#i gotta sleep probably im a tired little guy rn
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its 12am for me and i have many thoughts about this au where i just traumatise two older sibling sonic characters (and make metal a transgirl dating amy)
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well, today i didn't do .... anything at all tbh
i woke up super late, bc i was really tired so i just let myself sleep in.
then, in the afternoon my grandparents and uncle came to visit (with no warning at all) so i had to be with them outside while they were gardening and stuff (i also helped a little so that was nice)
but, god, they are annoying (family drama stuff, dw about it) so after they left i couldn't do anything, so i just called a friend and cleaned up my bedroom until my parents came back from work. (my bedroom is almost all good!! i just have to reorganize my desk and it's finally ready)
so, yeah, im just going to accept this as a day free from studying. after all, i don't have classes nor exams rn, i deserve a break.
ive just gotta remember to do my duolingo today to not loose my streak.
but that's it, guys. also, remember that it's okay to have unproductive days! your body was probably needing a bit of rest anyways :))
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yoddream · 5 years
walk | l.dh
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pairing: Haechan x fem!reader
warnings: car accident, blood, mentions of paralysis, angst, broken bones
summary: it all happened so fast
word count: 1,972 (ik it’s short im sorry i wanna try to think of a long story with him but im a little stuck rn)
a/n: hey y’all. i’m really sorry it’s short. there are all these ideas in my phone on what to write and this was one of them so i chose to use haechan. nobody’s sending any requests in, so i’m getting stuck with my work. i’m still working on my bad body jeno one but it’s a really long one so it’s gonna be a while. i will gladly take requests (as long as it’s not smut) so please send them in! gotta get the creative juices flowin n shit
It was easier to say what didn’t hurt rather than what did. Your legs didn’t hurt, but that was because you couldn’t feel them. It was terrifying, to keep it simple. You couldn’t even remember what had happened. You and Donghyuck were driving home from dinner with your friends. You kept your eyes on the road even though wanted to look at your best friend and admire him as he sang along to the songs that were floating from the speakers. His car was in the shop, so you were driving him home. There was a flash of lights—
Right. A car had swerved into your lane. You turned the wheel to avoid getting hit, but instead the car rolled a couple times before landing on the roof. That’s where you were now: upside down in the middle of the road. You didn’t know where the other car was, but you knew they weren’t as bad as you two.
“Y/N. Y/N!” Donghyuck shouted.
“I’m here, Hyuck,” you assured him. “I’m here.”
“Oh, thank god. I was worried you were passed out or—” He didn’t have to finish that sentence for you to understand what he had been thinking.
“Good thing I refused to leave until you buckled your seatbelt, huh?” you joked.
There was a rough chuckle. “Only you would find now is a good time to make jokes.”
You paused. “I’m scared, Hyuck.”
“I am too, but we’re gonna get out of this,” he promised you. “We’re gonna get out, we’re gonna walk away from this, and we’ll take that road trip you’ve been planning since the beginning of high school.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
The car slowly lit up as emergency vehicles got closer. “Then I’ll wheel you away, but we’re getting out.”
“Hyuck, I’m tired.”
“No, no, no, do not close your eyes. Stay with me, Y/N. Please, stay with me,” he begged.
“I’ll try, but I really wanna sleep,” you stated.
“You’ll be able to sleep at the hospital but I need you to stay awake for me, doll. I know you can do it.”
You could hear him tell the EMTs to get you out first, but your eyes refused to stay opened. You mumbled an apology before completely losing consciousness. The last thing you remembered was the flash of yellow from a firefighter’s jacket.
Donghyuck wanted to see you so badly, but you were in surgery, and he had a broken arm that needed to be set before put in a cast. He knew absolutely nothing, and it was driving him insane. He and Renjun were your only emergency contacts, so the other boy was on his way to the hospital. You lost contact with your parents as soon as you had turned eighteen, tired of their disapproval with every decision you made, whether it was the friends you made or however you decided to change your hairstyle. Donghyuck and the rest of the guys were all you had.
You and Donghyuck had met in the third grade when you moved to the neighborhood. He’d immediately pulled you into his friend group consisting of Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung, and Renjun. It was a wide variety of personalities, yet you somehow managed to get along with all of them. They felt there was no one else in the world that could cackle with Chenle one minute and have deep conversations with Renjun the next. No one could stand Jaemin’s affection as much as you, and no one could sit with Jeno for hours upon hours listening to music without speaking like you. You were the reason Jisung was able to break out of his shell and get a girlfriend, and you were the reason Donghyuck was a ray of sunshine.
“Hyuck!” He looked up and found Renjun’s head bobbing through the busy emergency room. “Hyuck, what happened? Where’s Y/N?”
“We were—we were in a car accident. It rolled. Renjun, I—” Donghyuck was at a loss for words.
“Do you know if she’s going to be okay?”
“There was so much blood. She lost so much. She’s in surgery right now, but I don’t know what they’re working on. She couldn’t feel her legs.”
Renjun’s eyes were shining with unshed tears, a rare sight. He nodded before taking his phone out, muttering something about calling the others. He was about to step away when a hand shot out and grabbed his arm. He looked up and frowned. There was fear written all over Donghyuck’s face; the boy didn’t want to be left alone at all.
The two of them sat on the bed as they waited for either the doctor or their friends to show up, whoever came first. Even though his arm was broken, Donghyuck felt numb. He just wanted to see you, to hold your hand, to hear your laugh again. He wanted all of that, but he couldn’t get it. He didn’t know if he ever would.
The guys ended up arriving at the same time the doctor needed to help Donghyuck with his arm. Renjun filled them in quickly before going to sit with him while his arm was set. He was silent through the whole thing, and the doctor seemed concerned by the lack of reaction.
“Did you feel that?” she asked.
Donghyuck shrugged. “Probably.”
“He’ll definitely feel it later,” Renjun assured her. “Right now, uh, our best friend is in surgery. We don’t know how it’ll turn out.”
She nodded in understanding. “Okay. Well, I’m going to write you a prescription for some pain medication. Take it every four hours if needed. There are no refills, so if you run out or feel you need something with less strength, take some ibuprofen.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Renjun said as he took the paper.
They headed back to the emergency room to sit with their friends as they waited for your surgeon to appear with whatever news she had. Renjun was pacing, never one to sit still. Jisung was asleep in Jeno’s lap, his whole body curled up. Chenle was playing a game on his phone to keep himself distracted, but he looked to Jisung to check on him every few minutes. Jaemin was a few feet away, trying to work the coffee vending machine. Donghyuck watched people filter in and out of the waiting room for hours until the sun rose. When he heard your name called, he stood up so quickly he almost fell over from the blood rush.
“How is she? Is she okay?” he asked as the others woke up and joined him.
“Everything went well. She lost a lot of blood, but we managed to stop it. We, unfortunately, don’t know when she’ll wake up. With all the injuries she sustained, it could range from a couple hours to a couple days,” the surgeon explained.
“What about her legs? Hyuck said she couldn’t feel them,” Renjun stated.
She paused. “One of the lumbar vertebrae was fractured in the accident, and it’s currently compressing onto her spinal cord. Right now, she’s in a brace to take some pressure of her spine, but we can’t perform any surgery until she’s well enough.”
“Can we see her?” Chenle asked.
“Unfortunately, only family can.”
“We are her family,” Donghyuck said.
“I understand that you’re worried, but unless you’re her actual family—”
He cut her off. “Damn it, she doesn’t have family! We’re all she has!”
A silence fell upon the whole room, and it took him a couple seconds to realize what he’d done. He started apologizing profusely, but she simply smiled and shook her head.
“Don’t worry, I get it. I’ll let the nurses know that you all are considered family.”
She gave them directions to your room. They didn’t hesitate to rush down the hallway, but not before yelling out their thanks. When they reached your room, it took them a moment to realize that they were looking at you. Your face was covered in bruises, and there were quite a few butterfly bandages on your cheeks and forehead. Your arms were wrapped in gauze, and your torso was in a giant brace. You were almost unrecognizable.
Donghyuck grabbed a chair and dragged it to your bedside. He reached out his good hand and grabbed your own, careful of the cuts that were on your skin. Jaemin grabbed the other chair, letting Jeno sit on the arm of it. The others stood at the end of the bed, seemingly scared to step closer.
“Jesus, Y/N. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?” Jeno mumbled.
The only response was the rise and fall of your chest.
It was a process trying to wake up. First, you felt the pain in your back. Next, you heard the heart monitor that you were strapped to. Then, you smelled the sterile air of the hospital. Finally, you opened your eyes, squinting against the sunlight. You looked around and spotted Jaemin and Chenle sitting by the window. Chenle looked over first, a wide smile stretching across his face.
“Hey, you’re awake!” he announced.
Jaemin’s head whipped around, his eyes wide with shock. He grinned as well and walked over. His hand reached up to push the hair from your face as he asked how you were feeling. You whined in discomfort, knowing he understood to an extent how much pain your back was in. As glad as you were to talk to them, there was somebody more important you needed to see.
“Where’s Hyuck?” you asked. When they didn’t answer right away, you started to panic. “Where is he?”
“I’m right here.”
You looked to the door and sighed with relief when your eyes landed on your best friend. His arm was in a cast and sling, and there were a few cuts and bruises on his face, but he was otherwise okay. He rushed forward and hugged you as gently as he could before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Told you we would make it out of there,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, sounds like I might walk away too,” you replied.
When he pulled away, there was a fond smile on his face. “Good, because you’re heavy.”
Gasping, you reached out to hit his good arm. He yelped and whined about how it wasn’t fair, but you rolled your eyes and called him a big baby. He turned to complain to Chenle and Jaemin, but to your surprise, they were gone.
“Huh. Wonder when they left,” you commented.
Sitting down, Donghyuck took your hand in his and squeezed lightly. “You really scared me, you know.”
You nodded. “I know. I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to get hit, so I turned the car so I would—”
“Wait, what?” His eyes widened in surprise at your words.
“When—when the car hit us. I turned the car so it would hit me,” you admitted.
He frowned, his eyes glistening with tears that you knew he would do his best to hold back. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I love you, dumbass.” After what you’d gone through, you didn’t want to hold it in anymore. “I love you so fucking much. If you died, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”
“And you think I would’ve just lived my life like nothing?” he argued. “No, no way. I would be absolutely crushed. So don’t go talking like my heart wouldn’t be broken if I lost my other half.”
He kissed the back of your hand and added, “As soon as you’re out of here, I’m dating you so hard. I’m talking fancy dinners with candles and everything.”
You tried to fight back the smile that was threatening to spread across your face, but it couldn’t be stopped. “Good, because I don’t want anyone else to.”
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bma-2020 · 5 years
Ppl who deserve more attention bc they’re amazing and wonderful and geniuses and should be given all the love and attention, like what are you doing if youre not giving them attention, OC edition bc i’m gonna be here all day no matter what, it’s only 10 pm and i’ve only been awake the last three hours bc its c/omic c/on and ya girl cant chill ever, like at all, also one of these ppl can get a pop today at a hot t/opic if they wanna and slightly edit it to be his OC, at least I think, I don’t watch the show his fc stars in, brains been dead for a few hours but whos surprised.
@strxnzo here’s whats up, I’m Italian, only part, but I am and I’m made fun of for it constantly, but you know what’s awesome, Italian representation from someone good at everything, aka not A/riana G/rande, and that’s sophie. Sophie is fantastic, Eliza is incredible, i love you sm, you’re beautiful, you’re a beautiful writer, where is your own fanbase you should be more famous than H/BO
@gracemxrked You are so clever, you’re so passionate about everything you love and everything you do it’s absolutely beautiful. Your OCs are so clearly crafted from a realm of pure love and devotion to your art and it’s so inspiring and so beautiful and I adore you so much. You deserve the utmost world, your OCs deserve all of the attention, you’re so incredible and I love you. 
@aquamedic You have such an amazing level of creativity, it just flows through all of your body veins, all of your brain squiggles, you’re just pure creativity and it’s beautiful. Your muse is beautiful, you’re beautiful, you’re super smart. For C/omic C/on one of the exclusive pops is I think of that one DC char the actor you use is one of them, i dont know 100% bc i dint remember the name but the look is similar i think i watch none of thr cw shows at all so im not 100% on it, it’s at H/ot T/opic, what I do is I get pops that look kind of like my muse and just say it’s my muse so if you do the same thing the option is right there now, it’s awesome, you’re awesome, you deserve nice things
@streetxcat You’re so incredible and so genius, I just I adore you so much. You n your twinny who is also tagged here somewhere probably right below you you’re just incredible, your relationship is goals worthy, like I love watching you two talk to each other, you’re so cute together and youre so creative and so clever, cat is such an amazing lil bab who has been through so much and bad things have happened to her but she’s so beautiful and wonderful and well written she deserves all the good things in life and everything, I owe you a reply n i love you so much 
@famebounded you’re so awesome, you’re just so smart and so clever, you’re so artistic, your drawing talent that I know you must have worked years to achieve because you’re so amazing at it is just you’re so amazing and you’ve done so well and continue to do so well, you’re able ot art and able to write and just so many amazing things all at once and like, I can kind of art and kind of write but you’re like amazing and can do everything amazingly and only ever get better everytime I actually read something on the dash which everyone knows I do like never but when I do and when its yours or anyone elses it’s just y’all are so talented and amazing like how do y’all exist being so talented and smart and amazing and incredible it just it must be tiring being so incredible idk how y’all do it and you’re so nice, I owe you a relpy over on pikachu too i know i’m so slow and awful but you deserve the best and i strive to give back the best, it was partially written this morning but lappy restarted so i’m sorry it’ll probably be posted friday because im awful but you’re amazing and i love you, you nad everyone elses here your passion is just incredible and amazing i love you
there are so many over amazing ocs i follow and wanna write with or do write with and honestly i feel really bad because at some point writing this i forgot every single persons name, but i do love you guys so much. i’m very heavily medicated at the moment and probably wont remember posting this but i just saw a few of you on my dash and was just so filled with adoration and love and adoration you’re just all so beautiful and amazing, i need to sleep soon cause i gotta drive over to fashion island tomorrow for c/omic c/on shopping cause its the only b&n near me that’s stocked and driving there is vaguely cheaper than ordering it online cause I get the in store discount that I dont get online since its my sisters acct, btu i just, i love you guys, im crying bc i llove you all so much, you all deserve only good amazing wonderful thinsg, lappy is freezing rn bc i’m trying to make screeencaps for someone and it hates my screencapping binges bc screencaps are so much space and i have so little space and always forget to empty the recycle bin before doing things, you’e all so wonderful and i love all of you and even if youre not mentioned i still love you you deserve great things always have good thoughts abt yourself and even in moments you dont just know youre amazing and wonderful and deserve good things and goodnight
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wondercookieunicorn · 5 years
Haha that's alright! Take your time and there's no rush ^^ I hope you're having fun with your mom! N I'll prolly wont be back online until later tonight bc work. And the pink is no problem for me! I think it's cute ^^ and the message STILL hasnt come through?!? I guess i'll have to try again tonight 🙄 and you're really such a soft person im so lucky that i was assigned to you ^^ n i'd like it if you did the mission but ofc you dont have to! - 🌱💚
1/? whoooo!!! and awwwe :( well, even if you didnt get to spend it with your friend, i hope you had a good day! And yes, Muriel seems like such a sweetheart, but i havent seen him much yet so i cant say for certain what i think of him. But yes, i dO want to be taller! It was was my one goal in life to be tall since the doctor said i could grow to be 179cm! but i got stuck! i didnt even reach the 170cm TT it's really frustrating bc people here are tall and im not :
2/? sjnsd i try to be kind^^ the world's full of shitty people as it is. and okey! I'll keep that in mind~ ofc you can always rant or vent to me too about anything ^^ and ugh, yes it should. SHDBCASJDJ am i really that cute when i talk about doie??? and if you called that cute then boi do i have another thing comin for ya XD that was nothing compared to how i can be when it concerns idols (doie specifically) but pls dont crack yuta's nr i dont want you to be jailed for privacy invasion - 🌱💚             
3/4 and i know you are still joking dw! idk why i even said that i think it was an oppertunity too good to pass by XD and yes, johnny's hair really was tragic. i'm all here for long hair on guys but that was just a little too much even for me (yuta's red mullet nowadays though ohohoho i am living my best life bc of it) and ye, we're here now! that's what matters^^ n i can see why t7s didnt work out XD it's,,, sth that has to grow on you, i think. - 🌱💚       
4/4 Ye they're new movies. Missing Link is not a scary movie though! It was really cute and funny and revolved around the found family trope (god, i love that trope soooo much) and the studio that made Missing Link (Laika studios) has made some other really great stop motion films. My favourite genre would be drama ig? I live for drama in stories! And i also like comedic elements and superhero/monster stuff (tho not horror i hate horror!) and my fave movie is Hunt For The Wilderpeople^^ - 🌱💚       
I´m glad that you´re feeling that way sksks my soul is pleased ~
Day was llooong, I just arrived at home. I´ve successfully harvested about like 12 buckets full of small yellow plums and there still ain´t no storm I- anyway. Hope your day went well so far as well and that you´ll get sum nice “After work” rest!!  ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
I rlly wanna try the mission, tho I´m kinda tired rn so might be doing it tmr. Also chances are high that I´ll go to sleep rather soon, so just in case we won´t get to talk today; just wanna let you know that I´ll be at a friends houseparty that I rlly wanna ditch tmr evening and I´ll be sleeping there and saturday I´ll probably be home around 4PM or sumthn.. so like- Just wanted to let you know idk, since we´re on anon and all and not DMs. Okay anyway xD
Ya huney, I can crack into Yuta´s contacts without anyone knowing becuz he´ll prolly accidentaly reveal doyoungs number himself lolol Anyway, what are your like, idk let´s say 5 top Idols? Incase you stan more then NCT? I´m excited to see more cuteness directed to Doyoung I cant get myself to write dl,,,oe,,e,,,,
Who doesn´t live their best life, with Yuta walkin around like that?? Sir gotta cAlm down!!!
Aww I don´t know your fav movie. Might gonna watch it on sunday, who knows; then we can tallk about it ;3 ❦ 
My fav movie aside from the old disney beauty and the beast would probably be identity? I´m all for Thrillers. And I hate horror too!! Like especially when it´s like supernatural horror yet here I am, loving Supernatural lol becuz it just isn´t explainable and if there ain´t logic to it then it´s not my thing sksks. I do mostly shit my pants at Thrillers too but if the Thrillers are good, Then. They.  Are. Just. Way. Too. Interesting. Gotta. Watch!!!!
But yeah, I still don´t know the situation between your pets AND whether or not you commented on my cursing thing :´))))
Anyway, imma see where this evening brings me to. In any case I´ll wish you a good night ~ ❦ 
Love you ❦
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toddykun · 6 years
mask down
summary: In which New Chief Cabrera is a little worried about Duckburg’s most beloved avenger.
word count: 1156
n/a: fly-by-the-seats-of-my-pants writing.
It wasn’t the first time that officer Cabrera met face-to-face with the Duck Avenger, but it was the first time since the day she became Chief. Their actual first meeting came to her mind, shots exchange in the middle of thug war, she almost fell prey to the panic when her partner was shot and lost consciousness and her own shoulder didn’t work as good. The Duck Avenger broke in the scene like a miracle. That day she discovered she actually had the permission to cry while on duty. In looked somewhat like the scene in front of her now, the only difference was that none of her subordinates was hurt, thanks to the Duck Avenger, something that she wholeheartedly appreciated. But there was this feeling about him since the day she met him that was worrying her, and she needed to confirm it.
She walked up to him before he could hop into his mobile and disappear as always, it was now or never. “Avenger.” She greeted, hand up to salute him.
“The new Chief, I assume.” The Avenger took the cue and shook her hand. He seemed to exude confidence. Cabrera wondered how much of that confidence was real and how much was just braveness against the fear. Either way, he looked tired, victorious but tired.
“I think I never thanked you, for saving my life a year ago, you probably don’t remember me.”
“I…actually do.” Cabrera looked at him surprised, the Avenger looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck, and he didn’t look at her face. “It’s weird to think that someone I saved is now Chief and not just an officer. Guess functioning adults work like that, right, um, Chief Cabrera?”
Oh. Functioning adults. So, she was right after all. This man was young, way too young. Cabrera smiled, a motherly feeling encompassing her to relieve him and worry about him. “Well, I’m glad. I’m actually wanted to thank you as the Chief, in the name of the whole station, for all the services you give to the city. This city wouldn’t be so safe without you, I gotta admit that much. We’re all glad to have you.”
The Avenger flustered under the compliment. An easy guy, this one. “I’m honored, Mrs. Cabrera. Well, I’m always up to offer my help to my city.” He smiled but when she saw him almost yawning, the serious expression came back full force. That put on an idea in her mind, fueled by the new discovery.
“That actually gets me to something that I wanted to ask you about, a favor if you may.”
The smile came back. “Well, if the police need my help.”
“Good, good. Then would you rest for a while? Please.”
He stopped smiling, confused expression set on his face. “What?”
“That I think you should put that mask down for a while, be a normal civilian and rest.” He started to look at her in rage. Understandable. She should have explained better, she definitely could have phrased that better. Ugh.
“You want me to stop being the Avenger?” He sounded low, much more menacing than a man this young have the right to sound. The good thing here, Chief Cabrera was familiarized to deal with tough guys that sounded even more threatening and that were actually ten times bigger than her. So, she stood her ground and explained.
“No, God, no. Who knows what is gonna happen to this city if one of its moral pillars disappears? What I mean is, I have seen records of you around the city, almost at all hours. I know you have a civilian identity, everybody that has even glance at a comic book knows –and I have a son that does more than just glance at them so I end too–, but when do you rest? That’s the only thing I ask for you. Besides, kids need to rest.”
The Avenger pouted. “I’m an adult.” Like pouting could make that statement less funny.
Officer Cabrera let out a good-hearted laugh. “I know, but you’re definitely younger than me and that, for me, means you’re a kid.”
“Wait, how old are you? You look so young.” A pleased smile broke through her face.
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?” she replied, teasing, the Avenger smiled smugly in response but ended giggling. Chief Cabrera took that as her opportunity to try to convince him.
“Look, I’m glad there’s someone out there that even the police can count with but you know? With that mask up or down, I believe you’re still a civilian. It’s my duty, the police’s duty, to protect you too, even if you’re an avenger or a hero or whatever.” And Officer Cabrera didn’t beg, she never did before but she felt like doing it now. A young man like this, doing an even harder work that any adult did out there, she couldn’t stand it. He should have a normal life, they were the police for fuck’s sake, not him. She put that thought for later, now it was about this duck. “Kid, put that mask down at least for tonight and rest, I can handle the city while you’re at it. I promise you it’s gonna be there when you wake up.”
The Duck Avenger seemed thoughtful, he ended sighing and looking at her in a weird but kind of familiar grieving way. It looked like her when her boss told her to rest. She promised to say sorry to her when she met her again. “I’m not as much of a civilian as I would like, and I’m not that ti-.”
“I’m the mother of a college kid and the mother of a whole group of police officers at this point.” She interrupted, that made the Avenger laugh, Gloria took that as a good sign. And tried not to think too hard about the civilian thing. “I have seen some pretty tired eyes around my house and my job, I would recognize them everywhere at this point. What you need are some vacations, but if you are like I think you are, you’re not going to take them even if you actively wanted them. So, at least, for tonight, promise me you will have a good damn rest of sleep.”
“What’s up if I don’t do it? If there’s an emergency? If-?”
“Then you’ll have to trust me a little bit, ok? I promise you too that if I can’t handle it, I will break in into Angus’s news section and call for your help.” She earned another laugh. “But until then, what will you do?”
“Rest?” He asked, feigning innocence. Officer Cabrera raised a brow, unimpressed. The Avenger laughed this time nervously but seemed to relent. “I promise I will rest. Just for tonight.”
Cabrera smiled instantly, that motherly feeling growing on set. Feeling accomplishment over this. “I knew Duckburg’s hero was a smart guy.”
I have been trying to write for my own projects and for requests but I’m having a nasty writing block rn, so im trying to fix it with some good old ‘dont think too much’ therapy i guess lmao hope you liked this anyway, i felt it kind of weird but i guess its not that bad.
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jiminelli · 7 years
Not Alone
Request: Oh what about a Jhope scenario when he meets a girl who is cheerful but then she got a secret: she was a victim of bullying and things got too much for her and stress and pressure at school. When he was reading her diary, he knows that he will be the hero. Inspired by A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone (maybe)? Thanks! BTW, You Don't Know Me made me cry a million pieces! ~Queennie
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Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2.299
Warnings: mentions of death and self-harm
A/N: this has been in my inbox forever but somehow i needed to write this tonight bc it’s been ages since i wrote about hobi!!! 
I didn’t proof read yet your gurl is too tired for that
“Catch me if you can”, you giggled, turning around and sprinting away from your boyfriend, almost tripping over your own feet as the hill gently curved downwards. Your bare feet ran over the soft grass, head turning every few seconds, laughing at his figure behind you, trying to catch up with your own. Breath hitching in your throat, lungs and heart thumbing in your chest, your laughs echoed through the park before you felt his warm hands wrap around your waist, pulling you down with his falling body. A small scream escaped your lips, followed by laughs as you landed on the ground, his hands catching your fall
“Gotcha”, Hoseok whispered before placing his soft lips on yours, smiling into the kiss. You gently hit his chest, making him grin at you and raise his eyebrows.
“You cheated! You said you’d wait 5 seconds before coming after me!”, you pouted and poked his chest, making him laugh.
“Babe, that’s what I did. You’re just too slow”, he wiggled his eyebrows at you before kissing the tip of your nose and stroking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Pfh yeah that’s what they all say...”, you whispered more to yourself but Hoseok seemed to have heard what you said, rolling off you and bursting into laughter, bringing you close to his chest. You felt his chest vibrate against your again, forming a content smile on your face before stroking his back softly with your hands. 
“I love you (Y/N)”, Hoseok laughed, sitting up and pulling you up with him, as you started picking the grass out of your hair. 
Throwing the bit you had in your hands at him, you grinned. “I know you idiot. I love you, too.”
His smile made butterflies erupt in your stomach and he pouted his lips at you in an attempt to appear cute, only making you laugh. “C’mon let’s go grab some ice cream, it’s too hot to be lying in the sun”, he suggested and stood up, shaking the grass off his pants before offering you his hand.
“Only if you let me pay this time”, you raised your eyebrows at him suggestively and he just grinned at you.
“We’ll see about that”, Hoseok answered as he kissed your temple, engulfing you in a tight hug before walking back to the spot you had left your shoes. He was ready to spent a nice evening with the girl that made his heart burst out of his chest, making him feel like the luckiest boy on Earth.
Hoseok felt his phone vibrate multiple times in his back pocket as he was trying to teach the boys the new choreography he had come up with for the upcoming comeback. He knew that it must be you needing something from him, otherwise you wouldn’t message him during practice, so he signaled the boys a two minute break and got his phone out of his pocket unlocking it in one swift move.
From: (Y/N)♕ ♥
babyyyyyyy  [delivered: 11:21am]
jung hoseeeeeooookk [delivered: 11:22am]
He grinned at his phone, making the others look at him smugly.
“Hyung, is it (Y/N) you’re texting?”, Jungkook came up from behind, grinning at him, wiggling his eyebrows at his phone.
“Who else would it be smartass?”, Yoongi jawned from the back of the room, shooting Hoseok a knowing look.
“Why don’t you ever bring her over hyung?”, Taehyung whined, ploppling down next to Hoseok.
“Yeah we’d love to meet the girl that makes our cruel dance teacher stop just to answer her messages”, Jimin laughed and went through his hair with one hand before sipping on his water bottle and throwing it over to Taehyung, who caught it smoothly.
“Guys, stop. We just started going out, I can’t bring her over already. You’ll scare her away”, he rolled his eyes at his band mates but smiling softly at the thought of all of you together. They’d love you, he knew it. You were so cheerful and full of happiness, they couldn’t just not like you. 
“We won’t scare her away, what are you talking about! We’re lovable”, Taehyung exclaimed, pushing Jungkook away who was trying to grab the water bottle from his hyung. 
Hoseok huffed and turned to his phone. He heard the others rambling around but his thoughts were with you as he typed his response.
To: (Y/N) ♕ ♥
what’s up baby? :)
Read: 11:28am
Seconds later his phone signaled him your incoming reply.
From: (Y/N) ♕ ♥
i know you’re busy rn but when you have time can you please go to my apartment and check if you see my sketchbook there? it should be somewhere in my bedroom but i forgot it there this morning
i have work until 1 today but class starts at 1:15 so i dont have time to look for it myself.....
you dont have to if you dont have time though!!
His face lit up at your last message. Of course, he’d do that for you. He’d do anything for you, even though he wouldn’t admit that to himself. He’d never admit that he had fallen for you since the day he met you, serving him in the restaurant you worked at. Only two months had passed since then but he felt like he could never let you go again. His heart had wrapped itself around you and wouldn’t be able to let go that easily.
To: (Y/N) ♕ ♥
i’ll be there in 10
As he texted his reply, he got up, stretching one last time before throwing his phone into his bag and started moving towards the door. 
“We’l continue practice later guys. I gotta go”, he waved one quick goodbye before opening the door and stepping into the hall.
“Hoseok got a booty call!”, Jungkook chanted from the inside, everybody else joining in with laughter as Hoseok rolled his eyes at his friends and kept moving. 
He didn’t need a booty call to be by your side. 
Stepping into your bedroom, he let his bag fall onto the ground and started looking around. You had described your sketchbook as a little black booklet but nothing specific on it. So that was what he started looking for. First, he went straight to your desk as one would assume that a sketchbook would be placed there; in the working area of the room. With no results. So he turned around and let his gaze glide over the room, eyes falling onto your bedside table.
Maybe you were one of those who could draw and write the best before going to sleep.
Not thinking much of it, he stepped closer to the drawer, pulling the upper drawer open and - there it was! A black booklet lying on top of blank paper. 
Jackpot. That should be it.  
Hoseok grabbed the little notebook and sat down on your bed, closing the drawer again. Looking at the thing in his hands, he scratched his head.
Should I take a look? Hoseok thought, biting down on his lips.
She’s never shown me any of her drawings... 
“She probably wouldn’t mind, her class sees it too so one more person surely won’t bother her”, with that he opened the booklet, not faced with drawings but text. 
Texts with dates.
Smeared texts with dates.
Hoseok’s eyes went wide but stayed glued to the pages. Endless pages with a small handwriting, smeared at some spots and hastily written in other parts. 
“I wasn’t good enough.... they laughed at me again.... I can’t handle this any longer”
“What the...”, he whispered, opening a random page carefully. His fingers gently stroke over the paper before he started reading.
“Two weeks until school is done. I should be happy. Everybody’s excited for prom, going shopping and preparing for one of the most important days of their lives. Except for me. You know why? You probably already know.... everybody knows. Nobody asked me to be their date. Again. Not even one of the nerds. They’re all ashamed to be seen with me. I’m too gross for them. Too fat. Too ugly. Too dumb. Too shy. Too weird. Too-everything. They know I hurt myself, too. One of the kids at school grabbed me and pushed me against the lockers, accidentally making my sleeves roll up and then they saw. One would think that they’d realize it’s their fault and be shocked or feel guilty or something like that. But you know what they did? They laughed even more. Calling me pathetic. Attention whore. Liar. Stupid. Weak. Encouraging me to cut deeper. One of them said, and I quote “Here, have my razor maybe that one works better. Try it out in the bathtub, that way your parents won’t have to clean up that much of a mess when you finally bleed to death” and everybody laughed. Maybe that’s what I should do. Instead of just hurting myself, just completely disappear. Everyone hates me anyway. I can’t make anyone happy. My teacher scold me every day for not paying attention, my parents are sick of me spending their money, sick of me being their child, I don’t have any friends anymore and basically the whole school wants to see me dead. So why not do it? Why not just cut right through my veins and let all the blood run out?”  
Hoseok felt hot droplets of tears wetting his shirt and pants as sobs erupted through his body. Was this the same (Y/N) he knew today? This couldn’t be the same girl. His girl was cheerful, gloomy and always laughing, making everybody around her happy. How was it possible that she ever felt like this? Thought these horrible things about herself? That she had to go through hell when she was a literal angel?
His breath got caught in his throat as his sobs started to break out more hysterically and coughs shook his whole body.
He had to do something. You needed to know how he felt for you, how he needed you in his life and how you should never have those thoughts again. Never ever. Not as long as he was by your side.
“Hobi?”, you called out into your lighted apartment, softly taking off your shoes in the entrance and looking around. Stepping into your small space, you saw that the light in your bedroom was on, so you slowly walked towards the door.
Pushing it open and peeking inside, you saw Hoseok standing in front of your bed, facing the other way with his hands in his pockets and a small box placed on your bed.
“Hobi, what are you doing here?”, you smiled and entered, making him turn around, smiling at you sadly.
“(Y/N)”, he breathed out and immediately wrapped his arms around your small frame, hugging you tighter than you had ever felt him do before.
“What’s wrong baby?”, you mumbled into his chest, as he was still holding onto you, not seeming to let you go any time soon. Saying you were confused, would be an understatement.
“I prepared something for you”, Hoseok smiled and finally let go, moving you to your bed and signaling to the box.
“What is this for?”, you turned around, raising an eyebrow at your boyfriend. Something was fishy about that situation and you wanted to know what was going on. 
Hoseok scratched his neck in embarrassment and dropped his gaze. Stepping closer, you caressed his arm and smiled softly. 
“C’mon, you can tell me”, you tried to encourage him.
He closed his eyes for a second and then his strong gaze met your irritated one. “I read your diary.”
You still didn’t understand and waited for him to continue. When he didn’t say anything else, you asked: “And?”
He took a deep breath and exhaled again. “The entries from your high school times.”
“Oh”, was all you could say before a sad smile spread across your face, eyes blinking fast, trying to avoid the tears to fall out at the memories those words brought back.
“I-I prepared this for you (Y/N), so you know that you don’t ever have to feel like that again. I know that I can’t heal you from those thoughts completely but maybe it helps a little bit?”, he started rushing around the room, handing you the box quickly and opening it for you. Inside you saw multiple notes stacked on top of each other.
“What is this Hoseok?”, you whispered and took one in between you fingers.
“These are reasons why I fell for you. Things I love about you. Things you do that make me smile. Things that make you who you are and more lovable each day we spent together. Basically all ju-”, you cut him off by placing the box on the bed and grabbing his face in between your hands, pressing your lips onto his. Taking Hoseok off guard, it took him a few seconds to realize what was going on before his hands moved to your hips, bringing you closer to him.
As you two parted, he leaned his forehead against yours. “You’re the reason for m smile (Y/N), every day. You can always count on me, no matter what is going on, okay? If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. You make my heart feel warm and my whole body heat up just by glancing at me. You’re not alone, no matter how stony and long this road might be, I’ll be by your side. Always.”
Tears were rolling down your cheeks at his sweet gesture and he started kissing your cheeks, trying to kiss your tears away. Giggling, you slightly pushed him away to look into his eyes and caress his cheek.
“I love you Jung Hoseok”
“I love you more (Y/L/N) (Y/N)”
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beyondstr8 · 7 years
@tellmeonasunday​ I should have kept my mouth shut.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My most recent ex.2. Are you outgoing or shy? Half and half, depending on my mood and how comfortable i am with you.3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My best friend when she comes home again4. Are you easy to get along with? 99% of the time yes5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I mean I’d hope so6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Those who are goal oriented, want to achieve things in life, can joke around a lot and i’m working on surrounding myself with positive people.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I have no idea.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? I don’t like guys but Jason Momoa can get it no matter how gay i might be9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? If it’s someone I just met or came out to and they say “so how does lesbian sex work? is it even sex? nothing gets inserted right?” I’m a lil uncomfortable.10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Amy or Savannah11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “I haven’t kissed anyone in a year and i’m dying” lmfaooooo12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Oh man... I’m on an Amine, Kane Brown, Khalid, and Metallica kick currently so basically anything by them.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Jesus fuck yes 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I think so15. What good thing happened this summer? Finally got in touch with myself16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Fuck no she owes me money lmao17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Yes, there’s no way that all of the life in the universe happens to be where we stand.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No, I don’t talk to my kindergarten teacher’s daughter.19. Do you like bubble baths? I don’t want to marinate in my own filth20. Do you like your neighbors? Considering my neighbor is my grandma, i think shes okay.21. What are you bad habits? Biting my fingernails when i have anxiety22. Where would you like to travel? Literally anywhere I haven’t been23. Do you have trust issues? Only if I get a bad vibe from someone24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Hyping myself up for work in the morning with music25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My tummy.26. What do you do when you wake up? Snooze my alarm and go tf back to sleep27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m content with it28. Who are you most comfortable around? Savannah, my best friend29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? No30. Do you ever want to get married? Absolutely31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? It has been every day so far32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Ruby Rose and Carrie Underwood33. Spell your name with your chin. No thank you34. Do you play sports? What sports? I played softball for 14 years.35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I don’t watch tv anyways36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences? Whatever is on my mind38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Shorter than me, a little feminine but not high maintenance like always having their hair/nails done, smart, funny af, gotta be a good friend, and they gotta like me back39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Target, Tjmaxx, bealls, and Bass pro40. What do you want to do after high school? I went to college for a year on a softball scholarship, then became an emt and now i’m working at target41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Not everyone42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I either don’t like you at all or i’m secretly in love with you43. Do you smile at strangers? I try to44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? The ocean is my shit45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? The paycheck46. What are you paranoid about? Nothing that i can think of47. Have you ever been high? No48. Have you ever been drunk? i wouldn’t say drunk, but i was feeling it49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? my mom would kill me if she found out i drink50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Red51. Ever wished you were someone else? not really52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? How quickly i let my guard down53. Favourite makeup brand? i don’t wear makeup54. Favourite store? Target55. Favourite blog? mine lmao56. Favourite colour? blue, always will be57. Favourite food? anything that’s bad for me, particularly chocolate and pasta and breads58. Last thing you ate? chocolate lmfao59. First thing you ate this morning? Strawberry frosted pop tarts60. Ever won a competition? For what? Yes for a lot of things61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? I’ve never even had a detention lol62. Been arrested? For what? no63. Ever been in love? thought i was64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? Lmfaooooo it was my best friend65. Are you hungry right now? I’m always hungry66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I don’t have any tumblr friends67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? No70. Names of your bestfriends? Savannah, Katie, and Amy71. Craving something? What? Love and affection and chocolate72. What colour are your towels? blue72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 173. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? maybe like.. 475. Favourite animal? Doggos76. What colour is your underwear? Grey77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Chocolate fudge brownie79. What colour shirt are you wearing? white80. What colour pants? I’m not wearing pants lol81. Favourite tv show? That 70′s show, reba, friends82. Favourite movie? Forrest Gump, Moana83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? the gay guy, i forgot his name86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? the little shrimp guy87. First person you talked to today? Jas88. Last person you talked to today? Jas lmao89. Name a person you hate? Trump and his whole cabinet90. Name a person you love? my momma91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Trump and his whole cabinet92. In a fight with someone? Trump and his whole cabinet93. How many sweatpants do you have? 4 pairs94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? i have like 5 but i only wear 195. Last movie you watched? Moana or the water boy96. Favourite actress? Sandra Bullock currently97. Favourite actor? tom hanks or adam sandler98. Do you tan a lot? No i go straight from white to red99. Have any pets? No100. How are you feeling? content but tired101. Do you type fast? on my phone yes102. Do you regret anything from your past? I just wish i said something sooner103. Can you spell well? yes104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yes105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? im not sure107. Have you ever been on a horse? when i was like 4 at a fair108. What should you be doing? probably sleeping109. Is something irritating you right now? how many fucking questions there are110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? oh yes111. Do you have trust issues? kind of112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? i rarely cry in front of people but probably my mom113. What was your childhood nickname? Steph, always has been114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes115. Do you play the Wii? no116. Are you listening to music right now? always117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? when im sick118. Do you like Chinese food? noooooo119. Favourite book? the Crank series by ellen hopkins120. Are you afraid of the dark? only if i hear something121. Are you mean? no, i try to be as nice as possible but if you fuck w my friends its going down122. Is cheating ever okay? fuck no123. Can you keep white shoes clean? also fuck no124. Do you believe in love at first sight? i believe in the click125. Do you believe in true love? im not sure126. Are you currently bored? no i have plenty of questions to answer127. What makes you happy? getting good amounts of sleep, meeting deadlines at work, and my best friend128. Would you change your name? no129. What your zodiac sign? cancer130. Do you like subway? yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? sorry pal132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? savannah or amy133. Favourite lyrics right now? so many, idk134. Can you count to one million? if i had the time and patience135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i hid my dad’s wallet from him when i was like 4 and i said i didnt know where it was136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed af137. How tall are you? 5′8138. Curly or Straight hair? mine is the straightest part about me139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde as hell140. Summer or Winter? summer141. Night or Day? daytime but im also a night owl ???142. Favourite month? june bc of my birthday and its halfway through the year143. Are you a vegetarian? no144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? all, but dark145. Tea or Coffee? medium mocha iced coffee with cream and sugar from dunkin146. Was today a good day? it’s payday, its friday, and i don’t work for 4 days. 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers148. What’s your favourite quote? i can’t think of anything rn but probably something cheesy149. Do you believe in ghosts? idk about “ghosts” but i believe in spirits150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Of course, i know he has to work until 5:30″ (via catscuddlingandyou)
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todoki-dokis · 8 years
Was tagged by eidolonidol thanks cy !!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10-15 blogs you would like to get to know better. im gonna tag a few people. coolio? coolio
starsign: gemini !
height: 5'9.5" aka roughly 176.3cm
time right now: 11:21 pm
last thing googled: HALBERDS !! for purposes of seeing cool blades
favorite music artists: ngl bts is, way up there, so is akmu!!
song stuck in your head: BEND AND SNAP ITS. SO BAD, JUST THE BEGINNING, “look at my ass, look at my thighs, I’m catnip to the guys” UGHSIDISBSHD
last movie watched: the hell is a movie… OK I mean legally blonde should count but. does it.
last TV show watched: i don’t really???? watch TV?? but probably the amazing world of gumball i eat that shit up
what are you wearing right now?: loose knit cream cardigan, a shirt with owls all over it, dark wash skinny jeans, socks that are cheesy and clash bad with my outfit, n flats
when did you create your blog: this one? pfff, probs like. august of last year (2016) because. court cases prompt that i suppose!
what kind of stuff do you post: On this one? aesthetic, love live, n stuff for somethings I like when I see it (Ace Attorney, zero escape series, etc)
do you have any other blogs: Hell yeah I do: ×Undertale / Charas blog (thats like. shared with mtt) ×Taz / Taako’s Blog ×Positivity Blog (Just with positive posts) ×General Kin Blog because I know some of yall aren’t big on that!! ×A ll kin care blog i gotta remake because the other mods dissappeared? i gotta make it because i need mods.
do you get asks regularly: [Plays a laugh track] it’s joke
why did you choose your URL: dats me n have u seen the ll little devil set? i look good
gender: magical
hogwarts house: slytherin ! I’m usually closely tied with Ravenclaw tho!
pokemon team: Mystic for pokémon go? Like, I haven’t been able to play an actual pokémon game except for Ranger orz
favourite colour(s): green. light lavender. a nice blue green. essentially lighter cool colors.
average hours of sleep: Like. 3-7 I can’t sleep for more than seven easily but im so. tired.
lucky number: anything but that sweet number of death, 4
favorite fictional character(s): That’s a lot to ask for,
how many blankets do you sleep with: rn like. four. but not for heat, for like, pressure on my bod.
dream job: i can’t say im. quite sure anymore.
following: 333
followers: 84
I’m tagging @garfieldthedealswarlocks, @kermeme, @huiecchu, @featherpaws, n anyone else who wants to do it. just say i tagged u?? i wanna see a lotta ppl do this but im super lazy im sorry,
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jen-thine-hen · 5 years
some asks no one asked for
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
my mother and i don’t really know each other, but she’s recently been trying to connect with me. my father and i are...complicated, but we love each other.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my father. lmao.
03: Do you regret anything?
yes. who doesn’t?
04: Are you insecure?
i am but i like to pretend i’m not.
05: What is your relationship status?
single ;)
06: How do you want to die?
either peacefully in my sleep or like. shot in the head. that’d be pretty badass.
07: What did you last eat?
pizza. stuffed crust. wings.
08: Played any sports?
soccer once in like third grade and nothing since.
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
11: Do you like someone?
yes. tis a forbidden and tragic love. (she’s straight. and i moved away from her.)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
noooo and i hope i never have to.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
to quote a show i love to bits: “love is too strong of an emotion to waste on someone you don’t like.” i don’t hate anyone specifically rn, but i do hate my friend group. they’re acting shitty.
14: Do you miss someone?
i miss everyone. (haha)
15: Have any pets?
a doggie named pepper
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
tired dude. and that blank meh feeling that comes with depression lol.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
nope. sounds hot.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
i am cautious of them.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yeah. not even to change anything, just to relive the good old days. there are people i’d love to experience laughing with again.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
my living room.
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
christmas shopping for myself. yippee.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
zero kids as i am fifteen and single and a lesbian.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i have basic ear piercings, but have been trying to convince my dad to let me get a buuuunch of ear piercings. all up my lobes. yes.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
english. im mediocre and everything else. except for math, which i am horrendous at.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
too many to count. (i’ve been saying a lot of stuff like this lol so i’ll explain: i move around a lot because of my dads work. have moved like forty times in the past ten years and have had to say goodbye to lots of people forever. so.)
26: What are you craving right now?
some babka. idek.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yes. once they got over me, they realised they were gay, but they were pretty heartbroken for a hot second.
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
in a good way! (cute story. i kissed them on the cheek and they started crying because they’d never experienced that kind of stuff before. aw.)
30: What’s irritating you right now?
my friend group. man. they gotta act like i’m actually there sometimes, you know?
31: Does somebody love you?
yes? i’m not sure if this is supposed to be about romance, because if so, i don’t think so. but i have friends and family who love me.
32: What is your favourite color?
orange 🍊
33: Do you have trust issues?
not really? i just don’t trust people until i get to know them well. so maybe a little ??? idek tbh.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
last dream was about the end of the world, and the daughter of the scientist who had been trying to prevent it it was kidnapped by the guy who’d caused it all. it was epic. had a storyline and everything. (i wrote it down for later reference.)
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my best friend walesca. it was a hard cry.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
yeah lol. it’s a bad trait of mine that i’m trying to fix.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive. i never forget.
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
not by the long shot. this one is probably the crappiest one so far, in fact.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
fourteen? thirteen? somewhere around there.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
no???? wth.
51: Favourite food?
grains. any kind of grains. bread, cereal, pasta. yum.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
maybe some things.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
watched glee.
54: Is cheating ever okay?
no? but i know that sometimes there is room for forgiveness. there’s a difference between okay and forgivable.
55: Are you mean?
sometimes. i’m trying to improve. (it has to do with the way i was raised, and the way my dad effects my tendencies.)
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
yes. but not that it only happens once.
58: Favourite weather?
cold as a witch’s tit.
59: Do you like the snow?
i love it.
60: Do you wanna get married?
yeah? who knows though, i’m still you g.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
it’s adorable when anyone calls me any kind of endearment.
62: What makes you happy?
singing broadway songs.
63: Would you change your name?
yeah. probably to ariana. i don’t like my name.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
yes lmaooooo. he was a GUY and he was the one who made me realise i was GAY.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
i mean they know i’m gay so...lol. but otherwise i’d have to let them down easy.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
my father.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
best friend walesca.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
yes. romantic and platonic. i have met some of mine.
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
100% all of my best friends. seven of those fuckers. i love em to pieces.
0 notes