#i always worry i've got too much of an attitude or ego or am uptight or something
bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
im gonna be real with you i did expect some amount of confusion and blocking but i didn't expect a whole callout??? ToT
all i do is make silly drawings... it's not that deep...
but if this is how people are discovering me: hi! im cg (ghost if we're friends), ive been in this fandom for a while now, and i used to be a lot more active a few years ago.
to clear up some things, i dont consider myself a proshipper (i find anti/pro labels useless) and yes, i have been making "problematic" kotlc content for a long time. im very well aware that it's unhealthy/gross/whatever word you want to use, it's just what i find interesting and i don't feel the need to apologize for that.
i honestly didn't expect the tam/linh post to create the stir it did--my "darker" works have usually just slid by unnoticed in the past and i expected that to happen again. and while i don't personally care what people think about my art, (or fics for that matter) i am upset that people decided to "call out" one of my friends for?? reblogging a very mild artwork??
this is the internet, you're going to run into things you don't like, and other people are not responsible for your online experience. filter tags, block, and move on.
back to you quil: sorry for using your blog as a microphone but uh. you do have a larger following than i do and i just wanted to clear some things up. and tysm for your posts on the matter <3 (and thank you to everyone else who's made one!)
sorry to everyone who uses the kotlc tag on the regular, i hope this little stir doesn't stick around for long.
No worries! I've got no problem serving as. whatever you want to call it. a microphone, a mediator, in-between, etc. People have done it before and will do it again.
And yes, sorry to those new and those more marginal and to the regulars who woke up to this. It happens from time to time, and will undoubtedly happen again. Just life
Especially sorry if its your first bigger discourse, as there's a lot of new people in the fandom--it's never as serious as it feels, and it will blow over. It always does
And, while my availability is currently limited, I'm more than happy to talk as I can. anons are on, too :)
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