#admin: babyboiii
pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Vacation - Park Bo Gum
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(Admin: Babyboiii, I’m a big Bogum fan)
“How does it feel to finally have time off?” Bogum asks pulling you against his chest almost immediately after you throw yourself down onto the hotel room bed, you turn over in his arms to face him.
“It’s incredible, even better since I get to spend it with you,” you say with a soft laugh finding it hard to maintain eye contact with him, Bogum rests his hand on your cheek leaning forward to press a soft kiss against your lips.
“What should we do?” He asks stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb, “I looked up restaurants nearby that we could go to later,” he suggests you hum nodding, “we definitely need to go to the beach while we’re here,” he mumbles looking upward seemingly searching his mind for more things to suggest to you.
“Let’s worry about that in the morning, it’s late, we just got here and I’m tired,” you say pushing your hand through his hair to get it away from his face smiling softly at him, he returns your smile humming, “thank you,” you say brightly.
“For what?” Bogum inquires leaning his cheek further against your hand closing his eyes.
“For planning this,” you say with a sigh, “I don’t know what I would have ended up doing if you didn’t decide to plan this trip,” you rush out, “I’d probably just spend my vacation days at home, sleeping,” you admit with a click of your tongue.
“We’ve never been on a trip together, that wasn’t for work,” Bogum says apologetically, “I felt bad about that,” Bogum admits pulling you closer to his chest resting his hand on the back of your head and the other on your shoulder, “let’s make the most of this trip,” Bogum near-whispers resting his chin on the top of your head.
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
On And Off - Lee Jong Suk
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(Admin: Babyboiii, lemme tell you I love this man)
“Y’N, your boyfriend actually featured in this music video didn’t he?” The interviewer inquires you nod hesitantly, the two of you were broken up right now, but you had only just announced your relationship during your solo mv so you can’t say you’ve broken up already, “how long have you been together?” She continues.
“Jongsuk and I,” you trail off, “we tend to break up and get back together a lot,” you say with an awkward laugh, “I’d say around six years, on and off again,” you tilt your heads with your words she lets out a hum nodding her head.
“It must be exhausting to be breaking up all the time,” she says widening her eyes you let out a small laugh nodding slightly.
“Yeah, I guess we just need time apart sometimes when our fights get bad, so we take breaks,” you sink your teeth into the bottom lip, the interviewer turns her attention back to your music bringing up your group and asking about their thoughts on your solo comeback.
The rest of the interview goes smoothly and you get back to your dorm later that day throwing yourself down onto your bed. Lucky for you being in a small group means that each of you gets to have your own bedroom. Almost as on cue your phone rings, it’s like Jongsuk knows your schedule to the second, he probably does by this point, but you prefer to ignore how close the two of you are.
“There are already articles out about what you said,” Jongsuk says flatly, “I can’t believe I’m being called a bad person for us being on and off,” Jongsuk whines and you can hear him tossing on his bed you let out a small laugh, “we’re still close even when we break up,” he mutters under his breath and you hum in response.
“I’ll make another statement tomorrow to clear it up, don’t worry,” you say with a sigh, “who knew I’d pass you in popularity that used to not seem possible,” you say with a laugh that he returns, “did you watch my music video?” You ask brightly he hums in response.
“It came out really well, you looked pretty,” he says with a shy laugh, “why did we split up?” Jongsuk asks hesitantly, but the words still manage to feel sudden and catch you off guard.
“I can’t remember,” you say with a dry laugh it feels bitter, “maybe we should wait to get back together until you get back from the military?” You ask Jongsuk hums thoughtfully.
“That’s two years though,” he says exasperatedly, “would you still want to be with me by then?” Jongsuk hesitates.
“Of course,” you say boldly, “I’ll always want to be with you,” you mumble under your breath.
(I took my links off so that it would show up in the search on Tumblr)
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
does that mean dongwoo is ur bias in Infinite? :P
Tbh I’ve been stuck between Dongwoo and Sungjong since I got into infinite 
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Morning - Jinjin
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(Admin: Babyboiii, I haven’t written anything about Astro in a while so here’s a soft Jinjin scenario) *Finished by WS*
Jinwoo lets out a groan stretching his arms out in front of him before running his hand through his hair. You let out a small laugh resting your head on the palm of your hand watching Jinwoo blink away the tiredness from his eyes.
“Good morning,” Jinwoo mutters rubbing his eyes you hum, “I’m still tired,” he says with a small laugh that you return, “come here,” Jinwoo says softly pulling you towards his chest.
Jinwoo wraps his arms tightly around you, you rest your cheek against his chest your own arms holding loosely at his sides. Jinwoo lets out a content hum resting his chin on the top of your head tightening his grip slightly, but not too much to where you’re uncomfortable in his hold.
“Can we just stay in bed all day?” You inquire your voice muffled by his skin Jinwoo laughs pressing a light kiss to the top of your head.
“I’d like that,” he says softly, “we’ll have to get up eventually though,” he says with a sigh, you hum but neither of you act on actually moving from your spots, “let’s stay like this for a lot longer though.”
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(Admin: WS, Ari’s kinda down so I decided to finish some of her scenarios because I feel bad that she takes on everything for us)
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
is Wow ur bias in ACE??
Yeah, he’s been my bias since debut 
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
have u been seeing Wow on VLive? That boy does not know how to keep his tongue in his mouth and i cant handle it
lmao, I haven’t watched any of their recent vlives but I can imagine tbh. I can’t handle Wow in general tbh like his existence attacks me. He’s soft and cringey but he’s also hot and it���s like ?? Are you human sir
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Rumor - Young K
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(Admin: Babyboiii, Hey again Bombi! I saw you changed your profile to Sebin, I think at least it’s him lmao, Angst K incoming lmao)
You jump at the sound of the lab door slamming spilling your beaker of water. You were about to turn and scream at the person until you realize it’s a very angry looking Younghyun and you have no idea why, but he seems like he’s on a mission. 
“Why are you in the Bio Lab?” You ask, trying to ignore the fierce glare that he tends to carry, “did something happen?” You continue to inquire.
“Are you cheating on me?” Younghyun practically spits out his tongue stuck out between his teeth for a moment before he presses the muscle to the inside of his cheek, leaning against the counter with his head slightly cocked to the side waiting for your response.
“Where would you get that from, when would I have time to cheat,” you say with a small laugh turning back to your breaker putting more water back into it, Younghyun takes the beaker from you sitting it on the counter.
“I’m not done talking,” Younghyun says flatly running his tongue along his top teeth, when Younghyun gets angry it seems like he almost can’t control the muscle, “what if I told you I heard it from your friend—your best friend actually,” you knit your eyebrows together, the only friend you have in your major is Wonpil.
“Wonpil?” You draw out your syllables in confusion, “I don’t know what you’re getting at Pil—we only talk about school work I never bring anything else up to him?” You say with a small laugh shaking your head at the absurdity of you actually cheating on someone as wonderful and caring as the Kang Younghyun.
“I don’t know, you went out with him didn’t you,” Younghyun mutters crossing one of his legs over the other resting his forearm on the counter still glaring in your direction but it seems to have let up a little.
“We studied and he told me about his money problems so I bought him a new jacket and dinner,” you explain with a heavy sigh, “I’m not going to expose his problems, but Wonpil he’s like a little kid, you’ve met the man,” you say with a whine stepping closer to Younghyun wrapping your arm around his own he closes his eyes letting out a heavy sigh of his own, his posture changing.
“You should have told me at least,” Younghyun mutters seeming to have calmed down finally.
“I have to finish my lab,” you pull away from him letting out a huff, “do you want to wait on me?” You ask with a laugh dropping your head slightly he shakes his head.
“I have homework,” he returns your laugh, “call me when you leave though, it’s late already,” he says softly, “it could be dangerous,” he says with a laugh.
“I’ll call,” you mumble sliding the beaker around the table, “talk to you later,” you say brightly glancing up at him he hums in response before backing out of the lab muttering bye a few more times before he actually leaves.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Balcony - Junseop
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(Admin: Babyboiii)
Junseop leans against the railing of the balcony looking at the street below him, you smile taking wide steps towards him wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your cheek against his back. Junseop lets out a small laugh gripping your wrist comfortingly with one of his hands running the pad of his thumb along your skin.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask softly closing your eyes Junseop takes in a breath letting out a hum, “do you regret leaving already?” You tease loosening your grip around him until your arms drop to your sides.
“Why would I regret it?” Junseop says softly turning to face you, “I’m not thinking about anything, I just wanted to look at the city from here,” he gestures towards the glowing windows of some of the buildings off in the distance you let out a hum moving to stand next to him.
“What do you think things are going to be like, later on,” you hesitate slightly staring off into the distance in a similar way as to he had been, Junseop lets out a sigh leaning against the railing beside you.
“If I was worried about the future, I wouldn’t have left,” Junseop says with a click of his tongue, “I wanted to be with you, I couldn’t do that if I stayed,” Junseop mumbles, “sorry, I pulled you into my family problems,” Junseop leans against the railing turning towards you.
“I’m glad.” You smile gently in his direction. “I was scared you would end up leaving me,” you admit.
“It’s getting cold, we should go inside,” Junseop pushes himself away from the railing lacing his fingers through with yours and pulling you behind him back inside the hotel room.
(I took my links off so that it would show up in the search on Tumblr)
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Serious - Minhyuk
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(Admin: Babyboiii, you know in our docs this is Yuna’s but she’s never going to do it)
Minhyuk stares at you wide-eyed at your reaction: “I said I like you,” he repeats himself you hum.
“I heard you the first time,” you say crossing your arms over your chest, “don’t you think you’re taking your jokes too far?” You say accusingly he lets out a scoff resting one of his hands on his hip turning to the side.
“Do you think I’m joking?” He says in disbelief, “do you really think I’d joke about something like that?” He lets out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t have any reason to believe you,” you say in a near laugh, “you’ve been nothing but horrible to me,” you say with a whine, “I don’t get why Ilhoon is friends with you,” you mutter under your breath.
“Can you at least acknowledge them?” Minhyuk says defeatedly, “I’m not giving up on them, I just want you to at least acknowledge them,” he says softly, “Ilhoon knows I like you, ask him if you really don’t believe me,” Minhyuk says with a laugh before stuffing his hands into his pockets.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Close - Donghyun
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(Admin: Sxng)
You take a step away from Donghyun before you turn continuing to move in that direction with your head pointed at the ground below you. You hear a car horn and before you can react there is a tight grip on your forearm and you’re being pulled back then another hand rests on your other arm protectively. Donghyun lets out a sigh heavy sigh his shoulders relaxing and his grip on both of your arms releasing.
“I know you’re upset, but please pay attention to where we are,” he says softly a pleading look covering his features you nod wordlessly, “they would have hit you,” Donghyun gets choked on his words pointing in the direction the car went.
“Sorry,” you mumble under your breath dropping your head not being able to keep eye contact with him your previous fight forgotten by this point, “I didn’t realize I was that close to the road,” you mumble taking a quick glance up to his eyes he lets out another sigh running his hand comfortingly down your arm.
“I would’ve hated myself forever if you had gotten hurt,” he says softly you turn your head up to meet his eyes.
“Thank you,” you say softly taking a small step away from him and he drops his arm by his side.
“Get home safe,” he says in a breathy tone, “talk to me once you’ve calmed down,” he locks his eyes onto yours, you nod softly.
(I took my links off so that it would show up in the search on Tumblr)
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Movies In Bed - Kang Daniel
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(Admin: Babyboiii we haven’t written for any wanna one boy in forever wow like I love Daniel man. This is just fluff btw because Daniel is soft.)
Daniel slides onto the bed rolling to the farside pressing his back against the wall patting the spot next to him to signal for you to lay down too. You let out a small laugh complying and sliding onto the bed next to him careful to not drop your laptop. Daniel wraps both of his arms around your middle and you shift slightly to get comfortable moving your laptop in hopes both of you can see it. Daniel rests his head in the crook of your neck.
“What do you want to watch?” You ask turning your head slightly in his direction, Daniel hums seemingly thinking of something the two of you haven’t seen or at least something you haven’t seen.
“Let’s just pick something random,” Daniel says with a small laugh, “I can’t think of anything off the top of my head,” he says with another shy laugh.
You hum in response scrolling through the list before just pressing on a random movie before moving yourself further against Daniel. Daniel makes himself more comfortable as well rubbing his thumb mindlessly against the back of your hand. Daniel’s grip on your hand eventually loosened and you can only assume that he fell asleep since the movie was pretty boring. You pick up your phone looking through the camera of it to see if your suspicion was correct.
Once it has been confirmed you snap a few quick pictures before sliding your phone back onto the table making sure you don’t move too much, afraid of waking him.
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
hi!could I please get a drabble #9,#17,#20 with han seungwoo from victon?? thank you!! and i love you account so much along with your writing💕
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(Admin: Babyboiii, sorry it took me so long to get to this)
9: Your ex calls and they answer.
17: They sing for you
20: Back hugs.
You cover your face shyly listening to Seungwoo sing, it’s just the two of you, but it still makes you shy. He finishes the song with a shy laugh of his own looking to the side away from you.
“I should start cooking,” you say with a soft sigh standing up, you brush your hand through his hair when you walk behind him to get to the counter your phone started to ring on the table not long after you had got out the marinated chicken you were planning on cooking, “can you answer that for me?” You call out to your boyfriend and he hums in response.
“Hello,” Seungwoo says softly looking over the back of his chair towards you, “I’m her boyfriend, she’s cooking right now,” Seungwoo says with a small laugh smiling in your direction, “ah, you’re the one,” Seungwoo trails off standing up from his chair and excusing himself from the room, still on your phone.
You send a puzzled look in the direction he went, confused about who could have called you that would have him react like that. Seungwoo isn’t the type to be secretive and it is your phone. Seungwoo comes back shortly after putting your phone down on the table, but he doesn’t return to his seat instead walking into the kitchen with you, wrapping his arms around your middle gently from behind you.
“Who was it?” You ask with a small laugh, turning your face to the side to meet his eyes.
“You’re ex-boyfriend, he won’t call again,” Seungwoo says with a small laugh, “he got a new phone and decided to call you, he got upset that I answered,” Seungwoo says with a small huff.
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Imagine Us - Shinwon
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(Admin: Babyboiii, this is a soulmate!au not that I really need to explain that. Can I say that pocket-scenarios’s best posts are pentagon?)
You let out another frustrated sigh your friend and now known soulmate’s words still echoing in your mind: “Why would you be afraid of your soulmate falling out of love?”
The warm tears hitting against your hand aren’t because your sad, you don’t think you’re sad at least, you tell yourself they’re stress tears. You’re just confused. Finding out that your friend of years is actually the soulmate you’ve been imaginatively rambling to him for years scares you. He’s heard everything, he knows everything and now that, the soulmate you had been dreaming of is him everything is different. You know that it’s no use denying him as your soulmate.
Your soulmate was already decided before you were born, there’s no way to change it, Ko Shinwon is your soulmate and you’re his, but it’s just too hard to admit that to yourself right now. A knock comes on the other side of your door pulling you from your thoughts.
“I’m not coming in,” Shinwon’s voice travels through the door reaching your ears only slightly muffled, you feel the door move forward and you can assume he slid down the other side of it, “I could tell when I first met you,” Shinwon says softly, you move to sit against the other side of the door letting out a sigh, “I’ve known that you’re my soulmate,” Shinwon’s words are almost so quiet you don’t understand him.
“How did you know?” You inquire your voice slightly deeper than normal from your crying earlier, “our ceremony was only three days ago,” you mumble looking at your hands.
“I could just feel it?” Shinwon must have moved against the door because it hits against the latch startling you from the sudden loud sound, “do you not accept me?” It isn’t a common thing for women to not accept soulmates, but the only way for the connection to be broken is for one to die.
“It’s not that,” you admit, “I’m just,” you trail off unsure of what your next words should be, “confused,” you finally mutter dropping your head towards your lap, Shinwon lets out a sigh from the other side of the door.
“Do you trust me?” Shinwon asks in a small voice, “I don’t know what type of person you imagined being your soulmate, but can you,” he lets out a sigh cutting himself off, “can you reimagine everything you told me, with it being us?” He asks hopefully, “think about what we can be together,” his voice sounds confident but you can only imagine how scared he actually is.
“Of course I trust you,” you say softly, “I never really imagined anyone before, I just liked the idea,” your not sure of how to word your sentence because you think that Shinwon might have been the person you were imagining, “knowing that there is someone made for you, it makes you feel safe doesn’t it?” You question, Shinwon hums.
“Can I come in?” Shinwon asks in a soft voice, you hum moving away from the door still staying seated on the floor, Shinwon opens the door stepping into your room, “you’ve hidden in here for three days,” Shinwon says with a laugh smiling gently at you.
Shinwon closes the door behind him sitting on the floor in front of you. It’s weird how much changed in the past three days, Shinwon, he’s still your best friend Shinwon but being with him feels different. Before you never really took in his appearance much, but now it feels different, he feels like a different person, he feels more attractive. You try to push that thought away relaxing your shoulders and gesturing for him to sit next to you.
“Can we admit we’ve always liked each other?” Shinwon’s eyes burn into your own, his hand gripping at your knee, “don’t you want to know what it’s like?” He cocks his head to the side his eyes spinning with so many emotions, you find yourself getting trapped in them unable to pull yourself to look anywhere else.
“I’m scared,” you admit, “I always wanted to find out who my soulmate was since I was little, but now that I know it’s you,” you pause, “why am I so afraid of you not loving me?” You hesitate with each word.
“I’ve loved you for seven years,” Shinwon shifts closer to you, “should I give you more time to process everything?” He asks optimistically, “I’ll wait as long as you need,” Shinwon says and you can see the sincerity in his eyes.
You find yourself gravitating towards him until your lips are against his own. Shinwon’s lips instantly return the kiss moving gently against yours his hand hesitantly lands on your cheek holding you in place the kiss is fleeting though, it doesn’t last as long as you would like Shinwon pulling away to lock his eyes onto yours his face mear inches from your own. Shinwon’s eyes dart down to your lips one last time before he moves back further away from you.
“I need to control myself,” he says with a small laugh before letting out a sigh, “I’ll wait,” he says once more nodding his head, “as long as you need me to,” he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Will you stay here?” You rush out when he stands up, he turns to you raising an eyebrow at you, “I don’t want to be alone,” you mumble turning away from him, you pull yourself to your feet going to sit on your bed, Shinwon lets out a sigh mixed with a laugh throwing himself down onto your bed as well laying against the wall.
“You know I’ll do anything for you,” he says in a near whisper you lay down as well facing away from him, you jump slightly feeling his arms wrap loosely around your side pressing his head against the crook of your neck.
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Soft - Lou
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(Admin: Babyboiii)
“What are you doing?” Hosung muses tilting his head up so your hair isn’t in his face, despite his fake complaints he wraps his arms around your middle pulling you closer against his chest.
“It’s cold,” you mutter, “you’re warm,” you say with a small laugh tilting your head back to get a view of his face.
“Turn the air conditioner up if it’s cold,” he says gesturing with his head in the direction of the thermostat, you shake your head pressing yourself further against his chest and resting your hands over his own he clicks his tongue, “the things I put up with for you,” he says with a heavy sigh followed by a small laugh.
“You’re comfortable too,” you mutter to yourself turning enough to be able to make eye contact with him without making it uncomfortable, Hosung hums in response closing his eyes.
“Go to sleep,” Hosung mutters shifting slightly under you.
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Why Him? - Daeyeol
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(Admin: Babyboiii, I just wanted to. write a Woolim ent scenario so people can like know I write for Golden Child and Infinite, I don’t think Dae is actually like this irl obviously, he’s v selfish in this & I am aware.)
“I’m sorry, but you know,” you trail off, “I like your brother,” you remind, Daeyeol nods pressing his hands together in between his legs.
“Why did it have to be my brother,” Daeyeol says with a small laugh looking away from you, “why does he always get everything,” Daeyeol mutters under his breath.
“He does have me,” you rush out, “I’m still your best friend before anything,” you mutter, “just because I like him, doesn’t mean he likes me,” you remind your voice getting quieter with each word.
“What if he does?” Daeyeol says softly, “can we not even be friends then?” Daeyeol’s words come out harsher than you’re almost certain he intended.
“I can get over him,” you say optimistically, your heart sinks a little, but it’s true you can, “you’re my friend,” you say softly, “I’ve known you longer,” you can feel Daeyeol’s eyes burning into the side of your face but you can’t bring yourself to turn towards him.
“Can you really do that?” Daeyeol hesitates, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Yeah, I can,” you say softly, “it’s just a crush,” you say with a. small whine letting out a forced laugh, “you, as my friend, are more important,” you say with a smile reaching over to pat his shoulder.
(I took my links off so that it would show up in the search on Tumblr)
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Quiet - Wonpil
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(Admin: Babyboiii, Piri is the most precious, adorable, soft, cute man on the planet I don’t make the rules.)
“Y’N,” Wonpil blurts out startling you making your hand slip messing up your writing on your paper, “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Wonpil mutters leaning forward slightly on the table in what you can only imagine is embarrassment.
“It’s fine, it’s just you’ve been sitting there dead silent,” you say with a small laugh erasing the messed up letters rewriting it, “what were you going to say?” You inquire hoping to get him to continue.
“I was wondering if you would,” he trails off, “will you go to see a movie with me, tomorrow,” he finally rushes out rolling his lips together and looking away from you, you let out a small laugh sending a smile in his direction.
“How could I turn you down,” you coo Wonpil lets out a small laugh, “do you have any ideas for what movie?” You ask softly.
“I was thinking about that one that went into theaters last week, do you know which one you’re talking about?” You nod softly, kind of being able to follow him, “we can go out to eat after too,” Wonpil suggests hesitantly.
“So is it a date?” You inquire quirking your eyebrow, Wonpil stumbles over his words trying to think of a response.
“Yes?” He says the pitch of his voice going up him pressing his hands together in between his legs, “I need to get going, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wonpil says softly pushing back his chair and standing up waving to you before he leaves the room, you let out a small laugh shaking your head slightly before returning back to your writing.
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