of a sudden, he took you to the bed, where you lied down on the mattress. For a moment he pulled out of you to position himself on top of your body. Hyukjae gave you a sloppy kiss, his hands wandered on your tighs until he grabbed the back of your legs, spreading you for him.
With a thrust he was inside you once again, pounding into you. You moaned under him at the burn that quickly transformed into pleasure as you grabbed the sheets on the bed. His hips rolled, making you see stars with every thrust.
He pulled out for a second, just to fill you up again and continue his rough pace, gaining a moan from you. His groans filled the room, the sweat was even more on your bodies.
The knot in your stomach arrived again and soon enough you felt your orgasm building on your core. You came with a loud cry, your walls tightening around his hard dick searching for his own release.
With your eyes shut, you felt him still fucking your overwhelmed core with no mercy. Your louder moans mixed with his, you even managed to move your hips against his. athe grip in your legs was even harder when he felt his climax was coming.
Your body felt lose for a moment, as a familiar knot built again on your low stomach. You felt so much pleasure, his throbbing dick brushing that place that made you feel in heaven. Soon enough, his orgasm arrived.
Hyukjae came with a groan of your name, between his breath. He felt between clouds, and moved a couple of times as you felt his hot seed being released inside you. You rubbed your clit with your hand to find your second orgasm for the night quickly.
You came soon as he stopped on top of you, recovering his breath. You caressed his wet hair with your fingers, and kissed his temples sweetly. Your breathing was the only sound on the room for at least ten minutes.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled. "I love you, I shouldn't said those things to you..."
Your words made him lift up his gaze to you. "I'm sorry too, I promise I'll try to be a better boyfriend."
"Thank you," a smile curved on your lips.
"I love you even more."
You chuckled. "What is it now? A competition?"
He smiled as he pulled out of you and laid by your side on the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist.
"If it's to show you my love," he kissed your shoulder. "Then it is."
"That's so cheesy!" you joked.
Blushing he kissed you again, this time full of love. He was an idiot, but he was yours after all.
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carry-me-out · 3 years
suju as messages from my friends pt 4
11:29 am
donghae: 🈚
hyukjae: ....what does that say again
donghae: No idea
hyukjae: ....why did you send it then
11:47 am
donghae: A chinese twice song would be cool
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
SuJu Reaction: How they are during sex
This is separate to my kink headcanons. This is more just standard, day-to-day sex and how they treat you during
Passionate boy. Pretty much always up for it. His work can be tiring so he doesn't always initiate it, but if you do he won't turn you down. Finds any excuse, birthday, anniversary, you cooked him a great meal, he missed you, he was late one time. He can and will fix issues with sex.
A big tease in the build up/foreplay. When it comes down to the act, an actual sweetheart. Likes it to be about just the two of you. Tries not to bring outside stress/anger or anything into the bedroom. Can be a bit selfish at times but will always make sure you finish even if he's finished and uses his fingers. Gives 0 fucks about gender norms/expectations. Will just go will the flow.
Loud. Not necessarily with words, just loud. Unlike Heechul, may bring outside energy in. Sex is his favourite way to destress, then he will be cute and cuddly with you like you deserve. Very handsy, touching you all over.
He has moves. Most of the time not very serious in the moment. Expect to be stopping to laugh because he said something dumb just to see your smile. Can be serious depending on the situation though. But if its just something that’s arisen from the heat of the moment, he just wants to have fun with you. Behind all the jokes he’s an affectionate, cuddly boyfriend though.
Passionate boy #2. Normally the one to initiate it. Sex is motivated by just how crazy you make him 99% of the time. You can just be sitting there not doing much and he's watching you thinking about how perfect you are and how much he loves you and how he's going to turn you on too. Might not always make it to the bedroom. Tends to talk a lot.
A gentleman, but very cheeky. A tease, but treats you so well. Normally very soft and romantic. Will be very upset if he knows you didn't finish/finds out you faked it. Occasionally will have a goofy moment and may ruin the vibe so neither of you end up finishing. Spends most of it kissing you.
Likes the emotional connection of the moment. Will talk during, and enjoys when you do too. Likes reassurance that you are ok and enjoying yourself and will give the same to you. Another one who likes lots of kisses in the moment.
Another loud one. Lots of moaning. and a lot of energy. a healthy mix of serious and fun, normally depending on the context.
Secret softie. Loves the romantic aspect of it. Likes to be the one to make the first move. As much as he loves you and sex, he prefers to do it on his terms as with most physical affection. If you want to initiate, best to use words over physical touch. Likes the feeling of being as close to you as possible and the fact that your only focus is each other.
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blu-joons · 2 years
You Appear On Weekly Idol ~ Lee Hyukjae
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Your heart was pounding as you took your name badge from your manager and placed it onto your outfit, glancing up into the mirror to check how it looked, straightening out any of the creases that it made in your cardigan.
“Suits you,” a voice smiled from the doorway of your dressing room, causing your body to tense up as you glanced through the reflection of the mirror to see Hyukjae staring back at you.
He walked in straight away as he met your eyes, coming up alongside you as you turned back around to face him properly. The smile on his face grew as he looked at the badge that you wore, letting go of a chuckle as the moment he had dreamt about for so long finally came true.
As soon as you mentioned to Hyukjae that your group was making a comeback he was onto the producers of Weekly Idol. There was no way that he could let another promotion pass for you without getting you to appear on his show.
Luckily for him, the producers were just as keen to introduce the dynamic between the two of you on the show. Everyone seemed to love your relationship, which of course, meant that the ratings were about to go through the roof.
“How are you feeling?” Hyukjae asked you as his arm wrapped around your waist lightly.
A sheepish smile appeared on your face, “excited, nervous. I don’t really know what to expect.”
His head nodded back at you, keeping his eyes on you. “You know that I’ll look after you, it’ll just be like every other show that you guys have been on.”
Having already recorded Knowing Bros with Heechul, and an appearance on Jeongsu’s new show too, you were used to working with the group’s members. But Hyukjae was different, working with your partner was something that you’d never done before.
“I’m nervous too,” Hyukjae suddenly told you as you went silent, “I want to make sure I do a good job to make you guys look good too.”
“You’ve just got to do what you usually do; the girls and I always watch the show every week and laugh at how funny you are, don’t change just because I’m here Hyuk.”
Hyukjae nodded as he let go of a shaky breath, finding himself surprisingly overwhelmed all of a sudden. It was quickly beginning to sink in for him who he was presenting for, and who he needed to make standout in front of the camera too.
“You and Kwanghee are a great team,” you reminded him, resting your hand over his that was against your waist, “even if you make a few jokes at my expense, I won’t mind, you’ve just got to do what you need to do.”
Hyukjae smiled weakly back across at you, “I could never let you look bad, Kwanghee’s already shown me some of the jokes that he wants to make today.”
“And how many did you tell him to cut for being inappropriate?” You joked, knowing Hyukjae all too well.
Just like Hyukjae, Kwanghee also wanted to make the show perfect for you and your group. Through Hyukjae, he had struck up a close friendship too and didn’t want to let either of you down by saying the wrong thing.
Your relationship both complicated and excited things, whilst you were looking forward to showing a different side to the two of you, you didn’t want things to become awkward, or let the focus be on the two of you for too long.
“How’s everyone else feeling about being on the show? Are they nervous like you?” Hyukjae asked, spinning around to see your other members getting prepped by various members of staff.
Without them, you knew that Weekly Idol was a show that you wouldn’t find yourself on. They had been the driving forces to get you on the show and stop you fretting about appearing with Hyukjae for the first time.
“They’re excited to mess around with you,” you chuckled in reply to Hyukjae, “they’re hoping that you’ve picked some good games for us to play with you.”
“I picked ones that I knew you were good enough,” Hyukjae whispered.
“Are you trying to make me look good,” you laughed, tapping against his chest with your free hand, “you’ll get me into trouble.”
Hyukjae’s head shook with a teasing grin, “I’ve got to use my role as an MC to an advantage somehow, what better use than with you?”
Just as Hyukjae fell silent, several staff members began to call down the corridor for everyone to start with their finishing touches. With that, Hyukjae pressed a kiss to your cheek before leaving your dressing room so that you could get ready.
“What’s he up to?” Your leader laughed as she noticed Hyukjae running out of the dressing room to finish getting his makeup touched up before the start of filming.
“Just came to say that he hopes it goes well,” you shyly told her, deciding to keep quiet about the plan for games that Hyukjae had come up with.
They could all see how wide your smile was, excited for the chance to finally feature on Hyukjae’s show. “Are you still a little bit nervous to me on?”
“Honestly, I think I’m good,” you replied to your eldest member, wiping over your name badge. “Seeing Hyuk really just eased my mind, and if something goes wrong, between Kwanghee and Hyukjae, they’ll manage to make it funny.”
“We’ll be on our best behaviour in front of Hyukjae too,” your leader promised as one of the members of staff led you and the rest of the group out of your dressing room and through onto the set where the show would be filmed.
It was a set that you had seen several times before from your various visits to see Hyukjae whilst he filmed but knowing that you were going to be on the other side of the camera had your heart racing a little bit.
Hyukjae and Kwanghee were already in position as you were all led just to the side of the white set, waiting to be introduced. You talked amongst yourselves as the crew set the final bits up, waiting for your call to pay attention.
“He’s looking over here,” one of your members told you, catching Hyukjae’s eye as soon as they looked around the set, “or I think he’s more looking just at you Y/N.”
Your head snapped around to look across to Hyukjae, shaking your head as he offered you a wide smile, assuring you once again that you had nothing to worry about. A loud chuckle came from him as your eyes rolled, the noise enough for several staff members to look around.
“Sorry!” Hyukjae called out, holding his hand up apologetically to the members of staff.
The smile on your face was wide as you turned back around to face your group. “We can expect a lot of trouble with you two today, can’t we? We’ll pop because of this.”
“Blame Hyukjae, I have a feeling that he’ll be trouble,” you told them all, pointing across to where he was stood as you pleaded your innocence, “you guys knew what you were signing up for when you agreed to be on the show.
“I think we’ll get plenty of attention when this episode airs, because of you guys,” your leader chuckled across to you.
“Don’t say that, Hyukjae really will take all the credit.”
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
Hey! Can we please have a drabble with Eunhyuk (your last one was awesome!) #21 + #2 but instead of him confessing it's the reader? Thanks
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(Admin: Babyboiii, can I just say this is the perfect way to request this you told me which one & That’s just great. Anyways I love Eunhyuk)
2: They confess their feelings for you.
21: Putting your hands in their pocket.
You swing your arms, nervously while walking beside Hyukjae. You have been thinking about confessing to him for a few weeks now; you just have a hard time coming up with the words to say to him. Your hands occasionally hit together while you walk beside each other.
“Hyukjae,” you mumble, he hums in response glancing towards you, “I-” you cut yourself off when you lock eyes with him- “-never mind,” you mumble.
“What is it?” Hyukjae questions, grabbing your forearm and turning to face him, “you can talk to me,” he pushes.
“I don’t want to say it,” you whisper, hoping he won’t hear you, he keeps his grip on your forearm, not letting up, “I like you,” you rush out, it comes out a jumbled mess that you hope he didn’t understand.
He lets out a soft laugh, shaking his head before lacing his fingers with yours and continuing to walk towards your apartment building.
“You’re not saying anything,” you mumble, he pulls your hand into his pocket.
“I’m surprised you confessed before I could,” he admits, “I like you too,” he says softly, tightening his grip on your hand.
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hyukscalp · 3 years
!boyfriend - eunhyuk
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- confesses in the practice room
- your personal stylist 
- by your side 24/7 
- ‘love’, ‘babygirl’, ‘y/n ahh~’, ‘precious’ for you
- ‘hyuk’/’hyukkie’, ‘my gummy boy’, ‘hubby’ for him
- you both love going to the beach
- he loves to hold your hand 
- forehead kisses and hand kisses 
- the first one to say ily in the rs
- picks out the clothes the both of you wear for dates
- never fails to make you happy with his smile
- pouts when you dont agree with him
- spends most of the mini dates in the practice room,
- showcasing his skills
- gets jealous easily 
- when he is on tour, 
- would take a picture of everywhere he go ,
- buys you souvenirs,
- shows you the concert arena,
- sends you multiple selfies every hour
- sweetest boy
ok 18+ timeeeeeeeeee ;
- a dom for sure
- those hips can make you see stars
- wants to hear you chant his name 
- a HUGE tease
- has interest with degradation  
- ends it all with the both of you cuddling 
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wronqness99 · 4 years
Our Treasure
This scenario was requested by @usernameloaa​ I hope you like it!
> About my writing
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: ---
Word Count: 1053
Characters: Eunhyuk (Super Junior)/Lee Hyukjae x Fem!Reader
*The image doesn’t belong to me, credits to the owner.*
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Hyukjae had had an incredibly tiring day at work discussing about directing SEVENTEEN's upcoming concert after their comeback with their agency and settling the final details with the members then he ran over to SM so he wouldn't be late to help Donghae with recording a demo version of a new song he had written for their D&E album and finally both of them took off for Super Junior's dance practice which ended up taking almost six hours.
The male got home way after dinner time, his only wish was to lay in his bed and finally allow himself to relax.
Finally walking into his room he saw his wife sitting in bed with her back resting on the wooden frame knitting a small sweater for their little man that could come any day now. The thought brought a smile to his face, making him forget a little about his hectic day, those two people being his escape from reality, their house the only place he could just be himself without worrying to impress. However, the atmosphere had grown tense over the last couple of weeks, with his wife insisting for him to reduce his workload both for his own health and for the fact that the baby could come any day now and she was afraid she'd be alone when the time came, which caused the to get in arguments more often than he wished.
"Honey, you're home," his wife spoke, making his head pound. He nodded, walking into the closet to get some clothes to wear for bed after showering.
"Have you eaten?" She asked, rubbing her nine-month pregnant tummy in hopes to reduce the soreness of their son's heavy kicking.
"No, I'm not that hungry, I'm super tired, though. Just want to take a shower and sleep."
"You shouldn't sleep without eating anything yeobo, it's bad for you. You left early and worked hard the entire da-"
"For fuck's sake Y/N, will you shut up?!" He half screamed, making his own head hurt even more. "I've had a hell of a busy day, my head feels like it could explode! All I want is to fucking shower and get in bed, can you not nag? Damn it!"
Y/N was taken aback by his sudden outburst. She blinked a couple of times, voice dying down at her throat as she tried to come back to her senses. The woman saw her husband walk in the bathroom and close the door, soon hearing the water start running in the shower.
Deciding to brush it off, the woman put the yarn aside and laid down to sleep. However, only a few minutes later Y/N found herself starving 'the perks of being pregnant' she thought and chuckled, shaking her head. With a bit of difficulty, the woman got on her feet and walked out of the room to go grab a snack.
Having finished his quick shower, Hyukjae walked back into the room and wasn't surprised to see the bed empty, thinking Y/N was probably mad at him for his sudden outburst earlier and went to sleep on the guest bedroom.  
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before deciding to go and apologize to her. Stepping foot out of the room he saw Y/N walking towards the stairs supporting her back with her left hand while the other held her bump to help her see where her feet should go. Making his way towards her, his heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened as Hyukjae watched her misplace a foot and lose her balance, causing her to almost fall. Hadn't he been quick enough to hold her body against his own he didn't even want to imagine what could have happened.
The man held Y/N and didn't let go, only holding her closer to him as he tried to get them both to calm down from the scare. Y/N placed her hands on her husband's chest, putting some distance between them.
"Are you okay? Is our baby okay? I'm so sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have screamed at you. Please don't go to sleep in the spare room, it's my fault, I'm sorry. Because of me you and the baby were at risk." He ranted nervously getting mad at himself. Y/N placed her hand on his lips catching his attention and finally getting her husband to stop talking.
"Yes Hyukjae, you did wrong, it's good you know that, but I am not mad." She stated. "You had a stressful day, it happens. Just please don't repeat that again. I know we've been arguing and things have been weird but if I speak it's because I worry about you and I care. What will I do if the baby arrives and my husband is not in good health?"
Hyukjae's heart warmed listening to his wife's words. He was aware of all that but he couldn't find it in himself to oppose or even mention the workload his agency put on him. "I know, I'm sorry... I have to grow a pair and speak with the agency, I want to be home with you when our son decides it's time to meet us. Plus after this, I don't think it's safe to leave you here alone." He stated, " But... If you are not mad why are you going to our spare bedroom?" He questioned furrowing his eyebrows.
"I'm not. Me and baby just got really hungry and I couldn't sleep so I need to go to the kitchen to get us some food." She clarified placing her hand on top of her bump as her cheeks burned a bright pink. Hyukjae chuckled as he felt his son's kick in his own stomach as if he was backing up his mother's story. "As if I'm not a walking whale already." She stated shyly.
Hyukjae shook his head and placed both his hands on Y/N's tummy "Daddy is so sorry he was mean to mommy and disregarded you both, I promise it won't happen again. And forgive your mommy for she doesn't know what she says," He spoke to their sprout. "She hasn't realized yet that she's growing the biggest treasure of our lives." He stated lovingly, his eyes never leaving his lover's.
"Now let's go down so I can feed both my loves."
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superwinkies · 4 years
Super Junior: Honeymoon
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very very packed honeymoon with Leeteuk
he wants to do everything and anything with you.
Both of you would head to Hawaii. Because you both want to be by the beach.
As soon as you two arrived, he doesn’t give you time to rest.
“Okay, I signed us up for a surfing class, a traditional cooking class and a dinner by the beach downtown”
You just nod and headed to sit on the edge of bed, not before he dragged you and say the surfing class is in half an hour.
You don’t even argue.
Down time, finally. 
The both of you sat by the beach and enjoyed your dinner. 
Chill music, cool ocean breeze, flavourful wine. 
Both of you didn’t talk much, just taking in the surrounding and the reality that is slowly setting in. 
It was nice, but you were slowly getting sleepy. Jet lag and drained.
“You can’t be tired, I have a surprise when we head back”, he says before winking suggestively at you.
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Heechul would suggest going to Japan for honeymoon.
because, he is very familiar with Japan and he wants to be able to enjoy the honeymoon without any stress/complication
Heechul would booked a stay at a traditional Japanese house, because he can.
It was an interesting experience and you liked that he thought of it.
Honeymoon with Heechul is chill and on your own pace.
He has an itinerary in his head. Each day, he will ask you if you would be interested in this place. 
It’s a yes most of the times. So far, you two have been on a temple tour, visited the Universal Studios, walked down the famous park and endless eateries. 
when you asked him if he wanted to go anywhere, he just said wherever you want to go is where he wants to go.
you can’t help but just love him more
“You’ll love me more when you see what I planned later tonight”
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seasoned traveller Yesung would discuss with you where you want to go. 
when you say you want to go to France, he couldn’t help but be more excited than you. 
he immediately pulls out his google docs and shows you some photos he took the last time he went.
when both of you finally reached Paris, you see Yesung getting more and more excited.
Yesung would bring you to the famous museums in the city and also, lots of chill relaxing dates at the many cafes the city has to offer. 
very slow paced chill, a lot of walks.
in which, the two of you never stopped holding hands. 
the two of you would talk about anything and everything. 
lots of photo taking sessions!!
“thank you for this, love”
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Shindong would prepare a trip to China.
since the both of you enjoy Chinese food, it would make sense to go China.
most of the time it’ll be an eating trip. enjoying all the goodness China has to offer.
but also, never forgetting sight seeing trips and visiting famous landmarks.
Shindong would document the whole trip, capturing your candid moments and your excitement throughout!
he feels apologetic that the honeymoon was only a week because of his schedules.
so he makes up for a short weekend trip to the neighbouring city.
two whole days for the two fo you to enjoy each other’s company!
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Hyukjae would plan a honeymoon to somewhere foreign for the two of you.
So, it will be a trip to maybe Morocco.
He likes the thrill of exploring somewhere new, getting lost, panicking and making fond memories.
When you both first ordered a local cuisine, you both are in a shock. 
it was really foreign, but, you both are in a for a ride!
The trip would be exploring the city, it’s uniqueness and the beautiful culture the country has to offer.
He also loves the fact that he can walk anywhere with you without being swarmed endlessly.
also, Hyukjae being a sucker for the many museums Morocco has. 
“Can we go for one more? Please, I’ll treat you well later!”
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sentimental Donghae would prepare a two part special for the honeymoon.
first part of the trip would be a short trip to his hometown. 
he wants to bring you to his childhood home, his old elementary school, the place he used to hang out at.
the most memorable part of it would be visiting his dad’s grave. 
it was a different type of feeling and you were thankful for him for bringing you there.
second part of the trip would be a trip to New York.
very very touristy honeymoon as if both of you have never visited NYC.
trip to the Time Square, walk down Central Park, In n Out almost every single day.
Donghae would be game and would randomly sign the two of you up for a random couple’s pottery class.
a unique experience, he would say
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Honeymoon with Siwon at Maldives.
A private resort with the ocean flowing beneath!
very chill and relaxed honeymoon after the stressful wedding preparations.
he would book you a whole day of spa and wellness. just to pamper you and him. 
for the fun of it, you would sign both of you for water activities!
banana boat ride! snorkelling! parasailing!
most of the days would be spent relaxing by the beach, sipping iced teas as the two of you took a breather.
Siwon likes that he isn’t well recognised there, so more normal private time with you as husband and wife!
never leave his hands off you, very very playful!
“Take your hands off baby, there are people!”
He would just act nonchalant and pretend he didn’t do anything.
 “okay, but don’t say no later”
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Wook would be so excited to finally go on a honeymoon with you. 
a trip to London!
Ryeowook has always wanted to go to London, and he loved it when you said you don’t mind going there for your honeymoon!
non stop tourist activity!
London’s Bridge, Buckingham Palace, watching football games, fish and chips once a day just because
also, Wook would spoil the hell out of you. 
anything you want, anything you fancy. 
“if you want to thank me, thank me later tonight”
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Kyukyu would suggest going to Australia.
he wants to do a chill road trip with you as many days as he can.
so that’s what the two of you did.
taking turn driving, admiring the beautiful stars at night, eating takeouts as you both drive through the pretty scenery.
laughing, him taking photos of you napping, eating chips with your foot on the board.
would finally end the road trip when you both finally reached Gold Coast.
visit to the amusement park, the wildlife centre, brunch almost everyday.
he gets recognised a little and he greets them and introduce you proudly as his wife. 
when the two of you finally head back for the day, he lets out a sigh of relief, snuggling into the pillow.
“babe....”, you teased as you run your finger down his sides slowly.
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muselin · 3 years
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Thank you to all of you who expressed interest in possible Super Junior D&E fics/drabbles/scenarios/headcannons from me!
I already have quite a few outlines and for the life of me I cannot decide which one to start with. Most of them are smutty...
Sooo, I thought I would ask you all to pick a number from 1 to 7 and I will post the fic that has that number in my secret little list first 😁😁
The ideas I've outlined are a mix of Eunhyuk fics, Donghae fics and D&E ones/threesome fics. So pick from 1 to 7 👇👇👇
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Illusion (Eunhyuk Mafia!AU)
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Hyukjae is quite sure that she doesn’t even remember who he is. She was seven, after all. But he remembers her. 
Lee Hyukjae, known professionally as Eunhyuk, is something of a rags to riches story. Born to a homeless, dirt-poor mother and father and living in the filth and muck for the majority of his life, he knew from an early age that it was only a matter of time before all of them had to die. 
That changed when he joined SME and entered the world of the underground. It wasn’t easy – it involved danger, betrayal, and the constant possibility of death, but from it, Eunhyuk emerged, a high-ranking member of the organization’s internal hierarchy. He’s a leader of Super Junior, a branch of SME concerned with field operations, undercover intelligence, and reconnaissance, respected for its members’ remarkable rates of success. He has brothers, closer than actual flesh and blood, whom he trusts with his everything. Together for life – they genuinely believe that they will be, even after two out of the initial thirteen of them left for good some years ago. It’s hard to survive in the brutal world of criminals, but Hyukjae has them. 
They aren’t all, though. It’s information about himself that Hyukjae has withheld from the others – maybe the only piece of information about himself that he’s ever held back from them – but if not for her, he wouldn’t be alive. He would have laid down and let himself die all those years ago, still Lee Hyukjae, still an insignificant nobody who saw nothing worth it in life and was looking forward to returning to the safety of oblivion. 
For most of his life he’s gone off only the memory of her, with her light hazel eyes and her free spirit and her indifference toward her mother – and her name. It kept him going for seventeen years, but now, it’s not enough. He needs to see her, hear her, touch her, have her by his side until he dies. And that just might entail breaching her boundaries a little bit. Just a little bit. 
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