#i am SUCH a g1deon stan. alas
frociaggine · 1 year
My theory is Pyrrha's current condition is possibly G1deon literally doing a less extreme version of what Harrow did. That because G1deon had time and Pyrrha and him could do it slowly, the fact he didn't want to do it but she was encouraging him to let her not get fully absorbed. IE, Crystabel and Gideon and Alfred were loved by their cavaliers, and their necromancers didn't want to eat them, but it was under short notice. They had seconds to do the ritual and make the choice, and during the days where they were resisting eating the soul they were already too far along. Harrow literally lobotomized herself to slow the process It seems G1deon had that same sort of hesitance and regret Harrow or Mercymorn did, but he was allowed to take it slow. He wasn't using his magic to keep himself functioning like Cytherea, so he had a bit more control over himself. So I think in the end he perhaps had more time to not fully eat her during the initial process, more control of his power to resist holding onto her more than he had. Accidentally creating something like Palamedes and Cam at the start of Nona, where he has had the time and ability to stop the process at a specific point This was said in like 200 words too many but I'm tired
OH I love this theory. Do you think he did it consciously or unconsciously? My main sticking point re: G1deon and Pyrrha is how he didn't figure it out in 10k years when he cared So Much about her
/alo SORRY this has been in my inbox for the past Hell Week
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