usernyoom · 7 months
hey I love your edits and I was just wondering what you use/do to edit your photos? Not to copy, just in awe!
omggg thank you anon!!! the fact u want to know at all means so much 😭💓 especially when theres so many people posting edits that have a much better understanding of how to edit photos than me!!! (may i direct you to the amazing @yesloulou and her gifs..) ask me anything im happy to share and for u to copy my techniques (??) send me any other questions u have if i dont answer them i cud talk abt this all day .. 🫶🫶
so! i use the mobile version of lightroom when im editing photos quickly e.g. on race day, and tbf, its my main editing app. if that doesnt click with u, theres also snapseed which is a google editing app that i also used for a while until i realised lightroom was free (a blessing 😭). I also sometimes use photopea as a rip-off photoshop if i want to do more crazy stuff 🤪🤪🤪
first thing is crop the image if it needs it. i have a preference for portrait photos, just bc i prefer the way they look when posted. i use all sorts of ratios, but my favourites are 3:4 and 5:4 just bc i think they work best with driver portraits! (hot tip: the rule of thirds is soooo helpful!! find a metaphorical 'line' through the photo and line that up with one of the thirds) (lightroom produces the grid automatically when u crop xxx)
the next thing i do with a photo is correct the lighting and colouring. there are plenty of tutorials online and i can go more indepth if u want, but i tend to favour lower contrast with low highlights (bc i hate when u lose detail in highlights. the bane of my existence). its usually the first thing i try, but if it looks horrible i'll try different things. to correct colouring, i use the tint/temperature sliders (im still learning how to intuitively use these rather than messing around and going hm. too purple right before i post). since most of the photos i edit r taken by super talented F1 photographers i rarely have to use curves, but sometimes i do! so i do that as well before i get into the meat of it if needed 😌
then i adjust the tint/temperature & vibrance and saturation until i'm getting the vibe i want (e.g. i love making max photos cooler toned). then i use colour mix to change anything specific about colours in the image (i most commonly use this to make daniel/charles' skin less yellow and more red toned, to soften any redness or to make max's blush pink). then i colour grade!
after that i decide whether the image needs sharpening, extra texture or dehazing, and then i add grain! i prefer a rough, understated grain so that you dont lose loads of the detail from the photo. here's some examples of before and afters of some of my more complex edits:
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-> this one was lighting correction and colour correction! i also used curves im pretty sure 😭
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-> exposure and contrast changes and colour changes/grading (can we appreciate this photo.. wow)
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-> made photo brighter (pretty sure i lowered the highlights..) n changed the temperature of the photo
i hope this helps!!!! if anyone wants me to do like a proper adjustment by adjustment type thing send me an ask and i will do!!! thank you so much kind anon 💖🫵
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bakatenshii · 4 years
Try krave beauty “the beet shield” for sunscreen and make sure you are removing it properly at the end of the day. Sunscreen should be used as the last step of ur morning routine, on your face and neck, and the back of your hands. That might be what’s breaking you out. At night Regardless of your skin type, use an oil or balm based cleanser to wash your face first (DHC cleansing oil, it’s yellow btw) then wash with a water or gel based cleanser (cerave foaming cleanser or cerave SA Renewing face cleanser, I picked those cuz U describe oil acne prone skin). Make sure to always moisturize no matter ur skin type, for acne prone I recommend the cerave daily moisturizing lotion which u can use on face and body. Paulas choice BHA toner is good for one to two times a week only on non sensitive spots of your face and don’t combine with anything other than moisturizer, then over time maybe 3 times a week depending on ur skin type and how ur feeling. Only do this step at night and always moisturize well after. For morning as a first step, just cleanse with the water/gel based cleanser I recommended. Don’t double cleanse in the mornings, only do it at night. It’s unsolicited advice but I used to have the same problem as u so hope it helps. A niacinamide serum is also a great option to add for the daytime before moisturizer and sunscreen (Naturium niacinamide serum) Biossance also has a great sunscreen
AHHH THANK U THANK U, I’m immaculate with my skincare and in all 22 yrs of my life I’ve slept with my makeup on twice. I’ve woken up after ptfo-ing from drinking/etc and ran to the bathroom to find out that I’ve double cleansed, moisturized, and masked the night before in a right state LMAOOOO
I don’t wanna spam so threw in a read more but my skincare routine rn for combo dry is—
✯banila clean it balm (I’ve tried the DHC as well but prefer banila co!) and a milk foam cleanser that I’ve used since god knows when, it’s the one part of my skincare that never lets me down. not sure if it’s okay but I doublecleanse at night whether or not I’m eearing makeup because I tried only using a cleanser for a week and my skin visibly dulled and rhe texture got rougher. in the mornings I just use water to wash! it’s too much to use a cleanser during the winter so water only hehe
✯muji light toning water which has made a ridiculous difference tbh, I live for it.
✯laneige water bank essence or innisfree soybean essence, if my skin’s behaving ill throw in a vitamin C serum but oooonly a few times a week at night IF my skin’s not a minefield
✯laneige water sleeping mask at night/innisfree jeju orchid cream during the day
✯recently I’ve been using this sheet mask every night in place of the essences because it’s a lot more nourishing. I’ll wake up and see a visible difference + it feels incred
the one time my skin cleared up was when I was on the pill and it was actually insane, then I went back to china for like 6 months last yr and I dont think my skin had ever been that bad since I was like 17 and it lit hasnt recovered since sigh
everyone says it’s hormonal issues but I refuse to go on the hellpill again HAHAH I tried controlling my diet to mostly vegs + light meats + no dairy and all that did was make me irrationally hungry fffFFF I went 6 months without coffee or boba or any sweets and it gave me nO RESULT smh F in the chat truly
also when I was 15/16 I fucked my skin up with some prescribed topical cream by my doctor and i had such a bad allergy reaction I went to the A&E (just bc my face was so puffy HAHA I COULDNT OPEN MY EYES) and for a yr after that anything beside CeraVe/Cetaphil would damage my skin so that singlehandedly changed my skin from combo-oily to hypersensitive combo-dry rip
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