#i adored the little daxton screentime we got and adored that they ended up friends
miraculouslycool · 1 year
The people who are genuinely angry that Devi didn't end up with Des or Ethan like one of them didn't throw her under the bus for his trifling mother who dismissed her trauma and the other isn't a literal criminal who could have landed her on academic probation only see Devi as a placeholder for their hot boy fantasies.
You don't see her as her own person with her own set of quirks and principles that she spent learning and unlearning over 4 years. You don't see her friendship and eventual romance with the one she ended up with as something desirable because it's not something YOU desire. You don't care that it's something that works for Devi because you don't care that she's not you. She's not self-insert y/n with her messy bun of the early 2010s and it irks you that she ended up with someone as equally flawed and intelligent she grew to love and who loved her just as much because Ben isn't your typical swoon worthy love interest boy band member either.
He's a real person and everyone pulling out the activism card of "she ended up with the white boy!!!!" can't seem to accept that.
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