#i also just think princess and the frog would be a perfect kh1 world
phoenix-downer · 5 years
If you could wish for any world in Kingdom Hearts (regardless of it being Disney's or Square's property or not) that hasn't been visited yet: which would it be and why?
Good question! 
Oh man, any world, huh? I’ll start with Disney/Square properties first:
The Sword in the Stone (1963) - We’ve had Merlin in the series for quite some time now, so a world inspired by the movie he’s from makes perfect sense. The whole excalibur plotline would tie in nicely with the idea of being chosen by the Keyblade, and I feel like Arthur/Wart would really look up to Sora. It would also give Sora the chance to pass on what he learned in DDD (that he doesn’t mind if he wasn’t chosen, he’s just happy to be a part of something bigger). 
Marry Poppins (1964) - Not necessarily for the live action parts, but for the portion where they go into the chalk drawings. It would be a fun “world-within-a-world” a la Timeless River in KH2. Imagine how dapper the character(s) would look.
Robin Hood (1973) - I have a huge soft spot for this film and would love to see it in the series. The characters are so fun and lovable and Sherwood Forest and Nottingham and the castle could all be explorable areas. There could be minigames related to archery, and Sora could get a bow and arrow Keyblade transformation. I also think Robin and Marian’s whole childhood sweethearts thing ties in well to KH. 
Fantasia 2000 (2000) - For the firebird as a boss fight mainly, because I want to whack things with a Keyblade while listening to Stravinksy’s awesome music and watching gorgeous visual effects unfold onscreen. The Fantasia world in DDD was absolutely beautiful, and I love how they used the original classical music and would love to see that kind of world make a return.
Atlantis (2001) - Goes without saying, this would make an absolutely incredible world. The art design and amount of effort that went into the worldbuilding (including hiring the linguist who made Klingon to make an entire language specifically for this movie!) really doesn’t get the credit it deserves, and it would make an amazing world to explore. The characters are so much fun too, and would make great helpers with unique battle styles. The “lost technology” from the movie would be good for minigames like the ones in Space Paranoids and The Grid. 
Treasure Planet (2002) - I also have a huge soft spot for this film, but it would make an excellent world IMO. Datamining of DDD has even shown that it may have been planned originally for that game, so it’s not without precedence. 
The characters are awesome, too, and exploring the setting would be so much fun (the art design is gorgeous!) and once again, Sora could do so much in terms of movement (flying, riding the ship, etc.) The theme of finding a family fits KH so well too, and it would be great to have Captain Amelia, John Silver, Doctor Doppler, etc. in your party. Plus Morph is adorable and imagine him imitating Donald to mess with him.
The Princess and the Frog (2009) - Tiana would be a great new Princess of Heart (as one of the New Seven Hearts). And the setting of the movie would make for a unique world design we haven’t seen too much of in the series yet - New Orleans in the 1920s, the Louisiana bayou, jazz music… man it would be cool. And the villain Dr. Facilier? Perfect for KH. His “friends on the other side” could easily be Heartless or what have you. Yeah, this movie is screaming to be a KH world. The boss fight against him could have a really unique/fun design as well, considering his powers and abilities. 
Moana (2016) - I am a bad Disney fan and have not seen this movie yet (I know I know, shame on me!), but everything about what I do know about indicates it would be an awesome world. So yep, including it on this list.
Coco (2017) - Considering how the KH universe has been dealing with the afterlife (or borderline afterlife) lately, Coco seems like a shoo-in for a world. Plus, the theme of family would fit in really well with the KH series. While yes, Sora’s mom hasn’t been heard from since that fateful scene in KH1, I’d argue Sora’s friends are as close as family to him, and that would resonate well with the themes of Coco. Plus the art design and music of the movie is absolutely gorgeous (both the world of the living and the afterlife) and would be a unique addition to the KH series. 
Anastasia (1997) - Though honestly, of all the KH characters, I feel like this would be a good world for Ven to go to? He’d relate to the whole amnesia-and remembering-your-past plotline that Anastasia goes through. It would make a good world visit for Kairi too, for that matter. Maybe they could go together if they’re both searching for Sora?
…I’m sure I could think of more, but this list is getting long as it is, haha. Thanks for the ask!
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
What worlds did you wish would have appeared in Kingdom Hearts that never got a chance or worlds that appeared but you don't feel got a chance to be properly fleshed out and explored properly?
Oh, god, another long answer is coming; I’m sorry. I’m just going to do the ones off the top of my head, and I can already tell you with absolute certainty that this is gonna get long. I’ll try to keep it to a simple list form:
Worlds That Could Have Been Fleshed Out Better:
Lion King - It honestly feels like this world didn’t get fleshed out at all. It brought back Scar’s ghost without having us see Simba deal with him the first time, and quite frankly, the story of Kiara and Kovu absolutely should have shown the tale of accepting light and darkness both.
Mulan - Am I the only one who got legitimately annoyed that Mulan got carried by Sora throughout her time in the army? Or that Khan’s actions were hidden by the game, so Sora didn’t react to them at all? Also, once again, the sequel showed the need for balance. “Sound and silence, dark and light! One alone is not enough; you need both together!” Come on!
Aladdin - Merely because the third movie, though it was pretty weak compared to the first two, would have once again shown how to accept a person’s darkness.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Look, all I’m saying is that anyone who thought that KHIII’s PotC world wasn’t a complete farce is wrong.
Cinderella - They needed to go back to her world at some point, and once again, the sequels show that those with a lot of darkness can still choose light. Oh, look, another chance at showing balance wasted. Again. (I love Anastasia in the sequels. Love her.)
Lilo and Stitch - They should have met him again. I’m still angry that they didn’t. And Lilo is amazing and deserves more spotlight.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - This world got skipped over too much, and it played too small a part for something that teaches open acceptance of others. Riku met Quasimodo, which is great, but I feel like their interactions should have meant more. And guess who else should have met them all? That’s right. The Wayfinder Trio.
101 Dalmatians - Shocker, collecting puppies in treasure chests doesn’t count for much. Let me at least summon Pongo and Perdita to show me how to get to them or something, geez.
The Little Mermaid - We went to this world in two games and not once did we actually play through the plot of the movie.Wow.
Worlds That Should Have Been In the Games:
Pocahontas - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Pocahontas needed to meet several people. PLUS, seeing her world would have shown that neither side in the war was right, and that people on either side made horrible choices, but could still choose the right ones in the end. Also it shows that love conquers darkness come onnnnnn
Moana - This one’s pretty self-explanatory. A world like Destiny Islands, a main character like Riku, a storyline that includes a character’s heart being stolen from them, the iconic song that I immediately linked to Terra that says, “They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are.” UGH. Hits me every time; Terra needs to hear this.
The Princess and the Frog - Tiana and Terra needed to meet. Period.
Coco - I’m pretty sure they’re going to be introducing this one in the next game, but the story of family, finding each other, and forgiveness honestly should have taken place before everyone was reunited.
Wreck-It Ralph - Showing that ‘villains’ can be more; match this with some insight into Axel or Vanitas and I will be here for it all day.
The Fox and the Hound - It would have been the perfect world for KH1, when Sora and Riku were still at odds.
Atlantis - Oh, look, another story that includes people getting rid of incorrect presumptions and choosing to do the right thing when the wrong thing is easier. Also, hey, a Disney character of color. I’ve seen a disturbing lack of those in these games.
Anyway, that’s just the ones I thought of while sitting here; I’m sure there’s more I’ll think of later. But thanks for asking, because this is something I think about a lot!
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