#i also have so many fuckin thoughts about andorian genders and spec bio btw. i wanna post more about that too !!
holeguard · 2 years
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more deep space station OCs!! her designation is Five of Eight, Tactical Drone of Trimatrix 1076, but she understands that takes a lot of time to say out loud, so she will accept the shortening of “Five” for efficiency’s sake.
(Vizus is @splashtail​‘s Vorta OC, who also lives on the station!)
more info:
Five is an Andorian (specifically one born to Andorian and Aenar parents - hence the green skin) who was assimilated by the Borg shortly after Starfleet made first contact with the Borg in 2365. her cube underwent a submatrix collapse and was cut off from the collective, all of the drones entered regenestasis. approximately 15 years later, five spontaneously awoke from regenestasis and attempted to resume her duties aboard the cube. being completely isolated and cut off from the collective, she began to regain her individuality.
growing restless, she partially repaired an alien craft that hadn’t been finished being disassembled and assimilated and set out to try and seek out another borg cube and rejoin the collective. by that point, she’d been cut off for too long, and as she approached the nearest cube her self preservation instincts kicked in. the ship she was in was old and in disrepair, so she was lucky enough to go unnoticed by the cube and was able to turn the ship towards federation space, and make contact with the currently still unnamed deep space station.
textless ver under the cut! :3c
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