#i always enter falkreath City from the south. it just is how it works
altfire-archive · 2 years
no offense to lake ilinalta but why is the road SO CLOSE to its southern shore. if/when it floods u literally wouldn't be able to use a huge length of road. wtf
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settingtrends · 6 years
hiiiii friends! your pal is back with some fics she thinks you should 23948514% give a chance!!!
If you give any of these a read (and even if you don't, but you still read on ao3), please remember to leave kudos and comments on fics you read!! They're actions that take .5 seconds and they mean loads to the authors :)
You Holy Fool by chasingxrabbits
Liam is a good kid, on the right path until he finds something wicked making a home in his church. (A slightly religious AU where Liam has a moral dilemma and Louis is falling head over heals for the curly headed sophomore.)
Unfathomable Distances  by chasingxrabbits 
A Skyrim AU where Liam is the reigning prince of Falkreath hold. Zayn is one of the palace guards. When Liam's best friend and Thane to the hold, Louis, contracts a mysterious illness, Liam is left with a choice. Does he leave Falkreath City in search for a cure, and who could (or would) ever accompany him on such a tumultuous journey?
Can't Help Falling in Love With You by eternallyunleashed 
In the 18 years he's been alive Zayn has learnt to deal with the insane amounts of anxiety and stress that life threw his way. It was always easy to stay back and pretend he was invisible. After agreeing to Harry's idea of an internship he realizes all his hopes of maintaining a quiet simple life as he works towards Med-school get tossed out the window. Liam Payne enters his life. Zayn can't put a name to all the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to rip his body apart by just being near Liam, but he is certain of one thing. The mere thought or sight of Liam makes him lose the ability to breathe.
For Liam his goal is pretty simple. Ever since he laid eyes on Zayn, who looks like sin in human form with eyes that threaten to rip a man's heart out, he knew he had to have the boy. He needs him more than he's wanted anything in his entire life. Otherwise his red hot desire for the boy might just take him to his death.
The author also has drabbles that are super cute and fluffy so when the fic gets real angsty (which it does, bud), you can just read the drabbles to ease heartache, ya feel?
Intoxicate Me, Mesmerize Me, Obliterate Me by eternallyunleashed (WIP)
There was a certain heat obtained from rebellion that even the actual throes of heat never sparked. Keeping up an image of perfection; being the good kid, the perfect son to the Mayor and Chief of Police, the city of Lincoln’s sweetheart omega, it was all taxing to Zayn. Walking the thin line of danger was exhilarating. Was it coincidental that this danger happened to be an attraction to a certain alpha who was none other than the leader of the South Side Vipers gang, who seemed to despise him and the part of town he came from? Probably not. But when had anything ever stopped Zayn?
Tangled Up in You by marcel
It turns out Zayn’s flatmate is essentially a disney prince. Zayn wonders how this became his life.
Never Be Alone by sunnysideup (WIP)
Liam and Zayn have been undercover police officers for several years, and they've got out of messes, serious messes, before.
Except that was together, now they're in a mess again but this time they're apart and Zayn has to find a way to save Liam who knows that even as Zayn tries, his own fate is sealed.
Or is it?
Baby all I need is Time by sunnysideup
Liam's just your average, too average, 13 year old who wants something better, but mainly to be 30.
Then it happens, overnight and things are as complicated as you can imagine.
Push by sunnysideup
They're playing in Sheffield during the TMH tour when suddenly OT5 get body-swapped for some reason and it's a scramble to find out who's who before they go onstage....this is what happens...
So Take me To the Paradise in Your Eyes by deniallisstrong (WIP)
hey, what’s up? he tries. No, too simple for being a number he stole off of a textbook.
i think fate meant to bring us together ;) No. That one, on the other hand, is way too much. Shaking his head to clear out all of his other terrible ideas, he tries one last time. hey, i think u forgot to clear out ur old textbook haha. cuz ur number was still in there. my friend said i should text it, so... hi lol
(Or, where Liam finds Zayn’s number in his textbook, and Louis prods him until he texts it. Things go downhill from there) [A Fetus Uni AU]
Snapshots by lazydaisy
Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam are graduating high school and are looking back on the past fondly. Zayn is valedictorian and writes a secret speech that he won't even let his boyfriend Liam read before the big day. Love, friendship, and dreams are heavy in the budding summer air.
Mind over Matter by lazydaisy
Liam accidentally tells his mom that he and Zayn are dating, and she demands a visit. Zayn goes along with it. 
Falling in Love With a Stranger by livingforamiracle
Zayn's having a terrible day, but one beautiful and caring stranger somehow changes it all around, turning it into one of the best days of Zayn's life.
It’s Always Been You by livingforamiracle
An AU where Liam consistently goes on bad dates only to realize that his favorite dates are the ones where he's holed up in his flat with his best friend Zayn.
Longing to Belong (to You) by Pluie13
“Awww, aren't you two domestic?” Louis mocks, while Liam is brutally brought back to reality. Oh, yeah, right, Zayn doesn't like him like that.
A Full Course Meal by LibbyWrites
Liam had been dreaming about having his own restaurant for a few years. Money was always an issue, though, so when he heard the Food Network was recording a few episodes of Chopped in his city, he let his best friend talk him into participating.
Many things could go wrong along the way; from ruthless rivals to impossible ingredients, from unforgiving judges to his own mind getting in the way. He spent long nights fretting about the possibilities and still, he never could have guessed what Chopped really had in store for him.
The Only One Who Takes You Home by ziamruinedmylife
“Maybe we should make this a weekly thing,” Zayn suggests softly, pressing the words into Liam’s hair. “… the lunch or the sex?” Liam isn’t opposed to either. “Both,” Zayn decides, pressing a kiss to Liam’s forehead. “ ‘s that alright with you?” Liam pauses, tapping a finger under his chin, pretending to think deeply before sighing. “I guess I can pencil you into my very busy schedule.” “Thank you for your sacrifice, baby,” Zayn mocks, and Liam laughs. “Anything for you,” and it’s truer than Liam would like to admit. He really would do just about anything for the older man, and it should terrify him, but because Liam is an idiot, he’s not scared at all. Falling is fun, he thinks, that is, until you hit the bottom.
the fluffiest stripper AU in which businessman!Zayn and stripper!Liam have a lot of feelings and they both get more than they expected.
you could be my cure by jmcats
The thing is, Zayn is almost overwhelmingly certain that he’s only ever fallen in love four times but he thinks this is the only one that actually counts
(alternately: Nothing about Zayn is traditional, especially not the way he falls in love with Liam, or everything before and after that)
These Faded Stars Along Our Horizons by ch3stpaynes
Zayn isn't used to this; the buzzing feeling that comes along with pinched grins, cherry red lips and eyes like Sunday morning coffee. He's used to smogged out cities, not enough oxygen between each breath and perhaps a few spliffs with the boys when the weather isn't absolutely dreadful.
we are the quiet ones by englandziam
Zayn feels invincible, in the midst of this small town with a couple of best mates and literature students who seem to get him. He misses home but as every day approaches these people feel less like strangers and more like family.
(Or a University AU where Zayn is an English student and Liam is the football captain).
i wanna see you bright by englandziam
Zayn notices the fond smile smearing crinkles round Liam’s eyes when he realises Zayn is wearing his football shirt, his fingers fisting the crimson material pooling at Zayn’s thighs. He wears it a lot, the ‘PAYNE’ written over his back a little comforting when Liam isn’t there, or when they’re out and everyone is cosying up to Liam at the bar, or trying to dance with him. (Not that he needs to worry – because Liam holds his hand the whole time and always interrupts with tiny kisses wandered over his cheek and dipped into his hair).
A short sequel to we are the quiet ones
i could drink a case of you by englandziam
Liam is a firefighter. Zayn is an art journalist, and neither of them do this - (until they do)
This Is What Makes Us Girls by ziammehome
“Liam, have I corrupted you more than I thought?” Zayn teased, sounding impressed from the side of the pool.
Liam shrugged. “Maybe I was was just waiting to be corrupted.”
Tunnel Vision by scottmcniceass
In which Zayn is an award-winning popstar with a knack for getting himself in trouble, and Liam is the bodyguard he didn’t want to hire who has a few problems with staying professional.
Floating On The Water by scottmcniceass
Liam just wants to get through his last summer working at Malik Resort before University without incident. Of course, life is never that easy, and he ends up getting roped into giving the bosses son, Zayn, swimming lessons. That wouldn't be so bad, if Zayn didn't happen to hate him so much.
Can I Keep You by scottmcniceass
Liam is always trying to do what's best for himself and his daughter, but raising a kid on his own at twenty-two, on top of juggling school work and a full-time job, isn't easy. Zayn just wants a chance to show Liam that he's not going to walk out on them. And Liam's daughter, Emma? She just wants to keep Zayn.
Have You Tried Turning It On and Off? by goddess_julie
Zayn works at the Genius Bar at Apple. She's visited by a lad named Louis who claims to be gay but wants to know if she's single. She fixes peoples Apple problems and in the meantime, fixes a problem she didn't even realize she had.
What the Words Means by SoftlyandSwiftly
Zayn's been a little (a lot) in love with Liam for so long now that he doesn't even really think about it anymore. It's just a constant hum in his veins, and he's fine with it he swears, even though Liam has no idea. But then a certain word slips out of his mouth, and well things change. 
honey, you’re familiar by tachycardia
It's December, two years after the end of One Direction, and Zayn moves into Liam's neighbourhood. Secret-dating, post-band fic.
Only you can set my heart on fire by Rosesnfeathers
“And even Liam Payne is on the list man! How funny it would be Payne, playing The Pain!”
Zayn quickly raises his head towards Louis and he feels his own face fall at those words. Knowing that Louis’ would see it, he tries to busy himself by looking at his phone and drinking coffee but, it’s too late. He sees his friend looking at that big poster on their wall, the cover of the first issue of The Pain, and then looking back at Zayn. He does that a few times before finally speaking.
“Oh you didn’t!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Zayn works for Marvel Comics and maybe has the biggest crush on actor Liam Payne. What a surprise it is to him when his comic, blatantly inspired by Liam himself, is going to be on the big screen and Liam is the one chosen to play the main character.
Light a Candle for the Fallen Angel by chocobubblepanda
“Liam?” I ask to the gloom, my voice cracks. There’s no answer. I take a step back while frenetically looking everywhere. I try to reach for my back, but there’s no metallic grip, there’s no sword. Whatever is out there, moves again among the shadows, brief as the blink of an eye, perturbing like a wolf’s howl. I’m terrified. I’m sure by now that it is a demon. It may be Liam and if that’s the case, I fell into his trap like a complete fool.
(Or the one were a mere human named Zayn investigates his father’s death, and when every human and every angel turns their backs to him, the only option left is asking for help among the demoniacal side. And it is here where he encounters a young, mischievous demon named Liam...will he be able to help him? Will both of them act as their natures dictate?...)
Twelve (formerly Hello Twelve, Hello Love) by watyonameisgurl
In which Zayn comes back to him slowly…
When Liam and Zayn were 12, Zayn suddenly went missing in the middle of the night. With no leads, no evidence of a break-in, and no requests for ransom the police eventually concluded that Zayn simply ran away and they closed the case. His family never believed it and neither did Liam.
10 years later Liam gets held hostage during a bank heist only to find that one of the robbers is Zayn. But he doesn’t seem to recognize Liam or even his own name. Liam tries to track Zayn down on his own, hesitant to involve the police who in his experience have proved to be untrustworthy more often than not. But then Liam starts noticing strange things in his apartment. His bedroom door closed halfway when he’s sure he left it all the way open; the tv remote sitting slightly further to the left than where he usually leaves it; a stray hair on the floor, darker and shorter than his own. At first he assumes it’s just the other boys messing with him but the longer it goes on the more he starts to wonder if he might actually be going crazy.
He doesn’t realize until it’s too late that while he’s been busy searching for Zayn all this time, Zayn has already found him.
Taking a Chance (Going the Distance) by transteverogers
Liam loves acting and singing so when he gets casts as the lead in the school's play Hercules, he's excited to say the least. Until he finds out who his love intrests is.
(AKA the one with every cliche of popular!liam and nerdy!zayn with just a dash of high school musical thrown in. With lots of miscomunication and cupboards, too)
Steady to the Shore by transteverogers
Liam's verified on twitter and everything but somehow he's failing english.
(AKA the one where they're both sorta famous and go to the same uni and Zayn tutors him and there's a lot of pinning going on)
Nobody Knows You Baby (The Way I Do) by transteverogers
Zayn and Liam accidentally get nominated for cutest couple at school and Louis makes a bet with them that they won't win.
(AKA the one where everyone was betting and nothing is accidental)
Life by transteverogers
Liam Payne is Donny High's own sport protege and Zayn Malik is the lucky (read: unlucky) journalism student who gets (forced) to interview him
(AKA the one where Liam's sweeter than he looks, Zayn's a little judgmental and miscommunication's a bitch)
Let Me Treasure You by transteverogers
Liam's a douchecanoe and Zayn really doesn't want to like him, but maybe it can work out?
(AKA Liam's a pressured son of Zeus, Zayn's the new Aphrodite kid and Harry knew all of this would happen before it did)
Four Arrows (Led You to Me) by transteverogers
An au where people get tattoos of their soulmates and everyone works in a hotel
(AKA the one where I wanted an excuse to do handy man!Liam and soul mates)
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fictionerd · 6 years
The Story of Marilene Post 2
Chapter One: Bard (continued)
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“You could use some light in your life.” - Marilene
---Last Seed, 19th, 4E 201--- Funny, Why would the innkeep give me a double?
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The answer, as with so much of my life lately, is Melodia. Sometime shortly after I'd laid down to sleep I felt her slip into bed with me. I knew it was her by her scent. The smoke from the effigy couldn't completely mask Lavender and Nightshade. She didn't make any advances, merely cuddled up to me and we both slept like the dead.
I have a sneaking suspicion she was watching my back up until Dead Men's Respite. Making sure nothing untoward happened. She may have even followed me into the crypt.
When I awoke I found a note from her on my bedside table.
"Looks like you can finally head out into the world huh, Lene? It's been lovely to see you again, but duty calls me away. I'm headed to Riften. If you find yourself there in your travels do look me up. I'll either be at the worker's bunkhouse or down in the Ragged Flagon. Oh, and if you met a red-headed stepchild named Brynjolf don't let him bully you too much.
Your infrequent bedmate, Melodia"
This is always how it is with her. She shows up, does something to help, something to hurt, something to tease, and then she's gone. I've imagined what it might be like to be with her, but we both know it wouldn't work. Not the way I'd want it to anyway.
I'm a believer in true love, and while my curiosity has lead me to temptation, Melodia's standards are more strict. She is not one for long-term commitments and makes sure she only "plays" with people who are the same. Or at the very least won't be hurt by her leaving when she's grown bored.
On a more practical note: Viarmo said that the other professors at the college would likely have tasks to be done. I'm going to check with them and then maybe have a look at the notice board. Today I head out into Skyrim to adventure. I wonder what I'll find there.
Unbelievable. Each of the professors has me going out to hunt for a missing instrument. You'd think Bards would keep better hold of these things. Though to be fair they all have good reason. Bandits broke into the college, One of the students sold it off, and the most legitimate: It's a treasure lost to time.
So perhaps I was being uncharitable to my esteemed teachers. I just find it amusing that it is the retrieval of instruments that have them sending me hither, thither and yon.
According to what they've told me Rjorn's Drum is in Falkreath Hold. Panatea's Flute is in the Pale, and Finn's Lute is in the Rift.
The Rift       Melodia
No there's no way she'd have a hand in that, besides. She wasn't even in a position to do so when the instrument was stolen.
I took a ferry from Solitude's Docks to Dawnstar. It took longer than I would have expected, but we arrived regardless. Upon entering the Inn I heard a commotion. There were some local miners pressing a priest for answers regarding some epidemic of nightmares plaguing the town.
The priest, Erandur, confided in me that these Nightmares were the machinations of the Daedric Prince Vaermina. He has a plan to free the town of her grasp, and I've agreed to help him once morning comes. Panatea's Flute will simply have to wait.
---Last Seed, 20th, 4E 201--- Today has been a day. I awoke and after a bite to eat I set out with Erandur to Nightcaller Temple. It was located within a tower on the hill above Dawnstar. Within lie sleeping orc raiders and cultists of Vaermina. All of them between us and the object of our mission: The Skull of Corruption.
Daedric Artifact of Vaermina herself, the Skull of Corruption famously feeds on the memories of others to fuel its vile magick. Our mission was to destroy the Skull and stop it feeding on Dawnstar's memories.
We were not long to the task before we were stopped by a barrier spell set up by the cultists of old, but Ah, Erandur had secret knowledge and from it formulated a plan.
As a former priest of Vaermina from that very temple Erandur knew what sorcery was housed within its walls. Believing as I do in the power of redemption I followed through with his request. To find and drink the concoction known as Vaermina's Torpor. Borrowing its effects I might delve into the past through dreams to transport myself to the other side of the barrier.
So drink I did, and travel I did. Within the dream I bore witness to the day the orcs attacked the temple through the eyes of one Cassimir.
The barrier thusly circumvented we delved to the depths of the temple. There upon grim pedestal lay the Skull of Corruption. Guarding it the las of Vaermina's Priests. Veren and Thorek who knew Erandur by the name he'd once held among their number: Cassimir.
Though he fled from the temple when the priests did plunge its occupants into deep, prolonged sleep He's spent hs waking hours sense seeking forgiveness. This nobility of spirit was deserving of praise and reward. Which he received from me and Mara both.
Erandur used a ritual to lift the seal from the Skull and destroy it. Though I know that such artifacts will, inevitably, return to Tamriel I am glad that we are rid of that hungry beast all the same.
Now, off to sleep. Tomorrow I've plenty of ground to cover, and a flute to retrieve.
---Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201--- On my way to the location Panatea pointed out to me I came across a strange sight.
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The burned remains of what I assume was a mage. The ground around them was still burning, and on the ground before them was a tome designed to teach a fire cloak spell. Whatever happened here it must have been SOME mishap.
It is with solemn mood and somber heart that I pen this latest entry to my tale, oh journal. I have failed, and it weighs upon my heart.
I made my way to the cave where the Necromancers in possession of Panatea's Flute resided. Within I heard cries for help from a woman in their grasp. I rushed through the cave as quickly as I could, but by the time I'd reached their final sanctum the fiends had already put her to the knife and raised her as their thrall.
It's one thing to know that something like this is coming, it's another entirely to actually go through it. I knew when I began this quest of mine that there would be days like this. Days when I would fail. Days when I wouldn't make it "Just in time" to save some one.
I tried to be stoic about it. To mourn in secret for the life of this woman I didn't even know. To mourn for the life I failed to save.
I couldn't manage it. I fled from that place, Flute in hand and Necromancers dead. I ran across the snow-laden tundra and glacial shelves. Through wolf and bandit to Wayward Pass. When I reached the wayshrine and saw it was dedicated to Arkay I feel to my knees and wept. Praying to the divines for forgiveness.
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"How can I become the hero I so desire to be if I let those I place under my protection die?" It's a ridiculous thought. No Hero's tale ever explicitly states it, or at the very least few do, but No hero is perfect. No Hero was ever able to save every life within reach. Alessia waged war with the Ayleids. The Hero of Kvatch couldn't be at every Oblivion Gate in Tamriel. I   I couldn't reach the woman in time.
I've rented a room for the night at a roadside Inn called Nightgate. I've changed back into my College Robes and have been performing for the scant guests. More to occupy my thoughts than anything. I hope that playing the music I learned in Solitude will help to lift my spirits. Seeing the smiles of contentment on the faces of the audience is a blessing.
-N-    Nine forgive me, and grant me respite.
---Last Seed, 22nd, 4E 201--- I've made it south to Stony Creek Cave where the bandits who stole Finn's Loot should be hiding. I've stopped for a moment to collect my thoughts before heading in.
On my way south I entered Windhelm to trade off a few things and be gone as quickly as I could. Being a Solitude Bard I didn't want to end up on the wrong end of Stormcloak scrutiny. Unfortunately I happened upon something I couldn't ignore.
When I first entered the city there was a drunk Nord harrassing a Dunmer woman. I was not about to stand by and watch that happen so I sprinted over and grabbed him by the shoulder turning him around.
"What? Don't like my attitude Halfsy?" He sneered. I punched him in the mouth.
"A hundred septims says I can teach you manners," I said loosing the wolf-fur cloak I'd taken to wearing and letting it drop to the ground.
He took me up on the bet and charged me. It was a near thing, but I've been practicing my footwork. Eventually his swings got so large and lumbering they were easy to avoid and I laid him out on the ground. Much to my surprise he actually paid up on the bet. Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. He /was/ a Nord after all.
Suffice to say I was drawing approving and disapproving looks from various guards so I made with my market trip and then bought a horse before leaving so as to get away from the city all the quicker.
I'll need a name for her. I'm thinking Tambor. Short for Tamborine. Something about the beat of the hooves striking the ground complimented by the jangling of tack.
I suppose I've put things off long enough. Time to head inside and get that lute back.
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Well that's a pleasant introduction, but was I expecting anything else?
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Well that's another instrument gathered, only one left to go, and the Lute isn't all I found.
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I came across this unusual stone in the Bandit's lair. I'm certain it must be valuable. So long as I'm in the Rift I may as well head to the capital, maybe look up Melodia and get this thing appraised.
---Last Seed, 23rd, 4E 201--- With a single exception Riften has been a downright loathesome place. I've been shaken down, accused of meddling, solicited for criminal activity, and assaulted, and that was only in the hour or two after I arrived last night.
According to Melodia's instructions from back in Solitude I looked for her first at the bunkhouse. The moment I mentioned her name the proprietress kicked me out. Something about "/another/ poacher on her turf" whatever that means. That left only the Ragged Flagon. Asking about I learned that it was in the ratway beneath the city. Within those cramped warrens I was attacked no less than three times.
When I finally reached the Flagon Melodia instantly recognized me and came rushing down from the wooden platform that housed the bar.
"Lene!?" She accused, "What in Oblivion are you doing here?"
"Looking for you, obviously," I replied. She pressed the palm of her hand against her forhead.
"Dear, sweet, innocent, Lene. I wasn't at all seriously suggesting you-" she cut herself off and took a deep breath. That's when I notced she was not dressed as I expected her to be. She wore a close-fitting leather cuirass with breeches and boots to match. All soft, and seemingly padded. Her gloves left her fingers free. The neckline of the cuirass dove just a tad, and a leather hood hung from round her neck fastened by a brooch that seemed to be fashioned into the form of a bird and laquered black, "But of course you would. I never should have put that in the note to begin with."
She looped an arm around mine and turned me back toward the door.
"Hey, I've got-"
"Things to do, people to see, damsels to rescue," she fluttered her lashes at me, "Yes, you do but not here. Let's go get a room at the bee and you can tell me all about your adventures."
So we did, and I did. Though I insisted on performing for the late-night crowd at the Inn. A self-respecting Bard doesn't let a crowd go to waste (Or a chance at a free room go by).
I handed off the unusual gem to her. She said she'd get some one in the Flagon to take a look at it for me. She also gave Brynjolf a piece of her mind when she found out he'd already zeroed in on me. We spent the night together and that curiosity came over me as we lay there. I think she sensed it because she laced her fingers through mine.
"Lene, I know. I'm poison. Perhaps not deadly, but poison nonetheless. You're destined for things so much greater than I. Let me be the knife in the dark to your shield in the light."
Being careful to keep ahold of her hand I rolled over to look into her eyes.
"One night," I said, "Not tonight, but one night I want us to have something. You deserve some light in your life."
She smiled, and I saw tears in her eyes. She slid closer and gave me a hug, "And maybe you could use some shadow in yours."
0 notes
thedisc0panda · 6 years
Tricks of the trade (Isabelle Belet)
An unedited thing that took way too long but here have the Riften trio (Isabelle the assassin, Abigail the thief and Olivia the mage respectively) attempting to learn to do each other's jobs. If you like this perhaps check out my other works at disibilitydiaries.blogspot.com Abigail and I move quickly through the shadows, with Olivia struggling to keep up. While she is the smallest of the three of us, she's not the best at moving unheard, or unseen. We stop waiting in the shadows at corner of a building. Olivia doesn't notice and continues a few more paces before Abigail darts out and grabs her. Placing a hand over her mouth as she drags her back. “You make a sound and it's game over, okay? Remember that.” She whispers and Olivia nods. “I'm going to release you now make sure you stay quiet.” She nods and Abbie withdraws the hand over her mouth, still holding Olivia against her for a second. A guard begins to turn the corner and I pull him into the shadows slitting his throat easily. “See Livvy, you gotta learn stuff like that.” Abigail jokes gesturing to me as I wipe the blade and search the fallen guard. “Honestly I'd advise against that. Stick with magic, Olivia. You're better at that. Though maybe learn a few simple things with a dagger or a sword besides basic stuff?” Olivia crosses her arms and gives us both a less than pleased look “Fine. But if I have to learn to be an assassin and a thief you two have to learn magic.” Abbie claps her hands slightly out of excitement “Oh yay we’ll be summoning Daedra in no time!” Liv struggles to hide her amusement, as she always does around Abbie. “Alright, let's keep going.” I urge them on towards the gate of the city and we sneak out easily enough, quickly finding our things stashed on the outskirts of Riften. “Now where do we go?” Abbie asks gathering her things. “Well, I have to go back to Nazir in Falkreath and tell him the contract is done. You two can come with me if you want.” Olivia interjects saying she has to stop in Winterhold quickly and we plan a route. Going North to Winterhold first before turning Southwest through Windhelm and the ruins of Helgan before going finally to Falkreath. “Please tell me we’re taking the horses.” Abigail says wearily after hearing the plan. “I don't wanna walk all that way.” Securing my things and climbing up onto my horse I look at her “Of course we’re taking the horses. Now let's go.” The other two quickly climb on and we begin to ride for Winterhold. Time to learn some magic I guess. “Liv! Why's this place so cold!!” Abbie yells ahead as we ride into the crumbling city. “It's northern Skyrim and on the sea of ghosts. That's why!” She yells back leading her horse to the stable and climbing off, tethering it to a post. We dismount, Abbie rather clumsy, balance was never her strongest skill. She clutches her jacket closer to her shivering and out of sympathy I wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her close, walking up the few steps and into the Inn behind Olivia. “Stupid snow. Stupid cold weather. Stupid everything.” Abbie grumbles to herself and takes a seat by the fire. Olivia sits next to her and orders our food while I go check in. “Room for three please.” I tell the innkeeper and place the money on the counter. He counts it and being satisfied tells me the rooms downstairs. Returning to my friends I relay the information, and it seems I sat down at the perfect time, the foods here. We sit in front of the fire, watching the flames as we eat making conversation every so often. Olivia explains what she has to do while we’re here and what Abbie and I should do in the meantime. After taking our time finishing out meals we go to sleep. Or at least the other two do, I stay up for a while sharpening my daggers. “Alright, so just stay with me, don't do anything stupid, and try not to get yourselves blown up. Also don't volunteer for any experiments. Abbie I'm mostly talking to you. And don't steal anything from the library either of you unless as the librarian says ‘you want to be torn apart by angry atronachs’ because he's not kidding.” Olivia says as we cross the bridge to the college of Winterhold. “You could kill someone with a bridge with this many cracks how's it not break?! Isn't this a safety hazard!” Abbie narrowly dodges a crumbling part of the bridge. “That's probably the point. Should anyone ever attack all they'd really need to is destroy the bridge or at least push the attackers off of it down into the chasm beneath us.” I explain as we finish crossing, Abigail gives me a slightly scared look. “Don't worry about it.” I say patting her head lightheartedly, a feat that only scares her more. “Both of you keep up!” Olivia scolds and we run to catch up as she crosses the courtyard and into the main lecture hall. “This is my class. The professor already knows you're coming. So just follow me.” Silently we watch for a moment before the professor dismisses the other students to finish their independent studies and comes over to us. Along with help from Olivia, Abbie and I are soon casting simple spells. Being Breton makes it easier than it would be others wise though we both have a bit of trouble controlling things. But with practice and focus I'm sure it could be mastered. Olivia, Abigail, and I stay in Winterhold for a few days before heading off to our next location, Windhelm. The city of Windhelm is not a pleasant one though it's a better place than Riften in my opinion only it's colder. “Okay Olivia, I want you to go steal something from that market.” Abigail says as we stand off to the side looking into the square from behind a stone wall. “What do I steal?” She asks and Abbie gives her a look “The most expensive thing you could fit in your pocket or food. Obviously. Now go!” She pushes her into the square and grabs me to go hide somewhere we can watch but don't look suspicious, and so we head for the rooftops. The top of the blacksmith building is fairly flat and so we sit up there watching as Olivia makes her way through the market, settling upon a series of stalls owned by an altmer merchant who sells a variety of wares. The merchant turns and walks away for a moment to talk to another nearby merchant selling food. Olivia checks for guards and slips something too small for us to see into her pockets, and continues to go about her business. “Alright good job Livvy!” Abbie quietly cheers and claps next to me. I find it rather surprising that she was not caught by the guards. Olivia makes her way over to us after Abbie and I climbed down from the rooftop and reveals the stolen items. An apple and a diamond and sapphire bracelet, impressive for a new thief. Abbie takes the bracelet for “safe-keeping” and stashes it in her bag, leading us toward the Grey Quarter and introduces us to her fence in the region who gives us a good deal on a few needed items before we head south for our last destination and task, assassinations in Falkreath. “Nazir I'm back!!” I yell entering the sanctuary. “And I brought my friends if that's alright!” We find him in his usual spot by the fire looking over recent contracts. “Oh, Hi.” Nazir says giving Abbie and Liv no more than a glance before handing me a pile of papers “These are for you. The quicker you do them the faster you get paid and the more we get.” I look over the contracts, nothing too bad. “What's that?” Olivia asks looking at the paper curiously “It's a contract. It has the name of the person who's been marked for death and where to find them. As well as the amount of payment.” Olivia makes a less than pleased face “If I had to pick between theft and assassinations I think I'd pick thief.” I shrug “To each their own. Now let's go murder some people. Follow me.” Gathering my needed materials I lead them out of the sanctuary. “Falkreath is a gloomy town.” Abigail remarks as we wander through it looking for a wandering noble traveling through these parts. Continuing along the road we find him, hiding in between the trees to avoid being seen. “Alright Livvy here's the trick, you take out the guard first.” I explain pointing to the imperial guard walking in front of the noble who instead rides. “Then you get that guy before he rides off. Simple enough right?” Olivia nods “What do I use though?” She asks and I think for a moment “Well there's no one around so you could use magic if you wanted to. Perhaps a frenzy spell as long as we remain undetected or a bow and arrow if you're a good shot at all. I know Abigail is decent at least.” I pause for a moment “In fact I've got a better idea. Abbie you kill the guard and LIv you kill the noble.” Abigail grins slightly “Is that just because I'm better at this sort of thing?” I shake my head “Not completely no but I want both of you to get experience in case it saves you in the long run. Because you won't always have easy to get out of jobs and Olivia might just summon something less than ideal. As you said earlier, or I believe it was you Abbie, tricks of the trade. Now c'mon go murder them we haven't got all day.” I push them toward the edge of our cover and give Abigail a bow and arrow. Liv waits off to the side and is a bit surprised at Abbie's good shot, the arrow went straight through his head. The noble of course begins to freak out though Olivia works quickly, a simple sparks spell is all it really takes and a matter of seconds. “Well done you two. I'll give you my payment to split since you both helped.” Olivia yawns “Can we go home now? All this learning about different things is making me tired.” She asks stretching and swinging her arms around. “Like someone said, tricks of the trade.” Abbie laughs “But I agree it is tiring.” She says getting up from searching the guard and the noble. “Yes we can go home now.” I say with a sigh as we walk along the road south following the setting sun. Tricks of the trade indeed.
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