#i agree that some stuff about alden is extrapolated for angst reasons
creetchure · 6 months
i hate alden vacker because he sent two of his pre-school age children alone, unsupervised, and mostly unreachable in crisis, to a place they would not know at all and also contains multitudes of dangers to children that young. everything else he did in the books is debatable and arguably excusable under the circumstances, whatever; but sending his six year old sons to the forbidden cities on their own is. not. he, and i could not stress this enough, would have lost custody for endangerment and neglect in a human court of law. because someone could have straight up just grabbed alvar or fitz, and it wouldn't have mattered how smart they were because an Adult Human would still easily overpower a 1st grader. no matter how good a father he might be otherwise, that is unforgivable to me.
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