#i am a BIG physical media person but im finding that switch almost makes more sense only download cause like??
andyridgeley · 5 months
WAIT do video games count??? i have paper mario oragami king on switch and i adore it! it's the best game I've ever played and im replaying it slowly right now.
PAPER MARIO OMG WHAT A THROWBACK!!!!!!!!!! love that!!!! i just got a switch for christmas i've been playing a lot of super smash bros and mario kart!!!!!!!
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askinfortroublee · 7 years
Im so bored and geeked holy crap. Do people even still use this? I know i dont but social media is at the point where no matter how many times i refresh theres nothing new because everyones asleep. Why did i take adderall and drink coffee at 9 pm? Idk?? Guess i thought my homework would take longer. Anyways i hope i dont fail my math test tomorrow that would suck i already failed the class once oops. Still wondering who got me sent to standards/what video theyre referring to. Guess ill find out soon enough. Got another hot date with mike tomorrow hope i dont choke on my food like last time. Im not sure if he noticed though. Also i think my shoulders broken cuz me and jackson got into a bit of a tussle but thats okay cuz i punched him in the face. He busted my windshield tho, its ok cuz my dad got me a new one. #gloup. Jeez theres so many thoughts in my head legit i hate adderall for some reason i thought the same sentence over and over on repeat for like 30 minutes before even realizing it was happening. Why is everyone asleep? Why is it exam week? Why does my hd teacher have to take attendance? Should i email the snam lady back about my probation hours probably. Or ill call my dad in the morning. Anyways im thinkin bout switchin up my hair style. I wont be a teen much longer my next birthday is the big 20 so might as well switch my shit up ya know. I hope to god nobody is reading this. Maybe i should get up and do laundry nobody will be down there. But also im so comfy so prolly not also usually wednesdays they cook us bacon im really lookin forward to that. This is so entertaining honestly. I think i have cancer or diabetes though im prolly gonna get a physical when i come home from college. I should prolly work out too my body has gone quite downhill the past year or so. Prolly cuz i was dating pat and had nobody to look good for. Its ok ill get back on the #gains grind. Im so excited to see chris clements omg whata cutie pie i miss his hugs. Also my mom is so mad at me that she uninvited me from her birthday party how hateful is that..??? And its the weekend before finals so its dead in alabama. Fuck it who needs birthday parties not me ill just study and drink beer. Emmas coming to visit me this weekend thats really exciting i hope she enjoys bama. Who wouldnt tho its the tits shes gonna have a seizure in the boomboom room i almost did the first time i went in that shit. Oh gosh what if i lose her.. thatd be bad but shes more responsible than me. Im a total wanderer. we have a date party next week but i cant go cuz im on bad standing so im hoping all my friends decide not to go and then we can do tshirt tuesday. If not i can go do tshirt tuesday with mike though and then we'll have a sleepover. Hes lotsa fun super super hot. My stomach rlly hurts but its too cold to reach for the tums. Someone read this and remind me to go to the tanning bed tomorrow. This is such a long paragraph. I wonder if my friend carly is awake. She has tons of snacks and i bet would give me sleeping medicine. Its 4:15 i have class at 10 and a test at 12 this rlly is so unfortunate. I rlly wish i had a beer. Maybe if i drink a handle ill just passout and wont be tired in the morning. Wow now i just had the sad thought that i only have 2 weeks left in bama. Like what the FUCK. I thought highschool went by fast but this is next level shit. And its so much better. Like yall i am such a better person now and my friend group is so wonderful i am 100% thriving. thank god im not one of those people who goes to college and hates it and transfers to be with their hs friends cuz they never make new ones. Like yall this is the best place ever. I want to live here over the summer but also that would require homework and my brain is very close to just like shutting off. My teacher asked me a question the other day and all i could do was stare at him for a minute and then say "i honestly have no clue what u said or how to answer at this moment" and he just laughed and moved on. Everyone in hs says college professors are gonna be so mean and shit but really they do not give af what u do honestly. Ok my fingers hurt goodnight
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askemilydeanyo · 6 years
PART 1 - Hi Emily!! I just read the post from this morning and was shocked I wasn’t the only girl! My boyfriend watches those same 2 sites all the time. In fact we have started to watching Christina together. The only difference between me and the previous poster is that I enjoy dominating him ;) He is big into feet, bondage, and has a stockings fetish. We have started getting into feminization, I “force” him to put on stockings and stuff for another level of humiliaiton.
Pasting the remainder here: PART 2 - Once he ejaculates I lock him in a chastity device so he is unable to get off unless I unlock him. I have a few questions for you. 1.) We have sex almost every week, but I don’t feel as dominate with sex so its not as enjoyable. 2) Im wanting to show some of my friends what we are into, but he is wanting to keep it a secret. We have intense restraints and I look at it as a piece of art, should we keep it a secret or venture out?
PART 3 - 3.) We have both talked about adding another girl in the mix sometimes when I tie him up which I am open to, but don’t know who or how to ask? 4.) Im wanting to start a blog on mine and my boyfriends fetishes bc I know that so many people out there are into the same stuff but scared to talk about it. Whats the best way to do it so my boyfriend won’t get exposed? Should I make it under a fake name? He would kill me if I talked about his foot fetish and being in a chastity device?
Emily: Hi! Wow, this is lot to take in! Sounds like you two have quite the vibrant sexual life :-)
Let’s break this down. First, you mentioned that you have sex every week but you don’t feel dominated so it’s not as enjoyable (is that what you meant?) In the first message you did say that you enjoy dominating him. Would you say that this is something you only enjoy doing on occasion, then? Have you explored any kinks that you are into yourself? You stated that he is into feet, and bondage, and stockings, but are you? Or do you mostly go along with his kinks because giving him pleasure supplies you with some as well?
I think in order for you to feel fully satisfied you’re going to have to start exploring and vocalizing some things that turn you on individually. If you like to both dominate and be dominated, try switching roles either during a single sex session or a few times a week (or few weeks). As I said in my last post: Of course, seeing your partner get turned on turns us on in return, but if we spend so much time focusing solely on them with no physical stimulation in return it’s easy to feel slightly less satisfied. Vocalize what you need!
Second, I totally understanding you wanting to share explicit details of your intimate life with your friends. Whenever I do something wild sexually you can count on me to sprint into my roommates room or call my best friend and hash out all of the deets immediately after. However, I do think it’s important that you respect your partners wishes. You have to keep in mind that he is the one in a vulnerable position here, and he is trusting you entirely to not only fulfill him sexually but also to respect the secrecy that surrounds it. 
As an alternative (and skipping to your fourth question) I think a blog is a great idea. If neither of you have any distinguishing marks (scars, birth marks, tattoos, etc) then you could even publicly document some of your play time with photos and videos. This could be done amateur film style, or you could hire a photographer/videographer to capture some things while you two wear masks!
Or, if you’re just wanting to write about it just find a blogging platform that you like (such as this one!) and come up with some aliases. Just make sure to be careful that it’s not somehow linked to any of your public social media accounts. Once you get a bit of an audience you could even offer to answer some questions about the kink! (I love a good sex advice column hehe)
You could even look into making a private Instagram where your identities are protected. Of course - even in maintaining anonymity, you need to ask for your partners permission. Maybe he will feel more comfortable with the thought if you find ways to ensure his total privacy. If he’s not quite ready for that, start out simply journaling and assess whether or not this is something you even feel passionate writing about. Then maybe he can read some of your entries and see if they are too embarrassing to be shared.
Regardless though - if you’re saying he would kill you for talking about it, you might have to just not talk about it with people you know! I’m also sure you could find some kind of online community where you can make up a false name and talk freely with like-minded people. Not only would this help you decompress a bit, but it could also give you some new ideas and inspiration!
Finally, onto your third question (backtracking, sorry!) I love the idea of you introducing a third party into the mix if it’s someone that will focus on pleasing the two of you together (and especially if it’s someone that is willing to dominate you both since you both derive pleasure from that!) 
The only things I suggest are: Make sure that it is someone that understands the dynamics of your relationship. Find someone who is not only down to have sex, but have the kind of sex that you two enjoy having. It’s fairly easy to find someone to come home with a couple, but it’s a bit more complex to find someone willing to cater to your specific style. I’d say you could get a Tinder and set it for threesomes and write out what you’re into. Also, there’s an app called Feeld that is for threesomes that apparently works well. Ask your partner what he thinks and toy around with both ideas if you’re interested!
Second, make sure that this person understands their purpose in your relationship for the time being and that they are a trusted source. Make sure they wont out you to your friends, and that they accept that their roll in your bedroom is to essentially be a human sex toy. It’s a good idea to sit down and have a conversation with this person beforehand to lay it all out there. In addition to trusting that they wont disclose details about your sexual lives, also make sure that this person won’t try to enter your relationship unannounced and create problems for you and/or your partner. I also recommend threesomes in other states or countries if possible (I’ve found them to be less problematic.)
Lastly just make sure that you two are in a comfortable enough spot before you do consider bringing someone in. It sounds really fun in theory (and often is) just make sure you feel confident enough that neither of you will get jealous or resentful. 
Overall it seems like you all have a really good thing going. Just continue being explorative, trust each other, and maintain a solid flow of communication. Pretty much everything you’re asking me are things you’d benefit from talking with him about - disclosing things to your friends, starting a blog, introducing a third party, etc. Keep him in the loop, remain open, and it’ll all fall into place accordingly.
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