#i actuly dont but hey
prodotsukare · 4 months
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xolotoofficial · 5 years
so wat hapnd 2 ur boi marvus rite ok so buckl the FXXK up cuz we n it 4 da long hawl
ok so der i waz mindn my own biznz chatn up sum cute lil shizz wat slid n my dms, thursty for attention as i am wont 2b, n i hear a knockn @ da door
itz jus me n da boiz in my big azz crib so i’m lik cum on in ya walkn nookchewr becuz me n da boiz good lyk dat but here n cumz wun of our new broz, sum freshie dat got asignd w/ me or w/e and he all shakn and sweatn and i’m like dude hey? regretn calln him nookchewr cuz he but a new baby clown like :o( my b
so he’s like ummmmm the 12 lookn for u and im puzzld af like LOL whats the empire doin darknin my doorstep leme see deez goons right
imagine MY surprize when itz da HiBlud Dissenter Collection Unit rite?? and they sayz 2 me, marvus ur under a whole ass rest (my wordz not theirs lol) and i’m out here confused like what??? me????? dissent? neva im a well lovd thot out here in these intergalactic highways
so next thing I KNOW im on the fuckn ground cuz sum chucklfuk tazerprongd the SHIT outta me and i’m dizy, voodoos goin off hard, ppl in a sexymurder frenzy, all ov itz bad rite then 1 of dem fishbois grabs me by my armz and it mite a been jus me bein tazed but i sock him cuz i think he copped a feel so he on the ground, im on the ground, fishfuk 2 is screamn bout resistn arest and i FEEL the head ache cumin on - o wait no that was a jakbootd fXkr stompn my skull in lol
so then i wake up in a holdr while da empire wonderz if it wants 2 off me while weighn if killn me would b Worse Actuly becuz uhhhhh famous boi lovd by evry 1 who layz eyes on me???? hela riots from all dem ppl what want a piece rite
so wat dey do, dey send me to a fukn *workn* prison. like... i get it mayb dey think jus cuz im a performin clown i aint as tuff but lyk.... performin? is? a ton of work??? lol hi chuklefux itz ur ability 2 think talkn here
so there i am in dis hiblood dissenter prison getn workd 2 death and they like keep bringn me in for questions an i’m like “bruh idek y im here” and cours dey dont care they jus keep askn me bout sum resistance shyt and i’m like “I DON’T KNOW SHIT YALL WDYM Y AM I HERE” an finaly they break becuz i am irresistible an unafraid of shyt and also voodooz
bruh, my boy ruthle$$ x tried an ratted on me lyk what a lil bulgegoblin! aint no surprize da empire tried 2 plant the mos symp purp dey culd find and sumhow pickd a cumPLETE fuck up!!!! but i’m keepn my cool cuz i aint bout to be workd to deth on da word of a nark so i put on my best Good Boi face and start spinnin my bes yarn bout how dis was a misundrstandn and that im the empress’ favorite naughty boy an shit (gag) and dat i dont dissent shit (gaggag) and that it’s all a shtick i been doin since i was a wee hi
yall dey kept me 4 PERIGEES sayn i needed sum1 2 vouch for me and my boyz were havn a hella problem getn 2 me considerin they took my fukn tour shuttle like???????? yooOOOOO!!!
so ya, i finally get out cuz my tru boyz are da best, smoke evryday and are mad nook magnetz and dey make it where i am, vouch for my a$$, and spring me from da big house
but here’s part 2 of course: i got a nark to kill right???
parently ruthy boi ran off FAST and it’s been perigeez, how ever will i find him??? LOL SIKE i aint nothin but a killa and i can hunt a lil punk ass fxxn BITCH like a trained laughsassain so dat’s wat i up an do
joke of a fukn empire luvs huntn purpls but cant be damnd 2 giv a shit bout us murdern each othr. all gud doe, makes tha job easier
so there i am huntn ya boy and all it takes is a coupl weeks to drag him kickn an screamn 2 where i keep my showbait if i got a lil grudge 2 solve.
he next on my chopn block, so dats gona be my return show. fresh purple blood for all my bitter ass warm brothas n sistas becuz aint nothn ‘lower’ than a mothafxckn snitch
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
I found her and I trust her
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I stood by the doors waiting for them to open as minho jogged up to me 
“morning newt” he sighs
“morning, what's the matter with you this morning minho” I ask him
“oh just uh something I need to chat with you about before we go” he says 
“yeah what?” I ask a little curious what he wants
“look uh, I don't know how to sugar coat this so I'm just gonna tell you newt, look I'm not naming names but some of the guys that shower around the same time as you. are complaining about.. you know” he explains
“who? name names minho I wanna bloody know” I tell him 
“okay fine, Thomas and gally heard you this morning and came yelling at me, because apparently as your keeper it's me that has to yell at you, can't you do that in the deadheads or your room so we all don't have to know about it” he explains
“fine, then can I complain about zart cause I heard him every bloody night” I explain 
“fine alby you can yell at him when we get back” he smirks before the doors open and we run off into the maze soon enough going our separate ways I ran for what seemed like ages just little corners going around and around the maze till I stopped for a drink and in an opening to another way I saw something move I was deadly quiet in fear it was a griever till another opening I sore movement it was too slow and quiet to be a griever I slowly stepped around a corner and saw someone stood there, it didn't look like anyone I knew from the glade till they turned it was a girl she sore me and looked panicked running into my arms “Woah! uh hi” I say
“hello” she smiles before snuggling closer to me
“are you alright? what on earth are you bloody doing out here?” I ask her 
“I don't know I just woke up here a couple hours ago, I can't find my way out, do you know the way?” she asks sounding very scared and confused 
“yeah, ill take you back to the glade, oh do your remember your name?” I ask her
“y/n” she smiles 
“okay y/n come on” i tell her taking her hand and leading her back the way i came and back to the glade as soon as i got back i went to staright to alby and he instantly called a meeting as the runners got back we all sat in the meeting hall trying to work things out 
“so, newt? you found her just wondering around the maze no idea how she got there?” alby asks 
“yeah, she says she doesnt remeber anythingjust her name and that she woke up in the middle of the maze” i explain 
“i dont like this, not at all how do we know she’s not a wicked spy” gally yells
“really?” i ask geniunely shocked he could be so stupid
“well its is unusal to find a greenie in the maze” alby sighs “let alone a girl, and it is a bit odd she seems so odd around everyone” 
“your not actuly considering it alby, look at her shes just scared, same as we all where but she didnt even get the plesentness of the nice safe glade to wake up to, she could have woke up infront of a greiver for all we know” i explain 
“i say we get rid of her thorw her back in the maze where she came from” gally sighs sitting down again 
“no, we cant just throw her out becuase she’s a girl and we found her in a differnt place, i found her and i trust her”i explain “alby if anything happens by her hand its on me, okay” i suggest
“alright, she can stay” he sighs 
“newt!” i hear a female voice yell across the glade as i chatted with alby 
“oh hi love, thats the matter?” i ask her and alby wonders off 
“i remebered somthing” she smiles 
“oh what?” i ask very interested 
“i had a bag when i woke up but i put it down in the maze, could i go out and get it” she asks 
“i dont know love its kinda late” i begin 
“i know where i left it, please newt” she begs
“alright, but be back long before the doors close” i tell her so she giggles running towards the doors but i go after her “wait y/n” i yell just as she gets to the door 
what?” she ask quickly turning on her heels to face me
“be careful, please” i tell her 
“dont worry, ill be fine” she giggles pressing a tiny kiss to my lips before she ran off into the maze i stood shocked until i couldnt see her 
“YES YES YES YES! I KISSED THE GIRL” i yell overjoied
“show off” minho sighs walking past 
i sat next to the doors my head still swimming in euphoria and i couldnt stop smiling till it got late i stood passing by the doors she should have been back by now the long it went on the more worried i got till i sore her come running around the corridoras the doors began to shut she ran and jumped just as the doors shut jumping into my arms 
“hey” she giggles 
“hey” i laugh at her 
“what took you so long i was worried sick” i ask her 
“i got alittle lost on the way back” she smiles “but im back now no more need to worry” she giggles so we go back to the room we are shareing as the boys never trusted her enough to give her her own room so she stays with me
“so what was in this little bag you wanted to risk your life over” i ask her sitting on my bed 
“nothing much” she giggles 
“come on tell me” i ask her
“its really nothing newt dont worry about it” she giggles “i did run a load today i wanna go to bed” she sighs
“i know, but alby has asked me to look you over” i tell her 
“wait what?” she asks alittle worried 
“for uh griever stings thats all love” i tell her alittle nervous 
“oh ok, what do i have to do?” she asked
“just stand by your bed” i tell her and she did i was super nervous but i kept going moving down her arms and she seemed okay then her legs and she seemed fine till she began giggling 
“what? why are you giggiling?” i ask her
“newt” she giggles “where are your hands?” she asks i then notice my hands are on her arse 
“oh my god! i am so sorry” i tell her and she just giggles before io pull her shirt up alittle checking her over and she seemed fine she just stood there looking at me before she wrapped her arms around my neck and kisses me my hands went up from her waist up to her tits before we fell on her bed making out
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the ferst meting. chapter 1. a doctor who fan fick.
it was lait at night and a lital girl is to excited for her 5th berthday. that when she heres talking  from her parents  she ran down the stairs. and her father sed"well what are you stil doing up." the lital girl giggled  and sed "I'm to excited for tomorow." then the girls muther sed "well then you need to sleep if you want to beawake  tomorow so of you go back to bed...go on." then the girl whent to bed and fell asleep. to awake up to yeling. then a strange man swings open her bedroom door. the girl scared and confused screamed. then the lital girls father runs in. "its ok sweetie dadys here."sed the girls father. then suddenly a girl screams sumthing and the strsnge man sed "we have to go now." then the lital girl scared and confused sed "wheres mumy." then the strange man sed "we need to get down stares. I dont know how long en... can holed them off." then they left the room and the walls where on fier. when they got down stares the lital girls muther was waiting for them. then a strange glow. holding back a cloud of darknes. then the clowd disappeared and the light faded. then the strange girl fell to the grand. the man ran to her and sed "are you all rite." then the girl got up and sed "I'm fine but we shud get out of here be for the building collapsed." then all of a sudden the roof collapsed over the father and the girl. the man tryed to get them out but could only get the lital girl. suddenly the black cloud appeared. then the strange girls hands suddenly glowed. and the light held back the cloud. and the strange girl sed "hey d.....or I dont know how long I can holed this thing back." then the doctor and the lital girls muther ran to the collaps and got out the lital girl and father. but it was to late for the father. then the strange man grabed the girl and sed to the girls muther "run." the muther and the strangers ran with the lital girl. then wen they got to the front  door was colapsing and the strang girl sed "over here help me push this under the siling be for its to late."the man then sed to the lital girl to stay where she was and he helped the strange girl. then when they got the tabel under the sealing it colapsed. then the stransers toled the girl to get out and to run to nexed door as fased as she cud. so the girl did but then she rilised that the strangers dident folow her. so she hoped that they where all rite. [13 yrs later] hi I'm ender cicoriy I'm an 18. and I just got a job last week but this isint abeut that its abaut haw I met a man who wod chang my life for ever. biep biep biep...bang pop. geting out of bed sucs but then I notised the time. it was my ferst day at worke and I was late. so I got redy and ran to the coffy shop. I got my boss an expresow. be cos a friend who got me my jobe in the first plas sed he liked it and if I was to serviv I had to sucup big time that was the plan enyway but I was at a crosing wating for the light to tern when all of a sudin a man bumped in to me and spild the coffy all over me. cof cor I got upset and sed "whotch it." he apolegised but he dident stop whoking. the light was stil had ternd but a car was cuming and wasint going to stop so I coled hem to stop but he dident here me over the bus stop necst to me so I ran out to pushem out of the whey and just madit. unforchintly I hit my hed on the whay down but when I cam to I was seranded by peapol and the man who i pushed out of the whay. I notised what he was whering he loked like he came strat out of the renosons and then I sed "what hapined." he then sed "a car dident sem to wont to stop and you notised it be for me and saved me." then I remembered I was lat so I got up and sed "hey I'm late for my ferst day I have to go so be more carfal."then I ran off. then as I was runing I texted my friend to get me sum more clos be cos I didend bring spera. then wen I got to the bilding my friend was whating for me hes name was jacson but evrey one just coled hem jj. then he sed "wo what hapind to you." I remembered and sed "dont aske. did you get my tecst."he sed yes and we whent in sied and I got changed in the bathroom and then I notised what he got me. it was a shert with a picter of the wolfe and a par of denam jeans and a flanel gaket that I tied araned my wast and wen I got out of the bathroom I sed "what the hell. its my fist day and I'm whereing this are you jocing."then aor boss apired and sed "well mybe I was rong abeut you...you'r not as much of a suc up ceap it up. ow and we have a client coming in to day. when he arivs bring hem to my ofics.ow and if it looks like sum ones braking in bring them to me." then he left and I sed "that was whered." then jj sed " you'r rite. but after all this was a radio and new stashin whith hog backers."then I asked who there wher and he sed "no one knows. all we know is there the rison we have this bilding."then I had to go and we whend are seprit whas. then as I was whating for the elavater one of the stashins reporterspushed me out of the whay and sed "oups sorry you'll have to take the necsed one."and then she closed the dors on me then I got a tecsed from jj and it sed to met him at the bossis ofics. to I meseged ok but I have to take the stars. he sed that was fine I gust needed to get there. so I heded for the sters wen I reached the flor that jj was on. I was abaut to opin the door until I hered sumthing from the flor abuv so I went to tack a look and it was the guy I saved so I sed "hey what are you doing here."he dident notis me so he jumped and sed "oh its you I dident ecspect you sorry." I notised he was trieng to acses the flor that jj sed was a fake flor to tric peapol into thinking it was the bosses ofics and I sed "um that's the fake flor why are you trieng to get in there."then he was suprised and sed "oh I thot this whent to you'r bosis ofics."then I sed "no its actuly down here."then he came down a level and sed thanks but wen I opined the door he sed sumthing strang "hey you sued go home." I thot it was whered but I toled hem "I cant my perins died wen I was 5 and my foster perinds are jerks so I cant evin if I wontied to." he looked suprised and then sed "sorry"then I toled him "my names ender what's you'r." then he sed "I'm the doctor." I was confysed and sed "doctor who" then he sed just the doctor."I was stil confused and sed "so jused the doctor."and he sed "just the doctor" so the I asume he was the bossis client and sed "hey I'm heding to hes ofics I can show you the whay."then way wen we got there jj was wating and sed "who this." so I sed "I think hes the bosis client."then jj started to act wired and sed "oh ok well the boss wonts to see you persinaly and with no interupshins so I need you phone." thats when I notised sumthing in the room wasint rite. I cued here peapol working but I cudint see eny one so then I rilised that sumthing wasint rite and I sed "ok why" then it looked like he got inpasint so I sed "ok men here just stop acting like a jerk."then I gave hime my phone and went in I notised that the room was empt so I ternd rownd and tried to opin the dor but it was loked as I banged on it and sed "haha pranke on the new girl very funy now opin up the door."but no one did then I startied to get angry and sed "what the hell guys let me out."stil nothing then I hered the flor crik from be hined me. when I terned rowned it was a man maed out of metal. then I notised my boss. so I sed "sir I thot this room was empty." then he sed "ow theres a door over there I was in the geting this redy." then I notised that hes mowth wasint moving. and then I rilised it was cuming from be hined me then the voic sed "we are the cybermen and you well be up gradid. so I sed "um I'm gesing its not god so by."I rushed the door and I was weac inaf for me to brak. then I ran to the sters I cudint go down be cos there where coming up so I whent up but I cod onle get up one leval becos they where ubav me to so I went to the door and opined it when I was in sied I herd   peapal scriming and whent towords it wen  I got there I sot strang rowned silinders that peapal where whoking in to and scriming and what cam out I dident wont to beleav it was the metal men that chased me in here so I disied I sen enf of this room and lefed wen I lefed I sor the doctor being escorted by jj to sum where so I foloed them. sen there stoped it was in a room filed whith thos things but one ove them looked difrint. then I notised on its hed it was blake. but then I notised that there where toking abawt sumthing and then the thing with a black hed yeld that its the ciber leader. then suden two of thos things restrans the doctor and the ceberleader looked like it whos going to kill him so i grabed a pice of scrap and thru it at ti making it mis and hiting one of thos things that had the doctor. then the doctor was abel to get free and I ran do him and grabed hes haned and just ran. then I sor a plas to hied behind sum boksis. so we ran be hined them. then a grop of thos things ran paned us. then the doctor asked "how did you get a way." I dident rely now my self so I sed "I got lucky."then I sed "there dont give up dont there."the doctor dident think it was funy. so I sed "hey I sor what thos things are and I think you now more then me. so we need to help the peapol who haveint becom one of thos things and stop them all rite." then he semed to crak a smiel and sed "all rite."then we cam up with a plan wen we got to the upgragen room the doctor  caled it we split up and then the doctor got there atenchin of the crybermen I got evryone out. wen evry one was out of the bilding I went to go back to the doctor but a cyberman apered and grabed me and sed "where is the doctor."so I sed " ivin if I new I wodint tell you." then he got angry and sed "move." then he shuved me forwerds and we heded to back to the room the doctor coled the ciybercontrol. when we got there the thing that cols it self cybercontroler came up to me and sed "where is the doctor" ofiesly I cept my mouth shut. then jj puled out a gun and sed "where is he." I was angry for what he was doing and sed "what is rong whith you for as long as Iv non you. you'v never dun sumthing like this be for." he was geting angry and sed "I will kill you. and you now that I olwas keep my promises."then I sed "realy you've non me for 14 yrs have you ever sen me betray sumone." I now he dosent now haw to yopus a gun becos he hasint terned the safty off. so I disided to antaginis him a litel. "so what...what are you going to do if you kill me ha. you'r going to have to ecsplen to you frends here why you killed me. but that's up to you."then I notesed a ciberman be hined the jj was to shot to be a siberman. then the siberleader sed "this is pointlis. she has no yous to us." then jj sed "sorry ender but I ges this is just like your tedy bar." then I rilised it was a trik. you see this was sumthing me and jj now. you see it was win we where kids. a friend of jj's was meen to me and tok my bar so jj plaed along and in the end he dident betray me it was a trik to get my tedy bar back. so I new what was going on and sed "jj if you going to kill me tern the safty off." then he terned off the safty and then tosed it up and sed "doc cach." then the doctor grabed it and fisd but dident hit the control consol. but I cud se fin so I ran to hem and grabed the gun and had a clear shot. [BANG] I hit the consol wich ecsploded. and I got thron to the flor and my ers wher rining. wen I looked rawnd the sibercontroler stil cued tried to shot jj and the doctor it looked like they where looking for me becos I was covered with rubal from the consol ecsploeded. and I cudint move and I cudint yell then I notesed the gun I was abel to grab it and I pointited it the sibercontroled and fiered then the sibercontroler fell and jj and the doctor sor me and yeled "ender." then I pased out when I came to I was in a hospital room and notised the ners necst to me. but she dident notes I was a whake so I sed "ecscus me but what hapined" the ners jumped and was suprised then she caled for a doctor and he sed " you have ben in a comar for 2 yrs." I cudint beleave 2 yrs I was in a comar but it had only fent like 2 minits. then a day later I was geting redy to leav and I was wondering where jj and the doctor was then a man in a trench cot cam in and sed "are you ender cicory." I dident reconis him but he semed fomilyer. so I sed "whos's asking." then jj whaked in and sed "ender we need you help the doctor is in trobal." end of chapter 1 chapter 2 secrits of enders pased life.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
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the room was dark except two small lights on the desks with newt and y/n stood doing there work trying to avoid looking at each other yet repetedly doing it "you look nice today" he smiled at her "thanks, you too" she smiled in reply before the room was scilent again they kept smiling at each other till the door to the room opened and light from outside flooded in making them both sigh and quickly retunr to there work making it look like they even looked at eat other "morning guys" a happy male voice replied with a obvious accent the man stepped in turning on the main room light illuminating the whole scince lab it was minho "morning minho" newt sighed not removing his eyes from  his work "morning newt, hows eve?" minho asked coming into the room fully and standing infront of newts desk putting a coffe cup ont he corner of the desk "she's fine, with her mother, I will hopefully go see her next month providing I get this battery finished" newt explained still not remvoing his gaze from his work his tone seemed detached and concentrated with but a obvious rather adorable and out of place south london accent "i get it, tough world" minho sighed before going over to the other desk "gooood moorning y/n" he smirked leaving on the desk "hello" she answered breifly "coffee, extra cream, no sugar.. and look" he explained giving her the cup he then took off the lid "i dusted chocolate into a heart for you" she smiled at her "thanks minho, you might not wanna lean there" she suggested "why is that?" he smirked "beacuse your about to knock over a tube of salfuric acid" she answered breifly "oh, thanks" he said quickly moving away and sitting on a small stood near the wall far from the two desks newt then took a sip of his coffee "minho i did ask for cream too you know this is basicly black" he sighed "they where out" minho replied breifly checking his phone "but you got y/n- never mind never mind, this is why i have the draw" newt sighed opening a dark in his desk filled with little resturant cream packets, sugar packets and various others all neatly sorted by there containments "i havent sorted this out for years, minho did you?" he began to ask "i did actuly newt i thought you might like it all organized so you can find what your looking for" she smiled at him "also it was anoying me knowing what a mess it was" she giggled "well thanks y/n"he smiled at her getting a cream packet and adding it to his coffee they all continued there work for a while knowone really saying or doing much till the clock hit 1pm "okay im going on a lunch run what does everyone want?" minho asked getting up "same as normal" y/n answered consentrating on her work "same" newt added still focusing on his work "okay, see you guys later then" minho sighed getting his bag and heading out the door leaving the two alone again "thanks for sorting everything for me y/n, i dont know where i'd be without you" he smiled at her "your quite welcome newt, i guess this means ive paid you back for cutting my hair off from that fire last week" she smiled with a little giggle "its okay, im sorry i did such a bad job of it" he sighed "its okay, i kinda like it" she smiled they both then staied in scilence till they heard a car leave just outside the wall indicating to them minho had definatly left "newt about last night?" she began "y/n, lets not okay, were at work" he told her "i know but-" she began "y/n" he said again interupting her "i had fun too, you dont have to bring it up everytime" he laughed at her "i know, i just like telling you" she giggled "you get really mad when i bring it up" she sighed "i know i do ... im just not sure im comfortable with it all yet y/n,  i guess im too distracted" he sighed "youve been distracted for weeks" she sighs "i know its just that...i cant get this stupid thing to work and stop exploding, and vickys pressing me to take eve for next month and i cant even afford to get the train down to go get her without fixing this stupid battery... not to be rude y/n but, you and me is the least of my concerne right now" he explained to her "its okay newt i understand" she smiled coming over to him "have you tried flipping the internal mehcanics?" she asks "yeah, that makes it worse" he answers "have you tried using a different inoizer?" she asked "yeah then it doesnt charge properly" he sighs "have you tried, flipping the battery store to the other side away from the power inlet and the primay use buttons?" she asks "uhh, no i havent" he answers quickly working on doing that and within a few seconds the green light came on they both braced themself for an explosion but nothing "we got it working" he yelled happily "thanks y/n" he smiled happily "your welcome" she giggled they where both quiet and still for a moment before he turned and kissed her cheek "i thought you said we where at work, none of that business newt"she giggled going back to her desk and sorting a few things putting away some the tubes full of chemicals into a small fridge like device and newt put his working setup away into a box for minho to send off when he got back "minho's taking a while" newt sighed "yeah, well he does have to get ours which are special orders anyway, plus get both our drinks froma  whole other place plus you know he'll be stuck in a que for hours waiting for his" y/n laughed "true, you should have this job y/n, your a heck of alot smarted then i am" he laughed "newt, your just as smart as me, it just so happened that here you got tenure first before i did, so im your assisnat, i dont mind newt honest i dont, i just wish we could get a new assisant somtimes, minho annoys me sometimes, but i see why, i am one of the only women here and he doesnt know about... uhh" she explained stoping mid sentence "about what?" newt asked "i was going to say he doesnt know about us but im not really sure there is an us, im still unclear what we are" she answered "oh,uh...im not sure either" he shurged before going over to her and hugging her from behind "but whatever we are, is it okay i get alittle jealous?" he laughed "i supose so, if he got replaced with a sexy science girl i would get pretty jealous too " she giggled they both then laughed before newt lifted her up and sat her on her desk so she was facing him undoing her lab coat revealing her dark blue curve hugging dress his arms around her wasit hers around his neck as he lent forward and they passionatly kissed "no, we have to stop" she said pushing him lightly away "like you said, we're at work" she sighed "your right" he sighed helping her back off the desk just as they heard the familiar sound of minho's car coming back "continue tonight?" he asked "my doors always open, you know that" she giggled and the two went back to there work tiding there stations acting like nothing had happened till minho came back in the room "hey everybody, miss me?" he asked smirking "no" newt sighed "it was much quieter" he sighed "oh come on newt you love me" minho laughed "i just wish y/n would love me" he sighed leaning on y/n's desk again "keep dreaming" y/n told him "i know you will love me someday, heres your lunch y/n" he smiled giving her a bag off food "thanks minho" she sighed "heres yours newt, i had mine in the store so, want me to take all the pakege off while you go take lunch" he explained "yeah thanks minho" newt told him as the two got there stuff and went out to the park just the other side of the university and the two sat under a tree nibbling at their lunch
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