#i also think chrysigil honeymoon is jst them taking the kids to disney or something.
chryzuree · 1 year
domestic life 3, 6 and love, 1 for chrysigil!
1. Who said "I love you" first, and what was the situation?
it was GIL. huge shocker. it literally made chrysi’s ability to think fizzle out for the next three business days. to be fair, that might’ve also been the horrific amount of blood loss and concussion she had going on at the time too, but. well. gil saying “i love you” is also a reset.
long story short, chrysi had been playing a fun (dangerous) game wherein she got herself involved in something BIG, something DANGEROUS, and something involving her fiancé’s death… and she told absolutely no one abt the danger she was in. so off she fucked to deal with said situation, and she wound up being extremely injured!!! fortunately break + oz are smart, plus.. rare gil win.. he figured chrysi was in danger bc of his nursing instincts. he knew he would have to nurse chrysi back to health soon. he’s an empath <3 (<<< the least goddamn empathetic chara in the world. it’s okay, i love him).
when he got there, gil killed the guys abt to kill chrysi, and while she was yelling at him for interrupting, he yelled at her for getting in danger, bc “i love you, okay!!!!” okay!!! chrysi.exe has crashed. romanse….
3. What is the wedding like? Who attends?
OKAY, SO OFFICIALLY?? the wedding ends up being p small… but oz originally was planning for it to be GRAND, BIG, EPIC!!!!!! he knew chrysi and gil had been waiting for the past 100 years to get married (jst so alice and oz could attend… sobsob), and he wanted the wedding to reflect that. he was planning a huge wedding venue (think renting out a castle or smth… oz wouldn’t back down for ANYTHING) with an insane reception, and why not throw in a disco ball???
but chrysi shot down all ideas since it stressed her out (plus she thought gil would jst keel over and die before the actual wedding date), and in the end, they jst got married at the baskerville manor. it’s still a p nice wedding venue, plus they’ve got their family there <33 leo and vince (okay, chrysi WAS trying to figure out a way to keep vince from showing up to their wedding… gil vetoed her. unfair. i thought she was supposed to be a bridezilla. she never got to be one when she was with azure :||| ), lottie, lily, oz, alice… they both wish that break + sharon + reim + oscar could be there, plus, ,well. oswald. but things don’t always go the way you want them to.
((yeah, vince is still alive in my timeline. unfortunately, if i make it so gil doesn’t die, then vincent doesn’t either. i’m sad abt this, but not as annoyed as chrysi’s going to be!!))
6. Do they have any pets?
yeah, they do <333 unfortunately for gil, chrysi’s a cat person through and through, and he endures it. he endured the vessalius cat for years, he can do the same w chrysi’s.. also when oz and alice are back, they’re on a crusade to figure out how to get a pet bunny. in the end, however, they find another stray cat and bring it home. gil is NEVER going to be free!!
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