grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Malakai Baines from @seraphinitegames (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Malakai Gideon Baines
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: 5 feet and 8 inches
Hair Color: A very dark brown (but usually shaved / bald)
Eye Color: Light Brown
Family Background: Rebecca Grant came from a respectable middle-class family in Connecticut. Asher Baines came from a very Christian but close knit family from Arizona. They met in college not too far from Wayhaven. They both fell in love with the town. So it made sense for them to move their and raise their baby in the small town. 
Education: He has a B.S. in Applied Mathematics and minored in Computer Science. He was, in a rare occasion, indecisive about his Masters -- and ended up working for Wayhaven PD. 
Best Childhood Memory: It’s complicated. Some of Kai’s best and worst memories involve being a latchkey kid. Sure the “nanny” was around, but as they grew older, most of their time was spent by themselves. As a kid he took pride of being mature and independent, and though he’s not one for nostalgia, looking back memories are clouded with that haze. However, he was lonely. And there’s a depth of realization that hits you about that as one gets older. 
He research and completed a science project on his own. It was not for the first time but with this one, it was both the last time he let Rebecca disappoint him (she didn’t come through, again, with helping him finish that project) and he won first place. 
Favorite Color: Maroon. Black. Gray. 
Favorite Season: No.
But probably summer and autumn for the foods associated with it. 
Cat or Dog: Fish. 
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both. He’s not gonna sniff his nose at two common parts/bases in baked goods. He leans chocolate for the fact that there just tends to be more candy with chocolate base. 
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet. Man, does Kai have a sweet tooth. “... and pastry” is probably the most Hayley has ever heard Kai speak. (Kidding!)
Coffee or Tea: Coffee.
Best Friend: Mason.
Love Interest: Natalie “Nat” Sewell
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: They say opposites attract! They are literal tail ends with a lot of beats. But there is a respect for the other’s approach, and I think that’s what hit with Kai. Nat’s openness and willingness to learn, to understand. It is both so serious and refreshing. Softly sincere. It is appealing. 
A part of that is also, it’s fascinating to watch at work. Nat is similar enough to him that he wants to make that approach (as opposed to say, someone like Felix or Tina) but different enough that seeing how she navigates people / knowledge / etc piques the curiousity. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): It depends. Is it Nat, Mason, or everybody else. His love language is quality time. But Kai has an (seemingly) unexpected PDA steak when around Nat. There might be some minor hesitation when it comes to more (trying to think of a good term ...) “softer”/fluffier parts of physical touch, but he’d do it for her.
Of course, these nerds spend quiet time together in the library. Kai on his laptop and Nat’s feet tucked under his thigh as she reads a book. With Mason it’s all quiet silences. Just being there, side by side. 
For everyone else? Look elsewhere. He is not the one. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: No. 
Any Pets?: Yes. A parakeet named Pointdexter. Dexter for short. 
Do They Have a Temper?:  No. That would involve being bothered.
Hobbies?: Technology! Gaming. Very lightly (.... ha) combat training. Reading math, science, and tech journals. 
Do They Hold Grudges?: See ‘Temper’
Do They Exercise?: Some. He has some self-defense / martial arts training that he keeps up with.
One Random Headcanon: Probably unsurprising but Kai is actually rather good in the kitchen. His is state of the art. Sadly, he hasn’t had time over the years to move from fair/rather good to really good. 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Nicola Abbott from KOTSAM/KOTDAN ( @keeperofthesunandmoon)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Nicola Abbott
Age: 20
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5 feet and 5 ½ inches 
Hair Color: Dark brown. . 
Eye Color: Brown.
Family Background: She has her dad, Lucas Abbott, and her Aunt, Drusilla Anderson. Her mother passed away when she was very young. Her mother is was also a fucking bitch. She’s working on moving on from that. There’s also her mother’s family … 
Species: Magician 
Education: Potions Major
Best Childhood Memory: She, her dad, and aunt Dru went dressed as Lydia Deetz, Frankenstein, and (surprisingly) Debbie Jellinsky – respectively – for Halloween once. It was so much fun. 
Favorite Color: Dark reds (burgundies, maroons, blood reds, etc) and black. Dark colors period tend to get her interest; like dark royal blues and hunter greens. 
Favorite Season: Fall. Yes, Astrid she is in fact a cliché. 
Cat or Dog: Her baby Anubis, a hellhound dog. 
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Sweet or Spicy: Spicy.
Coffee or Tea: Either, neither. Coffee helps keep one awake.
Best Friend: Kol. Nicola adores him with her entire heart. More than she adores Yakov? …. Maybe so. No, lol. Well. She’s rather Fond of Astrid and Sera as well. 
Love Interest: Yakov Vasilyev.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Strangely enough his astuteness. That and how easy it was to be in silence around Yakov. Nicola is highly private and she is the Mistress of Deflecting With Sarcasm and ‘Moving On Now …’. And Yakov sees through that. He doesn’t allow it. He does it in a manner that Nicola can tolerate. (It’s so funny because neither shares but both want the other to open up aaswewr)
He also enjoys quiet. That’s what got him over Sera (who she also had a crush on; because she was pinged by the intelligence of them both). The two of them could sit in stillness together for hours and still feel fulfilled. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): 
If Kol’s the mom-friend, Cola’s the dadfriend. Here’s five dollars son, let’s sit in stoic silence. She checks in. Continuously. She’s private, sarcastic, and sometimes a little -- not nice. However, she’s the kind of friend that checks in. And you can trust in her follow through, because she’s straightforward and responsible. She’s protective of her loved ones and always has their backs. She has a way of just being there for you.
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?:  No? She’s not thought about it. She’s fine with being the cool aunt to her friends’ kids. (You know, if she lives long enough to see that happen.)
Any Pets?: Yes. A hellhound. 
Do They Have a Temper?: No. Not in the traditional sense. For someone who is a bloodhound for unanswered questions that get their interests, Nicola tends to rather let things go. She either doesn’t want to be bothered / doesn’t deem it worth it / wants to keep the peace. HOWEVER, she is rather snarky when pressed. 
Hobbies?: Studying? Apparently investigations. Who knew? The truth is out there!
Do They Hold Grudges?:  Ish. It tends to be more on the behalf of her loved ones. 
One Random Headcanon: She has a septum piercing and the surface tragus of her right ear pierced. Nicola has a few piercing (though less than one might expect) but those are two of the newest ones. 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Kendis Crawford-Louel from KOTSAM/KOTDAN ( @keeperofthesunandmoon)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Kendis Crawford-Louel
Age: 20
Pronouns: She/her, They/them
Height: 5 feet and 10 inches
Hair Color: Currently somewhere between beach blonde and platinum blonde. 
Eye Color: Dark Brown.
Family Background: Kendis’ parents are Lysander Dupree and Isabella Crawford-Louel. Kendis was raised primarily by their mother in Montana - with a gaggle of found family and a smattering of blood relatives stepping in as needed - and she didn’t know her father, until recently. She has an older brother; he’s currently overseas doing nerd things. 
Species: Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon Fire-wielding Drakaina 
Education: Political Science Major
Best Childhood Memory: Have you met their mom? Every childhood memory was the best memory.
Favorite Color: Lud.  fandango pink, deep purple, red, lilac sand, gold.
Favorite Season: All of them. But she is partial to spring as well as winter. Winter because they’re from Montana. Spring because it is her birthday season. But also because all the pictures of cute animals that come out during the aforementioned times of years (reindeers and bunnies!)
Cat or Dog: If it is an animal, Kendis will love them. However, she has a cat named Sekhmet. 
Chocolate or Vanilla: She leans chocolate. But if it tastes good, she will love it.
Sweet or Spicy: See above.
Coffee or Tea: See above. She probably leans tea though.
Best Friend: Does her boyfriend count? Kendis is rather fond of all her roommates and would go to bat for any of them (and for some of them, literally); however, she’s not more close to any one over the other (as of book 2). Maybe she’s a little fonder of Astrid and Kol, but. Not enough to give them BFF status, but enough that it would probably matter. 
Love Interest: Cyrus Monroe
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: The back and forth? Despite themselves, Cyrus’ demeanor both attracted and repelled them --- he was sharp with a rejoinder but was so ... sulky (which they are not) and sensitive (like they are one to talk).
But then Cyrus was like, you know what, I think you should be careful around Leon and Cressy and their agendas. And Kendis was like, wayment.  Kendis is ornery and prideful and thinks they can have their own back 1000% sometimes, but -- maybe it’s that inner dragon, but Cyrus stepping outside of his ... pack, for lack of a better term, to not only say I NOTICE this is wrong and I’m going to SAY it, sorta pinged something in Kendis like a freight train. 
And it very immediately clicked that as much as Cyrus irritated them, they sorta liked the banter, and was amused by his grumpiness. And adored his loyalty. And -- it was like okay, that one.
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): For someone who is ridiculously affectionate, Kendis is surprisingly not a hugger. Words of Affirmation is most definitely Kendis’ love language, and they live to affirm. One could not meet a better hype person. 
They also love giving gifts, especially baked goods. One can tell how loved they are by Kendis by the number of cupcakes and the type of brownies. They ain’t subtle. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?:  Yes. But not now. Probably a few. Kendis is young but they had such a great example for a mom, so. And Kendis loves children. They used to baby-sit to earn money. 
Any Pets?: Yes. A shadow cat. 
Do They Have a Temper?: LMAO. Kendis tries to deep breathe, but yes. 
Hobbies?: Kendis will try anything once -- as well established, if Kendis wasn’t leading a club, they were joining them. The current, and most consistent, passion is baking. 
Also a fan of retail therapy. And is going to parties a hobby?? (Karaoke time!!!)
Do They Hold Grudges?:  They INVENTED holding grudges. 
One Random Headcanon: In another life, Kendis could’ve been an accountant (lol, no). Well. Maybe. Though determined, and ridiculously stubborn, thus being able to excel when they put their mind to it, Kendis was never one for school. The socialization part was fun, but you know, whatever. However, Math seemed to speak to them -- as did math focused sciences. 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Reuben Casseus @fallenhero-rebirth (Fallen Hero series)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Reuben Casseus
Age: 30s. 
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: He is taller than Herald. If I remember right. Probably just shorter than Ortega.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Expertise: Streetwise fighter who leans toward ‘strength of mind’ with his telepathy. 
Villain Lyfe: Mastermind Odysseus he’s a anarchist. His suit is utilitarian and .... you guessed it, non-descript. It’s outfitted for strength and speed, as well with jumpjets.
Best Sidestep Memory: Ricardo. According to him, no such thing exists. 
Favorite Color: The only time you’re allowed to at him is when they discover a color darker than black. Red. And he supposes white. 
Favorite Season: Winter. Less people are out. He can bundle up without it drawing questions. .... He also like puffing his breath out in the crisp, cold air. 
Cat or Dog: Surprisingly, dogs. 
Chocolate or Vanilla: He does not care. But he supposes vanilla since it goes with carrot cake best. Reuben likes his candy, but carrot cake.
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet.
Coffee or Tea: 4Loko. So arguably “a win” for coffee.
Best Friend: Ricardo.  Dr. Mortum.  Best friendships would involve not setting fire to everything that you love (and dares to love you back). 
Love Interest: He is arguably single right now. However, he has romantic interest in both Wei Chen and Ricardo Ortega.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Reuben is self-hating. 
Something something belonging. Something something understanding. Something something is this what hope feels like?  Something persistence, something challenges. Something possibly similar to ‘I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like something something. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): How do people know that Reuben cares about them -- is definitely a question.
(I’m sure it’s something they’ve had moments of doubts over)
Reuben is definitely a more private affection giver. And I think the best way to know you’ve earned Reuben’s affection, as well that it has been given, is time. It is easy to look back and see patterns. And the pattern that crops up is the increasing amount of time Reuben is willing to allow you to spend in his quiet moments. How much time he’s willing to spend in your space. That Mary Oliver poem, that line: “If you have ever gone into the woods with me, I must love you very much.” 
That is one way Reuben expresses affection. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: This is so far from Reuben’s mind that he cannot see it even with a telescope. 
Any Pets?: No.
Do They Have a Temper?: Yes. 
Hobbies?: Hibernation. Arguing? Being secretive? Making enemies.  Being angy. Oh, so so so angy. Eating loads of candy?
Before, when he used to let himself think he could have normalcy, he would have stuff like hobbies*. Now he just runs. And mostly only in his puppet’s form. 
Do They Hold Grudges?: Yes. 
Do They Exercise?: Yes.
One Random Headcanon: *Snapple bottle caps. Reuben liked collecting things but he mostly collected those. He also occasionally read comic books. 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Irvin Etienne from KOTSAM/KOTDAN ( @keeperofthesunandmoon)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Irvin Etienne
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 5 feet and 11 inches 
Hair Color: Black hair . 
Eye Color: Brown.
Family Background: 
Species: Lightning-Drakaina
Best Childhood Memory: It’s a bit of a mix bag. But during an ‘after show’ of a school play, one of the parents made this potato salad that he didn’t like. She saw him going to throw it away and ‘lectured’ him how it was rude to throw away someone’s  hardwork. So, he made himself eat it and got sick. (Literally.) Some of the kids made fun of him. He got pretty upset.
His parents aren’t necessarily the mushiest of people but Irvin knows they love him. And moments like this, where his dad cancelled a business dinner to stay home with him, give him a hot shower, and make him canned chicken noodle soup always showed  that. His parents found out the story the next day from one of his friends. His mom called up that other mom and Laid. It. Into. Her. Then a month later they made the time to take him to the special dinner they’d originally planned for him (but that’d been cancelled because he got sick). 
It was one of those things that kept him warm when his parents were so busy or couldn’t make an event. Sure, yeah, sometimes it got disappointing but he knew that at the end of the day, they always had his back. 
Favorite Color: Is the khaki color of cargo allowed? He’s not quite sure? Grey or blue, he  guesses. His mom used to pick a lot of his suits in those colors. 
Favorite Season: Any. Most his sports can be done indoors or outdoors. He’s flexible.
Cat or Dog: Sure! He thinks most animals are cute.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet.
Coffee or Tea: He doesn’t really like either but he supposes he leans toward tea. 
Best Friend: Cressida Monroe. He wouldn’t call her  his best friend but he really likes Thalia. They have a strong vibe. 
Love Interest: Leon Dalton.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Leon is cute.
And not just physically. Sure, he noticed that but Irvin actually was crushing on Thalia  when Leon came in being his cute self. He’s cute in ways people don’t consider Leon Dalton being cute. Irvin finds Leon’s sweetness to be overwhelmingly so adorable. 
He also thinks it is cute how Leon acts like he’s Too COOL For School but is really just an adorkable goober. He just has a fondness that radiates from his chest whenever he looks upon Leon, and Irvin decided to follow that sensation.
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): He is relentlessly supportive. He’s more of a sit by your side, give you a shoulder to cry on, is a great listener sort than a hugger. But if that’s what you need, then he’ll give it a go. He’s flexible. His affection is encouraging and supportive and willing to meet you where you need, but also not looking to let you skulk off on your own. He’s your friend and he’s there for you whether you like it or not. I would say Irvin is probably Quality Time with a strong dash of Words of Affirmation (and a willingness toward acts of service; but that last is a more general the boy’s a hero sense). 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: He’s not sure, he thinks maybe one day. It’s not something he really thinks about right now outside of a vague ‘man, i have great parents, i hope im as good as them one day.’ 
Any Pets?: Nope.
Do They Have a Temper?: One would not think he did, at all. But Reyna could attest to the contrary. It’s there. It’s just that Irvin is so sweet and supportive and kind that it’s hard to miss, but if he gets pushed hard enough … it flares like a wildfire. Let sleeping dragons lie, exists for a good reason.
Hobbies?: Sports! 
Do They Hold Grudges?: Generally, no. 
One Random Headcanon: He doesn’t like clowns.
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Emile Ryan @keeperofthesunandmoon (KOTSAM/KOTDAN/KOLAD)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form!
Name: Emile Ryan
Age: 19
Pronouns: They/them. 
Height: Smol. 5 feet and 1 inch.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Family Background: Goodness. Emile’s mom (Ariana) and dad (Michael Ryan) adopted her. Ariana is related to Emile’s birthmother Alexandra “Alexa” Anderson. Alexa was married to Julian. (And this is where I recommend you read the book!)  Ariana and Michael are lawyers. 
Species: Ice-wielding Cambion.
Education: Magical Theory major. 
Best Childhood Memory: Sitting on their dad’s lap and listening to him tell them stories about his time in law school, about his hopes and dreams. They would have tea and converse, and it made them feel very adult and loved and involved.
Favorite Color: Pinks, peaches, and soft greys. 
Cat or Dog: Neither and both. Animals as a whole smell and have habits that Emile doesn’t feel is compatible with their lifestyle. However, that whole unconditional affection thing? Chef kiss. So Emile would definitely give animal some scritches and tolerate other’s pets to an extent. If one had to choose, they would lean toward cats. Have you met their girlfriend? 
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. 
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet. 
Coffee or Tea: Tea. 
Best Friend: Surprisingly, probably, Astrid. Outside of their girlfriend, it would be Astrid. Then Leon. Those are the three they love most. 
Love Interest: Cressida Monroe
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Cressida is That Bitch. And so, is Emile.
No. And well, yes. Cressida is poised, cunning, and elegant. Cressy is intelligent. And there is something exciting, and drunk making, to know you’ve garnered the heart of someone like her. To be let into that tight circle of affection. 
So, I think the combination of Cressida’s demeanor and attention. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): Murder? 
Softe. Softe. Softe. Softe. It is like the cunning cautious person is completely (mostly) gone and replaced by a ray of warm sunbeam. Except softe romanticness whether friend or s/o – whisking you away, treating you well, uplifting you even when you’re not around. Filter? What filter? The only agenda is to speak well of you. Honestly, not to say that Emile is no longer biting but there’s fluff too. 
And the murder is - mostly - a joke, but Emile is very “I will storm the gods”. Cross her loved ones and you are an enemy. Could be allies or could’ve-been-ignored-by-them have earned their disdain for not showing their loved ones the respect they deserve. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: Goodness no. They’re twenty. And they do not see children in their near future. They also wouldn’t inflict their biological or environmental parental influences on a child. They aren’t against the idea, however. In a future where they’re less targeted and more in control. 
Any Pets?: No.
Do They Have a Temper?: Not in the traditional sense. Emile is more likely to get even than to strike violently, to be cutting as a form of “lashing out”. But it isn’t something that generally occurs (though their life these days does begger one into positions of continuous fight or flight.)
Hobbies?: When you play the Game of Keepers you win or you die. Make up, shopping, sculpting, and making jewelry. 
Do They Hold Grudges?: Yes they do!! I’ve said before it shows up differently for different people, but to be concise: yep. 
Do They Exercise?: Yes. Kind of hard to be the keeper and not to – they’re definitely not as wild with it as Thalia would like, but. 
One Random Headcanon: Emile loves croissants. If they had any one weird tendency it was that they could probably eat croissants for breakfast and lunch, every day of the month. Of the year. Dinner isn’t included because one does need SOME variety. But like picture chocolate dipped croissants, croissants with jam or butter or nutella for breakfast. Than savory it up for lunch. Who needs white bread when croissants exist?
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Val Montemer from Wayhaven ( @seraphinitegames) 
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Val Ariel Montemer
Age: 24
Pronouns: They/them.
Height: 5 feet and 1 inch.
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue.
Family Background: Rebecca Brus and Ariel Montemer were legit childhood friends to lovers. With Ariel being the new kid on the block who was assigned to sit next to Rebecca. Rebecca’s family were Polish immigrants (New York stylz) who moved to Wayhaven. Ariel’s parents were from the UK – they moved around a lot because of their work. Ariel left before starting high school but kept in touch with Rebecca. They got married straight outside of college. 
Education:  Cosmetology school. Their focus was on hair styling. 
Best Childhood Memory: Managing to find old stuff of Rook’s was difficult – it was as if Rebecca purged the existence of him from her, their, lives. But whenever they did, it felt like a victory. It was all kinds of foreshadowing, when (unknown-to-them) the future investigator found their dad’s old Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew book. 
Favorite Color: Black.
Favorite Season:  Any season that doesn’t cause further damage to their baby (aka their car)
Cat or Dog: Dogs.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla. 
Sweet or Spicy: Spicy. 
Coffee or Tea: Tea.
Best Friend: Tina. And probably Felix. Adam.
Love Interest: Adam du Mortain
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: His tush.
In all honesty. They didn’t get along at ALL. They seemed so very different. And goodness knows Val’s fear of the supernatural didn’t help at ALL (nor Adam killing their stuff). It was simply physical.
Or so they thought. Adam’s understanding and acceptance (OF ALL THE PEOPLE) helped. Val is, affectionately, a trash panda – and a lot of their nature and habits and approaches that might get them judged by other people are not treated as a big deal by Adam (being horrendous with people? that’s cool, adam’s approach isnt exactly the soft touch. having a really practical and arguably “mercenary” [definitely “selfish”, according to some *coughs Nate*] reason for joining the force? NBD to Adam, he thinks it’s practical). 
And when he’s wrong, when he misspeaks, he apologizes immediately. Val doesn’t often get that because people don’t often take their emotions seriously, unless they are pressing them in said people’s face … and even then people would think they’re over-reacting. So, that’s nice. The combination of that (but mostly his hotness), is what helped tug Val into his orbit. And it’s been hard to get out since. 
… the super intense arguments didn’t hurt either. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?):
Affection is such … a complicated thing for Val. 
Val’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch —- but Val is reactionarily selfish (at times) and jittery around certain physical forms of affection. So, to say it concisely, Val displays affection awkwardly. 
Their go-to is usually humor. Appropriateness be damned but one cannot fault them for sincerity (or, at the very least, a sincere desire to get past the uncomfortable energy swirling around). 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: In a strange reality where Adam texts Val with the words ‘I want a baby’, Val’s response would be ‘I am baby’.
Any Pets?: No. 
Do They Have a Temper?: …. yes, but it mainly manifests in stubbornness and occasional emotional lash out. It really is person dependent. For example, Rebecca and disparaging Rook are sore points that get the most emotionally froth reactions. Anything below that, at most, is usually pithy sarcasm (ie Bobby) or resigned exasperation (ie Doug).
Hobbies?: Their car. Val is an “amateur” mechanic – amateur in that they were never really formally taught and doesn’t really work for money. They also really like mystery novels – and once in a blue moon will reread their childhood faves. 
Do They Hold Grudges?: Against their mother and Bobby, so yes. They’re also not the MOST forgiving of people. But those two – 
Do They Exercise?:. LMAO. Not intentionally. 
One Random Headcanon: They’re allergic to latex. 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Pierre Lin from @seraphinitegames (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Pierre Lin
Age: 31 (as of the end of book 1)
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: 6 feet and 2 inches.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Family Background: Rebecca Dy was brought to America as a baby from the Philippines -- her family is of Philippine-Chinese heritage. Her parents died when she was, well, a baby and she was taken in by her aunt and uncle. They didn’t want kids. So, one can imagine that led to a nurturing and close dynamic. She was raised in New York. 
Benoît “Rook” Lin was also adopted and also Filipino-Chinese. An older French-Vietnamese family took him in when he was a toddler. They ended up passing when Rook was just shy of sixteen. First his mother and then his father, who tried to hold on, of heartache. He was raised in Wayhaven but ended up finding himself in NYC. He and Rebecca actually met early on through a self-defense class. But it was very casually. They didn’t click later on, through a mutual friend. 
Pierre was born in Staten Island to a struggling Private Investigator and an Intern at the Agency. They lived in a small apartment but things were good. The family ended up moving to Wayhaven when Pierre was ten because of affordability as well as Rook being offered a job with Wayhaven PD. 
Education: He joined the ROTC program and it helped pay for his double BA in Library Science and Sociology. 
Best Childhood Memory: Making pancakes with his mom.
Favorite Color: Hunter Green and Blue (usually the darker sort, like a Royal Blue) Why did I choose to do his aesthetic in cool blues and pinks? Bc it fits him too.
Favorite Season: Pierre isn’t one to announce favorite seasons (unless Felix pressed) -- but he has a preference for autumn, and probably winter.
Cat or Dog: Cats! He doesn’t own one, but he loves the cats in his building. And they really love him.
Chocolate or Vanilla: This is another if pressed into a choice decisions: Chocolate. (But he likes the taste of vanilla bean / vanilla extract syrup a touch more.) Plus he also likes how chocolate can be bitter. He’s too much of a black coffee drinker not to.
Sweet or Spicy: Spicy. 
Coffee or Tea: Coffee. Pierre is professional to a T but if he were to be one c*p/detect*ve stereotype (from the shows at least), it would be having a coffee cup in hand where he probably shouldn’t. 
Best Friend: Can Felix count? Felix is probably the person he would feel most comfortable being vulnerable with (and he’s still slow acting in sharing certain points). He doesn’t consider himself as having one (and doesn’t think anyone would consider him one). However, the closest bet would be Nat and Verda. He and Verda had a slow start; but Pierre’s actually come to really trust him as well as emotionally rely on him. Especially in the past year. 
Love Interest: Felix.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Felix’s boldness and effervescence and curiosity and heart and energy and humor and -- 
Felix literally kissed his hand. His hand. He was intrigued from the word go (lol, he was stammering from the word go) and hasn’t stopped feeling that tentative smile or that warmth in his chest since. Being around Felix is like fireworks on a warm night and after Bobby (and barely dating since then), it was a salve to the soul. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): It depends on who it is. Over all, his love language is acts of service. However, he is supportive verbally. He’s also a good listener. He has a very warm yet firm energy, that can often crawl into teasing if he’s comfortable enough (or with kids). He’s the guy that would take the time to rearrange your furniture --- or, gasp, learn how to fix minor stuff so he can help you out to keep you from spending too much on like, say, plumbing. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: He doesn’t think he does. He likes kids (he volunteers at the local hospital!) but he has to work through some problems first. He’s also currently too focused on work at the moment. (However, if Felix brought it up, down the road, he’d consider it.)
Any Pets?: No. But Mr. Sylvester has another human beyond the one he shares an apartment with. That human is one Pierre Lin.
Do They Have a Temper?: Generally, no. But when he does ...... 
Hobbies?: He enjoys reading. He also likes repairing older books. Nothing big or fancy. But it’s something he does for friends. Mostly textbooks but also paperbacks and hardcovers for novels. It’s mostly rebinding but he’s learning about embossing and recovering and etc. Because he’s a nerd. 
He also enjoys the museum. Learning languages could count as well, though he tends to do it for work (he wants people to feel comfortable --- and he’s a bit of the Boy ScoutTM)
Do They Hold Grudges?: He didn’t think he did too much until he found out his mother lied to him for years. 
They’re on the mend though! Just slowly. Also, Bobby’s entire existence is a sore point that he definitely holds against Bobby.
Do They Exercise?: Somewhat. It is routine that he is used to but not as much as he used to. However, he keeps up enough to stay fit and in shape. 
One Random Headcanon: Pierre is still really good at handstands. As a kid it used to be a silly thing he used to do to get Rebecca’s attention/feeling “rebellious” (it was headstands at first, and she’d click at him about breaking his neck), and it evolved into a sort of inside joke of theirs.
He doesn’t really do them these days. But he will pull them out as heavy artillery to cheer Felix up, if need be. And. Well. If his shirt slides up (down??) while doing it. These things happen ;-D (Pierre may be the shyer one in their romance but he isn’t without his moves~~)
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Surina “Rina/Ina” Kingston from @seraphinitegames (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Surina Michele Kingston
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 6 feet and an inch.
Hair Color: Red, long and coiled. 
Eye Color: Light green. 
Family Background: Rebecca Salvatore and Eric “Rook” Kingston were set up on a blind date. Or, more accurately, they were the tag-a-longs forced into the situations by their best friends who were too shy to admit to feelings and thus wanted a safety net on their dates. Maybe in a different situation they might have hit it off. However, the tense awkwardness of the situation didn’t lead itself to ease. Right away Rebecca thought Rook was impulsive and naive. Rook thought Rebecca was temperamental yet stubborn. Being forced in each other’s company only worsened their point of view of each other. 
The turn happened a few years after high school. They met again post college at the aforementioned friends’ wedding. Both older and supposedly more “mellow”.  They became acquaintances, then friends with benefits. And the rest, as they say, is history. 
Education: A BS in biochem and a minor in Italian. Surina dropped out of high school but went on to complete her GED. She had no strong interest in doing college; however, curiosity got the better of her. She did two year college, just to try out the lifestyle, and got her associates. However, her natural interest in the topic as well as Verda’s <s>particularly daring her</s> encouragement got her to get her bachelor via online classes. 
Best Childhood Memory: Meeting Tina when she was younger. Getting into trouble with Tina. 
Favorite Color: Oranges and soft pinks. (Creamsicle themed). 
Favorite Season: Spring! And probably summer. 
Cat or Dog: She likes both well enough. Surina likes most animals, and thinks cats and dogs fluffy wriggliness to be adorable — but she likes them in a distant sort of way. (They’re cute, will pet / scritch them, but no need to have one of her own.) 
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both.
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet. 
Coffee or Tea:  Neither.
Best Friend: Verda. And Tina. She adores Tina; however, she and Verda click so well.
Love Interest:  Morgan (lmao.) 
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Morgan is hot. It was the banter, it was the flirting. They both enjoyed being raunchy and teasing at each other (and everyone’s – namely Adam’s - reactions to it.) Then they genuinely started to amuse each other, make each other smile and laugh. Then they started to see the softer side of Sears in each other. And the rest … well. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): She is a hugger! Surina is very much a ‘will hug if happy to see’ but tends to actually be more of a verbally encouraging & supportive person. So, words of affirmation first and then physical touch a more spaced second.
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: Maybe. One day. She’s just 25. She likes kids but she could take or leave kids, tbqh (at the moment. Who knows if that could change).
Any Pets?: No.
Do They Have a Temper?:  LMAO. Yes. Surina is bright, charming, and kind. However, do not piss her off. 
Hobbies?: She enjoys bike riding! She likes decorating her place. Dancing / going clubbing (but really just having fun dancing, though she doesn’t get to do it as much). Getting  into trouble Watching game shows and soap operas. 
Do They Hold Grudges?:  Yes-ish.  It is really person dependent. She’s more tolerant / sympathetic toward her loved ones. 
Do They Exercise?: Yes, some. It’s mostly the bike-riding. However, she keeps up a little with boxing and martial arts. 
One Random Headcanon: Surina was well known mayhem enjoyer and rabble-rouser in her Youth. One of the things that kept her on an even keel was trivia nights  Until there was an incident with That Cheat and Name Calling Bitch Margo Dillon. Margo couldn’t stand that such a – young woman who was mixed raced, openly queer, and open about not wanting to date any one person was surpassing her (future valedictorian) in biology and chemistry. Margo, long story short, started some shit she couldn’t finish.
Rina threatened to break her nose in – all of this happened at the small mom & pop where they host trivia nights. A restaurant that Margo’s aunt owns. Needless to say Surina was kicked out and has never been invited back. 
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