#i WILL be using it as oc soundtracks. when i make an ost playlist for broken horizon itll be like 60% just the project wingman soundtrack
spearxwind · 2 months
Help i cant stop listening to the PW soundtrack I'm obsessed
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
17-35 :)
Holy shit Nisi. XD
But fine, here you go.
(17) What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
LeeSaku soul mate AU.
I just need it ok.
(18) If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'll answer for Crystal since I have a sequel in mind anyway.
It would center around Rubi, Aki and Gaara's daughter, who wants to become the first female Kazekage, and everything she goes through in pursuit of that goal.
(19) If you wrote a spin-off of [insert fic], what would it involve?
WYAAN for this one.
I really just want to drop a bunch of Naruto characters in Disney World purely because I think it would be funny.
(20) If you wrote a prequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
Crystal again.
Founders-era fic about the Kamiya clan coming to power.
(21) If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be?
I guess it would be filling in more of the blanks from when Aki was out on her own. How she survived, her training with the centipedes, etc.
(22) Who is your favorite character in [insert fic] and why?
Crystal: Aki of course. <3 She's my first OC and the protagonist of my first fic. I also love her inner fire. WYAAN: Holly. Because she's me given fic character form. <3
(23) What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
Soul Mate AU <3
(24) Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
WYAAN: There are literally so many in just the first few chapters I don't have the space for them all.
But for a specific example: Holly's brownies that she puts in the fridge in chapter 3 are gonna be important later.
(25) What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Google Docs is where I write. AO3 is where I get my inspiration. Grammarly (the free one) is how I double check grammar stuff.
(26) Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
Only dialogue. I'm not sure I could tell any sort of meaningful story with writing alone if I didn't have dialogue.
(27) How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process.
Crystal: I started working on the planning stages fall of last year. A year later, we're at 17 chapters and counting. I assume it'll probably take me two more years to finish it, but we'll see when we get there.
(28) Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
Yep! Weather Boy (aka my husband) is my beta reader.
(29) What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want!
WYAAN: So WYAAN actually has a soundtrack in the works on Spotify. It's not finished by any means, but have a look:
Some songs are just character descriptions, some will be diegetic, and some are just there to set the mood.
(30) Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Probably the little dirty talk fic between Karin and Suigetsu (warning: Explicit). I hadn't written for either of them before, so making believable dirty talk between the two really made me stretch my writer muscles.
It didn't really change anything with my writing other than make me a little more confident.
(31) What’s your ideal fic length to write?
Whatever amount of words will complete the story I want to tell, though longer is better.
(32) What’s your ideal fic length to read?
Long as balls. Give me the 50k+ fics all day.
(33) If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
For Crystal, I generally aim for 3k - 4k.
For WYAAN, it's closer to 6k - 7k, though that's because I have more characters to wrangle.
I'd say it's about the same as what I look for. I tend to squint when a story has 10k words with 20 chapters.
(34) What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
A lot of details about my OCs - personality traits, physical details, life details, interests, etc. For example: Tori and Holly wearing glasses and being interested in creativity, Mariana being a theatre kid, and Nezumi being socially awkward all come from me.
(35) What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life?
Sadly, I am not a ninja IRL, and so all the stuff about "jutsus" and "epic battles" aren't real.
Sure wish I was a ninja though.
Thanks for the asks, Nisi. <3
Question for fic writers
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kihaku-gato · 5 years
Get to know me
Rules: Tag 10 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @plantaffinity
Name: No irl names being spilled here ;P “Gato” will suffice for referring to me.
Birth year: 1991
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: uhhhh 6′ 7″ (had to check with family cause I keep forgetting)
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the four first songs: I still haven’t fully updated/deleted the various songs I got all on itunes so we’ll see how interesting/dated these get also hope the damn thing shuffles cause Apple makes user friendliness lesso each update;
Strong Bonds in Mind (Fairy Tail Vol 4 OST)
What I’ve Done by Linkin Park
Rolling Girl by Hatsune Miku
Teppen no Ito by Masuda Toshio (Mushishi Soundtrack 2)
All these songs are so old and from my late high school / early college days omg..... not BAD songs but frick I haven’t heard any of these in like 5ever.
Nearest book, page 23, line 17:
Skipping the Manga, and grabbing the first book that I see since they are all about the same distance;
“compost conjured up scenes of untidy, odorous“
Tumblr media
Ever had a song/poem written about you?
Closet was me throwing a poem request to a friend to help me with Cat OCs. Otherwise no.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Idr, a long time ago. Possibly since College, possibly since High School.
Celebrity crushes?
None that I’m aware of. I don’t crush like that.
What is a sound you love/hate?
Love the sound of a cat purring.
I hate the sound of cattle bellowing.
Do you drive?
Up to G1 licence so I am allowed to drive provided I’m with a fully licensed driver. Honestly though I rarely drive, I’m high anxiety about it for a lot of reasons.
Last book you read?
It’s been too long I have NO IDEA :D
definitely a gardening book.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Logical brain says no. Irrationally paranoid brain says PLZ NOOOOOO.
Do you believe in aliens?
I believe there is prolly life beyond earth. I’m otherwise skeptical that any have come and made contact with us or anything of the sort.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Despite getting high on it unwillingly more often than I’d like, I definitely do not like it. Nor do I like the smell of diesel either. You get it in your clothes/hands handling it and it becomes 100% more hated by me.
Last movie you saw:
In theaters? Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. On TV? The Aggretsuko christmas special I guess if that counts. What I wish was my answer? Into the Spiderverse!!!!
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Certain OCs of mine, as well as video gaming. Not much else has had me “obsessive” atm.
Do you tend to hold grudges?
I don’t LIKE holding grudges but my fuck can I hold a grudge if I’m pushed far enough.
Are you in a relationship?
Hahahahahaha- no.
Tagging: @legendofcarl, @ohmutracks, @geopsych, @omgplants, @officeladythyme, @plantpest, aaand my brain is out of juice to find others. Whomever else wants to do this meme-thing; go for it!
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decantae · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Tagged by @dimitrisoneeye! Thank you so much for it! <3 I’m ready for some of that sweet, sweet procrastination:
1. What was the inspiration behind your current WIP?
Since I’m a scatter-brainted mess, I have several WIPs on the go at once (at varying stages of progress, obviously...)
Wanderlust was conceived at the very beginning of my forever-friendship with @pens-swords-stuff and @autofoebia as self-indulgent play-by-post roleplaying, but eventually became a serious writing project;
Morsmordre (also w/ @pens-swords-stuff) was meant to be shameless fluff, but ended up inspired by some ‘bad end’ Harry Potter headcanons and becoming fanfiction in its own right;
For Queen and Country is sort-of drabbly, sort-of disconnected shorts and more of a universe than a single story, inspired by BBC’s Being Human –– I use it as an excuse to stretch my comedy (and angsty) chops while writing for supernatural creatures and referencing British culture/politics...
Those are the main ones for now!
2. When you write, do you tend to write chapter by chapter or scene by scene? Neither?
I’m definitely a scene-by-scene person in my personal writing. Sometimes I just get the urge to write x, y, z, even if I’m not actually at that point in a continuous story. Sometimes that’s all I can write.
In collaborative works, I'm a chapter-by-chapter person, just by necessity.
3. Do you prefer sprawling casts of characters or small groups?
Big ensemble casts! Sometimes drawing in characters from other personal projects just to make cameos. I’m a firm believer in the more characters, the better (at least for those I’m currently writing for).
4. Do you listen to anything in the background while you write (i.e. music, movies, podcasts, OSTs, ambiance, nothing)? Why or why not?
Sometimes I listen to character playlists (which I will post at some point separately!), but that’s more to get me in the mood of the character or scene. I will often listen to The Last of Us OST when making an effort to sit down and write for a whole hour, as it’s 55 minutes on youtube, or the Murray Gold’s Doctor Who soundtracks (only the ones for Seasons 1 & 2, 3 and 4, though.)
5. Who is your favorite OC to write?
I like writing them all for different reasons. I think I find Caerwyn the most fun to write overall, but Alistair’s banter (in letter-writing form) is also fun, and Casimir’s prophetic dreams/Tarot readings are exciting to design.
6. Your OC shows up at your doorstep. What is the first thing you do?
Apologise for their suffering, and offer them some tea. Oh, and take a selfie.
7. What is the first thing your OC does in the above situation?
Drink tea, I presume. Most of them are British (with the exception of the Wanderlust cast).
8. What is your favorite opening to a book/story?
Since there’s a bunch of different openings that have left a mark on me, here’s a couple:
Books - Slaughterhouse 5, Jane Eyre Video Games - Mass Effect 2, The Last of Us TV Shows - True Detective
9. Favorite soundtrack? Can be to anything—movie, TV show, videogame, etc.
Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 OST from Murray Gold. It’s some good shit!
10. You get to take over writing a book series/TV show/game series you love. What series is it?
This is the Twilight Renaissance, so––
No, I don’t think I will. Maybe Mass Effect. I don’t really think I’m good enough to rewrite anything I love (though someone should definitely take HP away from J.K. Rowling, the sooner the better...)
11. What led you to become a writer?
I don’t know, actually! I remember loving writing stories in Primary School, and when I started playing video games, I used to write Sims 2 stories using the in-game tool and upload them to the exchange. Eventually that sort of developed into a love of writing, and being a writer––not just creating.
And now for eleven more questions:
1. What character archetypes do your OCs fit into, if any?
2. Other than their main universe, what other universes (of your own creation or found in media) would you like to see your characters in?
3. What is the best plot twist you’ve ever read/seen/played?
4. Have you/would you ever kill your darling characters? Why?
5. What is your favourite obscure word in the English language (or whatever language(s) you write in)?
6. What song’s on the soundtrack for the major motion picture based on your WIP?
7. How did you come up with the title for your WIP?
8. What time of day do you prefer to write at?
9. Have you ever scrapped a big plot point you had planned? If so, what was it, and why?
10. How do you pick your character names?
11. Who on writeblr would you like to get to know better? (Tag ‘em, mayhaps.)
Finally, tagging 11 people:
@pens-swords-stuff, @autofoebia, @confunderewrites, @altheathewriter, @kit-tells-a-story, @writersloth, @silas-fenderson, @unwriter-sc, @littlelcnterns, @reining-in-the-fire-writing,  @gelfs
its 4am and this was fun <3
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2, 5 and 8! :3
Writing Playlist Asks
2. Do you have OC specific playlists?
Sort of! I have a bunch of songs that only work for specific OCs, but I'm not quite organized enough to have official playlists. Mostly I just skip through Shuffle until whatever song I land on fits the OC I'm currently writing.
5. Do you ever put the same song on repeat when writing?
Constantly, until it stops working and I have to switch to putting something else on repeat for a while. I have yet to identify exactly what causes a song to go from "makes the words go" to "nope", but it takes several hours.
8. 5 songs that fit your character!
I'm feeling very self-indulgent today, so I'm going to post songs for Bayverse Riella, AKA "that version of the character that's only appeared in a single one-shot and Shatterpoint". Also, most of these are "where this character is headed", not necessarily "where this character is right this minute".
There's a bunch of movie soundtrack stuff on her playlist. Instrumental just works better a lot of the time.
Starset - Down With The Fallen
This one should theoretically work for multiple OCs, but Riella got there first.
Florence + The Machine - Hurricane Drunk
We're not quite here yet. We will be.
Shinedown - Monsters
This one does technically get used for multiple OCs, but only because I've attached it to every version of Riella except the first one.
Altered Carbon OST - Quell's Theme/The Next Screen
If she had a leitmotif, this would be it.
X-Men First Class OST - Rage and Serenity
You'll know this scene when you see it. The X-Men influences on this character were not subtle.
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