#i also made little turnips but they kinda suck…… they were cute but i made the leaves to small and the stems too long bc i was winging it
aztrosist666 · 1 year
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fuck my cheap ass michaels sealant man 😭😭😭 if i spray even a little too much it goes white and chips off and i ahve to start everything over again
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v-says · 4 years
11:34 PM
I miss conventions. I miss them a lot. I was just talking about cosplay stuff with D stuff and it’s making me excited and depressed. Goddamn. He was talking about wanting to cosplay Nightwing, who’s a personal favorite of mine--of course, I’d be his Starfire. That would be so fucking cute.... but there’s no conventions happening in the foreseeable future. FML. I miss cosplay so much it’s not even funny... I had so many new costumes I wanted to debut this year but that didn’t happen. My favorite costume was Daisy Mae from Animal Crossing. I put so much work and creativity in that one and I’m genuinely sad I didn’t have a chance to show anyone in person. My favorite part of that costume was the wig/turnip basket.
Anyway, my day was pretty good. Got lunch with T, as expected, then got dumplings with D and his sister and her husband. All three of them were exhausted today. I felt so bad for D, he’s had a killer week then a packed weekend. It sucks because there’s just... nothing I can do. I get so sad when he’s sad and his crazy workload is so devastating to me. No one should be forced to work 13 hours a week, it’s just insane. I love him so much, it hurts me that he’s going through that.
I’m also really sad about his sister and her husband moving to Texas. That’s so far away from here, and I was just getting to know them. I feel like we could’ve been really good friends, but now she’s leaving. Hopefully I can visit them with D some time. One of the things I like the most about D’s family is that... family doesn’t just mean blood-related family. I’m family, too, as far as they’re concerned. It’s really sweet. D’s sister and her husband had dinner with me and D, not her parents or anyone else. That’s so touching to me, they really accepted me into their family. Honestly, I can’t wait to marry D. I love him so much and I want to officially be part of their family. I woke up with butterflies in my tummy this morning just thinking about how happy I was yesterday.
Lunch with T went well. The waiter at the restaurant we went to was hitting on her and that made me laugh. He wasn’t my type--he kinda looked like Corbin Bleu but... chubbier? Well, anyway. I had a burger but I couldn’t finish the whole thing. I was so hungry by the time dinner came around that I still lowkey feel like I didn’t eat enough. Might find something to snack on when I’m done writing this. Tomorrow I’m going to do my homework and clean my room--and email my old therapist. I’ve also got to schedule a meeting with my advisor but that shouldn’t be hard.
All in all, I had a good weekend. Crazy to think Halloween is only two weeks way, and my birthday is only a few days after that. I’m not planning anything for my birthday other than... well, getting a new laptop from my parents. But yeah. No plans. I think D’s working on my birthday so I doubt anything’s going to happen then. More than anything I want a surprise party but I don’t think that’s happening because of COVID. I’ve always wanted a surprise party, ever since I was little, but I guess it never happened? Idk. I like surprises.
I got into an argument with my dad today about politics. I started crying, which is stupid. I can tell he felt bad about me crying but not bad enough to stop the “debate”. It’s not even that he’s conservative, because he’s not, so it was kind of stupid to argue with him. But yeah, otherwise, pretty good day.
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