#i am also not being very subtle that I'm primed to strike
dumbf1sketches · 2 months
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august-anon · 2 years
couldja give me a little M, N, and T for tealoranges? 🥰
Anything for you Captain TealOranges <3 <3 :)
[ask game - ask me more!!]
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
Olu tends to be more tickle-affectionate in the mornings! He's more of a morning person than Jim is, so he'll often be more awake to strike lol. Not to mention, Jim and having their defenses up so often, but they're more vulnerable and less guarded in the warm, sleepy moments when they're groggy and slowly waking up in Oluwande's arms. It's just too easy for Olu to skitter his fingers ever-so-lightly across their torso and nuzzle into their neck to press tickly kisses there thanks to his beard.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
Jim's got more energy at nights, being a bit more of a night owl, and being nighttime and not having to be up on deck anymore, this is when they have all the time in the world to goof off with each other! This is often when Jim will get revenge for their affectionate, giggly wake-up call. Or when Oluwande will decide that they've been too grumpy and draw them into letting their guard down before striking again. Or both. Multiple times. Lol
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Teasing his lee, Oluwande is a very good mix of sweet and devious. He's good at teasing with flustering with words and soothing hands, lowering Jim's defenses and guard and getting them primed to the point where Jim can't even try to block the tickling out (not that they actually want to, though that's harder to get their guard down enough to admit). He also have a thing for anticipation, which also loosens Jim up, dropping hints and teases throughout the day to get them all riled up so they can't stop thinking about it and it makes them more senstive so they can't block it out. (can you tell i am still thinking about apples and oranges........................ will be forever, thanks for that, i will never recover)
Teasing his ler.... kdjfdfj I'll be honest I think of Olu primarily in a ler position so this took me a bit and i still have next to nothing lol. He doesn't seem like the type to stretch or provoke or be annoying on purpose? I'll be honest bestie i'm stumped dkjfhdhf i would Love to hear your thoughts on this though, Captain :)
Teasing their lee, Jim is way less sweet than Oluwande, and way more smug and devious lol. They go a bit harder than Olu tends to, tickling-wise and teasing-wise, but they can have their sweeter moments too, if they feel like it.
Teasing their ler, Jim is bratty (though they will refuse to call it that) and oppositional in an attempt to goad something into happening. Also more subtle things like Body Language to try and alert Oluwande to a mood throughout the day
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