#i 1000% read this in molly weasley's voice and just took it from there BUT
daandova · 1 month
“ Where have you been? ” (from hypatia) - @satellitewar
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firelit eyes blink up to the inquisitor almost incredulously from her spot amongst the stone floor. where has she been ?? last she checked right here. in the armory. maybe it wasn't her usual haunts as of late , sure , but the last venture they'd taken resulted in some adjustments that had to be made to her crossbows. there've been plenty of times the hero had been down and out , hit a snag and was left fighting with nothing but a dagger or shortsword and suffice to say it was not a position she liked to be in. where normally she may hover around the battlements or library , she honestly couldn't tell you the amount of days that may have passed down here where little light seeps through.
" has something happened ?? " is her immediate response. fingers coated in oil , surrounded by pieces of metal and wood , there's signs that she may not have slept the last couple of nights ─── too hyperfocused on tweaking this gods forsaken semi-automatic trigger. " i'd thought i had some time to make some fixes. . . erm [ ... ] unless the table was called and i hadn't heard. "
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happyumbrellla · 5 years
Sanders and Weasley : Chapter 3
Chapter 3 : Unexpected : 
POV Khalla
 I was reading an exciting book on potions when the doorbell rang in the house. I sighed before I got up to open the door. I was most surprised to find myself facing Hugo, my best friend Moldu. I hugged him with all my strength. What was he doing here? He had gone to France for the holidays:
        -What the hell are you doing here?
        -I am also happy to see you Khalla.
I gave him a huge smile before inviting him in:
        -You told me you only came back from France on the weekend before school started.
        -I had to, but Dad was called back urgently. So I'm taking this opportunity to come and see you before you go back to your internship.
He winked at me and made me smile. That's all Hugo knew about my school. But even if we were not in the same college, we wrote tons of letters to each other:
        -I have a gift for you.
I didn't expect it at all. He handed me a small square package. I carefully ripped the silver packaging and opened the small wooden box. It was adorable:
        -They're beautiful, Hugo! Thank you.
It was a pair of earrings. The pendants were in the shape of owls. Their bellies were painted with floral motifs, enlarged by a small glass bubble:
        -I'm glad you like them. I hesitated for 10 minutes before I bought them.
        Thank you. -Thank you.
I hugged my friend before I went to the bathroom to change my earrings. They were a little heavier than my old ones but with a little time to adjust, they were perfect. I spent the rest of my day with Hugo, we even took the opportunity to go to the movies together. I had missed him.
 My parents dropped me off not far from the Cauldron Baveur. I kissed them and hugged them before taking my things out of the trunk of the car and pushing the door of the wizard's hostel. I barely pushed the door when I heard it:
        -Khalla !
And two pairs of arms came to hold me:
        -Hello to you boys too.
George and Fred stepped back to smile at me:
        -That's new, Fred said, pointing to my earrings.
        -It was Hugo who brought them back to me from France.
The twins knew who Hugo was to me. But I had the feeling that they didn't like him too much, even though they had never met him. Fred made a face:
        -Khalla !
Ginny pushed her brothers to come and hug me with all her strength:
        -I was with you last week, do you still remember?
        -But it's too long a week without you, she replied, pouting.
We smiled at each other. The twins took my bags and brought them to their room while Ginny led me to her parents. I greeted the rest of the group before taking their seats at the table. George and Fred came to sit on my right and left. And the eldest immediately stretched out his arm on the back of my chair:
        -So you saw Hugo.
        -Thursday. He came to see me before I left for Hogwarts.
        -And what did you do?
        -We went to the movies and spent a good part of the afternoon talking.
        -And what have you done this week?
        -I reworked some of the enchantments and saw some project ideas with Fred.
        -Ho. Anything interesting to look forward to?
        -Excellent things. But for now, you won't know anything," he added, giving me a pat on the nose with his fingertips.
        -Why?, I squealed.
        -Because we want to surprise you for once, Fred said.
I turned my head towards him:
        -At least tell me I'm not going to pay for your projects....
        -Don't worry, he replied, putting a lock of hair behind my left ear.
I blushed and thanked Molly for asking us what we wanted to drink at that time. We stayed for a great moment to discuss all together. And I tried to talk as naturally as possible with Ginny while Fred was playing with my ponytail. I shivered every time his hand touched my back in the process:
        -Kids, we're gonna have to go if you want to get the train.
The twins brought me my luggage along with theirs and once the whole family was together, we set off for the station. On several occasions, Fred's fingers touched the back of my hand, as if he wanted to take it from me. But he didn't do it.
We said goodbye to the Weasley parents before boarding Hogwarts Express. While looking for a free wagon, I found Angelina and Katy. They offered to join them in their wagon and I smiled sadly at the twins, but I was going to go with my girlfriends I hadn't seen all the time. We talked until the train stopped abruptly on the aqueduct:
        -What's going on?
I looked out the window in the hope of seeing something, but nothing. The driving rain did not allow me to see far outside. The atmosphere suddenly became freezing to the point where we were able to observe the formation of ice on the windows of our car. Instinctively, we got closer to each other while pulling out our chopsticks. We were ready to defend ourselves against... Against what would come. A skeletal silhouette appeared in the train corridor and we tightened up even more against each other. The door slowly opened and we found ourselves facing a dementor. What the hell was a damn dementor doing here? He seemed to be watching us before he pulled out of the car. He didn't have time to go very far because an intense white light chased him away. Shortly after that, we heard footsteps. Then we saw the twins Weasley and Lee Jordan:
        -Are you ladies all right?
        -Yes. Thank you Fred, Angelina replied.
My eyes crossed Fred's and I thought I was going to cry. I was so happy to see him. The Democrats hadn't done anything to him. I was shaking like a leaf and I was freezing:
        -You boys don't want to stay with us, Katy asked timidly.
-Of course, George replied.
They went to get their luggage as we detached ourselves from each other to sit back on the benches. Fred came to sit next to me as George sat next to Angelina and Lee from Katy. As we walked to the station, Fred touched his hand. It was icy and he backed off slightly under the surprise of this coldness:
        -Sorry, I whispered.  
I didn't really have time to give him my hands. He immediately took it in his own and started rubbing it gently. The pink coloring of my cheeks was almost as intense as his. It wasn't the first time he warmed my hands... But there was something different this time:
        -It's going to be okay, he whispered to me as he put his arm around my shoulders and huddled me against him.
I shivered as its heat gently warmed me up. This year started well... The rest of the trip was made in an almost unhealthy silence but I was too cold to care about it too much.
 When the train stopped at Hogwarts station, Hagrid was waiting for us there. He told us where every year he had to go to find his transport to the castle. For us this year, it was the carriages. The trip was very quiet. But Fred didn't let go of my hand for a second. I had warmed up since the "Dementor" incident, but I think we needed this contact both. At the entrance to the main hall, I hugged my friend, Lyra. She was at Slytherin but she was the first person I had made contact with on the train in my first year here. And since then, we had remained friends. The others were suspicious of her because she was a Slytherin. But she was adorable, despite what most people thought:
        -I heard you ran into a Dementor on the train. Are you all right?
        -Yes, I'm fine. Haven't you seen them?
        -No, they didn't get into our wagons.  
        -Lucky girl.
We smiled at each other:
        -I'll see you later?
        -Okay, I answered.
I joined the twins and Angelina who were waiting for me a little behind. Fred immediately reached out his hand to me and it was almost too natural for me to slip my fingers against his palm. We moved in with Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny. I sat next to her and she stood against me at the distribution ceremony. Then Dumbledore gave his speech. We had a new teacher of defenses against the forces of evil. He told us that Dementor would make rounds around the castle to "protect" us from Sirius Black. I think it is from them that we need to be protected. I had a small amount of food at the banquet that night:
        -Are you sure everything's all right?, George asked me.
        -Yes. I'm just still a little shaken up. Nothing serious.
Ginny gave me a little shoulder blow to make me smile and it worked. As I was about to go up the stairs in the common room to bed, Fred grabbed my wrist:
        -If... If you need anything, you know you can come and get me.
I smiled at him:
        -Thank you Fred.
I timidly kissed his cheek before I went to bed so he wouldn't see the red on my cheeks. Something had been going on very clearly since that week at the Weasley house. I was hoping it would lead to good... Sleeping did me the world of good.
 My first reflex the next morning was to free Shadow so she could stretch her wings. I didn't see anyone in the common room while I was going down to lunch. It was still early and few students were awake. So I sat down at the Gryffindor's table and observed for a moment what the morning banquet was proposing. Then someone sat down in front of me:
        -We all know what you're going to take.
I smiled as I recognized Lyra's voice:
        -Hello to you too.
She started smiling when she saw me having a chocolate bread:
        -I told you so.
My reaction made him laugh. We had lunch in silence until my friend asked the question at 1000 points:
        -So that's it... You and Fred?
I almost choked on my hot chocolate:
        -What? Nah. I...
        -So the fact that you're taking each other's hands in public is... What?
I opened my mouth before I closed it again. She was not wrong. Not at all:
        -I don't know.
Lyra sighed before hitting her head against her hand:
        -I want to strangle you both.
I bit my lip so I wouldn't smile too much:
        -Seriously, maybe it's time to do something, right? What's it been? Three years you've been hanging around?
        -We don't revolve around...
        -Absolutely not, she said in a tone of mockery.
Once Lyra had an idea in mind, it was done. She didn't change it easily. But she left me alone for lunch. Then Lyra saw my earrings and we talked about Hugo. We went to school together. In the corridor leading to the greenhouses, we found Fred, who was waiting, camping against a wall. He straightened up when he saw me. Lyra winked at me before she joined her friends. I approached the ginger and smiled at him:
        -Hello Fred.
        -Hey. How are you feeling?
        -Better. Thank you. What about you?
        -Now that I know you're fine, I'm fine.
My cheeks have turned slightly red. We smiled at each other and I blushed even more when his fingers touched my hand. Our eyes crossed and I had the impression that nothing else existed but him and me in that corridor:
        -Embrace each other for God's sake, shouted Lee Jordan.
Fred and I moved back a good meter from each other blushing as Lee and Gorge joined us. A few days ago, Fred or I would have found a malicious line, such as "The kiss will be for another time", to play with the intimate situation we had just found ourselves in, but since the "Dementor" incident, things had changed. Personally, I didn't want to play anymore. The second Weasley twin passed an arm around my shoulders:
        -I have a question for you, my sweet Khalla. Do you think you still have your privileged access to the potion room this year?
        -No idea, I have to ask Snape. But I don't really see why he would refuse me.
I had worked hard to get this access to the potion room whenever I wanted to train. Snape told me he hadn't had such a gifted student in years. And until now, he had never caught me making potions for the twins. The eldest member of the Weasley duo took me to the greenhouse and we took our place there for our course with Mrs. Shourave. George and Lee didn't know how much I hated them right now for bothering us with Fred. In fact, he seemed really upset. When we had to pair up for a botanical job, I wasn't really surprised to see Angelina and Fred getting together. They always got together, like George and I. Moreover, we have not deviated from our "ritual":
        -Admit it, you missed working with me.
        -A little yes.
We smiled at each other before we got to work. As I was reading the rest of the scroll of instructions, George whispered to me:
        -Did you know that my dumb brother is stiff and crazy about you?
I froze before slowly turning my head towards him. He smiled like an idiot:
        -I beg your pardon.
I had heard wrong, it was not possible otherwise. And the burning I felt on my cheeks was not unknown to me, I was blushing. George's smile has grown bigger:
        -You heard very well, my dear. Did you also know that he plans to use the first functional love potion you create on yourself?
I opened my mouth in shock:
        -You know, so you'd be in love with him. But I doubt he needs it. Everyone knows you're in love with each other but you're too scared to tell yourself. I can help you know.
It was Professor Chourave who saved my ass by putting his hand on my shoulder to ask us how our work was progressing, and to know if we had any questions. This allowed me to concentrate enough to ignore the little voice in my head that played the words of my partner. When the teacher left, I did not stop working. I had to ignore George, who acted as if he had never said anything. I left the greenhouse very, very quickly at the end of the botany class, with Lyra, to go to the big room:
        -What's going on?
        -Nothing. I'm just... Hungry.
I'm not sure she believed me, but she didn't say anything more. Ginny came to live next to me with two of her girlfriends:
        -Can we move in with you?
        -Of course, of course.
I asked Ginny how her second year started and we discussed this until Ron, Harry and Hermione arrived:
        -Is everything all right, Harry?
He looked up at me:
        -Not really no.
        -What's going on?
        -I just got out of my first divination class and the tea leaves just predicted that I'm cursed.
        -I would apparently have the Sinistros.        
        -Did the cup of tea say that?
        -That's bullshit, don't worry.
All the eyes of our small group turned to me:
        -What? I don't believe in divination at all.
        -It was known that the twins declared in their hearts as they settled in front of me and Harry.
Angelina and Katy joined us just after as well as two of Lyra's friends, Sybille and Charlotte.
After the break, I left with Angelina and Katy for the dungeons. We had potions. I sat down with them at a work table. Professor Snape gave us the page of our manual to study for the potion of the day. It was easy, a Force solution. I had already done some:
        -I am counting on you, Miss Sanders, to raise the level of this class.
        -With pleasure, Professor Snape.
I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I couldn't help but smile when a Slytherin student blew up his potion. I added the last ingredient before mixing for a few minutes and then letting it rest. I called the teacher to judge my work:
        -Excellent preparation, as always. 20 points for Gryffindor.
He leaned slightly forward so that I would be the only one to hear the rest of his sentence:
        -Your privileged access is maintained, Miss Sanders.
I smiled:
        -Thank you, Professor.
Snape nodded slightly before moving away to see other students' potions. Angelina elbowed me before waving at me as an accomplice.
           -So?, George asked me at the end of the course.
        -I still have my access.
He raised his hands to heaven:
        -Well done, Fred said to me as he kissed my cheek.
I blushed to my ears and backed away from the boys:
        -I'll... I'll get to work as soon as possible.
        -There are no emergencies. Right now we don't need much. We need to organize our future catalogue and the packaging of our products a little better.
        -All right.
        -Will you give us your opinion?
        -With pleasure.
I smiled at them before I started a movement to get away from them. Fred's hand fell on my wrist. I couldn't bear to look at him for long. I was thinking about George's words and seeing his amused look behind his brother right now didn't help me think about anything else:
        -Is everything all right, Khalla?
        -Uh... Yes, why?
        -You look... I mean... It seems like something's bothering you...
        -I... Nah. It's all right.
I smiled at him before freeing myself from his grip and leaving. I spent the rest of my day running away from the twins. And I tried to do more or less the same thing until the weekend. I got up very early on Saturday morning to prepare the basis for my new attempt to love potion in a small portable container. I closed it again before I looked at my list of missing ingredients, wild strawberries. If my memory was correct, Professor Chourave had said that it was possible to find them on the shores of Black Lake. I tied my little vial to my jeans belt and went down to the lake. I began to observe my environment to find strawberries. And I found some. I squatted down by the water and observed the fruit. I stretched myself to take three. That should do the trick. I used my wand to literally grind them to powder and add it to the mixture in my vial. I plugged it up before shaking it with all my might to mix it up well. I watched the liquid take on a pretty orange color:
        -What did you try to do?
I jumped when I turned around when I heard Fred's voice not far from me. My foot slipped on the edge of the lake. I felt like I was tipped backwards. The ginger tried to catch me but he just managed to fall with me. I found myself with my feet and buttocks in the water as Fred was making a beautiful meal. He immediately extracted his face from the water to breathe:
        -Everything is fine, he asked me immediately.
His face reflected his concern. I sketched a slight tender smile before reaching out my hand to remove a piece of reed from her hair:
        -I'm fine. What about you?
        -It's okay, it's okay.
Fred sat up on his lap and passed his soaked hands over his face to get as much water out of it as possible. And I froze clean. The water impregnated Fred's clothes, making them stick to his skin. I felt my cheeks getting hot, a sign that I was blushing. I forced myself to detach my eyes from my accidental bathing neighbour and checked to see if my vial had survived the shock. Yes! I sighed with relief:
        -What is in this vial that makes you so relieved to see it intact?
        -A new attempt at a love potion.
        -Who are you going to test it on?
        -No idea.
I put the vial on my stomach and forced myself to look at Fred and act as normally as possible:
        -How did you find me?
        -Marauder's map.
I would be curious to know how many times he used that map to find me in Hogwarts? :
        -What do you have to ask me?
        -Who tells you I have something to ask you?
        -The fact that you're tracking me with the Marauder's map.
Fred tipped off:
        -I'm not stalking you. I'm looking for you. It's not the same thing.
I smiled:
        -If you want. So, what is this about?
He went through the back pocket of his pants and handed me a small square box surrounded by blue gift wrap. The paper had softened the paper and a few drops fell off:
        -I wanted to give you this.
I arched an eyebrow of surprise:
        -Why? -Why?
        -I thought you'd like to... It would be nice.
I sat up to sit in the water, shook my hands to try to remove the excess water and took the small package. I removed the paper without tearing it and opened the little box. I opened my eyes wide to the surprise. Fred scratched the back of his head:
        -Do... Do you like it?
I looked up at the ginger, closed the box and stretched myself to give him a hug:
        -It's beautiful, Fred. Thank you.
His arms timidly wrapped around my back:
        -That's so much better.
I stepped back, opened the box again and extracted the beautiful silver bracelet from it. There were three small silver pendants; two feathers and an owl. I put it around my wrist and watched it for a while:
        -It suits you.
        -It is beautiful.
        -I did it myself.
I looked up at Fred:
        -Thank you Fred. But... Why?
        -I wanted to make you happy.
He touched my cheek with his fingertips before passing a strand of hair behind my left ear. Her hazel eyes went back and forth between my own eyes and my lips. I stood back sharply when I saw a frog jumping on Fred's shoulder:
I took it off his shoulder before putting it down a little further. I watched him make a few jumps:
        -What if we... Come home and change? I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little cold.
He was right. We got up and headed for the castle, soaked. The other students were looking at us strangely:
        -What did you two do?, asked Ginny when she saw us in the main lobby.
        -She slipped, I tried to catch her. As a result, we both fell into the water.
That was a good summary of the situation. When the Big Lady saw us coming, she opened her eyes wide:
        -Fred Weasley! What did you do to poor Khalla?
        -I didn't do anything," he replied offended.
I didn't remember my laugh:
        -He didn't do anything. I fell into the lake and he tried to get me back.
The singer looked up at the sky and sighed:
        -Be careful, young people, she said before letting us into the dormitory.
        -I promise.
All the Gryffindor in the common room looked at us as we walked across the room to our respective dormitories to change us. Fred and I left the common room together to go down to join the Weasley, Hermione and Harry clans. The 4 boys climbed on their broomsticks to train at Quidditch while our trio of girls sat on the stands to observe them while discussing everything and anything:
        -Girls, look.
And I proudly showed them the bracelet Fred gave me:
        -Woha. It is beautiful. Where did you buy it?" Hermione asked me.
        -Fred gave it to me.
        -Is that true?
        -Yes. This very morning.
Ginny smiled:
        -That's adorable.
I agreed with you. Fred had been very kind to give me a gift just to please me. Then, Hermione, true to herself, asked me about the fifth year botany and potion classes. Ginny didn't miss this opportunity to get on her broom and join the boys in the air. She was bound to be selected soon by Gryffindor's Quidditch team, she was good on a broom:
        -I notice two things," said Hermione.
        -What is that?
        -Ginny is working hard to impress Harry. And Fred looks at you a lot.
I turned my attention to my friend:
        -If we're lucky, they'll end up together.
        -And you with him.
I frowned before turning fully to Hermione:
        -Why is everyone convinced that Fred and I are going to end up together?
The brunette has closed her book:
        -You're always together.
        -There's George too.
        -But George doesn't look at you the way he does. You don't look at George like Fred. He gave you a bracelet he made himself from what you said. He matters to you and you matter to him. He came right away to you on the train. And you didn't let go during the evening that followed.
I looked up to follow Fred's air movements:
        -George thinks you need help. And I honestly think he's not wrong.
I swallowed:
        -Do you think he... has feelings for me?
        -I am not the only one. We all think so.
I was about to say something when my owl arrived. She landed on my shoulder and put a package on my lap:
        -Were you expecting something?
-Yes... But not so soon.
I opened the package and found that it was my order. I bit my lip. I had to know about Fred, but as I had no idea how to do it, I preferred to focus on studying the love potion I had just received, as well as the necessary equipment for separating the components. I got up all of a sudden and Shadow flew away:
        -I have to go.
I stepped down from the stands and ran to the potions room. I've prepared everything to launch the separation protocol. I knew it was going to be a long time, but at least I was going to know what made up a good love potion. When I opened the bottle, I immediately recognized Fred's smell. It wasn't really surprising, I was in love with him. I initiated the separation protocol and noted everything that made up the most effective love potion in the world. It was only three hours later that I finished and when I reached the main room, the lunch was almost over. I had no trouble spotting my little group of friends:
        -We relax. She's here, Ronald said.
I sat next to Ginny:
        -Where have you been?
        -In the dungeons. I was working. I ordered an Amortentia love potion a few days ago and I received it earlier. I couldn't help but go and study it. Sorry, Ginny.
        -It doesn't matter.
She handed me a plate:
        -We thought we should save you some food before Ron ate everything.
        -Hey," the concerned man was outraged.
        -Thank you, I replied by starting to eat.
George let me swallow a piece of meat before he asked me:
        -Did you find anything interesting with the love potion?
        -Yes. I have determined all its components. I'm going to be able to change a thing or two for you without being accused of plagiarism.
        -You're awesome.
        -I know.
After that, we discussed other things. I was very sad for Harry because he couldn't go to Pre-au-Lard with the others. So I spent the afternoon with him at the library. Working together motivated us and we simply discussed during small breaks. Often initiated by Harry right after he asked me a question about a course he didn't understand.
Everything was going rather well, until that day... The portrait of the Big Lady had been stabbed and a state of emergency declared at the castle. So we all had to sleep in the big room. When I arrived, in my pajamas, with the other girls my age and my house, I saw Ginny waving at me. It had kept me a place at the heart of the "Weasley clan", Harry, Hermione and I had been integrated there for a long time:
        -Is everyone all right?
The youngest of the Weasleys lay on my right as Fred pushed his twin brother to settle on my left. So George found himself near Angelina. Which made him smile. They were both adorable:
        -Good night.
        -Good night.
When the candles were extinguished and the main room was plunged into darkness, I instinctively sought Fred's hand. His fingers immediately spread apart to let mine pass through and allow us to intertwine our fingers. I was scared and this simple gesture made me feel very calm.
 After that, Fred and I split even less. He said he wanted to protect me if necessary. And I was saying the same thing. The incredible trio as I liked to call them was still in a difficult situation, but we only heard about it at the end of the year... Of course.
© 2019 - Happy Umbrellla - All Rights Reserved for this text. No reposting and/or modifying of any form on any media is allowed. No translations allowed.
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justsaya · 6 years
I got bored so here some things
I'm a huge fan HP:Mystery, so in these i was reading a lot of Headcanons and i was thinking about my MC and also about my Big Brother's MC(in my family is the only one who support my omosexuality...bc to him "So you're lesbian...well probably my future wife probably will be an alien(i know how huge fan of Mass Effect 1,2,3 he is...so he's joking but i know him enough to say that probably he'll be married with some kind of alien for real)" so then i asked about his MC and now i'm going to say something about him(don't worry give the time to find and re-copy my MC's Headcanon and i'll post them too ^_^) Prepare yourself my Brother mostly love 3 things: FullMetal Alchemist and Dramas(and here Jacob is Rowan's big brother), Harry Potter
Name: David "Jager" Denneth(His Dad call him Jager/Hunter, He is German and her mother is English or Wells, he isn't sure for now...but she's born in Great Britain)
Family: Father(Fritz Denneth, He was orphan and adopted by a old wandering Monk who use Alchemy "FullMetal Alchemist Style"), Biological Mother(Christine Wellburn, she is a pureblood witch with a disease who block her ability to do magic but her family was rich and powerful enough so she went to Hogwarts anyways mostly for study a possible cure),Big Brother(Glaive Denneth is a Jacob's friends but David knows about him during the Sorting Hat thing and he was a normal wizard without disease and mostly a curious Ravenclaw like her mother but without disease then).
Born in: Second Half of August in a little village on the borderline between Germany and France there are like 1000 people around the area and mostly they're working adult or old enough to go to retirement, not much child like him or his best friend/like a sister, Elizabeth(She hate get called by full name, even the teachers call her Liz, bc she thinks it's such a long and uncool name)
Hair: Ginger like a Weasley and his father and they haven't a good Father/Son relationship until the end of Year 4(and even then...it's like "Can we just try to not argue everytime and enjoy a meal with shouting?" kind of relationship)So he hates his hair color but when got invited by Bill to Weasley's house, Molly was like "Charlie finally you're out of your room...wait..you're not Charlie...Bill, who did you take here?"
Eyes: Blue like a Sapphire and like his mother
Background: He grew thinking to be a only child in his family, and without a mother(Dead some days after his birth, Fritz says he get killed by an evil monster called Severus Snape, later he'll discover Snape try to cure her disease and...something went bad...but for that time Christine was mad/insane unable to be a mother even when she already had Glaive, Snape usually insult David by saying "Not even your mother wants to give birth to you, how can you think we want you here in Hogwarts?"). His Dad just buy a house in Germany right after his wife's death, and leave Glaive to some relatives of his wife and time from time Fritz disappear and go to Glaive trying to be a good dad and neglecting David who grew by hanging out with Liz and her mother(a muggle who also married a wizard, dead by a muggle landmine leave it there during WW2 while he's going in a near forest to take some ingredients for some healing potion, his wife knew he was a wizard and know mostly about it. She knows that someday Liz will go to a magic-school). David feels lonely while his Dad put him in the forest and force him to learn Alchemy/Trasmutation, mostly because he don't want another mage-child, so he tried to keep him with him even if he go often to Glaive to support him. So feeling lonely someday tries to do the thing(you know...the same resurrection thing of Edward and Alphone from FMA) he failed in the worst way possible losing the right arm and left leg(God Said "So you couldn't enjoy the feeling to braid the fingers with Liz when you feel scared and lonely during the storms and the leg to chase her till the lake where you both swam") He got panicked like hell, alone in that house while was dying...Liz came there just in time to save him, carrying him on the shoulder while he was losing so much blood. Got saved but unable to explain to Liz and her mother(she's a doctor in that place and wizard and muggle in that place stick together pretty well), too scared, so much traumatized to refuse to talk about that. Without his father for almost an year so, almost 11 years old while this kind of mother was making the impossible for making him some prosthesis enchanted with magic(found it while she was investigating in her dead husband study) not the best ones, but enough good to move, run and trying to be happy again. He got his letter for the Beauxbaton's accademy(the nearest from that village) and he was also thinking about to go, to find some help, but when his dad came back, he just listen his voice for freak the fuck out the window and run away in France where he meet Minerva during a travel. Fritz talk a lot about how scary wizards really are, but she was kind and he try to be gentle by help her with her luggage, he's not so strong but his trasmutation's ability made McGonagall curious enough to takes him to Hogwarts and pays for him. During the travel he tried to talk about what he did in his house, how he still feel about that horrible day and how he can't sleep well because the nightmares scares him enough to prefer to stays awake or just napping when he feels to need it. At hogwarts got sorted in Griphyndor but the Hat want him in Hufflepuff for a lot of reasons, but Minerva during the travel talk a lot about her job so he wanted be in the same house(OT: and other reasons but i can't traduct them pretty well..sorry).
FINALLY OH MY GOD, I LOVE MY BROTHER BUT HE IS SUCH A HUGE CHIT-CHATTER AND THE WHOLE BACKGROUND WAS NECESSARY FOR SHOW SOME SENSE IN HIS HEADCANONS(and nope, he doesn't have a tumblr account, and i wrote all i know about his CrossoverMC because tonight i'm bored like living in a bored hell, sorry if you reading this)
- Everyone in Denneth-family have a personal diary/agenda where to write their discoveries or their thoughts about what they do, David wrote things about Magic, Alchemy and experiments with both, for a short period even wrote his feeling about everything. Nobody is sure why he writes so much, but he could hate someone forever if they read without permission, after a bad joke by Merula trying to steal that diary he begin to use a secret code based on cooking recipes that he likes, so nobody is sure if they're reading about a secret alchemy experiment or a very sweet lemon cake recipe(also thanks to that he learned how to cook and begin to cook for his friends).
- David meet Rowan at Diagon Alley but with Minerva by his side because he was still nervous about the whole magic-world thing, Rowan use some jokes and loose him a little even in the train they're reading Hogwarts: A history together trying to calm him each other
- During the train-travel Rowan noticed the metal arm of David, but he didn't want to tell the reason and Rowan was even more curious but he was sympathetic enough to don't ask, so no problem still pals.
During the first year when he noticed Snape for the first time he assults him asking question about his mother shouting a lot, Minerva came right before he could punch him and has reassured him but losing so much house points
- In the dorms he always take the bed nearest to the windows, it helps to sleep a little better even when he had nightmares.
- Watching Ben get bullied by Merula makes boil his blood and he confront her even when the whole school was laughting at him because(they still don't know) because how can a mage unable to cast even Lumos, to duel a real mage? Ben thought David was the coolest first year because is uncapable as a mage but still fight knowing to lose, and he lose, until someday tried to fight back with trasmutations and took off the wand from Merula hand, totally pissed off and even Flitwick secretly cheers him after so many times he lost those duels, and he permitted to use Alchemy during duels and he gotta admit(and the other students who watched him) he's pretty fast and agile, even without using Alchemy at all, so Flitwick just say "It's good have a duel with different kind of enemies, so we should be grateful to have an unique student like Mr.Denneth"
- Minerva bought him a female cat and he called her Ortensia(it's the italian version of hydrangea) and mostly he talks with her and try to fight his inner nightmare but it's real hard, he doesn't even feels hungry, and during winter the metal limbs hurt so much, even get up from bed it's hell, but Ben helps him without asking question, but by listen him screaming and sobbing during the sleep, he has some idea but it's alchemy/trasmutation things so he knows but without understanding.
- Meeting Penny was heaven, so cheerful, so funny...one day just tell to Rowan(he is a Ravenclaw and the jacob thing is hell for him, but David likes to listen him talk) "Penny's smile is like coffee, without her, days can't start for me". Rowan just laughts but also agree with him
- In the third year, knowing Penny sad story, saved him from suicide...he wanted to put an end to nightmares..but knowing about someone like Penny go through almost the same hell like him, was inspirational so he just fight back the pain, even during the whole boggart in the cursed vault where thanks to Minerva intervetion got saved and go to German for repairing his metal limbs, still scared and that's why Bill went with him. His almost-mother was so happy to see him, she was crying a lot while she was hugging him, Liz was pissed off enough to insults David a lot, but after some hours she calmed and tell about the fact their parents got married while he was at Hogwarts during those years...so Liz now is his step-sister for real. David was so surprised like almost fainted during dinner at home also watch his dad eat dinner calmly without even talk about the whole Human-Trasmutation thing was like "Ok, this whole travel is a joke and i'm imprisoned in some Cursed Vaults without even know it, and i'm watching something i would love to be real" They laught a lot
- His way to say "I love you" is "A world without you is not a world i want to live in" and he said these words only to Penny when is God-Boggart tried to attack Penny in the Cursed Vault. She took almost the whole summer to understand why he said those words, literally she write to him asking some explanations and he was like "You saved me that day in so many different ways" and wrote the date of the day she talked about Scarlet, she took a very intimate moment when they meet during summer to totally knows what David was going to do that day...and he got slapped and then kissed on the same cheek he got the slap.
- Barbaby, Charlie and David are the Kettlerburn's most enthusiastic students, also the most favourite ones, Barbaby for his caring about creatures, Charlie for his curiosity(he does a lot of questions), David mostly plays with creature, he is such emphatic with them, he treat them well like human-friends, even the scariest creature loves David, who just enjoy like a kid those lessons and still get good grades by taking notes when he isn't unsure to remember something, also David called his step-mother for taking care of mechanical limbs of Kettlerburn, totally free, because metal limbs are such a pain when it's raining or during the winter, they hurt like hell, so David take care of Kettleburn's hard job with creature when he doesn't feel well, sometimes Kettleburn doesn't show up during the lesson for that pain, so David, Barbaby and Charlie hang out with the creatures just for fun.
- Barbaby tried to learn Alchemy from David, it didn't went good, so for now David will be the only Alchemist in Hogwarts but David repays his attempt by teaching him some magicless-selfdefense because he need a sparring partner and Barbaby is pretty tought to fight, David wins most of the times but Barbaby is pretty strong so..he loses a few times
- Talking about Melee-fighting, David NEVER hits people with his metal limbs, mostly he use them as shields trying to block dangerous spells or hunt dangerous creatures
- Before Penny's secret, he loves the way Tulip doesn't care about rules like him, and he tried to make some bad jokes to Filch and Mrs.Norris, with Tonks otherwise ask some love-advice, but he didn't use them a lot those...he just be honest with Penny and got lucky(even when someone ask him love-advice now that he dates with Penny, he just says "I was lucky most of the times, i just tried...but i feel like she did the all love-thing...i asked her after our first kiss if the kiss meant i'm her boyfriend now...and she said yes, i was unsure if i was doing a good job by trying to take her to hogsmeade or to watch some movies during the summer, i asked her everytime...") they all laught about those story but they think an "In love David" is the cutest and funniest thing ever because after the third year David was joining the Quidditch team and he was really good, so confident during the matches and the lessons, so listening about how shy he is when he is near Penny is so funny and cute..
- His favorite '80s movie is Breakfast Club, he watched it at cinema trying to take Minerva as "Lesson about Muggle-world" he chose that film totally at random and love it, then invite Penny for watching it with her, thinking she probably will likes it, and she finds it a really good movie.
- His Favorite love Song is Nothing Else Matters, but of course it's came out during the 1991 so...until then, the other love songs feels like "This song doesn't describe how i really feel when i think about Penny, it's a good song but not enough to like it"
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