#i almost took a whole aas dress off to throw at kesha when she was singing take it off
pjisskullourful · 5 months
Omg yes and y/n leaves hickeys on his lower abdomen right above and around his cock and she loves that the next shows outfit it low low rise and everyone is gonna see the hickeys
i love this idea so much tht i took a lil stab at writing it while im lying in bed. but i an so tired that i didnt get much further than 400words
hope yall like what i got sofar& i hope i'll have the energy to work on it again soon
its not proofread, im literally struggling to keep my eyes open, dont judge me
definitely accepting title suggestions
This wasn't the first time you had watched a Måneskin concert, in the six months that you had been dating Damiano you had seen a bunch of their live shows.
But you were still surprised by how the crowd responded to him. He could keep them so consistently excited, they were captivated by every move, screaming with complete abandon. From your spot backstage, you could see some signs being held up, and most of them were explicit in nature. Then the bras went flying at him, launched through the air to land at his feet, unprompted. How much had those bras cost?
It was a strange notion to think that yours wasn't the only bra he would touch or remove tonight. This intimate act was offered so freely to him and by a large number of people (you imagined there were more pieces of lingerie that hadn't been thrown hard enough to make it to the stage). They were willing to part with their possessions for a shot at intimacy with him.
Everyone wants to fuck him. This wasn't a brand new concept to you. But tonight the knowledge came with some extra weight. Your fingers curled into your palms until you could feel the nails pressing on the skin as you wondered what they were doing to him in their fantasies.
You had the rest of the gig to move away from this jealousy. Eventually you could keep your eyes off of the crowd, instead watching for the fun little subtleties in his performance. You kept reminding yourself that you were the only one who got to have him. But simply thinking it didn't feel good enough after a while, you needed to act.
You were upon him as soon as he got off stage, coming into this private area, covered in so much sweat that his bare torso glistened. Usually you greeted him with a bottle of water, but that wasn't going to cut it tonight. You threw your arms around him, feeling like you had been waiting days to kiss him. He didn't resist, his arms moving around you as he kissed you back. He didn't prioritise catching his breath, just letting you enjoy his mouth. The activity of so many people backstage carried on without any input from either of you.
“It was a good show?” He asked, stealing more kisses in the quick pauses between words. “Did you have fun?”
You nodded, dragging your fingers over his scalp. “Uh-huh. But the real fun is just starting.”
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