#i also gave them slightly bigger lips/lipgloss but that was just for fun
when-wax-wings-melt · 2 years
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i can’t let go of this...
[id: three portraits of Alvar, Fitz, and Biana Vackers’ (in that order) with various edits including eyeliner on all three, pink on Biana, gold on Fitz, and black on Alvar. all three have various types of earrings in gold, and are divided by zigzag gold lines. Fitz has a gold nose stud. Above Alvar is an image of a sword and shield with “Solder” over it in red bold text, overlaying black bold text as if it’s been replaced. Above Fitz is the image of a crown, trapped in a box of overlapping, repeating, rigid, all-caps text reading “King”. Above Biana is a quill in an inkpot, with the word “poet” in a dark pink cursive, scattered everywhere, upside down and backwards sometimes, seemingly without pattern. /end id]
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Steve Harrington x Hopper! Reader
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Summary: the reader has always been steves cooler half but he notices that you start making little changes.
Warning: swearing, none, this is kinda wack it didn't come out the way I wanted it to
You where in fact your fathers daughter in every way possible, tough as nails, quick witted the whole nine yards. And everyone knew it.
The only issue was Steve Harrington, he was your best friend but lately it seemed like he was the only one who could make your cool deminor falter. And everyone seemed to notice it.
You watched Will attempt to follow your steps and skate down the street before turing to stared at Steve as he and dustin made the large order from the ice cream truck. He glanced back at you with a goofy smile making you chuckle.
"Y/n!" Your head snapped forward just in time to see will plow you down on your skate board. "Ah...shit..." You groaned.
"Are you guys alright!?" Steve asked running over to you with the rest of the kids. Dustin helped pull will up as steve helped you up. "Yea...yea I'm fine." You chuckled.
"Sorry kid." You ruffled Will's hair. "It's alright, I'm fine. I'm gonna go again." He said excitedly. Taking the skateboard from the ground and running back to the starting point with Mike and lucas by his side.
"You sure you're fine?" Steve asked again looking you over. "I'm...I'm fine harrington, are you fine?" You asked him nervously. "Yea, yea I think I'm ok." You nodded dusting your hands off on your shorts. "Good, good...oh uh hey wheres my choco Taco?" You asked attempting to save yourself from the conversation.
He looked back over to the Ice cream truck. The man inside was looking impatiently back as the diffrent ice cream bars sat on the counter.
"On it's way." He said jogging back over.
"What was that!?" Max asked coming up beside you with El at her side.
"What was what?" You asked walking to sit on the curb. "With steve! I've never seen you act like that!" Max laughed. You furrowed your brows. "I wasn't acting any way..." You trailed off when Even El gave you a look that said you where acting diffrent.
"C'mon You where totally starting at Steve! And then what was that conversation!?"
"Do you like steve?" El asked cutting in on Max.
You laughed. Both because hearing it outloud made it sound absurd but also out of nervousness.
"Do I..Do I like steve? Me? Liking Steve!?" Max crossed her arms. "I've seen you around boys...it usually ends up with them scared of you...not the other way around."
You opened your mouth but instantly closed it as steve came back over. "Ladies, one orange dreamcicle, A cotton candy swirl and a choco taco." He said handing the ice cream bar to you.
"Thank you kind sir." You winced as the words left your mouth, he laughed and sat next to you digging into his own Ice cream order.
Max and El chuckled at you as you struggled to act normal next to him. "Hey! Y/n?"
"Yea?" You croaked out. "Is it alright if I sleep over at your place tonight?"
You cleared your throat and took your eyes from steve to look at her. "Yea...of course." You smiled lightly.
You winced at the loud crash and steve yelling through the phone. "Sorry about that..." You laughed pouring another bag of candy into a bowl. "No need to apologize...boys will be boys right?"
You could hear him give a light hearted chuckle through the phine making your heart do a little jump in your chest. "How are the girls?" He asked. "Oh you know..doing girl things...painting nails, talking about boys...usual girl stuff."
"Ooh I wouldn't have happened to have been brought up in your boy talk would I?" He asked cheekily. Your face grew hot and you cleared your throat trying to keep cool.
"Why on earth would we talk about you?" You joked. "Ow I'm hurt."
You looked up hearing the girls squeel with joy from the room over. "Ok well sounds like the girls are having fun without me."
"Ok. Hey, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon after I get off of work."
"Of course, Night Harrington."
"Night." You hung up the phone and grabbed the tray of snacks.
"Ladies! Snacks are served!" You announced as you pushed El's bedroom door open. They both looked up from their magazines and ran over to it as you set it down.
"And then Later I picked up some movies from Family video-"
"We had a better Idea!" Max said. "What?" There was knock at the door that El quickly got up to answer as Max sat you down.
"Well me and El wanted to help you with your steve problem."
You shook your head. "I don't have a steve problem." Max rolled her eyes at you.
"Yea sure."
"I heard we where having a girls night, and you needed help with Harrington!" Robin said as she stepped into the bed room.
"Oh god...They got you two involved!?" You asked looking at Nancy and Robin.
Nancy shrugged. "I didn't have anything better to do..."
"Me neither." Robin added hoisting herself ontop of the dresser.
You looked between the four girls and fell back into the bed throwing a pillow over your face and groaning.
"I..i dunno about this guys..."
"We'll just start with small things...like lip gloss!" Max said As you sat infront of the four of them
"Yea! And then we can work up to the bigger stuff!" Nancy said taking the lip gloss from Max.
Their big idea was to give you a make over, 'round out your sharp edges' Nancy had said.
"C'mon guys don't you think Steve should like Y/n for y/n? And if he doesn't then maybe he's not the one for her?" Everyone looked at Robin.
"Actually...actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea." You spoke up. Robin held her hands out to you. "See!"
"C'mon just give this a try, then we can try Robins way." Nancy said holding your chin in her hand to apply the lipgloss. And El held up the mirror to you so you could see yourself.
You frowned slightly at yourself and looked at your glittery lips. "This is kinda stupid." You mumbled wiping it off. "It's not! We can even do your hair a little bit!" Nancy said trying to convince you to go through with it. Max flipped through a magazine and landed on a page.
"We should go with this! Subtle but with a pop!"
You all glanced at the page then at yourself through the mirror. "Have at me if you must."
Robin laughed at the sight eating a handful of popcorn. "You are very helpful." You said to her as El helped do your hair. "Stay still." El said from behind you.
"I just think, maybe you should let things work out on there own..." She said along with pointing at a shirt that Max held up from your closet.
"Ok, ok leave your hair like this tonight...and tomorrow morning take it out and it should look like that." Nancy said pointing to the magazine picture.
You bit your lip and nodded. Thinking about what Robin was saying.
"Ok do this." You followed max's lip motion after you put the lipgloss she had picked last night as you stood outside the mall.
"Ok, ok! You look good! Like yourself but...better."
"Thank you, really." You smiled sarcastically at her.
"You know what I meant!" El rounded the corner quickly. "He's coming!" She said grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward.
"Be yourself! Be flirty!" Max yelled as they basically flung you around the corner into steve.
"Oh hey!"
"Sorry! Hey!" You laughed, Nervously.
"Uh hey! Since you're here do you wanna go...get...food?"
He chuckled. "Yea..I was actually Going to ask you the same!" You nodded and started walking beside him back into the Mall,smiling to yourself.
"Where the hell is steve going!?" Dustin asked coming up beside Max and El.
"A date I think." Max said.
"He was supposed to take us to The arcade!"
You walked scilently beside steve but you could feel him glancing at you.
"What?" You finally asked looking up at him.
"Well you keep looking at me so...you must wanna say something or is there something on my face?"
"No! No! Nothing on your face, but Are...are you wearing Lipgloss?" He asked looking closer at you.
You moved from his gaze brushing your fingers under your lips.
"What? N..no!" You laughed nervously.
"It is isn't it! Your wearing something girly!" He laughed. you scowled and punched his shoulder and rubbed the stuff from your lips.
"Ow! C'mon y/n i was kidding." He said rubbing his arm. "Why are you wearing that stuff anyways? You constantly say how much you hate it. "
"It was just a stupid Idea..." You muttered the response and quickly grabbed a seat in the food court.
"No, hey c'mon! It looked good..if thats what you want to start doing I'm not gonna stop you! I'm not saying it was bad just suprising." He said sliding into the seat across from you.
"And hey for what It's worth I think it looked pretty on you, but...but I think you look good no matter what!" He said trying to cheer you up.
It was Steves turn to be the akward one. "Uh..ye..yea..." You smiled turning to him.
"Thanks Harrington...I think you're pretty too." You said jokingly. "Shut up." He said laughing.
You sighed. "Ok...shit..Imma be honest with you...I was wearing it because Nancy and Max thought It would give me a better chance of getting with you...Robin said to just let things happen...I should've just listened to her. " You laughed.
"Yea...really she knew what she was talking about...cause I planned on asking you out this weekend." He said almost nonchalantly.
"You..you where?" He nodded watching you amused.
"I feel kinda stupid now.."
"No! It was kinda funny to watch you be the uncool one for a change."
"Whatever...when should I be ready?" You asked.
"Our date. Or did you already forget?"
"Oh uh Saturday like seven-ish?"
You nodded. "Ok..I'll be there."
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megalony · 5 years
Unless I say
This is a Warren Worthington imagine that I came up with which I hope you all will like. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @rogahs-drowse @jonesyaddiction
Main masterlist
"Who's that?" Warren found himself speaking for what was the first time since he had been pulled into Storm's friendship group at the school.
He rather wanted to be on his own and see things for himself without the risk of having to interact with others. But he knew Storm a little at least and he was offered to join them when they went to lunch or when they went outside in their free periods. He knew it was better to at least try and integrate into a friendship group than to distance himself. It was more for the company than anything else, and to keep professor Xavier happy who had stopped keeping a close eye on Warren since he noticed him hanging around with people.
But Warren hardly spoke to them.
When asked questions in class he simply ignored what he had been asked and when people tried to talk to him he either clenched his fist or walked away so that they got the message. He felt rather messed up in his head and interactions were not what he wanted. And Storm, Jean and Scott never tried to push him or ask. They seemed to think of him as a shadow more than anything else.
Turning her head in utter surprise, Jean tried to compose herself enough to try and work out who Warren was talking about. After almost a month of Warren following them around and being a silent friend, it was a great shock to finally hear his voice and not just the loud thoughts that got through to her own.
"That's (Y/n), she's relatively new here too." Jean responded, trying her best not to sound shocked or be overly happy that Warren had finally said something. She didn't want to overwhelm him or annoy him to the point he simply wandered away.
"What's her mutation?" Warren directed his question more to Jean than the other two sitting at the lunch table with them because if she didn't know she could easily find out. Jean said she didn't snoop in people's minds but he knew she couldn't help it if some things just wandered into her head and he was interested.
Sometimes it was easy to know what people's mutations were. When he first saw Jean it was clear it was something to do with her mind or other people because she would watch people with such intensity and get lost in her- or rather their minds. She would try not to laugh at their thoughts or not to get upset if they thought unpleasant things about her. She tried not to eavesdrop and that was very clear to Warren.
With other kids if they ran really quickly or if they disappeared then reappeared it was kind of a giveaway. Others there were small tell-tale signs, but with (Y/n) he couldn't guess.
She seemed like an outcast like he was, she didn't seem to talk to others and she kept her distance. Much the same as everyone seemed to avoid her or look at her funny. For being a school for mutants, Warren did find it odd that even between mutants, people could be discriminating or rude. They could act like they were ordinary humans in the ways that they avoided mutants or made fun of those with odd or harmful or powerful mutations.
"I think the term is a siren... she gives someone an order and they do it. Like telling someone to steal something or hit someone and they are under her control so they do it." Storm was the one to give Warren the answer that he was searching for.
She had heard the rumours but had never witnessed it herself. There were many kids at the school that avoided (Y/n) in case she gave them a command because her voice was her mutation. She told people what she wanted them to do and they had no choice but to do it, it was as if they were under a trance or a spell. It didn't seem like much but (Y/n) had everyone's will in her hand, they gave her their will and their control without wanting or meaning to.
"Kinda... boring, isn't it?" Scott questioned with a shrug of his shoulders, seeing that he had said the wrong thing when all three of them stared at him like he had grown a second head.
It was a disguised mutation because it had no signs such as Raven's hair and skin colours. (Y/n)'s mutation didn't cause her to have carvings and tattoos like Kurt's did, it didn't give her a tail or ears or different coloured eyes or the need for glasses like Scott. It was a mutation that could let her pass for a normal human with no special mutation like the professors.
But it wasn't boring.
"Think about it Scott, she could make people confess to murder." Jean commented, waving her fork in front of him to try and get him to think about it properly. (Y/n) could cut crimes in half and save a lot of time and pain by getting people to confess to crimes and she could stop people from committing them too.
"She could make people commit the murders." Warren spoke up as he looked down at his plate before stuffing a carrot into his mouth. He knew his words would cause controversy, especially with Jean. She seemed to be the straight-A student, the one who didn't want to do anything wrong and he was suggesting using their gifts for murder.
"Put it this way, if Scott went around killing people and I had her mutation, I wouldn't be telling him to confess. I could tell him to shove the barrel of a gun into his mouth and pull the trigger. She could tell me to grab a knife and kill someone and if her mutation is how you say it is, do you think I'd be able to stop myself?" Warren spoke with such ease that all of them felt slightly unnerved as it had taken a rather dark turn for him to perk up and speak like he hadn't just been mute for a month.
But he was right.
If (Y/n) told someone to kill themself or to kill someone else, they would have to have a counter mutation or a bloody strong will to be able to stop themselves from doing that and go against her command. She could cut down murders by killing the murderers or she could increase the number by killing people and getting others to do her dirty work.
Warren wouldn't mind having that mutation. It would have made fighting in the ring a lot easier, he could have just whispered to his opponent to throw the fight or suddenly tell them to play dead or faint. He won every fight, but her mutation would have made that a lot easier on him.
When Warren drifted his eyes to catch a glimpse of the girl who had caught his attention, he knew she was the person he wanted to know more.
(Y/n) subconsciously tightened her hand around Warren's when they entered the kitchen. Warren seemed to be the only person in the school that (Y/n) could feel comfortable around and was the first person she actually talked to who didn't seem afraid of her mutation or who didn't make fun of her for it.
Since the day he approached her in the canteen, they had talked almost every day since. Warren wasn't like everybody else, he understood her. They both didn't really like to talk or hang around with others which allowed them to get to know one another better and be around each other in peace. And they shared a few of the same classes which was much better for them both.
But there were still people at the school that (Y/n) couldn't stand.
It had been much easier in the beginning to make people afraid of her rather than let them try to get to know her or let them stare at her or try to be nice but still cower in fear. If they were afraid they stayed away and they didn't bother to try and be nice or be around her which was how she liked it. Warren seemed to have much the same idea.
This trick didn't work on everyone, and it didn't work on Lewis. He was one of the students who thought he was bigger and better and thought that he held the right to bully other students. But he was still smart enough to know that bullying (Y/n) wouldn't be the best idea with her mutation.
So he taunted her.
Since they didn't share any classes together, whenever they were on a free period or any other time during the day when she was around, Lewis would wear earplugs. He found that if he couldn't hear her voice or see her lips moving, her mutation was defective on him. So he put them in and then started slurring insults and taunts at her which was risky because the moment he took them out (Y/n) could make him pay, but she never did. He wasn't worth it.
One kid in (Y/n)'s history class tried to put earplugs in because he was sat next to her and it was either because he was so annoyingly afraid of her or because he wanted to mess with her. Either way, (Y/n) spoke before he could put the earplugs in and told him to stick them up his nose.
(Y/n) got into trouble for that with the professor but she simply told him she could have made the kid put them somewhere far worse or made him swallow them. He had gotten off lightly.
(Y/n) quickly turned to look at Warren when he let go of her hand, but her sudden flutter of worry disappeared when he wrapped his arm around her waist instead. Warren knew that she wanted to get back at Lewis for the torment he caused both her and almost every other kid in the school but he was in two minds about it.
"Kick his ass or walk away, sweetheart." Warren stated with a shrug, already reading her mind and knowing she was debating it. She had two choices, she could either walk away with Warren and take the high ground, or she could get Lewis back for what he had done yesterday. Warren wouldn't stop her if she wanted to use her mutation on Lewis, in fact he would encourage that because it was only fair since Lewis got away with almost everything. But if she didn't want to get in trouble then Warren also understood that.
Yesterday Lewis had pushed a younger student into the pond who couldn't swim and had simply stood and laughed at them. Even (Y/n) would admit that was going too far, especially when the student had done nothing wrong. (Y/n) wanted to get Lewis for that because the student wasn't a friend of hers but he had never done anything wrong to her and he never glared at her or cowered in fear.
"Let's just go out." (Y/n) mumbled quietly in response, leaning her head on Warren's chest as he nodded. A small smile pulled at her lips when she felt a few of his feathers tickling against the small of her back as they walked through the kitchen.
They almost made it to the parlour doors that led out into the extensive garden, but Lewis simply had to say something.
"Bird brain and the freak. Did you brainwash him into going out with you, or is he just desperate?" The comment wasn't really that insulting because it seemed rather weak. It wasn't something that hit too hard or struck a nerve with either of them, it was just infuriating to have him always want to say something.
(Y/n) had had enough people sneer rude comments and rumours behind her back that she was controlling Warren to go out with her. Those kinds of thoughts came with the mutation and it was normal but it did get annoying and slightly hurtful. Warren just found it angering that Lewis thought he could pick on anyone, and the fact he was picking on (Y/n) right now didn't make it easier because Warren felt protective.
There hadn't been many people in his life that he felt protective of or close to but (Y/n) was one of them. He didn't take lightly to people making fun of her when they had no cause to do so.
"Where are your earplugs, Lewis?" (Y/n) lifted her chin up as she had a placid yet cunning look on her face which turned smug when he seemed to realise his defence against her was not in his ears nor in his pockets.
Warren slowly removed his arm from (Y/n)'s waist so he could fold his arms and rest them on the island in the kitchen, arching his back as he wondered what (Y/n) would make Lewis do. He had only seen her work her mutation a few times and once he had asked her to use it on him just so he knew what it felt like. It was like a compulsion to do something, or a loss of will and when she gave an order it was as if it was a thought and Warren just went along with it. He knew though that sometimes (Y/n) made people forget what she had done or what she had made them do and sometimes it seemed to people like it was just a dream.
Either way, he found it entertaining and enamouring to watch.
"Lewis, stay where you are. You want to listen to me, don't you?" (Y/n) spoke slowly and clearly as a trace of a smile pulled at her lips when Lewis stood completely still. His face going from angry to plain as he nodded.
In the beginning, it had been hard for (Y/n) to get used to controlling her mutation. When she was a child and got angry and demanded something, she realised her mutation would take over and she got what she asked for. But it was easier when doing this to tell people what to do and make it seem like it was what they wanted. Wording her demands in the right way helped to control her mutation.
Warren danced his eyes around, seeing there were about four students in the adjoining living room and in the kitchen that were now crowding round to see what was happening.
(Y/n) looked around the rather large kitchen to see if there was something that she could use to her advantage. She didn't want to make Lewis simply hit his head against the wall or pull his trousers down. She didn't want to humiliate him, she wanted to hurt him. But (Y/n) knew asking him to cut or hurt himself with any of the utensils available might be stretching it a little bit too far.
When her eyes landed on the sink, she knew what she wanted to do.
Her chest tightened when she heard the unmissable sound of footsteps and noise that resembled the professor's wheelchair. But she couldn't miss this opportunity to hurt Lewis.
"You want to hold your breath and put your face in the water. You won't pull up for air unless I say you can." (Y/n) watched as Lewis looked so calm he could have been smiling as he turned to his right and leaned over the sink.
Warren raised a brow when he watched Lewis simply press his face into the tub in the sink that was full of water waiting to be used to clean the dishes. Lewis held his face just under the surface considering the tub wasn't that big and the water wasn't too deep. His hands held the sides of the sink as he didn't struggle after a few seconds, nor did he make any kind of sound or movement at all.
Warren guessed (Y/n) had chosen this because he had pushed that student into the pond yesterday.
"What's going on?"
All eyes darted to professor Xavier in a look of panic, but no one said anything or attempted to move or scuttle away or explain the situation. Not that they had to, he simply had to peek into one of their minds to realise what was happening and when he knew, he didn't look best pleased.
He pressed his hand to his temple as he tried to tell Lewis to stand up and breathe, but his powers weren't going to work.
"He has to hear me tell him, not you." (Y/n) spoke as if it was no big deal or as if she was doing nothing wrong. She was simply giving Lewis a taste of his own medicine and putting her mutation to what she deemed as good use. Over half the students at the school weren't going to go against her on this one, they would all agree and think that she was doing the right thing.
"Then tell him." Charles looked rather angry when (Y/n) stayed where she was, her lips pressed together as she didn't move or speak. "(Y/n), this is not a game. Tell him to stop or he will drown himself."
If (Y/n) didn't give Lewis the okay to pull back and breathe, he would stay like that and choke himself because he couldn't go against her and his mind was under her influence. He would choke and not think to go against her command because that was how her mutation worked. She was like his conscience telling him what to do so Lewis wasn't going to contradict her.
When a rather startling sound started to leave Lewis' submerged lips, and bubbles started to become visible and hearable everyone started to panic. He didn't have any air left to hold in his lungs which were now intaking the water instead.
"(Y/n) tell him to stop! Tell him!" Charles rose his voice in a tone no one had heard him use in the school before but he started to use the tone and repeat his words in (Y/n)'s head. She had to stop.
"Lewis, you can stop and breathe now." (Y/n)'s calm tone set everyone's nerves on edge yet calmed them down at the same time. All eyes watched as Lewis calmly straightened up whilst pulling his head from the water. But as soon as he spluttered the water and started to try and breathe through the chokes of water, his eyes widened as he realised what he had done.
Water dripped down from his short brown locks of hair and droplets fell from his black lashes that were batting like mad over his widened eyes.
"My office, now." Charles spoke through gritted teeth before he disappeared from the kitchen, already feeling a headache forming behind his eyes.
(Y/n) attempted to follow after him, but stopped when Warren placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her for a moment. He pressed his chest against her back and leaned down so his lips were hovering over her ear. They both knew she was going to be in a lot of trouble for this, but he for one thought she had done the right thing. Lewis was hardly going to torment her or anyone else now he had gone through that.
"Well done, sweetheart."
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