#i abuse the em-dash two: electric boogaloo
listenheresweaty · 10 months
Dead as Disco (Revivebur x Reader)
no proofreading, we die like men
people I’ve tagged: @poraphia, @witheredroseanon, @drop-of-void, @saccharinesunset
Synopsis: Some tough memories arise, so you help Wilbur out by sending Schlatt a final “fuck you” —-
You had a long, complicated relationship with winter. First of all— it wasn’t summer! So you could rest easy in the wonderful absence of mosquitos and nasty, sweaty heat that prevented you from enjoying any potential scenery. On the other hand, it replaced your favorite season (Fall) and brought tidings of stuffy noses and dry skin. 
And your boyfriend never liked the winter, either. Not after his revival. Too cold, too dark— and too quiet, save for when the wind would blow through the open landscape, sounding far too much like the whistle of an oncoming train. 
You both avoided going outside during the winter, choosing to stay curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace— your head on his chest as he muttered about whatever was on his mind, rubbing circles into your scalp. 
But it was unavoidable that you’d end up outside eventually. A good chunk of Wilbur’s family lived in the tundra region and you were bound to end up walking back home late at night, having decided not to inconvenience Phil and Techno any further. 
(In truth, you just wanted to get home before the snowstorm that threatened to keep snowed in for the rest of the week—- and although the Syndicate members were lovely hosts, your anniversary was coming up and you wanted to at least spend it alone together).
“Shit weather.” Wilbur mumbled as you traversed the Prime Path. “Hasn’t even snowed yet.” 
Wilbur kicks at the frosted ground for emphasis, adjusting his grip on your hand and pressing as close as he could without unbalancing you. You felt sufficiently warm in your sweater and jacket, save for the stinging sensation of the wind biting at your knuckles and nose, but Wilbur was still shivering. 
“The frost isn’t that bad. At least it’s crunchy.” You hum. 
“Eugh, there’s so many more terrains that make better crunching sounds than this.” He grumbled. 
“..Such as?” 
“Gravel, for one. Sand— when it’s spread sparsely enough. But technically beaches make crunching sounds too, it’s just— muffled. I guess.” He turned to you. “Why don’t we ever go to the beach?”
“Because last time we went, I couldn’t kiss you for a week without getting sand in my mouth.” 
“That’s why you wouldn’t kiss me??” Wilbur exclaimed, looking scandalized.  “Because you’d get a little sand in your mouth!”
“It’s disgusting!” 
“It’s not!”
“Yes it is— it doesn’t leave your mouth, and then your going about your day and suddenly feel it crunchbetween your molars—“ 
“That’s the best part, the fuck are you talking about?” 
“What—-“ you splutter, at a loss for words. “I can’t with you. I just can’t.” 
“Ouch.” He pouted in mock offense. “You know darling, with how you treat me sometimes, one would think you…”
He trails off. You continue walking, staring at the frozen grass as you wait for him to continue. When he doesn’t, you look back up. 
Wilbur tears his eyes away from whatever he was looking at and glances back at you. “—Oh. Yeah. Nothing, we’re… lost my train of thought.”
You peer down into the darkness and spot an array of cobblestone and flags in the distance. 
Oh. You had forgotten that it was visible from this route. 
The banners on Schlatt’s grave, scrawled with graffiti from over the years, flapped silently in the wind. 
It’s no wonder he had gone silent— especially with that incident the last time Tommy visited the Tundra. 
“You ought to be careful around Quackity, Wilbur.” Philza and warned, sitting by the fire as Tommy raided his pantry for more honey bottles. 
“Nah, he’s no threat.” Wilbur said, stretching his limbs. “He’s all bark, no bite. Sure, he acts all tough, but he’s just like his country. All style, no substance.”
You heard Tommy snort. “No bite? Dude literally ate Schlatt’s heart at his funeral.”
Wilbur choked. “He what?” 
“Yeah, and I still have his lungs somewhere. Good times.” Tommy closed the pantry and began stuffing Phil’s belongings into his pockets. 
“I sure hope you didn’t do that at my funeral.” Wilbur snorts. “…How was it, by the way?”
Tommy’s movements freeze, and you avert your eyes. “How was what, again? Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Anyway, the, um, honey—-“
“My funeral.” Wilbur repeated, smile faltering. “Was it— like— how was it?”
“We, um…” Tommy couldn’t look his brother in the eye. “It was a— wiggly time back then. There was so much going on, and—-“
“Oh.” Wilbur’s smile had completely disappeared. 
“With—with— with rebuilding, and threats of further destruction—“
“We didn’t— we couldn’t—“
“Yeah. Okay.” Wilbur cleared his throat. “Okay. Alright! I get it.” He stood up, clapping his hands with a strained grin. “So! Phil, you said Technoblade was outside?”
“..Yeah.” Phil said. “He’s outside.”
Phil had barely the time to finish the sentence before Wilbur was gone, leaving a slamming door and a puff of frigid air in his wake. 
Wilbur Soot, the silvertongued General, Founder, Brother, Father, Son, lover—- had never gotten a funeral. 
Schlatt, on the other hand…
To everyone’s credit, Schlatt’s funeral had been more of a celebration, an opportunity for everyone he had wronged to spit, laugh, and dance on his grave. 
Well. Almost everyone. 
You glanced sideways at Wilbur, wondering if you should give it a shot. 
“Hey.” You say and his head snaps to you. “Cmere.” You take his hand and gently pull him off the path, heading to the gravesite. 
“Uh—“ Wilbur hesitates, clearly reluctant to approach the very object of his inner turmoil. “What are we doing?”
“Wait.” You scale the hill and pass by the worn benches, heading straight to where the marble tomb lay. 
“Uh, [Name]?” He repeats, laughing a little incredulously. “I don’t really understand why we’re—-“
“Shush!” You march right up to the coffin— and with two definitive stomp, stomps— climb right on top. Swiveling on the spot, you turn and hold a hand out to a dumbfounded Wilbur. “Cmere.”
He lets you pull him up, awkwardly finding his footing on the rectangular lid. “Uh, alright. Why— woah!”
You tug him closer, guiding his hands to your waist and wrapping yours around the back of his neck. 
Wilbur stares, and you stare back. 
Your confidence begins to falter— crap, this was a dumb idea. “Um. I just— thought we could dance? Yknow.. here?”
“Dance.” He echoed, a light beginning to dawn in his eyes. A smile spreads across his face— a lovestruck, wobbly smile— and he steps closer, pulling you to his chest as he buries his face in your neck, suppressing a laugh. “..Alright.” He murmurs against your skin, grinning like an idiot. 
“I know there’s no music, but—“
“It’s okay.” He says quietly, holding you close as you both sway to an inaudible tune. 
You let yourself melt into it, reaching a hand up to idly pet the back of his neck, playing with his hair. 
It’s less of a dance and more of a prolonged embrace since there isn’t much room for foot movement, but neither of you mind. 
You tilt your head to press a kiss to the stretch of jaw just below his ear, feeling his lips twitch into another smile against the crook of your neck. 
“I don’t deserve you.” He murmurs, so quiet it barely disturbs the silence around you. 
“You deserve the world.” You say. 
Wilbur lets out a puff of laughter, shaking his head against your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you tighter. “Mkay.”
“I’m serious.”
“I know. I’ll never understand, but I know.” He sighs, turning his head to rest his chin against your shoulder, staring out into the open fields behind you. 
“You’re not a bad person.” You move a hand to scratch at his scalp and he hums contentedly. “You may not have been a good one. ..Although, admittedly, this server hasn’t been the most.. conducive to good morals. You’re a person though, a human being, and all this—-“ you squeeze him tighter, kissing his jaw, “—-you deserve.”
He’s silent for a while. You let him think, rubbing circles into his back and pretend you don’t hear the quiet sniffles he tries to choke down. 
When Wilbur speaks again, his voice is steady, if not a little hoarse. “Do you, uh.. think I could be one?”
“A what? A good person, you mean?” You furrow your brow.
“Yeah. That.” 
Wilbur has always had different views of humanity than you do. He presented the world like a stage, bustling with heroes and villains, characters predestined by fate. Life was a story, and they were in center stage, the protagonists of it all, following a script until met with triumph or tragedy. It’s with these grand, romanticized views of reality that Wilbur had managed to win over so many people. Everyone loves a good story, after all. 
As a rigidly scientific mind, you never shared those sentiments. Humans were merely developed animals, that’s all. Each struggle would be lost and rendered meaningless to the sands of time, and so would the morals on which they stood. 
“I think you could.”  The night is getting colder and your feet are freezing, but neither of you are willing to leave this pocket of warmth you’ve created, heads tucked into necks and hands running through hair. 
“But you don’t believe good and bad people, do you? You never did.” Wilbur said quietly. 
“Maybe not. But I still think you could fit your definition of ‘good person’. You are kind. That’s a start.” You continue rubbing circles into his scalp, carefully twisting and combing the curls with your fingers. 
Wilbur doesn’t respond. He only lifts his head, trailing his lips in a pathway from your shoulder to your jaw, up your cheek to rest against your forehead. He stays like that, eyes closed for one, two, three heartbeats before he pulls away to look you in the eye. 
Wilbur’s  ears, nose, and eyes are tinged red, the first two from the cold and the last from silently crying into your shoulder. 
Both your hands and his cheek are frigid, but when you brush your thumb under his eye he leans into the touch anyway, not looking away from you for even a moment. 
He only closes his eyes when you lean forward, pressing your lips to his. 
It’s the collapsing of a star, pulled magnetically inwards, striving to be as close as physically possible. He’s cradling your face like it’s made of sugarglass and you treat him with equal gentleness, running a hand through his hair, mindlessly stepping backwards as he crowds your space, adjusting to get closer, closer because it’s still cold—-
You take one last step and suddenly there’s no more marble under your heel, and you pitch backwards, toppling off the tomb with a yelp. Wilbur follows suit, sprawling out on the grass next to you with grunt. 
Within seconds, you’re both wheezing with laughter, pulling each other closer and leaning back to rest
After catching his breath, Wilbur speaks. “We should do this more often.”
You don’t miss the tinge of sadness in his voice, and suddenly become very aware about how distant this relationship has gotten. It’s not neglected, by any means, but you can’t remember the last time you did something like this. 
(Actually, you can. The last time you danced like this was November 15th, 2020). 
But you opt for a more lighthearted tone. “What? Dance on this grave more often?”
“No, no— I mean yes, I’d love to make this our designated date spot— yknow?” He looks over at you with a sly grin. 
“Mm-hm. Maybe bring some music next time.” You smile back. 
“And a few blankets. Maybe some wine.” Wilbur leans a bit closer. 
“Picnic?” You whisper. 
“Definitely.” He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against yours. “But.. also in general. We could… have more dates, in general. It’s been a while.”
“Yeah. It has.” You murmur, closing your eyes as well. “…So, next Friday?”
 You feel him laugh softly. “Yeah! Yeah, next Friday sounds great.”
Unable to help yourself, you cup his cheek and pull him into a kiss. It’s a lot softer than the last kiss, lips lingering together as you both pull apart to breathe. 
“…I hope Schlatt’s fuming in hell right now.” Wilbur says quietly, eyes still closed and lips still close. 
“I bet he is.” 
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