atlasalexanderwrites · 8 months
IMAGINE...being there with Arthur when he goes to Thomas Downes for his payment and interfering before things can go too far (preventing Arthur from catching TB)
WARNING: none that I can think about, Arthur may be OOC some.
OTHER: reader is gender neutral; no gender specifics given to the reader so your choice!
A/N: the brain rot is real with RDR2 and with Arthur Morgan; I've been feeling icky for the last few days and the others in my house are all coming down with stuff so I needed a comfort character aka Mr. Morgan himself.
A/N2: I've been wanting to write an alternative to the scene where Arthur gets sick where...well...he DOESNT get sick. Originally, I attempted writing him as more low honor Arthur and then instead got this instead lol
“Arthur stop.”
“Arthur this has gone on long enough.”
Your weren't overly, physically strong by any means, but your partner wasn't in his right mind and was swinging blindly at the poor, frail man he had pinned to the ground. Arthur wasn't thinking clear enough that you were able to knock him to the ground and off of the man who immediately rolled to the side and started coughing, blood splattering all over the ground.
You held a hand to Arthur's chest, praying like hell he had the sense not to start swinging on you as well. “Mr. Downes, I am so sorry about this. I…it seems the heat has gotten to my partner. Is there somewhere that we can speak, calmly and peacefully?” The man had been upset the entire time you and Arthur had been there. Whatever reasons he had for borrowing from Strauss, you knew that you and Arthur didn't have even half of the story. And while you ran with the Van Der Linde gang, the last thing you enjoyed doing was swindling poor people who clearly were unable to repay the loan.
“Arthur, go clean your hands off. Now. And stay with the horses.” You demanded, openly glaring at him and silently warning him against arguing with you.
He grumbled and spat at the ground, but knew you well enough not to push his luck.
You waited for him to stomp off before turning back to the Downes family. 
They were watching you with hesitation and distrust, which you couldn't blame them at all for, but you could also see something hidden just beneath the surface. Something akin to hope.
You sat with them for over an hour, listening to their troubles and how they had ended up this way. They truly were just misfortunate souls who had landed on bad times that seemed to only get worse.
Mr. Downes was sick. Really sick.
It had affected his ability to work as he once had. Taking aloan from Strauss had felt like the only thing to do at the time. Even if the man knew it was a bad idea.
“Get well, please. You won't hear from myself or my associates again.” You promised, biting back the raw anger building in your stomach for Leopold Strauss. What the hell had that man been thinking loaning to these people?
He's a fraud. Just like the rest of us in the Van Der Linde gang. Liars, cheats, and no-goods.
How could you have expected anything but this?
“Feeling better?” You asked Arthur, coldly, as you met back up with him at the horses.
“Oh don't start with me. What the hell was that back there? I nearly had the payment.”
“You nearly guaranteed your own death, Morgan, don't get an attitude with me. That man is sick, his family is struggling, have some…some compassion. This isnt you, Arthur. You're not a thoughtless, careless asshole who beats up the helpless.”
“Oh what the hell do you know about me?”
You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself up into your horse's saddle, “I know you’re better than this. I know you're not meant to be the next Dutch. And I know that all of this eats away at you at night; whether you want to admit it or not.”
Arthur scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Yeah well, you think you’re so smart, dontcha?”
“Smarter than you’re acting,” you grit your teeth and pulled at your horse’s reins to turn away from him, “Get your head out of your ass, Arthur, and stop trying to act so damn tough. The others might like you like this, but I don’t. And I can think of a few others who don’t either.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Arthur was sitting atop his own horse now and rode up alongside you. He was still upset, but his tone was lower and more gruff than anything else, “I was handling things just fine back there.”
“Sure, Arthur.”
“I didn’t need you to step in.”
“I know that, Cowboy.”
“Will you stop answerin’ me like that?” A sigh slipped from your lips as Arthur’s hand suddenly reached across the small distance between the horses and wrapped around your wrist, keeping you from taking off and trying to force you to pay attention to him. “You’re still too soft on people, ya hear? He knew what he was getting into when he accepted Strauss’ loan.”
Meeting his gaze, you nodded and responded with, “Yes, he did, but people make mistakes, Arthur, and it shouldn’t be met with a stiff fist to the face. He’s ill, Strauss took advantage of that. Thomas Downes and so many more are simply trying to get by. Just as we are. It doesn’t matter now. The debt is settled, I’ll handle things with Strauss.”
It was easy enough to see the look of thought behind Arthur’s blue eyes, and you could tell he was thinking over everything that had happened and all you had said. Finally, he nodded stiffly and let go of your hand. “Alright then, Partner. I’ll follow your lead.”
“Really?” You questioned, brow raised.
Arthur shrugged, “Don’t sound so surprised. Don’t I always do as you say?” His tone had returned to a more teasing nature, the corner of his mouth twitching upward in amusement.
“No, you don’t. If you did, we wouldn’t always end up in these situations.”
Humming, Arthur rubbed at his chin and asked, “Would you have me any other way?”
A laugh escaped your mouth before you could stop it and this time when you rolled your eyes it was out of fondness instead of irritation as before. “No, Arthur Morgan, I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
Hey! I hope you all enjoyed! If so please consider liking and reblogging! Thank you!
Please stay safe!
~ Atlex Writes
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luvkyu · 7 months
hii kyu ! idk if ur reqs are open but if they are, i wanted 2 request a dokyeom (svt) x m!reader fluff oneshot where dk makes it his mission to cheer up his bf who's sick (or just tired/exhausted if u prefer) by taking him on a date :) anyways i hope u have a great day !! :D
home with u ( lee dokyeom/dk )
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dokyeom x male reader
kyeom takes care of his sick bf !
content : 1k words, fluff, idol!kyeom, kyeom calls reader pretty boy
( a/n ) this is literally MONTHS old im so sorry it took so long :( i changed it a little cause i was having a lot of trouble writing it for some reason but i hope you like it <3
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"kyeom, i can feel you staring."
"okay. and?"
y/n scowled quietly while opening his eyes. dokyeom was laying directly in front of him, just centimeters away.
"it's making me self conscious."
"but you're so perfect," dokyeom countered with a small pout. "looking at you makes me happy. my favorite boy."
"damn it," y/n muttered as he felt a blush creep onto his face. he quickly rolled over to the other side of his bed. "i hate you."
dokyeom simply laughed at his stubborness.
"you love me," he insisted while slipping his arms around y/n's waist, spooning him.
y/n smiled, still trying to hide it though. dokyeom nuzzled his face into his neck while planting tiny kisses against his skin.
"you're still burning up.." dokyeom mumbled. he could feel the heat radiating off of y/n's neck and face, making him even more worried.
"hm.. 'm fine, kyeom," y/n responded drowsily.
"are you sure you don't wanna just go to a doctor?"
"i hate doctors."
"baby," dokyeom quickly argued. y/n didn't need to look at him to know he was frowning - or probably just pouting. he sighed and turned back over to face him.
"if it doesnt pass after tomorrow then i'll go see one, okay?" he promised, leaving a short kiss on the other's forehead.
dokyeom smiled and nodded before catching the male's lips instead. he kissed him deeply, whispering a small "thank you" after pulling away.
"don't you need to leave for rehearsals with the guys?" y/n asked, looking up at him.
y/n blinked. "no?.."
"i'm staying here."
"what? no. you should go to work."
dokyeom shook his head. "i'm worried about you. i'm staying here."
"i already texted our manager. just let me take care of you."
y/n frowned, now seeing the concern in his boyfriend's eyes. he sighed and gave in before snuggling into dokyeom's chest.
"okay, baby. you can take care of me."
dokyeom finally smiled again and nodded his head in triumph.
"i'm sleepy," y/n mumbled into the other's slightly wrinkled shirt.
"then sleep, bub."
"mm.. will you sleep too?"
"i'm not really tired enough to nap, honestly. but i'll stay with you."
y/n felt his heart skip. he smiled and snuggled into him again, soon falling asleep in his arms.
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after sleeping for about an hour and a half, y/n woke up to hear soft humming coming from beside him. he looked up at his partner. dokyeom's eyes were closed peacefully as his phone played wave to earth on the bedside table. he was humming along quietly and running his hands along y/n's arms to the rhythm.
"your voice is so beautiful," y/n complimented.
dokyeom's eyes shot open. he looked down at the boy in his arms.
"did i wake you up??"
"kinda, but it's okay. i like waking up to this."
dokyeom frowned, "no, go back to sleep. i'll shut up."
y/n took the male's hand in his own and gave it a reassuring kiss.
"kyeom, it's okay. i'm hungry now anyways."
dokyeom looked at him for a moment, as if debating his fault.
"alright, i'll see what i can make us for dinner."
"i barely have any food here right now," y/n warned. "unless you want cup noodles for dinner."
"tsk. remind me to go grocery shopping for you tomorrow."
y/n rolled his eyes, "i like cup noodles."
"cup noodles are not a meal."
y/n scowled at such a response.
"'ooh look at me, i'm dk, i'm too good for cup noodles,'" y/n teased, waving his hands around in a mocking tone.
dokyeom squinted at him with fake hatred, "you're lucky you're sick right now."
y/n stuck his tongue out and sunk into the covers of his bed. dokyeom shook his head at him before finally exiting the bedroom.
sure enough, all he could find in y/n's kitchen were cup noodles. he sighed. he wished they could just go out for dinner, but he didn't wanna risk getting anyone sick. he settled on ordering in some food instead.
eventually, y/n got bored by himself. he slowly got out of bed and trudged out of his bedroom. he followed the sound of the music coming from dokyeom's phone, leading him onto his large balcony.
"what're you doing, love?" y/n asked.
dokyeom looked up in surprise as he adjusted one of y/n's small tables on top of some blankets he'd put on the balcony's floor.
"since we can't go out, i thought we'd have dinner outside at least. a home date," he explained. "the fresh air will be good for you and it's so nice out tonight."
y/n couldn't stop a smile from growing on his lips.
"that sounds amazing. thank you."
dokyeom nodded and gave his cheek a light kiss. y/n could tell that the other was proud of himself. dokyeom would never admit it, but he loved hearing approval and praise - especially from y/n.
once their food arrived, dokyeom set everything out and made them drinks. the balcony was the prettiest y/n had ever seen it. with his fairy lights lit and the blankets and a couple pillows brought out, it looked all cozy and warm.
dokyeom set their chopsticks out as a finishing touch before they finally sat down together. it smelled amazing and neither could wait to start eating.
after taking his first bite, y/n hummed in satisfaction. he smiled and closed his eyes, savoring the flavor in his mouth. dokyeom gazed over at him. he was completely in love.
"how do you still manage to look so perfect even when you're sick?"
y/n opened his eyes again and now saw his partner's eyes on him. he couldn't help but blush a little.
"your eyes are broken."
dokyeom's brows furrowed. he leaned forward, over the table and close to y/n's lips.
"my eyes are fine." he gave y/n another kiss, longer and deeper this time, "my pretty boy."
y/n then watched him pull away and go back to his food. he knew his ears and cheeks were probably turning red, while dokyeom just picked up his chopsticks and went right back to eating as if nothing happened.
"how-" y/n didn't know what to say. dokyeom looked back up at him.
"hm?" he hummed. the fake cluelessness on his face made y/n send him a small death glare.
"oh i hate you, lee seokmin."
dokyeom laughed endearingly at the remark, then simply smiled at him.
"you love me, baby."
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 · 24 days
☆ Jeff The Killer x M! Reader; Valentines♡
⚠️: blood mention 🩸
TW: ❌️
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It was dark, the wind howling outside as the trees branches scraped and screeched against your gutters.. the rain was spitting down, so quiet you could barely hear it.. that was until you thunder came roaring down, scaring you into staring out your window in a panic, "just the thunder.." you thought to yourself, managing your breathing.. there was silence yet again, everything back in bliss.. until something, or rather someone banged at your window.
You jump yet again, sighing and holding your head in your hands as you peek at him through the cracks of your fingers.. "Come in, Jeff" you sigh, with a slight smile crossing your face.. the window opens gently, with him making his way inside and looking at you with a soft expression, he makes his way over to the next of your bed, you cant tell if hes looking down at you sweetly or rather with a bitter sweet look, he points a sharp knife at you, "no one knows?" he asks, keeping his sight straight on you, "no one knows" you mock, pulling him down on the bed with you in a not so swift but rather a rough tug motion.. "Happy Valentines, my love" you smile, looking at him sweetly, stroking his hair trying to avoid the clots of blood intertwined.. his smile grows before you hear rustling, he starts digging around his pockets before taking out rather a medium sized box, "how does he even fit that in there?" you think to yourself before he lays on his back, putting the box over top the left side of his chest, oddly specific.. you give him a sweet smile before you ask "may I?", he gives you a chuckle and a nod before you grab the box.
The box was a little soggy, too dark to determine if it was rain or blood, perchance a mix of both? He sits up, smiling at you like a cat who had brung you prey, you open the box and cant help but smiling with a toothy grin, it was a heart, a human heart. "Thank you, sweetheart.." you sigh with a smile ear to ear, caressing his cheek.. "You're the one who doesnt tell anybody, you're worthy to keep my attention on.. pretty boy.." he mumbles that last part, discossiating from his love speech to start glancing around at your features. "You'd look so pretty with a bigger smile.." he chuckles, before you can tell him off he banters "but yes i know i know, you dont want to be as beautiful as me just yet my love" he gives you a look, a mix of loving sarcasm and a dead look in his eyes. You smile at him, he looks at you with a cold yet caring look in return before you shove a box into his hands, "You didnt really think i wouldnt get you something, right?" your voice hitching, giving him a sneaky look.. he sighs and opens the box. "A new knife?" he gives the gift a smirk, reaching for it.. "Specifically a 6 inch, leather handled, personal carved design with a double edged end.. made for swift use." You look at him with a small smile, "Exactly what i was looking for huh?" he smirks, "hand crafted" you smile back, pushing his hair behind his ear, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart"
"Happy Valentines, my love"
The evening was spent in bliss, you had put your gifts on the side table before arguing about what movie to watch, you cuddled, kissed, smiled.. every moment you've been wishing to have with him. He caressed your face in everyway you've been hoping, that way that gives you that feeling that you never wanted to end.. you loved him, and you think you knew that, but him? You'll never know unless he wants you too, but you like to think he does.. as you slowly drifted to sleep laying on his chest, you can feel his heart beat just that little bit faster, "Go to sleep, my gorgeous boy" he mumbled into your ear, giving you a kiss before you drift off.
IM SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING FOR MONTHS LOL.... i hope everyones okay and i hope weve all been well, also im basing what Jeff looks like based off some art i saw on pinterest 🫶🏼
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tw: arguing, possible toxic relationship nothing too specific just witnessing stuff that has a high chance of turning very toxic
i really need some advice on what to do, my brothers girlfriend has recently moved in and he treats her terribly. ive only heard a few things like them arguing but its become more frequent and shes only been living her for about a week now. i know how my brother can be and its really awful and i feel like i cant just sit here and let him treat her terribly. the thing is i dont really know her and we havent talked much, also they havent been dating that long at all so i feel like its still in the “honeymoon phase” and i dont want to overstep anything. i told my mom hes really rude to her and im hoping she’ll say something to either one of them but i feel like i cant just sit back and let him do that especially knowing how awful he can get and im worried for her. i dont want to come off weird or anything either and i have very bad social anxiety so my conversation skills are very bad. im just not sure what to do i think asking my mom to say anything if she hasnt by the time i talk to her might be a good start but i dont know my parents, specifically my dad tends to turn a blind eye to his behavior. i just want to make sure she, even if she doesnt listen to me has a warning for the future but i just dont feel comfortable sitting back and letting him treat her like this especially since this is all in the first week.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about what's been happening. I don't think that expressing your concern would be overstepping at all, in fact she may greatly appreciate you stepping in and speaking up and that could be worth the risk that she may tell you it's not your business.
I know you said your conversation skills are poor, but having a talk with either of them might be the best course of action, and perhaps writing out what you want to say ahead of time can give you some confidence going into it. I would suggest finding some time to talk to her without your brother present and ask how she feels about the things you've been witnessing. You could tell her that this hasn't been sitting right with you and that you're there to support her. If you feel it's appropriate you could give her some resources like National Domestic Violence Hotline, OneLove, love is respect, or National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. You could even gently suggest she look into a DV shelter if she feels she needs to escape to safety or notify the police if she wants. But if someone is in an abusive relationship, it's most important to give her the choice to not accept any of these. And even if she rejects your help, it's better to have tried than not.
Getting your mom involved could be helpful, but it may be unhelpful as well (she may not do anything, she may escalate the situation, depending on the kind of person she is). You could try expressing to your brother that you feel unsafe in your own home with the tension. I don't know if the place is yours, but if so, you could either ask them to leave or leave yourself if you have somewhere else you could stay.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, please let us know if you need anything, and feel free to keep us updated.
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bakatenshii · 4 years
Try krave beauty “the beet shield” for sunscreen and make sure you are removing it properly at the end of the day. Sunscreen should be used as the last step of ur morning routine, on your face and neck, and the back of your hands. That might be what’s breaking you out. At night Regardless of your skin type, use an oil or balm based cleanser to wash your face first (DHC cleansing oil, it’s yellow btw) then wash with a water or gel based cleanser (cerave foaming cleanser or cerave SA Renewing face cleanser, I picked those cuz U describe oil acne prone skin). Make sure to always moisturize no matter ur skin type, for acne prone I recommend the cerave daily moisturizing lotion which u can use on face and body. Paulas choice BHA toner is good for one to two times a week only on non sensitive spots of your face and don’t combine with anything other than moisturizer, then over time maybe 3 times a week depending on ur skin type and how ur feeling. Only do this step at night and always moisturize well after. For morning as a first step, just cleanse with the water/gel based cleanser I recommended. Don’t double cleanse in the mornings, only do it at night. It’s unsolicited advice but I used to have the same problem as u so hope it helps. A niacinamide serum is also a great option to add for the daytime before moisturizer and sunscreen (Naturium niacinamide serum) Biossance also has a great sunscreen
AHHH THANK U THANK U, I’m immaculate with my skincare and in all 22 yrs of my life I’ve slept with my makeup on twice. I’ve woken up after ptfo-ing from drinking/etc and ran to the bathroom to find out that I’ve double cleansed, moisturized, and masked the night before in a right state LMAOOOO
I don’t wanna spam so threw in a read more but my skincare routine rn for combo dry is—
✯banila clean it balm (I’ve tried the DHC as well but prefer banila co!) and a milk foam cleanser that I’ve used since god knows when, it’s the one part of my skincare that never lets me down. not sure if it’s okay but I doublecleanse at night whether or not I’m eearing makeup because I tried only using a cleanser for a week and my skin visibly dulled and rhe texture got rougher. in the mornings I just use water to wash! it’s too much to use a cleanser during the winter so water only hehe
✯muji light toning water which has made a ridiculous difference tbh, I live for it.
✯laneige water bank essence or innisfree soybean essence, if my skin’s behaving ill throw in a vitamin C serum but oooonly a few times a week at night IF my skin’s not a minefield
✯laneige water sleeping mask at night/innisfree jeju orchid cream during the day
✯recently I’ve been using this sheet mask every night in place of the essences because it’s a lot more nourishing. I’ll wake up and see a visible difference + it feels incred
the one time my skin cleared up was when I was on the pill and it was actually insane, then I went back to china for like 6 months last yr and I dont think my skin had ever been that bad since I was like 17 and it lit hasnt recovered since sigh
everyone says it’s hormonal issues but I refuse to go on the hellpill again HAHAH I tried controlling my diet to mostly vegs + light meats + no dairy and all that did was make me irrationally hungry fffFFF I went 6 months without coffee or boba or any sweets and it gave me nO RESULT smh F in the chat truly
also when I was 15/16 I fucked my skin up with some prescribed topical cream by my doctor and i had such a bad allergy reaction I went to the A&E (just bc my face was so puffy HAHA I COULDNT OPEN MY EYES) and for a yr after that anything beside CeraVe/Cetaphil would damage my skin so that singlehandedly changed my skin from combo-oily to hypersensitive combo-dry rip
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
hi could i request something? basically just HCS about langa and reki when you guy get into a fight or sum idk LMFAOO, you dont have to do this if you dont want to tho <3
➯ A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy. I added a few characters, hope you don’t mind:)
➯ When you guys get into a fight
➯ Characters: Langa Hasegawa, Reki Kyan, Kaoru Sakurashiki, Kojiro Nanjou, Hiromi Higa and Miya Chinen x gn reader
➯ Warnings: angst if you squint, fluff
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Ok the majority of your fights are generally because of a miscommunication. If things aren’t spelled out for the poor boy, he’ll be completely oblivious to what’s bothering you
When you finally snap, he always seems shocked, asking why you hadn’t said anything sooner, even if you’d been trying to hint at it all week
Not really one to shout, but if things get heated enough he might snap. He always feels awful afterwards though. No matter what, he really believes no one should be screamed at because of something as silly as a disagreement
Rarely storms out, he’s always going to try and stay until the end to try and get something, anything out of you that he can use to try and understand your point of view
Understands space. He knows when you dont feel like talking to him, and he will give you that time to collect your thoughts. When you’re ready to speak again, he’s all ears
Gets overwhelmed really easy. It doesnt really show in what he says, but when you raise your voice his brain goes to putty and he can feel his breath get narrow. He’s not scared, he just doesn’t want to be the reason you’re feeling like this.
Never lets you go to bed angry. He’ll give you your space, but if you’re still quiet by bedtime he’s making sure you’ve eaten and you’re not still really upset by whatever played out that day
Overthinks a lot. How long did he not realise you were upset? What if its actually a much bigger deal than you’re letting on? What if you leave? Of course, he knows a lot of it is completely irrational, but it still lingers in the back of his mind, so you can imagine how relieved he is when the fight is over and you’re back in his arms
Asks people for advice a lot. Reki and Cherry are usual helpers, giving Langa their opinions on the matter without going into too much detail. The rest is up to him.
Gives the best hugs and comfort after a fight. He understands couples can fight, and never really takes the aggression let out by the pair of you too seriously. Rubbing the back of your head and holding you close to his chest, he’ll reassure you that he’s not going anywhere, that he’s not going to leave “just because of a silly fight” while you fight back tears on his shoulder.
Unlike Langa, Reki is a very open person in terms of his feelings, so your fights are rarely because of closed away emotions. However, many are caused by you feeling he is spending too much time in his workshop, overworking himself and not spending as much time with you as he should.
As for Reki, he gets mad when he feels you’re being closed off from him, not telling him things and hiding your true emotions. It’s not that he doesnt trust you, he just doesnt want you shouldering anything by yourself, and tries to make things easier for you by halving the problem.
A very emotional person, and this really shows when the two of you argue. There’s a lot of tears, a lot of raised voices, yknow those exhausted laughs when you’re tired of arguing with someone? Those. He pulls at his hair a lot in frustration too
Both of you need to walk away from each other a lot during arguments. You’re both driven by your emotions, so its hard to think logically once you’ve both gotten really upset.
The type to sit outside a door after an argument if you’ve locked yourself in a room, pressing against it and quietly talking to you, regardless of whether or not he gets a response
Understands space, to a certain extent. He’ll try and talk to you after an argument, try anything to get you to just answer him, to come out from your room, to stop ignoring him. He knows when you really don’t want to face him though, which is when he’ll go out for a while, either to Langa’s for advice, or just for a quiet skate.
Despite how upset he gets in the moment, he gets over it quickly. Once he’s out of his head and seeing properly, he’ll take some time to think it over and see things from your point of view. He’ll come back to you with an apology, and when you’re ready to talk, he’ll discuss things with you this time around instead of fighting
If the fight lasts overnight, he refuses to let you take the couch. If he feels a fight will last, he’ll glue himself to the couch, making it impossible for you to sleep anywhere other than your bed. No matter what the fight was about, he refuses to have you sleep uncomfortably.
Tends to cry after making up. It’s rarely out of sadness, of course, more relief than anything. He’s just happy to have you back in his arms, no longer ignoring him.
A very rational person, fights are very rare between the pair of you. When you do fight, it tends to be because you feel he’s being closed off from you, not being as open and emotional with you. As for him, he doesnt like when you act too aloof about things that are actually serious to him
Fights start out quiet, talking in normal tones and using your heads. However, as the fight goes on, your voices gradually get higher and louder, arms thrown in the air as you get in each other’s faces.
He snaps quite a bit. Petty remarks, snappy replies and other unnecessary comments are thrown out without much thought as he gets more pissed off. Not necessarily because he doesn’t have anything to defend himself, but because once he’s started, he’ll do just about anything to piss you off
Depending on the fight, it could last an hour or a week. Both of you are so petty that you’ll refuse to apologise to the other, forgetting who was even in the wrong in the first place
Honestly, whoever goes to sleep first gets the bed, he’s not as considerate as Reki. However, as the fight goes on, the pair of you will stay up for ungodly hours into the night, trying to outlast the other because they dont want them sleeping on the couch. You’ll never admit that though, which is why you wont just fall asleep on the couch first. Besides, if you happen to fall asleep on the couch before Kaoru goes to bed, he’ll carry you upstairs and sleep on the couch himself. He’ll never admit that though, he’ll simply say you woke up and went upstairs in a hazy half-sleep, which is why you dont remember.
He’s definitely programmed Carla to apologise to you for him at least once, rolling her into the room you’re in before quickly walking out to the sound of “Y/N, I-am-very-sorry-and-I-was-wrong-please-forgive-me” in Carlas robotic voice
If you ever go to Joe’s restaurant to cool down, he’ll make a big fuss, swaying and sighing, dramatically shouting about “however will these lovers reconcile!?” Once his act is over though, he’ll comfort you and give you your favourite meal, tutting over the pair of you and thinking of ways to help you make up
Literally won’t let you go of you for at least a week after you fight. This mf is hanging off you, constant forehead kisses, the whole deal. He’s gone without your affection for a long time while you fought, he’s simply making up for lost time
You get really pissed at him when he flirts with other girls. He doesn’t mean to, he’s just a bit of a girl magnet and it’s his nature to entertain them. Of course, he all yours, but he forgets sometimes that jealousy is actually a thing
Doesnt take arguments as seriously as he probably should. He’s the type to tell you to “calm down” in the worst possible moment, its usually what makes you explode, actually.
Absolutely dense. The type to listen to you shout for five minutes, and only then have the audacity to ask you just what your problem was
It’s not his fault, bless him. He’s just a little unobservant when it comes to your emotions. When he realises you’re actually upset though, he’s apologising profusely and promising to never do it again
His apologies are always so genuine, you generally forgive him. However, if he does something that really pisses you off and you dont forgive him, he’ll give you space to think
Fights are usually resolved within a day. Like Langa, he refuses to let you go to bed angry
Cooks for you every meal regardless of whether or not you eat it. He’ll leave meals outside your door as a sort of truce, quietly pressing against the door and asking you to please come eat with him, that he hates the idea of you holed up in there all alone
Like Kaoru, he tends to reply with snarky remarks that have little to do with the argument, but they have a little less bite to them. More petty, if anything
Another big reason for why fights never last long is because this man literally. Will. Not. Survive. Without. You. You’ll be trying to ignore him while he comes in every five minutes, asking you how to get a certain channel on the TV, or stupid things you know he’s only asking because he misses talking to you
After you make up, he literally wont even look at another girl for at least a week. Mf will literally turn his head the other way if a girl comes near him, shouting about how he’s spoken for
The biggest hothead. He says a lot of things he doesn’t mean in the moment, which will cause you to storm out and he’ll immediately regret it
The fight almost immediately escalates past hushed voices, swear words thrown around as you get in each other’s faces
He’ll get really upset, but he’ll mask it with being pissed off and angry, clashing pots around and acting like a literal baby. He doesnt want to admit it, but he always feels awful right after a fight. He knows youll need a bit of space after the intense shouting, so he’ll give you that space before even attempting an apology
Aggressively cares for you. Like he’ll say things like “I made food, it’ll taste like shit if you leave it, so I suggest you have it now” or “nope, I want the couch, I’m gonna watch something” he’ll never admit it, he just wants to make sure you’re alright even while fighting
If the two of you go to S while fighting, it’ll be very obvious. Usually you’re attached at the hip, but now you couldn’t be further apart. However, he’s still looking out for you, keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re alright. If you’re ever getting hit on by some creep, the fight is forgotten and he’s back at your side, daring the stranger to come any closer to you.
Reki is always the first to notice, poking him and pushing you over to him, trying to get the two of you to make up. Surprisingly, it actually does help clear the air
He can never stay mad at you for long though, he’s completely soft for you
Makes you bouquets to try and apologise. He’s taught you a lot about the meanings of flowers, so he’ll specifically pick ones with hidden meanings like “I’m sorry” or “I love you”
Not very good with verbal apologies. He knows when they’re needed though, and they are usually delivered through a series of grumbles and sad expressions. The thought is there though
Gives very gentle, long hugs after you make up. He’ll hold you close, suggesting a date or a movie to help the two of you relax
Literally the biggest bitch out of the six to fight with. He’s so petty, he will refuse to admit he’s wrong for the longest time. Once he’s in, there’s no accepting he’s not right
At least for a while anyway. He’ll start to feel bad once he sees just how upset you’re getting, frustrated with his inability to see anyone’s point of view but his own
King of the silent treatment. He’ll hide away behind his switch, drowning out his guilty thoughts with the white noise of animal crossing
He’ll skate to take his mind off things, practicing new tricks until he’s exhausted
Makes really snide remarks that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument. The type to bring up shit that happened 4 months ago just to help his case
Reki is usually the one to make him see sense, telling him just how petty he’s being, and that he cant get so defensive when he’s in the wrong. He knows this, obviously, he just can’t help it sometimes.
Although he’s not one for real apologies, he’ll slowly begin to stop ignoring you, bringing you small snacks or sending you funny things he saw on his phone. He’ll sit beside you, acting as if it was completely unintentional, but will slowly inch closer and closer until he’s curled up at your side, mumbling about how he wasn’t completely right after all
Will literally hit anyone who tries to comment on how the pair of you have made up, talking about how “its not even that big of a deal, just shut up”
Yall fought cause y’know. He’s ad*m
Sat outside your house with a speaker and an ugly ass sign. It started raining and his sign got ruined and his makeup ran
You broke up with him and he cried
Slipped in the rain while leaving <3
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crypticwanda · 3 years
Hi. I know this is sounds lame,but i'm very new to tumblr.i dont know how this apps works but I found ur profile last night and really love what you write. Will binge read all of them.😊 i saw you r open for request. How about y/n n wanda been dating n wanda gets jealous thought y/n cheated on her but she actually doesnt. And if u r comfortable writing this,maybe wanda accidentally blast her with her power since her power is connected to her emotion,wanda founds out she didnt cheat on her n feels bad then they made up. Really loves your works..thank u.😊
Oh my god ANGST and thank you so much! 💞
You don't trust me?
summary: wanda starts to become suspicious that reader is cheating on her and things start to get messy
pairing(s): wanda maximoff x fem!reader
warnings: arguing, cursing, little violence, there's a happy ending though
notes: can you tell I know nothing about the medical field
taglist: @myperfectlovepoem @supersourlemon13 @royalityofmultifandom @madamevirgo @b0mbdotc0m @fayhar @olsensnpm @internetsubmarines @aana4664 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @imapotato
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An exhausted sigh left your lips as you closed your eyes and opened your front door. It was around 2 am and you had just gotten off of work and back to your home. It was dark in your living room and you tried to be as quiet as possible, not to wake your sleeping girlfriend. You slowly and quietly made your way upstairs and opened your bedroom door. As you slowly turned to close the door behind you, you heard the light switch flip on. You turned around to see a tired wanda sitting up in her bed, her hand still slightly emitting red showing that she used her powers to flip the light switch on.
"I'm so sorry honey, I didn't mean to wake you up." You whispered as you walked over to her in the bed. You leaned down to plant a kiss on her head as she groggily grunts in response and lays her head back down on the pillow. You walked around your bed as you began taking off your work clothes and quickly putting on your pajamas. You crawled into bed underneath the covers and wrapped your arms around Wanda's waist. She hummed softly as she laid her hands ontop of your own and you placed a soft kiss at the crook of her neck. You almost instantly drifted off into sleep as you laid next to wanda in your comfortable bed.
The next day, you and wanda were just finishing up dinner as you heard your phone chime from the table next to you. You picked it up to see it was your assistant from the hospital. "Hello?" You asked as you answered the call. "Y/N, there's a patient here who needs surgery." You heard her say on the other line. "I already left work, can't you get someone else to fill in for me?" You ask as Wanda turns her head up to look at you. "Everyone else is busy with other work, you're one of our only available." She says across the line. You sigh deeply as you bring up a hand up to your temples. "Fine, I'll be there." You say briefly as you hang up.
"More work?" Wanda asks as she reverts her eyes back to her plate with an annoyed tone. "I'm so sorry baby, it's just that everyone's busy and I'm the only available surgeon right now." You explain as you put your jacket around your arms. Wanda didn't respond as she kept her eyes away from you. "I'm so sorry." You repeat sadly as you walk over to her and lay a hand on her cheek and turn her face to look at you. You lean down and softly press your lips against her own as you heard her sigh through her nose. You pulled away and held her cheek softly. "I'll make this up to you, I promise." You whisper as her lips purused downward.
She nods softly as you turn and begin to walk out of the door. "Hopefully I can be back around 1 but, I'm not sure." You tell her as you walk out of the door. You open your car door, start the engine and pull out of your driveway as you make your way to the hospital.
Many hours had passed when your surgery was finally complete. You were now on your way home at around 4 am, completely exhausted and ready to pass out. You groan as you step out of your car and make your way up the driveway and open your front door. You hear the lock click as you push open the door and walk inside. To your surprise, the lights were on and wanda was sitting on the couch with almost an angry look on her face. "Oh, you're still awake." You said surprised as you closed the door behind you. "I was waiting for you." She breathed out as she stood up from the couch. "You said you'd be here at 1." She said, obviously annoyed as she crossed her arms. "Well, I was hoping to come home at 1 but the surgery lasted longer than I thought." You tell her as you scratch the back of your neck.
Wanda breathed harshly through her nostrils as she looked at you. "You know you've been doing these night shifts for a while now." She snapped as she turned and began walking into the kitchen while continuing to talk to you. "I know honey, and you don't understand how sorry I am for that." You pleaded as you followed her into the kitchen. "You know, I'm starting to believe that these are just more than surgeries." She hissed as she quickly turned around to face you. "What are you talking about?" You asked as your face scrunched in confusion. A few moments later you realised what she had meant. "Wait, do you think I'm cheating on you?" You asked as you pointed to your own chest. "I didn't say that!" She snapped, her volume increasing. "Wanda, I would never cheat on you." You say shaking your head as wanda brings a hand to the top of her head.
"Why would you even think that?" You ask, your volume was loud but your voice was breaking. Wanda shut her eyes harshly as she turned her body away from you. "Wanda-" you begin once again as you softly grab ahold of her forearm. Before you knew it, red power emitted from Wanda and you felt your body fly across the kitchen and your back hit the cabinets. You grunted as you heard a few glasses fall onto the ground and shatter. Your body hit the ground as a groan escaped your lips. Wanda gasps and puts a hand over her mouth as she realised what she had done. "Y/N!" She yelled as she ran over to you and kneeled next to you on the ground. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." She frantically tried to talk to you as tears were welling up in her eyes. "I'm fine." You breathe out as you push yourself up and press your back against the counter.
"Wanda, honey, I love you absolutely more than anything. You're my world and everything I want and more, why would I ever want anything other than you?" You said with tears in your eyes as you softly laid your hands on either side of her cheeks. A single tear fell from Wanda's eye as she hung her head low. "I know and I'm sorry, I trust you Y/N." She whispers out as her forehead pressed against yours. You leaned in and tilted your head as you pressed your lips onto hers. She wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you close, you could feel tears falling from her eyes onto your own skin. You pulled away after a few moments and gave her a soft smile. "I'm gonna take some time off, to be with you." You say. "Y/N you don't have to-" Wanda begins but you cut her off. "I want to." She looked up at you with a soft smile as you returned one.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
I feel like akutagawa is such an underrated character :( can I request a smut with angst #2 (10) like his SO doesnt feel aku love her as much so aku got fed up with her whining and decided to f/ck her dumb
C/n: damn he really is, huh? A spicy request👀mmhmm. I love hate fucking. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Time Is All I Want From You.(Akutagawa x Reader NSFW Oneshot)
After you joined the Port Mafia, your whole life was turned around. Missions, injuries. But the one thing that caught you off guard was falling in love. With your partner nonetheless.
Akutagawa caught your attention after he saved you on one particular mission that involved the ADA. He stuck with you in the hospital while you treated your injuries and Cupid shot his arrow through your heart that day.
Fast forward a few months later, to your surprise, Akutagawa confessed. He was so clumsy and such a tsundere about it that you couldn’t help but laugh. “Idiot. Why are you laughing? This is already so hard. Don’t make it worse.” He says while putting a hand over his mouth. “Sorry, sorry. But you’re really cute when you’re nervous. And yes. I will go out with you.”
Now, going onto almost 9 months, you and Akutagawa have been going strong. Well, it was.
Akutagawa hardly made time for you nowadays and sure, he was a bit on the shy side when it came to physical affection but is spending your breaks together or a brush of hands when passing the hallways too much to ask for?
Your annoyance showed on your face and Kouyou saw it. “What’s up, honey? Your face seems so out of order.” She asks while sipping her tea. “H-Huh? Oh. It’s nothing.” You say as you snap out of your daydreaming. “Oh come on, now. You know you can tell me anything.” She insists and you sigh. She was right. Kouyou was the first person to welcome you into the Mafia and treated you like a sister. Plus she did save your ass multiple times.
“It’s Akutagawa.” You whisper and she places her teacup on the saucer. “What did he do?” You shake your head. “What didn’t he do?” You say and place your chin on your palm. “I’m not following.” She says confused. “It’s like, he doesn’t love me anymore. He never says he does anyway and we almost never spend time with each other. We haven’t even...in a while you know.” You explain and Kouyou listens to your every word. “I see. Have you tried speaking with him about it? Maybe he was just busy. Chuuya has been working with him quite often lately.” She tries to reason with you. You shake your head. “For months? You would think he had some time right?” You look at her while she taps her chin. “Maybe. But talk to him, Y/n. Maybe he has a valid reason.” Kouyou tells you.
So you did. You went to Akutagawa’s little office he had and knocked on it. “Enter” his deep, monotonous voice says. You open the door to see him standing by the window with documents. “What do you want?” He spits out and you sigh. He turns around to see you, making him shocked. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” You shut the door and face him. “Aku, we need to talk.” You say seriously and he nods. He motions for you to sit but you don’t.
“What is it, Y/n? I don’t have all day.” “That’s the fucking problem.” You harshly say making him shut up. He’s never heard you like this before. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like his sweet girlfriend being angry.
“All you do is work and work and work. You’ve been obsessed with the ADA for God knows what and you never have time for anything else. You never have time for me.” You whisper the last let out and he scoffs.
“Listen, Y/n. I love you. I said it. What else do you want me to do? It’s not like I can ditch work.” Akutagawa groans out and tears threaten to fall from your eyes. “Saying you love me and showing you love me are two different things entirely. All I ask is for time from you. For you to stop overworking and be with me. It sounds selfish, I know that’s what you’re going to say, but that’s exactly how you’ve been acting.” You fumed and turned to leave.
As your hand reached the door handle, your front was pressed against the door by Akutagawa. You heard the click of the lock being turned and a growl in your ear. “You want my time? You want me? How bad do you want me, Y/n?” He says as his hand made its way to your pants.
You felt his arousal. Hard against your ass and you groaned when you felt his hands make it’s way into your panties to stroke your wet pussy. “Ha. You’re already wet. Does arguing with me turn you on that much?” He taunts and you moan. “Aku~ please.” “Please what? You had such a big mouth just now, only fair you tell me what you want.” Akutagawa says and you hear the belt of his pants unbuckle. “I, I want-..” as you were about to speak again, you were abruptly turned around and pushed to the ground on your knees. “No. I changed my mind. I think it’s about time you shut up.” He growls and pulls out his hard cock from the confines of his pants. You lick your lips and he places his tip on your lips. “Open up, angel. Show me how good you take me.” Akutagawa says and you obliged. You opened your mouth and took him little by little. But he felt you were too slow. Akutagawa takes a fist full of your hair and sets a strong, fast pace on his cock. He made you take all of him in, something you couldn’t do before.
“Yes, baby. Just like that. Look at me. Look at me while I fuck that throat of yours.” He orders and you look up at him, with pleasure tears running down your face. “Such a...good girl. You’re gonna take my cum like the whore you are? Well you have no choice, baby.” Akutagawa groans and you moan around his cock. He throws his head back and groans as his cum flushes down your throat. He tasted so damn good. It was impossible to not swallow all of him.
He pulls out of your mouth with a moan and your saliva connected your lips with him. Akutagawa pulls you up and carries you to the desk and smashes his lips to yours. He rips open your shirts and pulls down your pants along with your underwear and throws them on the office floor. “Ready for my cock now? Ready for me to fill you?” He asks as he pumps himself by your soaking pussy. “Yes. Yes fill me, Aku.” You nod and he chuckles lowly. He aligns himself with you and slowly pushes into you. Your moans mix with each other and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He hands firmly placed on your hips and he starts to move harder into you.
Your hands made their way around his neck and his hard, rough pace shook the table. The sound of skin slapping against skin and lewd noises from the both of you filled the room. “Ahh~ Aku! There! Ah!” A particular thrust made him hit that spot in you and he attacked it ruthlessly. His lips found yours again and you could feel the coil in your belly start to tighten. “Cl-Close. I’m-” you couldn’t even form the words you moaned into his mouth and he moved his hand to circle around your swollen clit. “That’s it baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.” He urges you and that made you explode with euphoria. You came with a loud moan and the tightness of your walls pushed him over the edge, making him empty himself inside you.
The both of you stayed enveloped in each other as you caught your breaths. Akutagawa lifted his head up from your shoulder and kissed you. This time filled with love and apologizes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I neglected you so much. Forgive me.” He whispers and you nod. “I forgive you, baby.” You kiss him back and he hugs you. “I’ll tell Chuuya we’re taking the weekend off. Then I can continue showing you my love for you.” Akutagawa tells you and kisses your bare shoulder.
“Did- Was Akutagawa and Y/n?” “Yes. They were. Leave it alone.”
“Daddy Aku back at it again.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Can i request a hcs for akaashi and iwaizumi where fem!so walks out in a heated argument with them and when she doesnt come back for a few hours, they become super worried??? With lots of fluff at the end plssss thanks!!
Iwaizumi Hajime
he isn’t... the most soft spoken person on the planet and his way of showing affection even on a regular day might be a bit blunt and not quite as gentle as he had hoped he would be, but he does make it very clear that you are the pearl on his palm
(that is a chinese saying so I’m not sure if it translates well hhhh)
usually, he’ll push his anger down and hold himself back from getting loud at you no matter what
and you know that he doesn’t actually mean it if he doesn’t raise his voice
but there was one time, when he got really heated, the sneer in his voice was just too sharp, his words sounding a little bit too genuine, and you just felt a little bit too tired to even think of continuing the argument
he felt the blood draining off his face the moment you walked out the door with a frustrated slam
he stood in the living room, his mind blank as his clenched fists slowly fell slack at his sides
fuck, he messed up
he tried calling you but was redirected to the message box instead and it only fueled his anger-turned panic even more
he paced around the house, conflicted between waiting for you to come back and going out to look for you
it might be the slightest bit of his pride holding him back
he let out a groan, running his hand down his face when he finally came back to his senses
what kind of man would he be if he let you wander on the streets alone because he wanted to safe face?
literally felt so relieved when he saw you sitting by the bench at a nearby park after pacing down the neighbourhood
he felt a sharp tug at his heart when he saw your swollen eyes widening as you looked up
I’m sorry
words fell short on his tongue, he had a strong feeling that it wasn’t the type of promises you wanted to hear
instead, he tentatively reached his hand out to you and sucked in a deep breath to calm the trembling of his voice
“Let’s go home.”
you stared at his palm, his joints a bit misformed after years of training and the callous on his fingers showing the hard work he had put in, before you turned your gaze up at his eyes
he looked... scared, and nervous
he let out a relieved sigh when you gave him a small smile and took his hand
Akaashi Keiji
arguments rare happen between you and Akaashi
if there’s something that upsets you, he would usually notice it before you even finish making your mind up on whether you want to tell him or not
he is considerate by nature and habit, and it feels like he is always one step ahead of you 
which makes it all the more infuriating when you do argue
you were starting to get heated and your throat was starting to ache from how hard you tried to stop yourself from crying but with how calm he looked, it made you feel like the unreasonable one even when you knew you had a point 
you just needed to get away from this before you said anything you might regret 
what you didn’t know, was that he was horrified when you stomped out of the door
but still, he forced through the last bit of logic he could manage amidst his panic that you were way more upset than you had ever gotten with him
he came to the conclusion that if you were mad at him, maybe giving you some time and space to calm down was the better idea
you would come back when you cleared out your head
so he sat there and waited, but as minutes turned to hours, he felt more and more anxious as to where you had went
his breath hitched when he saw that you had forgotten to take your phone with you when you stormed out
oh god, what if you got lost
what if someone took advantage of how emotional you were and took you somewhere?
he was scrambling to get ready to head out when he heard a twist at the doorknob
you came back
you were ok
“Keiji, I-”
you nearly lost your balance when he crashed onto you, caging you in between his arms and his frame as he held you close to his chest
you froze in place, the weight at the back of your throat making you unable to speak when you felt his body trembled around you
“I’m so sorry- Don’t do that again... don’t scare me like that...”
you were so used to him being the collected one that your chest burned up when you heard a soft sniffle
you tentatively wrapped your arms around him, leaning against him as he squeezed you tightly
"Don’t stay mad at me for too long,” he muttered and you could hear the nasal in his voice, “I don’t think I can handle it.”
you didn’t think you could handle it either
he did not let you slip away from his grip for the rest of the day
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
P.P| No, You Actually Dont
Summary: the lies are unbearable, especially when your vulnerable.
Warnings: language, insecurity? Cheating? Idk i just didnt feel happy on valentines so why not. I also dont know what this is-
A/n: for this im pretty sure i listen to blondie by current joys, kids byyyy....?? Oh! Current joys, and space song by beach house.
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You stood, clutching the roses in your hand with a wide smile on your face, about to knock on peters apartment door.
Its valentines day, the day you both got together, the day he had balls to ask you out. And it went on for 5 years, youve never fell out off love for eachother, at least you didnt think so.
So you eagerly bit your lip, knocking on the door with your free hand. “I think the pizzas here!” Peter yelled to make your eyebrows furrow, slowly letting your hand drop as you grew curious, hearing the door creek open “hi- oo-o” he said, looking at you while holding onto the door.
“Hi....peter...haha” you let out an awkward laugh, “hi my love, i wasn’t expecting you to be here....?” “Peter!” Your eyebrows furrowed as you heard someone in the back “what do you mean peter? Do you know what day it is”
“Yeah...its valentines day?” He said, looking away then looking right back. “Exactly peter- fuckin valentines day....and youre here with liz? Do you know what other day it is?” You asked, holding the flowers tight.
“I-i-“ “peter we fucking celebrated this for 5 years...how could you forget?” You asked, looking at him while his face grew red “did you also forget im your girlfriend or do i have to set a reminder for that too?” You asked, he let his mouth open before it closed again, not knowing what to say.
“Peter you said you wanted to watch this- y/n?” Liz asked, walking from the livingroom to you both, confused spread across her face. “Dont play fucking dumb, you knew today was- is our day” you said, biting your cheek and tapping your foot aggressively against the ground under you.
“Y/n this isnt a good time” he said, not wanting to argue and thats when your mouth slightly opened, fighting back tears that were gonna pool your eyes. “M-me? N-not the right t-time? P-peter” you looked, tilting your head at him as he gave you a sorry face. Liz stood in the background looking at you, still not knowing whats going on.
“Fuck you peter, its our fucking anniversary” you pushed the flowers in his chest, flipping off liz and swiftly walking off.
And you walked, the rain pouring as your fists were clenched tight, tears slipping away free willingly as you thought about the current situation, why you?.
You went to MJs, soaken on her front door, she asked what happened, you simply broke down on your knees and started to cry, heartbroken.
She immediately came outside, even in her small pajamas and bended down, holding you, getting herself soaken as she held you in her neck, letting you pour your heart out.
Peter tried his best to act like everything was okay, but it wasnt, he wanted to talk about his feelings with you but also wanted to give you your time, so he did, until he called you three days later.
And there you sat, on the couch, eyes droopy as he could tell you weren’t really taking care of yourself. You cuddled yourself while peter silently sat across from you, not knowing how to make conversation.
“Y/n...i swear i forgot” “weve been dating for five years peter, what is there to forget? You love liz dont you? Is this why you act like this? Why you havent gave me your full attention? You dont love me do you” and with that you broke your own heart, he doesnt love you. You cried, sniffled, and peter just watched, breaking his own heart too.
“Y/n i love you, i swear on my life i do” he sniffed, standing up and getting on his knees, his hands holding your chin making you look at his teary gaze.
“No you dont peter, just admit it” you said, he wiped your eyes. “Y/n i love you....im just not in love with you”
You heard your heart crack, literally you could hear your heart crack like glass. You frowned as your mouth slightly opened, your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes teared. “Please dont cry” he pleaded, looking up at you in a begging way and you couldnt help it, your shoulders slumped as you felt like you could barely breath, peter hugged you tightly, feeling the tears come down on his neck.
“I thought you wre the love of my life” you whispered, “i did too, y/n” he said, rubbing your back “i still love you, and my love will never be leaving y/n. I just want you to know that” he muttered, now playing with the material of your black sweater, while you just stared at the wall frozen, you didnt even hug him back, you just sat there, tears rolling down yout cheek as tou didnt know what else to do.
“Y/n?” “.......yes...” “I hope you love me too” his lips came together, leaning closer in your neck, thinking about it.
“Yeah, i do”
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fanficmemes · 3 years
idk if you remember but for a cursed sunday a while ago (i think it was your blog, not sure cause tumblr's search function is horrible) i sent an ask about drarry smut with magic acid that they drank and all that, and then today i also i sent one about spencer reid from cm...and-and dogs...
anyways! im here with more horribleness because im bored and the weight of the sins i have witnessed are too great for me to bear on the own (disclaimer: i do not condone any of the stuff ive talked about, and i do not wish to shame any fan writers bc just cause someone writes fucked up shit doesnt mean they personally think its ok and sending hate to someone you dont know is bad.)
teensie weensie 12 year old me was confused about my gender and looking for genderbent!harry potter fanfic to read. i stumble across a fic that says 'harry grows feline parts' in the summary, assuming the author made a typo and it was supposed to say feminine and click on it
NOPE!! he actually just grows cat ears and a cat tail. since i'm incapable of quitting stories, i read on even though i didn't particularly want to and my gut was giving me a bad feeling (i shouldn't listened)
harry is still at the dursleys, and the abuse is even more than in canon but nobody knows. snape is sent to fetch him and grumbles about it for a bit but then gets there and sees harry literally seconds away from death on the floor. he grabs him and goes to the headquarters where everyone is waiting. he gets healed, they give him some water but then tie him down to a chair and start questioning him about what happened at his house. he refuses, but then feels himself telling them anyway against his will, bc, plot twist, they fucking spiked his drink with truth serum without telling him.
so after they're done doing what is basically the magical equivalent of roofying and forcing him to give details about his bad home life he was not at all okay with talking about yet, he grows /another/ cat tail right next to the first. this is not explained outside of a couple lines about how its a genetic thing on his mom's side (btw, i dont remember it all perfectly, so plz cut my some slack)
insert 12 yo me's eyes bulging out of their head and quickly scrolling up to re-check the tags and being horrified that i somehow missed the snape/harry tag on it. what prompted this? oh, just a small little scene (/s) where snape basically jacks harry (who is still a minor /and/ one of his students) off but with one of the cat tails instead of his penis because?? because??
anyways, harry is (understandably) upset at everyone for the whole tying-him-down-drugging-him-and-forcing-him-to-reveal-information-he-was-not-ready-to-reveal situation so he decides to dip, change his appearance, and go into hiding under a different identity while staying at some hotel or smth.
there's a random subplot where he gets with draco, but as his secret identity whos is like,,,scottish i think and red head instead of himself and draco doesn't know?? however, when they're in bed right after finishing, the order (who have been trying for months to find him) burst through the door and catch him, then reveal his true identity. draco kinda just shrugs and says he would still be up for a second time because, rivals or not, harry was good in bed. harry has the exact same though process about draco and agrees, before draco leaves and doesn't come back into the plot ever again. (this is all happening in front of all of the other characters, who are pissed at harry for?? idek?? running away from them???)
so, they get mad at harry for a bit, there's some arguing, and then snape tells everyone to leave the room. he then proceeds to spank harry, bare skin on skin, as punishment and to get him to come back and join the order. i think someone cums, but i don't know for sure and idk who it was.
they finish up, exit the room, tell everyone harry isn't going to act out anymore, and thats the end. thats it. no explanation of the cat features, no reprimanding of /any/ of the characters' actions, no follow up on harry's emotions and thoughts on this, nope. nothing. the saddest part was prob that he was geniunely just,,,happier as his secret identity and doing nothing and enjoying the small things for months before the order made him come back.
btw, this was a oneshot and like 8k words i think??? i remember finishing and feeling unsatisfied cause i had to read all that and not even get a proper resolution. anyways, hope this was cursed enough for you. (sorry that its super long, i just didn't know how to condense all of this into something shorter)
What the fuck. 5.5/10
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flooffybits · 4 years
I Feel I Love You
Idol: Kim Bora (Dreamcatcher)
Anon: - How bout 8th member partnering up w/ Sua for a special stage, while theyre practicing together theres a moment where they get like faces inches apart close, they get lost staring at each other, things get awkward, the girls get worried bc theyre normally close, reader confesses to sua who doesnt answer. Theyre performing, the inches apart moment comes, sua whispers she likes reader back, the fans are curious about wat sua said and they just give each other this knowing look. tnx for ur time 😊
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Concerts were always nerve wracking and gave all of you such an adrenaline rush even before you could get on stage. During rehearsals, you could hardly stay seated as your nerves go haywire. There was always something about the whole thing that made you feel so alive and yet a tiny bit scared at the same time.
But like usual, you would always prepare a special stage with either one or two of your members and it appears that Bora decided that you would be her partner this time around when you were all discussing your lineup before tour started.
Gahyeon laughed at the helpless look on your face, teasing you since she knew just how flustered you would get around your older member. Siyeon had bid you good luck because knowing Bora, there was no way that your performance wouldn’t be extreme or over the top.
She liked to be flashy and extravagant, so you weren’t even surprised as she picked KARD’s Red Moon for your stage together. You had no doubt in her abilities of making this performance exciting, not only for you, but for your fans as well.
The first week, you were both stuck in the practice room, exchanging ideas and switching the actual choreography with your own little twists and it was hard to say but your little crush became not so little with the amount of time you had to spend with each other.
Add to the fact that you were way closer together when you danced compared to the actual choreography. Her hands would sometimes brush against your waist or she would encourage you with putting yours on her hips.
You sure earned a couple whistles and screams from your members whenever they watched the two of you practice. Handong had exclaimed at one point, asking if it really was you she was seeing and you playfully swatted her arm for teasing you, your face already red from practice, but the quick glance to your partner had only made it redder.
While Minji and Yubin were practicing their own performance, you took a quick break and laid down next to Bora as she wiped her face and handed you a bottle of water. “You look like you’re getting better and better with this dance.” She commented with a wide grin and you shake your head while placing the cool bottle on your neck to cool down.
“I’ve been practicing.” You panted as you let your arms drop to the floor and the older girl giggled before she looked at you. “Well, it’s nice that you are, but I hope you aren’t overworking yourself.” She says while reaching out to grab your towel and then wiping your forehead, keeping your hair from sticking to your forehead.
The action made you relax under her touch and you close your eyes with a soft hum coming from your lips and Bora smiles at your relaxed expression. “I’m not. I don’t think an argument with you or Jiu unnie is worth the exhaustion.” You comment, making the older girl laugh as she gave you a playful push.
“You better not be lying because it’s your butt.” She said threateningly as you stick your tongue out playfully. “You like my butt though.” The comment made her smirk before giving you a light pat. “I like all your butts, you’re not special.” She joked as you swatted her hand away and laughed as she pretend to try and reach for you again.
Gahyeon crinkled her nose at the two of you before squeaking when Bora managed to land a smack on your butt. “That was loud.” The maknae’s eyes widened when you sat up with a screech and Bora laughed loudly in amusement as you repeatedly hit her arm.
Yoohyeon shook her head while Handong giggled at your expression when Bora refused to apologize and even went to hit you again.
On the day of your performance, you and Bora had gotten much closer than you already were and your nerves were getting the best of you. The only difference was, you weren’t nervous because you were performing in front of all these people. What kept you anxious was the fact that you would have to dance with Bora, alone, without your members next to you.
You were sure you had gotten way too flustered on the many practices you had together, but Bora always brushed it off as you merely getting tired from all the practicing because you would also rehearse your group performances along with your special stage.
“Come on, Y/n, last practice before the big show.” Bora happily told you when she hopped to her feet and waved you over when your manager went to play the song for you as you both got into positions.
Your members sat in front of you as you both began to move with the flow of the music, movements sharp and hitting every beat right while your expressions were as fierce as ever while your members screamed and hollered just like your fans usually would while they also filmed for Dreamcatcher’s Note as a behind the scenes.
You both moved with precision and there was no denying the talent you both had radiating from you. Siyeon screamed in exaggeration when your hands grabbed Bora from behind and her back pressed flush against your front during one of the parts you decided to switch up just to hype the crowd up.
But when the older woman turned to look at you, a bright smile stretched across her face, you couldn’t help but admire just how beautiful she looked up close and the words fell from your lips before you even realized it.
“God, I’m in love with you.”
Your words caused both of you to stop moving and your face paled when you held your breath and her expression flattened until you weren’t sure what was going through her mind. Bora had stopped moving as well, staring at you as your members watched on, both confused and worried as you stared each other down.
You just wanted the ground to swallow you and get you out of the awkward situation you placed yourself in, but there was no getting out of this. “I-”
“Let’s try it one more time, sorry about that.” Bora didn’t even wait as she went back to the first position and Gahyeon cast you a worried look as you swallowed thickly and went to position, doing your best to keep a straight face.
But knowing that you may have just ruined your relationship with the older girl, you found it hard to keep your thoughts on the performance and stumbled a few times before catching yourself, worrying the girls further when Bora refused to speak or even look at you.
You did your best to stay away, got your makeup and clothes ready in silence, speaking with your other members when they approached you and you plastered on your best smile to seem unfazed about what happened between you and the dancer, unaware of her eyes following after you when you weren’t aware.
Finally, it was time to take the stage and you sucked in a deep breath, adjusting your jacket as the lights dimmed and the sound of your fans screaming greeted your ears when you went into position.
Despite what happened off stage, you did your best to push it aside and focused on the performance instead of the weight on your shoulders. Fans yelled as you threw them playful little smirks and did certain moves before it finally came to the same part where you had successfully embarrassed yourself in front of Bora.
But much to your surprise, her hand reached out and grasped at the collar of your shirt, tugging you closer to her so your noses barely brushed against each other and her expression grew soft for just a split second.
“I thought I made it clear that I was already in love with you.”
She let a smirk creep up her lips just to feed the crowd further with her charisma and stage presence, but everyone near enough could see that her lips didn’t move in time with the song, making them wonder just what the dancer said because your dumbfounded expression made them even more curious before you went back with the same grinning expression you wore since the beginning of the performance.
It wasn’t a surprise for fans to be asking about what happened during your performance, making up stories and theories while others were merely talking about how well the performance went in general.
But when you were all finally home and freshened up in the dorm, ready to get some sleep, Bora wasn’t too surprised to see you walk into her and Yoohyeon’s room. “Yoohyeon stole Dami again.” You complain as you collapse on the bed and lay next to the shorter woman, your face buried in her pillows as she laid on her side and grinned at you.
“So you’re only here because you don’t have Dami? And here I thought you came here because you were finally going to ask me out.” She teased as her fingers gently ran through your hair before resting on the small of your back when you turned your head to look at her, eyes narrowed. “You’re older, shouldn’t you be the one asking me?” You shot back before she tutted.
“A queen does not ask. A queen only receives proposals.” She grinned at you before you huffed and rolled your eyes. “Thinking about marriage already. Are you sure that you’re not rushing things, unnie?”
The brunette pinched your side lightly, making you squirm before she scoffed. “You can be so unromantic, you know that?” She asked you before you laughed and lifted your head to place a light kiss at the corner of her lips and then laying back down, though this time with your head on her chest.
“As unromantic as I am, you like me anyway.” She blinks down at you for a while before a little smile appeared on her face as she let her fingers tangle with your hair, noting how your eyes were slowly beginning to shut as she hummed lightly. “I guess I can’t argue with that one.” She murmured before reaching over to turn the desk lamp off.
While she was used to falling asleep when once the sun peeked through her curtains, seeing you sleeping peacefully beside her made Bora feel lighter and unlike most nights, decided that turning in early wasn’t too bad.
She had you to hold, anyway.
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“haiii 🥺 can i request some headcannons for kageyama, akaashi and the miya twins where their s/o gives them the silent treatment after a fight?? sorry if this makes your work harder 🥺”
nono it’s fine i love writing cute shit so it’s all good!!!!!!!! i hope you like it!!!
* Fights with him aren’t the worst out of the four, but they’re still scary enough.
* So when you glare at him???? And walk into your shared bedroom and slam the door?????
* He’s so SCARED.
* Like literally nothing makes him more scared than you being pissed off at him.
* Now he feels bad for starting the fight with you.
* So he’s knocking the door and when you don’t reply, it further proves his statement: he’s dead.
* When it’s time for dinner, you still haven’t taken a step out of the room, and he’s knocking on the door and going,” (Y/N), baby, do you want to have dinner?”
* He feels so BAD DJEIGIGIGI and he eats dinner alone that day. :(
* And when it’s time for bed you finally come out of the room, and when he comes to you, trying to apologise, you completely ignore him, and rifle through the kitchen cupboards to get out a box of cereal.
* So when you sit down on the couch and you’re turning on the television, he’s sitting down next to you as well.
* “(Y/N), i’m sorry for shouting at you just now,” he’s saying, and rubbing circles in your arm.
* And when you still ignore him???? HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!
* “(Y/N)...i’m really sorry, please forgive me,” he’s saying, and when you make the mistake of looking at his eyes.
* And when you finally sigh and nod, he’s so happy, and he’s hugging you again.
* Literally next time if you’re mad at him, don’t look him in the eyes, because that will be your downfall LOL
* Fights with Akaashi are VERY rare, because that man is just so sweet and knows everything about you.
* But when a fight happens??? It’s going to escalate into a bad situation very, very fast.
* When you glare at him, and say nothing, picking your phone up and locking yourself in your shared bedroom, he knows he’s done something wrong, and he’s glaring down at the floor.
* Bc he knows you so well, he knows that whenever something like that happens, you want to be left alone for a while to calm down, so he does just that.
* When you don’t come out for lunch, or dinner, he’s going to get really worried.
* He knows that you’re probably not coming out because of him and so he’ll make a big show of dangling the house keys together to show that he’s leaving the house.
* And when he returns, you’re sitting by the window, reading a book.
* “(Y/N),” he’s saying, but it’s very clear that you’re ignoring him.
* “I’m sorry, love,” he’s saying, crouching down beside you, and softly placing a bouquet of flowers on the floor beside you.
* FFOFIEIEIE OFC he had to be such a sweet guy even during a fight.
* And when you turn to look at him, he’s telling you that hey, let’s chat over the dining table, because he wants to talk it out with you.
* He’s not going to let you go to bed mad at him, and you’re not going to argue against that.
* This man!!!! He loves you so, so much.
* But when he accidentally says the wrong words, and he knows he did judging by the way your eyes widen and your eyebrows furrow, he’s still too stubborn to chase after you when you grab your phone to leave the house.
* He’s so stubborn.
* But when you don’t return his calls, or respond to his text messages, he’s getting worried.
* When it’s dinner time, and you still haven’t returned...he’s full on freaking out now.
* Then he remembers that you will never, ever stay the night out unless you’re visiting your parents, so you’re most likely coming home.
* And when you return home, still angry and a little hungry, you spot a platter of Onigiri on the table, with Osamu looking up at you after hearing the keys in the keyhole, and he’s smiling hopefully at you.
* You’re still so angry, though, so you completely ignore him and stalk to the room to have a cold shower.
* When you come out of the shower, he’s carrying you up by the waist and bringing you to the kitchen and ignoring how you hit him when he does that.
* “Eat.”
* He’s telling you, and when you glare at him and angrily shove a piece in your mouth...your anger slowly melts away when you TASTE SUCH GOOD FOOD.
* And when you’ve had your fill, he’s apologising to you and asking if the two of you can talk it out.
* Oh my god. Out of the four, the worst person to fight with is him.
* He’s so INSISTENT, that he’s correct, and he won’t back down because admitting that he’s wrong is simply astounding.
* So when it’s clear that he isn’t going to stop, you’re grabbing your phone and storming into the room.
* The words he said were plain stupid, because he doesn’t think when he gets too angry, and you’re so pissed.
* You completely ignore him when he comes into the room to take something, and he completely ignores you as well.
* This goes on for the next few days.
* You sleep in the GUEST ROOM at night.
* But on the third day of your silent treatment with you, he’s waking you up with a soft peck on your forehead.
* And you’re like?????? NO. So you turn away from him and curl up closer to the wall.
* “(Y/N), please.”
* You’re ignoring him, because he was completely in the wrong!!!!!
* Then you hear it.
* “I’m sorry.”
* It’s so soft, but it’s there.
* “What??” you’re a little shit and decide to ask him to repeat it again.
* “I’m sorry.”
* AND WHEN YOU SMILE, he’s so happy and he’s tackling you into a hug.
diejfifirirk hi anon i hope this is okay!!!!
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dvrlingrenjun · 4 years
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genre: fluff, hogwarts au, winter themed, kind-of soulmate au (not really).
paring: gryffindor!jisung x house-neutral!reader (gender neutral? idk) ft. hufflepuff!chenle & mentions of stray kids felix but doesn't have a huge role.
summary: chenle trying to play cupid for you and jisung was awful, but his efforts weren't in vain.
warnings: mentions of food (honeydukes), chenle dipping like every 5 seconds idk
wc: >1.6k
rose’s notes: hello! like to start off by, this imagine doesnt have too many details about hogwarts. so i hope people who haven't read/watched harry potter understands mostly everything :> secondly, my secret santa is @dreamiehrs ! ah i'm sorry jenna it's a day late ;-; i hope you like this small imagine nonetheless. and lastly, thank you @yongiefilms for stressing, staying up with me to finish both of our works, and proofreading. couldn't do anything without you bitch <3
the soulmate thing i tried was: "when you kiss your soulmate for the first time your entire body glows" but a confession instead (ง •̀_•́)ง
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to be honest, you didn’t know what your relationship with park jisung. it was confusing to say the least. one week he would watch the stars with you in the astronomy tower and hold your hand while running away from mr. filch’s wrath for staying up too late. but the next week he acts as if he was annoyed by your presence.
unfortunately for chenle, he was both of your best friends since year one. he was stuck in the middle of this unfortunate situation, hearing both of you rant about each other simultaneously. the endless conversations started to get to chenle’s head to where he could no longer focus on one thing for too long, debating with himself on the matters between the two of you. he desperately wanted the whole problem to be solved already, simply wishing for the two of you to finally be together.
so chenle had come up with an idea for you two to finally confess to each other. to play cupid and so he did. what he planned.
his plan started when you three planned to go to hogsmeade. so here you are, outside of honeydukes, sitting on one of the benches. it wasn't snowing yet but all of the leaves had fallen down the trees. you and chenle were bantering about whether or not every flavor beans were awful or not. while jisung focused on his pink coconut ice, paying no attention to the two of you. chenle sighs giving up on the mini argument, when a certain blonde guy caught his eye.
it was like a lightbulb turned on in his head, chenle found a way to leave the two of you alone. the plan starts now. chenle thought.
chenle stands up from the bench all three of you were previously sitting in. he calls out felix's name hurriedly, the older boy turning around just in time to wait for him.
chenle starts putting away his belongings including his every flavor beans you two recently argued about, and speaks.
“hey i need to work on a partner project with felix, i'll head out first. see you guys at charms class.” he waves goodbye at both of you before jogging to felix.
you blink, not knowing what to do. turning around to jisung, who still was focusing on the pink coconut ice. you opened your mouth to talk but ultimately decided not to, assuming that he isn't in the mood to converse with you. you turned away from the light brown hair boy, opting to eat your chocoballs in the awkward silence instead. much to chenle’s disliking.
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seeing how the first time, flaking on you and jisung didn't work, chenle tried the same tactic one more time. this time, you three were at the library, you sitting next to jisung since chenle insists on having the free chair next to him. you were studying subjects like arithmancy and some other subjects you guys weren't the best at. when changing subjects to potions was when chenle said he would go to the restroom, he never came back. making jisung had no choice but to ask you questions about magical properties of some numbers he was having trouble with.
you were done with chenle’s shenanigans. looking for your best friend through the corridors, you finally caught sight of him walking through the courtyard talking to felix. the older noticed you walking towards chenle, wanting to give you two some privacy. he said his farewells to chenle and a nod towards you as an acknowledgment, walking away after.
“what? planning?” chenle asked innocently after his coughing fit was over.
“oh you know, the one where you ditch jisung and i multiple times.” you deadpanned, letting go of chenle’s shoulder.
you shook your head, giving up interrogating the boy, as long as whatever chenle’s planning isn't hurting anyone. then you don't care, you suppose.
a few days have gone by and winter break was emerging, making chenle’s matchmaking plans come to a halt for now.
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it was christmas eve morning when you woke up to a loud knock on your bedroom door. you muttered a soft ‘coming!’ before getting off of your cozy bed. thinking it was one of your family members wanting for you to wake up early again. opening the door, you hissed at the person,
“what do you want.” your eyelids closing on themselves from being just woken up.
jisung raises his arm in defense, “easy there tiger, i just wanted to hang out with you during christmas eve.”
knowing that all familiar voice, you shut the door. there was no way you would allow for jisung to see you like this. you didn't bother looking for your hair brush, as you started to untangle the knots in your hair, while looking at a mirror to see if you looked okay.
jisung continued what he was going to say, even if a door was in the way. “i asked chenle to come with me to jump you but he was busy spending time with family. oh yeah i already asked your family to go out and they agreed.” jisung added.
“okay! i’ll go get ready.” you spoke before looking at your wardrobe, thinking what you should wear.
when you wore the clothing to your liking, you finally decided to open your door, wearing some heavy clothes for the snow. you saw jisung waiting out there with his muggle phone at hand.
you and jisung headed to the front door, seeing family members in the living room. you said your goodbyes to your family and left on your way to…
“wait jisung, where are we going?” you asked, looking ahead at the small snowflakes lightly falling down.
“we’re going to an ice-skating rink! how does that sound?” jisung eye-smiled, moving his head slightly to the beat of the christmas songs playing in the background.
“oh that sounds fun!” you liked the idea of ice skating with park jisung.
feeling a sudden breeze, you shoved your hands down your pockets, even though you wore really warm clothing it still was just as cold, the harsh wind biting against your not so exposed skin
seeing you shivering, he stopped walking and reached inside the paper bag you noticed earlier.
“here, i was going to give this to you once we got to the ice-skating rink but i think you would like this now.” jisung pulls his hand out and gives you white mittens that have a cute snowman on one of the corners of the wool. you grabbed the mittens, looking at how adorable the mittens are.
“oh thank you!” you smiled, putting on the mittens. carrying onto the ice skating rink.
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when you two reached the rink, you grabbed your respective shoe sizes and finally got to the ice. holding onto jisung’s arm to stabilize yourself,
“did i mention i have never gone ice skating?” you brought up.
"no, but it's okay. you can hold onto me.” jisung offered.
you nodded taking the offer, fixated on trying not to slip on the slippery ice. everything was going well so far with some minor hiccups, until you felt a small dip in the ice making you plummet to the cold hard ice.
of course with you holding onto jisung, you brought jisung down with you. jisung catching himself on top of you.
“ah.” jisung blushed mumbling, he stared into your eyes, noticing how close your faces are.
you and jisung laid there, the both of you being absorbed into the situation. you saw the sparkles in his eyes. something in your gut tells you to confess right now. right there. and so you do.
“i like you,” you breathed out, you felt like you were glowing, you felt like nothing can stop you. “i like you so much, park jisung.”
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you and jisung finally became a happy couple after the ice skating rink incident. at the end of the holiday break, you walked hand-in-hand with jisung to station 9⅓ heading back to hogwarts. you two met chenle on the train, he smiles widely noticing the skinship between you and jisung.
“so did my matchmaking skills pay off?” chenle asked, moving his pet owl to the side of the booth.
blush paints jisung’s cheeks, trying to deny chenle’s statement. “absolutely not.”
but chenle knew they had and so did jisung and you.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beetlejuice x reader
Beej and reader have a fight, reader pretends beej is invisible to get back at him
Sorta nsft, crude language
"I cant believe you, I asked you multiple times, we had a deal and still"
Beetlejuice, after promising he wouldnt, scared the piss out of your friend who dropped by to help you fix your laptop, you two had a deal, he refrains from scaring and you buy him those salted tarantulas he loved so much. But no, he broke your deal. Your poor friend was was in tears it was so bad, he even left his coat behind, even worse he wouldnt responded to your calls or texts as you were trying to do damage control and cover up what beetlejuice did.
"Come on babes, i was doing ya a favor-"
"How?! By ruining what little soical life I have?! Making the people I care about be afraid to come near me?!" You snap back, you didnt have many friends, there was nothing wrong with that, you just only had a few, and now you're terrified that you lost one for good because of the demon.
Glancing to your phone, still no response
"Well he's gotta come back for his coat sugar" beetlejuice shrugs
You scowl at the ghoul, Beetlejuice's confidence shrinks at the sight of how mad you really were, to the point it looked like you were going to cry, he huffs.
"Like I said sugar, I was doing you a favor, I KNOW guys like that, they help a gal out, in hopes they'll get a little-"
the ghoul flinches at your tone, purple hue taking over his appearance, you never raised your voice to that extent.
"We had a deal, you broke it cuz you dont care about anything but a cheap thrill" you were right in his face, it was a weird scene, a delicate breather yelling at a demon they have backed into the wall.
"Whoa there, believe me, your friend-"
"I don't want to hear it, if shit went bad I would have called you, but they would never do that, you're just looking for an excuse to-" you sigh, deflating and anger being replaced with exhaustion "who cares, theres no point in even arguing with you, just forget it" you back down, and shuffle to your bedroom to mope, curious on why you gave up, beetlejuice follows, till he gets to your room, placing his ear against the door, nothing.
He huffs, okay so maybe he just wanted to scare your friend, to have his cake and eat it too, and maybe he was jealous at how well the two of you got along, and yeah he was lying on how he could tell your friend had alternative motives, but hes a demon straight from hell, scaring is what he does, deal or no deal, you dont ask a bird to stop flying. Floating over to the living room he flops down on the couch, he sighs, whatever, you'll be back to your easy going self tomorrow, and you'll forgive him, like always, you were the bigger person after all.
Morning comes and Beetlejuice perks up when he sees you heading to the kitchen to start your morning routine, he quickly joins you, eager to see if your not as mad as you were for his little joke.
"Morning babes"
No response, maybe you're still half asleep.
"G'morning" the tries again a little louder, still no response, he huffs, grabbing onto your arm and giving it a yank, causing you to stumble "I said, morning"
You yank your arm back, refusing to look at the ghoul as you continue to make your coffee
You brush past him as if he was invisible, you were still mad.
"So you're gonna give me the cold shoulder huh? You're gonna regret that" he mutters watching you stare at your phone as you enjoyed your morning coffee.
It starts off simple, beetlejuice slapping your phone out of your hand, and you picking it back up as if you dropped it, then he bumped it up following you around the house being in the way, following you into your room, leaning against the door watching you get dressed, making lewd comments and gestures the entire time
"Pretty cute panties sugar, shame they don't match the bra" "why dont you just hang around in your undies today baby? It's too hot to not" giving you a jerking off motion the whole time you were changing.
But Still no response from you, you were being so stone faced, beetlejuice had to legit question if he was invisible again, he wasnt. What happened to his jumpy easily embarrassed breather? Were you really that upset?
The entire day went on like this, every time you would make eye contact with beej he would pull a disgusting face to try and get something from you, dehinging his jaw, and have a tarantula crawl out, or replacing his eyes with mouths, at one point he pull out all the stops, a face so horrible and horrific, he did get you to react,seeing the colour drain from your face, but you made a quick retreat to the bathroom to regroup, a small victory and he took it, shame you didnt scream or curse at him though.
Leaning against the closed bathroom door he snickers "nice try babes, I'll give ya that, but no one can ignore the ghost with the most, so how about you drop this silly game"
No response
Enough was enough, Hes had it with this childish game, you're supposed to be the bigger person not him, beetlejuice phases his head through the door, completely red "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED Y/N" he shrieked, steam practically coming out of his ears.
And as if on cue, you leave the bathroom as if you didnt have a ghost head screaming at you on the door.
The red quickly leaves Beetlejuice's hair and is replaced with an awful mix of blue and purple, this was worse then being banished, he'd rather have you yelling at him then this, at least you'd be talking to him, acknowledging him, pulling his head out of the door, he floats after you.
Seeing you sitting on the couch messing around with your phone, he sits down next to you, you dont look up from what you're doing, but you do notice his now purple and blue hue, as bad as you feel about that, You cant break now.
The rest if the evening beetlejuice hung close by you, never saying a word, never touching you, just being there, watching you.
As you head to bed, the ghoul doesnt follow, he stays behind twiddling his thumbs, feeling rotten, he forgot how awful it was to be invisible, and hell he wasnt, he was just being treated as such, what's gotten into you? You're never this strict on being mad with him, you normally would break by now. He sighs, were you really that mad at him messing with your friend? How long will this go on? He didnt want the one breather he cared for so much to pretend he wasnt there anymore. Being invisible sucks, being alone sucks, he wants your attention back, he wants you back.
As you get yourself ready for bed, you hear a knock at your door, weird, cuz beetlejuice would either just barge in or walk through the wall, before you could debate on acknowledging him you hear him speak
"Hey, y/n? I get it, you're pissed, and this is you getting back at me, yeah, I know I broke our deal, and our promise, and scared the piss out of that scrawny breather, and I'm sorry"
You basically go bug eyed at that, you didnt think beetlejuice was capable of apologizing
"I'd rather you be screaming at me till you're blue in the tits, then to have you ignore me, a harsh reminder how lonely I use to be when I was invisible, without you, so..." he trailed off
You opened the door to see the demon, completely purple, he flinches at the sight of you, nervous on how you'd react
"I forgive you" you say softly
You see Beetlejuice's expression change on a dime, to depressed to over joyed, in a split second you were in him arms, his scruffy beard rubbing against your neck as he spun you around the room, once the spinning stops the demon still hold you tight, refusing to let your feet touch the ground.
"That's all I wanted from you, an apology" you manage to squeak out
"You should have said so sweets"
"That's not the point" you push away from the ghoul as a signal you want to be pit down, he reluctantly does so "the point is I shouldn't have to tell you, and I know it's something we gotta work on if we're gonna make this whole thing work, I dont like being mad at you" you sigh "but let's drop it for tonight yeah?" You walk over to the bed, turning to face the demon, slightly purple, fiddling with his tie, you give him a soft smile "would you like to sleep with me tonight?"
The purple hue quickly leaves him and is replaced with soft pink and green, yes beetlejuice has slept with you on many occasions, but was NEVER invited, he always just snuck in while you were asleep and see your embarrassed face in the morning.
"Only if you'll respect me in the morning, babes"
You snort a laugh "of course Beej"
In a flash you were tucked in with beetlejuice next to you, his arms wrapped around you, more then two, hands holding you as if you would up and leave him, one tangled in your hair, one rubbing your back, one on each shoulder, hell you even felt them gripping your ankles, and yet not a one groping you in any way, it was a mess of limbs.
"I guess you're not invisible anymore huh?" You whisper
The demon snorts, pulling you closer to his side "you're gonna regret that joke sugar"
You try to smile but are interrupted with a yawn.
"Night sweets"
Waking up in the middle of the night as you're known to do, forgetting the demon was holding you, you wake up in an anxious state, you quickly calm down when you remember what happened earlier. The ghoul's hands were still all over you, still shocked that not a single one has tried to grope you, as he was known to do.
You sigh content that your little childish game got the better of him, yes you felt bad about it, but it paid off to get him to take something seriously.
As you were about to go back to sleep a low grumble catches your attention, looking over to beej, in the dark you you could see he was more purple then green, you frown.
"Y/n don't leave me alone...." a low mumble, Beetlejuice's grip tightens around you, pulling you close to him, was he talking in his sleep?
You snuggle close to the demon, gently kiss his lips and whisper
"I wont, I promise"
Despite the ghoul being asleep you swear you see him smile.
Tomorrow you'll make it up to him for your childish torment.
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Caius Volturi x reader
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Request: "Random #6 and #32, Kisses #4 on the prompt list with Caius Volturi. If your feeling up to it?" By anon
#6: “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
#32: "I could punch you right now.”
#4: Kiss on the neck
(Hey anon! Thanks for requesting. This is the first one for our blond vampire, I hope you enjoy it!)
Not long after joining the Volturi's coven, you had found out about your "mate". You had met him once before, though your first meeting ended up in a fit of nasty words and ended up leaving a hatred for each other. You knew that even though he was always like that, it still hurt in the slightest. Though when you and him argued you always found a way to make up some way or another. When words just didnt need to be said, a subtle glance in each others direction always seemed to do the trick. To not think about it alot, most of the time you would occupy your time with reading in the library. It was quiet and was very comfortable. One of the first places they had shown you and immediately you felt like this was the place you felt most at ease. You came here everyday. Not just to read but to think, to wonder what your family/friends were up to.
Luckily they had granted you a sliver of access to a phone, so that at anytime you could call your family or friends if need be. Which was once a week at most but if you felt like something was happening it would change to twice a week. The phone wasnt in the library but where the secretary was. She was a kind lady who didnt ask question and was quite calm about the fact she worked for vampires. You liked her but you knew one day she'd be gone and another would take her place. You always made sure to never be in the way of that. That being their feeding time or trials. So sticking to the library until aro or one of the guards came to inform you that they were through was the plan.
Alot of the time you would go and play chess with aro. You had never played before so it took alot of practice and patience for you to finally learn how to play. When you did however, aro had felt he met his match, so he requested you play every other day for a small competition. If he won you would have to join him and his brothers to a trial. If you won however he had to do whatever you wanted him to do. This went on as a silly little game of sorts that went on for months. That was until today. You joined aro for your annual game and decided to up the ante a bit. If you won he and his brother had to accompany you on a night out. To a dinner with all four of you and hopefully a movie if they were comfortable. He agreed and so did Marcus, they both loved the idea of going out for dinner even though you'd be the only one actually "eating". Aros request was always the same, come to a trial and watch. See what they do and how they go about disobedient vampires and all the little rule breakers. You gave it some thought until you also agreed. When you did you sealed it with a handshake and a giddy smile and wiggled in your seat. Just as you were about to start you hear a loud sigh right behind you. You turned and came face to face with a infuriated looking Caius. He shakes his head with an obvious scowl on his face. "Why must you always agree to these stupid little requests brother!? You always lose, I seem to think you do it on purpose." He says through clenched teeth "Well for your information, I seem to recall a certain conversation between us. Do you remember? Or is your memory your frailty?" He snaps his head back to the wall across from him. He slams his fists on the table and gets up. Rushing out of the room not even using his ability to run. Aro sighs out in utter frustration. "If only he was a bit more accepting than maybe we would be considered "normal". I am so very sorry for his behavior y/n." "Why should you be sorry for his outburst?" "We as brothers had a agreement with him not long ago. About a week or so ago. He doesnt want you coming to any of the trials as of the next few months." Confusion runs through your mind, but why your very much willing to attend but why would he care? "He does care for you y/n. More than I've ever seen him care for another." You scrunch up your face, how did he know. "Why would he act this way if he does care then?" He smiles slightly "We have some very dangerous people coming in the next few months. He's afraid they may see you and want to hurt you. Yes, we all are afraid of that but he is the most concerned." You look off to the side, contemplating whether or not you should go and confront him. Suddenly you feel a hand take yours "We can continue this-" he gestures at the chess board "-at some other time, go to him." You nod and get up.
There was only one place you could guess he was, the library. When you arrived there, you could clearly see the back of his head. His blonde hair laying flat against his back and shoulders. You approach him slowly, you could tell he knew you were there. He turns slightly, catching a glimpse of you. "What do you want?" He says not paying attention to you anymore. You walk up beside him and lean down, pushing aside his hair for a split second "What are yo-" he says but groans immediately as he feels your lips against the side of his neck. If he had a pulse surely it would be racing right now. He lays his head back against the chair, he sighs out and smiles slightly. You detach from him and go up to his ear and whisper “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.” he groans again "Ugh why must you be so difficult?" You let out a short laugh "Why must you make things so hard for me. Make me believe you hate me, I truly thought that for the longest time. Listen, if you dont want me to go the trials I wont but you will go out and eat with me and the others. We can go get dinner, then we can come back. Maybe me and you can spend some time together, maybe I dont know try to get along better?" He clenches his jaw. "Thank you for understanding why I dont want you there. I'm sorry I make you feel unloved. I've never had a mate before, I've gone so long without one that I never knew what it was like to be loved. I never said I didnt want to go to the dinner, though sometimes your little requests are quite odd. I would also like spending time with you. I want to make this work." You smile and take his hand "I'm very glad, though I'm going to be honest with you. I could punch you right now, but I love you to much to hurt you, so maybe instead of doing that we can go get dinner and perhaps "make up"?" He smirks and squeezes your hand in his "I would like that." He says as he gets up and pulls you toward the library door "Now let's go see if you can beat aro yet again." You giggle slightly, maybe now you both can be "normal" then being at each others necks.
(Hey again, I hope you enjoyed and that it was good enough for you. If you did like it please remember requests are always open. Please have an amazing day and stay safe out there in the world!)
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