#i also stole the cute little symbols from tumblr i dont remember where but i copy and pasted them into my notes
rcssitms · 5 years
❛   。   ❄️  ゚ lorenzo zurzolo. cisfemale. she and her  /  did i hear you say ferocious memories dancing across flesh before sinking it’s teeth into him , night sweats that form a pool of anger and an ocean of sadness , bones cracking , the feeling of pain reminding him of his own presence in the world , his mothers voice haunting him like a ghost, bruised knuckles and a buried heart ? then you must be talking about rome, i’d recognize them anywhere. i’ve heard that the twenty one year old business mogul is a gemini and honestly, i see it. they’re known for being detached and irascible , but their stoic and ambitious tendencies make up for it. they’ve been staying  at du lac for time of stay and i think that their real name is valentino rossi, but don’t spill. 
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god i am indeed so excited asdj . please forgive me for my ? all over insanely messy bio . getting my thoughts out for him was just not working so i did the best i could ! enjoy one out of two of my muses and if you want to plot with him or lavinia ( her bio is coming soon ) just let me know !! 
—  °。..   ›    BASICS    .
NAME : valentino navarone clemente rossi .
NICKNAMES : val, valen, tino, nino, rome . 
AGE : twenty one . 
BIRTHDAY : june second . 
ZODIAC : gemini .
GENDER : cismale .
PRONOUNS : he and him . 
OCCUPATION : business mogul , ralph lauren ambassador . 
—  °。..   ›    PERSONALITY   + HEADCANONS .
hard headed and brutally honest . a lot of times interacting with valentino is almost as if you’re playing a game of chance . 
he is someone who is extremely hot and cold . one minute he can be teasing you and the next he’s dismissing you in the cruelest of ways . 
he is a ball of anger, little things set him off. he spends a lot of the time at the gym boxing to release a few of his inner issues but when instigated he will react.
intelligent . he’s book smart. spends time reading. is quick with numbers. 
he’s extremely passionate about what he does and what he puts his effort into. 
insanely curious and reckless . a combination that gets him in trouble very often. such as being arrested in rome for street racing, all of which his dad paid to be removed from his record.
dabbles in the world of drugs, but to an extent. would rather grow his business then be high but also wants to have fun.
insanely detached when it comes to romantic relations. has a habit of keeping women around just to benefit him and meet his needs. but if there is one thing he’s good at when it comes to relationships it is staying faithful. 
he is a lover, but one that takes time to reach the surface. his mother changed his views on how he see’s romantic relation and so patience is key when it comes to being with him. sometime’s he’ll want you other times he’ll want nothing to do with you. but it’s more so a fight within himself and whether or not he should let you in. 
has a soft spot for children. his camera roll is filled with his baby cousins and nieces and nephews. 
the idea of family is super important to him, but it reflects on what he feels as though he’s missed from his own.
he his nonna’s favorite, and spent a lot of his time with her. his nonna has threatened his mother for him, and when it comes to being babied she has that covered.
spent every summer in italy since he was nine years old, and with that he speaks fluent italian. of course his nonna and nonno would kill him if he did not.
he’s not the biggest fan of commitment and would rather sleep around. 
he’s more on the rough side. 
very unpredictable, as soon as you think you have him down he switches up. 
do . not . put . your . hands . on . him. he does not like to be handled, do not slap him. do not shove him. do not grab him. any moves of violence will put you on his bad list. and with that, he’ll ruin you from the inside out. 
he flinches still. sometimes if you move too fast near him or move your hands when yelling at him he will flinch. 
he loses interest fast. and he’s always looking for things and people to excite him. 
has a car fetish, loves going on joy rides. is an insanely good driver and the biggest show off. will have you holding on for dear life but somehow still loving the moment. 
he is not the person who will take care of you when you’re drunk off his ass. if anything, he’ll be the first one to stare at you and walk away. and while he drinks, he does not get drunk. could go the rest of his life without ever having another drink. 
—  °。..   ›    FUN FACTS  + FAMILY INFORMATION   .
affluence dipped in sovereignty, a single phrase that summarizes the rossi’s and their roots. valentino navarone clemente rossi dances in financial privilege.  skin bleeding of wounds that spell successfulness, and it’s importance. 
the male comes from an large italian family, one that is has earned an title of respect and their wealth that counts up to billions. and if one thing is learned quick, it is that their name and the money they stand on is not and never will be a game. 
traditional and stern, the rossi children are raised to be well mannered and disciplined. 
valentino is the middle child of two brothers, and two sisters.  
zynaty is the billion dollar company that all of the rossi children have rights to. in detail it’s a company that owns percentages of some luxurious brands such as versace, fendi, valentino, and moschino. 
valentino is named after his fathers twin brother, his grandfather and his mothers father. 
valentino’s mother is an angelic woman when alcohol is not swimming in her system. and when it is? she loves leaving bruises and broken nose on her dear sons. and if it wasn’t black eyes, it was words that hurt more.
with that being said, claudio always cared too much about his image that he built then protecting his sons. 
his mother would go years without drinking, and the months doing nothing but drinking. valentino when looking back at his childhood either remembers her as tender or a monster . and it was because once he hit an certain age, she wanted to ruin him. and then a few years later, she wanted to be mother of the year.
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