#i actively scroll on my phone during those parts and i don't really miss anything
wish yellowjackets was just about the girls in the woods bc i do not care at all about any of the adult storylines which is crazy bc the adult actors are all fantastic
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s-and-n-writes · 4 years
another long day
crimson and bluebell: part two
Marinette Rossi is tired of everything: from Lila’s constant berating and Madame Rossi’s preferential care of her ‘angel-like’ daughter, to how everyone at school (even Alya) seems to believe her evil stepsister over her.
It’s like she’s Cinderella, except without the fairy godmother and the happy ending. She doesn’t even have a prince.
Or so she thinks.
Between the appearance of a new boy who seems to have captured her heart, and a gala run by her fashion idol Gabriel Agreste, Marinette hopes for an escape the constant ignorance, workload, and bullying she endures, and get a blissful life of her own.
With the help of one tiny god and a meow-velous partner, she might finally get a chance, but not everything is that simple.
They say ladybugs are lucky, so will being the elusive Ladybug bring Marinette the luck she oh-so-desperately needs?
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a/n: so hi again, it’s me, n! im so so so sorry that i didn’t post for a long time, school caught up with me and everything’s getting v stressful these days. regardless, my new year’s resolution is to post more of these, and i’ll actively make an effort to do that hehe, in the meantime, enjoy!
also i’m appalled at the fact that this was 15 pages long and took more than a month to write how are you doing
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Marinette had thought that the whole coffee spill, glass breaking fiasco would be relatively easy to clean.
She was wrong.
It takes her all of 10 minutes to clean up the glass, and another 20 minutes to try and clean up the coffee.
Key word: try.
Marinette ends up at school 30 minutes late, the coffee-stained carpet rolled off to the side at home, effectively ruined. She hasn’t even thought about the cracked glass table yet, which she hid by placing a tissue over top of it after Lila left.
Needless to say, all of this puts a little bit of a damper on her day.
As Marinette walks up the staircase of Francois Dupont, the school she goes to, she spots Alya Cesaire inside. Alya is Marinette’s closest friend, and despite having moved to Paris only a year ago, it feels like Marinette has known her for their entire lives.
“Girl, girl, girl…” Alya sighs as Marinette walks through the doors. It’s a free period, and students litter the area. Marinette spots Lila walking with one of her friends on the other side of the school, and luckily, Lila doesn’t see her.
There’s one good thing about school that Marinette adores: she doesn’t have to see Lila. Lila’s always had Madame Mendeleev for homeroom, and Marinette’s had Madame Bustier. Because of this, their schedules never interact, which allows Marinette to avoid Lila for the duration of the school day.
“I’m so sorry!” Marinette pleads, running up to Alya and shrugging her backpack off her shoulder. “There was a coffee spill, and glass broke, and-OH GOD I MISSED THE MATH TEST!!!”
“Marinette, chill,” Alya laughs. “The math test got rescheduled, but Ms.Bustier is pretty mad about you being late,”
Marinette sighs. “That’s a relief,”
“But you still missed a lot of news~,” Alya says, singing the last word.
Alya aspires to be a journalist, so on the occasions that Marinette wasn’t late, Alya would give her anything and everything interesting she’d dug up that week.
"I know, I know," Marinette sighs, fingers loosely picking at her shirt again. The seams stay intact, but Marinette's mind doesn't. The coffee spill and the glass breaking is constantly on her mind; she's not sure what to do. 
"Nice shirt, girl," Alya smiles, breaking Marinette away from her thoughts. Alya's good at that, and she notices when Marinette lets her mind wander, something that happens a little too often for her tastes. "Did you make it?" 
Marinette bursts into a grin. "Yes! I used that gorgeous thread that Sabine bought last week for my birthday, you know, the one I kept talking about, and it was absolutely amazing! I had to make this! What do you think? Do you like it?" 
The shirt is simple; a white base with flowers of varying sizes lining the edge. Marinette pairs it with her old, pink jeans (the fabric for the flowers on her shirt came from some leftover ones she had when making the jeans) and a dark-gray blazer that Lila used to own. 
"It's beautiful," Alya smiles, "But hey, I’m more excited for you-know-who’s reaction," 
Marinette rolls her eyes, hiding her face as an involuntary blush rises to her face. "Alya! You know I don't like him like that!," 
Alya grins. "Just teasing," 
“Well, anyways, tell me what I missed during lunch, I’m off to the classroom, before Ms. Bustier comes looking for me,” Marinette smiles, turning and running up the stairs. 
“Good luck, girl!” Alya says, waving goodbye and pulling out her phone. 
“Good luck, girl!” Alya says, waving goodbye and pulling out her phone.
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The day passes quickly, and lunch comes sooner than Marinette expects.
She meets Alya outside of Francois Dupont, and they both head to Ville de Soirée, a cafe which isn’t nearly as expensive as the others in the area. They both order their usuals, and sit in one of the booths as they wait for their drinks.
Marinette sighs and leans back. “Ok, ok, tell me,”
Alya, who is most probably on the verge of exploding from her excitement, gears up. “Ok, so you know Nino, right?”
“You mean the boy you’ve been obsessing over since we met him?” Marinette teases. “Oh hey, I might have an inkling,”
Alya blushes, her cheeks tinting rouge. “Shut up,”
Marinette giggles. “Ok, go on,”
“Anyway, Nino texted me yesterday that his parents finally agreed, and he’ll be starting school starting Monday next week!”
“Ah! That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for you!” Marinette laughs. “Now you can actually make a move!”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, I’ll let you play matchmaker when the time comes,” Alya laughs, “there’s also something else, and this one I know you’ll be even happier about,”
The barista interrupts Alya, placing two steaming drinks in front of them. They both reach for their drinks, with Marinette holding the cup in her hand and Alya taking a sip. She grins.
“Nino’s friend, you know, Adrien Agreste, is also coming too,”
She pulls back, looking smug as she tries to read Marinette’s face.
The girl in question sighs, shaking her head. “Who even is Adrien, and why does everyone keep mentioning him to me?”
Alya facepalms, groaning.
“Girl, sometimes I swear you live under a rock,” Alya sighs, shaking her head. “How do you not know who Adrien Agreste is? His ads are literally everywhere!”
Marinette pouts. “Well maybe I just haven’t seen him,”
Alya rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Ohh no, there’s no way you’ve missed him ,”
She pulls up her phone and momentarily scrolls as Marinette waits.
“Here,” she says, “That’s him,”
The photo on Alya’s screen is from last February, Marinette recognizes. She remembers how Lila bought a copy of the magazine it came in, although she wasn’t allowed to see it.
But the boy is familiar. His face is similar to someone’s, but Marinette can’t pinpoint who it—
He’s Gabriel Agreste’s son.
Marinette leans back.
“That’s Monsieur Agreste’s son! I should’ve known, how could I have missed it when Madame Rossi told us about him?”
Alya squints her eyes. “Wait what?”
“There’s a fashion show that Adrien’s dad is hosting, and the embassy’s holding a huge event to greet all the fashion officials that are coming. Madame Rossi got us all passes to go,” Marinette says.
“That’s the one my mom’s cooking for! It’s next weekend right? She would not stop talking about it all weekend. I can try and score a pass, to you know, keep you company?”
Marinette gasps suddenly, burying her face in her hands, “Ah! I forgot! I won’t be able to go, since Li— I mean I, spilled coffee all over our new carpet,”
Alya raises an eyebrow.
“Fine, fine, I cracked some glass too,” Marinette sighs, face growing redder. “Madame Rossi’s gonna ground me for sure!”
Alya shakes her head. “Somehow I can believe it. You are the clumsiest person I know,”
She nods thoughtfully, fingers closing around the fox necklace on her neck. “Well I can’t deal with the whole glass situation, but maybe I can help with the coffee stuff? Happens to my mom all the time,”
Marinette perks up. “Really? Would you? Oh thank you Alya!”
Alya laughs. “No problem girl, I’ll come by after your shift at the bakery,”
Marinette pauses. After work would be...when Lila comes home.
Alya has always been a fan of Lila, but despite knowing Marinette, she’s only admired Marinette’s less-than-wonderful sister from afar. This means that so far, Marinette has managed to keep Alya and Lila separate.
Does she really want to risk that?
Weighing in the situation, she sighs. Would she rather have a shot at attending a potentially life-changing event, or safely escape Alya meeting Lila?
Knowing the both of them, Marinette remembers, they’d be a deadly combo.
But Marinette really wants to go to the event so, maybe this time, she might just give in.
“Great!” Marinette says, happiness laced with fear. “That’s...great!
Alya nods, smiling, watching as Marinette giggles.
“Now about setting you up with Nino…”
Alya turns away, blushing, “Marinette!”
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Lie-la 😒: sup loser
Lie-la 😒: im going to the mall with my friends after school
Lie-la 😒: if my mom comes in early
Lie-la 😒: you know what to say
Lie-la 😒: type, maribrat. use those lousy fingers.
You: yea, sure lila.
Lie-la 😒: good.
Marinette sighs and pockets her phone. For today, she is safe.
And that’s all she has ever wanted.
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Marinette’s day ends with her feeling happier than when it began. Alya’s coming over to wash out the coffee stain, Lila won’t be there when she gets home, and she’s heading to her shift at the bakery!
It’s normal for work to not be exciting to most people, but for Marinette, it always is. Heading to the Dupain-Cheng bakery is always the highlight of her day, and working there is even better. The owners, Sabine and Tom, are like the parents she never had, what with them spoiling her with all the food they give and teaching her how to bake. Customers even tell Marinette all the time that she looks strikingly similar to Sabine, but she doesn’t see it.
In truth, she’s only ever even thought about becoming a designer because of the Dupain-Chengs, and if it weren’t for their motivation, she’s sure that she would be in a much different place right now.
But that’s not what Marinette worries about right now. Despite school ending early and the bakery being right across the street from where she is, she still manages to be late.
She exchanges a quick goodbye with Alya, who chuckles at her frazzled state, and dashes off towards work.
“I’m here!” she shouts, running into the bakery, the familiar jingle of the store’s door’s bell ringing in her ears. “Sorry!
Sabine laughs as she hands a box of pastries to a customer, waving as they leave. “Just on time. Hello Marinette,”  
Marinette winces as Sabine holds out her apron. “Sorry again, Sabine!”
Tom laughs from the kitchen behind the store, the sound booming through the bakery. “Marinette!”
“Tom!” Marinette says back, her lips curving into a smile.
Sabine eyes Marinette as she ties the apron behind her, quickly joining the older woman behind the counter.
“So?” she asks. “What’s new with you?”
Marinette sighs. “Not much, not much...oh! Madame Rossi has an embassy gathering to welcome a couple of famous people into France. And not just any people, people who work in the fashion industry!”
Sabine nods, smiling at Marinette’s delight. “And why exactly are these people coming?”
“It’s for the Gabriel event. I don’t know when it is, but apparently Gabriel Agreste is holding a huge gala, something about searching for a fashion assistant?,”
Sabine perks up at fashion assistant. “Marinette, you should enter!”
Marinette gasps. “I couldn’t! There’s no way! I mean, my designs are barely adequate, let alone Agreste worthy!”
Sabine shakes her head. “Everyone knows that isn’t true. Don’t put yourself down like that!”
Marinette blushes. “Thanks Sabine,”
The woman smiles. “Well, anyways, are you allowed to go to the embassy event? It’s a great opportunity, you wouldn’t want to miss it,”
“I mean, Madame Rossi did invite me and Lila, but Lila spilled a bunch of coffee on the carpet, and cracked the dining table this morning. It’s all a stunt, she did it on purpose. She’s blaming it on me, which means I’ll get grounded, and I won’t be able to go, and you know there’s nothing I can do about that,”
Sabine sighs, placing a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “Oh dear. The next time I see Lila, I’ll tell Tom to get that girl and her mother arrested!”
Marinette laughs. “As much as I’d like that, where would I live?”
The rumble of the oven from behind the store dies down, and Tom walks into the main room. The room seems friendlier all at once, his large personality filling the space.
“Here, with us,” he declares proudly. “You’re like a daughter already,”
Marinette giggles, her cheeks growing red. “Alright guys, we’ll see,”
Sabine and Tom laugh as Marinette runs away to help a customer. Their afternoons with Marinette pass by quickly, and while they wish it was longer, you know what they say: time flies when you're having fun.
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By the time Marinette gets off her shift, it’s 5:30 in the evening. Paris’s sky starts to fade from its normal cotton-candy blue to a marmalade orange. The hustle and bustle of the busy streets start to die down, and once she texts her address to Alya, Marinette makes her way to the bus stop.
While her time in the bakery is her favorite time of day, her time on the bus doesn’t prove to be too bad either. She likes the quiet silence, and enjoys her time away from the world around her.
The bus is probably her favorite mode of transportation (but her only one as well). When she volunteered to work at the bakery after school, Madame Rossi decided that ‘the streets were too dark at night for Marinette to walk alone’, and she was given a bus pass.
It was a small and random act of kindness that Marinette wouldn’t ever get again. It was also the only gift she ever got from her adopted mother, and despite not being too fond of Madame Rossi, she did treasure the gift.
Madame Rossi paid for her bus rides until Marinette was actually hired at the bakery. It was then that she decided to have Marinette pay her own bills, an action that most certainly helped Marinette for the future.
The sound of tires skidding against the pathway jolts Marinette out of her thoughts. She turns to see her normal bus waiting in front of her, and grabbing her bus pas, waits in line behind a couple others to get on.
That is, until she sees what’s about to happen.
Marinette watches as a man across the street tries to cross. He’s old, as his grayed hair and aged face tells, but his most identifiable quality is the red Hawaiian shirt he wears, embossed with a white hibiscus floral pattern.
Besides that, there’s also a car coming straight for him, and though it’s a little while away, there’s no doubt that he’ll get hit.
Marinette does the only thing she can think of. She runs.
The street is narrow, and Marinette manages to pull the man across the pathway before the car comes. She huffs, turning to the man to smile.
He has an odd look in his eyes, lips curved into a mysterious smile as Marinette quirks her eyebrow.
“Thank you, young lady,” he nods.
“You’re welcome!” she smiles, turning to look at the bus, which has started leaving. “Goodbye and stay safe, sir!”
The old man watches as Marinette just manages to catch the bus, stopping it and shouldering her backpack as she climbs on.
Marinette seats herself as the bus starts once more, and turns to her window to look for the old man.
But by the time she does, he’s gone.
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Alya gets to Marinette's house at just the right time. When she reaches, Marinette has done a couple of her chores, cleaned up the living room, and put out the carpet in the first floor bathroom. Against the white rug, the coffee stain is obvious, and Marinette sighs as she inspects it.
How were they ever going to get it out?
There’s a knock at the front door, and Marinette knows it’s Alya. Smiling, the girl heads to the living room to open it.
Alya gasps as she sees the house. From the marble kitchen to the hickory-brown wood flooring, everything is pristine and clean, as if the Rossis live in a mansion.
(They don’t, but the house is still fairly big. Marinette sometimes has to clean it all as part of her chores, but luckily that hasn’t happened in a while.)
“Dang girl,” Alya sighs, “you rich or what?”
Marinette nervously laughs, cracking her knuckles. “Uh, I don’t know,”
“I’m joking,” Alya smiles. “But, random thing, where’s Lila?”
“She’s out. Doctor’s appointment for her, um, wrist,”
“Aw, that’s too bad. Tell her I said get better soon!”
Marinette sighs. She doesn’t like lying, but it’s far better than what would happen if she told the truth.
“Yea. Anyway, how are you getting the stain out? I tried all morning, but it was stuck,”
“Just watch me, girl,” Alya smirks. “Before we start though, you already blotted the stain,right?”
Marinette furrows her eyebrows. “Blotted? What do you mean?”
Alya demonstrates with her hands. “Like, did you take a paper towel and try to get as much of the stain out as you could?”
Marinette nods. “Yeah, that’s why I was late this morning,”
Alya nods. “Ok, so now we just have to make the cleaner,”
Marinette raises an eyebrow. “Make? This is getting a little crazy,”
“It’s really not,” Alya laughs, “I’ve done this a thousand times before. My sisters knock over my dad’s coffee way too much,”
Marinette laughs. “Alright then, show me what to do,”
Alya makes her way to the kitchen, filing through multiple cabinets. “Where’s your dish soap?”
“Bottom-left drawer next to the sink,” Marinette points.
“And your white vinegar?”
“Fridge. Anything else you need?”
“Just water,” Alya replies. “Warm, that is. And two cups of it,”
Marinette nods. “Got it,”
Alya takes out a steel bowl from one of the cabinets. “And can I use this?”
Marinette nods again. “Go ahead,”
“Great,” Alya says, pouring a spoon of dish soap followed by a spoon of vinegar. She waits for Marinette to get the water before adding that in as well, and then mixing. “That should do,”
“Work your magic then,” Marinette laughs.
“Just watch and see girl, I totally will,”
Alya finds a cleaning rag from a drawer in the island, and she runs over to the carpet. “Grab yourself a rag, Marinette, and let’s get started!”
Marinette laughs, and runs over to help. The time passes quickly, and by the time the coffee stain is gone and the carpet is dry, two hours have gone by. Their hands are sore and their legs are tired, but both can say that they had fun.
In the midst of it, Marinette almost doesn’t notice when Lila texts her.
— 2 New Messages —
Lie-La 😒: open the back door
Lie-la 😒: im right by my house
“Alya!” Marinette gasps, both sitting on the couch after the carpet was rolled back underneath the dining table. “It’s so late, don’t you have to go at 7?”
Alya tilts her head, confused. “No?”
“Oh well then I must have said it,” Marinette laughs nervously. “Yes that’s right! I’ve got work, haha. Bye!”
Marinette practically pushes Alya to the front door, while Alya looks lost and puzzled.
“Didn’t you already have work?” Alya asks.
“Yep, but gotta save up for uni right? Haha. Haha,”
Alya nods, squinting her eyes as she walks out the door.
“Um, bye? See you at school, girl,” Alya nods, quietly laughing.
“Bye!” Marinette smiles. Once Alya is farther away and out of sight, Marinette runs to open the back door. She can faintly hear the sounds of Lila’s friend’s car pulling into the driveway, so she dashes back upstairs as fast as she can. The last thing she wants to do is talk to Lila, much less be alone in a room with her.
She hopes that Lila won’t try anything while she’s in her room.
Sighing, she smiles when she stops at the attic door, and heads inside.
Before Madame Rossi found her and decided to take her in (how she came to that conclusion, Marinette would never know), the attic was all set to be Lila’s playroom. The entire room was painted pink from head to toe (even the carpet was a light shade of pink). There was a wooden wardrobe for all of Lila’s toys, and a desk with markers, painting supplies, and coloring pencils galore.
But then Marinette came along.
For one reason or another, she was given the attic as her own room. Out went the ideas of toys and tents in the room, and in came Marinette.
Madame Rossi didn’t give her anything. From the age of 2 till the age of 4, she slept on the ground, the lack of a bed present to her each night.
Until Lila outgrew her bed of course, which was then given to Marinette.
It was simple. Since Marinette was smaller than Lila, and slower at growing, she was often given Lila’s old things. All the clothes that Lila didn’t want, Marinette had. From her bed to the old beanbag in her room (one of the only things Lila gave her as decoration) everything was a hand me down from Lila herself.
Marinette sighs, and then flops into the bed. She’s lucky that Lila doesn’t bother if Marinette doesn’t get on her nerves.
Hopefully, until she can get out of this place, she’ll manage without angering Lila too much.
Standing up, Marinette locks herself in the attic, a faint click of the door behind her, and gets out her phone. Opening up Spotify, she starts her playlist, and goes over to the desk.
For the next hour, she does homework and finishes a project, all while sketching out designs for new dresses.
And hey, if she’s lucky, she might just be able to make one for the gala.
Marinette shuffles through her desk drawers, pop music playing through her earbuds. It’s nearly 8 PM and she’s searching for the special gold thread she had bought a couple weeks ago. It cost nearly a month's pay, and she’s been saving it for a special occasion.
With the dress she was sketching, she wanted to know if it was now.
She’s still searching through the drawers on the left side of the desk when she finds a box.
One that she feels might not have been there before.
(Then again, she rarely looks through all her drawers, so there’s always a chance that it could’ve been.)
Marinette feels confused. The box is made of a dark brown wood, and shaped like an octagon. The top of the box is embossed with a red design. Glimmering red circles meet wavy, thin lines, but Marinette is preoccupied with figuring out what the box is for.
In the end, she decides to open it. There can’t be much inside, can there?
Turns out, Marinette is wrong.
The moment she opens it is a frightful one. In that second, there’s a bright flash of light. It swirls around her as Marinette gasps, dropping the box onto the carpet as two solid-black earrings fall out.
That’s not the amazing part of it all though. After a second, Marinette comes face to face with a spotted red creature.
Needless to say, she screams.
“Hi Marinette!” the spotted creature says. “My name is Tikki! It’s nice to meet you!”
“Mouse!” Marinette hollers, “Bug! Bug-mouse! Talking bug mouse!”
Marinette scooches back, her hand grabbing books and papers off her desk as she throws them at Tikki.
“I’m here to help!” Tikki says, dodging the objects. “I’m here to help you!”
“Liar!” Marinette calls, searching for more things to throw. “This must be Lila’s version of a joke ! I can’t believe her!”
She takes her water-bottle from her backpack, and quickly moves to trap Tikki in it.
“It’s ok Marinette, I won’t hurt you,” Tikki smiles. “But if this makes you feel better, then this is ok!”
There’s a pause, and then Marinette sighs and chooses not to answer, leaning back, and quickly grabbing her school tablet off her desk. She points it at Tikki, trying her best to look intimidating.
“Who are you?” Marinette asks, “and what do you want?”
“Like I said, my name’s Tikki! I’m a kwami!” the tiny bug says, (still trapped in the bottle but floating in midair, Marinette notes) “And I want to help you!”
Marinette sighs, lowering her weapon tablet. “Did Lila send you somehow?”
Tikki furrows her forehead in place of her eyebrows. “No? Who’s Lila?”
Marinette bitterly chuckles, standing and throwing her arms into the air. “This. This. This is why you can’t help me. No one can. Anyone who meets Lila thinks she’s an ‘absolute angel’, and no one else knows her. How is someone supposed to help me if no one knows that my problem exists?!”
“Marinette,” Tikki sighs, “I promise you, I can help, if you’ll listen to me. Please let me explain, and then you can decide if you want to trust me or not, ok?”
Marinette pauses, considering the situation, and sits a fair distance away from Tikki, keeping her tablet in her hands.
“Ok,” she responds, facing the little bug. “But you have 5 minutes,”
Tikki smiles again. "And that's all I need,"
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a/n: i resolve to post the next chapter soon lmaoo, thanks for reading! have an absolutely amazing day, you deserve it! 
i’ll be tagging the people that i had tagged before, along with a couple others who liked the previous chapter for this series. if you don’t want to get tagged, i’m very sorry! just shoot me a private message, and i’ll take you off the tags. if you do want to get tagged, just tell me with a private message or an ask and i’ll add you to the taglist. thank you!
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
Hi Julia, hope your day is going well! Do you have any tips for how to avoid getting discouraged when things don't go as planned for weeks or even months at a time? It's ok when the science "fails" and I need to troubleshoot, but find it really upsetting to continually make mistakes that could have been avoided. I've been in my lab for a year now, and I am STILL doing things that are costing me days to weeks to even months of time. My labmates aren't very supportive, which doesn't help
My PI is amazing but is busy and I don’t always ask the right questions. I feel like I’m failing again and again because I just don’t KNOW to check for certain things (I don’t make the same mistake twice). Did you experience this in the beginning of your degree? Does this ever stop? My PI has said that “being okay with failure” sometimes distinguishes who will and will and will not continue with science.. but this feels like personal failure, not science failure. Thanks for your help!!
Hello my dear! My day is going pretty great, thank you! 
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a tough and frustrating time. I know how that feels, and it don’t feel too good! So let’s see if we can make things better!
If I understand your message correctly, the mistakes you’re making in lab stem from being unfamiliar with the protocol/techniques used? And such mistakes are hard to avoid because you’re not receiving the best support and guidance? 
I’m going to break this answer into 3 parts to try to cover as much as I can:
How to work with feelings of discouragement
Some things to try to mitigate mistakes in the lab
Some general questions to ask your PI regarding an unfamiliar protocol
On tackling feelings of discouragement:
A post on what I do when I have a bad science day (scroll to halfway down the post)
Take some time off for self-care, to stabilize your emotions, and to basically recharge. I try to not work in the evenings after dinner, and instead use that time to relax and unwind by doing something that’ll take my mind off work. Here’s a post on how to deal with/prevent burn-out. 
And always remember: You have survived all of your bad days. And you will survive today too. 
Also, “Success isn’t a measure of how many times we fall; it’s measured by how many times we get back up”. Be like Carol Danvers! Get knocked down? Get knocked down a lot? That’s ok! Just get back up. Get back up each and every single time!!!
Here’s a good post from a fellow grad student also dealing with failed experiments about the best way to look at experiences that challenge us (it’s geared specifically towards grad school, but is definitely applicable to many other things in life). It made me feel better when I saw the post, so I hope it’ll let you feel the same way!
As for me: I’ve definitely made my fair share of mistakes whenever I started in a new lab or tried out a new technique/protocol for the first time. And I still make mistakes, even in my 5th year of grad school and hmm almost 8 years of lab experience. Heck, just yesterday I kept missing treatment time-point after time-point because I wasn’t paying attention to the time! And this was like a protocol I’ve done dozens of times before. But, it doesn’t mean I’m less worthy of a grad student, scientist, or person; it was just a thing that happened, a thing that’s a part of life. I know we scientists aren’t alone in making mistakes, even after decades of experience. Otherwise malpractice insurance for doctors wouldn’t be a thing, right! So even the most experienced person will still make mistakes, because that’s part of being human. And biology in general now that I think about it, because not even polymerases are perfect when copying DNA.
It’s ok to make mistakes, especially if you’re essentially learning as you go. It’s all part of the growing process, and thus a part of life. But once we’ve made those mistakes, then we’ll need to think about how to avoid them next time (like I’m definitely gonna start setting alarms on my phone for time-points), and also how to prepare for new things in a way that’ll decrease mistakes being made in the first place.
Some things to consider doing in lab to mitigate mistakes:
Do as much online research beforehand as you can about the technique/protocol/equipment/reagents/etc, so you can actively understand the process, such as knowing which steps to be extra careful on. Not necessarily spending hours reading every methods paper out there, but spending some time googling the technique, the equipment, learning the basic science behind it, etc will be helpful. 
Look up videos of the technique online. Youtube and JOVE are fantastic resources for this. When I first started doing tissue cell culture, I looked up a bunch of videos on basic techniques so I knew what to expect, and it definitely helped because my brain didn’t need to focus on seeing something new for the first time (like a cell flask), and could actually pay attention to the person teaching me. 
Type up a version of the protocol with your personalized detailed notes (eg. if a reagent needs to be diluted ahead of time). I modify protocols all the time with my own little reminders and cheatsheets (esp for calculations), and they’re sometimes a work-in-progress for months. 
If possible, try to do a practice run first with unimportant samples so you get a hang of things. If that’s not possible, instead go into the space where you’ll be doing the experiment and just go through the steps in your head (with the power to fast-forward incubation/wait times of course), including walking over to this fridge for reagent x, and that chemical cabinet for reagent y, etc. 
Talk out-loud as you do the steps. I find this helps me during complicated protocols or if I have a ton of samples. (I work in an open-lab space so I’m sure the people next door are like wth but listen, I’d rather they think I have an invisible friend than mess up an experiment!)
Try not to schedule too much to do during the day of the experiment, so you don’t feel like you need to rush anything. I also like to plan out how long each step will take time-wise, and then calculate how long the whole experiment will take me (+ an extra 30 min to 1 hr), so I can plan the rest of my day around that experiment (or vice versa). 
Prepare as much as you can before the actual experiment, such as labeling tubes, laying out tools, doing all the calculations, making reagents, etc. 
Sometimes listening to something (like music) helps people concentrate, especially when doing repetitive stuff like lab work. My lab manager has to have netflix playing on her phone while running experiments; I think the background noise helps her stay focused. 
Talking to your PI:
I know your PI is busy (and all PI’s are), but they have a responsibility to make sure things are going well in the lab, as these results are literally their livelihood! So I don’t think it’s too much to ask the PI to meet with you for even just 30 min to discuss an experiment. I also think it’ll be a good idea moving forward to schedule a 1 hr weekly meeting with your PI to discuss this and other things, like data, etc, if you haven’t done so already. 
Here are some general questions to ask your PI regarding a new protocol:
“I’m going to be doing this for the first time. Is there anything I should be aware of before I start?” 
“Do you have any tips for this protocol?” or “Are there any resources related to this protocol you think will be beneficial for me to look at before I start?”
“Could you take a look at my experimental design/calculations?” or “I have a question specifically about ____. Do you have a minute to make sure I planned/calculated it right?” 
A few last words:
Things will get better. You will get more experienced as you take everything one step at a time, one day at a time. And as that happens, you’ll learn the best way to design experiments, including what questions to ask your PI. Everything will come with time, and practice. You’re going to be ok anon. You’re going to be ok :)
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