#i pretty much finished her wig as well so i just need to finish up her clothes faceup and hat
aztrosist666 · 1 year
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fuck my cheap ass michaels sealant man 😭😭😭 if i spray even a little too much it goes white and chips off and i ahve to start everything over again
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what-gs-watching · 4 months
“I can only smile like this because I have lost so much.”
Y’aaaaaaall, how excited am I that Doctor Who is finally back?! The 60th anniversary specials got me so on board for 15, and I am really so curious about how his arc is going to play out. Nunuwho, and all that. I’m here for it, I’m ready, I desperately need the distraction. 
Obviously, last time we saw 15 he was getting into hijinx with his new companion Ruby over Christmas, and I appreciate that’s exactly where they picked up for the first episode. 
Let’s talk about it. 
Space Babies
Wherein the Doctor and Ruby end up on a space station and something is definitely wrong.
Okay so, this episode was honestly just really cute from start to finish. Babies on a space station? Running the station, rolling around in little strollers? Trying to fight the boogeyman? Fucking adorable. Was the CGI to move their mouths weird? Of course. But again, I’m totally bought into this absolutely ridiculous situation so you gotta just roll with it. It’s pretty clear that this season is going to be a lot more whimsical than they have been in the past, and that might not be some people’s thing, but oh well. I can’t drag myself away from Doctor Who, it’s become too much of me, so I really will just follow where they lead, why the eff not. 
It’s also obvious they’re gonna keep leaning into the whole Timeless Child business, and I’ll go along with that too even if I was NOT a fan of the Flux because I’m interested to see what 15 is going to make of it. He was surprisingly upfront about where he was from when Ruby was grilling him, that was something that historically had to be PULLED out of the Doctor. Telling her, “the one that was adopted was the last one left” (which, isn’t he technically the first time lord also, since they basically harnessed whatever he technically is to become time lords?) And then this man actually said the word ‘genocide’ AND  expressed his gratitude about the fact that he’d survived. Is the Doctor finally letting go of the guilt he felt over that entire absolutely insane situation? 15 really is all about that emotional growth. You love to see it. 
Bypassing the ridiculousness that is a monster made out of straight up baby BOOGERS, I also thought it was interesting that they let that creature live. I’m not sure 10 would have. But again, the whole ‘the only one of my kind’ thing. Adopting the forgotten. Saving everybody, for once. 
Basically, the whole thing was pure fluff. And I like that sometimes. Cute first official adventure. Even though I gotta say I was surprised he gave Ruby a key like, fucking immediately. 15 really is going all in on those human emotions. It’s gonna get him in trouble, gang…
The Devil’s Chord
Wherein Ruby makes a request for where she’d like to go, and they land in 1963, but again, something is definitely off.
OKAY so, here’s the thing about this episode. Asking to see The Beatles recording their first album is a DIRECT LINE to my heart. Ruby talking about listening to records with her aunt - that’s me with my dad. And it’s absolutely what I would suggest. I enjoyed that he said everyone asks about the Titanic (I would too, eventually) but this girl got her priorities right. 
And I loved how he reacted to it. Pure fucking joy, 15. And the little vignette with them getting dressed up and strutting through the fucking TARDIS, yelling “I’ve got wigs galore!” And then being so absolutely excited about landing basically on the cross walk of Abbey Road. Just, all of it. Pulling all kinds of strings for me. I can’t even. 
I can also appreciate how  they got around not being able to utilize actual Beatles music - music is dying! Music is gone! John and Paul singing about having a dog; “my dog is alive, he’s not dead … he’s not your dog, if you want a dog get your own.” I loved the surprise of it, how absolutely absurd. 
The conversations that Ruby and The Doctor have with Paul and John too…the whole episode is a love letter to music, and I love that. 15 says something like “songs that lift you and devastate you and-and make you soar…” and shit, that’s exactly what it is (I say, as I continue to cry through The Tortured Poet’s Department).
John saying “why do I wake up crying?” ugh. The whole fucking thing. As someone whose life has always revolved around music in some way or another, the thought of losing it really is mind melting. All the feels.
All that to say - the Maestro. Damn, gang. Hard fucking whimsy, I see. And what an absolute psychopath. In a creepy, good, but also terrible way. What the fuck was that? 
The point being now we know a little bit what they’re up against - because 14 played a game at the end of the universe, they apparently let gods from the Pantheon into the universe. So now we’re less about aliens, and more about forces The Doctor really shouldn’t be fucking with, but is going to anyway. Because he caused it, after all. And the devastation he had when he realized that - 15 feels so much, so hard. Gonna hit the entire emotional spectrum with this one, which is so not a Doctor thing, and I will enjoy the entire ride.
 There were so many good moments in this one - Ruby playing the piano on the roof, or when she was trussed up in musical notes and just started emitting Christmas music - and that’s the other thing, the Maestro saying “this creature is very wrong.” Girl, what are you? I love the companion backstories, I really do.
Oh AND The Doctor declaring they had to hide, at one point. My dude is realizing his limitations. 14 wondering what he was underneath all of the gadgets and the time machine really sunk in. And then him talking about how his soul was ripped in half? Jesus. Growth, growth, growth. 
Someone might as well get the emotional epiphanies I should probably be having. It counts if I watch someone else go through it, right? 
There’s too much to say about this one. I loved it, even if I did think the last musical number was almost a bridge too far. But, I’m already on this train, so I’m giving up on clinging to expectations.
Wherein the two of them land on a planet that’s clearly at war but maybe it’s not all that they think it is.
This one is definitely more classic Doctor Who - immediately they’re in danger and it just ramps and ramps and ramps the entire episode and you can never really relax. I love those. This episode is basically all stakes. 
Doctor standing on a landmine? Check. Ruby valiantly trying to help but most likely is going to make it worse but does it anyway? Yes. Post-apocalyptic “ambulances” wandering the battlefield killing people if they’re injured instead of actually helping them because an algorithm decided it? Of course. 
I feel like a lot of shows lately have been trying to lecture me about the danger of AI (I’m looking at you, Murder At The End of The World, which was so terrible I didn’t even bother writing it up) and I’ve been like ‘yeah yeah I get it jesus’ but I think they did a solid job of it in this one. Capitalism and AI together is honestly a worrying combination, and they got me with this plot.
Essentially, 15 is trapped on a landmine that immolate whomever it ensnares basically, turning him into a giant bomb  which isn’t great because as we know he’s a big ol’ space-time event and he needs to get out of it but then the daughter of a soldier we saw killed by the ambulance shows up and then another soldier coming after the kid and things just go haywire. 
The point is, AI is running everything because war has become an industry (more than it already is) and the algorithm is forcing casualties in a war that literally doesn’t exist and everything is kind of terrible but the Doctor manages to talk his way out of it sort of, by connecting to a projection about being a father and protecting their kids always and forever, no matter the form they’re in. 
It’s kind of sweet that they’re letting 15 talk more about his long, long life - in the previous episode he mentioned his granddaughter and when Ruby asked if he had kids he said something like “did have, will have” and then at the end he tells the child he’ll be back to check on them and that “fish fingers and custard” is his favorite which obviously made me squee and I just really appreciate that he’s more…integrated? It’s always felt like they worked so hard to make sure they’re all different and of course they are, but they’re all The Doctor and I want that thread of all of the things that have come before. 
Also, Ruby again with the weirdness, making it snow after she gets shot accidentally and then grabbed by the ambulance, basically dying on the ground. Girl is complicated. Gimme that backstory!
The other thing I really enjoyed was the mockery of “thoughts and prayers”. Fuck people who hide behind that. Fuck corporations that hide behind that. The Doctor’s not taking your shit, and neither should we. 
All that to say, all three of these episodes were ridiculous in their own ways, and I’m about it. So far, 15 is 1000000% his own thing and I love it even if it is fairly far off the beaten path for Doctor Who and I’m excited to see where else he’ll take us. 
Like he said, “There's hardly any time that we're not dead. Which is a good thing, too. We've got to keep the pace up.”
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kaywinchester · 3 months
Pairings: Dean & Sam x sister!reader
Word Count: 623
anon request: Hi!! I absolutely love your writing, and I was wondering if you’d write a fiction about Sam and Dean’s sister cutting her hair? Just a one shot story would be so cool:) (I just donated about a foot of my hair and was wondering how Sam and Dean would have reacted to their sister doing that) Thanks!
(not my gif!)
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Y/N had always loved her long luscious locks, no particular reason, she just always had preferred having longer hair. This is most likely because John always had her hair kept short growing up, because he did not want to deal with the maintenance that long hair came with. Once her father was no longer around, she just let it keep on growing.
Yes, it was a pain in the ass to wash, brush, and pretty much everything else. Keeping it out of the food she was eating, getting it caught in car doors, finding hair EVERYWHERE.
Despite that, she didn't mind keeping it long. It was always fun to see others reactions when they would see her hair sit at the base of her hips. Although it baffled her brothers all the time.
"Doesn't it bother you at that length?" Dean would question.
"You just wouldn't understand...Well, maybe Sammy would." Y/N would laugh.
"I think you'd be much more of a help on hunts if you didn't have that wizards hair holding you back."
"It does NOT hold me back! It's just hair."
Y/N had heard pretty much every comment there could be made about her long hair.
Lately, she had been contemplating cutting it, something she never thought she'd think about a few years ago. After turning 20, she felt that she wanted to make a change. So much of her identity was built around her hair, and she wanted that to change. With that, she booked a haircut. Y/N didn't tell her brothers, she didn't want to or need too. She knew right away they'd have their comments and make it a big deal, so she decided to make it a surprise, after it was all finished.
The ladies at the salon raved over her hair, and were excited to help Y/N with her desired new look. In the end, she had a little over a foot of hair cut off. Looking in the mirror, it felt so freeing, so much weight lifted off of her shoulders... And she loved it. It was not too short, it sat just below her shoulders with some new layers to add some style. She couldn't stop looking in the rear view mirror of her car on the way back to the bunker.
As she approached the door, she didn't know if Sam and Dean would be in the library or off somewhere else inside. Y/N took a breath and smiled to herself as she walked inside.
"I'm back!" She announced, coming down the stairs.
"Cool, uh... Where were you?" Dean asked, standing up from his seat at the library table. Sam glanced up as well. Y/N didn't say anything, instead she walked into eye view, shyly looking at them both.
"Wha- Y/N, when did you?"
"You cut your hair?" Sam got out, appalled.
"We don't know for sure, Sam. That could be a wig." Dean joked.
"No, yeah. I had an appointment today... been thinking about cutting it for a while."
"Wow." Both almost said in unison.
"Sooo, um. What do you think?"
"I think it's great!" Dean exclaimed.
"Yeah, I think it makes you look more grown up. It looks nice on you Y/N/N." Sam smiled, walking over to get a closer look. "Now you don't have to worry about it getting in the way all the time."
"Yeah, nothing or no one can grab onto it while you're running away........ it won't get dragged into your food... I won't be finding it in my food." Dean went on.
"Thanks. I really love it, glad I went through with it." Y/N giggled.
"As long as you're happy, we're happy." Sam grinned.
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hufflepuffronstan · 1 year
#9 Bounce and #10 Scream @hinnymicrofic ❤
Harry ran his hands through his hair for the millionth time. It was not an easy task. 
To be fair, it was not his fault!
Ginny had asked him if he could manage by himself for a couple of hours since she had a couple of errands to run for her former teammate’s wedding. 
He had shrugged and said yes. It might have been his whole demeanor, she had pressed on, her eyebrows raised in apprehension, saying that she could ask Molly to drop by.
Now, Harry did not have a fragile ego. He did not. But Ginny doubting his ability to take care of his own kids had bruised it a little. He was an auror, he had been through a war. He did not need anyone's help to look after three little kids, thank you.
How hard could it be, he had naively thought.
And that's how he came into this predicament which, you could say, was essentially Ginny's fault.
If she hadn't come up with the suggestion of involving his mother-in-law, he would have been fine.
The kids were well behaved, and they were all having fun for half an hour after Ginny left.
Then things took a quick downturn when Harry left them alone (for less than five minutes) for a quick trip to the bathroom.
First thing he saw was James and Al fighting over a toy car. James was screaming on top of his lungs and Al was howling and crying.
In hindsight, he should have known this would happen because Al was having fun abandoning the toys in his hand in favor of the ones in his brother's. James, being the older brother, would give in and start playing with something else. Then it would happen again and again and again and there was only so much an eight-year-old James' patience could handle.
He broke them apart and asked them to stay in two different corners of the room, giving them a stern piece of his mind.
Once that was settled, he went looking for Lily. 
He was sure he lost at least a year of his life when he saw four-year-old Lily resting on top of the bookshelf in the living room. How she got there, he had no idea.
He should have known better than to take her "Yes daddy, you can go. I'll stay here with the Miss Bella" seriously. But he fell for her word when she blinked her wide eyes at him.
"Lily, dear, can you jump into my arms? Daddy will catch you; I promise."
Harry was sweating, his heart was beating fast.
"Nope." She replied cheerfully.
He shouldn't have been surprised by that too because, for some reason, she had a proclivity for climbing -whether it was stairs or furniture or people, it didn't matter. She climbed anything and everything and dangled upside-down from them, like a jungle-monkey.
"Don't you want to come down? You, Bella and Daddy can have a tea party."
"Tea parties are boring." She replied, dryly.
Merlin! He used to love her little stubborn streak but now he couldn't remember why.
"Please, Lily, darling just jump. I will catch you and-” he was not proud that he was resorting to bribery, but situation demanded “-I promise I will give you anything you want." 
Lily seemed to contemplate for a second.
"Okay. But.... You have to let me put makeup on you."
“And you’ll have to wear a dress.”
“And the bouncy, blonde, barbie wig!” She finished enthusiastically.
“But Daddy, you promised.”
“Fine!” He rolled his eyes.
“Yaayy!!” Lily shouted enthusiastically and jumped without another thought.
Harry, thanks to his reflexes, caught her. He peppered kisses on her face in relief as she giggled.
He turned around to see Al and James looking at him.
“You’ll understand when you get old.” He grumbled.
Ginny came home after a few hours.
“How was your day, guys? Had fun?”
“We had so much fun, didn’t we guys?” Harry asked overenthusiastically, looking at the boys.
Al nodded while James replied, “Dad was so entertaining.” with a smirk on his face.
“Daddy is going to be a Princess!” Lily chimed in.
Ginny looked at Harry squirming and seemed thrilled.
“Oh is that so, sweetheart?” She asked Lily.
Lily nodded, “Yeah and he’s going to be so pretty.” 
“I’m sure he is, Lily-lu!“ She bopped her daughter’s nose.
Ginny walked to Harry with a twinkle in her eyes, “Seems like you had an exciting day, husband. Tell me, how did our daughter convince you to become a Princess?”
“Oh, it is nothing.” He tried to shrug it off but Ginny seemed to have caught him.
“Ooh, it’s getting even more interesting.” She slid a finger up his arm and he struggled to stay still. “Now I have to know.”
Harry groaned, resting his head on her shoulder, “It’s a long story and your daughter is evil.”
Ginny chuckled, “Well, what can I say? She learnt from the best.” 
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon - Episode 1
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As I finished the last episode of Dance of the Phœnix I was on a layover, trying to find motivation for the gym and Youtube decided to switch videos without asking my opinion, casting this show on the hotel tv. I was actually going to watch maybe a BL drama on Viki since they’re usually short and I have a lot of unfinished series ongoing. However, reading the synopsis made me curious about that one, so I decided to check it out instead. So here we are for another journey. It’s going to be a long one, but oh well. I just enjoy costume drama so much. Even though they are so often frustrating. I’m now heading to the gym and this will be my reward for working out.
It starts off pretty well for me. The animation during the opening is very gorgeous, I really like it. The song itself is also nice, which is a bonus too. It went by very quickly, it thought it was merely 30 seconds or so. I don’t listen to openings every episodes, but I like to take the time to do so when watching the first episode of a new series. It usually gives the tone of the rest the drama and it helps to see a little better in what kind of story we are getting into. It doesn’t guarantee the quality, yes I know. Sometimes the OST are good, but the rest is very bad. Anyways, just to say I would recommend taking a look at least once to the opening.
It begins with weird creatures fighting alongside and against some figures that looks human. There’s alose a guy on a big floating throne being referred to as the god of the demons (literal translation, he must be their lord). So far the wigs aren’t so good, especially the white one. White wigs always look extremely bad on younger actors and actresses, in my opinion. The CGI so far doesn’t look that great. Like it’s not bad as it was when it began, but it’s just unpolished. I’m not a fan of the costumes either. I hope they didn’t spend all the money for visuals on the opening. World domination and the end of the cultivators seem to be the objective here.
I really hope that they change the hairstyle of the female lead, I don’t like it when they make the girls have hair going all around their head. But at some point, I’m also so used to the intricate hairstyles of Dance of the Phœnix, if this one doesn’t step up, it will be hard for me to appreciate. Anyways, she’s keeping watch on a map with all the different cultivation sects. Names are going down as they are being destroyed by the lord of the demons. She goes to try and save the old men fighting him. She grabs the artifact he came after. There are way too many special effects. She fights to keep the mirror of the past. She’s not strong enough to beat him (which seems rather impossible to be honest, cause he’s really boosted to the max). But as she’s about to die, the mark on her forehead shines and pushes the demon lord away. Her blood falls on the pendant activating some sort of power, taking her somewhere. There a man speaks to her, saying she could change fate. The demon lord wasn’t always a demon, so she should see him with her heart and remember him. Then start some visions of the demon lord, probably younger, being bullied by other humans. She needs to go back in time to prevent him from becoming a demon. The mirror of the past breaks down. Her brother disciple protects her dans tells to leave him behind. His piece is very nice, I like it. But I guess I won’t see it again anytime soon, because he sacrifices himself to get the dark lord away from Susu (female lead).
Bakc to her people, Susu shows her father the images of when the demon lord was still human. She volunteers to travel to the past to prevent to future to happen as it is now. Her dad is absolutely not agaisnt it. As soon as he sees her mark on her forehead shine, he says that it’s her destiny. Only 20 minutes in and there’s already a chose one. I guess it works. Chinese dramas, especially Xianxia dramas, tend to be rather chaotic during the first episode. It’s really a test to see who’s going to embark on the journey and who will leave without trying to board the ship. I remember I understood nothing of the first episode of the Untamed, it was visually unappealing and yet it was one (if not the) of the best drama I ever watched. So we should give this a chance. I guess war being confusing is quite normal. Anyways, they task her to kill the demon lord before he could become one.
While they send her to the past, the demon lord attacks. I like how they used a buddha to portray the barrier that the cultivators are erecting. Before she leaves, her father gets killed too, the uncle sending her away dies too. Everybody dies and we just started. Good. She’s the only one left. Then before travelling back to the past, she swears to kill Tantai Jin (demon lord’s name).
When she opens her eyes, her mark on her forehead disappeared. A maid comes to her. So she took someone else’s place, she didn’t move her own body in time? I like her new hairstyle better. The clothes are much more nicer too. Seems like she’s a little lady, second daughter of someone influent or rich. Not sure. The lady she ended up becoming was being chased by truants and she fell while trying to escape, causing her to hit her head and faint. Then as the maid, Chun Tao, tells her about it, the truants find them and Susu (now Ye Xiwu) tries to flee by flying, but obviously it doesn’t work, since she’s only human. She tries to fight them back, but as a normal person she’s very weak and she can’t even summon her weapon. One of the men keeps winking at her. But when she’s about to get killed, a man comes to her rescue. He looks exactly like her disciple brother, so she runs to him but he’s cold to her. She calls his name but he doesn’t really react to it. Seems like he’s a prince. He says that he only saved her because he was passing by, so she shouldn’t get the wrong idea. Maybe the original Ye Xiwu had feelings for the prince? Yup. But now he’s about to marry her elder sister instead.
Oh! So the bad guy was winking because she hired them so the prince would come and save her. Ye Xiwu original was pretty conniving.
Back home, she asks Chun Tao about Tantan Jin and she says that he’s her father? I must have misunderstood, he doesn’t have the same family name? Anyway, Susu faints upon hearing that. Okay maybe not father, but some sort of uncle or cousin? Thank you Pleco for being a loyal source of knowledge. Okay no, side note, seems like he’s actually her husband. Even though it seems weird he would come and live with her, since it’s usually the opposite. But I will find out soon enough haha. I really need to brush up my Chinese skills. Chun Tao reveals that what he’s the most afraid of is Ye Wuxi. She finds him kneeling in the garden covered in snow. As he looks weak, she thinks she should kill him as soon as possible. But once she’s in front of him, she seems rather troubled and distracted from her mission. But then she remembers that to completely kill him and make sure that no one will become the demon lord, she should find the evil inside of him, so she can’t act rashly. She asks him if he wants to kill her and then his look confirms to her that it is really him. He’s kneeling outside because he went to save her older sister instead of her. She learns that Tantai Jin also likes her older sister. It seems he’s also some sort of a prince, but his father doesn’t care about him?
But that’s it for now. This was a very chaotic episode, so I can’t really say if I liked it or not. However the main lead seems kind of funny. I a have few Scarlet Heart throwbacks watching this with the main character ending up travelling back in time and being the daughter of an official being in love with the prince marrying her sister. Obviously, it’s going to take a different route, but I loved that drama it’s nice to see something somewhat similar yet different. The visuals really improved as son as she time travelled. The costumes are much prettier and the screen feels a lot less overwhelmed by way too many CGI. I think then went a little bit overboard with it. It shows that technology improved, but it’s still far from being seamless and effortless. I would rather see a little less so I can concentrate on the main action instead of being distracted all the time. However I have faith that they won’t have too many opportunities to overwhelm me again like so because for now the two main leads are only humans without spiritual energy, so I don’t think there should be that many scenes with spiritual energy and dark creatures involved.
The ending was very nice too, I like it.
I’m curious to see what is going to happen with this one. 40 episodes isn’t too long, but with the synopsis they gave online it could run in circles quite quickly if the only mission is to kill the guy and spark of evil inside him. See you soon! This recap is already long enough as is.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Drunk In Love (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Summery: In which Bianca has had a little too much to drink leading to... gratifying circumstances 😏.
Bianca had just finished a show, had 4 drinks, and went looking for her boyfriend.  She was also a little tipsy. To say she was a little bit more wanton for her boyfriend than normal, was accurate. She wanted Demitri all to herself, she wanted him.

Once Demitri noticed Bianca he made way towards his wig wearing lover. "Hello love". Demitri greeted her hugging her waist eagerly, voice a little drifted from drinking himself. "Hi sweetheart". Bianca said speech mildly slurred from those 4 drinks. "Honey are you alright". Demitri asked, noticing she was a little cross eyed. "Yeah, I'm fine, you know I was thinking about you on stage". Bianca said. "Really". Demitri asked. "Yeah, I was thinking about those blue eyes of yours, your blonde hair, how your lips feel when you kiss me, and how your hands feel when they hold me". Bianca said seductively then kissed him.

Maybe she was a little more than tipsy. She always said bad things happen when she drinks, you remember what happened with the candlestick. "Oh Bianca what's gotten into you". Demitri wondered, she was never usually like this. "I don't know, I think I excited myself a little bit, maybe I drank a little too much". Bianca said in a whisper. "It is ok, I like it". Demitri said then started to kiss her jaw. Bianca laughed a bit as she moaned, hugging him closer to her. "Let's go to room, detka". Demitri said.

They were all kisses after they wear one shoulder, I have more places to kiss you". Demitri said then kissed her lips and reached for her dress zipper. "No, keep the dress on, but take everything else off." Bianca instructed him. After he opened her body suit, took off her tights and her underwear, she started to unbutton his pants and released his shaft from his boxers. "Oh, I'm always surprised by how, well endowed you are". Bianca said grasping him as he blushed. She slipped it into her mouth and sucked around him as he moaned and threaded his fingers through her blonde wig. She swirled her tongue around his cock and bobbed her head a little, then she pulled off of him. "I want you badly, I want you inside me, badly". Bianca said as she continues to stroke him.

Demitri picked her up and pressed her back on the wall. "What are you doing, mitya". Bianca said shocked at the sudden movement. "Just relax, you will find out". Demitri said cryptically, reaching for lube on a dresser. "Mitya I'm too drunk for this just get it over wi- Oh My God". Bianca shouted, sentence cut off, feeling Demitri's fingers enter her ass. Demitri continued to finger fuck her as she moaned. "Please Demitri, I need you, please". Bianca begged then kissed him sweetly. Demitri lubed himself up and pushed inside her. Bianca's eyes rolled all the way to the back of her head as her mouth fell open in a breathy moan.

Demitri thrusted in hard and rough in a slow pace. Bianca in her extreme pleasure haze noticed he was still wearing a shirt. That wouldn't do. She unbuttoned it and glided her hand against his chest, caressing his pecs and abdomen. "Oh mitya, your- oh- so fucking big, I can feel it everywhere- uh- oh fuck". Bianca moaned, pleasure over taking her mind. "Really, well I guess I should make you feel even more, just to hear sweet noises come from pretty painted lips of yours". Demitri said then kissed her, then moved his hips faster.

"Oh My Fucking God Yesss". Bianca yelled feeling Demitri's dick reach her prostate. She thrusted her own hips into his and it feel even better. "Ohhh uh, yes baby yess, keep going, fuck your gonna make me cum so quickly, fuck I'm not gonna last long".Bianca shouted. When Demitri heard that he moved even faster and Bianca, quite literally, came crashing down in an orgasm.

"Oh God, oh ohh unnhh". Bianca moaned as she came, painting Demitri's chest and part of her dress. Demitri stops moving to give her a minute to calm down, brushing stray hairs from her blonde wig away from her face, taking in her closed eyes, heaving chest, and her dress bunched up at her hips.

"God Demitri, I wanted you to fuck me not split me in half". Bianca joked, still catching her breath. Demitri laughed at that, shaking both their bodies. "Do you want rest now". Demitri asked, not wanting to overwhelm her trying to get himself. "No, I still need to finish you off". Bianca said getting back into the mood, starting to thrust her body into his. Demitri stilled her hips, stopping her movement. "I don't want to push you to far, Bianca". He reasoned. "I'll be fine just move slowly." Bianca instructed, threading his hair back with her hand. "I love you Bianca, you are relentless". Demitri said then kissed her, he started to thrust into her, much more gently than before.

Bianca shuttered, still sensitive from her previous orgasm, she closed her eyes and moved her hips again, matching Demitri's rhythm. After a few more thrusts Bianca knew she was close again, Demitri knew he was close too. "о боже, я кончу, я люблю тебя, Бьянка, я люблю тебя." Demitri said before he and Bianca both came. Bianca buried her head into his neck as she hugged him closer to him. "I love you mitya, god I love you". She whispered, kissing his jaw. "I love you too Bianca, I love you too". He responded, kissing her forehead.
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lovelykei · 2 months
Dream big
Masterlist | previously | next
Chapter 2
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‘It really is so stupid to feel this upset about not being in the same class, it’s not like they did it intentionally..gosh why are they so stupid’ you chew on your lip while complaining in your thoughts. You fished your phone up discreetly and decided to reply to your gc.
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You couldn’t help but smile at their antics. You typed in a reply and put your phone away. They were your best friends, your family. That’s why it made you so anxious to be all alone. Your thoughts were interrupted by your name being called. You raise your hand and call out here but for some reason the blonde boy next to you did the same thing.
The teacher looks between you two and repeats the name “Tsukishima Kei?” You could feel your heart almost drop out of your ass. ‘I’m so embarrassed I want the world to swallow me whole and release me from these shackles of misery’ “I’m sorry I thought you said Tsukino Eri” you said trying to appear confident while wishing for the sky to fall on you. “I called on you just before him, please pay attention in class Tsukino-san” the teacher reprimanded you. You bowed your head with a quick ‘sorry’. The rest of the class went by pretty quickly and the more you looked at the blonde boy next to you the more embarrassed you got. ‘He’s so hot and now he definitely thinks I’m an absolute irresponsible idiot. Great! Love that for you Eri’. These thoughts plagued your head until you met up with your friends after school.
“Okay did you put name and birthday on the application form and sign it?” You said as Rio and Kageyama looked frantically at their papers. “I don’t know please can you check” Rio said and handed her paper over to you. Tobio just handed his paper over while looking at you with pleading eyes. “Hoshino Rao and Tageyama Tobio.. do any of you have an eraser? How are you in your first year of high school and can’t write your own names”you sighed as you fixed up their papers. They really were exactly the same but as much as you complained you really loved them just the way they are. “Alright all good we’re ready” the three of you huddled together in a little circle manifesting a better volleyball experience than last time.
“Can you believe this tiny ass shrimp got me thrown out of the team? Before I even got in?”
“Atleast you have a chance Tobio, me and Eri were alone at practice with the captain..ALONE”
“Guys it’s okay it’ll work ou-“
“No Eri we don’t have any teammates this isn’t beach volleyball..we nEED ATLEAST 6 PEOPLE”
“Atleast you have a team I got kicked out”
Okay so clearly things didn’t go quite as well as the three of you hoped. Tobio got in a fight, beat the wig off of the principal and managed to get thrown off the team. Meanwhile you and Rio plus the captain were the only ones who showed up for volleyball practice. It was evident at the dinner table that Rio and Tobio were more than dissatisfied and it made you feel a little bad because of how little it affected you. You used to love and breathe volleyball just like your friends but after your last year in middle school it just didn’t excite you as much. After dinner you all took a shower, made the bentos for tomorrow and headed to sleep.
You could hear soft thudding from both Rio and Tobios room but as you laid down and turned the lights off all you could think about was the blond boy and his golden honey eyes. ‘I hope I get a chance to talk to him’
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A/n- this is the second chapter of my new series and it’s a Tsukishima one that I hope to actually finish. I have so many ideas and things I want to include but I try to limit myself to things that have to do with the karasuno boys to keep it interesting for you🤓🪄
When it’s written in purple it’s Eris inner dialogue which she will have a lot of 🤥
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novemberthewriter · 4 months
oc rambles: [dex/jo], [jo & baz]
the 1st is a very casual thing i rattled off in response to a writing club prompt for star wars day 2 weeks ago. dex & jo proving yet again why rick ross - hustlin' should be their theme song
the 2nd is the beginning of a short story that i need to rebuild from the ground up, but i like this scene by itself sm that i wanna preserve it. this one is jo & baz' initial bonding moment in a convenience store
-> dex & jo are are the same characters (black girl n redhead guy) from my finished flash piece 'blank'!
-> baz is my delightful faith evans-lookalike oc who gets a girl crush (and eventually a Crush crush) on jo lmao
STAR WARS [dex/jo, 150 wds]
You fumbled the bag, Dex says.
How so? Jo’s incredulous, sounding that way she always does when she’s convinced she can do no wrong. Which is most days. Dex is used to it.
You missed the window.
Fuck you, i missed the window. Isn’t today that nerd thing? May 4th. I put stuff on sale just for it.
You don’t put things for a special on the day of – well, you can if it’s a flash sale, but you don’t do a unannounced flash sale on a major holiday–
/Why/, Dex, get to the point–
He rolls his eyes, keeps counting the money. You advertise sales AHEAD of time JoJo, I didn’t think I needed to tell you some 101 on how to fleece nerds.
It’s not Comic Con, hubby, you really think a extra couple hours –
--If I didn’t think it makes a difference I wouldn’t have brought it up!
Boy, I am thiiis close to taking a damn. Aggrieved spouse tax out on that shit. Interest out the wazoo. Won’t have any coins left to get a STAMP of a lightsaber.
2. FAWN [jo & baz, 600 wds]
Baz met Jo in a mirror. 
It was the chrome dome in the low ceiling by the liquor aisle. Baz was out of high school graduation before her cap hit the ground. She’d peeled out of the parking lot in her junker car with the broken A/C and had completely sweat out her baby hairs by the time she got to the corner store. As she fixed them – craning her neck and squinting at her reflection while she gelled synthetic blonde edges back into submission – a tall girl came up beside her and started primping too. 
The girl broke the ice before Baz could even get the bad anxiety hot flashes. 613 gang, she said, nodding at Baz’ bent glass image and fussing with her own jet black high pony. She did it one handed; the other hand cradled a liter of Grey at her bony hip. She noticed Baz noticing. Got the Goose by the neck, she said. The Black lovechild of JLo and Jolie. Smolder eyes, pillow lips. Swan neck. Fat ass. Rocking Matrix chic just like Baz.
The good anxiety hot flashes came on and Baz was saying way too much about finally leaning into years of Faith Evans comparisons with the 613 platinum wig. The girl listened like Baz was a Normal Person and then talked about another famous blonde, one Ms. Barbara Eden, whom she was always trying to channel with hair style if not color. Then she explained that that was just her go-to bullshit response to years of I Dream of Jeannie jokes. If it’s one thing about Jo James, she said, it’s that she will not be leaving the house with her hair down, okay? 
I dream of Joey with the jet black hair, Baz thought. 
I’m Baz, she said aloud. 
What’s that mean? 
I don’t know if it means anything by itself. Baz slicked down the last of the errant edges. She put her brush and gel back in her purse without looking away from Jo in the mirror. But it’s short for Basilica. People say it’s pretty and I swear they’re lying. 
Jo kept looking right back. Baz is pretty too. 
Jo finished her hair (which hadn’t looked undone to begin with, in Baz’ eyes) and pulled Baz down about six more conversational rabbit holes that culminated in the two of them exchanging socials. They both had to look away from the mirror to find and follow the right accounts.
Then they faced each other. 
Jo was a dark sun and Baz was the overfed flower trying to take in the weird, lovely rays. They stood in silence. Jo suddenly seemed to register Baz’ blue grad gown unzipped over her outfit.
Hey, she said. Congrats.
She slipped out the store the back way.
Baz let herself be dazed for a few moments before she finally went about picking up her graduation presents to herself. Precious snack cakes and Slim Jims cradled in one arm like Jo with her vodka. Used the other hand to point out the Swisher Sweets she wanted behind the clerk’s counter. Carded and checked out by one clerk while the other worked on a midshift count.
By the time Baz left (out the front way, like a Normal Person), the clerks were bickering about the count. 
Baz was on the road before she realized the till was short the exact amount of a liter of Grey Goose plus tax. 
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smileygoth · 1 year
8. Rivals
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Part 8 of my WODtober story. Taking the daily prompts and trying to weave a vampire story from them! In this chapter, Miro tells Imogen what he's learned and gets a startling revelation.
Word Count: 1,204 words.
CW:  Mention of torture, no details.
Image found on PNGtree.com.
Find the previous chapters here!
Imogen’s expression was blank as Miro relayed what he’d discovered to her. But when she looked up at him as he fell silent, the pain and rage in her eyes startled him. ‘I remember it now,’ she said. ‘The torture. The things the Prince had them do to me. Terrible, awful things.’
‘Why didn’t you just tell them who you diablerised?’ Miro asked. ‘That’s all they wanted to know. It’s not like it was going to change the outcome.’
Imogen shrugged. ‘Why should I? As you said, it wasn’t going to change what they did. So let them wonder.’
Miro raised his eyebrows, impressed. ‘Alright,’ he chuckled. ‘Don’t think I’d have the stones to do that myself. Guess you’re tougher than you look.’
Imogen only smiled.
‘So,’ Miro said, carrying on where he’d left off. ‘I’ve got some friends trying to find the catacombs for me. In the meantime, I figured I’d start looking into what happened at Harrogate’s place, see if we can get any inkling of who might have put you there. You know, his enemies, business rivals, whatever.’ He spun round on his chair to face the laptops and powered one of them on. ‘I imagine we’ll come up with quite a list, but at least we’ll have somewhere to start.’
He felt rather than saw Imogen come up behind him to lean over his shoulder. Her hand rested on his shoulder, her fingers clutching a little too hard. ‘How are you going to find that information?’ she asked.
‘I know a guy,’ Miro replied with a smirk. ‘That kind of information is what he deals in.’ He typed out a quick email and sent it, then leaned back. ‘Just need to give him a minute to reply. He hardly ever leaves his computer, so it shouldn’t take long.’ He looked up. ‘Uh, Im … you feeling ok?’
Imogen let go of his shoulder. ‘Fine,’ she replied. ‘Just hungry. It’s been a few nights since I last fed.’
Miro frowned. ‘Oh right. Well, it’s too close to dawn now, but we should probably make that a priority tomorrow. Don’t want you wigging out on me like-’ He clamped down on his words quickly, casting a guilty glance up at Imogen. She didn’t seem to have noticed; she was watching the laptop screen as if she was willing the reply to come through. ‘I, uh …. I just don’t want you to go hungry,’ he finished quietly. 
The response came through mercifully quickly. The list was quite long, but a number of the names had [Dead] or [Presumed Dead] next to them, some with quick notes on how the person in question had been killed. Most of the deaths, Miro noticed, had been traced back to Harrogate and his associates. 
‘Well, we can take these off,’ he said with a chuckle, and tapped on the keyboard. The names of the dead individuals disappeared, leaving a smaller list of five names. ‘Okay, so these are our chief suspects.’
Imogen leaned forward and read the names aloud. ‘Dean Winton, Ventrue. Patrick Hawk, Toreador. Evan Colton, kine. Ed Green, Gangrel. Emily Bell, Brujah. Who are these people?’
Miro scratched at a scab on his cheek. ‘Well, Colton’s human, so we can pretty much disregard him. He won’t have the knowledge or the power to pull something like this off.’ He tapped the keys again, and the name disappeared. ‘Winton’s another rich boy Ventrue who’s pretty vocal about wanting to make something of himself in this city, so that’s just going to be a basic politics-slash-business rivalry. Hawk’s been talking shit lately about Harrogate’s house-building. He objects to him filling the city with cookie-cutter highrises and bland suburbias, or something like that. But he’s been around since before Queen Victoria kicked it, so he’s going to have an opinion. And then Green and Bell, they actually work together. Pair of eco-activists. It would actually make a lot of sense if it was them. Thing is, they’re both babies. I don’t see them pulling this off without some serious help.’
‘Why not?’ Imogen said sharply. ‘Is this Harrogate so formidable?’
Miro snorted. ‘He’s old and he’s rich, what do you think?’
Imogen’s voice shook. ‘I think he is a miserable upstart whelp who has no right to the riches he has. I think he is a thief and a coward and … and … aaaaargh!’
Mro flinched and ducked as Imogen lashed out suddenly, grabbing the laptop and slamming it several times against the table’s edge, then hurling it against the wall above his head. There was a pop and fizz of electricity. Shards of broken metal and plastic rained down on him, and the shattered carcass of the laptop rebounded, landing near the door in a mangled heap. Horrified, Miro looked up at Imogen to see her towering over him, her eyes blazing with fury and her fangs bared. As he watched, she frowned, looked at her hands, and then the light in her eyes faded and she staggered backwards, tripping over her own feet and landing on the floor next to the ruined laptop. She looked up at him in bewilderment. ‘Miro?’ she muttered.
Miro gaped at her, astounded. ‘What the hell was that, Im?’ he managed to exclaim.
Imogen looked around her, her eyes falling on the destroyed laptop. ‘Eliza,’ she muttered. ‘That was Eliza. Oh god, Miro … I’m so sorry…’ Her eyes misted over with a red haze, and then to Miro’s alarm, bloody tears began to course down her pale cheeks. He jumped from his chair and crouched down next to her, arms going around her awkwardly. ‘Hey,’ he said gently. ‘Don’t worry about the laptop. All the work’s backed up, I can replace it. Just tell me what’s going on, okay? Who’s Eliza?’
So Imogen told him - about the voice, the blackouts, waking up in the middle of a field, the village inn and the room with the boarded-up window. By the time she had finished, the approaching dawn was weighing heavily on them both, and Miro’s head was spinning. He gently guided her to the bed and  laid her down. She closed her eyes, falling to the death-sleep almost immediately.
Miro was awake for a little longer. With the corner of the blanket on the bed he gently wiped the blood from Imogen’s face, thinking. Then he got up and went back to the desk and turned on the second laptop, opening his emails. The message from his contact was still there, the original list unchanged. He scanned it quickly. His eyes were heavy and his mind foggy and he really needed to sleep, but he had to know. Thankfully, it only took a second to find what he was looking for. A name, nestled in among the others on the list of Harrogate’s enemies.
‘Eliza of Shorne [Presumed Dead].’
Quickly, he fired off another email to his contact. ‘Need details on Eliza of Shorne.’ He waited until the laptop chimed softly, letting him know that the email had sent. Then he closed the lid and leaned back in the chair. He wouldn’t get a reply until tomorrow night, but that was okay.
His eyes closed and he slept.
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lianailia · 1 year
Let's see. What's been happening. A lot of cat sitting, which is good because it's money for my trip coming up in ten days! I'm meeting some people from the Slayers Discord and dressing as Lina. I am so excited. I'm getting the costume done. It's my first major cosplay. I will also be wearing it (minus the wig and headband because I'll just have had botox) for the Halloween anime night! It will be the first Halloween in a loooong time that I'll be dressing up! I'm so excited for that one. Even though my friend won't be there, who likes Slayers. The first 2 anime nights went well! First one we had three more people, and had a scavenger hunt with prizes and watched Spy x Family. (Love the show now. Almost season 2 time!) The 2nd one we had two more people but they didn't stay for long since there were games happening. But we painted rocks, colored animal pics and watched Fruits Basket. Oct will be Boogiepop Phantom. I haven't seen it in so long. And the costume contest will be fun. I'm so so happy we switched since there seems to be more of an interest in the gaming place than the library. The people have been really nice so far too and the owners are nice to work with. I'm glad to be making more in person friends. With cat sitting I had two weekends with an established client and then got a new one via my friend. It's her stepdaughter's cat Ava who is going blind. She is so sweet and has the loudest purr I have ever heard. And she snores too! So cute! 🙂 My cat knows when I go to the other cat's house. Lol she actually played with my dad the other day. Sat was the baby shower for my cousin. It was a nice shower and it was good to see family again that I haven't in awhile. But I also had just heard that my uncle in Vegas having stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was near the end. He actually passed away on Sun. I miss him already. I'm glad I could see him a couple yrs ago. But it's never enough time. He was always so cheerful, good with kids, just a big teddybear. I know he is no longer suffering but it's hard for the people still here. I guess he was just diagnosed too. Puts your life in perspective. Which is why I am trying to figure out something for my neck. After my trip I'm seeing a new pain doctor. As my last one was not very knowledgeable. I had an MRI finally after almost a month of hassling and to find out I have mild arthritis. It's not mild. Tonight it's been especially bad. Some of it may be emotional right now, but I know it's not all in my head. Hopefully when I get back I'll figure out a course of action. I did get a red light therapy pad that is just red lights with a little heat. That has been helping and ice. But I need this to stop. I want to get back to enjoying life. Well, that's all pretty much. Sorry for the long one. Oh also doing Slayers Artober and so far it's been really fun and therapeutic. Now to just finish my costume in time.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
hello, i am happy that you're back and feeling better! ^^
er, i am a bit disappointed but since time had passed, i have realised it was the right move. that is sad but if both parties naturally drift apart, there is always a chance for it to rekindle later on even if it is years on in the future. but moving on does tend to be the less messer route despite it being hard.
i did that too for HSR, all players are probably guilty of that lol. i believe most fans prefer GI over HSR and there is a lot more GI contents on here. i've never played HI so i don't know the fight mechanics 😭
that sound like such a long system ;-; on my end, you could complete a five year degree (like medicine) and be finish before 24/25 or do a three years degree and a master on top before 23/24. at least you still have time to figure things out.
that is true and a part of koko probably died after the fire incident, he probably just needed mikey's approval to join though.
tbh, i just realised his colour palette (outfit/appearance) is really nice too and does contrast xiao's one. maybe, browse online for inspiration? or go to the hair salon and ask the staff? i did that for dying my hair, they said i need to bleach it 4 times where i went lmao.
but i've heard the anime/manga merchandise is pretty cheap in Japan? that is a nice start to your collection and i'm sure the tokrev dolls will be a nice finishing touch when you feel motivated enough. but don't force yourself. i think if she was a kpop fan, i would found it less shocking because they are something else lol. that is a sensible idea and others may mistake it for a bell's bike? if it jingles that loudly and you're walking behind them. i hope you are ready then, styling wigs does seem to be a craft of art in making.
have you found your birthday twin yet? or am i still the closest one? and i actually gave up on makima. the fanart is something else but you can't help but feel intrigued like you said. i dislike her for the same reason. that's great! have you tried taking it to a tailor and get the sleeves shortened? i did it for a blazer and it worked.
ah i’m glad, me too! :) <3
i very much understand. it hurts, but sometimes the right thing to do just isn’t what initially makes you the happiest,, and it’s still for the best.
hm, true. maybe one day lol. rn we see each other maybe twice a year, and go visit a museum together. it’s nice, but certainly not how i pictured my life a few years ago haha. tho i’m content with our relationship the way it is, i think.
understandable understandable lol. i think my pref for genshin does stem from me having played it for longest by far + it being the game that got me into gaming, which both ends in an obvious bias. but hsr has been v fun so far as well! honkai impact fight mechanics are more similar to genshin than to hsr, but the controls for the whole game don’t involve the mouse, only the a, s, d, w, i, j, k, and l keys (if i remember the keys correctly- the point is you only need a keyboard to play) lol. makes it easier to play it in class.....
okay tbh i did repeat/got pushed back more than once 😭 most people here probably are finished with a five years degree at 24/25 too, but a bunch each year will be one/two years older bc they had to repeat. and i’m gonna be one of those lol. but yeah, i’m glad i’ve still got time to decide on what to study bc there’s too many things i’d like to do... omg i used to have a classmate who’s a kpop fan, and she pretty much made her locker at school into a kpop shrine plastered with photos and filled with merch lol. she also was the one to introduce me to kpop funnily enough.
true. i’ll figure out how to make it make no sound before wearing it in public, then i’ll be fine. bc i do think the earring looks funky even when silent hehe.
i have a (bad?) habit of thinking i can do anything i want to, so... wig styling can’t be that hard, now can it..... and there’s a first time to everything anyway.
no birthday twin for me, you’re still the closest. if i ever do find one, i’ll make sure to tell you dw lol.
no, i haven’t been to a tailor yet, but i might try that once! i just hope it wouldn’t be too expensive afhjfdj
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simply-breeee · 1 year
a VERY long catch up
June - June was really a transitional period in time. My niece was released for the hospital and I was officially n at home auntie now! I love her so much my baby my baby 👩🏽‍🍼 I also started tapping into my it girl energy and realizing that I am exactly who I always wanted to be through Christ. I worked on my self image as well as my relationship with God. Other than this life was pretty low key. 
July- July was another month filled with just working… nothing exciting to write about or at least nothing notably exciting I remember. I got a spider bite perching on my cartilage but other than that nothing really. 
August- It was SM birthday! I installed a wig for the first time in a few years and it looked really cute. So we went out with her family for dinner that food made my head and stomach hurt so bad after that I went home and took off that  wig because I ad a hair appointment the next day! My blonde and brown bee braids were soooooo cute and they did the thing for our trip back to Texas. This trip was mostly her birthday celebration with a little bit on looking at places. While here she disappeared for the day with irrelevant and Tornado ended uo in the mix with his gf who brought me up in conversation .. it’s giving fan club. All the while I took the rental car and sight saw. Went to a campus out there and just spent the day alone. I felt at peace as if this was gonna be my life and from November’s section yk how that went. I enjoyed my day alone and I finished it by getting really high and watching HBO Max. When SM did come back she was basting break up music as if something happened with irrelevant even thigh they had called it quits in May im pretty sure but whatever. I got some pretty bad news while there but I won’t harp on that because God worked it out and everything is much much better now. When we came back I was already planning my next trip to Dallas and I was so excited to go again. I LOVE TEXAS like it just makes me feel so little with so much to do and so many places to explore ❤️ 
September-September was slow and boring, classes , work and tryin at the YouTube thing again. So at the end of sept. I went to Dallas again mostly just to get away and while there on the first day we (me and SM) went to a water epic water park… yall on the first day there tmw my phone gone jump in the pool with me and broke. Spent the second day if he trip going to apple in the yt people area just fro the dude to talk to me like I was slow and made me walk out. Went to my phone store and had to get into a lease to get my new phone 😭. I was not in the mood to be paying monthly fro no Rangoon phone but whatever I was still in Dallas fro three more days so I NEEDED a phone. Went to Olive Garden asa. Comfort place and called apple and went OFF bc how yall advertising the phone is water resistant and can last x amount of minutes under water just for my phone to be in for 30 seconds and break… yea no. I got transferred 3 times to finally get to someone who said they will pay for my phone to get fixed so that was that. So that trip stared off really poorly AND the 🍃 man got locked up so we had nothin. Ended up going to a shop and getting some really overpriced 🍃 that did the job ig. So the rest of the trip was cool. Went to church with my aunt and really enjoyed being in a community Christ again. Following that my flesh wont and I decided to be messy giving into my flesh… so Tornado told SM he has a pick up bball game that night which ofc made me wanna go. I had to go see him play in real life and the opportunity presented itself. 
He said no at first bc his gf was gone be there as of that meant anything to me I just wanted to go to a game. YALL why this boy stare me down the I walked in and kept looking at me every time the game come close to where I was sitting and whole time his gf is there and I know she could tell what was happening. I started rooting of the other team so. Are it a point I was not there for him and SM gone say im petty… NO im trynna save face bc aint no one gone say im here for him. He played good enough still needed work on somethings I pointed out before but whatever. When the game was over he said sum to me that I didn’t hear (SM later asked he said Hey) and we left that was that… some time later they broke up hope to wasn’t bc of me but let my man be staring down his ex I would leave him too 
We went to a (Mexican) farmers market and yall was sooo fun they had chickens and goats and horses everything! Plus hella clothes and food. I really enjoyed that. Me and SM looked a two or three moths laces and that was the end of September 
October- Honestly this month was a filler month … nothing really happened I mostly just played in my hair  October was a month of great hair styles 
November- Boy oh boy November really showed upend showed out. So at this point me and SM had not found a place yet and was still on the fence about a few places so I had decided I was going to back to Dallas (alone this time) to mostly get out of indy but ofc go look at more places. While there I did reach out to Tornado and we had planned to go look at these places together for two reasons - 1. I didn’t want to rent a car 2. I wanted to be there with someone. YALL this goofy boy did EVERYTHING to annoy me and at a point just came out and asked to hump on me as if we hadn’t been or terrible terms for the past year. So being someone who JUST got off my cycle and was practicing abstinence again I was like nah. So me turning him down really set it in his mind that it was f me and he aint wanna help me out . Coo whatever if im just choochie to you then you nothing to me and I hit up his friend for some 🍃. We ended up smoking in his car and just chatting which let his friend now that im really that girl. He ended up texting me on snap about when id be back out there/when im officially moving so we can get some food. So yea that just reassured me that I was that girl and Tornado RUINED it for himself. Also while out there I decided to follow my spirit and trust God. So irrelevant told SM a week before my trip that his dad had been diagnosed with cancer again. And as b-made he is I was like nah he NEED his Deddy so by happenstance in bible study we talked about this book on unlocking you relationship with Christ and healing. I ordered the book and got in by Saturday with my trip on Tuesday. I first asked Tornado to deliver it for me and he was asking like a scared little kid “ion wanna get in trouble… if you want him to have it you should talk to irrelevant bc that got nothing to do with me” yall would think im trynna sell a dying man health insurance 😭 so I said whatever and mailed the book to his house the day I left. A week later tornado, irrelevant, and irrelevant Deddy BLEW UP SM phone on Thanksgiving goin off about ME sending a book. Just fyi SM said I shouldn’t have done it and I told her its beyond me im doing something with the Lord. I tell you bout niggah  bc why irrelevant Deddy talmbout this isn’t my religion, it makes me uncomfortable that she would send this and all this other childish stuff TO A TWENTY YEAR OLD sir you’re 50… and from this yall can see I wasn’t EVER pinned into this call that was all about me… weirdo behavior. *at work* So the following Tuesday SM gone say she wanted to talk to me after we haven’t spoken in an entire week so im like okay whatever. She gone try to make it seem like it’s my fault this boys called her. First of all everyone has my number and if its as really that much of an issue why didn’t you add me into the call? Exactly you just wanted to freely talk mess and THINK I was gone be okay with it because they stressed you out oh so much blowing up your phone. The phone you pay the bill on and if you didn’t want to talk you wouldn’t … remember you aint say nothing to me all week and im your best friend weird. So I tell her about herself because wheat you not gone do is try to play victim and she gone come out and say “you have a lot of drama its just always drama with you” HOW when I do all I can to not be in mess. So I told her if thats how you feel dont be coo with me she gone say “no I still want to be friends” *why would you want to be friends if I just bring drama to you?* so I say well ion wanna be your friend and left it at that. She huffed her breathe and walked out the room and I listened to my music and finished eating my lunch. So November ended on a sour note and I continued looking for a place in Texas for me now. Everyone I talked to said she did all this because she was scared to move and didn’t know how to tell me. Girl you could’ve said something when I was out there and I could’ve looked at one bedrooms but whatever. 
December- For December I spent my days looking and applying to new apartments in Dallas and Houston now. This was such a LONG and drawn pout process again but it made me feel better to know I was going to be alone not having to worry about anyone at all. Since I was still in indy but not working my mom asked me to come help run breaks for a day I said sure. So im running bathroom breaks first in order of who got there. So the girl who she was in a room with came in first and (SM now named scary)Scary was one of the last people on my list so I go ask the girl if she needs a break she say no and I start to walk out as I get out the door Scray gone say “raggedy Bitch” girl now lets be for real… you had to wait till my back was turned to you because you and I both know you couldn’t say it to my face… was it for laughs? So yk what I did went and told management… now you gotta go home for verbally assaulting a coworker who was simply doing what the list said… goofy
AND when I went back in for her break oh girl she was with was hush quiet bc I really wanna know who THINKS they can really step to me. From how it all happened ik that oh girl charged Scary up bc when she talked to the manager she said that oh girl said I wanted to fight her… if I wanted to whoop you I would’ve said from my mouth I wanted to dog walk you I dont need no help talking for myself and I thought that was clear to her by now. Oh well more money in my pocket 🤷🏽‍♀️ December went and now its time to move!
January- I moved two days after my birthday which made me a little sad just because I wanted to be in my own place by my birthday but now that I’ve been there for a while im glad everything went he way it did. I spent my birthday with my sister(s), cousins and a few friends getting high and eating some good food. The move was hard on me, trying to pinch pennies I rented a mini van instead of haul and drove those 15hrs. The trip itself wasn’t bad it was just sooooo boring because it was just me and my thoughts. I got soooo tried by the time I ht Arkansas so I stopped and ate which made it so much worse, ngl I almost ran off the road bc I was so sleepy. BUT the Lord had me so I made it safely to Houston! The place I moved to was my first time ever seeing it and I got to Thank God because he made sure I washing in no rat hole I returned the rental and ubered to a car dealership where I was turned down. I knew this much God had a plan for me because I was supposed to start working that Wednesday and it was Monday. So in Tuesday I called around and a dealership ubered me to them in Northern Houston 45 min away. We went though all the steps and I got approved for my Nissan ✨ yes im a Nissan girly now lol . January was mostly me learning what was around me and getting to and from work which was in Deerpark Tx. If you know Houston then yk Deerpark is 40 min away. I didn’t realize where I was applying until I was already there with the job. So this was a hurdle I had to work around but with God I prevailed. 
February- So February… the shortest month and the longest at the same time. On the first a coworker hit my car as she was pulling out of the parking lot and dented the mess out of my rear passenger door (its still not fixed 4 months later) being a good Godly woman I said I dont want to get the people involved and she can just get me a new door and have her husband install it. Sometime is think I should’ve involved the people but whatever shoulda coulda woulda whatevers. So that started off my black history month but the storm was still in store. So there was a literal tornado that came so very close to my job which made me just want to got out of there. The girls I was in a. classroom with didn’t know how to react under pressure lookin out the window at the sky and said “the sky looks green thats weird” girl that means the nado is close get these kids in the hall. The lights went out and its thundering just a mess. Since it came so close to us the power was knocked out for a few days and I got paid time off to sit at home and plan my break to a new job. So now it’s valentines day and im at work minding ym black owned business and Tornado text me on some BS like the biggest BS he could’ve came up with 
*in invisible ink* So we f*ckin 
*reg text* naw im jp but happy valentines day 
Me very confused … marks it as unread and doesn’t reply until March (said I need a plug when I was stuck out there for a night at the end of Feb he read it like a bitch)… so later that night I talk with ym cousin she was reading instagrams saying men who text their ex on valentines day are criminal and if God dont talk LOUD then idk what he does because that was all him. I was debating tectonic him back something slick but God shut me up through her. So I fihsish washing my dishes and get in the shower and bed. February was boring. Me and my other cousin started going on nature walks on Sunday as a way to walk her dog and catch up (see how I arranged that… its about the dog the catch up is just because we are both there) So we did that a few times but around April we stopped honestly I think its because I kept having reasons not to go that it was more effort to see if we were going or not
March- So march was really so slow nothing really happened… I texted tornado 
Hey so I feel like we should clear the air since we are so close now… lets talk 
Huh no
Ion except that
I feel like you got some stuff on yo chest 
Im in a relationship nigga tf (me hearts the message)
Im so happy for you…. No no more valentines texts? Coo coo thanks 💋
Wym (deletes message)
Not to be mean 
Just sayin 
Why you delete yo other messages… yk I already seen it
But any the ways I aint take nothing w offense it aint mean shit its a good thing… good for you imhappy for you go be happy for yourself and not be in my phone… (he questioned the message)
Bc tbh when you sent m that all I thought was he aint got no one else to say that shit to 🤔…
I gotchu 
So that was the beginning of March… shortly after this I transferred to a new daycare center which just let my know I never really wanted dot work with kids. The director was not the best at her job and it showed with the staff so I got a job for a daycare temp/ substitute. I still dont like working with children and am trying to get out of it day by day. 
April- In April I went back to Indy for a week or two for my dads birthday and by the end of it I was OVER it all. Me and my dad swapped some words which ended with him saying “its fine shell be gone in a. Few days” which really drove into me that ion need to be around this energy. I was so excited to return back to my place 1000 miles away and told myself and mother that I will not be coming back for his birthday any more. 
May- May was like every other month but on the 21st it was my nieces first birthday! So ofc I had to come back to indy for that yall I came May 20th and im still here… its June 25th and my flight back isn’t till July 7th😭 I miss my bed so bad. Since being here nothing really has been happening just working at the daycare tryna get them kids back together. Scary messed them kids up real good because they are and asf now. Most of my first few weeks was just getting back into the mindset that I am the teacher and they have to listen to me. We just now getting back to being fun with each other
June- Quick add on From the end of December to the first week of February me and FWB were on regular speaking terms and that whole thing is a story in itself but its comes back this month… alright so now June. It hasn’t really been all that as you can see fro the last post I been bored so chose to be messy but other than that nothing really. So FWB reacted t my story on some flirty vibes which I steered into hyping my head up which he did. He trynna come see me in Houston but boy ik you just wanna hump me and im on my abstinence journey until I get my ring. We stopped talking in Feb because I flat out told him ion care about his situationship with his ex and that I wanted to get otp to talk about a show. If anything I was being a stingy friend but whatever.
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sassenashsworld · 2 years
The Game - Deacon
Deacon realized quite quickly MacCready had rushed, and he understands the process. For his part, he prefers to wait and watch.
First, even though the gamble initially amused him immensely, it raised some profound questions deep inside him. Trying to tempt Nora? Surely no matter what the outcome, he’d have a laugh guarantees, but in fact, would he? If Nora falls for him, more than just a caress, how is he going to manage the situation? Not that Nora isn’t a pretty girl and he wouldn’t be flattered if she turned out to have an interest in him, but since Barbara… Since Barbara, not only does he no longer feel any emotion of this kind for anyone, but when something wants to rise in his heart, he kills it in the egg. He doesn’t lead a life for romance.
So, he decides to approach the subject from the best angle possible, a prank. And even if the jackpot can be interesting, he has no expectations. Especially not another goal.
As for a good trick, he must prepare. First, think about where he will take his turn, think about his costume (oooh, that’s his favorite part) and also think about what he will say… or won’t say. Finally, find the perfect timing.
He doesn’t know how others are preparing, but it takes him a few days to settle his plan. He had heard Nora talking about Salem to investigate a museum of witchcraft and he intends to take advantage of it. What better way to throw a lady into a man’s arms than with a fright? He therefore turns around the said lady the following days to make sure to be the companion of her choice during the quest.
“I thought I’d go with Nick. I don’t need a sensitive soul who would spend his time freaking.”
“Do I look like a sensitive soul?”
“Why is a Railroad agent interested in a horror museum?”
"Why the General of Minutemen?"
“Good point. I’m leaving in two days. The Abernathy farm needs a new well and I intend to finish it before I leave.”
When Nora returns to Sanctuary on the second day, she looks clean exhausted and would probably need a good shower. However, she prepares her bag without delay and orders Deacon to do the same. He’s already has put on his best shirt and his tightest jeans. Knowing Nora fell for Porter, he decides not to wear a wig, thinking maybe shaved skulls attract her.
“I got everything ready. We can go whenever you want.”
«I really would have preferred to investigate this story with you» Nick scolds when he meets them.
“Me too,” Nora says. “But Deacon insisted. I think he has something for the creepy stories.”
“I think it’s creepy” Nick slips between his teeth.
He throws a suspicious look at the spy who smiles at him with all his teeth. When Deacon walks near him, the detective whispers to be heard only from him.
“I don’t know what you’re up to, but if it’s about the bet, remember Nora’s life is worth more than a hundred and twenty caps.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her like you have no idea.”
His fellow does not seem at all reassured but the Sole Survivor is already almost at the entrance of the city and does not seem at all determined to wait for her companion. He trots a little to catch her and then whistles a good part of the way. The day is warm, but the wind is nice, the sun is still high and the roads are clear. A good walk in nature. Deacon feels it very well.
It’s finally close to midnight when Deacon feels it much worse. He visited the Concord History Museum, he visited some historical squares in Boston, he even helped establish the RailRoad headquarters in an old crypt. However, the horrible, decrepit Victorian house around which the bodies seem to accumulate gives him a chill in the spine. A little confused, he turns to Nora.
“I know you like to get to the bottom of things, but it might be nice to wait until morning before going for a ride in this thing.”
“Are you chickening out?”
“No. But why tempt the devil?”
“Because we are hunting him.”
He swallows discreetly, not really sure if this chick is serious or not. However, it’s out of the question for him to appear more frightened than she, but he begins to wonder if he was sane thinking it was a good idea. Shit, to take the beauty in his arms and reassure her, she must be scared. The woman who steps on the ground in front of him seems rather determined.
When they enter the building, everything is dark and dusty but far from silence. Deacon would unfortunately recognize these grunts between miles and suddenly, it thought that ghosts of witches or perhaps even the devil himself would have been better.
“Shit… deathclaw.”
Nora turns to look at him and nods her head, she too begins to suspect it’s one of these animals that has settled in the museum and frightens everyone around. They continue to move slowly, excessively on their guard, when pieces of a corpse literally fall from a hole in the floor.
“Wha… Jesus!”
Deacon promised himself not to react, not to show any nervousness and especially not fear, but a corpse has literally fallen to appart through the floor right in front of them. It was a purely instinctive reaction, but Nora comes back to him, puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder and looks at him with pity.
“Would you rather wait outside?”
“Shit! I was surprised, who wouldn’t?”
"The beast is in the middle of a buffet and the floor full of holes. I confess I was expecting it."
Shit! So much for his plan. However, he tries his luck, taking advantage of their proximity to raise a hand and put it on the young woman’s cheek. He tries to speak with as much tenderness as possible, hoping to always have an arm at the end of the adventure (deathclaw like Nora probably as much threatening his limb).
“You know I’ll go through with you, I’ll never let you down.”
The nose of the young woman gets wrinkle and she frowns, but decides to take the hand of her companion in hers to make him let go, retreating a step.
“What fear can do to a man.”
He raises his eyebrows, stunned.
“I’m not scared!”
“Come on, I’m here. We’ll do this together, you’ll see, we’ll get through this.”
“I am NOT afraid!”
“Sssssh. Not to be ashamed of. But silent, yes, please.”
He scolds inwardly, humiliated.
When he finally arrives at the Sanctuary bar to declare his forfeit, he is still not derided. Nora acted all along as a reassuring mother to him, even during the fight. Then, as they discovered Deathclaw’s eggs in the Museum of Witchcraft, they decided to take them to the nest, and Nora asked him to wait at the canyon entrance to ‘spare his emotions’.
He never felt so embarrassed in his whole life and he said to himself a hundred and so caps don’t worth it and he doesn’t want to try again.
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berryunho · 2 years
omg i know how u feel i don't think i'll be graduating in 4 bc i have to do co-op terms so it delays my grad by a year or smth?? we'll see how things go
wow that's so cool!! the dedication is immaculate i would always give up after a month or so. do you know any other languages aside from eng and korean?
ooo i'm kinda the opposite like nothing really interests me outside of courses in my major or other science courses. i've gotta do some arts credits and scrolling thru them is like... okay this sounds interesting then i read the syllabus and its like readings and essays and discussion groups then im like NOPE LOL BYE
that's so funny cause i saw someone sleeping in a corner of the stairs. ppl will sleep anywhere and i don't blame them. could you imagine falling asleep near the river ugh bless
omg yes like with chem i always end up working backwards from the answer (wink wonk) to see what i did wrong and usually it's a lot 😭
it wasn't too bad! it was kinda cold but not windy so i was okay. i still brought a jacket with me cause it was windy af during the day and i thought it'd be the same at night but nope there goes my money for coat check 😭
ohh!! that sounds fun, did you manage to find anything? red hair is so nice. everyone i've seen so far with red hair pulls it off so well and i'm lowkey convinced it's a colour that works on everyone....
thank you!! i did have lots of fun : D i might've died on the bus ride back... but we don't talk abt it..........
yeahhh i have to get a masters degree for the profession im aiming for so... if everything goes to plan that's six years of university and i do NOT want it to be more 😭😭 hopefully your graduation doesn't get delayed too much ??
:LKFJDKFSJD:LFKJ oh boy languages and me... lowkey obsessed w learning them SO one set of my grandparents were german and didnt speak english so i know very basic german (my dad didnt think it was important to teach me. crying screaming throwing up.) and i got to be pretty okay at finnish at one point but i've forgotten ALL of it lol and i took 2 years of latin in highschool which was very fun but again i forgot most of it KLFJSFDLJK AND FINALLY i took a couple years of american sign language in middle school but i literally remember the alphabet and basic kindness' :'] ive also attempted swedish, norwegian, spanish, and french with ... immediate failure ! hehe
i get what you mean 😭for me its not that i dislike my stem courses but i actually love reading and writing essays and stuff and i just wish i could do more of that 😭 but the majority of my stem friends definitely would agree w you LOL
ugh for real it would be so nice to sleep outside in the sun i feel like ... living out that cat/dog life ... but id be too scared of being kidnapped LKJJFSKFJKS
that is definitely the way to do chem 😭 just gotta learn from your mistakes until there are none ! i had an exam last friday and ... i should be getting that grade tonight or tomorrow so im very anxiously waiting to see how i did ...
nooooo not the coat check money... i cannot even imagine how much clubs make in the winter just from coat check like 😭 some nights at one of my local clubs its literally more expensive to check your coat than to get in 😭
sadly i still havent figured out who/what to be... i think im gonna wait to dye my hair though so that it lasts longer ... so i really dk LOL im lazy tbh so i normally go for something i can just wear my normal clothes for... and since i just finished breaking bad im thinking maybe jane ??? i dress like her irl (though less 2008) and id just need a wig LKJFS:LDJKF BUT IDK !!! do you have any costumes in mind? or any plans?
hehe im glad you had fun but ... 👀 ... how ominous ... hehe i hope your week starts off nicely !! :]
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 5
Tumblr media
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Sex work, stripper, OnlyFans, Mentioned Online Harassment
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @marytudorbrandon @foxyjwls007  @peaches1958 @identity2212  @summersong69​ @liecastillo @islacharlotte​
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Please consider giving me a reblog because dumblr is censoring these posts so badly that I struggle to find my own chapters on my blog.
As soon as my boss got to the garage this morning, I asked him about hiring Riley to help with advertising. He’s known me my whole life so when I told him I knew someone willing to help us out, he didn’t ask for more information, he just took down her number. He opened this small shop a few years before I was born and I know it would be devastating for him to have to close it down. 
I don't know much about running a business. Sure, I can run a team and keep track of costs and inventory, but I didn't have to deal with suppliers, banks and customers. I sure as hell can't manage a web page or anything like that.
After I found out about Riley, I checked out "Razzy's" profiles. Not her Onlyfans — that is a line I'm determined not to cross — but I looked at her TikTok and her Instagram. She's good at what she does. She has a big follower count by my uneducated standards and lots of likes and comments. I also made the mistake of reading some of the things people said about her and had to close the app before I did something stupid like march into her room and confiscate her laptop and her phone.
Some people just say how hot they think she is. Lots of them share all the fucked up shit they want to do to her. I’m no saint, I like it rough as much as the next guy, but I don’t plaster my desires across the Internet. Those weren’t the bad ones though. They were fucking nice compared to what I saw next.
I scrolled through dozens of comments from other girls calling her a skank or guys saying how she should be ashamed to do those kinds of things for money. So many people were lashing out at her from completely anonymous profiles, each one worse than the last. How does she manage to read that every day? No wonder that poor girl doesn’t feel safe enough to wear anything other than pants and hoodies in front of me.
Despite all that, I have to say, I can see her talent and skill showing even if it has nothing to do with the typical corporate bullshit. The colors and tones of the videos are consistent throughout the posts and they always compliment that bright pink hair that I assume is a wig since Riley's blond locks don’t look like they’ve ever been colored.
I text Riley a quick heads-up to expect a call then put my phone back in my locker. Aika is asleep under a nearby table, knowing well enough to stay away from the lifts and other tools and machinery. She’s content just being near me and the loud noises are nothing compared to the sound of bombs and gunfire she was trained to endure.
I’m the first one here every morning. Sometimes I go to the gym first but I still make it in by 8 am to open up. More often than not, I wrap up whatever job the other guys don’t quite finish or I do the final checks before returning a car to a customer.
My boss, Don, handles all the bookkeeping and most of the administrative work with the help of his wife since his arthritis made him incapable of working on the cars. They had a pretty good business going for the best part of the last forty years until all the larger chains started undercutting his prices. A few of the other mechanics had to leave and find better paying jobs elsewhere because there wasn’t enough work here to go around.
It doesn’t help business that the building is falling apart on the outside. The parking lot is in such dire need of being repaved that I’ve become an expert at maneuvering cars around the pot holes and deep cracks. It looks nothing like it did back before I enlisted.
It used to be that the garage ran off word-of-mouth alone with most of the locals adopting the garage because it was just that — local. But now, no one could blame customers for taking their business somewhere cheaper or somewhere they deem more reliable even if it is a half hour drive away from town. A lot of the old clientele have either retired or moved away since the garage was started, meaning there is no inherent loyalty from the townspeople. It’s just how things work these days.
I’m busy doing an oil change when I hear a car pull into the lot. In fact, I heard it approaching from the main road long before it ever reached the turn off. That car sounds like a bunch of bolts in a garbage disposal even over the loud music and the various power tools the other guys are using.
I roll out from under the car, expecting to greet a potential customer but instead I’m surprised to see Riley stepping out of the vehicle. I’ve noticed before that her car doesn’t look in great shape but I always assumed it was mostly aesthetic. If I had realized how bad it is I would’ve offered to take a look at it a long time ago.
I exit through the open workshop door with Aika trailing close behind. As soon as she sees her approaching, a wide smile spreads over Riley’s face. She bends down, burying both hands in Aika’s fur.
“Hey, sweet girl.”
“I take it Don called ya?”
“He did.” Riley stands, catching my gaze but as soon as she does, she turns her eyes towards the ground. She tries to play it off by wiping the dust from the knees but I know that she is just that shy.
She isn’t wearing her typical sweatshirt and leggings, instead opting for a cream blouse and fitted black pants that show off her beautiful figure. She looks every bit the professional put together woman I know she strives to be. She obviously put some thought into what she wore, because it’s not so fancy that she’d appear stuck up to a bunch of guys literally covered from head to toe in oil and grease on a day to day basis. It’s perfect.
"I'll show you to the office,” I say, pointing over my shoulder.
I lead Riley inside, being mindful not to get grease on anything, and knock on Don's door frame. The door was taken off its hinges long before I started working here. Part of the reason is so he can keep an eye on the work floor and be available if we need him. The other half of it is because he makes sure to say "hi" to every person that comes in even if they don't need his help.
"Hey boss, Riley's here to see ya."
"Miss McKenzie, how wonderful to meet you." He stands, shaking Riley's hand.
"The pleasure is mine, Sir."
"Oh, none of that, call me Don. Please, sit."
I take that as my cue to leave, going back to my work. I glance towards the office every so often and every time, Riley has a smile on her face. She takes notes of whatever Don is saying, nodding along.
It's funny how different this Riley is to the girl I've come to know. Instead of making herself as small as possible, she's sitting straight with her head up and shoulders back, meeting Don's gaze as they talk over their ideas.
Over an hour later, she stands and shakes Don's hand again. She walks out through the office door and makes her way to her car with a small wave my way.
When my day is over, I go to the office to drop off my day's paperwork then poke my head in to say goodbye to Don.
"I'm headin' out."
Don lifts his head from the stack of invoices he's reviewing.
"Alright, Son, thank you."
I don't want to meddle but I can't help myself from asking about how the meeting went.
"So, umm, what didja think of Riley?" 
He crosses his arms over the desk, leaning closer.
"Oh she is just lovely, Sy. Smart and beautiful, you've got yourself a real catch there."
Something in my chest warms at the praise but I have to remind myself that she is not mine to be proud of and never will be. When Sam said she filmed videos with other girls I figured he was just making it up to try and catch my interest but I’d seen enough on “Razzy’s” profiles to know he’d been telling the truth.
"Actually, we're just friends. Barely know her if I'm being honest."
Don's eyes go wide. "My apologies, I thought she said something about you two living together."
I guess he would have assumed that. Not many people in his day believed in living together out of wedlock so us living as roommates must be strange.
"We do. But we didn't know each other before I moved in. We both know I don't make enough to pay for my own place right now and there aren't a lot of men my age looking for roommates."
Like that, any remnants of a smile is completely wiped from Don's face. "I know, Sy, but I really can't —"
I stop him immediately because I have no intention of trying to guilt him into paying me more.
"I didn't mean it like that, Don. I just meant sharing with Riley might not be a conventional choice but it works out well for the both of us."
He nods in understanding.
"That car of hers sounds like a real piece of work."
"You can say that again," I say, sinking into the chair opposite him. This is shaping up to be a long conversation so I might as well get comfortable.
"She's refusing to let me pay for her work until she has proof that it helped us bring in more business."
I scoff, shaking my head. "That sounds like her alright."
She rarely stands up for herself but if ya offer to pay something of hers, she gets as stubborn as a mule.
"She also said the money would be better invested elsewhere."
"I doubt gettin' the the lot paved costs the same as a couple hours of her time."
"No, you're right about that." He pauses, looking down at the invoices on his desk. He pulls open the bottom drawer of his desk, taking out two glasses and a bottle of something that looks an awful lot like whiskey. He pours us both a generous amount and slides mine across the desk. "But if she comes back after crunching the numbers and tells me what I've been thinking for a while, I'll take out a second mortgage on the house."
"What?" Now I know why he pulled out the liquor. "No, I'm not lettin' ya do that Don."
The last thing any man his age needs is another loan to pay off. If he's even mentioning it to me it means he's already talked it over with his wife and that she’s agreed. He’s serious about this.
"If it means saving this place and keeping it going then, yes, I am. Your father and I worked too damn hard on this place to see it go down. I don't have any kids of my own but as far as I'm concerned, half of this place is yours and you deserve to have yourself a stable income to provide for your own family some day."
His words cause my throat to tighten up and I have to swallow down a gulp of whiskey before I can respond.
"Well, just know that I will be by your side every step even if we do have to shut this place down."
He takes a sip of his own drink.
"You're a good man, Sy. Your daddy would be proud."
Fuck, this has really turned into a liquor kind of conversation. I simply nod, looking over his shoulder at the framed picture on the wall behind him. My pop and a much younger Don smile back at me, my pregnant mama on one side and Charlotte, Don's wife, laughing brightly on the other. 
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Don."
“Get home safe.”
Those are always Don’s parting words. I never took them seriously until the first time I shipped out. Then they got a whole new meaning after my parents were killed in that car wreck.
I shoot the remaining whiskey from my rocks glass, focusing on the slight burn down the back of my throat then get to my feet. “Will do, Don.”
For the second day in a row, Riley is at the island when I get home. She has a set of colored pencils spread out around her computer and sheets of paper strewn from one end of the counter to the other.
“You know, Don doesn't expect you to get back to him tomorrow.”
She doesn’t look up or move from her spot. She just keeps coloring with her head tilted to the side and worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I know, but I want to brainstorm while the ideas are still fresh.”
Fuck, she is adorable. All I want is to go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I’d rest my chin over her head and look at all the ideas she’s put on paper. I’d tell her how much it means to me that she’s doing this for my godfather.
“Have ya eaten?”
“I have stew simmering on the stove. Should be ready in about an hour. I got bread from the bakery on the way home and —” Her sentence is cut off when her eyes land on me. “Sy, why are you green?”
“Aika and I went to the park.”
She gives me one of those cute little giggles that she always hides by putting her hand over her mouth or making her hair fall in front of her face.
“You know, normally, the dog is supposed to be the one rolling in the grass.”
I finally get my boots off and step further into the apartment. “Where’s the fun in that?”
She shakes her head at me and waves me off. “Alright, shoo. You’re trailing grass and mud everywhere and in all honesty, I can smell you from here.”
I give her a mock salute. “Yes ma’am. I’ll let ya get back to work.”
I take my shirt off, leaving it inside out in an attempt to keep at least some of the dirt contained. Riley immediately turns away but not before I spot how her eyes trail over my chest. Maybe she isn't completely uninterested after all.
Chapter 6
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
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— “SHARING IS CARING + DABI/TOUYA TODOROKI.” ft. shoto todoroki.
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author’s note(s): i havent written in days bc ive been working on other things but here’s this bc i am a whore. btw reader and shoto are third years/18 in this so hold onto your wigs lol.
warning(s): mdni, 18+. smut, dark content, dub-con, manipulation, cheating, choking, breath play, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, voyerism kinda, corruption!kink, virginity loss, degradation. characters aged up to 18. fem!reader.
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touya todoroki has always been better than his brothers, at everything. praised from a young age for his powerful abilities, handsome face and charming smile— touya is the todoroki family’s prized gem. the favourite, prodigy son. the one who always gets what he wants. of course, until precious shoto todoroki arrives.
shoto, the undeniably gorgeous boy with dual chrome eyes and hair to match— an aloofness about him that draws everyone in, especially at school where he excels and wears himself at the top of his class in U.A academy. now; he’s everyone’s favourite boy, endeavour’s, his mother’s and yours. you, the sweet and innocent little girl who lives about two blocks away. the whole neighbourhood knows who you are, the apples of your cheeks stretched into a darling smile, that’s sometimes etched with an air of shyness when someone compliments you on how pretty you are.
you have doe eyes that watch shoto with such awe because you’re so impressed by what he can do, because you love how kindly he treats you and how he protects you from hungry stares belonging to others. touya finds your innocence annoying; the first time his younger brother brings you for dinner. the way you stutter over your words when speaking with rei or enji and how hide behind shoto whenever the eldest enters the room.
but you’re nice to look at, he can see why his pest of a younger sibling keeps you around. does shoto realise how far your skirt rides up over your ass whenever you bend over? how your thighs resembling pillows spill over the tops of your school socks? and how your lips are always so bitten and cherry red— everything about you is so fuckable.
and like i said, touya todoroki always gets what he wants.
“i’m better than him, aren’t i sweetness? you like the way this cock fucks you. c’mon, tell me how good i make you feel.”
touya doesn’t really need an answer, especially when it’s unlikely that he’ll get one from you. pretty little girl, sweet ass up in the air and raw from the onslaught of spanks he’d given you earlier. your cunt shines with a slickness he so proudly knows that he’s caused and your hole puckers around nothing— so eager to be filled by the eldest todoroki’s cock. “t-touya, need you. p-please...” you babble, clawing at his black linen sheets, already stained with nectar from your leaky cunny.
oh you’re so good, so nice for him when you’re fucked dumb and on the edge of frustration— you say just what he wants to hear, so eager to please that you’d beg him for days if it meant you’d get your pussy abused and used. “that’s right little girl, you need me, right? ‘cause lil sho can’t take you the way i do. you need me to show you what it’s like to feel good.”
touya lives for the way your hips jump back from just his dirty words alone, clit pushing deliciously against the tip of his length— you’re so cute when you want it. when you wanna be fucked by an older, more experienced dick. you know that touya has what shoto doesn’t. you know you can always rely on him to make you cum when shoto can’t.
any decent older brother would feel bad for taking advantage of his sibling’s girl, but touya has a point to prove. he’ll always be the better todoroki, he knows that, especially when his burning cock sinks into your tight hole— the one that welcomes him into your velvet walls, so perfectly carved into the shape of him.
a drawn out and gargled whine bubbles in the back of your throat, the stretch making your eyes roll so far back into your head touya would have thought you’d passed out, it wouldn’t have been the first time either.
oh no, he remembers the way he’d made your fleshy thighs quiver and your meek voice turn to screams when he’d taken you in the bathroom across the hall from shoto’s bedroom the first time you stayed the night. or the time that he’d cornered you in the kitchen while you made a study snack for you and your boyfriend, carelessly flipping your skirt up and creaming in your virgin cunt until all you could say were mindlessly repeats of his name. touya. his name always sounded so pretty against jumbled words that slid across your tongue.
that one time in the kitchen, touya had sent you back to shoto’s room with your pink lace panties full of his pungent seed and had listened to shoto fuck it deeper inside of you later that night when you let the younger take you for the first time. touya wonders if his little brother truly believes he was lucky enough to take your virginity or if he knows how much of a whore you are for the eldest, white haired sibling. possession flares in his chest at the very thought, making him plunge himself into the deepest parts of you while you quiver like a little bitch below him.
his piercings drag up and down your gummy walls, friction causing you to drool amongst the pillows that you drown in. touya’s large hand pushes down on the small of your back, shaping your body into an uncomfortable arch— you whimper but don’t complain. taking his dick like you should, accepting him like you should. his balls, oh so heavy with cum, slap against your cheeks while your juices paint his tummy from how much you leak and the lewd sounds fill the air so loud, there’s no doubt poor little shoto todoroki can hear it through the walls.
“sweetness, you’re so bad— sneaking off to let your boyfriend’s big brother make you scream. you’re just a slut for the todoroki dick...aren’t ya? you’d probably let nat in on it too...” touya slurs, drooling at the way your backside bounces with every slam of his hips into you.
“n-no-! no... ‘m not a slut...not a—!” you squeal pathetically, barely able to finish your sentence as touya shoves your face into the sheets harshly— deep chuckle reverberating in his chest as he presses it to your sweaty back.
you still yourself, taking all what he gives to you even if it means you can barely breathe. the eldest todoroki lifts a hand to knock on the thin walls separating him from his little brother; words coming out as breathless as he thrusts into you deeper, harder, faster— abusing your barely prepped hole. “ya’hear that sho, yur lil angel’s not as innocent as you think; she’d let all of us fuck her if we asked nicely...” the way he speaks about you is mean; it could make you cry but all you do in response is clamp down on the man above you and suck him in deeper, selfishly just like he’d taught you. he smirks with pride at how much your cunt lives for him, at how his little brother is getting the show of his life time— probably jerking off to the sounds of his girl getting railed but someone who isn’t him.
touya’s hips stutter and he cums inside you with a shout, thick ropes of his hot seed spraying against your walls and seeping between your puffy folds. ringed fingers find your clit, drawing circles into them until you tip over the edge and tumble into your own release, clamping down so hard that you draw blanks from your boyfriend’s older brother. the way you twitch after touya’s emptied himself inside you, letting him press down on the sweet bulge at your tummy so his cum leaks out— almost makes him want to brush the hair away from your face and kiss you, but he remains objective— treating you as proof that he will always be the superior sibling.
when he’s pulled out of you and helped you to shaky legs to leave— he watched the regret wash over your innocent features like it always does when he’s made a woman out of you. “tell my little brother i said; sharing is caring, sweetness.” touya asks of you oh-so-kindly, revelling in the way your bottom trembles and a fresh set of tears well in your bambi eyes.
what? he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t mean to make you cry, but that would defeat the purpose if he was telling the truth.
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