#i already inoculated like half of the people in my social network i knew would be targets
Didn’t watch the Super Bowl, but your family did?
They’ve probably unknowingly been exposed to (and have possibly eaten) Evangelical bait. 
Extremely wealthy right-wing Christians have funded a campaign in an attempt to combat the church’s deep, growing unpopularity among the U.S. populace - church attendance is down and they’re freaking the fuck out. 
The ads have been around, maybe you’ve seen one, but Super Bowl has pushed them into the spotlight. If you missed it, a lot of people just saw a general vibe of “Yeah, let’s not kill all the gays! Poor people deserve to have food and clothes probably!”* and quietly nodded along.
The way the foundation works is to encourage positive feelings, then prey upon them by offering a service to direct people towards Christian spiritual centers. Any of them. Including some perhaps unfortunate options.
For emphasis, don’t give them any money (they’ve already got plenty). The campaign primarily targets culturally Christian agnostics and other spiritual fence-sitters who are hurting for a sense of community, especially right now. Watch out for your vulnerable! 
*ive seen like maybe a cumulative 30 seconds of clipped ads so i dont actually really know how the ads are but this seems like the low bar theyre trying to pass here
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