#i also removed the secondary gradient from the hair because like the red hands it just didn't make sense
jaxonkreide · 2 years
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More art because i feel like posting right now! 
Meet the fire demon, Dreary :) They have to keep warm or else they’ll cool out and perish
This is a redesign of one of my older characters because i was unhappy with that design for a long time for various reasons :D 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Come Home to My Heart, Chapter 2 (Lemyanka) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 ✨| chapter 1
A/N: hiii, this is chapter 2 of this lemyanka childhood friends, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers whatever you wanna call it. I really wanted to play with the time skips to show different parts of their lives together throughout the years so this is a continuation from chapter 1 a few years later. thanks for reading <3
At the age of thirteen, there were many things Priyanka loved. The list included: electric blue glittery nail polish, writing her name with a golden pen, pop music and girl groups-especially Britney Spears and The Spice Girls-, any movie with Lindsay Lohan in it, acting in the school productions -especially if she got the main role-, sleepovers over Lemon’s house where they secretly watched The O.C., seeing films with Lemon without an “adult” with them, re-acting scenes of the Cheetah Girls movie with Lemon…
She was at Lemon’s a lot.
The thing was, Lemon was the only child of her parent’s marriage, her parents both worked, and most of the time she had the house on her own. For Priyanka -who lived with her siblings and her parents and couldn’t spare one second of privacy at her own home- it was like paradise. They did everything together, on the weekdays they did homework together and afterward, they would lay in the blonde’s room reading magazines and cutting pictures of celebrities and clothes they liked, or listen to a new CD they had been saving for weeks to buy for hours until they knew the lyrics by heart.
Her room had yellow walls -big shocker- and it was covered in posters and pictures with Priyanka, white carpet on the floor, and a mix of Barbie dolls and makeup over the boudoir. She also had a large single bed only for herself with like a million fluffy pillows they had shared more than once.
Lemon had ballet classes three times per-week and Priyanka had rehearsals with the drama club but those were the only moments they were apart. Being childhood friends, their parents got into the obligation of sending them to the same primary school after finishing kindergarten and now they would attend the same secondary school once summer was over.
It was a warm day of summer, Lemon rolled over her bed and showed Priyanka an item she liked, Crazy in Love by Beyoncé played on the radio while the other girl was trying to cover a pimple on her chin with some foundation she had bought in the mall.
“You’re going to make it worse.” Lemon made her remove her hands.
“It hurts, it’s like a little red dot full of hate.”
“Use toothpaste instead.”
“Does it work?”
“Allegedly.” She shrugged. “I read it somewhere.”
“Okay… What did you want to show me?”
“Look at these,” she pointed at a picture of Hillary Duff. “I need those shoes.”
“That’s a pump.” Priyanka said, unimpressed.
“But it’s pink and yellow. How you don’t like the gradient in the colors? I’m in love.”
“Can you even walk with heels?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I can. When you’re short like me, you gotta have some options.”
Priyanka couldn’t argue with that, for her age she was already one of the tallest girls in the classroom. Sometimes she disliked being that tall, she felt like a little deer that couldn’t control its feet, wobbling around awkwardly.
Her best friend flipped a few more pages.
“Look! It’s a poster of Ryan Gosling from that movie… The Notebook.” She sounded excited.
Right. They were supposed to be excited about handsome muscle guys but there was something about it that didn’t click with Priyanka. She thought maybe she was just too young to get it, that when she’d grow older she’d get the feeling but until then, she had become very good at pretending.
“Oh, he’s so hot.” She hoped Lemon didn’t notice the fakeness of her voice.
“I know, right?” She giggled. “Do you want his picture?”
“Ah… you can keep it… I already have Leonardo DiCaprio’s and that’s just too many white guys.”
“Alright.” She picked a pair of scissors and started cutting the actor’s silhouette. The pair of dark-framed glasses she had on kept sliding down her nose bridge.
Priyanka smiled fondly at it.
“I’m home!” It was Lemon’s mom that had just returned from work.
Lemon jumped out of the bed and stood in the door’s frame. She looked even smaller in that oversized t-shirt of the Powerpuff Girls and shorts she wore as pajamas. Her hair was tied in a messy ponytail that brushed her shoulder blades.
“Hi, mom.” She yelled. “Priyanka’s here!”
“Hi, Priyanka!”
“Hello, Mrs. Baptsita!”
Priyanka adored Mrs. Baptista, she was a little wacky for Lemon’s taste but it was because she was younger than most moms with kids their age. She liked Priyanka and she supported their friendship since kindergarten, called them the Ketchup&Mustard duo since that Halloween they had matching costumes.
“Is she staying for dinner?”
Lemon turned around. “Are you staying for dinner?”
Priyanka shrugged. “Sure.”
“She is mom!”
“I’m making spaghetti!”
“Sound good!” She turned back to Priyanka again. “I hope you like spaghetti.”
“You know I do.”
Just a couple of minutes later, they heard the sound of Mr. Baptista’s car at the entrance.
“That’s my dad.” Lemon pointed.
“Hello, I’m home.”
“Hi, dad! Priyanka’s here.”
“Hi Lemon drop, hi Priyanka!”
“Hello, Mr. Baptista!”
Lemon grinned but not even five minutes later than her father’s arrival, the vibe of the kitchen changed and it was clear by the sound of their voices, her parents were arguing. Another argument…
“I swear to God… this is the third time this week."
Lemon sat on the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. She looked tired.
Priyanka gently touched her knee offering some comfort. Lemon pulled a weak smile that faded as soon as the voices increased in volume.
"Hey, I have some extra cash, wanna get some pizza?” Priyanka offered.
Lemon bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Let’s go.”
Lemon changed her shorts for pants and put on a pair of sneakers, then she grabbed her keys and both of them were out of the house. It wasn’t that late yet and there was a pizza place a few blocks away they could get on foot; they walked in silence until Lemon’s house was behind, then the blonde let a big sigh out of her chest.
“Pri, I can’t do this…” She sounded fragile as if she was holding the pieces together trying not to break with all her strengths.
Priyanka ran her arm over her shoulder and held her when she seemed about to fall.
“It’s okay, I’m sure they are going to work it out.”
Lemon snorted. “They started going to couple’s counseling and it got worse, they have pretty solid arguments to fight now.”
Priyanka covered her mouth holding back the laughter. “Sorry.”
“You dumb bitch.” Lemon shook her head.
They walked hugged like that the rest of the way, ate greasy pizza with extra cheese, and returned to a sepulchral silent house. Priyanka laid on the bed next to her, so close yet so far. If she extended her hand just a little more, she could touch her shoulder, make sure she was okay but for some reason, she couldn’t. Yet, she hoped that being there for her friend was enough then.
On the other side, Lemon had her eyes wide open, unable to drift off when her mind was going through a million different scenarios. Everything could only go downhill from there.
They didn’t know at that moment but the worst was yet to come.
She dashed out of the house as soon as she got the phone call, barely having the chance to put on a helmet before grabbing her bike. Priyanka was still catching her breath by the time Lemon opened the door.
Her face was bathed in tears, her eyes completely red and she couldn’t stop crying not even to explain what had happened. Priyanka had a vague idea judging by what was said on the phone but it wasn’t until she saw her friend she knew it was bad. Very bad.
Lemon wasn’t the most physically affectionate person in the world but she let Priyanka hug her and cried it out on her chest. They sat on the porch until the blonde began to calm down and could explain it better.
“Pri, they… they are getting divorced. It’s all happening so fast.”
Priyanka held her hand and squeezed it lightly. Lemon looked at her hand and then at her face, her eyes flooded with tears again.
“Hey,” The brunette tried to comfort her. “I’m so sorry, I know you love them both and they love you very much but this is probably for the best.”
“No, Pri, you don’t understand. They are… separating for real. They talked about lawyers and My mom she…” Lemon sobbed. “She wants us to move out…”
“Oh, I mean, that’s normal like-”
“…to New York.” Her voice was weak, defeated.
It took Priyanka a moment to process the newly acquired information.
“New York?!” She repeated in disbelief.
“Apparently, she has a job offer there, and… they think it’s for the best to put some distance between them.”
“I get the ‘moving out thing’ and the distance but that’s a completely different country!”
“I know! That’s what I said. Tell me I’m right, she’s out of her mind.”
“But wait, when does she want you to move out? What about school?”
“She thinks it’s a good idea if we go before the new semester starts so we can settle in and…”
“No, the new semester starts in two weeks… What about your dance lessons? Your life here?”
What about us?
“She said there are plenty of dance academies over there… That I would do fine. I hate it. This doesn’t go with the plan we had.”
Priyanka and Lemon had a life plan since they were ten, sealed with a pinky promise. They were going to graduate high school together and go to university in Toronto where they both would be roommates throughout college. It was their way of being together, to accomplish things in the company of the other, a sign of their unbreakable friendship.
“Wait but… what about your dad?” Can’t you stay with him?“ There was a hint of hope in Priyanka’s voice.
Lemon stared at the wooden floor of the porch for the longest time before looking back at her friend.
"I can’t. My dad travels a lot for business and while he’s going to remain here… my mom gave me no choice. They even said that it’s either New York or some boarding school in Quebec.”
Lemon surely had gone mad about it for her parents to threaten her like that, it didn’t sound like the Baptistas at all.
“This can’t be…” Priyanka shook her head. The tears felt warm on her cheeks.
“We’re leaving next week.”
“No…no, that’s… that’s too soon. You can’t leave… who’s going to help me buy a new outfit for the first day? Who’s going through the first day of school with me?”
“I hate to think about it. They really think this is for the best and then decide to drag me to a different country for the first year of school… «You have to be reasonable» they said, but they are the ones that come with these ideas out of blue.”
It was too sudden it made Priyanka felt dizzy; she couldn’t even begin to imagine what her friend was feeling like.
She squeezed her hand again. “It’s going to be okay.”
“You keep saying that but-” Lemon shook her head.
“Because it is going to be okay. I promise you, we’ll still be together, and… maybe we don’t get to attend the same high-school but we can still go to college together, the plan can still work out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Completely. You’re my best friend in the world; nothing is going to change that.”
Lemon smiled for the first time after getting the news of her parents’ divorce.
“Thanks, Pri.” She went for a hug and was received with open arms.
They hugged for a while without saying a single word, in that situation, words were unnecessary.
The day of Lemon’s moving, ironically the sun was shining and Priyanka kept reminding herself that in different circumstances they’d be at the park with their bikes or at the local pool but no, she was heading to her best friend’s house to say the last goodbye.
Priyanka hadn’t cried in front of her since that day on the porch but she had cried a lot when no one was seeing her. She was sad, upset, and mad about the situation but she didn’t want Lemon to leave with a sad note. So she went ahead and planned a week dedicated to her best friend, to enjoy the things they loved the most.
They had made each other friendship bracelets with their names –Priyanka was red and orange and it had a little golden star hanging next to her name; Lemon’s was pink and yellow and a butterfly next to hers- they had movie nights and sleepovers, karaoke sessions and dancing marathons every day until that awful day arrived.
Priyanka rode her bike like she had done millions of times before. There was a «FOR SALE» sign hanging outside and she hated it with all her soul. There was a truck parked outside as well with many boxes stacked inside and some furniture pieces they were taking to New York. Lemon was sitting on the porch’s stairs with a backpack on, the scene was oddly familiar and for a second time stopped.
She didn’t notice Priyanka’s presence until the brunette touched her shoulder.
“You’re here.” She said and did her best to smile.
“Where else I’d be?”
Lemon stood on her feet and hugged her, Priyanka hugged her back.
“Promise me you’re going to wait for my calls every week… and that you’re not going to have another best friend… ever.” Lemon sobbed on her shoulder.
“I promise it.” Priyanka patted her back in a calming gesture.
“I’ll visit on holidays, my dad is probably going to get a shitty apartment but still, I’ll be here.”
“I know you will.”
Lemon let go of her embrace. “Thank you, Pri. You’re my best friend in the world.”
“I know, right?”
The blonde giggled. “You’re so stupid…”
“Luce, get in the car, it’s time to go.” Her mom called her as she carried one last box.
“I have to go now. I already said good-bye to my dad; he had a flight to catch early but… It feels so empty without him here.”
“Lemz, I’m sorry.” She hugged her one more time. It was quick but it lingered. “Take care and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do in New York.”
“That sets the bar very low, don’t you think?”
Priyanka laughed. “I’ll miss you like crazy.”
“Me too.”
Lemon’s mom waved in their direction, the car was already on and the truck was closed and packed.
“Well, I guess this is our goodbye for now.”
“Count the days because I’m going to be back in no time, okay?”
She nodded.
“Love you, Pri.”
“Love you too.”
And with that said, Lemon started walking toward the car. It was painful to watch her leave but Priyanka didn’t want to look away, she wanted to remember it all until they could meet again.
The car started moving but stopped abruptly as Lemon opened the door and ran back to where Priyanka was.
“Lemon, what…?”
“I almost forgot, I was supposed to give you this the first day of school but…” She was out of breath. Suddenly a brand new CD of Spiceworld was on Priyanka’s hands. “You were so sad when your sister broke the one you had worked so hard to buy and I thought…”
Priyanka was hugging her again. “Oh, Lemon…”
“Please don’t forget me.”
Her mom honked at them, the truck was already hitting the road.
Lemon walked back and this time, she left for real.
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