#i also watch Koolani? Kalani? whenever he mades a video
silverskye13 · 2 years
Hello! I adore all your work to bits and have ever since about when you first posted chapter 43 of Casting Rain- and now I've found out that you're into my latest hyperfixation, Hermitcraft! Happy days! If I may ask, what got you into the fandom? What hermits- if any- do you prefer to watch?
I got into it (technically) through Sad-1st I think! I was into Hollow Knight at some point, and found Sad-1st's animations and artwork for it. Then they moved on to DSMP, and at first I couldn't follow that at all [Minecraft RP? That dramatic? That's a little cringe isn't it?] So I started watching Minecraft Manhunt instead. Then I saw the Techno vs Dream fight, started watching Techno. Got into DSMP via Techno's POV [I only ever made 1 or 2 fanarts for it. It was a very blink-and-you'll-miss-it fandom for me]. Then I was talking to some friends about getting into MCYT, to which one of them was like "HAVE YOU HEARD OF HERMITCRAFT."
I started watching Grian's S6, moved on to Grian and Scar's S7. By S8 I was watching Grian, Scar, Cub, Docm77, Rendog, Pearl, Impulse, and Mumbo.
Yeah that seems right.
Watched everyone's finales.
Got obsessively into the Life!Series for a bit there, especially Etho.
Went through a period in S9 where I watched everyone's POV, because I watch a lot of videos while I'm drawing/filing paperwork at work and kept running out of stuff to watch. Got exasperated when the videos couldn't keep up with my consumption rate. Stopped watching so HC could catch up and I could binge it all later. At some point in time did the same thing for EmpiresSMP.
Now if YouTube suggests me a video I watch it and if it doesn't I just.... Wait. Until there's 3 or 4 videos I can watch in a row. Except for Etho, Fwhip and Joel, who I watch immediately.
Barely related but there's a MCYT JWhisp who I've also been watching since I first got into Minecraft Manhunt, who accidentally gave me my first impression of Fwhip, because I misspelled JWhisp's name once and got brought to a Fwhip Empires video instead, then got really affronted when I realized it was the wrong person. It's kinda funny to me that I ended up liking Empires as much as I did, about 6 months later, given my first brush with Fwhip was basically, "Who is this?? What the heck??"
Anyway all that to say I watch.... All of them pretty regularly. My preferences lie with Etho, Doc and BDubs right now I think? They're the ones I most reliably watch as soon as an episode comes out.
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