#i am a badass!momo truther before i am anything
url-is-url · 1 year
How I would rewrite the TYBW arc so far:
It is Known, either by the Visoreds or Soul Reapers in general, that Quincies are extra double allergic to Hollows. When the warning goes out that the Sternritters are STEALING Bankai, not just locking them away, Shinji, Rose, Kensei, and Mashiro all immediately have the same idea. As far as we know Mashiro doesn't have a Bankai, and Shinji's is both easy to use and a massive pain in the ass, so they agree that either Rose or Kensei will be the guinea pigs. One or both of them lets their Bankai get stolen and whichever poor Sternritter takes it immediately has Magic Anaphylaxis. The Visoreds proceed to wreck shop.
Momo, best Kido user in her class, figures out how Bambietta's bombs work and devises a Kido version of Kurotsuchi's delay ball thingies on the fly. Bambi is immediately like "how did you do that, you bitch! >:D" and Momo is like "don't smile while you call me a bitch, bitch!" And then they have an absolutely apocalyptic battle that makes everybody kinda glad the Seireitei is already falling apart, because holy shit is that a lot of fire and explosions. Komamura and Shinji arrive towards the beginning of this fight and Komamura starts to step in to protect Momo like he did in canon, but Shinji stops him because he's her #1 Fan. (There is a flashback sequence of all the times Aizen subtly discouraged her from making herself more powerful, and then the first time she got impatient and just blew up a Hollow while on a mission with Shinji and he lost his goddamn mind with excitement. Sometimes healing is about rediscovering your inner pyromaniac.)
Unohana doesn't die in her fight with Zaraki. She doesn't need to to make the whole Kenpachi thing work; Unohana Kenpachi died when Unohana Retsu went to medical school and it's fine. She already went through the stages of grief for that version of herself, it's over and Zaraki is the new Kenpachi. Their fight ends with a very intense, bloody make-out session but they don't fuck nasty because they've got Quincies to kill. Batshit crazy kinky sex can happen some other time.
Gremmy gets really into fighting Zaraki, and Zaraki compliments his manic battle smile. Little do either of them know, this is the first time Gremmy has ever received Genuine Praise And Approval from a grown-up and he imprints on Zaraki like a homicidal little duckling. He ultimately loses because, deep down inside, he wants Zaraki to be his dad. Unohana is intrigued by the little goblin and saves his disembodied brain in a jar for later. (After the war is over, Unohana starts tutoring him in anatomy so he can imagine a less squishy body for himself, and he ends up getting into biology in general and imagining all sorts of bizarre chimeras as pets. Also Yachiru isn't secretly Zaraki's zanpakuto spirit and she demands Gremmy tell her exactly what kind of cookie he turned her bones into so she can taste them. Unohana and Zaraki think this is the cutest thing that ever happened, every other adult in Soul Society finds it incredibly disturbing.)
Renji and Bazz-B keep running into each other during the invasion and develop a bromantic rivalry that puts Ichigo and Grimmjow's bromantic rivalry to shame... until Bazz-B lets it slip that he killed Renji's good pal Izuru. Bazz doesn't know that they were friends, and Renji doesn't know who killed his buddy, he just knows that when he returned from the Royal Palace, Izuru's reiatsu was Conspicuously Absent. Bazz gloats about killing a lieutenant and Renji mentally sorts through all the lieutenants, puts 2 and 2 together, and it's like that moment in the Soul Society arc when Aizen catches Ichigo's blade: shit gets so real the music stops. And Renji just fucking annihilates Bazz-B on the spot. (This part is specifically inspired by @cryinglittlepeople pointing out that Renji not getting to avenge his friend is, and I quote, "clown shoe writing". Which it totally is.)(And since Renji gets to make mincemeat out of Bazz-B, he gets his obligatory Full Bankai Reveal Glory fight, so Rose and Kensei don't make fools of themselves fighting Mask.)
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