#and so my disability agenda begins
holeguard · 2 years
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more deep space station OCs!! her designation is Five of Eight, Tactical Drone of Trimatrix 1076, but she understands that takes a lot of time to say out loud, so she will accept the shortening of “Five” for efficiency’s sake.
(Vizus is @splashtail​‘s Vorta OC, who also lives on the station!)
more info:
Five is an Andorian (specifically one born to Andorian and Aenar parents - hence the green skin) who was assimilated by the Borg shortly after Starfleet made first contact with the Borg in 2365. her cube underwent a submatrix collapse and was cut off from the collective, all of the drones entered regenestasis. approximately 15 years later, five spontaneously awoke from regenestasis and attempted to resume her duties aboard the cube. being completely isolated and cut off from the collective, she began to regain her individuality.
growing restless, she partially repaired an alien craft that hadn’t been finished being disassembled and assimilated and set out to try and seek out another borg cube and rejoin the collective. by that point, she’d been cut off for too long, and as she approached the nearest cube her self preservation instincts kicked in. the ship she was in was old and in disrepair, so she was lucky enough to go unnoticed by the cube and was able to turn the ship towards federation space, and make contact with the currently still unnamed deep space station.
textless ver under the cut! :3c
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florsial · 6 months
Spreading my 2 headed lamb Regulus animagus agenda with Black Brother angst!!!
word: 820
someone give Sirius a hug or something like damn he rlly going through it
As he walks, the crunching of the branches underneath his feet calms the harsh beating of his heart. It hadn't been a good day. He felt like he was constantly being watched by his parents. The entire day was spent anxiously looking over his shoulders, expecting his mother to turn a corner with a wand in hand or his father to yank his shoulder with a bruising grip when his back was turned.
He really needed his walk, at least that was what James insisted on.
For a couple of minutes, he manages to clear his head, the grip of his parents loosened, leaving his mind to heal from the harsh and bruising touch. His feet soon stopped near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and he was able to see Hagrid's hut, he figured he might as well stop by to say hi.
Sirius takes a couple of steps before he promptly stops. With widened eyes, he takes a step back from the disfigured animal. A two-headed black lamb, a baby, but not exactly a newborn, nowhere near a sheep. Its two heads conjoined by the side of their faces, the eyes wide and watching Sirius' movement with unsettling attention. The animal was creepy and yet he could not look away.
It made a noise, from one of its heads, and its legs wobbled a bit. A small movement that makes Sirius' heart ache pitifully. Remus had a farm back in Wale. He told Sirius of animals, sometimes humans, born with more than one head and dying not much sooner because they simply were born to die, doomed from the very beginning. They wouldn't have been able to survive the harsh world with the disability, nor would their bodies be able to continue the demands of life. And looking at the lamb, he thinks of how this might be the last time he sees it.
With slow steps to not scare the animal, he approaches with an outstretched hand. A comforting gesture. He manages to close enough where he can sit down and pet its soft fleece. The animal reciprocates the action, settling down to the ground beside Sirius.
"Hey there little guy," He hums.
The lamb doesn't reply, only closing its eyes. So Sirius continues to talk, "How have ya been? Well I hope, you look tired."
"I am too you know?" He runs his fingers through the soft black fleece. The animal shifts its position, slowly maneuvering itself to Sirius' lap.
"Looks like both of us are worn out, huh?"
The lamb never replies, Sirius guesses it takes too much out of the animal. So he fills the silence with his chatter about his friends, his academics, pranks, and Remus, but soon it shifts to a bit of his parents, and some of Regulus, which leaves his eyes watery. Despite never getting a baa in reply, he feels heard and comforted by the lamb.
When he finishes, he finds his face damp. The lamb leans closer and Sirius begins to sob into the black fleece. He admits in his tears, that he misses his family. He misses the times when their mother didn't scold them for minor things and gave them a cold shoulder, when their father wasn't locked up in his office or shouting at their mother, and the times he played with Regulus while the little boy was still oblivious to the world and giggled at every little thing.
At that, the lamb finally replied in its soft baaa from one of its heads. A sound that draws a wet chuckle from Sirius.
"Thank you," he mumbles softly against the fleece, "Lulu would like you, he's always been fond of lambs."
Another baa in response that makes Sirius smile.
He isn't able to stay with the lamb for long though, because he hears the familiar calls of, "Padfoot! Padfoot!" And he knows that his friends must be looking for him. Sirius turns to the lamb who is now slowly moving off of Sirius. A clear sign that he is about to leave. He wants to tell it to stay but before his mouth can form the words, the lamb makes a sound and turns around to leave. He watches the lamb move further but isn't able to stay long enough to see it fully leave his sight before his friends jump him with a group hug. Dragging his eyes away from the leaving lamb.
For the rest of his time in Hogwarts, he doesn't see the two-headed lamb again. It's only when he takes another walk to clear his head during the war in 1979, does he see it again. Black fleece and two heads conjoined standing on wobbly legs, staring directly at him, but it didn't feel like a visit, it felt like a goodbye. A permanent one.
The next day, Regulus is declared dead and Sirius never sees the two-headed black lamb again.
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wallacejwriting · 4 months
Writeblr Re-Intro & Pinned
Hello! I'm Lace. Also Wally and Wallace. I love nicknames. It's a trans thing. Remaking this because the old one was long and outdated.
I'm just about thirty, queer as fuck, and use they/them and he/him pronouns. I'm also multiply disabled and chronically ill, and I talk about being autistic and anxious a lot!
In a very long-term relationship with @thetiniestnerd, who I make breakfast for most days.
My Writing
Typically adult or new adult.
Genres: science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, urban fantasy, romance, mystery, thriller, that sorta thing. V much a genre blender.
Currently have two main wips and a third universe sandbox I like to play in a lot: TMI, Starkyda, and Beurkratti in that order. See below.
Focused a lot on queer and disabled characters and narratives
Lots of relationship dynamics, complex relationships, as well as polyamory
The Metahuman Initiative
An urban fantasy/science fiction series focused on people with superpowers, known as metahumans, within a massive, high-tech city specifically designed to study them.
Main characters are Nat Carter, Rini Callaghan, and Marlowe Hierro.
After being released from prison, six months after the murder of their family, Nat is given a new home in the Callaghan Institute, where they race aggressive and suspicious police officers to find the true killer of their family and get the closure they need, whatever it might be, before the cops decide Nat is their real target.
At the Institute, Rini, Professor Callaghan's adoptive daughter, takes poorly to Nat's arrival, and to try and alleviate the problem, the professor assigns Rini to find a mysterious and terrified metahuman that just arrived in the city - Marlowe, who currently has no idea who they are or what to do.
But Veda has a lot more going on than can be seen on the surface, and as the three of them delve deeper, the horrors and truth of Veda City, and how it connects to each of them, begin to show themselves.
WIP Intro Post
A steampunk/science fantasy series focused on multiple groups of people vying for control of a floating island on the edge of the apocalypse. Some groups include dragon riders at a fascist military academy, criminals in the literal underbelly of the city, council members and politicians with their own agendas, and a farmer and midwife who just wants to go home.
Main characters are: many.
For three hundred years, the Blight has pushed out from the massive breach at the bottom of the ocean and infected not just the waters, but the entire world. Now, as the inhabited islands become the next target for the Blight to swallow up, a beacon of hope is appearing on the island closest to destruction: Tairkyda.
Saoirse Cuirc is thirteen years old when she declares to the statues of the gods that she is a girl, not the son so many believe, and becomes the first person in three hundred years to see the Goddess.
And the first person in history to be Chosen to wield the mortal portion of her power.
Now, six years later, at nineteen, Saoirse is entering Tairkyda's mandatory military academy alongside her best friend, Lucian, and their freshly hatched dragons. But Saoirse isn't the only outsider, this year, and it's clear that most of those in power don't want any of them here.
Jules, who found a dragon egg one morning while doing chores, is a midwife and a farmer who just wants to go home, but the rare power of their dragon, and the strength of their bond, means Jules isn't going anywhere. Not if they want to have somewhere to return to, at least.
And Wren Hashimoto, who has spent years fighting against the belief that they are weak and frail, and who takes the opportunity of a dragon and a chance to bear their teeth to show just how ferocious they can be, without help.
Both of them will soon find themselves with far more power than they've ever known, and far more responsibility than they've ever wanted.
The three of them form the triad of Chosen who will lead the rest to save the world. But how do you stop a vicious, alien fungus from the ocean? How do you unite a people who are determined to hate you? How do you save a world that wants to hurt you so they can take your power and save it their way, instead?
And how do you create a home you actually want to return to, rather than the patriarchal, fascist regime that has led Tairkyda for centuries?
A sprawling, epic fantasy with urban fantasy and science fantasy elements - a genre blend of a world inspired by the 80s - taking place in a world of many, fantastic creatures, oodles of queerness, and at least one apocalyptic level threat a month.
Following many characters, Beurkratti is a series about friendship and connection, about mystery and intrigue, and about how the search for information in the past can lead to great things in the future.
We drop into Beurkratti right as the apocalyptic level threats are starting to get worse than usual, and the Wardens, keepers of peace and safety around the world, start trying to bring things down to normal and see what changed.
From this, we follow dozens of characters across many different stories, including Katya, a half-orc Warden with chronic pain and a service shoulder dragon who travels Beurkratti looking for answers to the inevitable decay of the mind all Wardens suffer, as well as helping out wherever she can.
And if she comes across a brothel or two along the way - hey, bonus!
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Im going to try my best to keep this chronological, but it might bounce around some.
We need to talk about Hamnet.
Hamnet, a classic example of a Middle child, who only escapes Middle child Syndrome by being the only son.
Hamnet, a twin who ultimately abandons everything to prioritize himself.
This is a man, who had he kept on the path of the warrior, would not only surpass his Mother, The canonical Greatest (Human) Warrior of her Time, but would Rival Ripred, a Rager. To elaborate, we know that Hamnet was commanding armies before 25 (rough estimate), and we know the Regalians are a Meritocracy to a degree so that has weight. He survives in the Deadlands and the Jungle for 10 years. I his first encounter with Humans in a decade, He displays incredible feats of strength. He disarms and disables one guard, throwing a sword hard enough to embed it in stone, and has a substantial vertical leap, high enough to give him the leverage to drag the other guard off his bat, and pinning him to the ground.
These guards by the way, were Solovets personal guard, most likely Horatio and Marcus, who are skilled enough to be trusted to guard Gregor, a Rager.
He routinely displays reflexes to match Ripred in speed, and when finally forced to fight, he holds the line until the Cutters pass. He ultimately falls, but he saw it through.
Which brings me to the main point.
"I do no more Harm."
Hamnet lasts a full Month in Solovets Dungeon before breaking.
After he breaks, he leads the attack on the Garden. Its only once the rats begin to turn the tide, does he resort to opening the dam, and its only the years of Neglect that the Dam crumbles under the pressure, resulting in the massacre, and the destruction of the garden.
Even in his darkest moment, Hamnet still fights to save as many lives as he can, regardless of species, at the cost of his Bond, and he would continue to fight until Mareth would literally knock him unconscious to bring him home.
Hamareth. After a decade, hearing Mareths name is enough to send Hamnet into emotional turmoil. Later, when asked about Hamnet, Mareth responds similarly, whether they were close friends who experience the brotherhood of War, or more, their bond is undeniable.
In closing, while he is only in half the book, Hamnet is one of the most complicated, deep, and impactful characters in a series full of them.
Put respect on his name, and support the Hamareth Agenda.
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decadentrot · 1 year
BNHA Dragon Pageant Au
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Just wanted to draw dragons, also im trying to spread the dragons are puppies agenda. Also i imagined this au to be rather fluffy :D
So in this world people and dragons coexsist peacefully. That being said people tend to favor dragons that are more colorful and bright that can fly long distances while more muted/duller color dragons with disabilities are seen as very unattractive. Katsuki being raised by Mitsuki has a good eye for dragons and collects the most colorful beautiful ones and often puts them in dragon beauty pageants lmao Katsuki's childhood friend, izuku, generally just loves dragons and hopes to become a dragon veterinarian! So imagine his surprise one day when his best friend kacchan comes barreling in carrying 4 eggs he found when he fell into the river lmao and says he needs "useless deku to not be useless and help him hatch these dragons" cause he claims they will "be the most beautiful fucking dragons youve ever fucking seen and my old hag will finally start taking me seriously after she sees me win the pageant with these suckers" And so they hatch the dragons together and while Izuku learns more about the pageant scene due to Katsuki, he realizes how sad the dragon bias and discrimination is. So when he finds brown, dull color dragon Uraraka with her cute lil face, Izuku makes it his goal to also win the pageant with his "unattractive" dragons to prove a point. But of course Katsuki thinks Deku's new goal is a direct challenge to him and his precious dragons and that deku looks down on Katsuki's dragons as if he thinks his dull dragon can win which causes a tear in their friendship and their rivalry begins. Throughout the story, Izuku saves Tenya when he is being poached by dragon slayer Stain and also befriends the beautiful, but dangerous Shoto after he finds him running away from his abuser who bred him through illegal breeding markets.
I like to think the AU ends with Katsuki and Izuku showing off thier dragons at the pageant but then Izuku realizes that pageants are dumb and he doesnt want anyone to judge his poor dragons for things they cant control, not to mention he hates that his friendship with Kacchan was ruined over something so stupid, and so he forfeits the pageant. Izuku honestly just really wants his best friend back. Which means Katsuki ends up winning.... but of course KACCHAN IS STILL UNHAPPY with his victory. Much like in the beginning, Katsuki barrels into izuku's room, this time the eggs are now lil adorable dragons, and he yells at Deku for "giving him that pity victory and not giving the middle finger to all of those discriminatory dragon assholes" Izuku explains everything and they talk it out before eventually becoming friends again (in the bg their dragons are shaking their heads at how stupid their owners are and how they had to sit front seats to the shitshow that is their friendship lmao)
In the end, they say fuck the pageant and izuku runs his vet dragon clinic and katsuki runs an dragon adoption center/dragon egg daycare. He makes sure to beat up anyone who doesnt meet his standards for adoption and gives any injured abused dragon he finds to izuku to take care of. The End (*^▽^*)
SIDE STORY (why izuku is shoto's favorite):
Izuku: ...no? (literally has Shoto sitting on his hair hissing at Endeavor)
Endeavor: You've stolen my DRAGON??!
Izuku: Dragon? :)
Endeavor: YES! THATS MY DRAGON!!?! >:0
Endeavor is so utterly humiliated and in order to save himself from this migraine inducing boy, he simply lets him go. Shoto is pleased by this victory.
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chainsawcorazon · 1 year
I’m not a BruceBabs shipper but people who get so scandalized by it or any other non-DickBabs ships are so annoying. And it’s usually Oracle fans who think the only people only like something else is because they are anti Babs. Babs used to be married to Bruce in the Superman universe and has even dated Clark Kent. They were literally only 3-4 years apart compared to Barbara and Dick who are 6-7 years apart and Barbara was literally older than Talia al Ghul at one point. DickBabs always is held to like this moral standard but honestly to me it’s like the writers settled for the the most boring and safest option which sucks because I wish that the one canonically disabled wheelchair user that DC has would have had a grand romance but yet… like it grates on me that when fans talk about reasons to like DickBabs it is because it’s a disabled woman in a relationship but like she would be a disabled woman in a relationship in whatever relationship she was in because she is a disabled woman. I don’t care for DickBabs and I honestly don’t even care for the age gap like let Babs have a younger guy and have fun, but the ship itself is just boring to me. Anybody else but that please.
i think the biggest mistake was to downgrade babs down to a dick’s contemporary when there were a hundred other ways (albeit none of them even slightly appropriate 😂) to get to the dickbabs agenda, but like, none of it was leveraged…. it’s always irked me, personally, bc there was nothing cookie cutter about their romance to begin with, and there were multiple layers of complexity that didn’t directly involve bruce getting between them, but i feel like in the current era, most of what made them dickbabs even remotely complex was straight up eliminated and or sterilized…. For what? for dick and barbara to be each other’s halal soulmate? forgive my language, but their relarionship’s entire conception was haram 😂 erasing and downplaying what made their relationship ‘theirs’ does nothing but diminish their personal histories and the fact that they each literally brought out the worst in each other at times.
and it’s not to say either are or were perfect. they are not. they are so fucked up i have to actually laugh bc they are both my mentally ill babus and i truly wish dc creative slt could SEE that they can be their best weirdo selves WITHOUT falling into the trap of reducing them to the kind of couple conservatives love to tout as “true love” when we know the only true love in dc comics is kon el and bart allen. also, break dickbabs up 5ever!
and ur absolutely right that babs deserves her fun! personally, i think brubabs is the answer to freeing selina kyle from all the straight woman allegations (i would like her to peacefully fuck other men abd women for at least ten years without hearing a single word about broose) and barbara from the dick-is-your-soulmate garbage. reality is that dickbabs has been as bust as dickkory for the last nine million years (as much as i love dickkory muah muah). one of my biggest critiques of dc comics writing is that motherfuckers cant commit to a character development point for their life. we were over both dickkory and dickbabs in 2010. not bc people didn’t enjoy their ships, but bc the writing staffs went out of their way to slander every single character. i recently saw a post that dickkory only looks good in elseworlds stories cuz the main comic runs fucked his ass UP. and i agree! the same should be applied to dickbabs, bc they lost their appeal eons ago as well. they want nightwing’s ass ate so damn bad, they need to get him a new girlfriend. a boyfriend, even! but leave babs and kory out of it 😭😭😭
Inshallah, hopefully dc creative SLT will understand the great fuckup they’re committing these days. if i cant get brubabs, i would like to see barbara go on a lil date with one of the many beautiful men and women in gotham. if she slept with selina, i would support it.
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alewyren · 1 year
possibly a hot take but I think a lot of people are way too comfortable with STEM illiteracy.
Thing is, the way math and science are often taught in compulsory education sucks. Way too much time spent on busywork largely made redundant by modern technology, not enough time spent understanding concepts--frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if splitting math and physics into two separate subjects is a mistake, because you really can’t understand one without the other. Straight up, modern technology has made the busywork part of math mostly obsolete. Doing basic operations over and over again, memorizing formulas without any insight into their deeper meaning, is boring.
And sure, some people who struggle with STEM have actual learning disabilities that make it difficult if not impossible to process basic math operations. I don’t mean to throw those people under the bus here. But nearly every person I’ve met who’s said they’re “just not a math/science person” was actually, like, fine at it. They were just taught it terribly. I remember my mom complaining about how she was taught trigonometric ratios and had no idea what they could ever be used for, then proceeded to have her mind blown when I explained that they can directly measure gravity on a slope. You really don’t need to be an intellectual to learn math/science, you just need to be properly told what the hell you’re doing and why.
The needlessly stressful grading system also plays a huge part in discouraging people, frankly. Mistakes related to number-crunching details (ie: forgetting a minus sign) have very little to do with how well you understand the concepts, and time constraints make it worse. And some teachers are just straight up assholes who will give you a 0 for not showing your work exactly the way they want even if you clearly show enough to prove you understand the concepts (forever holding a grudge against my calculus I professor for this). None of this means you’re bad at math. Hell, I’m good at math but still don’t get, like, super amazing grades.
And it sucks that so many people get taught badly and then discouraged, because honestly? Math and science are cool as shit. Math is literally the language of the physical world, and once you learn enough to really start broadening your understanding, it will come up in ways you never could have expected (my physics coursework once saved an entire batch of pasta, I am dead serious). And the scientific method itself is applicable to all avenues of life. Seriously, if nothing else, learn how to not only cite sources, but vet their credibility.
And look, okay, I’m not gonna force you to do something you hate. But the problem is that STEM subjects come up all the time in life, and so many people don’t know how to engage with them properly. This is how you get pseudoscience MLMs, or faulty studies that get disseminated to push political agendas. Or on a more mundane level, why billions of people around the world use the internet every day and don’t know the first thing about cybersecurity. People want the security of a strong scientific grounding, but aren’t independently driven or encouraged to engage with the subject properly.
And yeah, I think we do need to restructure STEM education from the ground up, but broadly my point is this: if you’re living in a country that speaks a language you don’t understand, it’s generally advisable to try to learn as much of that language as possible. We all live in the physical world. We all use technology. Why are we so content to rely on other people to be our interpretors?
(obligatory khanacademy plug in case I’ve struck a nerve with anyone reading--great resource to brush up on subjects completely free! I would not have been able to pass calculus without it lmao)
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Re the unknown casualties of covid: don't forget the countless families with special needs/disabilities who were completely sidelined in favor of those whose kids suddenly "needed" allll the assisstance and ate up all the scant resources they barely had to begin with. Waiting lists for medicare/governemt services were already 5-10 years. Covid happens and Boom thousands of new applicants are instantly approved while the families that were on the list for 9 years are whoopsie-doodle bumped off the list, oh but you can re-apply if you get these papers signed from the dr you're not allowed to see, you'll be put on the bott9m of the list and the wait time is 15 years now btw cause all the slots are full and your kid can't get his treatment anyway because they reassigned all the nurses from that floor to the tik tok dance club and- ugh. It just upsets me so much how people act like nothing but goodies came of it all. "I got a stim check!" Cool. my great aunt died alone because I wasn't allowed to visit her. She'd have been fine if she'd received her treatments on time too (one of her nurses actually quietly privately acknowledged that. She quit a few months later. Cant blame her.)
The staggering amount of malpractice in contrast to all the glorifying and deifying of Doctors as superheoes really makes the blood boil. Especially because the treatments and hospital beds and all the crying about the lack of ventilators was all in services of treatments that did not work and likely killed more people than if they'd just stayed home. Tons of elderly people dead because putting covid cases in hospitals was the most important thing for the news cycle and selling the severe need for the "give the CDC and WHO as much authority as possible" agenda.
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Disability Studies, “A Stroke Of Endurance” theater, and more
On March 27 2023 I met with another class of psychology students to answer a multitude of questions about “A Stroke Of Endurance”. I explained that Ava’s fears that she may have caused the professor’s stroke and how ableism directed at Ava factored into Ava’s reactions. One student was surprised the Professor Ben character was allowed to return to work so quickly which led to a discussion about dignity of risk. One student asked if “A Stroke Of Endurance” was my first film. One person in the audience disclosed her CP and described her type of CP as an “invisible disability” and said that she had epilepsy. We discussed how Cerebral Palsy effects eye movement and reflexes. One person asked about relaxation techniques for CP. One person asked about medication and CP which led into a discussion of medication being life giving. 
On March 28th Dylan Rothbein and I spoke about Crip Video Productions including screening the trailer for “A Stroke Of Endurance” and Dylan’s films and music to a disability studies class.  I have permission from these classes to write this post! 
Dylan Rothbein Liberty Coalition released videos featuring me Margot Cole talking about Cerebral Palsy and Crip Video Productions film “Drama Sighted” https://youtu.be/DPivocd0vj8 and doing a tribute to the late great disability rights activist Judy Heumann. https://youtu.be/QnFF-nfJjqI  I was also quoted by CUNY in an article about Judy Heumann. 
Please note that Dylan Rothbein Liberty Coalition is separate from Crip Video Productions. 
In other news see here https://youtu.be/ufHKiw22MKw  The Umbrella Children's Theater performance of "The Butler Didn't Do It" has been made available for free! Umbrella Children’s Theatre where I (Margot Cole) am vice president is thrilled to present “The Butler Didn’t Do It! A Comic ‘Who Done It' Mystery presented at Teatro Paraguas the weekend of Friday, April 21, 2023. Adapted by Katie Thomas and directed by JoJo Sena-Tarnoff, with original music by Melange (Jeff and JoJo Tarnoff). Our student actors range in age from 7 to 12 years old. The Butler Didn’t Do It! A Comic ‘Who Done It’ Mystery is a classic play within a play featuring original song, music and dance. A group of 1940s Hollywood bigwigs arrive at a remote island mansion for the weekend flush with their own secret agendas. When a big storm knocks out the bridge, the servants are oh so shifty, and the host of the party is nowhere to be found, suspense and thrills ensue as Cameron Spielrock, Diva SoVane, Dr. Wellbeing, Polly Pureheart, Stella Street, Stanley Livingstone, Bootsy, Curly, Truly Dimple, and the Artichoke Zombies begin to realize that things are not just always as they seem… Share widely!
Teatro Paraguas is separate from Crip Video Productions!
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dearestones · 2 years
Hetalia Matchup: Lithuania
Warnings: Fluff.
@somebodytouchmyspagett Request: hi local hyperfixated dork wondering who out of all the hetalia characters would be chill with a queerplatonic partnership with an aromantic asexual nonbinary autistic adult (28 yrs old). born and raised in florida, only ever been to about a half dozen other states and nowhere outside of the us of a, but deeply curious about other places. lot of copinglinks (aka kinning to cope with mental illness), i'm the host of an endogenic gateway system that generally has around a half dozen other members at any given time. too many mental/cognitive and physical diagnoses to easily list, i am in the weird position of loving food but being physically unable to easily cook and unable to eat a lot of things safely. you'll generally find me chilling online. i was unable to learn html due to ableism when i attempted college (trust me, i tried, best i could get was a high school degree), but i am deeply into geeky/nerdy things like how hex code colors work (look up the website bada55.io i LOVE IT), scripts ciphers and code systems like daukin and cistercian numerals, various internet memes like the road to el dorado guys and the spaghett bear and the is it art guy (the iron giant is god tier movie btw), homestuck, star trek (tng best in my opinion) and stargate, etc. i'd prefer someone quiet and understanding, however. anytime prussia is onscreen i've consistently had to turn down my computer volume, and i'm quite sensory defensive in other ways along with having significant social function, memory, and attention span issues.
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After reading through your description, I believe that you pair well with Lithuania!
As a Nation, Lithuania is more than well acquainted with all sorts of relationships. He’s been with many people over the years, both Nations and humans, and he knows for a fact that the most basic and integral part of a relationship is trust and mutual respect. If you make it clear from the beginning your needs and wants in regards to your relationship, he will deliver without question while also expressing his own boundaries and expectations.. As you can see, your relationship is already off to a great start!
(You shouldn’t be too surprised, he’s best friends—and at times, more—with Poland). 
Ah, you’ve never been outside of the United States? But you’re still interested in other countries? Already, Lithuania respects that you want to learn more about different cultures. If you want, he will be your tour guide if you ever visit his home country. Touring his sites, walking down the streets of his most populous cities, and perhaps appreciating his countryside are on the top of the agenda if you choose to go with him. If your relationship has deepened to the point where he trusts you with many of his secrets, he’ll even take you to national summits or international meetings. Not only will you be able to meet other Nations and explore the host Nation’s home, you can see him in his element as he tends to paperwork and reports in preparation for these important gatherings.
As for your mental health and disabilities, please inform Lithuania of your needs ahead of time. Although he’s a calm individual and can easily come up with solutions on the fly, he would rather not be blindsided by sudden problems. If you have any medications or appointments, he’ll be there to support you and remind you of your prescriptions. However, if you’re not comfortable with disclosing these issues yet, he’ll understand, but his offer stands: he will offer support if you ever need it.
You’re in luck when it comes to food! His home may not be as renowned for its cuisine like France’s or Italy’s food, but he has learned how to cook a plethora of dishes from his time spent in working other Nation’s homes. Since he has spent time at America’s house as his personal aide, he knows how to make classic American cuisine. Again, please tell him of any dietary restrictions so that he can safely create foods that will suit your palate. 
Your determination and hard work impresses Lithuania. Although he was never put into a position where he was banned from learning something because of his physical capabilities, he was pushed down time and time again because of his status as a pagan Nation and later, because he was Russia’s unwilling lackey. He can relate to how it feels to have your options taken away because of arbitrary rules formed because of society’s standards. Your continued interest in coding and technological jargon is enough of an indicator that you are a hard worker and perhaps there is still hope that you can still achieve your dreams.
Lithuania hopes that you turn to him in times of when you need it most. Having sensory issues can be a hard burden to bear in life, so he’ll do his best to aid you in leading a lifestyle that won’t cause you undue stress. Please, if you feel like the world can be too much or if you simply want to sit in silence, know that he’ll be there to support you all the way.
At his core, Lithuania is a caretaker. Once a connection between the two of you is formed, he will do his utmost to respect your needs and he hopes that you will reciprocate as well. There may be some hurdles in this relationship since he still bears the scars (mental and physical) of his past relationships with fellow Nations and has the telltale signs of trauma, but if the both of you push forward and respect each other’s boundaries, you’ll be fine. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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I am applying for the role of Participatory Workshop Leader because I am enthusiastic about the importance of engaging communities in the power of the arts. I believe i possess the skills required to carry-out the technical and organisational responsibilities for this role. I am empowered and inspired by assisting others to find their grace and expression through all forms of art.
I have previously manage a community Arts space called Ground; I have also been working in the hospitality industry for ten years, most recently becoming a General Manager in both corporate/independent environments. I have up until recently been living in Sheffield working for an organisation named Artworks who work with artists with autism and or learning disabilities as a full time support Creative Workshop Leader. I have recently left this post to study a Masters in Youth and Community Engagement at Leeds Beckett University.
I am an expressive and open leader and try to manage and lead from the front with flair. I approach tasks creatively, whilst recognising that infrastructure and organisation plays a major role in enabling change.
I am a naturally energetic person; I engage my enthusiasm into challenging projects and circumstances. Prejudice I have personally experienced allows me to work with empathy, and has given me a genuine desire through project administration and outreach work to create positive change for everyone.
I would relish in the opportunity to host a workshop with you folks and be part of the SICK! 2024. I would bring energy to the planning process, having a strong ability to prioritise tasks, manage time constraints and organise workloads. I have an extensive knowledge of working with under-represented communities and artists alike, having worked with low socio-economic communities as a result of establishing myself as a community art worker. I would relish in the opportunity to support our wider creative community in the excitement that comes with participating in festival activity. And do so with the sensitivity and professionalism required to support our wider community.
Although I have not had the opportunity to visit the SICK! Festival, I have been following the work you folks do for a couple of years now, and have been waiting for an opportunity to hopefully work with you folks, as I am inspired by the work you do. I tell lots of folk about you.
The Chaos Office:
The Chaos Office, was born out of finding a use for our weight in surplus legal documentation and associated office paraphernalia.
Ground Gallery Kingston Upon Hull, (my home town) was established by a group of friends, who studied together at Newcastle University and had the chance to return to their home town and establish a community arts space entitled GROUND.
Members of GROUND, got the opportunity to take on and make good a 3 story Victorian building, that had been empty for a number of years, resulting in the space falling into a state of disrepair. We lovingly spent 6 months, stripping, cleaning, plastering and doodling on our new space.
The building was once occupied, by a charity name HIHAC, an Independent Housing Advice Association Charity. The charity went into administration some years ago, as a result, mountains of paperwork file-a-faxes and hole punches, were stored both on the top floor and in the attic. Whilst gutting GROUND, we worked hard where possible, to re-purpose where possible, turning tables into chairs and vice versa.
I would very much like to collaborate with you folks, on bringing the Chaos Office to Manchester as part of the SICK! Festival.
Office’ workshop. We will begin by checking in and collectively establish an agenda for the next 2 hours. We will use the rest of our time to create and engage in office related activity. We will use the time to discuss our bureaucratic frustrations and how this impacts our mental health. We might discuss, how and where we can access different support services, dependant on the conversations that come out of the session.
My role as facilitator, will be to introduce themes and materials, I will guide participants and work with them in encouraging them to make best use of the time. I will make reference to other works folks have produced during Chaos Office sessions as a point of reference for participants.
At the end we will Check-Out. During this time, participants will be given the time to debrief and divulge to the group on how they feel the session went and what they can take away from it. They may also use this time to just sit silently. It is their time.
My commitment to the creative arts sector has been a considerably tough journey, but it is a road I continue to travel through having built the emotional intelligence and resilience to endure and overcome barriers to my creative passions. I operate and can pivot resourcefully in finding ways to survive – an aspect of my personal and professional work ethic which has moulded the creative being I am today. Alongside my portfolio of creative projects, during the last decade I have also worked part-time in the hospitality industry to subsidise my ‘hobby’. I value this experience as it means I have had to experience life through necessity to live on the other side – something, more often than not, my peers have not had to do. These experiences position me as an eligible candidate to work with various communities whilst realising the genuine struggles folks are going through during these unpredictable and recently unprecedented times.
As a member of the LGBT+ community, I feel that I can relate to what it is to be a part of marginalised society. Although I have grown up in the predominantly middle-class, White suburb of ‘Hullywood’, I have always innately felt a sense of being ‘different’. People projected their ideas about my identity and who I was/am before I even knew, and I still don’t know. I am learning, it is a constant. I have found personal empowerment at 33 through working with younger community groups, learning about all the facets of my existence, a general level of acceptance amongst the younger generation and a desire to be understood. As part of my practising artistry, my work is centrally based in performance. Performance became a springboard to the acquisition of a confidence and theatrical expression in my art – talents and traits which allow me to excel and flourish within my professional fields.
Bureaucratic Liberation.
Peer Solidarity.
I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards, William Vinegrad.
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hoghtastic · 1 year
“Why is acting goofy and speaking different languages or dancing funny, somehow mocking disabled people? Isn't it mocking disabled people to say that's how they act and it's typical? Like you cant dance goofily and it be ok? It must mean they (she) are all doing something bad or wrong? It's not like shes Donald Trump mocking disabled people for real.”
“Many of you are just nitpicking and making a disaster out of it. Are you aware that not only disabled people make strange sounds and speak funny, but also small children? And I remember Alex saying that he has such a style of humor that he sometimes likes to act like children. What are you even talking about, my God? Many of you seem like crazy fans who are really jealous but are afraid to admit it. At first I was interested in reading, but the more I read, the more I notice how strange things are written here... “
Well if you read what I said and comprehended it, I said “I think it’s odd how chucky had been called out for (in quotes because I’m quoting what someone said in a previous ask) “mocking disabled people” when she tries to be funny, but I’ve never seen anyone call out Alex for doing the same thing” (like I also stated I haven’t seen physical proof of what was addressed as “mocking” other than the dancing video and obviously that was only referred to or compared to a reenactment of someone about to projectile vomit) Which means it was confusing to me that they would even begin to call out Johanne and not Alex for acting the exact same way IF they really had thought she was doing anything wrong. Simply, like the other anon stated, I thought they were “nitpicking” and claiming she was doing something she wasn’t, while using a very wrong and stereotypical agenda to boost their claims even more.
What are YOU even talking about, anon?Where are you seeing jealousy being shown by anyone on this blog? (Jealous definition: feelings or showing envy of someone or their achievements or advantages) (envy definition: a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.) I’m sure we wouldn’t be jealous if we were pointing out our opinions on how we think they are embarrassing themselves by acting out. No one is jealous of that, no one envies acting that way. Also being in tune with your inner child and simply acting like a child (as a grown, almost 30 year old man, as I feel really needs to be reiterated more here) are two completely different things. If it was Johanne (let’s all be so honest right now) that said she liked to act like a child because she thought it was funny or cute, you would find that weird, but just because it’s Alex that said it it’s cute and funny and it should be ignored and not questioned as something weird. (As many times as we’ve talked about thinking Alex is with johanne because she has been compared to his “mom” due to her seemingly controlling attitude, his comment about liking to act like a child for fun should be raising even more eyebrows should it not? That could be one of the many reasons why his relationships never got anywhere because he acts like that, and the girls want a boyfriend not a baby) so no babe, I’m not a “jealous fan whose scared to admit it” I’m just pointing out the things a lot of fans (like you) likes to ignore because your too far up Alex’s ass to see that he is weird as hell. You yourself are part of the “crazy fans” you mentioned who are jealous. And because of that you feel the need to go and “defend his honor” anytime you find the chance because you know that’s as close as you are gonna get to being with him yourself.
Anon to anon, in response to this ask. 😊
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lilmackiereads · 1 year
For the review WITHOUT SPOILERS, click here. To continue WITH spoilers, begin reading after the cover photo.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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I am actually surprised with myself for giving this such a high rating as I am easily very bored with the teen romance novels. Of the few YA romance that I have read in the last year this has been my favorite which was a total surprise! I actually almost gave up reading it in the first 50 or so pages because I found the initial few chapters from Spence’s point of view unrealistic. For some reason I just didn’t feel like the dialogue and thought processes going on in this 13-year-old boy’s head felt accurate to the tween boys I’ve known growing up. There wasn’t enough swearing or boyish grossness. For instance, I feel like he needed a bit of a sprinkle of yucky (belching/ nose-picking/ farting/ name-calling) like the boys in Stephen King’s “The Body” aka Stand by Me (1986), The Sandlot (1993) or Stranger Things (2016) because many boys at this age are generally just pretty gross and obnoxious in my experience. (I grew up tween to teen between 2008-2018 and babysat lots of kids and now I work with middle school and high schoolers…)
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HOWEVER, I think Allen did nail Spence’s dorkiness, which is why I ultimately kept reading because he is pretty adorable and his taxonomies are pretty funny.
Unlike John Green (The Fault in Our Stars, 2012 and Turtles All the Way Down, 2017) and Becky Albertalli (Simon vs the Homosapien Agenda, 2015) who are two of the best teen writers that can accurately display the minds of the opposite sex in my opinion, I feel like Allen struggles a bit with writing Spence’s point-of-view. I found Hope’s p-o-v more realistic (and relatable) as a female, but I think that Spence became more realistic as the book progressed from age 13 to 19. Especially once he hit puberty, I think the romantic stakes and thoughts were more accurate to a teenage boy. Haha. But what do I know? I’ve never been a teenage boy.
Hope reminded me a lot of myself because I’m generally happy-go-lucky, but I had a major emo-phase in high school that really warped my attitude at the time (and admittedly comes out to play occasionally as an adult.) I wish we had more chapters from her perspective. I was bummed out when her sister died. It's hard to lose someone so close to you, especially when they're so young. The only thing I didn't like about Hope was her last name, Birdsong. I think it was just a little too on-the-nose. If we're really going for the "girl next door" she could have just had a basic last name like Smith or Miller.
I really liked all the little parties the characters through for the holidays and the references to Hamilton (2015), Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Grease (1978), and Pokémon. Jayla and Spencer's Pikachu and Ash costumes sounded adorable. I feel like Hope’s transition over the story is actually a lot like Sandy’s! Also, the two girls at the Halloween party who were Sandy before and after, such a cool costume idea!
Jayla and Dean were both kind of annoying at times, but ultimately, I think they had good hearts, but were just a little too self-involved for their own good. I really appreciated after Dean went to college and grew up a little and started to stand up for Jayla and Spencer.
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I also like that the book goes over some important topics like racism and the Civil War, disability awareness, bullying, mental health, and using sexual situations as a coping mechanism.
My top three favorite parts are:
The Vice Principal’s Surprise -- I mean DICK CONFETTI? How much better can it get?
2. The Tree Stand in the Rain -- My little heart at all the romance:
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3. The Lightning Bugs -- Just such a sweet and magical moment.
Would I Read this Book Again?
Low key kind of want to read it again right now! I hope they make a movie of this!
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Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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I put three episodes in one Chapter.
This shows how adding a new character can basically change the whole storyline.
Now happy reading.
P.S. I didn’t add Handicap because this was not a main character EP and like N.K. has not really contact with the disabled kids.
Chapter 3: Weird, weirder, South Park!
It’s after lunchtime at school and I’m with Tammy in the girl’s bathroom. Wendy, Bebe, and Red are also here with us.
I’m helping Tammy cover up a pimple, while our friends each take a turn to do the business the toilettes were built for.
All is normal and nice.
Of course, SOMEONE has to disturb it.
Fucking Eric Cartman enters our bathroom, zeroing at the stalls!
Before anyone can react or say something, I grip Cartman by his fat neck, ignoring his protests, and drag him out of the bathroom.
Out on the school floor, I throw him against the lockers.
“You stupid bitch!”, he curses at me.
I punch beside his face at the locker staring him down with my best death glare. He is shaking in fright.
“What the fuck was that?!”, I ask. “Why did you enter the girl’s bathroom?”
I give him this, at least, even if he is shitting his pants, he managed to press out: “I'm transginger.”
“Did you notice the bow?”
Cartman points at the little pink bow he has now on his wool hat.
“I'm not comfortable with the sex I was assigned at birth, so I'm exercising my right to identify with the gender of my choice.”
“Bullshit!”, I growl out and punch again beside his face. Cartman flitches. “That’s just a scheme of yours to use our bathroom, god knows why. You aren’t transgender, dickhead.”
“Don't give me any more issues than I already have, Douchebag!”, he has the balls to say to me.
Okay enough.
I grip him by his collar slamming him against the lockers. He winces in pain.
“Don’t pull this shit you fucking asshole! I don’t want to make me angry! Let my community in peace and don’t use it for your agenda!”, I hiss at him. “Stop this shit right now or I gonna beat you up! I will beat you up so much that the beatdown I gave you while we played the Stick of Truth was a nice massage! You understand me!”
I let go of him and he falls on his fat ass painfully.
I point at him.
“Don’t test me bitch!”
With that, I return back to the girl’s bathroom.
I should have known that Cartman is as stupid as he is stupor.
I get called into the principal’s office, where Cartman is already waiting there with his mom, crying in her arms. Principal Victoria and my parents are there too.
“Oh god, what lying story did he tell you!”, I ask annoyed into the room.
I can see from Principal Victoria’s look that she doesn’t buy Cartman theater either, but somehow he managed to convince his mom, and now we are here.
“Novella-Karin Campo!”, begins Papà. “Did you really threat Erica here to beat her up if she uses the girl bathroom?”
“That’s not Erica that’s still Cartman who has one of his schemes going on!”, I counter.
Cartman wails and hugs his mom tight.
“I told you she is a transgingerphobe!”
“I’m not and it’s called trangenderphobe, you ignorant piece of shit!”
“My daughter is part of the LGBTAQ+ community since she was a little girl.”, comes Mamma to my defense. At least her! “She never was transphobe, she always was there for her sisters and brother who struggle with their gender identity. This is ridiculous!”
“Mrs. Campo I understand you and your daughter, but I need to get to the bottom of this. Sadly.��, mumbles Principal Victoria the last part, but I heard her.
Yep, she is totally not buying Cartman bullshit too.
I don’t wanna have her job right now too.
“Also, Eric here-“
“-It’s Erica, goddammit, mom say something?!-“
“-Don’t get angry so fast hun, people need to learn your new name, I certainly do-“
“-Anyway as I was saying!”, starts Principal Victoria again. “Erica wanted to use the girl bathroom and you Novella-Karin dragged her out of it and threatened to beat her up if she tries this.”
I shrug my shoulders.
“I told a little boy, who takes advance of my transgender brothers and sisters, only the truth! I will not let him use them as an excuse to shit in the girl’s bathroom.”
“N.K.!”, growls my father in warning, but Mamma gives him a little hit on the head.
“Christiano Campo, you rather believe someone else than your own daughter?!”
Oho, Mamma used Papà full name. She is pissed at him. He realizes this too, while he rubs his hurting spot.
Papà stays still.
Yeah, that’s probably better.
“I see.”, says Principal Victoria. “Sadly there is no evidence that Erica is taking advance.”
“Not even that we talk here about Eric Cartman who is known to pull shit like that?!”, I call in disbelief in between.
“Novella-Karin I can understand you, I really do, but my hands are tied. For threatening Erica you get a whole month of detention.”
I stare at her in disbelief, while Cartman, the fat fuck, grins in triumph.
Oh just wait, I have still a triumph card!
“Okay if Cartman here really is transgender then he must have started hormon therapy.”, I point out. “There are surely doctor notes that support his claim. If not he is lying.”
I’m betting that he probably doesn’t know that you don’t need to be on hormone therapy to be considered transgender. I bet he only made a little research on the subject.
Turn out I’m right. It’s satisfying to see Cartman’s face fall. Didn’t think about that, heh, fatass?
It’s still for a few seconds till Cartman yells: “Motherfucker!”
In the end, Cartman gets two-week detention for entering the girl’s bathroom, and my detention is canceled since it was my right to kick him out.
Also, I think Principal Victoria has nothing against it if I really beat up Cartman.
Of course somehow the whole school hears about this and people celebrate me like a celebrity.
It’s an enormous ego boost.
Also, it shows how hated Cartman is.
All in all a good day’s work.
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The next days in South Park are again fucked up!
Somehow a drone took a video of Craig’s mom naked and from there on, neighborhood drones, police drones, and military drones flow around us.
Even my parents participated with a drone!
What really pissed me off besides that all our privacy was invaded, was that Mrs. Tucker got heat only because she doesn’t shave down under.
Again I made use of my Social-Media Powers to help to get rid of the problems.
#AllNaturelBeaty and #DownWithDrones were trending everywhere.
My first Hashtag did help Mrs. Tucker, but I learned something new about my powers. I have to be more specific with my Hashtags since the solution to taking out drones was to bring more drones in.
In the end, someone used a blow-up doll with a hairy vagina to lead all the drones away from the city.
The evening after that the whole city is having a fancy banquet and celebrating the supposed hero, Mrs. Tucker, and her bush.
I can just facepalm at this all, as also a mistrial sings a heroic song for her.
Why is South Park so sick?!
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Our school day starts pretty normally. I’m with Tammy at her locker, she is getting her books for our first lesson, as Jimmy walks up to us.
“G-Good morning, g-girls!”
“Hey, Jimmy!”
“What’s up, noble bard.”, I add playful.
“Not much. I just wanted to make sure you heard the fuh-fantastic news. There's a new Terrance & Phillip mobile game, and it's so amazing and incredibly fun.”
He shows us this fun game on his phone. I frown, while Tammy purses her lips.
I’m not much of a smartphone gamer and Tammy isn’t a fan of Terrance and Philip. I know shocking, I’m trying to get her to like them.
“That’s nice?”, Tammy says for us both.
“Isn’t it? And the most unbelievable part? It's totally free. You should download it to your phone right now. I mean, come. On. If it's free, why wouldn't you?”
“I don’t play mobile games, but sure, I could check it out.”, I tell Jimmy.
I mean it’s still Terrance and Philip.
“You betcha, pal.”
With that, he leaves us. We both look at each other and shrug our shoulders.
At recess, I try out the game, while Tammy watches me.
“This…is the biggest bullshit ever!”, I declare as I uninstall it.
That game wanted me to collect coins and then asked for real money to have more coins to rebuild Canada.
“I stay with my PlayStation game!”
“Aren’t DLC also kind of expansive? What’s the difference with this?”, Tammy wants to know.
“You didn’t say this! It’s a lot different. You get at last a whole new level and extra hours to play in it.”
We are walking around the school playground as we see Stan’s gang minus Stan and…huh I’m hearing right.
“Don’t tell me you guys tried also out the Terrance and Phillip mobile game?”, I call out to them.
“We did.”, responds Kyle and puts his phone away. “It’s so dumb.”
We all together agree to never play it again. I have a feeling this is a scheme even if it’s Terrance and Phillip.
But apparently, the one who wasn’t with us yesterday didn’t get the memo and even didn’t show up to school today.
Stan, I’m talking about Stan.
I’m with Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman to see after him. Tammy and Leo couldn’t come since Tammy has now karate training and Leo has to help his parents with something.
We enter Stan’s room.
He is playing the stupid mobile game in his bed all right.
“Ohhh hey guys.”, greets us, Stan.
“You... missed school today?”, reminds him, Kyle.
“Yeah, I just wasn't feelin' the best.”
I cross my arms and cock a hip out.
“But you feel well enough to play the Terrance and Phillip mobile game, Stanley?”
“Well yeah, I was sick in bed. What else was I gonna do?”
“Not playing and trying to get well?”
“N.K., I don’t think he is really sick.”, whispers Kenny.
“I know, I was just pointing it out.”, I whisper back.
“How much money did you micropay today, Stan?”, wants Cartman to know from him.
“Nothing! Dude, I bought like $10 worth of Canadough. But check it out, I unlocked the stadium in Toronto.”
Stan even smiles at us.
“You spent $10 and eight hours to unlock a stadium?”, summarize Kyle in disbelieve.
“You guys, is it that much dumber than video games you play?”
“I can’t believe I agree with Cartman, but yes. Even DLCs are more fun than that shit!”
“It's just something to kill some time. Like Jimmy said, it's a cool way to zone out.”
….Wait a second, Jimmy?!
“Waitwaitwait, Jimmy told you about this game?”, says Kyle.
“Jimmy told me about this game.”, informs Cartman.
“Kenny, N.K. who told you about this game?”
“Jimmy!”, we say together.
“Dude, what?!”
“The?!”, continues Cartman.
“Fuck?!”, end Kenny and I.
We decide to let Stan be and hunt Jimmy down. He needs a lot to explain to us. We find him, trying to sell the game to a kid.
As it turns out the Canadian government pays Jimmy to push the game to other kids and he accepts their money because he has debts with another freemium game.
What a fucked up circle of money-making.
On good thing is that Stan realizes he needs help and comes to us. While he and Jimmy talk, we other are in Kyle’s kitchen talking about what we could do to stop this all.
Well, Kyle tries to think of a plan, I just go to my many social media platforms and spread the hell out of it.
“Kyle, stop coming up with a grand plan I already put the word out!”, I tell him showing him my Twitter account. “"Terrance & Phillip hire pushers to make money off addicts." is already trending and gets millions of retweets.”
“I don’t like to say it but these social media powers of you are useful Douchebag.”
“Thanks, fatass, but your compliment doesn’t mean much to me.”
More we can’t do.
The boys decide to go play basketball, while I pick up Tammy from karate to hang out with her and our girl squad later.
We all are in Bebe’s room, talking and shit, as Bebe looks at her phone and tells us apparently Satan, yes that Satan, and the Canadian Satan had a face-off, and normal Satan won and Canada bans all freemium games.
This craziness of South Park spread apparently to the whole world.
Meh, I just lay down on her floor and continue reading my Demon Slayer manga to Heidi.
I’m starting to have no more fucks to give, so…whatever!
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
hey im looking for advice here, dont feel obligated to answer this :)
im already in a romantic relationship and recently came out as ace to my gf and she was cool with it. but now im questioning if im aro aswell.
i dont think i want a romantic relationship with her anymore, but i still definatly want a close platonic one. my problem is that i cant tell if im aro or just dont love *her* romantically anymore. she's the only person ive really ever wanted a romantic relationship with, and even then im not sure if i was even romanticly attracted towards her. i already knew she had a "crush" on me, and looking back my feelings towards her and any past "crushes" felt fabricated or... dull? like i was *suposed* to feel something, or when i did im wondering now if it couldve just been craving close platonic affection.
im nd and out relationship has been extremely draining in the past, and also makes it hard to tell platonic vs romantic feelings in the past because i have a hard time describing past feelings
thank you for read :) i hope this isnt a bother to answer
i've been in a similar though different situation (same for everything except i also knew i was aro going into it and... thought we were on the same page on that too), and i'm mostly going to lean on my communication agenda and that experience to respond to you.
putting the facts into an order i think is important, based on your explicit statements: this relationship is draining for you. you don't think you want a romantic relationship with her, though you do want to maintain a close platonic relationship with her. you're nd and can have a hard time describing past feelings - and i wouldn't be surprised if that also occurs with current feelings.
(big mood, but 3 years ago)
I found that this ultimately meant I had to work on finding a way to safely express my feelings - that we should break up, and that I would like to remain close friends with my now-ex gf. for me, this was hard - I was balancing mental health for both of us, plus academic lives, and a long-distance situation. I ultimately decided that I had to initiate this conversation, and spent some time trying to take a step back and think of how she'd likely respond. Be cautious if you're prone to anxious thoughts - try to check in on what reactions you've seen them have and if this is actually similar. from there... honestly, you have to talk.
physical safety comes first: there is no universally wrong way to break up, imo. I don't know anything about your gf, so please don't be mad if i'm assuming the worst - my ex, while generally sweet, had severe problems with emotional regulation in situations like this, and in a disabled with trauma way. i recognized that she could, in a physical meeting where we were too close, respond with physical violence before she had time to process that urge. I chose to break up with her while at a physical distance, and near my car. For some people, physical safety is a necessary concern for their own self. i've also known a breakup where my concern was the physical safety of the other individual - in that case, follow a similar plan as to below, but for that individual.
emotional safety is next. if you can, let supportive others know beforehand that you're breaking up. friends, family, therapists, etc. it doesn't have to be the whole crowd, just whoever feels important and available. make sure you have some kind of set up that allows you to go to a safe place to feel your emotions, take a deep breath, and begin to move forwards afterwards. even if it's mutual, you probably will have some feelings to work through, and that's normal.
finally... I want to have a real moment. My ex and I talked so many times, for so long, about how we were going to remain friends if we broke up, and nothing would stop us from ensuring that happened. We haven't talked since I broke up with her. It happens sometimes. Try to have realistic expectations, and recognize that it might take a few weeks for emotions to return to a more baseline level between you - and if you haven't heard back, but haven't explicitly been told to fuck off, I'd say 2-3 weeks is an appropriate time to reach back out.
this is.... long. but i hope it helps to provide some perspective, address some scenarios that can be important to consider, and ultimately, provide a broad guideline for the process of breaking up with hopes of continuing friendship.
i hope this helps. more posts like this exist in the #advice tag.
mod kee
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It’s come to my attention that a good majority of people on this website have a really poor understanding of the conflict between Toph and Katara in “The Chase.” As somebody who loves both characters and their friendship, this irritates me. Without further ado, let’s unpack that in what is in theory supposed to be a meta but turned out more like a rant. 
“Katara was hostile towards Toph because the fact that she’s a gender non-conforming girl made Katara uncomfortable because Katara is obsessed with gender roles.”
Alright, so right off the bat this is just... completely idiotic and clearly fuelled by an agenda (and likely also a lot of projection). First of all, how is Katara of “I don’t want to heal, I want to fight!” fame “obsessed with gender roles?” There’s an entire episode in Book One dedicated to Katara refusing to conform to societal norms for women in the Northern Water Tribe! Katara routinely calls Sokka out on his misogynistic bullshit! (Mind you I adore Sokka but he could be a little twerp at times and Katara was 100% right to challenge him on it) Katara is the feminist icon of ATLA! The fact that people act like Katara is some sort of conservative tradwife who loves gender roles instead of the outspoken feminist and political activist she is makes me incredibly angry.
Second of all, Katara was extremely kind and welcoming towards Toph at first. She gently encouraged her to join in with the group as they all set up camp together as opposed to setting up her own private camp. It’s only when Toph refuses to comply with her that Katara begins to get irritated. Mind you, Toph has her reasons for this, something I’ll get to in a minute, but from Katara’s perspective (key word here is perspective) she’s just being an annoying little stubborn, selfish, lazy, anti-social, entitled brat. Of course we the audience find out later that this isn’t the case at all (or at least in theory we should find out later but apparently some people on here skipped that part), but for all her many talents Katara is not a mind reader and has no way of knowing what’s going on inside Toph’s head, nor does she know her well enough yet to fully grasp the context behind why Toph acts the way she does. Katara is somebody who greatly values community and believes in teamwork, so Toph turning down her warm welcome in favour of “carrying her own weight” likely felt like a slap in the face. Not to mention that she’s already emotionally exhausted from having to constantly mother Aang and Sokka. If I were Katara, I likely would have reacted the same way. 
Oh and I agree that the “the stars look beautiful tonight, too bad you can’t see them, Toph” comment was out of line, but it doesn’t make her a horrible person. It makes her a 14 year old, and 14 year olds can be nasty, especially sleep deprived 14 year olds. Katara is otherwise a very kind and compassionate person. Other characters have said worse than that. Hell, Toph herself has said worse than that. That being said, it was a deeply hurtful comment and I do like to imagine that she apologized for it off-screen. 
“Toph is a lazy, entitled, and classist spoiled rich brat who just didn’t want to do chores and expected other people to wait on her.” 
This is another one that makes me roll my eyes and ask if they even watched the show. First of all, the presumption that Toph is a lazy or entitled person is just... laughable. I feel like people forget that Toph isn’t actually an earthbending prodigy in the way that Azula is a firebending prodigy (I could say more about Azula and how her belief that she was the unshakeable prodigal daughter ultimately caused her downfall and how by the end of the series Zuko is arguably a better firebender than her but this isn’t a meta about Azula and Zuko, now is it?). Nah. Toph was a sheltered kid who discovered she had the ability to earthbend, was told that she could never become great at it because she was blind, and in response said FUCK THAT and decided to work her ass off until she was not only great but the very greatest all thanks to her crazy, stupid, off-the-charts nerve, drive, grit, ambition, and desire to prove people wrong about her. Does that sound like a lazy person to you? Believe me when I say that you do not achieve that kind of skill level by sitting around on your ass and expecting to have things handed to you. And entitled? Don’t make me laugh. Toph hates having things handed to her, that’s one of her defining characteristics. 
As for the implication that she’s classist and enjoys basking in her family’s wealth and being waited on...... are you stupid? Did you even watch the show? Toph absolutely despises everything about her parents’ lifestyle. Growing up like that was traumatizing and restrictive for her. We’re talking about a girl who likes to play around in the mud for fuck’s sake. Toph does not care how much money you have. She never wanted any to begin with. She even says it herself; “I guess I shouldn’t be complaining. They gave me everything I could have wanted. But they never gave me what I actually needed - their love.” Not to mention that she easily could have continued to freeload off her parents wealth but instead chose to sneak out of the house and make her own money doing what she did best; disproving people’s assumptions about her earthbending. Oh and I’ve seen someone point this out before but WWE is generally considered a “low brow” activity that “proper” people frown upon and shouldn’t associate themselves with. Toph fucking loved it. I don’t know how seriously people take the comics, as they often miss the mark when it comes to characterization (Toph’s, however, was generally pretty accurate), but there’s a part in The Rift where Sokka asks her when she’s going to start charging people to learn metalbending and she gets all serious and flat out tells him that she will never do such a thing, because money doesn’t matter to her. Sharing her one true passion with the world is what matters to her. Oh and the part where she basically tells a bunch of rich and sleazy businessmen to fuck off and “stop thinking about money and start thinking about people’s lives” is just... *chef’s kiss* Sorry my thoughts here are so incoherent but this take is so piss poor and makes me so angry that I don’t even know where to start. As for “Toph enjoys being waited on” I just- *sigh* Toph has such a visceral and defensive reaction to any implication that she is unable to take care of herself. Like I said earlier, that’s one of her defining characteristics as well as the reason for her behaviour in “The Chase.” Where are people getting these takes?
You wanna know why Toph acted the way she did in The Chase? Well, first let’s recap her life up to this point. Toph was born the blind daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the Earth Kingdom. From day one her parents treated her like glass due to her disability. She was not allowed to leave her house unsupervised, and even then she was only permitted to walk around the gardens of her home. Every day of her life she was pitied, gaslit, babied, ignored, emotionally neglected, and made to feel ashamed of herself. She was not allowed to make any decisions for herself. She was not allowed to do anything for herself. She was not allowed to talk to other children. She had no friends. Other people didn’t even know she existed on account that her parents kept her locked up in her own home and didn’t tell anybody about her because they were so ashamed to have a blind daughter. Flash forward to “The Chase.” Toph begins to set up her own camp separate from the rest of the Gaang. Considering that she flat out was not socialized as a child and hadn’t even interacted with anybody her own age prior to a few days ago, this is understandable. So then Katara comes up to her and asks her why she isn’t setting up camp with the others as if she’s somehow incapable of taking care of herself (again, this is just what happened from her perspective) like she’s her mom or something and it just angers her because she thought she joined this group to get away from all that and she doesn’t understand how friends work because she’s never had one, all she knows is that apparently this girl thinks she isn’t capable of taking care of herself, and that infuriates her because it’s the exact same bullshit she thought she was running away from.
There’s a lot more I could say about this but I’m sick of typing so yeah in conclusion both of these takes are piss poor and I’m sick of having to read them. Stan Toph, Katara, and their friendship. 
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