#i actually mashed like 8 together but shhhhhh
spaceskam · 5 years
Would love to see 6 and 10 for the soulmate prompts ;)
Gonna just. Mash them together.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You're going to anyways, why even preface it?"
"I don't want to be insensitive."
"Just spit it out, Liz."
Michael sighed as he looked up from his notebook to see her eyeing him with that ever so pitiful look. He just grew a little more annoyed. They were supposed to be working on a way to fix Isobel, not asking pity driven questions.
"How does your tether work with your soulmate?" Liz asked bluntly, gesturing to his mangled hand that had completely distorted the bright red tattoo around his ring finger. Everyone was born with a clear string-like tattoo that tethered you to your soulmate. Once you fell in love with them, it turned bright red. When Michael's turned, no one asked him about it outside of random hookups throughout the years.
Leave it to Liz to break that cycle.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, does it work the same as everyone else's even though its damaged?" she clarified. He sighed slightly and thought about the last decade.
He'd had a total of 5 minutes from the time it turned red to the time it was damaged, so he didn't really know if it was different than it was originally. His and Alex's both were loosely looped around their ring fingers and stretched across the length of it, bawdy and hard to hide. He knew that it dragged them closer together which was a common symptom, creating a gravitational pull for each other that made it difficult to stay in the same room and not get close. It linked them emotionally, feeling some type of residual effect of whatever the other person was feeling. The only thing that was out of the ordinary is that their tether wasn't telepathic like most soulmates. Michael had been excited for that when he was younger, but it never came. Instead came a lifetime of communication issues because they couldn't just read each other's mind.
"We aren't telepathically linked, but I don't know if that's because of the hand or not," he explained simply. There were a ton of different ways soulmates tethers came to fruition, he and Alex just so happened to not get the most common one that could've saved them.
"Do you mind if I ask who it is?" Liz asked softly. Michael scoffed and looked up to her with narrowed eyes. She knew who it was. Alex may have worn things to cover it as often as possible, but she had known him since they were kids. She'd seen his. She knew they matched. "I really don't know, yours is too distorted to compare it with anyone elses."
"It doesn't matter then," he snapped, all while ignoring the fact his hand was turning red with heat. He was clearly agitated. Liz dropped the subject.
However, Michael wasn't able to. He kept trying to figure out if it was his fault that they couldn't communicate properly. It wasn't fair. Then, on top of that, he wanted to know what other kinds of tethers they had that may have been special. Maybe they were missing something.
After hours of driving himself insane, he felt that familiar heat on his back. He'd never known what it was, always assuming it was his body's way of telling him to calm the fuck down, but tonight it just made him want to have more answers. He eventually got in his car and drove to Alex's cabin despite knowing he wasn't welcome.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked while opening the door before Michael could even make it to the porch, "You're making me irritated and I can't really have that when I'm researching on how to help your species." Michael didn't try to hide the flinch that overcame him at the word. How did he get to a point where even the person who was his safe place felt the need to make him an outsider? Heat pressed to his stomach. "I'm sorry, that was harsh."
"Did our tether get fucked up when my hand did?" Michael demanded, stepping closer as if he had a choice to do otherwise. Alex looked taken aback. "Answer me. You used to be obsessed with learning about all the different types of tethers. Why aren't we telepathic?"
"Because we just aren't. We just didn't get it. Which is why you thought I hated you and you got back at me by making out with my friend," Alex said slowly. Michael shook his head. He didn't want to talk about that. They had talked that to death. He tried to make things right, but Alex didn't want to, so that was that. He wasn't going to try forever and just get his mistakes thrown in his face. "No, what I'm saying is no. Your hand being hurt didn't take away what we didn't have in the first place."
"Did it weaken our tether?"
"I don't think so. People who lose their arms and hands and fingers all together still have perfectly fine tethers. It's not a physical thing, the red string is just a physical manifestation of it," Alex said, his voice controlled as Michael stepped closer.
"Then why does our tether suck? Why are we so fucked up? Why do we only have two tether symptoms? Why are you my soulmate and why is our string is so fucking huge if it's just a reminder that I will never be able to have you? That's not fucking fair!" Michael knew he was getting unnecessary worked up, but it wasn't fair. How come they had such a huge physical proclamation when their actual, mental tether was nothing more than basic bullshit?
Alex's eyebrows were pulled together in concern and it was like instantly Michael started filling up with that 'calm down' heat. He wanted to scream in frustration, but he didn't.
"We have three major ones, Michael, not two. And we have a ton of different tiny ones. We're rare. We're fucked up, but we're rare," Alex said, reaching up to press a hand to Michael's cheek which brought that heat to a boil like it always did. He was a mug and Alex was the coffee.
"No. Two. I know. I've looked for more. I want more," he whispered. Alex shook his head, pulling him in closer.
"What do you think we have?" Alex asked and Michael told him which got him laughed at. "Michael, how do you miss it?"
"Miss what?"
"You use it all the time."
"Use what?"
Alex combed his fingers through Michael's hair which was really annoying when he knew he was going to be thrown out after this was done. He wasn't welcome. Alex couldn't see past the mistakes.
"You're right, we feel echoes of emotion, but we can also respond to it," Alex whispered, continuing before Michael could ask him what he meant, "When we feel the other person is in distress, we're able to send them almost psychological comfort. It's like the heat of touch, just... without the touch. Only around .7% of soulmates have that ability."
Michael really felt compelled to argue that that was bullshit, that he had no idea what he was talking about. But if he said that, he'd be lying, so instead he just melted into Alex's touch before it was taken away.
"You wanna come inside?" Alex asked after awhile which had Michael more confused than ever, "We should probably talk about it if you really didn't know."
"You wanna talk to me?" Michael asked weakly. Alex snorted a laugh.
"I always want to talk to you."
And honestly how could he say no?
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harmony88 · 3 years
As Dreamers Do
The Doctor and Rose, a couple of months after they are back to the stars, take a trip for baby food with their 8 month old daughter to a new planet, where they unexpectedly meet a man who thinks the TARDIS is the key to unlocking the one dream he's always wanted, but has never had.
First Story in my series Forever With You: Part 3 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 
(Chapter 1 posted below)
He told her once not to make this place domestic.
To be fair, it had less to do with her and more to do with her mother, whom, at the time, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of and whom, he had to remember, came on board without permission. He rolled his eyes at that thought now, because he should have known Jackie Tyler wasn’t the ‘ask for permission’ type, but he’d been rather grumpy back then and mothers were a bit of a touchy subject. He also knew he hadn’t meant it, not really, but still, he’d said it, and he was thinking about it as he glanced around the galley.
A messy finger painting was hanging on the refrigerator. A gift from his daughter, crafted when Rose let her do some art the other day, and he’d been so excited about it he hung it up before it was completely dry. There were stuffed animals thrown about the hallway that led to the console room, his wife’s breast pump was sitting on the counter next to a photograph of all three of them he’d framed, and there was an empty carton of milk sitting in the bin, designed to serve a visual reminder that they needed to pick up some more.
The TARDIS was a domestic playground at this point, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had never been happier, and he thought about all the baby books in the nursery, the closet that was half his clothes and half Rose’s, the ensuite that had two toothbrushes in a gold holder, and the library that always had two coasters on the coffee table for both of their cuppas at night.
They’d built a life together, circling the vortex and traveling in between, and somehow, someway, the one adventure he never thought he’d have was exactly the one he was living.
What a privilege it was.
“Here,” Rose said, giving him a look when he just smiled like an idiot at her, and he took a jar of baby food from her hand, followed by a small spoon. She had one, too, and they both looked down at Alice, whose smile was reminding him so much of her mother it was making it hard to breathe, and he bent down to kiss her cheek.
They put all the stars to shame, the two of them, they really did.
She giggled when he kissed her a second time, and Rose laughed too, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back. “If we don’t start soon she’s gonna cry.”
“One more,” he urged, kissing her other cheek with a pop, and Alice giggled so hard the sound imprinted on his hearts, he was sure of it. Rose bit her lip and held up her spoon, and like a sword pulled from its sheath he did the same, and he raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Please, this is child’s play,” she said, and the corners of his mouth twitched as they twisted the lids off of their jars, and each took a small spoonful. “Alright, Alice. You pick. Which one do you want? Daddy’s stupid bananas? Or Mummy’s yummy pears?”
“No, no, no, don’t do that, don’t use adjectives to try and persuade her opinion,” he scoffed. “Use science. Bananas, Alice, are much higher in potassium which you need. They also have about 44% more iron, 3 times the amount of magnesium, are higher in protein and will give you more energy and are the all around smarter choice.”
“But Daddy loooooves pears,” Rose said, and he lowered his spoon and turned to stare at her. “Eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
“Why would you say that?” he asked, and she smiled, her tongue playing with the corner of her mouth as they looked back at Alice.
“Goo-ba-da,” she said, smiling at them, and he sniffed.
“Go ahead, darling. Which one?” he asked her, and they held their spoons up to her face, waiting in anticipation as she looked between them, and she reached for the bananas. “YES! ALICE! BRILLIANT!”
Rose groaned and handed him 10 quid, and he did a happy bounce as he set the jar to the side and kissed his daughter’s head, only to pick it back up and hold the spoon out to her. Rose couldn’t even pretend to be upset, not when her child was about to eat some semblance of actual food for the first time in her life, and she found herself quickly mesmerized by the look on her face as the Doctor got her to open her mouth and slurp up the mashed bananas. Half of it fell onto her bib, then onto the high chair, and he tried again, and again, until she finally swallowed a bite and clapped.
She giggled.
“Oh my God, she likes it,” Rose said, biting her lip, and suddenly her eyes were watering. The Doctor, too proud of his daughter to notice anything else at the moment, merely smiled and got her to eat another bite.
“Of course she does, it’s a banana. It’s impossible to not like them. And now! Rose Tyler! HA! Now, we should always take a banana with us to -”
“Don’t start,” she teased, nudging his side a little, and he just laughed, until he noticed she was trying not to cry. His smile fell and the jar of baby food was forgotten about as he stood and cupped her cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away her tears.
“Oh, Rose…” he said, pulling her into a hug.
“When did she get so big?” she said against his chest, and he smiled. “She was in my belly, the size of a banana yesterday. Do you remember that?”
“Course I do,” he whispered, and the softness of his voice made her tears spill over. “Rose, it’s okay.”
“S-s-she won’t want my milk soon, will she? She’s going to be so grown and- and- and what am I supposed to do with all of it?” she sobbed. He smiled at her.
“You’ll stop producing -”
“And then she’s going to be talking and walking and then she’s gonna run faster than we can and then the next thing we know she’s going to be piloting the ship and we’re going to be -”
“Okay, shhhhhh,” he said, rubbing her back. “It’s just a couple of bananas.”
She fluttered her lips, and he smiled at her, trying not to laugh. She wiped the last of her tears away and collapsed onto a chair and just sulked for a moment, but when she scooped up a sample of the pears so she could eat her feelings like it was ice cream, and had the audacity to do it right in front of him, the face he made was nothing short of horrified. “WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!”
“Oh, God, it tastes like plastic,” she said, spitting it out into a napkin, and his skin felt like it was crawling with bugs. He began to stick his tongue in and out of his mouth, not hiding his disgust, and she started laughing. “Sorry! It was just there!”
“I can’t believe you just did that!” he shouted. “WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU...WHY!? I just gave that speech! Choose the bananas!”
His reaction was delighting Alice, who thought he was just being silly and she began to giggle and bounce in the high chair.
“Oh, not you, too. Don’t you dare, it’s not funny.”
She laughed harder, as did Rose. A happy high pitched sound coupled with a few syllables rang in the air as Rose got up to grab a glass of water, letting her own amusement subside as she gargled and washed the horrible aftertaste of that particular brand of baby food out of her mouth. He just stared at her. “I could have told you that was going to happen. Been saying it for years.”
“Mum told me that was the best one!” she said.
“And you believed her?” he asked, still unable to stop making a face. “I need you to go brush your teeth before I kiss you.”
“Are you serious?” she asked, and he raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh, please. It was one small bite and it’s washed out. Come here.”
She reached for him, having every intention of going to brush her teeth but she just wanted to watch him freak out a little bit more, and he jumped back and went to hide behind Alice, placing his hands on the edge of her highchair.
“Nope,” he said. “Superior taste buds. Palette has to be cleansed. I made an exception when you were all pickles and ice cream during pregnancy but this? Can’t do it.”
“You’re a bigger baby than she is,” she said.
“More adorable, too,” he said, smiling, and she just rolled her eyes. He looked down at Alice, and he winked. “Kidding.”
Rose smirked, but she knew how serious he was and she wanted him to be able to kiss him more than she wanted to win this battle of banter, so with an effort to rock her hips just to rile him up a little, she sauntered off to their ensuite to brush her teeth.
“Aaaaaaand we’re just going to throw this away, yes we are,” he said to his daughter as he picked up his wife’s jar of poison, making sure to use a tissue so he didn’t directly touch it, and it was in the bin faster than he could say Raxacorcicofallapatorius. Alice began to cry when he walked away, and he was at her side again instantly. “What’s wrong? You still hungry?"
He helped her eat more bananas, though she only consumed about a quarter of the jar. The rest was on the floor or her face, which was honestly better than he expected for her first time. He smiled at her and wiped her chin clean, and he let the TARDIS take care of the floor as he grabbed a bottle of breastmilk, too, figuring she was probably still hungry.
For a few minutes, it was just him and his daughter, and he smiled at her while she suckled the bottle, slowly rocking her in the chair as he did. “I love you so much, you perfect little thing.”
She started to fuss a little, and he shifted how he was holding her and the bottle, and he started to sing to offer a distraction. Her eyes widened at the sound, and she smiled, and he remembered how much she loved music, so he just kept going.
“Okay, so I -” Rose started to say as she walked back in, but she shut up the moment she saw what he was doing. She bit her lip, letting the cadence of his voice wrap itself around her, and she had to lean against the wall to steady herself, falling impossibly more in love with him, and thinking he really was the most wonderful man.
She waited. When the song was over he turned around to set the bottle down, smiling at her when he realized she was there. “Hello.”
“The Beatles?” she asked softly, pushing away from the wall so she could wrap her arms around his neck as he kissed their daughter.
“Well….she likes to hold my hand,” he whispered. Rose smiled.
“Not just her,” she said, proving her point as her fingers molded to his without either of them having to look, and a spark of arousal flew between them. “That was really sweet.”
He winked. “Did you brush your teeth?”
“Maybe. Kiss me and find out,” she flirted, but he could smell the toothpaste, and he kept Alice on his hip as he brought their lips together. She moaned a little, and he smiled.
“So much better,” he said, but she ignored him and just kept kissing him, until they both had to pull away when Alice tugged on her father’s hair. Hard. “Ow!”
“Come here, sweet girl,” Rose said, pulling her daughter into a hug. “Mummy loves you. I’m so proud of you. Yes! Good job.”
She smiled wider with every word Rose spoke, and he watched them hug. “We should go somewhere. Celebrate her milestone.”
“Okay,” she said, smiling. “Where’s the best baby food in the galaxy? We can get her to try it all.”
“Brilliant,” he murmured, kissing her again. “We’ll go in the morning. I promised her I would read her a bedtime story. Charlotte’s Web? What do you think?”
“No, that’s so sad, read When You Give A Mouse A Cookie,” Rose said, and he raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“She’s a Time Lord, I’m not reading that to her,” he said, and she rolled her eyes. “And, Rose Tyler, I'll have you know I happen to have the first draft of Charlotte's Web. Long story - how I got it, not the draft - grammatical errors left and right, but the plot is much better.”
“Oh, well now I have to hear it,” she teased. He laughed, and together they walked to the nursery, where Rose curled up on the rug and watched him hold Alice in the rocking chair, and as he read the story, she found herself falling asleep, too.
He stopped the chapter before he was even halfway through when he noticed they were both out like a light, and he chuckled a little, carefully bringing Alice over to her crib. Gently, he laid her on the blankets and tucked her in, and he aimed his sonic screwdriver at the lights, flipping them off.
The projection of the cosmos in the paint illuminated around him, spilling over every inch of the room. He clenched his jaw a little and looked down at Rose, making sure she was still asleep before he walked toward the bookcase, and he shifted the view, revealing the spot in the sky Gallifrey once sat.
He stared at it.
“Hey,” Rose whispered after a few minutes, slowly stirring on the floor. “Hum in my head.”
“Sorry, I’m fine,” he said, pulling his focus to her and helping her stand up. “She’s asleep.”
“You want her to stay here?” she asked, and he nodded. “What if she needs us?”
“Nah, she’ll be okay. She’s been sleeping through the night for weeks,” he said softly. “And we both share a bond with her. We’ll know if she wakes up, and she’s getting too big for the bassinet anyway. I think it’s a good day to do it.”
Rose bit her lip and looked at her, watching the rise and fall of her stomach. It was slow and steady, and she just nodded, but there was a lump in her throat that was hard to swallow. She wanted her to grow up, she did, she couldn’t wait for so many things, but two milestones in one day just felt like a lot, and this one she hadn’t been prepared for at all. “I just…”
“Come here,” he whispered as he pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly, and he kissed the top of her head. “I promise she’s okay.”
“No, I know,” she muttered. “I’m just... sad, I guess. I know it’s stupid. And I’m not...It’s a good thing, I know it is, but…”
“What?” he murmured.
“Can she sleep in our room tomorrow night? Maybe?” she asked, and he smiled at her.
“We can switch off, hm? Every other night for a bit? Until you feel ready?” he offered.
“Really?” she asked, and he smiled at the tenderness of her tone.
“It’s not stupid, Rose. I understand. I really do. I’m sad, too,” he said. “Even if we find a way to get her regenerations, which we will, she’ll never be this little again. I know that. But like you said. It’s a good thing.”
Rose felt tears well up but she held them back, and he hugged her again. She looked up at the projection over his shoulder, and when she saw the hourglass nebula he once showed her after they defeated the Master and Rassilon so very long ago, she froze. “Is that…”
“Hm?” he asked, and then realized what she was looking at. “Oh. Yeah.”
“You okay?” she asked, and he nodded.
“Just...looking,” he said. “Making sure nothing changed. Making sure it’s still...well…”
“Hidden?” she whispered. He just took a deep breath and exhaled sharply.
“Something like that,” he admitted. “It’s safe, it’s fine. I’m fine. I promise.”
“Good,” she said, and he kissed her, letting his tongue swipe across her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he murmured. “Let’s let her sleep.”
He took her hand and walked directly across the hall to their own room, keeping both doors open in case Alice did end up needing them, but as soon as they were both washed up and laying down, he realized they were essentially alone, and he decided to take advantage of it.
“Can we…” he started to say, and she straddled him, apparently thinking the same thing. His hands roamed her back as they kissed, and she pulled her t-shirt over her head, suddenly bare chested and hovering on top of him. He began to explore her skin with his tongue like it was new territory, despite the fact he knew the map of her moles just as well as the stars. He was careful and almost tentative, and she let out a long moan when he flicked his fingers over the soft mounds of flesh that were right at his eyeline, giving them a gentle squeeze.
He rolled them over so he was on top of her, peeling his own shirt off as he found her neck, then her jaw, licking and sucking, and she panted his name. “I want…”
“What?” he asked, stopping and looking at her. “Tell me.”
She connected their minds, and he shuddered. She took over the kisses for a moment, bringing her lips to his chest, and as they shimmied out of the rest of their clothing he slithered down so he could explore more of her with his tongue, and he made her scream, which she somehow had the brain power to remember to cover with her hand so they didn’t wake Alice up with the open doors.
“Have I ever told you…” he began as he trailed kisses up her stomach, then her chest, until he reached her lips. “How much I love how you taste?”
“Mmm, no,” she said, smirking at him.
“Wait, really?” he asked, his tone suddenly more alarmed than sexy, and she laughed.
“Every single time,” she whispered, gripping his hair on the back of his head. “Even if you don’t say it out loud, I hear you. We share a mind, remember?”
“Good,” he said, his voice returning to its husky tone, and he kissed her again. “Because I do...It’s...there’s this sweetness to you I can’t get enough of. And also this tanginess that’s just...I just want it. All the time. It’s intoxicating ....Drives me absolutely insane....”
She whimpered, and he winked, then let her massage his scalp as they kissed. He couldn’t resist joining their bodies together, and they slowly started to move, exploring every inch of what the other had to offer. Every tightening of every muscle, every gentle stroke.
It lasted for a while, full of soft pants and quiet moans, and they both marveled a little at how incredibly addicting it was to be able to do this without stressing about timelines or diamonds or vengeful Time Lords; without worrying in the back of their minds about whether or not it would be the last time they got to make love at all.
It was just them, dancing and writhing and groaning between their sheets, letting time stand as still as it possibly could.
His forehead buried itself onto the crook of her neck as he began to make strangled noises, so close to bursting it was starting to feel like a fire inside of him, and when she thought the word ‘forever’ he came so hard he nearly broke the bed frame.
She was carried away with him, and they smiled as they caught their breath, glistening a little with sweat. He kissed her, and she pulled her hair out of her face as they settled next to each other on the mattress. “Think it’ll still be like that in seven hundred years?” she panted.
He chuckled.
“No,” he said. “I think it’ll be better.”
She smiled at him, and he gave her the most adoring look as he wrapped his arms around her, and this time fell asleep together, ready for whatever the following day would bring.
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