#i also firmly believe that their vision was stupid af.
rocketbirdie · 4 months
man. now that i think about it. crisis core sure did do that to zack's potential as a character huh
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moodysnowflake · 4 years
Hello there!
Warning guys, nasty SPOILERS ahead, both of FFVII (+ Remake) and FFVII Crisis Core.
The severity of spoilers is arguable, it depends on the level of involvement you have or you got in the series, so please be aware that what you're stepping onto might be a wildflower lawn as much as a war minefield.
I saw, read and heard a lot of people complaining about Cloud's dancing scene/minigame, grumbling about how:
1. Stupid it was;
2. Degrading it has been;
3. Zack would have been disappointed.
Let's take it in strides, shall we?
1. Stupid? I'd rather say silly, more than stupid. Stupid means doing something that you've no idea how/why you're doing. FFVII never made that a mystery: there was a goofy vibe in the original too, and that was on purpose. You couldn't handle the story otherwise, it would just have been a mess of violence, death, tears and blood. Light moods are needed for you to recuperate, recharge batteries and balance. Otherwise, we all would've ended up like Sephiroth.
Character perspective wise, Cloud might not have understood from the beginning (as much as I love him to the bottom of my essence, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer - that's also why Sephiroth can do what the fluff he wants) what the hell Aerith roped him into, but when he gets the idea he accepts it (in his very Cloud way) and faces it with one of the most determined look he has ever sported. He's willing to let himself be dragged on and about the stage by Andrea, because he knows this is for Tifa, so it doesn't matter if he has to shake is ass in front of a bunch of strangers. He never really cared about his reputation since Crisis Core; he doesn't care about what people think, he's doing it for the woman he loves (shut your trap, he loves her as much as she loves him, he just needs time to untangle himself from his nightmares - and someone smacking him on the head really hard).
Secondly, player perspective wise, is it really such a stupid section? How many did manage to get a perfect score on the very first try? Camera speed, moves and angles pulled some interesting stunts, didn't they? Tricking your depth perception, together with the lights going bananas. Even if they weren't; everything has been coordinated and perfectly synced with the music. If you'd refrained for two seconds from blabbering insults you would have noticed that you could've actually used lights as another cue to help you sync, with the music and Cloud's movements. It's called peripheral vision, you need to expand your focus as much as you can and split it both on the background and the forefront. That gives your brain the capacity to better throw information at you so you can react faster, 'cause you're actively trying to remain perceptive of your surroundings too. Just like in battles.
If that shooting dynamic would have been present during battle, nobody would have survived, not even a doomrat.
2. Talking about degrading. Did Cloud strip naked? Did he have to put on a honeybee outfit? As much as he was very uncomfortable, Andrea (a.k.a. the game) pushed him only up to the limit that still felt secure enough and over which it could have been really perceived as abusive. Andrea could have done that and Cloud would still have obliged (because Tifa) but his objective was not humiliating him. He wanted to play with the dangerous SOLDIER, over which he, paradoxically, even for a tiny bit, had the power and control. Still, he didn't overdo nor overuse it (that is some good representation of a BDSM Dom, btw).
Moreover... I mean... Did you really look at him? Those were not exactly noobs moves, he nailed that too (but that's something I'll talk about next).
About the dresses: are you seriously complaining about them? I admit that the black/white one is not exactly the best (but it's your fault for ditching all Wall Market's quest... you had it coming), and I prefer the blue corset one over the lilac/black silk.
Point is: you have to sneak a guy who's built like a fucking BRICK WALL into Corneo's audition. How in the ever-loving hell are you supposed to do it? The only things playing in Cloud's favor are his facial features and his height: he's the smoothest skin I've ever seen, light jaws and is compact enough not to stand out too much among average-height girls, but that's it. He has shoulders and muscles for days. You have to cover him as much as you can, and how would you do that, if not with a broad gown, puff-sleeves, and a corset? If you're wondering about the chocker/high neck+thick necklace: it covers the Adam's apple, genius... And all the frilly, shiny laces of the lilac dress and the extensions are needed to divert the attention from his neck, clavicles and forearms, otherwise, you'll notice the buff.
That's why he had to look like a Victorian maiden.
Putting him in a catsuit, with latex or leather stretching over every inch of skin, or a sundress, with arms and legs on display... That would have been a bad idea.
Andrea is talking about not being afraid, and that's an awesome message: if you feel comfortable and beautiful, why not doing it? If you're happy, do it. It's not your problem if other people are insecure about themselves and try to pick on you because they're afraid and, most of all, jealous of your confidence, identity, and fortitude. They're just disrespectful and sad, and you should avoid them like the plague.
And again, Cloud doesn't seem that much fazed about it. I think he's more annoyed than anything; having to move in that huge-ass skirt, squeezed in a corset which is not letting you breathe and turn around would make everyone who's not used to it lose their shit. Women or men, regardless, it's a pain either way, especially if you're a fighter and need to move freely. Also, if you notice, the heels he's put in are not that much higher than his combat boots... Sure, they're thinner, but that's why he's not wobbling like a newborn calf. Did you see him swaying through the streets? That was some awesome heel-walking.
What ended me was how he was moving after he woke up. Have you seen how completely ungraceful he is, and at the same time fluidly stands to check on Aerith and doesn't trip over his own feet? In a dress like that, being that agile is shamefully amazing. Then, he swings like he's in the SOLDIER uniform, spine blocked because of the corset, moving his center of gravity too much because of too broad steps, awkwardly bobbing, switching too much weight from feet to feet, getting his stance rigid. That's precious. And hilarious af.
He has to held still as much as he can to try and convey the feeling of being scared, but we know he's just trying really hard not to wreak havoc in the audition room and slaughter everyone.
(Despise lighting, which being warm oriented would have mingled with the blue of his irises and shift them to green, I still believe that in that scene his eyes were going mako. In some millisecond-split moments, they seem to really flash out. That's hella relatable: you're using all your self-control not to cut open the scumbag who's lusting and sniffing and drooling and being awful to your friends. Plus, you're being groped and talked down too? The only thing you can do is look, and boy does he Glare™
(Cloud is not afraid/disgusted of other men touching him, but people seem to forget it. He just doesn't want Corneo to touch him. He doesn't move when Andrea touches his lips nor react when he swings him around in the dress, he doesn't move when Biggs pats him on the head on the pillar (I bet he would give everything to have Zack do that again, just one more time...dammit [I know what happens in the final cutscene of the Remake, but the post below this one explains why I think this]), he doesn't pull away when he grabs his hands, and not only he grabs it back, but grasps with the other one too. [Captain Levi vibes, anyone?])
He didn't have control over his eyes and I firmly think he didn't even intend to; he let them glow on purpose, just because that was the only thing he could unleash and nobody would have noticed.)
Cloud dancing is not stupid, nor offensive. Cloud is a loyal, caring friend, who doesn't have prejudices and is comfortable (as much as he can be) with his sexuality and identity that he's not questioning it nor getting scared (and violent) at the situation.
Do I have to dance and dress like a woman to help my girl? If it's the best way, so be it. She needs my help, I'm not gonna let her down. Gonna be a pain in the ass to fight, but I'll manage. I'm not that insecure of myself that a dress is going to make me have an existential crisis.
If you're a man or a male, and your friend/lover/person you cherish would ever be in a life-threatening situation (and this is, 'cause if they were on their own, they would have died), and the only option would be for you to dance and put on a dress to save them, but you refuse because you have to dance and it's a dress... Just a fucking dress... Well... You're not that decent of a friend, nor human being...
3. So. About Zack. If you think he would've been disappointed/disgusted... Are we talking about the same character? 'Cause I think we're not.
Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st class (previously 2nd), 6 foot and a ladder, black hair, blue eyes, scar on his left jaw. Droll af?
Just because he's a legend, a powerful, passionate and strong-willed person, doesn't mean he couldn't be a quirky dumbass.
The first line said to him in Crisis Core is "Get serious" by Angeal... Angeal who described him to his mother as a PUPPY.
The same guy who jostled his mentor, a fucking SOLDIER 1st class, in front of their boss, when he knew he recommended him.
The same guy who tried to get Aerith on a date after 5 minutes.
The one who grabs a parasol to fight troopers without breaking a sweat.
The one who faked defeat by sixth-grade-Yuffie in Wutai.
The one who dances with the Cactua he summons?
When Angeal discusses the plan and tells him to charge the front gate of Wutai on the first game mission, he's jumping like an over-excited dog.
And, most importantly, the only living being who actually managed to:
- Make Sephiroth care (after Hollander with implanted Jenova cells escapes, he tells Zack Genesis’ copies had been seen in the slums... And with that frigging Knowing™ look, and a smirk, he tells him "Permission to return... Granted", Seph's gentlemanly way to say 'I know you have a girlfriend down there, you should go check on her':
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Then Sephiroth says goodbye first
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And fucking smiles (Zack wasn’t able to see it ‘cause he was already walking away)
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- Yell at him over the phone and live;
- Pull a GENUINE laugh out of him. When they're trying to locate Angeal and Genesis, Sephiroth calls him. The conversation goes as:
S:"You and I are gonna find them [Gen & Angie] before they [Shinra] do, and..."
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Z:'And WHAT?!?!' *angry bark, to which Sephirot pulls the phone away*
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S:"...Fail to eliminate them"
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Z:'For real?!'
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S:"[AMUSED HUFF] Yes, for real" *playful mocking of Zack's words*
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Okay, that was a huff, BUT STILL... Not even Sephiroth (when he was still a human being...because yes, he was, and a pretty decent one too) was immune to his Puppy Dog Energy. Look. At. That. Smile.
So this is what I think.
The only thing Zack would be disappointed about would've been Cloud not dancing enough.
Heck, he would've jumped on the stage as soon as given the signal and dragged Cloud along, yelling in his face to be heard over the music "This is gonna be great! Let's show them what a SOLDIER can do! We're gonna put all these cute bees to shame!" ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Then again... If Zack would've been there...if we think about it, a part of Zack was there.
During his childhood and infantry training, I seriously doubt Cloud had any occasion to dance or learn how to do it.
Plus, he couldn't have done it during his 4-years mako-comatose state.
This doesn't leave that many options.
It is very likely that, like his fighting ability, his dancing moves were coming from Zack's memories too.
In a way, we can say that Zack, in the end, was there on stage with him.
Gosh, I'm gonna cry so much... ಥ_ಥ
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karasuno-writings · 4 years
Important to me
Hello!! So here is the other work of angst I promised!! I have to thank haikyuu!! season 4 episode 1 for showing me that canonically Tsukishima is prone to loose his cool if pushed so that was fun! I hope you all enjoy it!! I felt to bad for my tall boy, I do love him so much.
Also sorry for being so unresponsive today, I just felt so hopelessly depressed most of the weekend and I tend to shut everything down when that happens like yeah...it kinda sucks.... so I apologize for that. Tomorrow college starts once more so I hope I can get stuff out at the same rate but that probably is not happening so I’ll try! Thank you all so much regardless!!
Character: Tsukishima Kei
Warnings: None??? Angst?? IDK if that counts as warning
In few places did Tsukishima feel truly comfortable, he hardly let himself properly relax despite his chill demeanor. Yet, there he was, arm moving slowly up and down as he gently caressed yours, lying next to you as both watched a movie. His expression was soft, something reserved only for those who he truly loved, and lucky for both, he really did hold you dear to his heart. 
He pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your head as the credits rolled in and shifted to sit on the side of the bed, almost reluctantly letting go of your warmth. Looking back at him you smiled apologetically and sat down, pressing a kiss on his cheek. Closing his eyes, he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath in order to get used to the sudden change of position.
“I’ll get going now dear” He stood up and pressed a small kiss on your forehead, you knew he meant to volleyball practice, but he was never one to state the obvious. You giggled at the sound of the nickname he just called you, he usually kept it old fashioned, you loved it when his cheesier side was shown, it was just the right amount of lovely. 
“I’ll see you at seven then!” You smiled as he stopped in the doorway. Right, today was your debut at school, you had been working on it for months now and you asked him to come and see you. He looked back at you and nodded slightly, a hint of a smile on his face before closing the door behind him.
Dino babe: Y/N I will not be able to make it on time.
Dino babe: Daichi-senpai asked me to tutor Hinata and Kageyama.
Dino babe: I’ll make it up to you.
Your phone buzzed, the recognizable ringtone the only thing discerning it from the bunch piled up in the table. You bit your lip, there was no way of getting to it now, the debut had just started and the teachers made sure none of you could get distracted by such a thing.
As you looked to where the visitors sat and noticed your boyfriend was nowhere to be found you could only swallow the thought that something bad had just happened to him, he was not one for ditching you without further notice. 
As the lights dimmed you could only close your eyes, shutting off the noise in your head.
Tsukishima arrived at the venue, you never told him how long would it all last but apparently by 7:30 everything was wrapped up. He felt a tug on his heart, annoying him with a feeling of worry, as the people attending the event rushed past him on the opposite direction. 
When he reached the front, he saw you picking up your phone, eyebrows furrowed and a deep apprehension in your eyes, your forehead wrinkled up like it only did when you thought something was wrong. You stared a few seconds at the screen before clutching your chest, right above your heart, you were not sure how to feel. 
You sighed in relief as you saw the messages, the tension in jaw that you never really noticed until now disappearing at the thought of your boyfriend being fine. However when you did a second take on the words written by him a wave of anger washed over you, so rather he decided not to show up. You let out a puff of air, gritting your teeth at the mere thought that he postponed your hard work, ignored what you had put your all into, all for something he could have suspended for a day at most. Your eyes began welling up, a lump in your throat became hard to ignore as all you wanted was to get home.
You turned, ready leave, and there he was. His expression would be unreadable for most, he managed to hide his emotions impeccably, however, you were not most people, it is your boyfriend of two years you are talking about. Behind the stoic facade you knew he just noticed how much he had just fucked up. 
Taking a deep breath you held your head high, swallowing your pride and tears as you walked past him. There was so much you needed to tell him, he could see that in your eyes, but not here, not now. He bit his lip, thankful for you knowing not to make a fuss in public, but he was all too aware that he should not say a word until you both were alone.
Taking a deep breath you held your head high, swallowing your pride and tears as you walked past him. There was so much you needed to tell him, he could see that in your eyes, but not here, not now. He bit his lip, thankful for you knowing not to make a fuss in public, but he was all too aware that he should not say a word until you both were alone.
“I can’t believe you Tsukishima! I was worried out of my mind! Only for you to do this to me?” You closed the door a little too forcefully for his liking. Your voice broke, you were not yelling but the harshness in your words was impossible to ignore. You never called him that, as much as he hated the stupid pet names this was much worse.
“Sorry...Sawamura-san said it was necessary” He would never apologize if he didn’t thought he did something wrong. He had underestimated the time it would all last.
“You could have done it tomorrow, you knew how much this meant to me” Your eyes watered down once more, digging your nails on the palm of your hand as you balled them into a fist.
“There will always be a next time Y/N...besides, I already apologized.” He was starting to get irritated himself, couldn’t you see that he had already acknowledged his mistake? 
“You really don’t get it right! I’ve been waiting for this for who knows how long!” Now you were raising your voice slowly but firmly.
“Please calm down...it is just a hobby after all” 
That did it
“Calm down?! You really are incredible!” You couldn’t help but yell. And in that moment everything crumbled down, and you were about the experience what you had deemed impossible, Kei loosing his cool. 
“ Incredible?! I am not the one starting arguments about something so idiotic!” He was scary when he shouted, you never knew. Your feet paralizad on the ground, he seemed to tower over you higher than usual, you fought against the fear to find your voice.
“I am trying to get you see! Don’t you understand how scared I was! And how you traded me for something that could have waited!!”  Channeling the initial fear over this side of him into anger, you carried on, the distance between the two of you slowly closing.
“They are my friends too you know!”
“I am your partner! I thought something bad had happened, only to find out you ditched me!”
“Well it is not my fault you are a moron! Maybe we should just stop trying so hard to hold this vida bed relationship together!” 
He flinched as said words left his mouth, so uncharacteristical of him to let his anger out in such a way.  By holding down his emotions most of the time he could not avoid letting such a feeling consume him completely as a shadow of looking darkness, clouding his perfect judgement. 
However this time you did not back down, biting your lip as your vision blurred out by the tears staining your cheeks. You loved him, but there was so much you could stand, he was not near perfect, but it was not your position to stand by being treated like this. You forgave him everything, loved him despite his flaws, and he couldn’t even try for you. You choked back a sob, his words hurt like knives, your heart audibly breaking right then and there.
Almost mechanically you gathered your stuff up, sniffling and wiping your tears with your sleeve every now and then. Taking everything that belonged to you into your backpack with a sorrow so big that all you could feel was a numbing sensation that accompanied the white noise that rung in your ears. 
Tsukishima was paralyzed, staring down on you as you shuffled back and forth with clear intent of leaving nothing behind. A knot in his throat stopped him from saying anything, he had never felt so broken, so stupid, he had let his anger get the best of him and the words he could not take back echoed in his mind, every syllable as painful as the one before. He would not apologize this time, he would not let you see him cry, he looked as angry and as intimidating as he did some seconds ago. His eyes following you, tearing holes on your skin as you walked out the door.
The second it slammed shut he fell to his knees, he had never once in his life sobbed, but the lack of air and the guilt were enough to break down on him, tears unstoppable as he realized he had fucked up the single best thing that had ever happened to him. 
Kei hopped off the train, changing the song that currently played on his headphones as he looked around at the well known road. His feet walked almost on their own as he headed home. Today’s match was the highlight of his month and even he hated acknowledging the lack of inspiration that he was facing. 
However not even his grim mood could make him ignore how nice the day was, the light was warm and the breeze was light, he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to give in into the peace of atmosphere.
He opened them slowly, and as soon as he did his stomach dropped. He stopped walking, the  sight of you enough to agitate his mind and leave him at loss of what to do next. 
He had completely blocked everything regarding your relationship. After sulking down like a useless bastard for about a month he was able to stomach the guilt and shut down his emotions even worse than before. He never wanted to be as helpless as he was after the incident, so any feeling that began to stir in him was promptly ignored and hidden.
Kei didn’t want to call your attention, he would hate having to talk to you, it would be more than he could handle. So he reserved to watching from the sideline. 
You were with a group of friends he had never seen before, probably met them in the span of two years that had gone by, they all seemed awfully annoying. 
His first instinct was to remove his headphones, so he could see if it was possible to catch anything of the conversation. He was not one to pry but he couldn’t help himself. 
Talking a good look at you his heart shrank, wilting as he was able to see your features once more. You looked beautiful as ever, your smile was brighter than he had ever seen it, only once had he been the reason for something as pure as the sheer happiness that radiated from you, the day the two of you started dating. To see you glowing as much as you did, with such ease as if it was an everyday thing hit him hard. 
Your laugh reached his ears as he saw you bend over, he had not realized how much he missed that, how much he missed your arms, the way you two bantered before he promptly shut you down with a kiss. 
And as he saw a friend of yours twirl you around  he could only grit his teeth, unable to stop his eyes from watering down as he remembered all the times he turned you down when all you wanted was to dance.
He fled from the scene, his hands balled up as he stomped his way down the road hoping no one would notice how broken he truly was. He hated the fact that after all this time he still missed you, that you were truly the only one that had made him so truly happy, the best thing that had ever happened, but what he truly despised the most was that he knew you were better off without him, and what he witnessed today had finally proved him right.
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paindealt · 4 years
pxlariis replied to your post:
Here is the thing about Cetrion that makes me want to ajsbdjfhbdsjfbd idk kill her maybe but I see her as someone (in the intros at least) that is all ‘love, peace, virtue’ blah blah, and is acting blindly under Kronika’s influence… BUT… BUUUUUUT in those intros with Kuai that to me are like super OOC bc we know that Kuai is far more benevolent than Cetrion, she is LITERALLY being manipulative, using the 'you drove Frost away’ to make him realize of his mistake. When actually what he did was the right thing (like... let's be honest, I love Frost but she is uhhh... problematic), he did what he had to do and you can see that Kuai felt truly hurt for seeing such a great student waste her potential like that, even after her death he clearly says that. Cetrion has nothing to teach about virtue and love, well, sometimes she is right (sometimes) but I see her more as a puppet of Kronika's true intentions disguised with a 'love' speech
With MK11′s... weird writing, it’s really hard to say what a character is supposed to be. Because clearly, it constantly contradicts itself. But Cetrion has said stuff as “the Elder Gods were right to have killed you” to Shao Kahn, and in a mirror match, I believe she even said her mother’s vision is splitting her apart. I think Cetrion does firmly believe in love and virtue. But however, she has this strong desire to please her mother as well. It’s kind of a realistic tale of a child becoming something they don’t like or want to, just because they want validation from their parents, it’s something their parents want. I think Cetrion’s tower ending shows this too. Cetrion doesn’t believe in her mother truly, but she wants her mother to be happy. At least, that’s what I thought about Cetrion. There is also other intros implying that Cetrion is more of a puppet and doesn’t know shit about Love and Virtue. Considering there’s also intros with Raiden and such calling her out on it. But again, you never really know what MK11 is trying to do with their characters when they have these contradicting AF intros.
But lemme get back on topic with his intros. Because yeah, that’s what those intros (regarding Frost and Bi-Han) can be perceived as; Cetrion being manipulative. Much like her mother, Cetrion is manipulative to get people to bend to her mother’s will. In those intros, you can believe that Cetrion knew that Bi-Han and Frost were a sore spot for Kuai, that perhaps by bringing them up and trying to guilt him, it would steer him towards Kronika’s side. But as I said... then there’s the “Love gets in the way” intro which is uh... Stinky. I came up with a theory right now that maybe Kuai fully realizes Cetrion’s manipulations and was simply saying that to throw her off. But again, considering the poor writing of MK11′s intros... I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just so they can have Kuai say something Edgy and then have Cetrion be in the Right. And even if Kuai was merely just saying that, I still feel it’s out of character for him. Because Kuai’s an honest man, he wouldn’t just bluff to someone even if it was to go against them.
So either way, it’s something I’m not acknowledging, just because it’s stupid, it’s out of character, and it just kinda wrecks his previous developments and story. And honestly? I don’t care if he’s my favorite, I’mma say it ‘cause it’s true. Cetrion is Wrong, Kuai is Right.
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forgottenpasta · 6 years
Lifeline Chapter 5 Teaser
A/n: this is about 1k words lmao. when I tell you this chapter is going to be looooong.
“You’re what, the twentieth guy now, I don’t know, I was never good at numbers.” She rolled her eyes. “Who the fuck trusts witches these days? I would have intervened but most of the time I’m not in a generous mood.”
“Hold on.”, Taehyung held his hand up, confused. “What the hell are you on about?”
She gave him a “duh” expression. “The witch won’t come here. Bet you a storm demon’s precious horns, they’re going to text you with a shift in location soon. Likely a deserted back alley or some other abandoned place.”
“Why?, he asked, though he already suspected the reason.
“The last guy who came asking for the coven, a vampire like you, was found sliced up like sashimi a few days later.” She smirked, as if enjoying the mental picture she was painting. “A few others, shifters and an incubus, were thought to be kidnapped. I don’t know what became of them.”
“My guess?” She shrugged her slender shoulders. “Maybe the witches are using their entrails for some cult, ritual sacrifice to summon Hecate.” She curled her lip in distaste at the name of the goddess of witchcraft.
“Calm down, Indiana Jones.”, Taehyung chuckled at the valkyrie’s dramatics. “Most likely they’re just mugging these poor souls for some quick cash or kidnapping them for ransom. Either way, this is my only lead and I can’t squander it.”
Freyja was surprised. “Even if you end up in pieces inside a boiling cauldron or something?”
“I can defend myself.”
She opened her mouth to say something, likely a jibe at his bravery/stupidity but Taehyung’s phone vibrated with two quick texts on the bartop where he had placed it, causing her to throw a knowing glance at him.
*last minute change up*
*meet me at the lake park, north clearing*
“What did I say?” Freyja crossed her arms, reading the messages from an unknown number on his lock screen. ‘I told you so’ written all over her face. “You’d be a fool to go there alone.”
“Maybe so.” Taehyung slid off the barstool gracefully, pocketing his phone. “But I’ll regret it if I don’t take this chance out of cowardice.”
Apparently that was exactly the thing to say to impress a valkyrie. He figured he had just gained some serious brownie points with Freyja as she smirked at him with a twinkle in her eye.
“It must be important to you, huh? Whatever you’re seeking.”, she probed, clearly angling fo more information. 
Taehyung just hummed an affirmative, staring past the wrangling bodies on the dance floor to the exit, ready to leave the crowded place already.
“Alright.”, Freyja clapped her hands. Jumping over the bar top in one swift motion, she landed beside Taehyung soundlessly. “I’m coming with you on your suicide mission.”, she announced.
“Sure.” Not glancing back at her, he stepped away from the bar, making a beeline for the exit, making sure to avoid grabby hands. The place was swarming with all types of supernaturals. “Not that I care but are you sure you want to leave this place unattended? It’s very crowded for a Friday morning.”
Taehyung pushed open the door and the murky, artificial nighttime air of a cleverly crafted cloaking spell surrounded him. Overhead the sky was ink black, with no sign of any clouds or stars, just a big black void covering the darkened landscape which comprised of a few willow trees, some shrubs and acres and acres of unending grassland. The willow trees were a side effect of purchasing a spell from witches, they were a natural source of power for those performing witchcraft and a trademark of their artistry. The bustling club was smack dab in the middle of nowhere. The only source of light, which poured out of the windows of the two story building like flames licking up the darkness, in the pitch black surroundings.
It didn’t matter though. All supernaturals had perfect night vision.
“Today is the only day I can leave it.” The valkyrie caught up to him easily, both of them heading for the portal between the two willow trees in the distance.
“My mate would never let me go deal with this problem otherwise.”, she huffed. “It’s bad for business, so many patrons going missing. Before long this place might become notorious for it.”
“You have a mate.” It was a statement rather than a question.
“He’s a fire demon.” Taehyung could almost hear her eye roll, but he also didn’t miss the warmth that suddenly coated her voice like silk at the mention of her other half.
“Temper problems and all. Too overprotective. Though I still love the buffoon for some reason.”,she chuckled fondly. “Thankfully he’s out of town for a few days. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him right?”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, looking down at the tiny valkyrie who had a wistful look on her face. Missing the demon?
“Odd combination.”, Taehyung commented, sweeping his hair off his forehead. How their relationship worked out, a calm, blunt pixie-sized valkyrie and a hulking (for most demons were the size of a mountain), fire-demon with anger issues, he couldn’t begin to comprehend.
“Fate works in unexpected ways.”, was her simple reply.
He sighed. “That it does.”
As they crossed the threshold of the portal and the cloaking spell disappeared behind them along with the murky darkness, he thought of you.
He thought of you as clear, bright daylight engulfed everything. A fresh breeze blew through the forest that suddenly surrounded him, birds chirped overhead, flittering from branch to branch, playing in the afternoon sunlight. Thick undergrowth covered the ground, ferns overtaking any available empty soil. The gurgle of running water somewhere in the distance mixed in with the cacophony of the forest to create a soothing song that somehow reminded him of the sound of your voice.
The sound of your irate voice calling him an asshole.
Your words had been ringing in his head like a stubborn, catchy tune ever since he’d phoned Namjoon. No matter how much he tried to put it out of his mind, it creeped up in his conscience every few minutes. He did not feel bad about calling you a problem, you were a problem. A massive boulder in the path of their smooth lives and careers that threatened to throw everything in disarray. Taehyung firmly believed that if something was not broken, it shouldn’t be fixed. Their lives were perfect without you. Nothing should have changed. Especially not on account of his huge ego, a mistake he’d made trying to humiliate a witch who didn’t have anything to live for.
“What are you thinking about?”, Freyja watched him observe the forest patiently, letting him ruminate.
Taehyung shook his head, rubbing his chest right over his heart. He couldn’t begin to describe to a near stranger that no matter how much he pushed the feeling aside, an ache in his heart had started to build ever since he’d heard your voice. A kindling of sparks that had the potential to become a roaring fire. It wasn’t intentional, not something he had control over. At least that’s what he told himself when he wanted to reach for the phone, tell Namjoon to put you on the line. When that urge arose he told himself he just wanted to set the record straight with you, to have you on the same page as him. Not, of course, to hear your voice again.
“Vampire, we should get going.”, Freyja said as she pulled ahead of him to the path that led to the northern side of the lake park forest.
“Yeah.” He swallowed, falling in step behind her, his parched throat reminding him of another situation he had no control over. Namely his rapidly increasing thirst. It had been weeks since he’d last fed, the longest he’d ever gone without blood and he was starting to feel it. Images of sinking his fangs into soft, supple flesh racked his brain at odd hours of the day, making his sharp canines drop involuntarily and his body shake with the need to consume blood. It was everything he could do to distract himself from the thirst gnawing at him from the inside.
Still, even the thought of feeding from some random blood bag he could arrange from a dealer, made him nauseous. His body knew what it wanted, what it needed.
The exact opposite of what I want.
Taehyung made his way through the dense forest silently, following the valkyrie who’s footsteps were just as soundless as his. Every noise that filtered through the dense trees reminded him of your voice and he wondered if he was really going crazy, like Suli had. His foggy brain hanging on to that little piece of you, his mate, that he’d managed to hear, like a piece of bone thrown to a starved dog.
Not everything was under his control, but why did he feel like he could kill to hear that angry voice again.
A/n: unedited af :)
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