#i Cannot think about potential plot lines that couldve been better
crunchycrystals · 2 years
kotlc has so many flaws but i love the world and the characters so i simply turn my brain off when i read the series i just vibe with whatever happens and if i think about what we've lost i'll go insane
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my thoughts on the lorien legacies reborn series [spoilers]
i think it sucked
i loved most of the characters to bits and they all deserved better (in terms of characterisation, plot)
nigel. oh my god nigel i love him so much
ran takeda deserved SO MUCH BETTER im still mad
the way they hinted at a whole bunch of romances but only made the one i dont give a shit about canon
i really really hate white girl taylor cook
yes, having a white american girl as the main character IS diversity :))))))
isabela is cool as shit and i wish i was her
i love their fleshed out backstories but i wish i couldve heard more
THERE WAS LITERALLY NO DEVELOPMENT IN MOST OF THEM (personally i think the series was cut short bc they all had so much more room to grow)
(it gave off percy jackson movies energy)
it hurts me how the writing hinted that nigel would get his heroic moment but he literally never did 
and then nigel was left with what? his only best friend dead, his parents corrupt assholes and him still not having healed from his trauma- still the underdog
ALSO: NIGEL WAS THE ONLY CANONICALLY GAY CHARACTER (except for maybe daunphen but still that doesnt really count bc its only implied) but they just like. didnt give him a love interest. 
nic was literally right there- that homoerotic moment really hit me and i just read it over and over
ran’s death was really well done but also COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE
if isabela had just told einar to stfu and shoot lucas it wouldve all been over and ran and five would still be alive 
speaking of which, ran and five were a super cute couple/friendship i cant tell but i like their dynamic a lot
five saying that he “actually likes” ran is essentially a confession of love in his terms
caleb. i liked him. but he was so boring and straight. i think his development wouldve been great if they just DID SOMETHING WITH HIM
also idk whether to ship isabela with caleb or daunphen but personally i like to think of daunphen as trixic which is unrelated
caleb literally. had potential. troubled home life. not as bad as the others but he never really stopped being an uptight little bitch
if he had, i think he wouldve been great
do they have a name? i feel like they do but i cant remember
like... what a mix of characters, i love how they work together
personally i think theyre just the gay friend group
on the topic of einar,
i KNOW i shouldnt love him the way i do but if you didnt want me to love him you SHOULDNT HAVE GIVEN HIM REDEEMING QUALITIES
(same with five)
literally einar’s final monologue hurt me so much even though he nearly did drown nigel in gen 1 but still
“will you- will you finally listen?” yea kill me now 
i really hated how they brought the villain in in the final book. the fuck. who even gives a shit about lucas. no one remembers him
also it feels slightly political to make the main villain a radical christian who wants to convert the earth garde by killing them
listen i could talk about einar all day
i think he and isabela were a great friendship... of sorts
i mean did einar ever really let anyone close enough to him to make friends
but hes just so... S O F T
no hes not 
but he is to me 
kopano really deserved a better gf than taylor
also i wanted to see more of miki
again i will reiterate i think nic and nigel wouldve made a great couple
i keep forgetting theyre all just teenagers and thats kinda painful
einar was just a kid bro 
so much potential
hmm am i forgetting anyone?
lets talk about john smith
that man has a hero complex and its really annoying and part of me is really glad he wasnt the one to save the day this time but also i didnt want ran to die so
i think it wouldve been fitting if einar just ended it all since he kinda started the whole fiasco
fuck bea barnaby and her homophobic (and also mass-murdering) ass
the john and marina thing shouldve been forgotten completely no one ships them pls 
they had their one true loves just let them be without an s/o thanks
ella deserved to have more screen (? its a book) time bc she was my favourite character in the original series
hes the loml
also the part where lucas (in the body of john) rips off his cybernetic arm really hurt me
i kinda wish taylor died instead of ran
kill off the heroic white girl instead: the fifth wave style
john is such a stupid selfish bastard honestly but having a hero complex a valid flaw but still. i cannot deal with his bullshit all the time
writing one line on john and nine reuniting was cruel when you know most of the fandom ships them
also i like einar’s softening up near the end, and treating the group like they were his actual friends 
i wish we couldve seen more of them
i love myself a found family ragtag group situation
even though 2 of them died 
and the other has an inhibitor in his head, gets shocked every 3 minutes and took the fall for everyone
but hes just a kid
my thoughts are so scattered
omg stop i think i relate to einar... no..... not the literal mass murderer “terrorist” psychopath
he’s uptight and always needing to be in control
but he feels the pressure of having to be perfect to everyone else, and thus falls apart on the inside
gosh i wish i didnt love einar the way i do
final thoughts (but i’ll probably add even more): ran :’( nigel :( taylor >:( caleb :| einar :’( isabela >:) daunphen :D john :|
i hope no one reads this
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
Time! Line! Asks! Roona: 2! Craving: 5! I make you be nice to Craving asmr!!! Ezra: 7! Gildy: 14! Tov: 8! Did I just go through your active characters page! Yes!!!! Go nuts king!!!
hee hee hoo hoo!!!!!!!!!! thank u rebekah!!!! (also thanks for the reminder to add gent and take off gildy from my active characters nnsfsdkl)
2. the timeline in which they never met who would become the most influential or important person in their life, or that person was taken from them before they were capable of forming memories.
Now this is an interesting one for roona, because they genuinely don’t have a single person in their life that i consider to be hugely influential. like, i guess at the moment you could say sepia man, for trapping her in black and white hell, or vinny, for talking her into taking that job.
but honestly, roona doesn’t form long-term attachments, and that’s not a sad thing for her! she enjoys the constant change, and she has plenty of good memories and people she considers friends, but she just doesn’t hang around any of them long enough to experience a lot of change that wouldn’t have otherwise occurred had she not been trying with that exact purpose.
so, in some ways, this timeline is pretty much identical to the one they’re in now. they float around from place to place without much regard for what they’re going to and what they’re leaving behind outside of following the trail of interest they’re currently on.
in other ways, removing any one person from their life would disrupt the timeline just as much as anyone else, because every single place she’s been and person she’s met has tweaked her path in life just a little bit. roona functions like a domino snake, falling moment to moment to moment and not able to see ahead because theres the thing thats happening right now in the way, but if you turn one domino even a little, you might miss the next one entirely and stop the trail right then, or skip to another area. so picking any random person to remove from her life very well could mean that alternate universe roona is still on the material plane, across the country from where they and vinny last were, a college of whispers bard multiclassed with rogue posing as a cleric just to get better gossip.
roona lives her life unchanged, yet utterly changed, and always random.
5. the timeline in which they continue on from the current point in their life to the best happy ending within their reach, where nothing that has happened so far is negated, but the happy things start piling up
craving’s backed herself so far into a corner that there’s no happy ending for her without some strife first. so we’ll get that out of the way.
the party finds out who her patron is. maybe judhas lets it slip, maybe she gets drunk again and spills it to val in a heart to heart about their devil cult trauma, maybe the morning lord sends manic and message and she can’t bear to lie to him when he’s sitting right next to her and asking so sincerely what she did to try and let him walk the high road.
and she cries. she cries, and she screams, and she pushes people away, and she retreats beneath her own skin and tries to hide because she knows this is her fault but she cannot admit she fucked up because she has to believe in what she’s doing if she’s going to see it through.
but someone snaps her out of it. someone gives her an exit. someone (or several someones) vow to stand by her side without judgement and get her out of this mess no matter the cost because they don’t believe that she’s as hopelessly damned as the rest of the world.
they break out of barovia first and foremost. they stab that vampire bitch right through the heart.
she gets to tell judhas to fuck the hell off, and god does it feel good.
then, she discovers the location of sirris’ true soul, that it is not in hell, and she has no reason to have her pact anymore, and she finds a way to break it, even against the queen of loopholes.
she runs into stella again, a free woman, and its been so damn long since they saw each other. they both had their trauma turned on them to manipulate them into subversion and they both are tearing that control apart from the inside. so they clean each others wounds and kiss each other’s bruises and craving finally says “i love you” because god damn it, she does, and she knows stella already knew, but her star deserves to hear it.
manic has a happy ending too, because he and craving are too close for her to have one without him. he sticks with the morninglord, i think. this god seems good for him, even if he won’t really be your typical preacher-type paladin. he probably finds love again in val. if not romance, at the very least family. at least one of her and manic gets a cat again.
craving lives her life supported, wanted, and free.
7. the timeline in which they never experience the loss that taught them something important
this is actually pretty similar to #1 that morgan gave me for him (timeline for ideal life) but i’ll give a quick thing.
the loss was cate’s death, and it taught him that the world is ultimately uncontrollable, even by the gods. at first it made him angry, that he was lied to, and he didn’t want to trust in anyone for fear that he’d be let down. he took five years to start calming down, and then it began to transfer into making him overly kind, because if all he can control in this world is himself, he wants that part to be as welcoming as possible.
so, in a world where cate doesn’t die, he never becomes disillusioned and reillusioned with the idea of devotion. he simply grows in his trust of tamara. his power increases, he becomes a staple of the temple, he lives a happy life inside its battered walls.
i would posit that he might actually be less compassionate in this timeline. not that he’s mean, he’s a very dedicated paladin of a mercy goddess. but, ultimately, he believes that mercy is a given in the world. he believes in tamara’s ability to force it to occur, and that he is simply a conduit. so he makes less effort to cultivate it himself. kindness is no longer a conscious choice that he has to make, and perhaps, that means it falls slightly more to the wayside.
ezra lives his life secure, confident, and devout.
14. the timeline in which they take a chance they didn’t in canon
i’m gonna do a real throwback here, to gildy’s first campaign that lasted ... less than 10 sessions. I think it was a total of like 6. 
in our second session, we met this old man who lived in the middle of nowhere and everyone thought he was super weird because he would go out in the mornings and sweep dust off his lawn and carry it inside. gildy asked him what he was doing and he revealed that this was actually ash, floating over on the wind from a near-ish-by volcano with a connection to the fire plane. he mixed the ash in with clay to create enchanted pottery.
now, playing an elderly 3d artist, i really wanted to flirt with this other elderly 3d artist, but the dm said no because we’d never come back to this town. but, in the timeline where gildy couldve done whatever the fuck she wanted because she wasn’t constricted by a meta-plot, she would’ve tried really hard to get to know this guy!
she would’ve asked to learn some pottery, her hands still work just fine even though her knees don’t always. she’s used to shaping metal, which fights back. she’d love to learn to shape clay, which almost moves before you do. (she might have tried to do the ghost pottery scene with this dude. she knows what’s up). 
there was a nice smithy in town too, made all kinds of weapons and armor. she would’ve taken up apprenticeship with them and hopefully become one of their artisans. and i think she would’ve had a wonderful time there! a new city, with new people, a new love of her life, all the creation she could ask for at her fingertips, a life that hasn’t grown stagnant even after 270 years. there’s also, if i remember right, a mountain nearby. she does get a little homesick from time to time, the view helps. 
gildy lives her life reimagined, shared, and satisfied.
8. the timeline in which they gain everything they want, except for the thing they wanted most
i think this is actually the timeline he’s in right now!!!!!! he wants more than anything to go back home and be forgiven. i don’t think that’ll happen. even if he does reconcile with rax eventually, he’ll have been gone too long for the clan to feel like home in the same way, and i don’t think either rax or him will ever be able to forget what happened, just build a new relationship around it.
but, he has friends now, which he never thought he would. and a house. with a business under it! what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s doing good for the city. he’s part of an order dedicated to righteousness and law. he’s an upstanding citizen!
and. of course. he has savra. he has the potential for unconditional love, for family, for future, everything he thought he’d get back from rax one day, but probably won’t. he’ll fall in love with her before he even knows it, (he’s already started), and when he finally realizes, he’ll feel more okay with it than he ever thought he would be, because she knows what its like to feel shame and she knows how to grow past it. 
he’ll be her good man, and a good father eventually, and he won’t even need to go back home anymore (even though he’ll want to, he’ll always feel a bit of guilt that the half-dragon babies only know their human grandparents, and he’ll miss the summer festival food because you just can’t get the right spices in waterdeep even if he and savra try to cook the meals themselves, and he’ll miss the way his brother punches his arm when he laughs because savra never does that, and -). but he’ll have a home in ways he never thought a home could be, but he likes them, and he’s happy, truly, even with the shadows that still curl around the corner of his heart. 
tov lives his life long, useful, and good.
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