#i aged him a year from originally to account both for manny and new backstory revelations
grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Pierre Lin from @seraphinitegames (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Pierre Lin
Age: 31 (as of the end of book 1)
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: 6 feet and 2 inches.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Family Background: Rebecca Dy was brought to America as a baby from the Philippines -- her family is of Philippine-Chinese heritage. Her parents died when she was, well, a baby and she was taken in by her aunt and uncle. They didn’t want kids. So, one can imagine that led to a nurturing and close dynamic. She was raised in New York. 
Benoît “Rook” Lin was also adopted and also Filipino-Chinese. An older French-Vietnamese family took him in when he was a toddler. They ended up passing when Rook was just shy of sixteen. First his mother and then his father, who tried to hold on, of heartache. He was raised in Wayhaven but ended up finding himself in NYC. He and Rebecca actually met early on through a self-defense class. But it was very casually. They didn’t click later on, through a mutual friend. 
Pierre was born in Staten Island to a struggling Private Investigator and an Intern at the Agency. They lived in a small apartment but things were good. The family ended up moving to Wayhaven when Pierre was ten because of affordability as well as Rook being offered a job with Wayhaven PD. 
Education: He joined the ROTC program and it helped pay for his double BA in Library Science and Sociology. 
Best Childhood Memory: Making pancakes with his mom.
Favorite Color: Hunter Green and Blue (usually the darker sort, like a Royal Blue) Why did I choose to do his aesthetic in cool blues and pinks? Bc it fits him too.
Favorite Season: Pierre isn’t one to announce favorite seasons (unless Felix pressed) -- but he has a preference for autumn, and probably winter.
Cat or Dog: Cats! He doesn’t own one, but he loves the cats in his building. And they really love him.
Chocolate or Vanilla: This is another if pressed into a choice decisions: Chocolate. (But he likes the taste of vanilla bean / vanilla extract syrup a touch more.) Plus he also likes how chocolate can be bitter. He’s too much of a black coffee drinker not to.
Sweet or Spicy: Spicy. 
Coffee or Tea: Coffee. Pierre is professional to a T but if he were to be one c*p/detect*ve stereotype (from the shows at least), it would be having a coffee cup in hand where he probably shouldn’t. 
Best Friend: Can Felix count? Felix is probably the person he would feel most comfortable being vulnerable with (and he’s still slow acting in sharing certain points). He doesn’t consider himself as having one (and doesn’t think anyone would consider him one). However, the closest bet would be Nat and Verda. He and Verda had a slow start; but Pierre’s actually come to really trust him as well as emotionally rely on him. Especially in the past year. 
Love Interest: Felix.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Felix’s boldness and effervescence and curiosity and heart and energy and humor and -- 
Felix literally kissed his hand. His hand. He was intrigued from the word go (lol, he was stammering from the word go) and hasn’t stopped feeling that tentative smile or that warmth in his chest since. Being around Felix is like fireworks on a warm night and after Bobby (and barely dating since then), it was a salve to the soul. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): It depends on who it is. Over all, his love language is acts of service. However, he is supportive verbally. He’s also a good listener. He has a very warm yet firm energy, that can often crawl into teasing if he’s comfortable enough (or with kids). He’s the guy that would take the time to rearrange your furniture --- or, gasp, learn how to fix minor stuff so he can help you out to keep you from spending too much on like, say, plumbing. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: He doesn’t think he does. He likes kids (he volunteers at the local hospital!) but he has to work through some problems first. He’s also currently too focused on work at the moment. (However, if Felix brought it up, down the road, he’d consider it.)
Any Pets?: No. But Mr. Sylvester has another human beyond the one he shares an apartment with. That human is one Pierre Lin.
Do They Have a Temper?: Generally, no. But when he does ...... 
Hobbies?: He enjoys reading. He also likes repairing older books. Nothing big or fancy. But it’s something he does for friends. Mostly textbooks but also paperbacks and hardcovers for novels. It’s mostly rebinding but he’s learning about embossing and recovering and etc. Because he’s a nerd. 
He also enjoys the museum. Learning languages could count as well, though he tends to do it for work (he wants people to feel comfortable --- and he’s a bit of the Boy ScoutTM)
Do They Hold Grudges?: He didn’t think he did too much until he found out his mother lied to him for years. 
They’re on the mend though! Just slowly. Also, Bobby’s entire existence is a sore point that he definitely holds against Bobby.
Do They Exercise?: Somewhat. It is routine that he is used to but not as much as he used to. However, he keeps up enough to stay fit and in shape. 
One Random Headcanon: Pierre is still really good at handstands. As a kid it used to be a silly thing he used to do to get Rebecca’s attention/feeling “rebellious” (it was headstands at first, and she’d click at him about breaking his neck), and it evolved into a sort of inside joke of theirs.
He doesn’t really do them these days. But he will pull them out as heavy artillery to cheer Felix up, if need be. And. Well. If his shirt slides up (down??) while doing it. These things happen ;-D (Pierre may be the shyer one in their romance but he isn’t without his moves~~)
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