#i NEED a goth Jey uso at some point
milesworld96 · 1 year
A man can only dream of Goth Jey Uso💔💜, I wished I lived in a reality where it happened
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Also can we talk about how good they look here? Mad cute bro wtff🥰🥰🥰🥰
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sydsaint · 1 year
Let JD join the judgment day challenge 💜
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Summary: The reader and Jordan have been dating in secret for a while. But when Damian goes off on Jordan for trying to help out the Judgment Day, the secret gets exposed.
The hotel room is silent while you work on your makeup in the bathroom. You can hear the faint sound of the muted TV in the other room as well as some faint shuffling about from Jordan.
"Y/N, sweetheart, are you done yet?" Jordan pokes his head in the bathroom impatiently.
"Almost." You assure him as you pick up your eyelash curler. "You're lucky that you're not with Rhea. That wannabe goth takes so fucking long to do her makeup, I swear." You add. "You know I let her borrow one of my favorite expensive mascaras once and she used damn near the whole tube? It was a new one as well."
Jordan chuckles and leans in the doorway to watch you finish up. "Awe, you look good either way, love." He teases you. "Though the stuff does make those pretty eyes of yours pop." He grins at you.
"Okay!" You giggle and begin cleaning up all of your supplies. "Well, I'm glad that someone appreciates all this work."
Jordan grins at you with that charming smile of his and pushes off the doorframe. He steps forward and traps you against himself and the counter. Hands placed delicately on your hips, Jordan leans forward and kisses you gently.
"I'll see you at the show, love." Jordan sets his forehead on yours gently.
Being a member of Judgment Day with your cousin Finn, you spend most of Raw and Smackdown helping Rhea keep the boys in line. You started dating Jordan when he came up from NXT, but you haven't told anyone about it yet. Not even Finn.
"Mhm. Stay out of trouble, Jordan. Please." You remind him before he leaves.
"I'll try. No promises though." Jordan jokes with a wink.
You laugh and shake your head as the hotel room door closes. With Jordan now gone, you just need to grab your bag and wait for Finn to pick you up.
You aren't waiting for long when someone knocks on the door. You answer the knock and find Damian instead of your cousin.
"Damian?" You freeze in the doorway with a puzzled look on your face. "Where's Finn at?" You ask him.
"Finn had something to help Dom with." Damian answers you. "So I came to get you instead." He explains.
You shift on your heels with a nod. "Oh, alright. Let's go then." You grab the doorknob and close the door behind you.
You and Damian head out to the arena for Raw in silence. Being in the Judgement Day mostly for Finn, you aren't that close with Anyone else in the group. Especially not Damian.
"Rhea is still out with that shoulder thing," Damian informs you as you're both walking into the arena.
"Okay." You nod. "Good riddance if you ask me." You mumble to yourself.
Damian looks at you with narrowed eyes but doesn't reply. The two of you arrive at the locker room and find Finn already there with Dominick.
"Y/N, hey, lass." Finn greets you as you come through the door. "Sorry, I couldn't grab you from the hotel like usual. Dom needed my help with something." He apologizes for his absence.
"It's alright, Finn." You shrug and take a seat in an empty chair.
Everyone hangs out and mingles for a while until Raw starts. Dominick decides that since Rhea isn't around, he should be the one to guide the group. He suggests that everyone go out and punk out Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes who happen to be kicking off the show out in the ring.
"Why? So we can start more drama that we don't need?" You protest with a scoff.
"Now, come on, Y/N," Finn replies. "Dominick has a point. If we're going to stay on top then we can't let anyone get away with stuff like that."
You cross your arms and roll your eyes at your cousin. "Whatever. If we're going to go out there then we'd better do it now. Before it's too late." You get to your feet and stomp toward the door.
Everyone files out to the ring and Dominick begins his assault on Jey. Finn takes out Cody and everything is going smoothly. That is until Sami and Kevin decide to come out and help their friends. Chaos ensues in the ring and you find yourself struggling to stay out of the carnage happening all around you.
You do your best to stay out of the way while also making a point not to seem weak. Kevin Owens almost ends up barreling into you while he's going after Dominick and suddenly you spot Jordan running down the ramp with a steel chair wielded in his hands.
"Y/N! " Jordan rushes past the ensemble of fighting men and to your side. "Are you alright, love?" He checks up on you.
"I'm alright, Jordan." You nod and step behind him, grateful to have a buffer between yourself and the fighting.
The chaos in the ring begins to die down and ends with Judgement Day retreating backstage. But in all the confusion, Damian gets stuck in the ring with your adversaries. No one notices Damian's absence until everyone is backstage.
"Thanks for the help, Jordan." Finn pats his former mentee on the back.
"Yeah, thanks, Jordan." You smile at him but remain casual.
Jordan nods. "Happy to help." He smiles at you and Finn.
You watch as Finn and Jordan fall into a lighthearted conversation. You love seeing them getting along like the friends they used to be. Jordan has been helping out Judgement Day where he can on your behalf without raising too many suspicions. And you've been dropping subtly hints to Finn that Jordan should be allowed to join the group.
Finn and Jordan are still chatting when suddenly the locker room door swings open violently. Damian storms into the room in a fuming rage and makes a B-line for Jordan. In his blind rage, you watch Damian pick up a chair and toss it at the wall before getting into Jordan's face.
"What in the hell was that!" Damian confronts Jordan. "You aren't a member of this group! So why in the hell are you always around!" He fumes.
"Damian!" You shoulder past Finn and over to Priest as he continues to get in Jordan's face. "That's enough!" You snap at him and attempt to wedge yourself between the two of them.
Damian looks down at you with wild eyes, but you stand your ground to protect Jordan. "Move out of the way, Y/N." He demands.
"Fuck you!" You snap back at him. "Now back off!"
"Y/N," Finn replies in a calm tone, wanting to end the conflict before it escalates any further.
Your anger gets the best of you and you shake your head. "No! I am not going to let him puff his chest out at me like some brute. All Jordan was doing was trying to help. So get off his fucking case, Priest." You glare up at him, showing no signs of fear or remorse for your words.
"What the hell is it to you?" Damian sneers. "What? Are you fucking the guy or something?" He scoffs at you in a demeaning and judgemental tone.
"Fuck you!" You huff and smack Priest across the face.
The slap is enough to get Finn involved in the argument. He quickly jumps between you and Priest, just in case Priest feels the need to retaliate.
Damian puts his hand up to his cheek and stares at you over Finn's shoulder with cold eyes. Finn remains in front of you and tries once more to be civil about the whole situation. "Damian, man, that was uncalled for." Finn shakes his head. "Y/N shouldn't have hit you. But come on, mate."
"Oh, he's a big boy, Finn." You growl. "He'll get over it. And if he doesn't? Well like I said, fuck you, Priest." You snap at him again.
"What in the hell is your problem?" Damian snaps back at you.
"Right now? Right now, you're my fucking problem!" You huff and point an accusing finger at him. "Getting in my boyfriend's face for just trying to be a good guy and help out, is my problem." The words fly out of your mouth without a thought.
Your eyes widen when you've realized what you've said. You clamp a hand over your mouth and hear Jordan curse under his breath behind you.
"I knew it!" Damian scoffs. "You are sleeping with him."
"Yeah, I am. So what?" You finally just outwardly admit the relationship.
Finn turns around and looks at you with disappointment in his eyes. "Y/N. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks you.
"I'm sorry, Finn." You bite the inside of your cheek. "With everything going on, I was afraid that you'd be mad. I wanted to get Jordan into the group before we told anyone." You explain.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too, mate," Jordan adds sheepishly.
Finn shakes his head and lets out a heavy sigh. "It's alright." He assures you and Jordan. "And for the record, I would have been fine with it." He adds.
"Really?" You're a bit surprised by Finn's response.
Jordan grabs your hand gently, happy that neither of you has to hide your feelings anymore. But Damian is still pissed off.
"Well? Are you going to tell him to get lost already, Finn?" Damian asks Finn. "Or does he get a pass just because he's doing your cousin?"
"Alright! That's it!" Jordan steps in front of you, tired of hearing Damian badmouth you.
"Jordan, no." You grab his arm. "It's alright. Just let it go."
At the same time, Finn grits his teeth and defends you on Jordan's behalf. "Damian! Get out! Go blow off some steam, mate. And don't even think of coming back until you feel like you're not going to bash on my cousin. Or Jordan." He points a finger toward the door. "Rhea may be the fan favorite right now. But I'm still the leader of this group."
Damian huffs and storms out of the room, slamming the door on the way out. Dominick sits in silence on the other side of the room, already writing out a lengthy text to Rhea about all this drama.
"I would have kicked his arse, you know?" Jordan relaxes for the first time since Damian came crashing into the room.
"I know, babe." You giggle and kiss his cheek.
"You're welcome, by the way." Finn coughs with a hint of an amused smile.
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