#i accidentally spoiled that he's not gonna make it but he genuinely deserved it ๐Ÿ˜ญ
hyunjinz ยท 1 year
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piracytheorist ยท 1 year
What's this? More clueless reacting?
Continuation of this as @yumeka-sxf outdid themselves and sent me more out-of-context spoiler-free manga screenshots.
Reminder to not spoil me about those. Let me have my fun.
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This four five "six"-year-old is going through. A Lot. I kinda love how that ranges from difficult math problems to protecting her loved ones from bombs, which should be terrifying but I am not immune to Endo's writing and humor. All Forgers deserve their peace and what Anya deserves in particular is to get more rascal gremlin time than stressed gremlin time.
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That's more like it! Badass Anya!
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Since That scene of "there's a trace of true emotion in his smile" I am growing weak on the knees every time Loid smiles because. How do I know for sure it's all fake? What is there to dispute my view that his expressions are starting to betray his true emotions?
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*grasps chest* *gently touches screen* *screams*
SOMFT ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Is he looking at Anya here I am going to SCREAM if he's looking at Anya here. Or even just thinking about them I'd take anything. MY SOUL FOR SOMFT LOID ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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I've been so used to such expressions that I immediately assume something funny is happening here. I cannot for the life of me make out the environment around him, or if he could be shocked by looking at something/someone or is just leaning back and having a CrisisTM and staring at the void. Could be just Anya being 0.1 seconds away from accidentally revealing she knows he's a spy, though. Or maybe Yor made another exhibit of her super strength and he's left with the most confusing boner of his life.
Speaking of Yor...
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Oh boy I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me :) Is she killing someone or trying to cook? I love not knowing.
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1. More adorable Yor that deserves the best and 2. WHO HURT HER. SHE LOOKS SAD. WHOM DO I HAVE TO BEAT UP. IS IT LOID IMMA BEAT HIS SHIT UP I DON'T CARE. Or maybe she's just shy about something. I love not knowing!
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Again that's probably like, something funny happening here. Those two don't have normal reactions to normally frightening stuff. That's why they're made for each other :D
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Like sister, like brother am I right. What is he so shocked about. Did Loi-Loi kiss Yor's hand I wish lol and that shan't happen? I love how when ShockTM happens, Endo takes the "square mouth" route.
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A fancy man! I genuinely love not knowing what's happening you have no idea.
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This could be Becky's reaction to thinking about or seeing Loid but it's gonna make my heart grow three times its size if it's Anya she's so loving with ;_;
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LMAO those were sent in random order but putting them together makes it look like it's progress from one to the other. What is Bond all shoujo-filtered about. Is it a good steak? Anya being adorable? And then he's sweating about stuff again. I love (painful) how being a part of the Forger family means dealing with unimaginable stress. Is he thinking about Yor's poisonous cooking? That might make his blushed reaction the opposite then... thinking about Loid's cooking XD
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I smell character development. He's sweating in both cases so in the first one he's not just being a little shit. It means Stuff is happening. Do you see what a few drops of manga sweat can do.
For some reason it's in this one that I see his O_O expression and I'm like "oh serious stuff is happening is his father being horrible to him again" instead of thinking that it could be a funny moment. I love not knowing and I love not knowing when those stuff will happen, I genuinely mean it.
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