#i always feel embarrassed describing my characters outside their bio ahhhhhh
telesthisia · 3 years
What if your Zel time travelled to ALBW time? Do you think there'd be any differences between your Zelda and that one?
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It all depends on who’s writing ALBW Zellie and how they write them! If we’re going by canon with both these girls then maybe they’d have differences because in canon, ALTTP Zel literally has zero personality. Like, none whatsoever aside from giving exposition and being a reason to save Hyrule. ALBW Zel, however, seems to have more character to her through actions and what others say of her mostly. That being said comparing my Zel with canon ALBW Zel there are some differences. At least, I’d like to think there are! It feels embarrassing to list them, honestly, ndjbfksdjfhb. 
But because I based her mostly off of the 90s comic and Himekawa, her experiences in both those comics are mixed together in an unholy mess as such she’s come out with depression from the entire events of ALTTP (getting kidnapped, locked away in a dark space with no one to help her, losing her father, some maidens not making it out of the dark world, the death of the priest, some good guards dying because of the brainwash they went through and Link having no other choice to defend himself) and later trauma with OoX where she was kidnapped for essentially human sacrifice (it’s less of fear of dying and more ‘oh god they could’ve used my blood to destroy and kill so many people’ with a dash of it was too soon for her to go since there are so many things she wants to accomplish. Leading Hyrule to its golden age being one of them). I wouldn’t say she’s paranoid but she treats everything with caution and care as the result of all those circumstances. Though she’s kindly because she tries to treat others with that same polite kindness that doesn’t exactly mean she trusts others just yet, she keeps a bit of distance from others until she sees that maybe she can let her guard down just a little. If she sees  someone who’s genuine enough in her eyes, that’s where the guilt of her hiding her identity kicks in. She usually doesn’t tell others unless: A) her guards find her and reveal her identity through that way which is what’s about to happen in a certain thread I’m writing out JDFKBFHJDB and 2) she finally decides to come clean with the truth once she feels close enough with that person.
She has this dreamy, serene smile in order to soothe others around her with that calm expression and somewhat herself (and also to make her face less of an open book in a way because again guard up at all times. She’s a bit on the mysterious side due to this. Not many know what she’s really thinking about beyond that placid expression or smile, even when she’s angry she seems more cold with clipped words and having to look into deeper meaning of her words but her expression doesn’t change much from the norm. She has that nasty habit of bottling things up). It’s why she tries to stay so levelheaded for the most part and reassure others but in that quiet way through actions rather than words because constantly saying “it’ll be alright” doesn’t always work with other people. And speaking of quiet, she does have that silent determination working for her too! Admittedly, her hope did start to wane away when she tried to call for help, Link’s uncle’s passing certainly didn’t help things but once Link heard her calls that’s where the determination would slowly kick in. Seeing his trials in collecting the pendants and venturing through the dark world is what formed that silent determination and as of now, she’s learned to not give up no matter how hopeless the situation may be. Because in the end she tentatively believes everything will turn out fine someway or how. SOMEWHAT.
She’s more connected with her PSI powers granted by the Triforce than the light magic given to her from her ancestor the mortal goddess. Due to power health, unless she has the help of the maidens by her side, she can’t exactly break down barriers that are strong or seal away anyone. She can’t use her magic at all despite how potent it is since she has the blood of a goddess and from the seven wise sages. Hence why many are out for her blood because imagine all of the dark magic shit they can do with it (like being able to revive ganon not too different from AOL). She’s a glass canon of sorts because of how ass her magic stamina is. She can, however, heal you! That said, telepathy and clairvoyance along with connection to the spirit realm aka talking to the dead are the powers she excels at! SO this is where that somewhat word comes in. Clairvoyant dreams would happen from time to time. It’s not as often as one would think, which is a relief to her because her dreams always comes true. No matter how much may change, the outcome will remain the same regardless. Fate is pretty hard to change and she’s become a bit like... angry at the fact that they are stuck in this cycle thanks to one goddess and her battle against a demon. The fact that Hyrule can’t ever know peace aside from brief periods of it always upsets her because dang it her people deserve to relish in that peace without any worries as do the future generation of the royal family. She’s actually angry at the gods despite acting pretty respectful but resigned to the fact that there’s no changing this. 
Also... while she doesn’t mind ruling over her kingdom, she does like sneaking out of the castle whenever she can! She loves exploring her lands, whether visiting small villages or going through old ass temples/tombs with history behind it she loves it all. And also, tends to read in graveyards or takes naps in the Haunted Grove because she’s freaking fearless in the face of death like that. She’s somewhat has that same bullying factor as her ancetor does since she can be playful in that innocent way. Only when outside the castle because hey she’s got an image to maintain. 
The only thing she’d share with ALBW Zel is her love for romance. Zel is in love with the idea of love. Being lonely all her life because Bad Health due to being sickly and having duties to complete as future ruler, she’d love to find someone someday to spend the rest of her life with. And dang it, she’s a pretty loving person too and will be straightforward in letting it be known that she likes someone. She likes idiots so of course she has to be DFHJKBD. But her love for the more dumbasses simple folk comes from growing up in court with stuffy nobles who judge what the perfect woman should be for marriage and to her that’s like ew. And also dumbasses can be nice as hell so that’s another reason. Something to add is that she’s a romantic in sense of the period. Finding beauty in art, nature, tales of the old and heroics, and even in the macabre due to her seeing ghosts in dreams since bby and having tea parties with them. She sees beauty in everything and everywhere. I think this should go without saying but the two do share kindness and the love for their people too and are pretty selfless! And that’s pretty much what comes to mind. I’m sure there’s more but this post has gone on long enough pls help.
That said, more than likely she’d get along with ALBW Zel because that’s her grand daughter/little sister figure. 
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