#i also loved how haruka had two detective substories in earlier games... i want p.i haruka one day lol
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Kaoru was interesting as a character (but I found it unnecessary that she had to fall in love with Kiryu just to then immediately move out of the country because the writers couldn't figure out what to do with Kiryu possibly having a girlfriend and then in 6 have him think of Yumi as the only woman he's ever loved completely disregarding Kaoru, it's just another example of the writers being a bit weird with women characters).
Oh yeah for sure! I will say there was a random bit of dialogue about a woman who left and he lost his chance with her that Kiryu had as onomichio and the way it was worded didn't seem to be about Yumi so I *think* it was about Karou? I guess it was their blink and you'll miss it way if acknowledging her existence ? But yeah I think it would have been cool to have her come back, they could have those two acknowledge that their flame was in the past if they didn't want to do a romance again and afterall, she is a cop! So she could be there with Date- though I always kinda liked the idea since she was a bit of a loose unit that maybe she left the police eventually and became a P.I... idk wisened, rough and tumblr Karou who smokes and drinks a little too much doing the classic noir detective route sounds fun to me :)
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